St a i II I '" fTl - ' t 'r'r ;i- ' ;T ,,r " 5 ' - 1 " " 1 "-'I-' . - '; -j ' y. . - ,' . ..... .4k-"" : ''-" v .flffinnifc STEVENS & BARE, Editors xsn Pbofs. SATURDAY. JUNE 16. 1888. The Democrats of this city are trying awful hard to enthuse, but it makes them tired and pale under the gills. The old Roman being on thetickeiis all that keeps them from falling into innocuous desue tude. OuB-'congressional delegation has favored The Tbibiute with three important and highly readible docu ments McKinley and Reed's speeches on the tariff, and Ingall's great speech reviewing the Voor hees of Indiana. Anv of our read ers desiring these speeches in full can write to Representative Dorsey or either of our Senators. We publish a brief communica tion relative to the boycott in Wal lace. Being willing to publish state ments from either side, we do not propose to meddle with the local af fairs of the village onlv in so far as the acts may be matter of news. The local differences' in a village can be settled by its people without out side interference. ' The Bell Telephone Company has taken out 151 telephones in St. Louis liecause the city reduced the rental from 100 to $50 per year. Now the President of the Company wants the mayor to require him by mandamas not to remove any more instruments, which the mayor re fuses to do. The mayor is evidently a buzz-saw with F. which .the .tele phone company should not monkey. The commissioners of Jancoln County intend to give all parties who come before them a fair, im partial and respectful hearing, but their actions of this week raising the price for a saloon licence to 1,000 was hardlv in this line. We will not question the right of the board to decline to give license, even without giving cause, but having fixed the licence at 500 such action could properly be construed as i notice that the board would gran license on payment or tnat sum provided the applicant filled al other requirements. Having been fixed such sum should hold good until the end f the year for which such licences are generally granted or at least until all applications un der that fee had- been disposed of. In raising the lieence fee at the time it' did, the board acted, without thinking so at the time, in bad faith with the applicants. Says the Gothenburg Indepen dent: "The Nobth Platte Tribune objects to the efforts of the anti-sa loon Republicans to have the party take up the temperance question and says: "Cranks who are trying to force such issues at the present time are enemies of the party and allies of Democracy." Thus it goes; one says it will kill the partv to take up the question, and another that the party will die if it does not take it up. By its own professions the Republican party has taken the bull by the horns and it will find the task of letting go a difficult one." In connection, with the foregoing the following special dispatch from Seward is only a sample showing how the temperance people are try ing to gore the Republican party. We have yet to hear of a case in -which these cranks attack the Dem ocrats. A. G. Wolfenberge of Lincoln spoke to the people at the opera house last night on prohibition. His address was a tirade of abuse to the Republican party of this state, and by the time ne had finished nearly half the audience had left the hall. The Falls City female quartette fa vored them with some good vocal music and kept the rest of the crowd in the room. Hekabthmr i 6mmj. Br km pUM kuMttf foibto.Miliftt has made a poor bargain. In the end, however, it always wins. Wat erloo iB always at the end of Lodi for these destiny people. Their faith in fate proves their lack of faith in themselves. A man who walks over dead friends to power will find defeat at last on a friend less battle-field. Rotacker. The fat Mephisto whom the dem- i i iii i ocrats nave renominated nas oeen a political upas tree. Everyone who has come within his circle has died politically, mentally, morally or physically. Take his cabinet: Bay ard went into the state department and fizzled. Before this he had commanded the respect of the coun try. Endicott is not worth talking about. Whitney is neck deep in the local scandals of New York City. Garland invested in Pan-electric. Lamar passed from his opium dream in the interior department to a place on a bench before which he had never been permitted to practice. Vilas went from the post office department to the interior de partment with a doubtful record of timber grab hanging over his head. Don Dickenson went into the cabi net to succeed Vilas and he has been a dismal desuetude ever since. Cleve land is bad luck to anyone who sup ports him or has anything to ao with him. He is what the theoso phists call an evil absorption and sisuse of the astral. V The North Platte Telegraph gives as a reason why our legislative dis trict is so large that the leaders of the rennhlican tartv in Lincoln county wanted to make the district a sure republican district and bad Chevenne and Keith counties at tached in order to accomplish that result. Our opinion has been that the redistrictine was accomplished by McCann, the member of theleg- 1 l ... n rr "rl. 3? isiature xrom uneyenne, iveiin oioux Sheridan, Box Butte and Dawes Mac got what he wanted, i. e., a district composed of Dawts, Sheri- i rfc w i i aan, box oatte ana oioux counties and there being no one in the legis lature to lookout for Chevenne, and Keith and no one to watch Lincoln county's interests but a democrat named Treacy these counties were thrown together into one district. Sidney lelegrapti. There is considerable farce about 'tax assessments in Johnson as well as in other counties in this state. The assessor of Sterliner nrecinct re turns 2,665 head of cattle as being assessed this spring and the valuation is put at $11,907. This makes the valuation per head between four and five dollars. What a wretchedly poor lot of cattle must be owned in 'Sterling ' precinct. At the same time the fault is not the assessor's. The trouble is in the law, and the wide range and latitude given as sessors . If there is a Nebraska law now in force that needs revising it is this verv one. As it works now there is neither justice or sense in it. A uniform tax law in relation to tax assessments is badlv needed. mi n rnurman was not suitable tor a member of Cleveland's cabinet four years ago, but now he is just the man Mr. Bandana Cleveland wants to help elect him to the office of president. He was "too old" to be a cabinet officer with a one tetm( ?) president, but four years later his popularity with his iarty makes him just the man for second place. Abil ity considered, Mr. Thurnian should be at the head of the ticket and Mr. Cleveland holding down the office of sheriff and hangman at Buffalo Tecumseh Chieftian. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. Saturday June 8, 1888. Present Commissioners Belton Walker and County Clcek Evans. The Clerk is hereby ordered to publish notices in the North Platte papers inviting sealed bids for the erection of a county jail in North Platte and for plans and specifica tions on hie in the Clerk s office, bids to be opened at 2 p. m. July 7, 1888, also advertise to sell O'Fallon precinct $7,000 bridge bonds on July 2, 1888, also advertise for bids to be received July 7. 1888, for the erection of a wagon bridge across South Platte river in O'Fallon pre cinct bids to be accompanied by plans and specifications; also adver tise for bids to bridge Birdwood Creek on the public road near its mouth, and across the channel near McCulIough's on public road as pe- titionea tor oy Mcuuuougn and others, the board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Adjourned until June 9th. The board convened pursuant to adjournment, the full board being present. In the matter of the application of P. E. Sullivan for liquor licence at Wallace and the protest signed by Norman Jackson and others. Come now the parties hereto as well by attorneys and after hearing an tne evidence ana tne argument of T. C. Patterson, the board took the case under advisement till Tues day next at 2 p. m. The board reconsidered its action of Monday June 4th fixing $500 as County liquor licence, and now or der that the county liquor licence be fixed at $1,000 per year, Belton and McAllister voting for the change and Walker against. Now comas J. H. Jordan and pre sents a petition signed by P. L. Har per and others with census report showing 200 inhabitants praying the board to incorporporate sections 14 and 15 range d4 into a village to be named Wallace; and it appearing to the board that a majority of the taxpayers have signed said petition, and the census report showing 200 inhabitants therefore resolved that Wallace be incorporated as a village and that the metes and bounds be Belton and McAllister voting for incorporation and Walker against. The appointment of trustees is de ferred until Tuesday June 14, at 2 p. m. Board adjourned until Monday June llth. Board met pursuant to adjournment, all members being present. O'FALLON ORACLE. Joseph Hanlrins left for Akron, ol., last Thursday morning. Mrs. Rov Thompson has given a up dressmaking for. the season and has returned to ths bosom of her family. A dance was given last Friday evening in honor of her re turn and a splendid time was reported. One of the men at work on the rtilp-drivpr wns hadlv ininred last Wednesday morning. Particulars not learned. It is thought by some that a Crtdk Moblier will be ee- in relation to the bridge bonds. We do not .quite under stand how: but hurrah - for the bridge. When a man says that he is working for the interests of the community and yet neglects his own affairs, we have our opinion of him. In most sections of the country a naw town is named after the per son who puts forth the greatest ef fort to get it established, we un derstand that the town two and one hall miles west of here (if it gets there) is to be called Cody. Now why not name it after the one who is struggling so hard to have it es tablished? We fear there will be some croc odile tears shed when O'Fallons station is moved from tne sand pile to the mud hole; yea, the sound of lamentation will resound between the rivers. We have heard that speculation is rife concerning the the 'writer of that "trash in The Tbibiine." Re member the admonition, "do not accuse any falsely, neither bare false witness against thy neighbor.'' Ltn. from are in NICHOLS. Mr. Beer is shipping hay here. Mr. Taillion's potatoes blossom. The Nichols nursery is a fine looking place. The creamery wagon makes a daily call except on Sunday. Mr. Park has a fine looking crop as the result of doing the right work at the right time. Our county roads need repairing badly, some places being so it is next to impossible to haul a load. Miss Jennie White will dismiss the school here on Friday, to begin again in September for the Fall term. Mr. Fred Stoddard was shaking hands with friends in this precinct this week. All are glad to see him home again. The dance given by F. Zook Fri- aay -evening; was largely attended, North Platte and O'Fallons being well represented. Professors Lock- wood and Tailhon furnished the music. Short. DUTCH FLATS. Here I come again, with beauti ful weather, except a little too windy for a growing crop, but we feel happy over the prospect of a good crop. Corn is doing well and everybody is cultivating. John T. Labille has been down most all spring with rheumatism. Joseph Bufman had a calf killed by lightning a short time ago with in 5 rods of his house. T. M. Lee and Jesse Young took a trip to North Platte last week, also Mr. Sowatskey and wife. Sheriff Baker made a lively trip to Wellfleet last week on business. He took his meals at the new hotel, the Davis house. It is rumored that our store at Wellfleet has changed hands to one, John Jones; if so we wish him prosperity and a fair trade. C. M. Bollish has the finest piece of rye in the county if not in the state. He is a good farmer and knows his business m that line. James Elder took a job of Break ing 160 acres near North Platte. Lots of hard work, but he is an old timer; don t care for hard work. 'm r m a i Most of our farmers nave insur ed their crops against hail. Very good plan. Had we done so last year, we would now have feed for poor horses and larger crops would be raised this year. Our friend Wm. Finch says he is omg to raise a good crop this year. e believes there is nothing to hin der him, for his faith is in Grover Cleveland for president, but we say he may have the crop but not Cleveland. A large delegation from Wallace came down to Wellfleet last week for the purpose of dividing this Lincoln county and have the coun ty seat at Wallace, but we say no to that, if there is a division we are in for having the county seat near the center. Stunner. ported the accident upon arrival at town, and a partr Clt went out" to investigate. The found her lying unconscious about fifteen feet from the cart. They horse had become entangled in the harness, and thrown itself down. Mrs. Nation was placed in a spring wagon and taken to Mr. Nation's mother's and Dr. Lenon sent for. At last accounts . she was greatly improved and was able to be taken home. Wallace Heratd. Agbicola. BOYCX3TTING IN WALLACE. Eds. Tribune: One of the most unjustifiable boycotting schemes ever perpetrated in Nebraska was worked here last Friday. Some persons of the saloon element, in order to gain their side, signed and circulated a paper, withdrawing their patronage from the Wallace Herald, simply because its editor advocated temperance, although he offered them- the use of its columns to argue their side of the question. When last heard of they had suc ceeded in getting but eleven fol lowers. They also guaranteed $150 or $200 to start a new paper here, but had to fall back on a democrat to run it. Were they served right no temperance man would sign for their whiskey sheet, neither would he trade with any one -who went back on the Herald in this manner without cause. Forth. he caught hie dear soon. Other bachelors are making suspi cious movements also. It's leap year you know. Ben Owens has painted his house and protected it with lightning rods. He must be getting ready for partner to board with him. Crops of all kinds are growin in fine shape. We anticipate a ric harvest. Yours truly. J. S. N. a 1' it- i is- CONWAY & KEITH, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. Since the admission of Indiana into the Union in 1816, no demo crats have ever been elected presi dent without receiving the electoral yote of Indiana, and the result this year will prove no exception in her history. Cleveland will be re-elected with the vote of Indiana or not at all. Mr. Voorhees. GASLIN. June 12th, 1888. Ed. Tribune Everything in Gaslin precinct looks nice. The farmers are'red-hot in the cultiva tion of corn. We supposed corn was going late, but it is' "get ting there" about as fast as though we bad had no cold weather in the spring to keep it back. We have a few mosquitoes and gnats this year,, apparently to keep us in a good humor. I fear how ever they are cause of the violation of one of the commandments occa sionally. You know everything, and I will ask yon a question: Isn't a man justified in using strong lan guage when the provocation is great? This question is respect fully referred to the local clergyman or some theological student. We don't answer religious questions. Ed. Wm. Johnson let his team stand at the end of the furrow the other day while he went to the house. The horses ran away, going through a wire fence. They were not in jured much but a colt belonging to one of the mares was badly hurt. John Encson was in .North rlatte last week, the girls say on a deer track. John is something of a hun ter and I shouldn't be surprised if The republican state convention is to be held at Lincoln. August 23, the executive comaiittee of the state central committee having so de cided at a meeting held at Colum bus. One of the important actions of the committee was to decide that hereafter the central committee should appoint the temporary officers of state conventions. A very wise provision. Elictric Bitters. This remedy is becoming eo well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who hare used Electric Bitters sine the same eong of praise, A pnrer medicine does not exist and it is gnarranteed to do all tnat is claimed Electric Bitters will core all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils Salt Rheum and other affections caused by im pure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indi gestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at A. F. Streitz Drug Store, pOTAl. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Rovaii Baking Powder Co., 106 WaU Street, New York. $20,000 $2O,000 WALLACE. The vicinitv is again flooded with tree agents. Crops are looking well, small grain is on the boom. mi i nr i 1 ine pose omce inspector was nere investigating matters not long ago and found everything all square at our little office. A fine colt, belonging to Ed. Brainard, which was cut in the barbed wire not long ago. seemed incurable and was killed this morning. Frank Smith and family of Aurora, this State, are visiting with Mrs. S's brother, E. A. Brainard. They also called on ye scribe and frau. Two new windmills are being erected and quite a number of awn ings and other improvements are being added to the city buildings. The Davis House supports a beau tiful awning. enthusiastic tern An meeting was held on last npe We ranee ednes- day evening which terminated in the establishment of a permanent organization here. Not a little bit of interest and feeling was aroused. As Mrs. J. W. Nation was re turning home Tuesday afternooon her horse became frightened at the passenger train and ran away, up setting the cart and throwing her to the ground. The train men re- WORTH OK New and Elegant Goods. A , I. , - l i -tS Conway & Keith's HARDWARE Sole Agency- of the Celebrated "Maltese Cross" CARBOLIZED HOSE, The same as has been adopted by the city water works. We are also sole agents for the Quick 55 Gaso b ove .;t'j j. TEE STOCK OF TEE Star Clothing House in must be reduced within a short time. The stoch has been sold to WEBER VOLLMER a at great sacrifice. E. Otten has the privilege of reducing the stocfoifor a time. Whatever can. be solcL at y ff' ivholesale cost will go. A j FINE CLOTEING, EATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SEOES, FURjYISEIjYG GOODS, 4 will fo cheap, cheap, cheap, for they must go quich. This is no cheap stoch but positively the best stock ivest of Omaha. It is complete in all particulars and ive ivill sell goods at almost half . . . the priceitlmt our competitors ash. I am deter mined that the goods shall go with a rush, so 07z wait. I maintain on the counters what I assert on paper and all goods warranted as rep- resented. Call and see me at the STAR CLOTE- Closing Out Sale ! Having bought the stock of L. A. McEvoy we now offer it for sale at the LOWEST PRICES ever offered in this city. Watches, . Rings, chains, lockets, guns, ammunition, cigars, tobacco, notions, organs, safe, show cases, and fixtures must 0 at any price, as we shall close out everything by June 25th." Gall early and get some bargaini. Any goods you may select will be reserved until June 25th by paying 15 per cent down,bal ance cash at that time. Parties owing ac counts will please call at the store at once and settle. 0. R. KELSEY, Agent, for Max Meyer & Bro. WIDE AWAKE ! Better Offers Than Before AT THE IjYG eouse. H, OTTEN. HI Platte Boot k Sloe Store tser-' My stock of. goods is still large and my spring stock is arriving weekly. I find it necessary to decrease my stock more rapidly to make room for the incoming goods. I will therefore offer my goods at still GREATER REDUCTION UNTIL APRIL i. Beat these prices if you can: Men's Railroad Shoes, Warranted, $2.25. ? Men's Fine Shoes, $1.75. - . Men's Eand-Seiued Slides, Jf.50. Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, 1.00. Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, 1.50. Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, 2.00. Ladies' Combination French Kid Shoes, 3.50. x Ladies' French Kid Shoes, Jf.25. Children's, Boys' and Misses' Shoes at astonishingly low prices. A call will better convince you of the Great Bargains better than by mere ly reading an advertisement, therefore if you are wise come at once, where you will get double value for your money. Truly yours. McDonald's Block, North Platte, Neb. f C. C. NOBLE.