C. S. CLINTON, WATCHES, Clocks,, SIFTER WARE AND Fine Watch and Clock Repair ing a Specialty. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. 1881. 1888. BIRGE, 5 i 2 i o : o Q . w. w. LUMBER, Lath, Shingles, POSTS, Lip, CEMENT, Building Paper, IN ANY DESIRED QUANTITY. m a) 3 CD c Fifth Street, Cor. Locust, Opposite Baptist Church, Iforth Platte, Nebraska. CD WALL PAPER, Paint and Oil Depot. At PEALE'S Odd Fellows' Block, Spruce Street. Always ill stock the most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, wal and ceiling decorations, CORNERS, CENTERS, Binders and all latest noyelties in papers. Every shade of the best brands or READY MIXED 1-1 It TTTl ! 1 T ! 1 paints tor nouses, Darns, wagons ana uuggies. - vv mte ieaa. oils, glass t i i : j i. ' i i: puLty, urubiius, varmsues, Kaisuumiu uiiu cuuijjigw; fjcuiittjis supplies. WATCHES AND CLOCKS. THE FINEST LINE IN THE CITY AT 3T7 DIAMONDS & JEWELRY SOLD AT ACTUAL COST. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. FOGI i OTTERSTEDT. GENERAL kbith ui Wagon Work. Horse-Shoeing A Specialty. -vSKop on West Front Street, west of the Jail, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. nnr iWnvn am ihnen who rand this and then act; they will find honors- ble employment mai win uot uuw 4mrrt thait UmM BTlfl fnmillM. The profits are lane and scut) for every lndaBtn eaa person, many nave made and are now inak iac aeTeral hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make $5 a day and upwards, who willing to work. Either soz; yonns or old; no capital needed; we start yoa. Everything new. Nospscial ability required; yoa, reader, can do it aa well aa any one. Write to us at once for f nil particalarB. which we mail free. Address Stin oft&Co., Portland. Maine. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office. North Platte, Neb., February 21st. 1888. S Complaint having been entered at this office by Leviotho Baker against William J, Campbell for fail are to comply with law as to Tiraber-cal-tare entry No. 7331 dated Sept. 14th, 1885, upon the southeast quarter section 4, township 11, range 31. in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break or cause to be broken the five acres required by the law the second year after entry and has failed to cure said defect to date; the said parties are here by summoned to appear at this Umco on the Zd day of May, 1888, at 9 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure." Wm. Nbtxllx, 115 Register. A rabbit drire near Salem? Cal., resulted in the slaughter of 12,230 rabbits. Jefferson Davis says that Horace Greeley signed bis, bond out of pure kindness of heart.. Davis had never spoken to the great editor in his life. Mr. C. W. Battell, a traveling man represent ing Messrs. 8. Collins' Bon k Co., printing inks, New York, after s uttering intensely two or three days with lameness or the shoulders and back, completely cured it with two applications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It cures lameness and rheumatism when all other treatment fails. Guaranteed and sold by C.W, Price and F. H. Longley. Congressman W. D. Kelley, the "father of the House," was 74years old Thursday. He has been a mem ber of Congress since the beginning of the civil war. Charles Emory Smith, editor of the Philadelphia Press, is a candi date for delegate-at-large from Pennsylvania to the National Re publican Convention. Whooping cough may Le kept under complete control and all danger avoided by frequent doses of Chamberlain's cough remedy. No better treatment can be prescribed for it. Sold by C. W. Price and F. H. Longley. No duty should be left undone. If yon have a smarting akin .disease it is not your duty to scratch and irritate it but to apply Chamberlains Ointment and cure It": Guaranteed ami sold by C. W Price aid F.H. Longley. A hundred republican clubs have been formed in Maryland, and 500 delegates attended the convention which organized the State League at Baltimore last week. ition Wanted Av information regarding JAMES NEESON, whether living or dead, will be liberally re warded by sending information to his sister, ANNA MEADS, 1407 North Seventh St., Kansas City, Kasb. lit (All western papers please copy.) UNION PACIFIC. 4 The Overland Route." The Sportsmen's, Tourist and Pleasure Seekers' Line. Send for the neat little sketch book Et.ixl.os fajjMy imtoiff nnrt useful to Sportsmen. It rnetaian the Americas roles for trapping and A i t-A k thA National Gun AsBocia- S3S3fld game laws of thewes SatLtesaad territories. Copies sent free on NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. Osheb MoBunr, Deceased. In County Court, Lincoln county. Neb. The State of Nebraska; to the heirs and next of kin of the said Osmer Morley, deceased: Take notice, that n pon filing of a written instru ment purporting to be the last will and testament of Osmer morley, for probate and allowance, it is ordered that said matter be set for hearing the 23th day of April, A. D. 1888, before said county court at the hour of two o'clock p. m., at which time any person interested may appear and con tost the 6ame; and notice of this proceeding is ordered published threo weeks successively in the Lincoln Countx Thibune, a weekly newspaper published in this state. in testimony wnereor i navo nere unto set my hand and the seal of the county court at North Platte, this 4th day of April. A. D. 1888. J. J. O'Roubke. County Judge. SEAL. I 113 NOTICE. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given to all persons not to trust my wife, Mary Connelly, or any other person or peisons, on my account, without my written or verbal order, as I will not be respon sible for debts contracted without my authority. North Platte, April 11, 1S88. 138 John- CossxLiiY. nsrows THE TIIMIE to have your friends come to -o- Kansas and Nebraska -o- as eastern lines will sell tickets and run SEW-lftiJtTHLI UXD WS&W to all Kansas md Nebraska points over the 'The Overland Route," Until July 1, 1888, tickets sold for these excur sions wiU be good thirty days for the round trip, and can be used ten days going. When purchas ers are ready to return, these tickets will be good five days for that purpose. If purchasers wish to stop short of destination on our lines, agents will stamp tickets good to return from such point. J. S Tebbetts, E. L. Lomax, G. P. & T. Agent, Ass't G. P. k T. A. OMAHA, NEB. It is proposed by the directors of the Inter-national Exposition at Paris next year to put the grounds and buildings of the palaces at Ver sailles in perfect order. It will be a great attraction. The venerable Dr. Andrew P. Peabody, of Boston, has attacked the reputation of the Boston Tea party, and says that their acts were "bitterly deplored by the better classes, or real patriots." Is it pos ible that the Mugwumps go back so far in our history? Ballard's Horehound Syrup. A single bottle of Ballard's Horehond Syrap kept about your house for immediate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing consumption its success has been simply wonderful, and for ordinary cough9,colds, sore throat, croup, whooping cough, "sore chest hemorrhages its effects are surprising and won derful. Every bottle guaranteed. C. W.Price, agent. The Republicans in Cheyenne County, Kansas, in their convention last week declared in favor of Robert T. Lincoln for President, and instructed their delegates to the .National convention to vote for him. Dr. William A- Hammond, the well-known surgeon of New York, has been confined to his house for two weeks with an abscess on the right side of his face. His condi tion is so improved that be expects to be out in a few days.. Pretty Women. All women look attractive when their color and complexion is clear If your skin is sallow eyes dull, you are bilious, secure a box of Wil liams' Australian Herb Pills, take as directed, and the feeling of languor will leave .you, your eyes brighten, and you are another woman. C, W. Price.Agent. The report of the finding of rich cold bearing quartz in southern California is fully confirmed by party sent to investigate. Those who contemplate a prospecting tonr among the mountains of this new gold region should remember that the wealth dug from mother earth with the plow far exceeds that dug with the pick and shovel. Hear the heathen howl: "After more than three years of democratic rule at Washington a democrat has been appointed postmaster at Fair bury. And yet there is a man down in Indiana howling himself hoarse about the hollowness of civil service reform. The appointment of James D. Hubble is a good one." The above from the Lincoln Democrat is all right as far as it goes, but after three Tears of democratic rule at Washington, a republican is still marshall of the state of Nebraska, and has his hundreds of republican deputies and strikers scattered all over the state. Beatrice Democrat. A Thip South. Mr. L. M. Martin a prominent Iowa railroad man and Superintendent of the St. Louis, Des Moines & Northern R. B. says: "On my return from a recent trip south, where the water was very impure, I was attacked with a violent case of cholera morbus . Having heard a great deal of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I concluded to try it and with the most beneficial results; within six hours was completely cured." No well regulated ' household should ever be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold by C. W. Price and F. H. Long- cy. It is very funny to listen to our democratic brethern as they call upon the farmers to rise and rally and kick and rebel against the rule of the "manufacturers" and money kihgs who are causing them to bleed from every pore, and support the "tariff reform" of the democratic 1 aw congressmen, ana then to look over he Mills bill and hnd that the "re form" consists in taking off the tariff from everything that the farmers raise so the bloody manu facturers can buy their raw material cheaper abroad. Why, the consum mate hypocrites did not even have he grace to take the tariff off coal because Mr. Millionaire Scott is a Pennsylvania coal miner. Ex. b warranted, is because it is the beat Blood Preparation known. It will, poai tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly bulla up the fgtitntioa. Bemamber . we guarantee it. or Sale by A. F. Streitz. At New Orleans the republicans have undertaken to make the authorities Lcdmply with the law in the appointment ot registers of elec tion by putting at least one republi can on the board. The court, how ever, refused to interfere, and the democrats will have the machinery wholly in their hands. This arbi trary action oh the part of the dem ocrats inrlinafAa f Vii rfosneration with rwjiich they, intend to- fight for puilbiqui, UUUttlM OJ. tUC KJ state. It will prebably be impossi ble to secure a square vote and an honest count in Louisiana this year. The . election is close at hand and a warm contest is going on in every parish. ' McEnery has violated his pledges so far, to see that there is an honest election. The bourbons have"'brought him tbvtime. State Journal ' -m' yrho is Your Beet Friend. Your stomach of coarse. Why? Because if it is out of order yoa are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair honorablo chance and see if it' is1 not the beet friend you hav, in the end. Don't smoke in. the morning. Dorit drink in the. morning. If yoa must smoke and drink wait till your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the even ing and it will tell oniou less. If your food fer ments and does not digest right. if you are troubled with Heartburn. Dizziness of the head, coming up of the food after eating, Biliousness, Ihdigeation,rany"otkfr trouble of the stomach, you had ibest use Green's August Flower, as no one can use it without immediate relief. Nine hundred and ninety-nine years ago the church of England, then under the headship of the pope of Rome, leased a lot of land to the British government for a long term that was contidered in that day as equivalent to an estate in fee. But the lease has just expired and the land has gone back to the church of England, whiclf'has changed its coat several 4imes since Henry VIIL's day but ' has preserved throughout its corporate integrity. Nine hundred and ninety-nine years is not forever and the expiration of this lease and the reversion of the property to the lessor is a significant sign of the stability of the Anglo Saxon government, as well as of its church. Dynasties have changed, revolutions have swept the little island from stem to stern, but the state and the church have remained and their contracts are held good after a lapse of a millenium. Pro bably no other country can show a like proof of business stability. Journal ' , Is Consumption Incurable? Read the following-1' Mr. C. H. Morris, New ark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs and friends and physicians pronounced mean Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made," Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troub les. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottle free at A. F. Streitz's Drug Store; 3 Tk rAnV n that are fretful, peevish sr cross, or troubled with Windy. Colic. Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. F. Streitz. baid a well Known engineer on the Central road the other day talk ing with arpprter: "It is not erenerall v knoVsti what loss of nower is involved in the starting and stop ping of a train of cars. There is required about twice as much power to stop a train as to start one, the loss of power depending upon the momentum. A train going at the rate of sixty miles an hour can, by means of the 'Westinghouse air brake, be stopped within 120 yards from the first application of the brake. Now enough power is lost to carry this same train fifteen miles over a plane surface. First there is the momentum acquired by the train flying at this remarkable rate of speed, then the loss of steam in applying the brakes, and lastly, but riot least, the extra amount of coal to compensate for all these losses. By computation I have ascertained that every complete stop involves a cost of $1.17. . 0A and reliable Medicinea are the best to depend upon. Acker's Blood El- izir has been prescribed for years for all im pnritiesoftheBlood. IneveryformofScrof ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is invaluable. For Bheumatism, has no equal. For Sale by A. F. Streitz. Twenth-three years ago Saturday the first and greatest of Presidents chosen by the Republican party, if not the greatest ever chosen by any party, was fatally wounded. The assassin fired the last and most dead ly shot of the rebellion. Years have brightened and will ever bright en the. glorious memory of Abraham Lincoln. But is the great work to which he was called by God and the people finished? Are the men of to-day earnest in keeping what was gained and in completing what was projected during his administration? These grave questions are suggested by the memory of his death. Is there "government of the people, for the people, by the people' in all the states of the Union ? Is section al policy orr sectional feeling still a living heresy? if a truly re publican form of government be yet a stranger to certain states; if sec tionalism still linger and flouish, is the Republican party of to-day do ing its whole duty towards the es tablishment of the one or the eradi cation of the other? Inter Ocean. vvrvw would enjoy your dinner M andaiepreventedbyDys Vepaia, use Acker's Dyspepsia, Tablets. They are a positive cue for lyspepsia; In dw&a, Flatukncr and Consbpation. m guarantee them. 25 ad 60 cents. Sold by A. P. Streitz. CURES Headache. Teothache. Earache. V catarrn, crave, Fittt ems, Sera Nipples, Caked Breasts, Una bkk, RHEUMATISM Sprains, Braises, Cuts, Saras, OM Seres, I. 1 Sold by Druggists. 50c. and $1iW. HAMLIN'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS. Best ia the Werld. Try Them. ZSc. 'SONG BOOK MAILED FREE. Addreaa WIZARD OIL CO., SHUOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by ns on a guarantee. It cures. Sold by Streitz SHILOH'3 VITALIZES is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cents per bottle. For sale by A. F. Streitz. WILL YOU SUITER with dyspepsia and liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by A. F. Streitz. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Streitz. CATARRH CURED, health and eweet breath ecured, by Shiloh's Catarrh .Remedy. Nasal In ter free. Sold by Streitz. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Poms Plasters. Price 25 cents. Sold by Streitz. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by A. F. Streitz. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH "and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Streitz. $25.00 Reward. The above reward will bo paid for any caso of rheumatism not benefited by Ballard's Snow Liniment. There is no pain it will not subdue, no wound it will not heal. It is the most pene trating liniment known for all pain, for man or beast it stands without parallel. Ladies who have backache should never be without it. Price 50 cents. C. W. Price, Agent. No. 3496. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, North Platte, - Neb. m Authorized Capital, $200,000. f Paid in Capital, $50,000. Banking In All Its Branches Transacted Sell Bills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ooztzuispoiroziflraB solioithd. Jl. TT. ST REITZ, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iDxrcra-a-isT AND DEALER IN How Men Die. If wo know all the methods of approach adopted by an enemy we are the better enabled to ward off the danger and postpone the moment when surrender becomes inevitable. In many instances the inherent strength of the body suf fices to enable it to oppose the tendency toward death. Many, however, have lost these forces to such an extent that there is little or no help. In other cases a little help to the weakened lungs will make all the differenca between 6udden death and many years of useful life. Upon the first symptoms of. a cough, cold or any trouble of the throat or lungs, give that old and well known remedy Boschee's German Syrup, a care ful trial. It will prove what thousands say of it to be, the "benefactor of any home." XHk 4-vw Of the good things of this VfcW jife ar8 sorrowfQuy Jet alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by A. F. Streitz. USE Bawaa BEST SIX CORD FOE MACHINE OR HAND USE. For sale by T. FOLEY. NOTICE. In the District Court, Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Nebraska Fakm Loa axd Trust Company, of North Platte, Nebraska, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, vs. Michael L. Frese. Michael L. Frese, defendant, will take notice that on the 24th day of March 1888, the Nebraska Farm Loan and Trust com pany of North Platte Nebraska, a cor poration duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against yon, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by you to the Plaintiff upon the S. E. section 32 in township 10 north, of Range 30 west, of 6 P. M. to secure the payment of a certain coupon bond dated Sept 1st, 1887 for the sum of 600. and due and payable in Five years from the date thereof, Interest pay able semi annually. The interest on said coupon bond, which became due March 1st, 1888, being still unpaid and more than ten days having elapsed since the same became due, the Plaintiff elects, as is pro vided it may in the conditions of said mortgage, to declare the wnole sum se cured by said mortgage, to-wit, the sum of 600, to be due and payable. There is now due upon said coupon bond and mortgage the sum of 600. with seven per cent interest thereon from Sept. 1st. 1887, for which sum Plaintiff prays for a decree that Defendant be required" to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 30th day of April, 1888. Dated March 24th, 1888. The Nebraska Farm Loan' and Trust Company, By Nesbitt & Grimes, its Attorneys. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES Wall Paper 5 WINDOW GKLlSS AND BEUSHES. Agent for Sherwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond Brand Paints. Corner Sixth and Sprnce Streets. HERSHEY & CO., DEALERS IX AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS? AND MANUFACTURERS OF ttOJJD OABTS, ETC. BLAOKSMITHING, CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Prices Guaranteed to be the Lowest. Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska, J. Q. THAOKER UGGIS T-J .11 KEITH'S BLOCK, FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBEASKA, W51 AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OP GOODS.- SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. BRCEKER & BAUMBACH, Merchant Tailors, LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT. GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Spruce Street, next door to Post office. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby riven that by virtue of a chat tel mortcace dated on the 3d day of March. 1888, and duly filed and recorded in the otfico of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 17th day of March, 1888, at two o'clock p. m., and executed by Ira C. Day to Charles Lock, and on the said 3d day of March, 1888, said mort gage and the note secured thereby were duly as signed for a good and valuable consideration to J. WTElder, who is now the owner and holder of said note and mortgage; said mortgage was given to secure the payment of the sum of $100.00 and noon which there is now due the sum of 2100.00 with interest at ten per cent from March Sd. 1888; the holder of said mortgage deeming himself un Bafeby reason of the saidraC. Day disposing of a part of said mortgaged property, and no salt or other proceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. I will sell the property therin described, viz: One bay horse about eight years old, 1,150 pounds weight, white spot in forehead and both hind feet white, unbranded; one iron gray horse about five years old. about 900 pounds weight, branded M on left shoulder; one set of double harness complete; one iron beam stirring plowat public auction at Davis' store, in the town of Wellfleet. in Lin coln county, on tho 28th day of April, 1888, at one o'clock p. m of said day. Dated April etn, ibw. J. W. Elder, By Nesbitt & Grimes, his Attorneys. LOTS FOR SALE. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 25, North Platte. For price and terms address . A. E. WFSTFALli, 114 Owasso, Mien. THE PATTEKSON WAGON SHOP Has always on hand new and second-hand Lumber and Spring Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. Plows, Harrows and all kinds of Horse and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmithing. I repair all kind3 of Machinery, Wagons, Carriages and Farming Tools. I will order repairs for kinds of mowers, reapers, hay rakes, etc. Agent for the CELEBRATED NEW BUCKEYE REAPERS & MOWERS, All Kinds of Hay Rakes, Etc. . Also agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Beick Liyeey Stable, I,., FIRST-CLASS RIGS FURNISHED . on short notice and at reasonable rates; Horses boarded by the week or month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley House on east Fifth street, NOETHPLATTE. - ISTEB-RA. IK A.. 30,000 ACRES Desirable Farming Land FOR SALE IN RANGES 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the North and South Platte Rivers, on the line of the Union Pacific Kailway. Prices and Terms can be obtained on application at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, mm, i