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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1888)
f 1 - .. . I ' , m: . ., .. .. . ,, .... ., . YQ : : THE TRIBUNE. STEVENS & BARE, Prop's. TERMS: if-paid in Advance, only' 1.00 per vear. unclear, if not in Advance, -1.50. -Months, in Advance, - - - .70 liirciOIonths, in Advance, - - .50 Advertising Rates on Application. YOL. IT. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA, MARCH 31. 1888. NO. 11. ARE WE JdSTLERS ARE 1 WELL, I SHOULD SAY WE ABE ! t An avalanche of bargains to be disposed of for the week commencing: APRIL 2d, 18 88. Just a common, old-fashioned, plain, every-day BARGAIN SALE. : : BARGAIN SALE. Men's, I have just returned from the east and received my full consignment of . . Boys' and Children's Clothing, consisting of Cheviots, Worsteds, Oassimeres, Diagonals, etc., made up in three and four-button Cutaways, Frock and Sack Suits. Mind you we have these goods in large quantities, so you won't be disappointed in regard to fit. Such getting together of Spring wear was never seen in this city before. 'The latest, brightest, and most likeable conceptions of busy fashion models from all over the world. More of elegance and excellence than we have ever seen for so little monev. Grand Patriarch J. S. Iloaghuid, of .North Platte, has given official assent to the organization and mustering in of Can tons, P. 31., at Beatrice and Norfolk North Platte will be the next on the list. Hastings Gazette-Journal. The Htrukl can inform the sheriff of this mammoth county that if he wasn't so fur away but what he could give this end a little personal attention he would find material here for a liquor case. Whiskey is being sold right alow.-, and the mis creants engaged in the illegal and damna ble traffic should brr brought to justice. Wallace Herald. SHILOH'S 00UGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. Itcnres. Sold by Streitz SHILOH'S VITALIZER Its what you need for constipation, loss ot appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 end 73 cents per bottle. For sale by A F. Streitz. ; The section lying around Wallace is getting the name abroad of "Egypt." The j fact that crops are raised here when other ; localities have failures is not lost upon I our neighbors and when they come here ; to buy grain it is no wonder they quote Scripture and say they are "coming down j into Egypt after corn." Our overflowing I granaries and fertile soil make the appel lation particularly appropriate, and il will no doubt cling to us. Wallace Herald. We learn from 3Ir. Doll that John Ilauser, of OHburn precinct, while return ing home from McCook one night last week, had his collar bone broken The night was dark and his team shied out of the road and very soon had reached an abrupt canyon, overturning the buggy, thus injuring Mr. llausor. At present he is getting aloiur very well. Stockcille Fabcr. Gordon Taylor Hughes, of Ohio, son of the American Consul at Birmingham, England, has been awarded a Cambridge scholarship valued at $2,000, one of the greatest prizes in English school life. This is the first instance of an American winning an English scholarship. Young little sVe are confident that your verdict will be: This is one of the greatest bargain nushes fc n years id. ' " 5 rn n n e I l ...... , T. C. Crawford has visitea the SaleS On reCOrU. . ( town of Bussm, in Italy, which was vis- i ited by an earthquake a vear airo when Pa,i i sfi-nn -t.h i fi-"Rast-for- RtH rh- TRrwi om v i2SSrirr: Toto caiVblbifd suit at this, sale, for less money than it would cost you for "the linings. 4 Prices On Suits. 4 50 worth $ 6 50 6 00 worth 9 00 6 50 worth 9 50 7 25 worth 10 50, 10 00 worth 15 00, 12 00 worth 17 50 IS 50 worth 19 00 Donft miss our Great Pant Sale as it will un doubtedly be the great est on record. 2 00 2 50 8 OO 3 50 4 00 500 i pie were killed in the church, where it j was reported 300 had lost their lives, and in the whole neighborhood the killed j numbered fifty-six instead of 400. He h . i thinixc H.nrmirii tvmarc Imt tlin Amort- WOrth s M2 f 0wlcanarticfefor sensationalism. Prices Oi Pails, W. F. Wilcox of North Platte and E. J. Short ot Ogallala, were in Grant Thurs day and Friday last conducting 4 the con test case of 31. L. 3Iead and Soloman Eaton of Madrid. The testimony was taken before attorn? Heed, The trial occupied all of Thursday and the greater part of Friday, there being a great many witnesses to examine. The land in ques tion lies near Madrid and is valuable property." 3Ir. Mead informed us that the case was a rather peculiar one. He went upon the land and made some im provements, under the impression which is correct, we believe that it was not necesary to file first. Meanwhile Eaton goes to North Platte and enters the land for himself. Mr. Mead was the first to improve and 3Ir. Eaton the first to file. The case is therefore to determine which of the two is most entitled to the land So far as we could learn, the testimony fovored Mr. Mead. The law seems to be that improvement of vacant lsnd is suf ficient evidence that the settler intends to enter it and hence his claim takes prece dence over all others. Grant Sentinel. And remember, my son, you have to work. Whether you handle a pick or a pen a wheel-barrow or set. of books, dig ging ditches or editing a paper,' ringing an auctien bell or writing funny things, you must work. If you look around, my son, you will see the men who are the best able to live the rest of their days without work are the men who work the hardest. Don't be afraid of killing your self with over work. It is beyond your power to do so on the sunny side of thirt They die sometimes, but it is because they quit work at G p. m. and don't get home till two a. m. Its the interval that kills, my sou. The work gives you an ap petite for your meals and lends solidit to your slumbers. It gives you a perfect and graceful appreciation of a holliday. There are men who do not work, my son ; but the world is not proud of them. It does not know their names, even ; it sim ply speaks of them as old So-aud-so's boys. Nobody likes them; the grear busy world doesn't know they are there. So find out what you care to be and do, my son, and take off your coat and make a dust in the world. The busier you are, the less deviltry you will be apt to get in to, the sweeter will be 3our sleep, the brighter and happier will be your holi days and better satisfied will the world be with vou .Burdette. A. D. Ecckwobth, Jas. SCTHXLA'D, President. Cashier. 1 n t il m 11 I .-t- III sv-v-lrk If In TT A m wwriiuic m mm WORTH PLATTE, NEB. Acconnts solicitol and prompt attention Riven to all boeincss Gatrnsteu to its care. Interest paid on tamo doposite. Mndo at the Very Lowest Rates of Interest. J. S. Hoagland, of North Platte, Grand Patriarch of the Grand Encampment of Nebraska I. O. O. F., met with the frater nity in this city last' evening and institut ed an encampment here. He wasassisted by D. A. Cline, of Lincoln, Graud Scribe of the oder; G. H. Cutting, Grand Master, and J. C. Avers, tirand Senior Warden, both of Kearney; were also present to take part in the ceremonies. A successful and pleasant time was enjoyed. Omaha Republican. " GUYS PLACE." FSeST-CLASS Sample :-: Room, N L, HALL, Manager. Having refitted our rooms throughout, the public is invited to call and see us. : ONLY Choice Wines, 1 Liquors and Cigars Kept at the Uar. KSfuth's Wock, Front Street. SOUTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. ivorth worth worth worth worth worth L j WILL YOU SUPPEE with dyspepsia and liver f) 0 complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to . 1 cure you. For salo by A. F. Streitz. A 00 ! SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by that ' i. ... . ....... . ... -)-. temoie cousn. sniions cure is tne remedy ior 'J JKJ 5 50 6 50 Mothers, here is where we have you. Bring the boys and clothe them for less money than you can buy the trimmings for. rices Oa Bay's Suit's. you. Sold by Streitz. $25.00 Reward. The above reward will ba paid for any case of rheumatism not benefited by Ballard's Snow Liniment. There is no pain it will not subdue, no wound it will not heal. It is the most peno tinting liniment known for all pain, for man or beast it stands without parallel. Ladies who have backache should never bo without it. Price 50 cents. C. W. Price, Agent. VOMERS, IN u rseryman, Florist and Gardener, (BAIITON PLACE,) NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Can furnish all kinds of fruit and shade trees, forest trees, and seed lings for tree claims at lowest prices. Also all kinds of plants and flowers. Estimates and, "designs given for laying out new4 grounds.. Yards, kept by contract. .1 -ir-.i r.i:: it-i i. " to depend npon. Acker's Blood El ixir lias been prc scribed for years for all im purities of theBlood . In every form of Scrof ulous, fypLilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is invaluable. For Kheumatism, lias no equal. For Sab- bv A. F. Streitz. $1 35 1 75 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 00 WORTH WORTH WORTH WORTH WORTH WORTH $1 75 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 500 OODS GIVEN mm BIS 3 tZ H HERE IS A POINTER : We have the greatest surprise for the next week you ever saw or heard of. We arej going to turn our stock of fine ready-made clothing loose and will make your head swim at the low prices and unheard of bargains which the hustlers throw to you broad cast. We do not ask you to believe us but simply call and consult your own interests. PALACE CLOTHING CO, For a very little money and delivered to any part of the city. : the Crowd and M oney '-"J1 5 -S-V- i " . - 3 XTS II Ml Millie I I " Gonieevey 'aii'd receive a Palace Souvenir Easter Egg. r. . r - - - - - - - .... 1 . .... -,.- r," - ' j v-'i P5 Ifcrdid not take five vears to discover tuat the Jewel Grasoline Stove was" the only safe gasoline stove made, but in 1887, the first year it was ntroduced in North Platte, FORTY-SIX were sold, more than was sold of all others combined. We have them with either drop tank or the pneumatic, and in the language of the poet, "n pump to get out of or der or gas forced through the room," but can prove that less gas escapes from it than any stove made and cau show it has many points f5f supe riority over all others and prove to you that the Jewel is X!e : Best : Store : 3a-d.e. ..Theylare all guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction and will consume less gasoline than any stove in the market. Call and examine the late improved Jewel and be convinced and you will buy no other. RESPECTFULLY, L. STRICKLE R. m SPECIAL AGENT FOUSa IDDI Succeeding CASH IDDINCS. LUMBER ffiCOiSL. LUMBER, Latli, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. Pennsylvania Anthracite Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, THE TRIBUNE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Oranges, thin skin and juicy, 40c pr Dz. Lemons, choice fruit, 40c per Dozen. iq pounds Granulated Sugar ail for $r. 13 pounds extra "C" Sugar, ail for $1.00. 14 "pounds Fine Prunes, all for $1.00. 1 o. pounds Fine Fancy Rice' ail for$i. 4 pounds Arbuckle's Coffe all for $1.00. 8 cans Tomatoes, good goods, $1.00. 8 cans Sweet Corn, good goods, $1.00. 25 Bars Good Soap? all for - - - S1.00. W) cts buys a pound of Uncolored Japan Tea, otaers ask o0to60 60 cts " " Fine Grunpowder Tea. othei want Y0 to 80 We have the Finest Stock of California Canned Goods in the City. ' I.C. Harrinffton, Ik ..first Ward Grocer. 1 -. k. ry! I l 1 11 --- -