THE. TRIBUNE. STEVENS & BARE; Prop's. t TERMS: . . One Year,t in Advance, ' - - . . $1.50. Six Months, in Advance, - - .75. Three Moaths, in Advance, - .50. Advertising -'Hates on Applicatioii. HINMAN & GRIMES, Attorxeys-at-Law, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. ttice in Hinman'a Block on 'Spruce Street, oyer the Post Office. JOHN I. NESBITT, Office in Court House, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEB. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Office: Ottensteid's Block, op stairs. Office nur aamvzo, 2 to S jmd 7 to a p. ra Residence on West Sixth Street. Kim nl n wMxibum, -J A.D. Bcckwobth,j jAaJSoramuoD - President. Cashier Slate BahfNoi Platte it NORTH PLATTE, NEB. YOL. IV. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 4, 1888. NO. 3. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselTcs as candidates for teachers of the common schools of this county on the THIRD TUESDAY of every inouin. R. H. LANCFORD, County Scpt. R. E. HOLBROOK, 4w LtlSt. OFFICE POST OFFICE BLOCK, H. D. Rhea. iiiiil iXcnaie, Room 12, Land Office Block. General Law and Land Office Business Transacted. City and Farm Property for Sale. Fire and Tornado Insurance Written. Money to Loan on Improved City and Farm Property at Low Rates of Interest. Prof. N. Klein, Music Teacher. Instruction on the Piano, Organ, Violin or any Reed or Brass Instrument. Pianos carefully tuned. Organs repaired. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. H. MacLEAN, Fine Boot and Shoe Maker, And Dealer In MEN'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES. Perfect Fit, Best Work and Goods as Represented or Money Refunded. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE, 8pruce Street, bet. Front and Sixth, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. I. T. CLARKSON, 1 74 Randolph St., CHICAG-O. ELECTION NOTICE. A petition Bigned by more than fifty (30) resi dent freeholders of O'Fallon Precinct, in Lin coln Conntv. Nebraska, hnvinir been filed on the 3d day of January, 1888. asking the board of county commissioners of said county to call a special election in said precinct and submit thereat to a vote of the electors of said precinct a proposition to vote bonds in said precinct for tpe purposes hereinafter named, ar.d said peti tioners having given a good and sufficient bond for the navment of the eTDenses of said election. in the event that said proposition shall fail to receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast at such election It is therefore ordered and notice is hereby ' ven that on the 11th day of February; 1888, at ickal school house, situated on section 8, in township 13 north, of range 33 west, in O'Fallon precinct, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, there will bo a Bpecial election held for the purpose of voting on the proposition of issuing bonds in said precinct to aid in the construction of one wagon bridge across the South Platte River, as .follows, to-wit: bnali the board of county commissioners ot Lincoln county. Nebraska, issue seven thousand dollars ($7,000) in U cauon Frecinct Bridge Bonds, In denominations of one thousand dollars (SLO00) each. oeanog interest at iue raw oi six per teiii per annum, Said bonds to bear date of April 1st, 1888, and principal and interest thereof to be payabta at the State Fiscal Agency in the city of New York. Interest parable semi-annually on the first day of October and the first d&7 f April each and every year after the date of said bonds until they are el paid; Said bonds to be numbered one (1) to seven (7) consecutively; Number one (1) to be payable on the 1st day of April. 1903; Numbers two (2) and three (3) to be payable on the 1st day of April, 1906; Numbers four (4) and five (5) to be payable on the 1st day of April, 1907: And numbers six (6) and seven (7) to be paya ble on the 1st day of April. 1908; And to levy a tax in the year 1588 and each year thereafter to pay the interest on said bonds until sufficient is levied to pay all the interest on the same: And to levy a tax in the year 1904 and each year thereafter, sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as they become due until sufficient is lev ied to pay all of said bonds: Said bonds to be issued for the purpose of aid ing in the construction of one wagon bridge upon a public highway on the section line between sections 31 and 32,in township 14 north.of range 33 west in said O'Fallon precinct,in Lincoln county, " Which election will be open at eight (8) o'clock in the morning and continue open until six (6) o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Those voting in favor of the proposition 6hall have written or printed upon their ballots: "For issuing seven thousand dollars ($7,000) in O'Fallon precinct bridge bonds and for levying a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of the same." Those voting against the proposition shall have written or printed upon their ballots, '"Aeainst issuing seven thousand dollars ($7,000) in O'Fallon precinct bridge bonds and levy ing h tax annually to pay the interest and princi pal of the same." Joseph Hebshey, 1 County Commission James Bkltox, ere of Lincoln County, Lester Walker, ) Nebraska. Attest: John E. Evans, County Clerk. ROAD NOTICE No. 59. To all whom it may concern: The commissioners appointed to view and, if nnblic (rood reauires. to locate a road com mencing at the northeast corner of section 31. township 13, range 27 west, running south on section line until intersecting with north line of section 6, township 12, range 27, thence east on section line until intersecting with river bank, thence along river bank through section 5, town Rhin 12. ranee 27. until reachinc east line of said section, has reported in favor of the establish ment thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damaces must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 21st day of March, A. D. 1883, or such road will be established with out reference thereto. John E. Evans, 1-3 County Clerk. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. Office of County Clerk. ) North Platte, Neb., January 10, 1888. J The Board of Commissioners of Lincoln coun ty make an estimate of expenses for said county for the year 1888 as follows: County general iund $l uoo w County bridge fund 400000 County road fund 800000 8. P. bridge bonds 330000 S. P. bridge bond interest 500 00 Court house principal 2 200 00 Court house interest 1 600 00 Funding bonds 1400 00 Jail bonds 700 00 To meet outstanding indebtedness as as evidenced by bonds, coupons and warrants, legally issued 3 000 00 Jakes Belton, ) Lester Walker, Commissioners. J. L. MgAlibteb, ) Attest: J. E. Evans, County Clerk. P. WALSH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates on Work Furnished. Shop Corner Cottonwood and Third Sts east of Catholic cnurcn. USE All communications to me, with regard to my interest in lands in Cheyenne and other counties in Nebraska, and as to lots in Schuy ler, Alda, Paxton, Julesburg, Sid ney, Potter and Kimball, addressed as above, will receive prompt and careful attention. J. T. CLARKSON. Bismark Saloon Billiard and Pool Hall, J. C. HUPFER, Prop.. Keeps none but the finest Whiskies,such as ROBINSON COUNTY; TENN. COON HOLLOW, M. y. MONARCH, 0. F. G. TAYLOR. GUCKENHEHIER RYE. WELSH AND HOMESTEAD Also fine case goods, Brandies, Rum, Gin Etc. St Louis Bottled Beer and. Milwaukee "Beer oh draft. Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets, NORTH PLATTE. - NEBRASKA QAO3 BEST SIX COED FOR MACHINE OR HAND USE. For sale by T. J. F O L -B IT . PURE ICE! I have just finished putting up Three Thousand Tons of Ice from my well water lake and during the coming summer will be prepared to furnish all with ice far superior to any ever offered in this city. WM. EDIS. ML! REWARDED are those who read this and then act; they will find honora ble employment that will not toko 4kntn Vijm hnmMBnil fsmi IllMl uiciu uutu tiLui 1 : . - - Tho profits are large and 6ure for every industri ous person, many have made and are now mak ing several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make $5 a day and upwards, who is willing to work. Either sex; young or old; no capital needed; we start yoa. Everything new. No special ability required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for fall particulars, which we mail free. Address Stin eoa & Co., Portland, Maine. Good For Thirty Days. Fw this entire month we will offer the followiug at sacrificejprices. "Wishing to clean up our stock for spring goods, we will self you: A $ 4.50 Overcoat for $ 3.60 A 6.00 Overcoat for. . . 4.50 A 7.50 Overcoat for ...... 5.50 A 9.00 Overcoat for , ..' 6.10 A 12.00 Overcoat for C ". 7.90 A 15.00 Overcoat for . 10.20 A 20.00 Overcoat for. '. . . . . . ; : . 14.90 A 6.00 Men's Suit for 4.60 A 7.50 Men's Suit for .;. 5.45 A 9.00 Men's Suit for : 1;. ...... . 6.65 A lO.OOSuit for ..'S:'. 8.60 A 15.00 Suit for . .-... . . ..... 10.80 A 20.00Suit for...... ;...-..:. v.. 15.10 A 25.00 Suit for . . I'WVV. . J. 19.25 A 30.00 Suit for 22.40 Boys1 and children's overcoats at positive eastern price. Boys' and childrens suits, from 4 to 18 years, with a guarantee saving of thirfcy three and one-third per cent of any merchant in the city, Swits Condee's world renowned non-shrinking underwear, sold the world over at 6 per suit, now only 4.20. The finest grade of Camel Hair former price 4.50 will now sell for 3.25. Best grade all-wool medicaced scarlet shirt and drawers sold for 6.00, now only 4.10. Fine all-wool cashmere, hose sold for fifty cents a pair, now thirty-five cents. Hats, caps, boots, shoes and everything in proportion. This is the opportunity of a life time and you will be more than repaid if you give us a call. We must make room for spring goods now on the way and the prices above, named will surely clean us out. Everything fresh and desirable. - We invite our city friends to call and see us; and friends out of town when here please remember us. We will be pleased to show you our stock whether you wish to purchase or not. THE PALACE. L. F. SIMON, Mgr. C- IT- T3DJDX2T;&S9 Succeeding CASH 9u IDDINCS. LUMBER m COAL. IiUMBEBl. SPECIAL AGENT FOR jLafcll Pennsylvania Anthracite, SASH, Colorado Anthracite BLINDS, rvrvrvno r,' Colorado Soft DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. O O 3Li . YAED ON R. E. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, NORTH PLATTE, 1NIEB, CHAS. W. PRIQE, ' DEALER IX -ifetW ' I ftrags & Qrciggists Sari&ries Pure Drags and Chemicals, Toilet Aries, PERFUMES, ETC., ALL FRESH AND NEW Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers' Articles. Preoptions carefully compounded. Headquarters for Dr. Duncan. folk's block, srausE sirem, NEBRASKA. JV ORTH PLATTE, 1 i The Dismal River VaUev. Eds.Tkibdxe: The people of this district are dissatisfied with the name, and claim that it originated with the silly fears of a stripling carpet knight on his first tenderfoot trip, after cutting loose Rfrom his mothers apron strings. They further claim that it will go down to future generations in song and story as the scene of many of the exploits of Nebraska's bravest sons. One whose daring feats and personal bravery, entitle him to a niche in the temple of fame, the associate of kings, and of world wide fame to day, Col. Cody, alias Buffalo Bill. The river is bright, sparkling and well stocked with fish. The banks and hill sides are well wooded, plums and berries in abundance. Vine clad hills, the juice of the grapes comparing favorably with that of California or Mexico. The people generous, warm hearted, and hospitable . Ferndale is 95 miles northwest of North Platte and pleasantly situated on the romantic banks of the raisuam'd river and is the home of Charles Grove's wife and four children. The gentleman still vounsr in years has been vigilant, moderator, and regulator in his day and always a good citizen, later he has been successively a scout, cowboy and hunter and for the last two years he has voted considerable atten tion to the cultivation of the grape. "We were well impressed with the flavor of his wine during our visit there. Mammoth Valley is 75 miles in anorth westernly direction from North Platte and the home of C. C. Hazelbaker. This gentleman served with the legions of Lew Wallace in the early part of the war. and marched with Sherman to the sea. He has lived in northwest Nebraska over 18 years and has had several passages at arms with the red skins. He has discovered a placo further west where he can petrify human bodies in a short space of time and have them look a3 in life. He swears it beats the Egyptian or any other process known. He is a native of Delaware county, Indiana, 56 years of age. His home is made happy by his children and grand children. The whole looks as though an Indiana farm house and its surroundings, moved out here in one night. Fifty miles north and ten miles east of Ogallala is Flora's vale. It is the delight ful home of John Hall and la'dy, a newly married couple, and lately arrived from Springfield, 111, The mid winter dance a few evenings ago at the residence of George Haney. nine miles northwest of Mill. Camp, was well attended by the cavalry of the lake region. The music was furnished by Prof. Kincaid. At Abbe' your correspondent was introduced to the two Miss C's. I do not pretend to be a judge of beauty but have seen the various shades from the soulful liquid eyes of the south of Europe, to that of the pride of Clare, and the bright swan of the Ayr, but none that outshine the two blooming roses of the Abbey . The reader may well surmise that they are not as desert flowers or Alpine plants. ... Oh, no, indeed. There are hosts of admirers and many the country swain whose spirits ebb low on their account. Q. STATE NEWS. The citizens of DeWitt, Neb., are greatly excited that gold of a high grade and in paying qualities have been discov ed upon a farm not over two miles from town. For the past two or three months a family of German renters have repeat edly drawn up from their sixty-five foot well peculiar and uncommon specimens of mineral. The simple folks never sus pected that these nuggets were treasures of great value, have thrown them away with no thought. In some way the fact came under the notice of one of the citizens of town, who has had great exper ience in the Black Hills and the gold regions of the west. Procuring a speci men he sent it to II. II. Nicholsou, pro fessor of chemistry in the university of Nebraska, who carefully tested and assayed it. Word from him contains the fact mentioned above. Ho further says that tho Platte river sands contain gold, and tho stratum containing It Is probably n continuation of them. A stock company is being formed to buy the farm, Tho citizens of DoWitt feel that they have something better than oil or natural gas, and what is above all it Is known to bo no hoax, but a bonatldo discovery. Monday morning when Postmaster Kelley attempted to open the door to tho postoflice, ho discovered that someone had tried to open the door during tho previous night. Several small pieces of iron wore found in the lock. John Byers one of the proprietors of the restaurant adjoining the postoflice building, heard a noise as though some one was trying to break in a door and supposing it was someone after his coal, arose from his bed and proceeded to investigate, but finding his coal house all right went to the front room of the restaurant, where the light of his lamp shone upon the street, and it is thought this frightened the would be burglar away. Gothenburg Independent. The old scheme of building a canal from the Platte river at a point near Columbus, to Lincoln, is being talked about. The capital city wants more water power and a lake, and some of its citizens aro willing and anxious to enter into such nn enterprise to get the water. But did it ever occur to Mr. Bucktoh. the champion of this move, that nearly every summer the Platte can't furnish enough water to quench its own thirst. If not let him come up next August and see how much dust he can kick up in the main channel of this mighty uncertain river. Platte Centre Argus. Hardly had the news spread over our city that the Missouri Pacific would come here if received property, than we began hearing rumors concerning the Illinois Central. Tho rumors are that they too wish to make Broken Bow in 18S8. We hope they will. Can't we do something to secure this road with the M. P. the coming summer. Broken Bow Times. The Charitable Association met with such success here with the play " 3Iabel Heath" that they have decided to go to North Platte and put it on there. They will go one week from Saturday night. If the company do as well there as they did here the North Platte people cannot help but be entertained. Ogalalla Re flector. Port Pond, a3oung farmer living south of Alma, and a negro by the name of John Wilkins, had a sparring match at the opera house hist Tuesday evening. The bout was to be five rounds, Queensberry rules with soft gloves, but Pond only succeeded in standing up for three rounds, after which he failed to respond when time was called. Some lively work was done during the three rounds, which afforded considerable amusement for a. number of Alma "bloods" who gathered to witness the mill. Alma Tribune. Just as we go to press we learn that a g man named Jacob Mutchie has been indulging in some sharp practice in the way of producing scale checks for hay never delivered. Our informant stated that there were eighteen of them each of which represented a value of about 3.50. -Upon young Mutchie repre- to 11. R. Faulkner that he had weighed the day himself Mr F. signed them, and the young man traded them at Cole's store. Further particulars we could not learn. Plum Creek Pioneer. On the night of January 18th Fred Steward, of Randal, had a horse stolen. The enraged neighbors at once took steps to organize themselves into a protective committee, as they had a pretty good idea who the thief was they formed themselves into small bands and at once proceeded to round him up. As they were nearing the vicinity of thief the horse was found coming back. That the horse was stolen is known from the fact that a neighbor passing Mr. Steward's place early in the morning saw a mtn coming from there on horseback and leading the missing horse It is needless to sa' now that the people are organized, that the culprit will be given short notice to leave and some thieves ma)' get a chance to stretch some new rope. Kim ball Observer. About three weeks ago Wilson Mc Clure, a young man living'ou the West Table, met with a painful accident which has resulted in the permanent loss of an eye. While tightening a piece of fence wire, which formed part o f a hay rack, the wire broke and one of the sharp end struck him in the left eye near the pupil, penetrating entirely through the ball. The sight was of - course, instantly destroyed, but an attempt was made to save the ball, with hopes of success until a few days ago, when inflam ation set in to the extent of endangering the other eye. The young man was suffering intense agony. Drs. Mercereau & Langson were called on 3Ionday, and on making an examination, found it necessary to perform the operation of enucleation which consists in removing the eyeball entirely from the socket. The operation was successfully performed and at the present writing Mr. McClura is suffering but little in consequence of it. A couple of fellows perp etrated a verv practical joko on a farmer a few evenings ago in the vicinity of the saloons. The youug men were haviug a good time and in the corner of their evenings' debauch ery they joiued tho above mentioned far mer, whose name is withheld because the lesson ho learned of them may ever prompt him to stay out of bad company, Thay took Sdveral drinks together and then their heads begau to s.wiai. One- of the crooks became very abusive- to the farmer, who did uofc protest until ihe other suggested that he dolt his coat and teach the offender something about the manly art. After a moment? hesitation the farmer pulled off his fine fur over coat aud gave it to his new friend who kindly offered to hold it while he "done up" tho abusive young man. The as sault was made, but the farmer soon found he had an elephant fon his hands, and after shooting stars and kite-tailed comets disappeared from his visions, hor ror of horors! "Where's my overcoat!" It's gone. Ask of the winds. The above is a new game in this paat of the couutry, and the victim of it deserves the conse quences. Kearney Nac Era. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Recently a sprinter at New Bedford, Mass., stripped to the waist and ran pno hundred yards with the thermometer at C below zero. His next run is liable to be into quick consumption. A well known dry goods merchant has just imported an Irish hand-mado cabinet desk said to comprlso 12,000 pieces of different kinds of wood. Ho has timber in greater variety than tlio arab tious lumber firm that started tho mammoth log raft from Nova Scotia. ioasL coo. CS ttXs. Accounts solicited and prompt atteatiom give to all bos in ess entrusted to its cars. InterMt paid on time deposit. zfj:r,:m: ioTS Made at the Yery Lowest Rates of latere. The Union League Club, of New York City, -will celebrate the twenty-fifth analr versary of its organization with an art re ception and ball, Monday evening, Feb. 6. Austin Corbin's wealth is estimated at. $12,000,000. However much the Reading" Coal Company has lost in the last twelve' years, its president seems to prosper. Ex-Judge Joseph Neilson, who presid-. ed at the celebrated Beecher trial In Brooklyn in 1875 died in that city last Thursday at the age of 75 years. A Belfast, Me., woman received forty one calico aprons on Christmas. She had told all her friends this was one thing she wished above all others. C. 31. Lonmis, of New Haven, Conn., recently asserted that in the last twentr fiye years he had sold more than 13,000 pianos. He has since appealed to the authorities for protection. Senator Palmer's desk in the Senate chamber was covered with flowers last Wednesday, which was his birthday. The Senator is 58 years old, and his Michigan friends remembered him on the occasion of the anniversary. Frank R. Stockton is still in Washing ton and at work upon a new novel, which, he thinks is the best he has written. He says that it will have a decided plot and the scenes will be laid in the North and in ".he South, near Mason and Dixon's line. Charles Johnson brought in a specimen of German carp raised in his fish pond a few weeks ago that measured almost twelve inches in length. They were put in the pond last June, and at that time were less than an inch long. Dorchester Star. Sam Jones has been comiug down rough shod on Kansas City femininity for wearing bustles and bunions. As the open letter writers in the newspapers are 'getting back" at Sam for his fondness for tobacco, it is surmised that English grammer will be the chief sufferer in the controversy. Senator Ingalls expects to make a speech in the Senate one day this week, and all Washington is on the alert. Since the Kansas Senator gave his wonderful description of the Mugwump there is no speaker in public lifo whose utterances are more anxiously looked for. There will be no empty benches when Ingalls speaks. The cold weather has had the effect of stopping the survey pf. the contemplated Lincoln and Des Moines line in this coun ty, and it is reported that the surveying party after coming near to Manly went back to Elmwood where they made their headquarters until better weather would permit them to proceed. Plattsmouth Journal. Morning after morning for the past two months we have heard of thefts that were committed during the previous night. In some instances corn was taken and at other times coal and oats. And from what we can learn the depredators were out last night again on their usual visits, as one of our citizens this morning reports a number of bushels of oats missing. If there are any '"light fingered" characters around our villane, we would advise them to stop such work, or perhaps they may get a glimpse of the ''shining shore." Such work is certainly an outrage and has been tolerated to long, In such a land as oars, it is not necessary for any person or persons to commit such deprenations. Bell wood Gazette. Baltimore has long claimed to be the home of the most beautiful women of this country, and now fc has submitted proof of the assertion. Jesse Tyson, a million aire bachelor, has held out for 65 yeara of single blessedness, bnt last week sur rendered to Baltimore beauty, and made Miss Edith Johns, a young lady of 19, his wife. Philips Brooks, the Boston divine, had a narrow escape from a horrible death, while at Philadelphia the other day. His carriage was struck by a locomotive while crossing the tracks of the Pennsylvania wad, dragged fifty yards, and Dr. Brooks was stripped of bis overcoat. He was not hurt, bat if he could no as fast as he cm talk he might have beaten even a I locomotive, and saved his coat. An example of. what looks very mack like; Divine wrath, comes from. Iowa. A man named A. TY". Fnllie lived near Lenox When the first of the recent ; blizzards struck that country he said: "If there was such a being- as God Almighty, He was without love or feeling: for humanity or He would not send such storms on them." He also said, if another such, storm came up he would go to a climate that had never been cursed by such .storms. When the last blizzard came on he made preparations to go to Vallisca to take the train. He was putting a large trunk into a wagon when he slipped and fell, the trunk striking him under the chin and breaking his neck. There will be some uncharitable enough to remark that Mr. F. has fouud a warmer climate, but probably not the one ho intended going to. Don't Experiment. You ennnot nflford to wim to tirao in experiment injc when yoar Innps tiro in danger. Consnmptlon alwayn wera, nt first, only n cold. I)o not per mit any denier to impoue upon you with noma chwip imitation of Dr. Kln' Now DJcovpry for Consumption, Coughs nnd Coldn. hut be unro yon got tho genuine. Ilecnum) hi can umke more profit ho inny tell ou ho has nomethinK Jut good, or jut tho Mime. Don't Ik decetml, but luiit upon getting Dr Klng'n New DUoorery. which l guaranteed to giro tvM in all Throat, Lung mul ChtMtHtftH'tloni. Trial bottles free A. V, titrU' Dro Utoro. g