.low Let lis Have Men inn IVil We are over loaded with goods and want to reduce our stock to get room and m order to do so we will sell you the best Base Burner, Common Heating or Cook Stoves at TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT LESS MONEY than thev have ever sold in this, market. Remember our stoves are no old stvle sroods but are at the frnnt in the war of improvements. You t U . mt ft will find our stock of HARDWARE AND FURNITURE is complete and we assure you we can save you money on these goods. We also have a complete line of pumps and the water packing cylinder which has no leather on to wear out and cause trouble. We have the DEMPSTER AND ALTHOUSE WINDMILLS which are the BEST made beyond doubt. Come and see us and we guar- antee to give you satisfaction. Special attention given to tin, sheet iron and pump work of all kinds. Yours respectfully, L. STRICKLER, Front St. Hardware Store. G 8 CLINTON, mlm jkHHs Ak mm t "aBBE. (3kMB WATCHES, Clocks SILYERWAEE AND Call Pine Watch and Clock Repair ing a Specialty. and see me before purchasing elsewhere. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. No. 3490. FIRST NATIONAL BAM, TsTortli Platte, - TsTeb. Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000, Banking In All Its Branches Transacted Sell Bills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. WALL PAPER, Paint and Oil Depot ' At PEALE'S, Odd Fellows' Block, Spruce Street, Always in stock the most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, wall and ceilinsr decorations, CORNERS, CENTERS, Binders and all latest noyelties iu papers. Every shade of the best brands of READY MIXED paints for houses, barns, wagons and buggies. White lead, oils, glass, puttv, brushes, varnishes, kalsomine and complete painters1 supplies. I. A. FORT, Siajcrrerox i:uL ZL-a,n.L Ica.tox- OFFICE IN KEITH'S BLOCK, North 'Platte, - - Nebraska. 30,000 ACRES ffeirable Farming Land FOR SALE IN RANGES 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the Ncrth and South Platte Rivers, on the line of the Union Pacific Railway. Prices and Terms can ba obtained on amplication at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, Beick Liveet Stable, FIRST-CLASS RIGS FURNISHED on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded by the week or month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley House on east Fifth street, jSTORTH PLATTE. The negroes of Georgia pay taxes on. property assessed at orer $3,000,- 000: those in South Carolina pay taxes on $10,000,000 worth of prop erty, and those in Louisiana are as sessed on $80,000,000 worth. From this one would infer that the South considers the colored man worth taxing, eren when he is regarded as a nuisance ac tne dhuoe-dox. The 80th birthday of the good Quaker poet. John 6. Whittier. will occur Dec. 18. In many local ities in the East the erent will be honored and it well might be all over the land. He is a grand old man, and has filled a large place in the hearts of -Americans for many years. Thatr Bnrtn Booming. Probably aooMthiac baa cawed aoeh a nl revival of trade at A. W. gtreUa'e Drag Btore m their giving aver to their oaatbmen of to many free trial bottles of Dr. Kiag' 3few Dieoovery for Coaeomption. Their trade is aiiBply enormooa ia this very valaable article from the fast that it alvayaearea and sever dit- appointa. Coegha, Colda, Asthma, Broaehitk, Croapasd all throat aad long discas gaieklt eared. Ton caateet it before baring by getting a trial bottle free, large mm 11. Every bottle This is the epitath on the tomb of Charles H. Salmon at Darkes- ville N. J. : "In memory of Charles H Salmon, who was born Septem ber 10, 1858. He irrew. waxed etroag and developed into a noble son and brother. He came to his death on the 12th of October, 1884, by tne hands of a careless druff clerk and two excited doctors at 12 o'clock at night in Kansas City." The storm seems to hare been worse in iLansas to an it was in Nebraska. A dispatch from Pueblo, Colo., says: uNo trains from the east over the Santa Fe road bare reached here since yesterday. The trains due last night are blockaded by heavy snoir drifts near Dodge City, Kansas, and they are not ex pected here until morning; The storm was very severe in that vicin ity and many telegraph poles were broken down by the wind." The members of the Choctaw na tional council have been on a bis: drunk for more than a week. The Indians manifest in so many ways a readiness to adopt the usages of civilization that with a little system atic and well directed effort there is no reason to doubt that they might be entirely reclaimed from a savage state. jw. W.J county embesxli and: di three m turned: tried, acq of Texas, wniie a w r a a An -bngusn paper was rsised to a II 1 a t cnarsea wun men pitca. 01 moral excitement oe- $tt,000 ol public funds, cause, on a bleak, wet afternoon, i After tarrying 12,000 people crowded Euston Sta- inmtralia, . he re- tion, London, to get a sight of John iAZmJt v:m.ig woo t. snii;.n u.ka "discharged. there arriving. The question is n- iSJlt- iX jwiJ asked, with .that virtuous rising in- .. - I nanriAn rhaf nHArtititAann a -. Russia to. Berlin the czar was guard- TA Tp ucb8W!c ed by 80,000;-soldiers. And- the "ii tV' 7"" UI.-reH i mu m firetident oTtEe' United SUtestray- H11 England pnnce, statesman, iTTafaiiiTin -aaeaaaaa aa, was againMijUardngs ed to do him ( honor. He was accompanied:by even a private tective. j1, ' e j, A'Good Oxa. Ifr. Jaaea Msnh, of Aten, Neb after aa, eareriaaet t foar fMn,ia wise aad aeUiag Cbaaiberkia's Pain-Bal, ssjs: "It is tae beat aad most reliable liaiaent ever pro dwwd." Afiftr seat bottle of it wUlaocomDliah aiare ia the twataiaat of rawiaatjaat, laaie back colored eye in or eevere vrauel.inaa ave aouara iaveeted in aar other vajr. Xgraal away eaeoe have been eared by K, after keiag( given ap m hopeleealjr incurable. ; r It proMpUr relkvee the pain in all caaa.v Soli bf Ciyfl rAm aad . H. Loagley. Mo oae ie well eaperf for a JoorneF withont a bottle of CaaainarTali'a CoUc. Cholera and Diarrboea Beoedy. Ia aa amgaacy ita valne eanndt be.eetiaMtei. Bold br C. W. Price and Colonel Alexander McClure, edi tor of the Philadelphia Times, de clares that the -democrats will make no attempt m ;ccMrres8 to amend the tannrotfBPJafBwe lines onel Henri Wattersoh. editor Louisville newspaper, says that dem ocrats will attempt to amend the tariff on free trade lines. It is pro bable that neither of 'the distin guished Colonels know anything about it. Chicago Journal. The strike vdf the brewery eni- nloves at Milwaukee nromises to be rather serious in consequences if the union refuses to recede from its "boycott" on- three brewing firms not The inspiration of "this unwonted de curiosity, explains our contempor ary, is a man wno measures 16J inches round his biceps and who has knocked more men out of time in the last eight years than any other inhabitant of the planet, with out so much as ever getting a dis- return. Moralizing from this premise our contempor ary concludes that the police can put down prize fighting, but the prize-fighting cuet, the worship of the man with the sixteen-inch biceps as the ideal man, remains as strong as ever. If the strong hand were removed the prize ring would be re established to-monow," for "there must be thousands, perhaps mil lions, of men who regard the inter dict which the law has placed on I : .- :L J .1 ll Col r "guuug aa gngnumofcuerxj ieu- q a isiauon, an attempt jo mase people moral ov Act or jrarusmeni. ' 8TBEITZ WHOLESALE 'AND KETAIL AND DEALER IN IDATTVTTC nTT Q 7 A PMTQHRQ Wall Paper, WINDOW GKLSS AND BRUSHES. , i , ,, , 0 Agent for Sherwin & Williams Mixed Paints and the Diamond Brand Paints. Agent for TansilFs "Punch" iaaa Five-Cent Cigars. Corner Sixth, and Sprnce Streets. C- JDDI1TG-S, SuoOMdlnsCASH A IDDINCS. LUMBER KQA.L In the next House the democrats will have a majority of eleven with a possibility on some questions of nearly doubling that number. This can safely be considered a working majority, and will cast about vainly for excuses if it shall fail to reduce taxation. To reduce taxation by regulating the tariff is the duty of this majority. Not doing so it will De untrue to its trust and tne peo- , - j T UUfcrUtJ IV JUS M.U30 clIIU bUC UBU" because they-nsealt made V non- lewiUask ifc to refcire.0maha aimnn moforAM I'hnrA ova mnA I . "-y; Republican. hvanranna in r Ha mrv nmnlnnirirp I L UlCnCI ICO M-iS. 'VIMKJ VIVTl VsUJUJUTAUK tainins a .dUjitiou to . fight the Sfc "Sb,, SdS uuiuu uuwu uuu iruu tueir uiewei- Cold, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, ies to suit themselves, this army of etc. We guarantee Acker's English men will be throwfi out of employ- Bemedy a iositive cure. It saves ment indMli- " .nxioua hing. Sold by Brace Up. Toa are fwlins depressed, yoar appetite is poor, you are Dotaerea wtui Qeauacbe, you are fidgettr. nerrooa, and generally oat of sorts, and vast to brace op. Brace ap. bat not with stimu lants, spring medicines or bitters, which hare for their basis Tery cheap, bad vhiskey, and which stimulate yon for an hoar, and then lsare yoa in worse condition than before. What 70a want is an alterative that will parify yoar blood, start healthy action of Liter and Kidneys, restore yoar vatality, and give renewed health and strength. Bach a medicine -yon will find in Electric Bitters aad oaly 50 cents a bottle &t A. F. Streits's Drag Store. f . The Berlin doctors have agreed that the Crown Prince is a doomed man, the victim of an incurable cancer. His days are numbered, and both he and his royal father will soon pass away. The heir ap parent to the throne is described as a young prince full of ambition and inspired by a military ardor. It is feared that he may not have the wisdom which prefer peace to war. If the government runs the tele graphs, says the New York Sun why may it not proceed to take and run the railroads and the express companies, to work the mines and the oil wells, and then go on to the management of all the manuxactur- ies, and finally to the control and monopoly of all business to the en tire destruction of private enters prise. The Ghieago public have reached the point where they are demand ing gas at fifty cents per thousand. Ihe cry there now is that "public opinion shall be its own execution." It is held bv many that water sup ply, street cars, gas and light, although owned by private corpora tions, are so generally in use in a city as to be regarded as public in stitutions and as such subject to regulation. Don't- let that eold-of yours ran on. Ton think it is a light thing. Bat it may ran into catarrh. Or iatopneamonia. Or conaamption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is danger 00a Conaamption k death itself. The breathing apparatus moat be kept healthy aad clear of all obstructions and offeasire atatter otheialeaaereis trowMe ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head nose. throat, broachial tabes and longs, can be delight fally aad eatirely cored by the use of Boschee's OermaaSyrap. If yon don't know this already thousands and thousands of people can tell yon. They have been cored by it and "know how it ia themselTeB." Bottle only 75 eents. AaV any droggist. Money made by the man' who tills the soil is unquestionably among the cleanest in the world. It is earned in accordance with God's first law, under honest and genial influence away from the bus tle and rush of trade, and the fierce heat of speculation. It fills the pocket of the farmer at the expense of no other man. His gain is no other man's loss but the better for the world at large. Prosperous farmers make prosperous people. Anything that benefits agriculture benefit our commonwealth. Mrs. sarah Dowdy, who was pre sent at Gen. Grant's birth and his nurse in his infancy, died last week at the age of eighty. taoawais amiariar frost jLathaaa, Cos. awjBvtiea, Coawag,et. Did yo erar try ffliea Hamad yT It is tae Mat aowa for .allvLaaa? TitmMai. oa a fosittva faexaata at 10s., Ma, For Sale by A. P. 8tritz. What am I to Do. The symptoms ol BUlioosneas are unhappily bat too well known. They differ in different indiridaala to soaie extent. A billions' Inan is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas he has an excellent appetite for lianids bat none for solids of a morning. Histongne will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is reogh, at all eyents. The digestrre system is wholly oat of order and Diarrhea or Coasapsption may be a sy mptom or the two may alternate. There are often Hemor rhoids or even loss of blood. There may be gid diness and often headache and acidity or flatu- lence and tendcraaai ia the pit of the stomach, To correct all this if not effect a core try Green's Angost Flower, it cost but a trifle and thoosande attest its efficacy. o 4 W commis- According to an old Russian rule, the bride-groom makes his bride a presant of a wedding costume, as well as of jewelry. The dowry of a Russian maiden will consist of a full wardrobe, household utensils, silver articles, carpets curtains, china, furniture and a piano. The latter is indispensible. Everything must be of solid silver. Should a young wife die without leaving any children behind, her dowry can be lawfully claimed by her parents. Sometimes young ladies form par ties to help the intended bride make her clothes. The month of May is LUMBEE, Lath., , SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. SPECIAL AGENT FOK Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft c o YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. HERSHEY & CO., DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Secretary Bayard's fish KeK&sS, SPPl - unlucky raU when it convenes next month. The matter hm already drawn forth pressions eflpmions by sens ex- senators and altnougn learly every one re frains from committing himself to a positive prediction as to the rule of discussion, several republican members have said for marrying. The name of the month resembles the Russian verb "to worry;" hencfe-in part the sup erstition. On the eve of the wed ding day sometimes a "farewell girls7 party" is given. No gentle men attend this. All those present must be from the unmarried. They that unless mere Dart intervene a very severe rebuke will be given to the administration not only for having resorted to the com mission method for a settlement of the fisheries trouble in defiance of the will of conurress as exposed last winter, but also in the manner ;!!TcS1; SI.n sm choruses, chase each other in isansmp shall i the garden, and romp to their heart's content. They devour any amount of tea, ice cream, lemonade, and 1 sweet-meats. &nd we guarantee it. Sold by A. F. Streitz. LQf TAftvvH triflo witli any Throat o HS V Lung Disease. If you have Ot a Conch or Cold, or ilia chilarwB mrm ... ii - n I. aDDomnnar tne commissioners, oec- uueatened wim croup or wjaooDinr Coufirii. retary Ijayard thinks 'the president, se Acker's English Bemedy and pravent without tne previous consent of the ? "rZZZ senate, nas power 10 negotiate any treaty, and that, in its negotiation he may employ suchypersons as he thinks advisable lor'the interest of the interegjo6-4tye United States. The senate,' however, is apt to take a different view of the matter. m Mr. d. F. Borne, -tba efficient and worthy cashier of the TJnitM States Ezpreaa Co., J)ea Moinea. lova, aayt: , "from the lack: of exercise and from close confinement to- office work. I j hare been troubled with habitual constipation. I hare reccrred more benefit from Bt. Patrick's Pills than anythraj I orer tried. IgaTethem a thorough test and am now in perfect health. I hereby recommend them as a pleasant and reliable medicine They do not gripe nor cause the sickness occasioned by the operation of almost all other cathartic pills or medicines. Bold by C. W. Price aad F. H. Longley. ROAD CARTS. ETC. BLAOKSMITHING, CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Prices Guaranteed to be the' Lowest Locust Street, North Platte, Nebraska. J. Q. THACKEK, KEITH'S BLOCK. FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NOETH PLATTE, NEBEASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT r-. t"h--4 ' EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. The change politically in the state of Virginia during the past seven years has been very marked. The official returns of the recent elec tion, omitting .one county from which two reports come, show that 119,555 Demcatatitjrotes were cast in the'state agSnsF 116,940 Repub lican, s democratic majority of only 2,615. In the presidential election of 1880 the combined Democratic tickets received 129.976 asrainst 84.-1 Scald 020 rnsfc fnr ftm-fiplil Tn 1SS1 there was the fight between the Democrats and Keadjusters, which resulted in 99,757 votes i8or the former and ill&73 for the Read juster candidate for Governor. In 1884 Cleveland receivec 145,497 against 139,356 for Blaine. In 1885, when Lee ran against Wise for Governor, the Democrat received 152,544 to the latter's 136,510. This time the vote was much reduc ed in both parties, having fallen off in all 48,658; that is, 25,942 Demo cratic and 22,716 Republican from the vote of 1884, h 62'559 less than two yrfcp,.-or nearly 22 per cent: this divided between the parties shows a falling off of 14 per cent to the Republicans and over 21 per cent loss to the Democrats since 1885. BEAST I Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, lumbago, Xhcomati-Si. Burns, Scratch M. Bprainst Strain-, Stitches, Etiff Joints, Backache, Galli, Sore, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Mnjcles, Iraptions, Hoof Ail, Scrsw Worms, Swinaey, Saddle Galls, Piles. XpVna Mood Elixir to tkely pUifMtlM BlMuaatto Ktualgto Mia. Bold by A. F. Stxcit Wa gunatm it lites, Brniset, Bunioa Coras, THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY aceompllahe- for eTerybody exactly vrhat la claimed for It. One of the rcasoni for the great popularity of the Kostaa. Liniment is found in 1U anlTarsal aypltcabllltr. Everybody needs inch a medklno. The IaailierniaB needs It In case of accident. The Heasewlfe needs it for (eaeralfamUy use. The Gaaaler naeds it for bis teams and bis men. The Mechanic needs it always oa his work beach. The Miaer needs It In cue of emergency. The Pleaeer needs It can't get along without It. The Farmer needs it ia Us house, his stable, aad his stock yard. The Steamboat naa er the Beatmaa needs it la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Harse-fancler aeeda It it ia his base frleadaad safest reliance. The Steck'srewer seeds it it win sare aim thousands of dollars and a world at trouble. The JLallrsad man needs It aad will need It so lone as his life Is a round of accMeate and dangers. The Backweadsssaa needs it There Is aoth Inglike it as aa antidote for the dssgers to life, ifawi. ad comfort which surroaad the ptomr. The Merchant needs it about hie steceaaiaa his employees. Accidents will happea, aad whs these coh the -fcustaa uauaeas m waasea at oaee, Keep a Battle lathe Heaee. net economy. Kmmmm Battle fa the Faecery. Its use la case of accldwtt sarss pala aad lose eC wateh Kee a Settle Always U the ScmM fa ase whea waatedt Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. BRCEKER & BAUMBACH Merchant Tailors, .20: LAEGB STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing ait the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT PIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. BEFORE. Call and see up in Ottenstein building west of Foley's store, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. Hi WW, FEED AND SALE STABLE, o Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. First-class rigs to let on short notice and at reasonable rates. M. O. LINDSAY, Proprietor. Front Street, near U. P. Freight Warehouse, NORTH PLATTE, - - - JNJUliltAbrxA. THE PATTERSON WAGON SHOP Has always ovt hand new apd second-hand Lumber and Spring Watrons. Bacltboards and Baggies. Plows, Harrows and all kinds of Horse and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmithmg. I repair Machinery. Waeons. Carriages ana x arming iooi. repairs for kinds of mowers, reapers, hay rakes, etc all kinds of I will order Agent for the CELEBRATED NEW BUCKEYE REAPERS & MOWERS, Etc. . All Kinds of Hay Rake. Also agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB,