Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 17, 1887, Image 1
TERMS er,iAvaace, ia Advance, Lannnnnnnnnnnnr nBBBBBKK ' BBBBBBB? nftnfffS -" 5 &nf nmnamaF - Sfcafc nac ' -J. . "iww- . r Bnannw - " i' 5.vr ' .1 nnaaW... . z. '1 Bnaanaw -' mana ' ... --'u- -..- --a-. r- ; 1 - STEVES nBBBSVrv- -j.-. BBBBB - -i' 3Cjc&?S. BBBBmanmi- I BBnBnBnBnBBTi nnBaW .V,lAlIT -A manm; r.-Mii3& BanBal ...- " BBBBBBBBBBB j-W1 aana-anaL -. Jf - H Bnanananaa" H JanrarHE i V; Mi5" 4 J Si' 1 f 34 BASE, Prop', : f ? 5 - 175. Rates m Application. HBSTMAN & GRIMES, WCMnHK" PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. L ESBITT, momm platte. - tctj DUNCAN, M. D. m. WeatBixtli Street. MOBnt.PLATTB, Sif O. HOLBOOK, Dentist, OFFICE J AT HI8 OLD BTAKD OVER E. "A. CAEY 8 GROCERY STORE. P. WALSH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. mates om Work Furnished. us! SIS'- .JstllBli.!vnsl!. . "?S'. ifijf 'f .21: 4 f! 1 1' ' 1, r 'rJ-HtJtJi- 10 1 1 YOL. in. NO: 35. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. . , 0.8..LMdOS) 'North Flatfa Neb.. Am. 11th. Iflft7. C . jneuee jb Bereor jrea tbat ute Trn-Tnnff mirrn BBttier hm filed notice of his intention to atke final proof ia espport of his claim ud that Mid proof will be wade before 'As) Reafaterai Re eeirer of the T7.8. IaimI Office at North Platte, mun, on uoc iwu, imi,?izz uiiarMa A. Te on pre-emption 'declaratory 'statement No. 4747. for the- sooth weet quarter of the northaatt trier aaa tota l ana z section , town 11 -raasje west. He names the following witnooeas to vera hie aoatiaoeas amdaneeapon andealtifa- ttoaef aaM'land. -ria: JWaltr Lart flauth. John Maroott and Georan M; OaaliaP.'O'Neb. - Wr. NmriXLk. Seaister. CanjaoH &, Att ys for p re-cm ptor 3m aytoo. Monroe ,iiareotCaUof VLand Office at Kirth Platte, Neb BahMeiaheraby ib:.) iTea W aiaUi filed aotiee. of hia . intention to aiaha Will b'nadn hafnrn th Beaiaker.aaA Rc' aaHerof the .O. H. Land JtortarlJnatta, on Uet. 8M, M87, tb: Alfrea U. n1aa on. ntory atateaient No. 7558 for the eoath'weet aaarter aactiaevS, town U,Banfee Sl.vSe aaaies the' folknrinaj'witaeBses to prove his c'ontinnooe resi- aeace apoaaad coitiration or said land, Tit: Aieattaid: Aaaawoa' F. W. Bteinhiiosen, G. F. Merer and Patrick Bocldcn, all of North Platte, Mebraaka. Wic. NEVlUJt, . Register. 1 5 xnuoi 1 - r? J 1 .'its'. ak of thffU'flfldf ffF titt'MpT- I-! ffi.'Fle'miair is uniS Wallace doins ni.nktt!lHr, school sd!stHct No rZMm caUed a sDecial meetinar for the " nnr- Mjj&B--bt; locating a site for a school house. soldier reunion atlCarrico. Haves ibaiT had' Photograph. 8hof Okm? Cottonwood and Third Sts ;of Ufttaofic cnvrcn. r ' ef Pablie Iaatrac- will be at hia oSee in North Platte an the TMIMD SATUMDAY OF EACH MONTH . iar aaaai ination of teaoheraand , EACH SATURDAY tm aawaai to any other bosmcaw that Bwyeorae J. L NBSB1TT. Goanty SaperiBtendeat, Prof. N.Klein, Music Teacher. Sr. a the Reed or Brass Oraaa, Tiolia or aay t. Fiaaai aaiwfwTljr taaed. Oraans repaired. NORTH PLATTE,-"- - NEBRASKA. Ih'if' I ; : -1 Jaaaaaawvarar at. .v T 1HUI -Takn Op. Taken np by the sabscriber on July I8U1. one bar maw hariaa three white feet and star ia fore- IhaasL Mama oai b wnin ujumstoi:j04r r WtoBnyarytba vMPa BFTMaVaVVVv mwj And Dealer Ia Pipes. Tobacco, Etc., Spruce St., North Platte. H. MacLEAN, "Pine Boot and Shoe Maker, And Dealer la MEN'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES. Perfect Fit, Best Work and Goods, as Represented or Money Refunded. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. gpraee Street, bet. Front and Sixth, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. J. T. CLABKSON, 174 Randolph St., All communications to me, with TCgard to my interest in lands in Cheyenne and other counties in Nebraska, and as to lots in Schuy hrhi Paxton, Julesburg, Sid 15ey, Potter and Kimball, addressed a abore, will receive prompt and caref ml attention . J, T. CLARKSON. Bismark Saloon Billiard and Pool Ml, J,C.HUPFER,Prop.. Keens mome bat the fnest Whisldesuch as ROBINSON COUNTY, TENN COON HOLLOW, -- M. y. MONARCH, . 0. F. C TAYLOR. QJJCKENHEIMER RYE. : s WELSH AND HOMESTEAD Also owe goods, Brandies, Rum, Gin St Lovis Bottled Beer and liawaakee Beer on draft 4 :Corar Sixth and Sprace Streets, jrOIOT'PIATTE. - ;:7.V-.' ' NEBRASKA U. a Land Office. North Platte; Neb., ? , July 29th, 17. J CemalainfehaT&iB' been eatarad at this farScle b Francis Coatee aaainet Edraond C. Dickapa for failare to comply with law as to ,TimberCoItBre Entry No. dated May 2Sth, 18(," updaTthe northeast quarter section 82, townehip 13, range M, in Ijincola ' eonnty, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleg ing that claimant baa failedvto break or. eeaae to , a , - . 1 . - a . , oe oroaen nTe acres uie nrsc year azcereacry ana has failed to core aaid defect op to date; the said parties are hereby summoned. to. appear 'at the office of L. KiHsttonJ Paxton, Neb on tbeZith da? of September. 1887. at 9 o'clock al m.. to re spond and fornfeh testimony concerainesatd-h; auegea iaiiare xinai nnanaa: ac waaocoae on geptember 30th, 1887. " Wiz.NKVmJcl t 5 v .; IJIajriatek, Land Office at North Platte. Neb., Lt law, imi. y giYen that the following aamod settler has filed notioe of hia intention, to inake final proof in sopbort of bJB claim and that said proof will be raado beforaAhe Register aal Re ceiver of the U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., on October 11th, 1887. viz: Ira Chamberlain oa his Homestead Entry No. M58.for the eoth- eaet aaarter section; 24, town !, mace 27. nJJe. aaatea the following .witnesses -to proven coa- tanaoas residence npon and cnltivation of said land, via: Stephen M. Payne, Clark ;JS. 'Moon, Geom M. Peterson and Perry Hill, all M Gr aeldP. O.. Nebraska. Wx. Nkvixuc,' "?z 4 m foirieter. Land Office at North Plate. Neb., ). . AaaBtlth K. ) CompiaiBC Having Been enteran at una etsce oy Leais P. Derby against John ASbineman for failare to comply with law as to timber-ealtore entry No. 8188 dated Jane 10th. 1888, apoa the soatheast quarter of section 28. township M,mnae V, in Lincoln coonty, Neb., with a view ta'thej aaaceUation of-said entry; contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break or canse to be broken any portion of said tract as reoaired by law. since date of entry and 'has not-wired said defect Bp to the initiatioB of this contend .the said parties' are hereby -enmrnoned to appear at this office on the 11th day of October, 1887; at 9 o'clock a. m to respond -nd-famish testimony eoneerning said alleged failare. J 1 . WM-vNaraiK, .Register; ESTRAY NOTiCE.' ; )' Tk'lriin 'n cm the lat dav of-ArunwrfL 1HR7. aala attay'on section 25, town 9, range in Lincoln eoaaty, Jieprasrs. Dy tne saoscriDer, wbo tnere lesidcs. one bar horse a boat six years old. star in forehead, weight aboat 700 pounds and Mexican , brands enleffc shoulder. The owner; of-said property aaa have the' same by proving property ami pwwgr expeawB. Dated this 8th day of Angnst. 1887. 306 Oranqk Haywasd. Keeler P. O., Lincoln Co., Neb. O. Ropers of 3WW The eastern papers arc talking of "the cyclone sufferers in Kansas and Ne braska." The cyclone sufferers in Ne- Lbraska, are a small minority. People who travQl the state over say they seldom see any" suffering to amount to anything, and jfiie-visits of cyclones are like the visits of angels as to frequencyi 'i he railway sufferers of th'o r,effetev .east aro 'more deservrngof sympathy. Topics. I j Judge Hamer will leave the county, at the close" of this term of court with a betteFimpression left on the minds of our citizens than ever before. His honest and fair manner-of dealing with litigants and successful effort in dispatching busineas uraeu scssious 10 .near crises con-. iim nf t'bm iMnwuw. lnetaa1 ; umie ivtiivmr a U tyi f xpeaa.T Sereral irt portent laiieii as'well as ;inany minor oneslhaVe All ouiv specialties we will be able to 1 shQrrJ3 it mode 111. Tf erator It! i 3 0000 FULL LWEmmWS CLOTHL m w --W ia" -ar- -aW--m a -w -W y- i K ill I. I.INT'K rKiiYNZ? ? v - -i ; Sheriff Merrlman was a caller ineu.of .our 1 H lhadly damaged! I" - ' r ii ffBliifiw fh Tnf -Ttinr nnt in -t wmL LiwEcmrLj In all the' mm tne. Latest 4 Red Willow Precinct. " aorel tripe; toNorth "Platte after SmraTHoward , Broarhayac.a carloadpf: anvfwnMC aina or monniam icoai wuicu reiaelling at 7.50 per ton. .Iitawereniiere'itoe' ratiewpan or lasc Rad bMaaT. laHseemaf awrably. WSSI bapreseed and thinks some of locating it . T -I rear. .r . --.rvHtfl ABE WWEW OTJB PRICES AND STYLES EXCLUSIVE. 0Allfi EX AMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE PUBCHASlM SHERIFF SALE. Notice: is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Lincoln countyNebrnska, In an action wherein Eubn, Nnsbaum & Co are plaintiffs and Clarence Y. Greena meyer is defendant; I will on the 3d day of October, 1887. at one o'clock p. m. on f said day, at the front door of the court house of said county, in North Platte, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real es tate described in said order to-wit: The north, half of ' the southeast quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section 20, township 11, range 26, in Lin coin county, Nebraska. 334 Ltke Hai-uy, Sheriff. THE P All ACE, H. G) R hlea "a T . ... 1 L. F. SIMON,.Mii:; Foley Block. . . Foley Block.' Real Estate and Room 12, .Land Office Block. General Law and Land Office Business Transacted. City and Farm Property for Sale. Fire and Tornado Insurance Written. Money to Loan on Improved City and Farm Property at Low Rates of Interest. " THE MISSOURI PACIFIC Railway Has removed its Ticket Office in Omaha, and is now located at 218 South Thirteenth Street, Between Farnam and Douglas. THE ONLY LINE RUNNING Free Reclining Chair Cars; ON ALL TRAINS BETWEEN ; OMAHA ' . LINCOLN, ...X- ; KANSAS CITY AND ST. LOUIS., Pullman Buffet Gars on all night trains. Direct connections made in Union. Depots at Kansas City and St. Loais for all points East 8oath and West. The Missouri Pacific has lately beam awarded the fast mail service between the east and weet. No other line exceeds the' time made by this line between the west and St; Loais. Tor tickets, maps, time tables or any, other information call on yoor nearest agent or address Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agt, 218 South 13th St, OMAHA. IF. H. NEWMAN, General Traffic Mgrn H. C. TOWNS END, G. P. and T. Agt. ST. LOUIS. THE TRIBUNE WILL, BE . t j MAILED TO NEW SUBSCRIB ERS 1 YR. FOR $1 CASH. :: T H IS WEEK:? WE SHOW MANY NEW DESIGNS IN Til C't . ,'lTtSi -AND- TIM ' -yen--:- f b1 FRENCH CLOCJSS vLfi jf f S.Kt McEVOY, THE j EiWEEERy (Licensed Jeweler for the Ul P. Ry t . fvsiifrr "I 1 . --"n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 4 1 ' ' I''"!' (" aaaBBBBBBBaTBBB'amw aaaai AND DEALER IN? paints, oils,varn:ismes Wall -4- ? rjfr a i'. 1 : 4 ; WINDOW GLASS AJSHD BltUSHVESi -Agent for Sherwih &Williams, Mixed Faints and-theLHaiiKmil RrrinH Paintc ' Ooiper Sixtli and Sp3ruce Streets .i In" f yiy v.flnmi.-naa;-traia.hrniitfUt-.iH eleven new settlers last week. . fc Messrs. Nation and Porter of this pre cinct attended the institute in North Platte last week. They report a pleasant time and good institute. Mr. Vincentcame down town Monday allf smiles, a new baby 'girl having arrived at his house-on Saturday; which was the cause thereof. Mr. .Bailor, a contractor and architect ,pf Nebraska, City has.located here, and as a voucher for his ability bring3 $700 worth of tools. jtjMrs. Kitson a visit to her old hpme in Pennsylvania, last Wednesday. it'The sod house of John Erskme's which was built up ready for the roof, w,a3 struck byi-i lightning Saturday night,, knocking one' end in and splintering a few planks near by. This is the second sod .house that has been struck, jlately. Lightning continues tfr play havoc Jn,' this' way, peo-pie-had better insure.; j . N;.C. Myers has taken a 'homestead meat tne soutn line ot tne county, wnere he intends' to, jnove hia store, and in laddition'with nis " morehiintile business, start a horse ranch. 1 Mr? ylnceht, livingji few miles north westoftown. 'had a doi t-!ro mad, a,few daysT feiilce; wwi'bite several head of his stock. Already he has shot several head 'of-cattleahd the report is that he shot one .-1? '. T -. m ,. OMiistmuies yesrerqay. xwo aogs were killpdr yesterday, 'supposed to be mad dogs. , Owners of dogs should keep them tied as this is mad dog season. The. new seats for the school house have,arrived. This was a much needed intprovement and no doubt will be appre ciated ibyihe little folks. Agricotv. TTUlltW, oeuu oiu, 1001. I n t !HKGHBOfiHOOfjr NEWS.' Jt Among' the special attractions of the Kaith , county fair will be the base ball toarnanient, for the championship' of western ' Nebraska, and eastern Colorado. A-championship medal and ,a cash prize of $100, will be awarded the successful cotifetant. One gamer will be played each day of the fair. Ogallala News. The. brick and sand is being rapidly brought in for the Farmers and 3Ierchants ' t..Ji"t...!iJ! -i'urJu :n u i :UCW .UnUhv UUlIUlUg. WUIUU Will Ug 1U9UBU along; to completion just as fast as the mechanics can get through the work, This' will 'be 5on"e of the best and finest buildings in the .south half of Keith bounty Vhen!Completed. Conrad "Walker, fhe,c&ebrated bricklayer land" contractor of iNorth PlatteNebraska," 'figuretl'on ihi baildiag; .and saya if pm$ .according TO pisns anu speciucauuns. wm.ut Ji,iiui3r building' hanf has1 ever neen 'erecfcdln NortfcPeGrantr2)rweJr' r' Probably. the largest .realriestateiloan: ever mfe'ln the' Stete " was filed in the rectSfflce aBeatrice Safurday, The amoft pt wiair, flOOO.or three years at siifper cent mtere8t,ndagtvenby Joh:W." Bookwalter, the noted ,manu- facturer andi democraOcf politician of Springfield, Ofiio. .The mortgage covered over; 4,000 acres of Gage county land, also rarg7;.tracs In' Pawnee and Thayer " J J TIT.I i - Li i '-IT" counties ana wasmugion county, jyhusos. TKeland 'covered by the mortgage is valued at $400,000. iheen tried during the session. The laaoat taprtant ono Was the murder case wherein MwtQyfertonwas charged with killing iher Jiusbaadif , His charge: to the jury in 'ith i..' . ' 3 r . ;UiiB case was very ciear anu, lorciuie ana WM highly complimented. As a jurist he iscoQsiderecfby many attorneys,among the: beetfiif"th estate .Broken Bow Re publictiH., t, t.. ' ManyVery;heavy.rairis have fallen in "Cheyenne county the past, summer, but .thedne.6fSaturday night made all others seem 'light.' vPpf hours the water fell In torrents. The1 Lodge Pole Creek was'j full. During"' Sunday the tpr0ssurbecanife. so heayy that uthe .;danis below &ianer-began to. give: way. , This let the immense .volumei'-of water in the reservoirs looser 'and the vallej- was soon covered .: Thedams below -were xmable to- stand tlie increasoand. weref' swept t ' cl j . . i n mi y t i awayiuuq aur auouier.; i no jjiooy ana Christ dams are the only ones left between Sidney and Julesburg. . The..3ne Kruj-er dam above. Colton,which, it was thought would , stand anything .that might Come -alonlrC went out as easily as those more slightiybunl;. Beyond 'the 'dam-destruc- sfJSd;:the loss was hot! great. Some stock ,WJW drowned; andia few, hay Stacks were carried, off if-Lodge J$QEsxpres3. r !The jtoot .of the. Bjj&.-Mr engine was heard Within tlie cdrnorate limifc? of V f ii f t . -f ' n ' T. .. eierimg yesieraay anernoon, .ana was me ; occasion of great rejoicing among our SSfilmVlim OD iaoo-viaxt Ohpoo. IKMITM -t 4 ijv fir BaMon Hade at the Te-r Lowa' lMas - -- ' IT"' J34 t wi a Jfji Slowly aaa- sureij ,;iW!WS?Ml) forging ahead., HeokHj every municipal or vfovarnajinr r aa-i 1 ment; The restriction .act r;go;ir.Ta measure as he wants, a--d ;is;abrr,--not wrirth the paperit is;writt;.jiP! farce, in, fact lot theory brotdmifyfie We have, a very strict law aCMnmna)ewn;i; gambling, places, ;ari yTpii inrfuU blast right'a wiri: Jtoem. Saleni',Gimtle, San, Frmm? ;Zr-.- smi Mrs. Polly Fordf Milfort, Ww Haven, will be .100 years oa She has not been to Church but is is a member of the 'denomination. -Whaai'inhei .. -v.- ' ArAiik can see neater uai nMrK. mob does not JaK Jong. cprap)ygboil T2CO ;nrtaSfc' lflg.WXUlglMW .m-jmBnmgaj wua tM oaceptioa- oi iumiuubv show an increase of-v7;i compareu. wuaiaw n mg counties, t who inrec he heard from, will swell "uajMiE weep , . B-aK-amaapaa, 'jW-m-T HemMmaT t ISiFxf i of wealth to increase n finA nu . . TuHm including Atianta, which wmM. would be injured by prohib"lie; .ahewin an increase m value, of $l,4Jl$cc t . last vear. Bears CbArry Ctoutii arna . ' Will relieve tbat.cWh -poftl iMiitiiily and make expectoris&W easy. 'Ar-vl -simultaneously oh the bowf kiimeyi iiiC " liver, "thereby relleviH 'tle);tQaipCw soreness and pain and also stofag waat ' tickling sensation in the throat by 'rawer- '" ing the cause: One .trial! of ; k.iriU'ca-r ymce any one that it; fhaalw atal. aaiir earth forcoughs and rold. ' A.FvSlnlai' ; , has secured the sale of it and w1U,4ac.'' antee every bottle to give ''satisf actieaT.v Z ' . -t v 5- ' peolej whot have'lbnc: looked and waited Wr ahoihors)eastefh'; rail dolinecfidn'.A" temporary bridgo was constructed: across the river, so as to allow the immediate crossing of trams with rails, tiesj etc., and the track laying is going on at the rate of a mile and a half per day, although two miles per day has -heretofore been the gait, but owing to the fact that the graders are but a little way ahead, some of the men empIo3red in the track laying gang were discharged when the Platte river, opposite this city, was reached, and the force will be hereafter increased as necessity requires. The new road will be of incalculable benefit to Sterling and will undoubtedly cause the price of coal to tumble and, in fact, work a revolution in alcommodities The work between this city and Cheyenne will bo pushed with the company's accustomed vigor, and the early winter will witness the entrance of this new line .into Wyoming's capital. Just how soon passenger trains will make regular runs into this city is not known, but it will be at an early day. Advocate- MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The latest postal laws are such that newspaper publishers can have arrested any one for fraud who takes a paper and refuses to pay for it Under this law the . man who allows his subscription to run along for some time unpaid, and then orders it discontinued, or orders the post master to mark it "refused" and to send a postal card notifying the publisher, lays himself liable to arrest and fine, the same as for theft, etc Mr. Moody is reported as saying that he was in favor of a whole holiday on Saturday at this season, and then there would be no excuse for Sunday excursion and Sunday newspapers. As to the in fluence of Sunday papers he is said to have said: "You can't pound a sermon into a man after he has got through read ing one of those Sunday papers." The governor of South Carolina is pre paring to carry into effect, a joint resol u tion of the so-called legislature of 1S61 , which awarded a gold medal, valued at $500, to Gen. -N". O. Evans, of the con federate army, for conspicuous gallantry at the battle of Leesburgh, La. Lees burgh is the rebel name, for the disastr ous battle of Ball's Bluff, where the gallant Col. Baker was killed, with 222 of his men ; 22G were wounded, and 445 taken prisoners, and Gen. Evans distin gushed. himself in the slaughter of Union men, so as to get that magnificent trophy which a quarter of a century afterwards is to be presented to him with the most flattering expressions of approval. What a. lesson for the rising ceueration of South Carolina. No wonder the. Charles ton Neics and Courier feels impudent enough to order "the G. A. R. to behave or disband." South Carolina still labors under the idea-that she is a "Confederate State'' St. Paul Phonograph. - . t Salt.Eheum or Eezema. Old" sores and ulcers,, Scaldhead and ringworm, Pain in the back and spine, . Swelling, of the kneo joints, Sprains and bruises, Neuralgia and toothache, -Tender feet caused by bunions, corns; and chilblains, we warrant Jsegg's Tuopi cal Oil to relieve any and all of the above. Sold by A. P. Streitz Just before ' he died !;;Dr. CiKry, the "Nestor of- MetholMil,'- tttrie6iT" friend who was sittih jhia Sedide sad said: "I had a drem JawWj and i the drea&i I saw a Strang vii4bi .!- ilx2yi, seemed to me that I . tealdemry :f. peared before God. a ad that ae he 'looked ' rat me sternly and asked: " Weil, a what 1 have you got to sayor ywt!?,aail - : while' Ir stood duabfouaded" befere the great Judge, knowing t'wlW l t make, Jesus- Chris claimed r Jl am .herejito Daniel Curry .' " ' Ex-Senator Ferry of Michigan, wbo is now. never heard of, was once the most: important individual in the United States. '' He waiv president of the senate when, the ' election of Mr. Tilden was disputed'. -The senate claimed the right of its pre.- , siding officer to determine which were the lesral returns from. a state. The eyes- eyes of the .nation were on Ferry then. In 1882 he failed la business for $1,500, 000. The next year he was defeated for the senate. Since that time he has. fallen! from notoriety, but he- has worked hard: and paid off over $1,200,000 of debts. There is a class of citizens who are '' frequently heard to remark, and with an,; : .. evident feeling of pride. that they do not' take interest enough in politics to cast a r,T ballot. With the reform of sach men,' - ' and their conversion to a more whole some sense of what they owe the com munity, all other reforms must begin. As long as it is fashionable and con-;;.1 sidered more respectable to shirk than toV -discharge political duties it is idle, to'lopk" ; for any material improvement, either la the standards, the personnel or the quality . , of our local, state or national government, Boston Globe. There will he aarornl dAvfoas fn nu . w . next winter, on various railroads, for' heating the cars, but quite generally the store will be abandoned and. the daager of holocausts from this source removed We noted a few days ago that the Ne.w York Central would have a new method of heating, and it is announced that the Pennsylvania railroad company will heat' ' its cars by steam. After extended experi ments the company reached entirely satis factory results and will equip n number of its psssenger trains with the steam heat ing appliances, which it is expected will, answer the object fully. During the tests. and interesting discovery was made, which . is said to have surprised experts. This ' was that it would only take a pressure of : four or five pounds of steam, from the ' ': locomotive to keep up uniform- heat through a train of eight coaches. The argument against the use of steam for ' heating trains has always been that it would too greatly diminish the supply needed for the actual service of the locor motive in drawing the train. This has. " been disproved by the result of the tests5, ' which have been complete enough to demonstrate that a locomotive can gener- ' ate enough steam to draw a train and supply the coaches. The lamp, which was responsible for igniting the cars at Chattsworth, remains to be disposed of and must ultimately go. Omaha Bee. ur f f r m r-'l tin". : -- nan-- ri f ' Purify Your Blood. If your tongue is coated. If your skin is yellow or dry. If you have boils. If you have fever. If you are thin or nervous: If you are bilious.. -If you are constipated If your bones ache. If your head aches. If you have no ambition, one 'bottle'of ' Beggs' Blood purifier and. Blood Maker- fhts will relieve any and all of the above complaints. Sold and warranted by A. T Streitz. 1 .. xs . w. - ara - - - - ' - .- - r . '.. TL' - fit ,--.iN?-..Vv i'-aarifvjnillj f " ii i' l" snm an Sf""-1"1 1 C- TnnnHnaBWPWi3S'mBnm liwf