Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 03, 1887, Image 3

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s r f. ; j. J -t ' r
ffc Ititow.
STEVENS & BAKE.Editorb akdPsops
The city council will hold its regular
monthly meeting Monday evening.
D. W. Baker will have an electric
ligbtin front of his residence on Fifth
Late excursionists to the mountains
rnaett lf mi omnnnt- rf rrif find stnrmw
Geo. G. McKay has been in Chicago
itfck week laying in a supply of goods for
.kit large store.
r The engine at the mill will be ready
for starting in a few days, when the elec
tric light will shine forth again.
The young men of Plum Creek pro
3 to organize a militia company. Fifty
wm names have- been subscribed to the
ent roll.
A meeting will be held at Dr. War
trfr office next Tuesday evcniug at eight
flock to perfect the organization of the
Ma club.
Cards are out announcing the wedd-
Mff of Wm. J. Stuart and Miss Anna
Gftbs on Tuesday evening, Sept. Gth, at
the residence of the bride's parents.
Use "Carter's Diamond Brand Paint"
A. F. Streitz, sole agent'
.The Tkibune has been blamed for
thinness of its baseball column last
week. The fact is the less said about the
kippodrome performance at the fair
inds on Friday of last week the better.
Charles Parker has been taken to
Wyoming for trial . The penalty for his
nan re is from one to twenty years. U.
S. dges are not overstocked with sym
pathy and it is likely the boy will go up
for a long term.
The storm of Thursday afternoon did
Mt extend as far west as O'Fallons or as
far east as Brady Island . The people of
west end of the county cot a two-
kMK's heavy rain yesterday morning.
DfED On the 18th of August, Mrs.
C.H. Honn, at the residence of herself
aai daughter, M.S. Honn, at Anderson,
,.Gll t The deceased was quite well-known
to North Platte people, having lived here
-iFor fine largepotatoes there are indi
aalKmfttbat John ilawley will take the pre-
, judging from the size and flavor of
he presented this office. They
raised on his farm un the valley by
Irrigation process.
Among those who have placed The
Teibune under obligations for melons
week are Mrs. John Chapain and Mr.
n of Nichols. It looks very much
though the latter was going to take the
The Tribune will move to its new
?rs over Foley's store to-day and
tat. week. Callers will find the latch
on the outside. All arc invited to
jpaad their leisure time with us as we
tM be prepared to entertain visitors in
VMt luxurious style known only to country
fiawipaper office?.
4 Keith county will build another
rldge across the North river near Brule
at a cost of $9,000. John Means has the
Jjfiaaas the rivers in that county. When
' " T-s- -at. - ' jj -rr i..
aaaies are ueeueu xv.eiui uuuuiv uuea
M' stand back.tmt proceed with the
S. D. Wadsworth, on the road for
Deere, Wells & Co., interviewed friends
here Thursday. '
Mavor TTTmnrvl and atroM com.
missioner Baker feel quite proud of the
mannaii fv wVi 4-1m uav 4Slltnw
the flood of Thursday j afternoon . Where
completed, the next morning it was hard
and dry.
Miss Rose Stamms. an elocutionist
and impersonator of Irish characters.
will give an entertainment at liloyd's
opera house Saturday evening, September
10th. The .lady is highly reccommended
by the press and public '
Mr. Cash has fed over 6000 cattle 'at
the stock yards in this city during the past
ten days, besides numerous horses and
sheep. The cattle are mostly steers and
in fine flesh. The capacity of the yards
was not overtaxed.
Noticing a box of Havana's in the
office of W. T. Wilcox being passed free
ly about, inquiry developed the fact that
a baby had arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. on the night previous. The
TniBUXE smoked to the health of the
Most everybody predicted that with
the advent of rains, out hot weather was
over,but for allthatthe mercury managed to
float up to the 90th mark on several occa
sions this week. The damp atmosphere
made the heat quite oppressive.
P. H. McEvoy desires to state to the
public that on next Monday he will re
ceive an elegant line of solid and plated
silverware in designs suitable for wedd
ing presents. Ho will also receive a fine
line of diamonds.
B. I. Hinman, C. F. Iddings, T. J.
Foley and C. L. Wood, the railroad com
mittee of the Board of Trade, made a trip
this week to Omaha and Fremont to con
fer with railroad officials. They obtained
considerable information that may result
greatly to the benefit of the city in due
time. The committee is still at work cor
responding with different roads.
The institute brought together most
of the candidates for superintendent of
schools, there being Quite a number de
sirous of securing that office. Thev are
all gentlemen and after comparing notes
thev very likely came to the conclusion
thev were all good fellows. This dis
seminator of news has not heard of any
lady candidates this year.
Occasionally mistakes occur in news
nanersthat are not only ludicrous, but
what makes them worse is that they .are
not self evident. Such mistakes make
an editor "hot " The one in last week's
Tkibune abont the mercury falling as
low as 57 degrees below zero haply was
not of this nature . Such a degree of cold
would keep any one cool, and that's the
rr i i i
euecb it uuu uu ua.
The body of Engineer Peter Master-
sou was iouna Tuesday aooui inree mixes
below the wreck. The body was about
the middle of the stream, lying on its
face, nartlv buried in the sand. The
creek and the Platte river had been tho
roughly searched as far down as Ster
ling on both sides, but of course the body
t 1 . t I .I ll A. 1
couia not oe iouna unui me water suu
sided sufficiently to disclose it to view.
The teachers of the institute held a
sociable at the court house last evening
which was attended bv our citizens to
form a better acquaintance with the teach
ers. Besides the sociable feature, there
was an informal program rendered, con
sisting of music, reading of a paper edi
ted by the teachers, and short addresses.
It was a pleasant gathering.
tWjfrii pi iiMr, Haley
rlum. By
Epires he
rs iiamona xjrana trainv is an
ely pure lead zink and linseed oil
iofjthe highest grade. A. F. Streitz
e heaviest rain of the season in-
this point Thursday evening, one
ght-tenths inches falling inside of
r, accorcung to signal office men.
ent. Had the rams set in a month
the corn crop of Lincoln county
,have been the Jieaviest ever known,
the yield per acre. As it is, it will
r than at one time expected, and
brn will be up to the average.
children of the Presbvterian
ay school had a picnic at Lamp
's lake Thursday afternoon. The
Mafthor wnc nnt nrnnitinnc wot fha liffla
3S4f5li a i J - v . .
'S"- & uiuuaijeu iu suuuwiuu a vast uinuuat
ym. ueiween snowers. ueneraiiy mey
z -returned quite thoroughly soaked, -which
Tontores of the occasion.
v -
t The time for the lawful killing of
prairie chickens, etc., has arrived, yet we
have not heard of any big hunts. The
irst sportsman that presents this office
with a half dozen chickens will receive
the thanks of the poor and his name
ivK ever after be read with gladness in
asd story.
&i Krth Platte is becoming a good mar-
'. ket point for horses, large numbers hav-
lag keen sold at this point during the
evmter. There were about six hundred
head on hand Thursday. David Cash,
the Mroprietor of the stock yards, thinks
thJc will soon become not only a big
bene market, but a point for sorting and
aellamg cattle.
Xvery Package of "Carter's Diamond
Braa4 Paint" guarranteed for purity and
durability. A. F. Streitz, sole agent.
It was supposed there would bo few
cattfe. shipped this season, but this seems
to he an erroneous impression. During
the week ending August 31, 275 cars of
cattle and 25 cars of sheep passed this
poia, all from northern points. The
Cheyenne and Northern branch is bring
ing down large quantities, to the maifri
It is said that not more than half the
aeaottnt of hay has been put up in past
yean that could have been, but that this
year nearly every acre will oe cut. u w-
the lightness of the grass in Uolo-
and Wyoeaing, there will not be a
crop la t&oee states, maxing a
for .Nebraska nay: we are
bad weather for hay mak-
heing too much rain. It is be-
the rainy season is aeout oyer.
'JT-- - IT: it "
is said that .the people of 'certain-
6ftEesoutherh partrof the coun -
r are carrying their opposition to
the bridge proposition so far as
to hold meetings to discuss the matter
This is more than the friends of the mea
sure are doing, and suggests that they
should wake up. There is only a week
remaining until the election during which
time some work should be done.
Base ball matters have quited down
and we are not likely to have much more
playing this season, although there are a
sumber of amateur clubs aching to pos
eaa the champion belt. The members
-of the North Platte club are too busy in
their varions occupations to take time to
350 to distant points to play, hence clubs
ieiring to cross bats with them will have
3o visit this point or go without a game.
Tn regard to grounds, the suggestion of
The Tribune will likely be acted on by
the preparation of grounds for next sea
son's games.
' The .ettjf schools w91 f
Monder. Several cbaaree'
eee aweeuMi leaeeersi- wen.
rami Bet; jbjhkub. Jk'
rie JtcJLeuie. 1st
uraves, principal 1st wara; juiss Eunice
Babbitt, assistant: Miss Effie Cleland,
principal 2nd ward; Miss Pauline
Kocken, secondary r Miss Clara Feder-
hoof, primary : Miss Mary Conway, prin
cipal, 3d ward; Miss Annie Stolle, assis
tant; Miss Sarah Thomas, west end
school .
A large and brilliant flash of light
ning during tne ram ot yesterday morn
ing was suddenly followed by a heavy
roll of thunder. The nearness of the ex
plosion conveyed the impression that the
lightning struck not far away, and a
rumor was current that an empty passen
ger car was the sufferer. Inquiries
among railroad people failed to find any
foundation for the rumor, but developed
the fact that railroad men never - heard of
such a thing as a car being struck by
lightning. An old section man had been
in many storms on a hand car when the
lightning played shuttle-cock on the tele
graph wires shattering poles near by, but
he felt none of the effects of the electric
ity on the car. Railroad men have no
fears of the lightning when on a train.
In North Platte, at the residence of the
bride's parents, on Thursday evening,
Sept 1st., Mr. A. O. Hamilton, of Ed
gerton, Mo., and Miss Luella L. Boss of
this city, Bev. John Hopkins officiating.
The bride has been a resident of this
city for several years, and is highly re
spected by her numerous friends. Mr.
Hamilton is in the employ of the Bock
Island road, being station agent and oper
ator at Edgerton. The- ceremony was
quietly celebrated, only a few friends of
the family being present. After a few
days the couple will start on a month's
visit to friends in the east, returning at
the end of that time to their future home
at Edgerton. To tho happy couple The
Tribune sends greeting. 3Iay their
paths always be spread in pleasant places,
illumined by the sunshine of love, peace
and happiness.
North Platte, Aug
To the Editors of the Tribune:
T nntinorl i riQiafTtMirhli in
past week's Tribune referring to the case
of uhris if. (Jolbeck now in the county
jail suffering from acute mania in which
it was stated that the board of insanity
suspecting the man's sanity, called a
meeting but postponed action in the case
in the absence of evidence to verify this
suspicion, and later that he was believed
to be suffering from cerebri spinal men
ingitis. I rwish to call your attention to
the fact thai on the day previous to that
on which the board of insanity held the
meeting in question, I was called uoon in
canacitv as countv nhvsician bv. the
pooc master to anena at tne county nail
kjmih r. i)ioecK. x cuu so, ana iouna
him to be suffering from a most marked
attack of acute mania, a condition which'
rendered him absolutely dangerous, a
fact which I was prepared to prove be
fore the board had I been called upon to
do so. Why the board did not avail itself
of all the evidence in the case before
postponing action for further develop
ments, I am unable to say.
it tne ancient medical gentleman who
belongs on the board of insanity, and ac
cording to whose advice the board acts.
has become so rusty as to be incapable of
diagnosing a plain and uncomplicated
case of acute mania, then the board should
seek more substantial medical advice.
The individual who believes the man to
besuffering from cerebro spinal menin-
fitis evidently knows as much about that
isease as ahorse knows about alerebra.
N. McCabe, M. D.,
County Physician.
' J. E? JCdwarde returned Thursdav from
a trip ie the Rockies looking .much im
ITr KhiaAnld. lata In 1Kb nmnlov of J.
Q. Thacker. left for Kansas Wednesday
Charlev Poole leaves for Omaha this
evening to attend the fair and visit old-
time friends.
Mrs. Wm. Whitlock arrived home from
Colorado Monday after an absence of
several aaoathfl.
Vri n O Pamahftn !a viftltlnp friends
in Weetern Pennsylvania and will be ab
sent quite a wmie.
A. A. Paarborn, station agent at Brady
Island, spent a few hours in the city
Thar3day evening.
Orii Vessels, of Gibbon, was shakin g
hands with old North Platte friends a
couple days this week.
Clerk McKenzie. of McKay's store, re
turned home late last week from a vaca
tion spent with friends in the east.
Will' Wnndhnrst came in from Denver
Sunfoy and for the present will fill a po
sition in Agent unmn's omce.
Miss Kate Bentlev returned from Salt
Lake Sunday evening after a three weeks'
visit at points of interest In Utah ana
Ben. Familton of Brady Island was
perambulating our streets yesterday.
The hay crop will be heavy in his neigh
borhood. J. E. Carrigan started for Illinois Thurs
day evening, having received word at
noon that his father was not expected to
Walter Papworth, the popular conduc
tor, has been confined to his room for
some time past with a severe attack of
malarial fever.
C. A. McDonald left for Ann Arbor
Wednesday to resume his course of in
struction in the great university located
at that point
Father Conway will start for Wiscon
sin next week, intending to spend a month
amid the scences of his youth near Reeds
burg in Sunk county.
After a couple months sojourn at
different places in the Rockies, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Keliber returned home Tuesday
having had a very pleasant time.
Miss Betty Graves returned Thursday
evening from her home in Council
Bluffs where she has been spending her
school vacation. Many friends welcome
her -return. v "
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Buck worth re
turned from Iaaho Springs, Colorado,
Tuesday evening. Mrs. B.'s health was
much improved by the mountain air.
Miss Maggie McKenzie, sister of Mrs.
C.H. Gordon, was elected Saturday night
to fill the vacancy in the grammar school
caused by the resignation of Miss Effie
Miss Davis and Miss Bowen, enroute
from Colorado to their homes in Baraboo,
Wis., have been spending the week in
town, tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Letton of Fairbury
Neb., on their return from a two months
sojourn in the mountains, stopped off
Friday to visit the family of Dr. Duncan
and other friends.
Jimmy Dallas started east Tuesday
morning in search of a position as catcher
iaua ballxlub. 4stohw,ability tocateh.
... 1, ll. J r -
' . a rn .
has been a grand success but we still have
some good61f left to slaughter. We have
.;r- 'a- V-
continued our ppecial Red Letter Sale un
til Sept. 1st so." that you may all have a
chance to it?ujv goods cheap. Remember
all goods havb been greatly reduced in
price and no one can afford to lose this
grand opportunity to purchase goods at
one-half their original value.
Our Cox and Reed Tine Shoes are going
very fast at the cut prices. Every pair
warranted. Call and get prices.
Gfoceri, Provisions, Flour, Feed, Produce.
We don't expect to get ricli in few years like our competitors but will
and be content with small profits. JSThe fine Colorado Flour cut
from 3 to $2.50 per cwt; warranted to beat any Nebraska flour.
Give us a call. A V , LAMPLUGH & HARRINGTON.
Eds. Thibtok. Hease anncmnoc my-aame as a
candidate for Sheriff of Jiincoln comity, Bubiect
to ,tbe. decision ot toe isepabuoaauoantyuonr
Fresh Oysters
and Celery constantly on hand at
Klenk & Gatward's.
If ' A
i ' - -
. . . -l j . - v: i -is.
VV e have Durcnased consiaeraoieHiore
ffoods than we anticipated and therefore, in
order to sell them off qnicfc. Ve Mve
- marked themvdowhsto" MM.
to our competitors. Call and see forjmir
selves what we can do for yon in the; latest
styles of clothing, . furnishing goods, ' hats
and caps, boots and shoes andJast but not
least find out our prices before; purchasing.
Cash One-Priee Clothiers, in
A-ttorney at Law,
Room 11, Land Office Block,
C. C. Noble is offering foot wear
during his clearance sale cheaper
than was ever before offered in this
city. Ladies and misses rubbers 25
cents. Ladies and misses kid shoes,
The North Platte Town Lot' Company's
Addition contains the choicest residence
lots in the city.
Six loaves of bread for 25 cents at the
Vienna Bakery and Restaurant.
Hot Coffee, Meals and Lnnch at all
hours at tho Vienna Bakery and Restau-ant.
Ice Boxes and Gasoline Stoves cheap
to close out at
FOR RENT. The room over
Ilawkin's harness shop now occupied by
The Tkibune. Possession given, Sept
1st. Inquire 'of Hawkins Bros.
Twenty dollars cash and ten dollar
monthly payments will secure an elegant
lot in the North Platte Town Lot Com.
pany's Addition.
The Vienna Bakery and Restaurant
will not be.undersold and is now giving:
six loves of bread for 25 cents. Wagon,
runs daily to all parts of. the city.
Edward Blewett, of the Oregon Live
Stock Company, was in the city several
days this week, and purchased about six;
hundred head of horses. Mr. Blewettis
head of the firm of Blewett Bros, of Fre
mont, importers and breeders of thor
oughbred horses.
Miss Mary Groner, sister of Mrs. Chas.
G. Hall, and well known in this city, ar
rived last week from Boone, Iowa, where
she hfis resided for two years past. Miss
Groner will teach the Maxwell school,
having been engaged for nine months.
She formerly taught in that district.
Conway & Keith's.
The only Place to go for the
Latest Styles of Furniture.
We have just received two cars of FINE
FURNITURE and you are respectfully
invited to call at once before the stock is
broken. We have the finest line of
Bedroom Suites, Rockers, Chairs, &c,
ever brought to the city. Without any
exception they are all of the very latest
that for ten days, commencing Sept. 3d,
we offer XjOTT35TC3-ES of all
kinds at greatly reduced prices. They
must be closed out for the want of room.
We defy competition; no one excepted.
Call at once and get the first choice.
Conway Keith.
Fiveikiwdred head of Utah horses for
sale cheap. Must be sold in the next ten
days. These horses are in fine condition,
there being among them a large number
of exceptionally fine animals, adapted to
the saddle, the carriage and heavier
work. They may be seen at the North
Platte stock yards. Two hundred head
high-grade fillies. For information call
on or address
Edwakd Blewett,
Pacific Hotel, North Platte, Neb.
Heating Stoves! Cooking Stoves!
A large invoice just received by L. Stick
ler. It is unnecessary to assure my cus
tomers that they will be sold low, they
know that; but there is a surprise in store
for them whea they iaquire prices. These
stoves, must be sold to make room for
lonof iSe
t'i ctutdiclate for
: to the ratinca-
P. C. Spannuth.
Idate for the
ctto the ratifica-
i,'T. Chadwick.
BepobaqMPMoiitr 4
v i i. L
office of CoQnl
tion of theBeoabUtui
At the reqnert of mbj Jatihpr, I have consent
ed to be a candidate lBoe of County Sap
erintendent of Public Imti4tton,' subject to the
ratification of the BepAblkaax Connty Conven
tion. Jf. B. Votaw.
At the request of friends iaitfie country and also
in North Platte, I announce jjmy self a candidate
for the office of Connty Sapicintendeut of Pub
lic Instruction, Bnbject to IU action of the Be
publican County Convcntioa A. J. DiLii.
Through ,the eanieet" 8t4Wtation of friends
-from allparte of the couaty.'I ananunco myself a
candidate for the office, of- Superintendent of
Public InBtruction, 6ubeet ie jlfae action of tho
Republican County Conyenticfi.
l4l " iANGy0HD-
I respectfully annonnee jfailf aa a candidatu
for the ofice of Ccm3rfmkrejx' of Lincoln
connty, Bnbject to the' aepfc of tbe'Eepublican
County Convention, j, ' -yA. I: SuxmKsx.
I hereby announce nysoif a candidate for tho
office of Connty Surveyor; ; tehjoet to the action
of the Republican eouaty omvention.
"X ,M . . Chas. P. Boss.
f r
plul'froB'tlfreaet aid will
ii iiiim nrr in nrrrrin Tn ima ciass or
Vorklas soon asvthe)!pl;slare laidf Any
one contemplating piping tneir nouses
will do well to call at once and we will
give all neccessary information. All
work guaranteed first-class.
Coxway & Keith.
Wishing to retire from the Boarding
House and Confectionery business, I'will
oifer the same for sale for the next thirty
d&ysatarare bargain. For particulars
call ou or address Mrs. Mary Mason,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Sausage, Lard,
and all things kept in first class Butcher
Shop, at the Front street market.
L. Haynes.
If you want a nice hanging lamp,
Thacker has some ho is offering very
The republican ekeion of Lincoln county are
invited to send delegate to a republican connty
convention to be held'at the court house in North
Platte. Nebraska, on Wednesday Sept. 2L 1887, at
10 o'clock a. m.. for the parpose:.'of placing in
nomination candidates foe the various county of
fices and to elect delegates to tW state and judi
cial conventions, and for the transaction of such
other business as may properly feme before the
convention. The basis of .representation is one
delegate for each twenty, votes 015 iaajor fraction
thereof cast at the last general election for John
M. Thayer, for governor; previdesl that each pro-
inct snail have at lean oKfKMPte.
The various vreeincts aie entitled to represent
ation as iouows: . , 'Ht
1 mj.i
North Platte No.l....4
North Platte No. 2.. .-.5
North Platte No. 3....r
Nichols t-f
O'Fallon ..F
NoweU ......".T
My lander ..........
Cottonwood .,..L.:viH
Peckham ' .
Walker ?r... A'
Deer Creek.
Fox Creek
Greenwood .
Welle-. 1
Morrow .1
ewe 2
Wfllow 2
tMfawooa 1
Ball.;! 1
McPherson 1
BMKry-. 1
Txmm 1
5 f
The primaries will be UUIa tOo various pro
cincts on aated. eptqr.ftlS," between the
hours of .1 o'elock wadl oWoefc p. m., at the
usual places rthelttf eh&ew.
It is : reeoaBMs4idthat io proxies be allowed
In tntr TMrtf irnrrptf nn rsijiiit rnrh nn nm held
by rarideatiof $ciaajtakiming such proxy
By oribK! mfkmmbr eOHd committee.
Ira irrtMiiMarih JtbtiHi
to me are
reififtffita'gLUWL Tfcttleyettherby
cash or notes. By so doing it will save a
great deal of trouble and expense.
Tnos. Keliheu.
35" TJ H. 10" I T XT H. XI
has just been received by L. Strickler at
the Front Street Hardware and Furniture
Store. These goods were purchased for
cash and buyers will receive the benefit
of the discount Besides, I am bound to
sell for I, haven't storage "room. Call
early for bargains.
Front Street Hardware Store.
We are sparing no pains to se
cure the best beeves tnat can be
found in the country.
Klenk & Gatwabd.
Ham, breakfast bacon, sausage
and everything to be found in a
first-class meat market, at
Klenk & Gatward's.
In Brief, And To The Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is
misery. Indigestion is a fee to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one of tho
most complicated and wonderful things in exis
tence. It is easily put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad
cookery, mental worry, lato hours, irregular
habits, and many others things which ought not
to bo have made tho Amorican peoplo a nation of
Bat Green's August Flower has dono a wonder
ful work in reforming this sod business and mak
ing the American peoplo bo healthy that they can
enjoy their, meals and bo happy.
Remember; No happiness without health. But
Green's August Flower brings health and happi
ness to the dyspectic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of parity,
strength and wholeeomencss. More economical
?han the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only
in cans. Royal Baking Powdeb Co., 106 Wall
Btreet, New York
3 - 2, Ha'ifrf
and now offer them at very low fig
ures. If you want a bargain in the
best machine in the country call
and see them before my present
stock is exhausted.
I have moved my stock of
into the freshly fitted up room two
doors south of my hardware store.
It will pay everyone in need of fur
niture of any kind to see my nice
new stock. JAMES BELTON.
"Wasted. Spring chickens at highest
cash prices at the Vienna Bakery and
Fifty lots sold already in the North
Platte Town Lot Company's Addition.
When 150 lots are sold prices will bo ad
vanced. Fresh Fish every Thursday and Friday
at L. Haynes' Front street market.
All the best makes of bug
gies at Hershey & Co's.
The Latest Improved Os
borne Mower $45 at Hershey
& Co.
I have removed my Blacksmith
and Wagon Shop to the block op
posite Lloyd's opera house, two
blocks east of the old stand, where
with increased accommodations en
larged shop and store rooms, im
proved tools, etc., and having se
cured the services of Mr. John
Otterstedt and other good workmen
I expect to do all kinds of black
smithing, horse -shoeing, wagon
and carriage work in a superior style.
All kinds of machinery repaired
and repairs ordered. Hay loaders,
hay stackers, hay sweeps, hay rakes,
and all kinds of agricultural imple
ments; new and second hand phae
tons, buggies, spring wagons, black
boards and other vehicles.
The Red Wagon Shop.
Opposite the Opera House.
Apply at this
Milk Route and Dairy for Sate.
I have a well established-milk: route in
this city for sale, including cowSsandall
the apparatus connected with the Dairy.
Price low and time on part payment If
desired. Will also rent to responsible
party the buildings, corrals and 40 acre
pasture. For particulars inquire of B. C.
Dixon, north of railroad track, North
Platte, Neb.
Oats, Corn, Bran, Shorts, and a full
line of Flour at Grady's opposite the
Those three and a half pound, packages
of Condition Powder that J.'Q. Thacker
sells for fifty cents.
I am not going to say anything about
old stags, cows and bulls, or publish any
price lists, but the public will find at the
Front Street Meat 3arket gooaV beef "and
all other kinds of meat at prices low as
the lowest.
L. Haynes.
Try Thacker .foruafine
for choice groceries. rs
For sale for from f 30 to $110. Inquire
of Hinman & Grimes.. .-
Hay Rakes at Sla'tHer
shey & Co's.
Remember we have the best
cooler in, the city. Our meats are
always In prime condition, f I
Klenk & Gatwabd.
Washburn flour at Grady's opposite
the postoffice.
Bucklin's Arnica Salv.
The best, salve in the world for cats, brakes,
sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, ferer sorea," tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns and aUskia
eruptions, and positively cares piles or no pay re.
quired. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Frico 25 cents per box. For
sale by A. Streitz. t - , .
Cheap Coal Oil.
150 Test Oil 20 cents.
175 Test Head Light 25 cents.
G. R. Hammond.
My Motto;
I Will not be Undersold?