Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 03, 1887, Image 1
litis r " t 7 ' . ' V ' -1 'II r - . ' A ? SI rT,H E ,T-R IB TJ N E . STEVENS & BABE, Prop's. TEKMS: One Year, iaiAdyance,--SixIonths, in Advance, -Three Months, in Advance, 1.50. .75. .50. Advertising Kates on Application. HIN1VIAN & GRIMES, . . . Attorneys-at-Law, ' IfOllTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. t-.V - Offico in Uinman's Block on Spraco Street, over j i; the Post Office."1 JOHN L.NESBITT, L'ttorxioy-a1Xa'cc, . Office in Conrt Ilonsc, 1 . NORTH PJtiATTEj - - NEB. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D." ttpjf Physician and Surgeon. " OKriCB:TfcDonal&'sRlock, npetairs. Residence on West Sixth Street. Mm 1141 iitjcaltt Sri yol. m. NORTH PLATTE, NEBKASKA, SEPTEMBER 3. 1887: . NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. E G. HOLBBOOK, Dentist, OFFICE AT HIS OLD STAND OYER V?vE.'VA. CARY's GROCERY STORE. P. WALSH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates on "Work Furnished. Shop Corner Cottonwood and Third Sts east of Catholic church. I. Couiy Spiilssieit's Setfcs, J The' County Superintendent of Pablio Instrac- , UUU UI. JJUIUUIU rUUIliy VillX UU Uli 1UD UUUAI in North Platte on tlio f sis- . C , THIRD SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH for examination of teachers and ... EACH SATURDAY " to attend to any other business that may come uforohhii. J. I. NESBITT. r County Superintendent, Prof. N.Klein, Music Teacher. I nstrnction on the Piano, Organ, Violin or any Reed or JJrass Instrument. Pianos carefully'tuned. Organs repaired. NORTH PLATTE, - - .NEBRASKA. - t Jt i ;F. SCHM ALZJilED Manufacturer of XcTa?aw nflfnintis Cigars, And Dealer In g Pipes. Tobacco, Etc., - vSpruce St., North Platte. m mi' - ii i4 H. MacLEAN, Eme Boot and Shoe Maker, And Dealer In jrEN'S, LADIES1 AND CHILDREN'S 'BOOTS AND SHOES. Perfect Fit, Best Work and Goods iis Represented or Money Refunded. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., July29th,18S7. J Complaint having been entered at this office by George B. Single against Alonzo S. Styles for abandoning his homestead entry No. S8S9, dated Oct. 28, 18S5, upon the southeast quarter section 10, township lli, range SO, in Lincoln county, Ne braska, -with a view totho cancellation of said eutryvtho -snid parties are hereby summoned to appear at tliis office on thc20th day of September, lbS7, at 9 o'clock a. m. to respond and.furnis"h testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 293 Wsl Nevuxe, Jlegister. O.S. Land Office.) North Platto Neb., Aug. 11th, .1687. J Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Jus claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver of the V. S. Land Office .t North Platte, Nebraska, on Oct. 19th, 18S7, viz: Charles A Top luun on pre-emption declaratory statement No. 4747 for the southwest quarter of tho northeast quarter and lots 1 and 2 section 4, town 11, range 2t west. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Walter Laytou, Monroe Smith, John Tjharcott and George Marcott, all of Gaslin P. O., Neb. Wm. Nkyiixe, Register. Chub en & Bixlth, Att'ys for pre-emptor 306 Land Office at North Platte, Nob., i Aug. 5th,lE87. J Notice is hereby given that the ,foll(iwing-namol Eettler has filed notice of his intendon to make final proof in support of Ms claim mid that said proof will bo made before tho Register and Re ceiver of tho U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., on Oct. 8th, 1887, viz: Alfred G. England oh declaratory statement No. 7553 for tho southwest quarter section 8, town 13, range 3L Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi denco "upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Archibald Adamson. F. W. Stoinhausen, G. I Meyer and Patrick Rodden, all of Nor th Platte; Nebraska. War. NEvrctE, S0-3 Register. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Nob., ? July 29th, 1887. J Complaint having been entered at this office by Francis Coates against Edmond C. Dickson for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 8879 dated May 28th, 1SSS, upon tho northeast quarter section 32, township 13, range 31, in Lincoln county, Nebraska with a view to tho cancellation of said entry; contestant alleg ing that claimant has failed to break or causo to be broken fivo acres tho first year afrer entry and has failed to euro said defect up to date; the said parties are hereby -summoned to appear at the office of L. K. Hutton, Paxton, Neb., on the 21th day of September, 1887, at 9 o'clock a. m., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure Final hearing at this office on September 30th, 1SS7. Wir. Neville, 315 Register. Land Offico at North Platto. Neb., ? , . . . August 15th, 1887. S Notice iis heroby given that the JoUowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to mako final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo made before tho Register and Re ceiver of tho U. S. Land Of flee at North Platte. Neb., on October 11th. 1837. viz: Ira Chamberlain on his Homestead Entry No. C958 for tho south east Quarter section 24. town 10. ranee 27. Re names tho following witnesses to prove his con tinuous resiucnco upon anu cultivation of said land, viz: Stephen M. 1'nyne, Clark E. Moon, ueorgoju. l'otersonanu jfcrry mil, all otuar field P. O., Nebraska. Wic Neville. 31C , Register. Taken Uo. - Taken up by the subscriber on July 18th, ono bay mare havLutr throe white feet and star in fnm. head. Numerous brands: GJ connected nroha- i., r i i property and paying charges. y. xi. ALDEicn, vroman, .Nebraska. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken nn on the IstcViy of.Jcgnst.-lS87.lasa stray on section-23,. town 9, range 33, in Lincoln resides, ono-bahoreo about six yc;krs old. star in forehead, weicht about 700 DouncL? and MexJivin brands on left shoulder. The owner of said property can have tho samo by proving property and paying expenses. Dated this bth day of August, 1837. Orakge Haywabd. 300 Keelcr P. O.. Lincoln Co.. Neb. -'REPAIRING PR03IPTLY DONE. Spruco Street, bet. Front and Sixth, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. j. T. CLARKSON, t - 1 74 Randolph St., o b i c -A. a- o . All communications to me, with ; regard to my interest in lands in CHeyenne and other counties in Nebraska, and as to lots in Schuy ler, Alda, Paxton, Julesburg, Sid ney, Potter and Kimball, addressed as above, will receive prompt and careful attention. J. T. CLARKSON. Bismark Saloon iilliard and Pool Hall, J. C. HTJPFER, Prop.. Keeps none out the finest "Wluskies,suchfls ItOBIKSON COUNTY, TENN., GOON HOLLOW, f JT. V. MONARCH, ' 0. F. G. TAYLOIi. Iguckeniieimer rye. 5- ; - CT WELSH HOMESTEAD ri ' i. i x jtt t. . AlsO'Iine case :juous, xranuies, axuiii, um Etc; St Louis Bottled Beer and 301waukee Beer on draft. t. Corner Sixth ,and Spruce Streets, ROAD NOTICE NO. 56. To all whom it may concern : The roads uetitioned for bv H. F. Hughes and others commencing at south east corner of section 12 town 16 range 28 and running thence west on section line between sections 12 and 13, 1 J and 14, 10 and 15, 9 and 16, 8 and 17, 7 and 18, town 16, range 28, and sections 12 and 13, 11 and 14, town 16, range 29, to the south west corner of section 11, town 16, range 29, thence south on section line between sections 14 and lo, 22 and 23, town 16, range 29, to tho southeast corner of sec tion 22, town 16, range 29. It is con sidered by the. board of Commissioners that the public good requires that above roads be declared public highways. All objections thereto or claim for damages must be filed in the County Clerk's ollice on or before October 13th, 1887 or such roads will be established without refer ence thereto. J.E. Evass. Aus. 11. 1897. Count' Clerk. ROAD NOTICE NO. 57. The commissioners appointed to locate a road commencing at southeast corner of section 8, township 14, range 30, thence west on section line to the north bank of North Platte River, thence westerly along the river bank to the west line of section 2, township 14, range 31 west, and thence north on section line between sections 2 and 3 town 14, range 31 west, and sections 34 and 35, town 15, range 31 west to intersect road No. 11, has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto or claims for dam ages must be filed in the County Clerk's office on or before noon of tho 13th day of October, 18S7, or such road will be established without reference thereto. J. E. Evaxs, Aug. II, 1SS7. County Clerk. ROAD NOTICE NO. 53. To all whom-it may concern: The roads petitioned for by J. C Elliott and others to open all section lines in Townships 9 and south half of Township 10, Range 26 known as Walker precinct the public good requiring it, are hereby declared public highways by the board of County Commissioners, and all objections thereto or claim for damages must be filed in the County Clerks office on or before noon of the 13th day of Oc tober 1S87 or such roads will be be estab lished without reference thereto. J. E. Evans. Aug. 11, 18S7. County Clerk ROAD NOTICE NO. o4. To all whom it may concern : Thexoad petitioned for by A. J. Hiller and others commencing on the south bank of South Platte River between sec tions 2 and 3 town 13 range 31, running thence south on section lines between sections 2 and 3, 10 and 11, 15 and 14, 22 and 23, 27 and 26, 34 and 35 and terminat ing at Township line on the south line of said Townships 13, Range 31, ifi hereby declared a public highway. All objec tions thereto or claim for damages there for must be filed in the Count' Clerks office on or before noon of the 13th day of October, 1SS7 or such road will be es tablished without reference thereto. J. E. Evaxs. Aug. 11, 1887. County Clerk. ' -NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA THE TRIBUNE WILL BE MAILED TO NEW SUBSCRIB ERS 1 TR. FOR 1 CASH. ELECTION NOTICE. . Notice is hereby given that on MONDAY, tho 12th day SEPTEMBER, A. D. 1887. In North Platte Precinct No. 1, at Keith's block on Front street, Precinct No. 2 at court house, Precinct No. 3 at office of George RusseU. McPherson Precinct, at district school house, Brady Island precinct, at Union Pacific Rail way depot, . Doer Creek precinct at district, Fox Creek precinct, at F. G. Slack's house, Medicine precinct, at W. 0. Elder's house. Red WiUow precinct at B. 8choeld's house. No well precinct at Delay school house, O'FaUons precinct at Union Pacific Railway Station, Hi rd wood precinct at John Bratt & Co's ranch; Hall precinct at Hall school honse, Garfield precinct at Garfield district school Cottonwood precinct at district school house. Nichols precinct at Union Pacific Railway Station, Whittier precinct at postoifice. Miller nreeinct at Miller school house. Mylander precinct at C. Llylander's rcsidonce, wens precinct at urrs residence, Walker precinct at N. L. Moore's residence, Morrow Flat precinct at Watts postoifice, Peckharu precinct at central school housn, Greenwood precinct at John McAllister's rcsi donee, Vroman precinct at district school house. Fairview precinct at Bickal school houe, Spannnth precinct at Spannuth postoface, A special election will be held in Lincoln conn ty. Nebraska, at which tho following propositions wiU be submitted to the electors of said county. to-wit: Shall the board of county commissioners of Lincoln county, fiobraska, issue 1st, Sixty thousand dollars in Lincoln county bridge bonds; 2d. in denominations of 31.000 each: 3d, bearing interest at six per cent per annum; 4ui, payaoie at tne Nebraska stale us ail agency in the city of New York; 5th, dated March 1st, 1888; 6th. tho interest navablo fiemi-jmnnnllv Rnntnin- ber 1st, 1888, and March 1st, 18S9, and on the 1st clay or said months each year thorealtor until tho interest on said bonds is paid; 7th, Baid bonda to bo numbered from ono (1) to sixty (60) consecutively: 8th No. one (1) to six (ti) inclusive of said bonds payable March 1st, 1899, tho other bonds in their numerical order, 6ix payablo on tho 1st day of March each year thereafter until the auneaio paid; and levy a tax in 18S8 and each year there after to pay the interest until sufficient is levied to pay all of the interest on the same, and levy a tax in 1898 and each year thereafter 6umcient to pay the principal of said bonds as they becomo due until sufficient is levied to pay all of said bonds, said bonds to bo issued for the purpqso of aiding in tho construction of six wagon bridges across the Platte River, North Platto ltiver and South Platte River, upon public liighways in 6aid Lincoln county. Tho first twelve of said bonds, numbered from ono to twelve inclusive, for tho purpose of erect ing a wagon bridgo across tho North Platte lliver at the most practicable point to be selected by the board of county commissioners of said county within three miles of a northerly direction from O'Fallons Station. The next seven of said bonds, numbered from thirteen to nineteen inclusive, for the purpose of crectinc a wacon bridge across the South Platto River at the most practicable point to be selected by said board of county commissioners within three miles of a lino in a southerly direction from O'Fallons station. The next twelve of said bonds, numbered from twenty to thirty-one, inclusive, for the purpose of erecting a wagon bridge across the North Platte river at the most practicable point to he selected by said board of county commissioners between the Union Pacific railway bridge and the conflu ence of the North and Platte rivers . The next twelve of said bonds, uumbcred from thirty-two to forty-three, inclusive, for the pur pose of erecting a wagon bridge across the Platte river at the most practicable point to he selected by eaid board of con'-ty commissioners within three miles of a southerly direction from Max well station. The next twelve of said bonds, numbered from forty-four to fifty-five, inclusive, for the purpose ufrectin a, wagonbridge' acrossthe Platteriver at the most practicable point to be selected by said board'of county commissioncrsithiu three miles of a line in a southerly direction from Brady Island station. The next five bonds, nnmbcred-f rom fifty-six to sixty, -inclusive, for the rebuilding and erection of a wagon bridge across the South Platte river npon the public road leading south from the city of North Platte. Shall the board of county commissioners of Lin coln county, Nebraska, issue 1st 510.000 in Lincoln county jail bonds ; iM. In denominations of SI ,000 each; 3d. Bearing interest at six per cent per annum ; 4th. Payable at the Nebraska State Fiscal Agency in the city of New York; out. iatea ucioDer ist, 18S ; Cth. The interest payable semi-annually, April 1st, 1888, and October let 1888: and on the lirst day of said months each year thereafter until the interest on said bonds is paid; ?th. Said jail bonds to be numbered from one to ten consecutively; 8th. Nos. one and two to be payable October 1st, 1903. The other bonds in their numerical order. two October 1st each year thereafter until the same are paid ; and levy a tax in 18S5 and each year thereafter to nay the interest until sufficient is levied to pay all of the interest on the same ; and levy a tax in the year 1902 and each year there after sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as they become due until sufficient is levied to pay all of said bond?. eaui oonus 10 nc issneu lor tne pnrpose oi aiu ing iii the erection of a county jail for Lincoln county, jNcorasKa, at xsortli 1'latte. .Nebraska. Which election will be open at eight o'clock in the morning and will continue open until six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Those voting in favor of the said propositions shall have written or printed on their ballots: "For issuing $00,000 in Lincoln county bridge bonds and for levying a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of the same." "For issuing $10,000 in Lincoln county jail bonds and for levying a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of the same." Those voting against the said propositions shall have written or printed on their ballots: "Against issuing S00.000 in Lincoln county bridge bonds and against levying a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of the same." "Against issuing $10,000 in Lincoln county jail bonds and against levying a tnx annually to pay the interest and principal of the same." It is hereby ordered that .said notice be pub lished in the North Platte Nebraskian. n news paper of general circulation in said county, live consecutive weeks, commencing on the lath day of August, 1887. And that a copy of the question submitted be posted up at each place of voting in said county during the day of election. Witness our hands and the seal of said county this 11th day of August, 18S7. Joseph Heusey, ) James Beltox, VCouuty Commissioners. Lesteb Walker ) r i Attest Johx E. Evans, L County Clerk. SoonAoappej in North Platte, the lar and greatest show of its kind. MAGNIFICENT DISPL and Attractive Features. 0 '-' -3i - . H '. - r" The only inarnnioth consolidation of ag gated -wonders. Stupendous in array replete with all the latest and most cessful novelties, all presented under mammoth rpof. Time for appearance ; yet' definite. Watch and Wait for the 'wir SEAL. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC Railway Ras removed its Ticket Offico in Omaha, and is now located at 218 South Thirteenth Street, Between Famam and Douglas. THE ONLY LINE RUNNING Free Reclining Chair Cars ON ALL TLAINS RETWEEN OMAHA; LINCOLN, KANSAS CITY AND ST. LOUIS. Pullman Buffet Cars on all night trains. Direct connections made in Union Depots at Kansas City and St. Louis for aR points East, South and West. The Missouri Pacific has lately been awarded tho fast mail service between the east and west. No other lino exceeds tho timo made by this lino between the west and St. Louis. For tickets, maps, time tables or any other information call on your nearest agent or address Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agt., -218 South 13th. St, OMAHA. IF. H. NEWMAN, General Traffic Mgr., H.C.TOWNS END, G. P. and T. Agt. ST. LOUIS. THE '-PAL AC L. F. SIMON, Mgr. Foley Block. 1 Foley Block. xTHIS WEEK WE SHOW MANY NEW DESIGNS IN -AND- FRENCH CLOCKS. m w mm, uip uo McEVOY, THE JEWELER, (Licensed Jeweler for the U. P. Ry. r FREE EXI 1 1 BITK u i iirimr ii imii iiiuii fir iirmnon mnnnir rm J. IT. STREITZ "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 5 "J4 AND DEALER IN" PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES " Wall Paper, WINDOW GLASS AJSTD BRUSHES. Agent for Sherwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond Brand Paints. Corner Sixth, and Spruce Streets. THE NORTH PLATTE HOUSE, On Sixth Street, next to Streitz's Drug Store, is-now open for the accommodation of the public. Boarders solicited. Rates reasonable. Mrs. L. H. OG-DEN Frop: er Vtm n rr in til f nlon nf linanoa mnnntr but I shall not waste words on such shal low argument. Husbands do you want your wives and daughters insulted when passing along the street by some drunken slouch. If not stand up like men and say you will prose cute the hrst man who opens a saloon hero. Look at York county this state ; it is noted far and near as not having a saloon in the county, and -for the high moral standing of its citizens. Is its property depreciating m value? Look at York the county seat, a town which has increased almost one thousand in population in the last eighteeen months, ana then answer me. Look again at- Seward a neighboring town, which is but little larger now than it was five years ago. And from these two comparisons you may draw a conclu sion, although I could cite you to dozens of others. But hold, this is not a lecture but before I close I want to say, and I want it distinctly understood too, that the party who opens a saloon here, must go according to the Slocum Law, or he will get into the worst kind of troubles. CrnzEK. P.urify Your Blood. If your tongue is coated. If your skin is yellow or dry. If you have boils. If you have fever. If you are thin or nervous. If you are bilious.. If you are constipated If your bones ache. If your head aches. If you have no appetite. If you have no ambition, Beggs' Blood purifier and will relieve any and all one bottle of Blood Maker of the above Sold and warranted by A. F complaints. Streitz. A little child near Charlotte, Mich., fell into a milk can head first and was drowned. Children should not be ner- mitted to go near the water unless accom panied by adults. railroad searching for them, but nn tn Thursday no tidings of the runaways had been discovered. JPifty dollars reward is offered for their capture Later: We learned last night that three of the lads were arrested at North Platte from an offi cer who went afterthem andtheother was in custody at the school. . . .At tho farm of Dan Price, near Eustis, Frontier county on Saturday afternoon last ahoufc air o'clock, a team of horses belonging to John McDonald, carpenter, of this city, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. The animals were in the stahln at the time, which was set on fire by the' lightning, and with its contents wa3 entire ly consumed. A lot of agricultural Imple ments belontrinrr to Mr. Pricn worn rl. stroyed by the fire. The horses belonging to Mr. McDonald were valuable ones and are a serious loss to him. Mr. Price was standing near the stable when it wna struck, and was knocked senseless, in wmcn conuition he remained for some time. Plum Creek Pioneer. Mr. "Wolf of Pennsylvania, the leader of the now defunct third party movement that succeeded in electing the democratic nominee for governor a few years since, has become disgusted with politics in the Keystone state and avows his intention to remove permanently to Dakota. He will probably start a third state movement when .he gets out there, which would not be so far out of the way. for Dakota is big enough for three good sized states. Salt Rheum or Eezema. Old sores and ulcers, Scaldhead and ringworm, Pain in the back and spine. Swelling of the knee joints, Sprains and bruises, Neuralgia and toothache, Tender feet caused by bunions, corns and chilblains, we warrant Beoo's Tropi cal Oil to relieve any and all of the above. Sold by A. F. Streitz. V T ?y"'r'"f!'"J;r r