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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1887)
i STEVENS & BABE, Editors axd Props. SATUBDAY, AUGUST 27, 1887. noned tnat tne capture tnis time may be made secure and that lie be given the tull extent of tne law. The Bepublican has evidently been misinformed. He had six knives and five revolvers. 0, he is a bloody "villvan." is Parker. Give him "the extent of the law." On his arrival in Omaha the Republican of REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. are requested to send delegates from the several JfentibllCaU Of tnat City 8ayS counties to meet in convention at me opera nouse uTf ., - "l 1,Y p:i,,. in the citv of Lincoln. Wednesday. October 5. "United States Marshal Bierbower 1887, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing rpf n PA frnni Nnrth Platte vester in nomination candidates. for one associate jus- returned UOni lYOrui JTldlie tioeof thesrasie coartv'&sd for two members I day monHllLT, naving ID CUStOdT tSffi SriS Charles Parker, the desperado who preamtedtotheconyention. I robbed Paymaster Basil last Febru- TlBeveodcoanties are entitled to ronrcenta- Inrxr nf, Anrnlnne hnrinETS. VVVO turn as Iouowb. oeuMT baaed noon tae vote cast I mi" i -i i i.i.j for Hon. John M. Tharer. eovernor in 1888. eiv- Tne PHSOUer Was lieaVllV SHUUKIKU, iJefe I beiiier ironed at both the ankles and TCatto major fraction thereof: I the WTlsfcs. Upon reaching this City iiffrenffihS he was immediately taken to the :tO the Convention exceot mch M um hfVA hv tut- I I -TC1 nlnnnJ -Cn nlnco m sobs residin in the coontiee xronTwhich proiies "um.y jan auu pau v.- rogiw. iTAxr. jk. oxxxiz, oeczetary. nnemeni. xlis general air is iuui BtntToK, Chairman. J of a desperado of the rougher and villainous type or the worst result The reoiibHcan electors of Lincoln conntv I ot a perfectly reckless, dare-aevil !X3aJSJil cowboy life." Platte. Webaeka, on Wednesday Sept 21. 1887, at Parker liaS UO I rieilds, aild hence ij o ciucjL a. m.. ior ura dbtdosb or oiacincr mi i nomination candidates for the variotw Vm of. It IS easy lO see tnat ilia general air is that of a desperado, of the UJU COBTHIUDDB, iUlU XOT UIO TZSOSBCUOn Ot EuCn , . . 1 1 f other bneineas as may property come before the rOUgner and more Villainous xyp deleleate for each twenty votes or maior rf8 k1. Option for John boy." If he were rich these papers M. Thayer, for governor; provided that each pre- . j. j. r rni " cmct shall nave at least one delegate. W0U1Q Sing a Qinereni tune. .inc various orecincis are entitiMi to rpnnwnt-1 o . put n. . -n....i ? l ation as follows: iact or tne matter is x.u-Ker is nob Greenwood ......2 the desperado the Omaha Llepubli- tieus i ., , -ti- mi Morrow t .....i can would liKe to maKe mm. ine wmow::::::::::! head and front of his offending, if Birdwood i be nas offended, consists in carry- McPherBon."'.I.'.""'i vas off a satchel containmsr money xtZZ ? belonging to tne government, an 8pannuth "'i .act that was invited by the careless- Whittier".".".".".'.''..".'"i ness of the paymaster and the. sruard. There is no evidence that ixi oe neiu in mo vanoua pre- i ! i 1 1.1,-1. r, Sept. 17. 1887, between the he has ever killed any-one or tnat iLilfe p m- at the he is a bully. It is true he sent three or four bullets whizzing around the ears of a deputy sheriff, more in fun than anything else If Parker is guilty ot ceime he should be punished. We would not shield him from any penalty he merits. But because he is poor and North Platte No. 1. North Platte No. 2. North Platte No. 3. Nichols OTallon ..4 ..5 ..3 ..1 .1 Fail-view 1 NoweU 1 Miller 1 Mylander 1 Cottonwood 1 Peckham 2 Walker 1 Deer Creek 1 Fox Creek ....1 The primaries will be held In the various pre cincts on oatnraay, hoars of l o clock nsnal places of holdinc elections. It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in the coanty convention except such as are held . by residents of the precincts claiming each proxy -representation. By order of the county central committee. J. E. Evans, Chairman. C. H. Stamp, Secretary. Bepublican Judicial Convention. The Republican electors of the 10th Judicial sena aeiegatos rrom tne several counties com- mendieSS ana Ignorant u IS- not iair 0;kp villain, when Jodm of said district, and to transact such other nrp h nn rl rfns ot thieves basiness as may properly bo presented to the convention. posinK said oistrict to meet in cqnvenuon nttno ,i i- i ii i,- , uthonse in the city of North Platte, Monday, ui i-uuu uuuuy tu can mm u. wiwuj there and em- times more criminal at large un- If the press enough to apply j1 " o these epithets where they properly JloPhereon bezzlers ten than he running TV 'will Via flA Cfimo n a in t.Tm RfntA frvart-ifr nnrl each county is entitled to the following number whipped of justice IVUU1U UC UU1U Counties Votes Arthur 1 Buffalo 11 Cheyenne 5 Custer 16 Dawson 5 Keith 5 Counties. Votes. Sherman 4 Total 56 I belong, society would be benefitted. It is recommended that no nroxies bo admitted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the county from wmch prox ies J. P. Habtman. Jr. Chairman. i are given. is. A. Cook, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS . SPANUTH PRECINCT. As Wm. Tounghans was crossing 11 Ml- II H i , tue sana-nuis on tne zist inst. between Brady Island and Warren vaney ne suddennr came upon young antelope. His dog ga chase and soon succeeded m killing it. The wolves are uiakiilgsad havoc among the chickens and young )igs a SHERIFF. Eds. TuiBtrNE. Please announce mv name ns n candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln county, subiect to the decision of the Bepublican County Con vention. Wtt,t,tam f!. 'RT.Turn- I respectfully announce myself a candidate for in this neighborhood tho omce ot bhentt, subject to tho decision of the Mice Anm TloWnlf Bennblican Conntv rrfmventinn. iillbS ii.Una UeVVOir A.O. Kocken; back to Shelby, Iowa, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Although there are over 30 Scholars office of Sheriff of Lincoln county, subject to the p i i n t , ratification of tho Bepublican County Conven- Of SCllOOl age in this district we t wwooDinmsT. have no school house. A iwvwvMUi UUUUUllbU llljOOU tt UU1U1UUIU lUl I Til Ti 1 f 1 the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the tr. it . Jfastauer IS Q0 WK to the Bepublican county convention. ri vpr m nIHn rr In v John Hawley. mei maKing naj TEEASTJEEH. has gone to school Mrs. Bectrum has traded her -J hereby announce myself a candidate for the homestead for property in, Gothen office of County Treasurer, subject to the ratifica- i i i j F. (Jarlston is improving his land. JJiggmg a well, etc. uio ruqubbt ui mmiy iremas, j. nave consent-1 OO tin n ed to be a candidate for the office of Conntv Rnn ilUg. COO.. lj. enziienaent oi jtuduc instruction, subject to the tion of the Bepublicah county convention. W. T. Chad wick. FOB SUMmiNTEXDEKT. At the request of many freinds, Lhave consent- ratification of tho Bepublican County Conven won. W. If. VOXAW. Through the earnest solicitation of friends from an parts of the county, I announce myeelf a candidate for the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, subject to the action of tho uepubucan tounty Convention. B. H.Lakgfohd. ! HiinvKvnn. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate ior tne omce ot county Surveyor of Lincoln county, subject to the action of tho Bepublican f a: . y it The Judicial convention for this district will be held on the 3d of October instead of the 4th, as here tofore published. The official call will be found in The Tribute this week. LOCAL CHIPS. Mrs. H. M. Grimes returned last evening from a very pleasant trip to bait Lake and Denver. Mrs. J. M. McLucas arrived home early in the week from a visit with friends in Dakota. Miss Almeda Clark came down from Denver Saturday to attend the birthday party given by Leora Stevens. Master Tom Stevens, who for some time past has been a member To cube him of a bad case of of The Tribune force, leaves this "jim-iams," the friends of Senator morning for a ten days iaunt in j'Riddleberger have had him com- Colorado. :mitted to for contempt -of The f all w of the citv u u ouuu """S8 nm uuue schools opens one week from Mon- I lUTflTU I . . . . . . uuy, kjejJL. viiii. riuii i, wme at the head and an able corps is no reason why should not be emin- - There is scarcely any need of ad- ne ane neaa a vancingan argument in favor of of teachers, there i the jail bonds proposition, for any- our scnoois sno one nfiniiAHifoa Twifli fho nTd mnW ently successful. that is now used for a jail will at Misses Laura and Lillian Mc once acknowledge the necessity of Cracken, who have been the guests providing a more suitable place in of their sister Mrs. H. M. Grimes which to confine those who are ac- for some time, left this morning cused of crime. A man accused or for their. respective homes in Fre- Srpyen to have been guilty of mis- mont, !N"eb., and Bedford, Iowa, emeanor has some rights, and one These young ladies, during w their of them iathe-right to demand that stay; were very popular in the so he be confined in a place not de- cialcircles of the city and hosts of trimehtal to health. In this coun- friends regret their departure. T;ere l6e te is The religious editor acdnowledges .certain ly entitled to, light ..and air, a invftdfcion from tlie torbto .butnx the present bastile of the be present at the harvest home, eX- onnty he is deprived of both. We ercges afc the Luther:ill UTch lasfc must admit that a prisoner's cell, is Sund bufc circulnstauces . not a pleasant place to. reside in vented-' There was a much larger but unner thepresent organizafaon attendance of members and out- f8Ut nfte?-1ffa -Mwthau usual, the music being necessifrv.- In a county jail they oPrKW a nnnr. r 1 IS1" WeI1nh terr Allwho had ttepMfrflbS5 hghted. The present log jail has ni warml commended Eev been condemned by nearly very gtum ,g sermony grand jury during the past six or seven years, and it is an open ques- K tue dancing club is to be re- tion; if every prisoner who has been organized this season The Tribune confined there any length of time would suggest that a meeting be during those years, has not good ne fche earty Part oi the coming grounds for an action for damages nionth. to see what can be, done in against the county on account of tnat direction. For the past three injury to health. Let us avoid suchi years tne membership has been too Street Commissioner Baker with his little hoe was at work Thursday draining Spruce street of its surplus water. J mi tiii "it t'- rne notei patronage in tna city at presentjs very largethejJftiding houses being strained to f amish-sSbr commodation3.-or5their 'numerous Mr. Backus, of Ogalalla. former second baseman-for the iColumbus club, came down Thiirstlav to take ri hand in the anticipated. Lincoln" game. The teachers' institute" convenes Monday and a full attendance of city and country teachers is expect ed. . Oysters have been on sa,le in this market for a week or so past? mi xi ii i-i i r3..i j xniisu iiuuiu;iiiiiyciuio iu. niumgu. in the succulent bivalve report them as not yet in pnme condition' While the phrenologist was in town this week he examined, an editor's head. . He found the hope bump surprisingly well developed but where.,, the acquisition 'bump should have'been there was'afctually a noie in his head. W. j. Patterson has moved his blacksmith and wagon shop to the lots owned by him .on f east tSixth I Richardson, on trial for the kill ing jof -liillardat Loup City was acqmted'Thm-sday. r' liabilities in the. future. the jail bonds.' Vote for A MISTAKE. In speaking of the arrest of Charles Parker the Broken Bow SepuWean says: uIt was while Tie and another party were quarreling that the sheriff grabbled him from behind and disarmed him by taking three knives &id'ItVq ,or three re yqlyersfrom Jiis pereoni ritasio be small by half, the fees and dues be ing insufficient to carry .the, dances through the entire season. This year it would not be well to start with less than fifty members, placr ing the season ticKets at $iu each The sum thus obtained would be sufficient to defray the expenses during the fall and winter, giying dances every two weeks. The at tention of those interested in the matter as invited to this 'suggestion; ,- - . : .. street. Are we .to. take .this- ? as an indication that the erection of "the roposed Jiotel on Sixftiand 'Locust as settled down to a fixed fact- One of North Platte's young at torneys prqmises5 to ibecome! a great statesman someday. Bismark$afcesj fourteen glasses of brandy after maiang a mg speecn. r.uur .young attorney takes two glasses of p beer before making his speech. The empress of Japan will visit' this country in October and a friend at our elbow suggests that the free dom or this city be extended her majesty. It is' further suggested that our patriotic .citizen I. A. .Fort be placed in charge, of the reception. The Gazette-Journal company of Hastings have a brass band . and a ball club composed exclusively of employes of that establishment. The proprietors of that stalwart sheet ought to b'e happy. " The wet weather, and the". delayed train Thursday cast 'a gloom over the souls, or lovers or the .national.4 game, but at ten o'clock afc night when it was learned that tlie Lin-; coins had consented to remain over and play the following day, "there was great rejoicing. Owing to an "underground eter nal eruction croinsr on anion"- the undisciplined players", an early dis-1 banding ot the Hasting ball club is looked for. The "eternal eruction" has been brought about by the manager imposing heavy fines on- members of tlie club for poor ball piaymg. - Talking about hotels, The Tribuhe still adheres to the opinion that tue hnest location tor the structure is on the north west 'eor- ner at the intersection .of Spruce and Fifth streets. The holders of that property will miss a golden op- porcunity n tney anow tne¬oito be built on any other location. Spruce street was in bad shape for a rainy spell when the present one set in. Where the filling had been completed, it had -not had time to settle and become in prope'r' shape to turn water, while the un filled places formed regular little lakes. The conseauence has been that the street v assumed "somewhat its old-time appearance. But there has been no fault-finding. Indeed, after so" long'a siege .;of dust,-mud is a welcome nuisance", and wilL-con-tinue to be for some time. JTime was wnen local r printers could do the" poster work f or couhtV I? I'l 1 1 T f :'i i- iairs very creaitaDiy, out capital and monopoly has beat them oiit of this business... Our agricultural so ciety procured their posters this year in Ohio, and-.they are artistic - 1 J "L.1 J i1 TI " -TI . juus uuu.eaeap.-ior rpe quality. t xnt with a small expenditure for niate-: rial any of the'local bfiices could do niork that would, answer every- purH pose and much, cheaper, thus; retaining-the money at home: ; -.Oil" general, principles itis:popr econo my to send money out or the coun try when the article purchased can be had -oi home manufacturers for ess money." Patronize no me insti tutions as far as possible.. s The Pennsylvannia- -Repubicans- have always been right on the tariff questions, and they have for a- good 1 f n - - muny years Deen entuusiastic mends of Mr. Blaine. Pennsylvania was the banner state tor Blame m 1884 giving mm a plurality or ol,UUU,. he largest ever given a Presidential candidate iniihat State, except that for Grant in 1872 (137.548.). It was expected that the' convention held yesterday would adopt a strong tariff resolution and- would, indorse Mr. Blaine as a presidential candi date for iS88. " In both cases the convention expressed itself in fitting terms, and the testimonial to M. Blaine from the Republicans of his native State would-be as gratifying .no doubt to the'Maine statesman as was the testimonial of Ohio Repub licans to; Senator 'Shermah.r Inter Ocean, Wonderful Cures. W. D. Hoy t & Co.t wholesalp and t retaildrng-. eisi8 oi itomc, cm., say: wo navo been' selling. J)r.Eing's New-Discovery, Electric "!Bittersand' .Bacldcn's Arnica Salvo for fonr years. Have never bandied remedies that sell as woU, or give sach universal satisfaction. Thcrp Have been eon tvonderfnl cures effected By these medicines in this city. Several cases, of pronounced, .con-, sumption have been entirely cured by use 'of a' few bottles of Dr- Kings new discovery, talicn'.in connection with Electric bitters. Wo guarantee j- tho-m nlwn-R ." Rold bv A. V. Strpite. . ..Thefoife JojiirnaIgwes this ad vicje toijoimg oitie; Injo'tir own caWfitpqmea todrlite, j&tit will do no.liBin'' Ito readlthe1 opinion of otlfeii; i"The ffirkil; observes thafc Sundry ,young cities in the .state "are givingwater franchises to private- corporations, agreeing iu pay thconipan5So mauythoasand dllalper yei$ Joy hydrant rents It is a very bad policy. The hy drant tents represent justvabppt the !dlshfprrofit)ver' and above iiltefest and annual cost or the concern. ,The-betterway is:forthe citv'tto put in and manage its own water works., collect sufficient. to pay cost and interest on' tne bands from J in dividual renters of hydrants and getitsioyjrn public hy.drants free of cost. It is very rare that a 4 private company, does the square thing, in ; the way -of w4i(eT works. Every city should control its own wateri The Verdict Unanimous. j W. D. SulLdrngglst, BippuB,Lid.,.. testifies: can roccommend'EIectric Bitters" as tn'e very Lest remedy. Every botUe sold has given relief in every ca6e,,. One man itooki, bottles and was cured of 'fHcomaranr of tea sears' s'tanding." Abraharn-Harc, drpggistBellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best 6elU&medjciao I; havo ever handled in myjlweaiy VeaJsxperTenco is" Electric Bifc- tors." Thousands of others hnvo added their tcs- timonj, 60 that tho verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseasas of the Jiver, kidneys, -orlbioodf. Ctaly a half dollar i bottle at Btre'itz's drug'store Astrong ;Wind) ipassd1, overRe- publican Uity and vicinity on F ri day of Jafc .wepk, dtfrqlishing the schdol lioiise; jarfd a number of other buildings. Two men were killed. Our hard winds and storms come late in the seasotfthis year. The Iowa Republican State Con vention met at Des Moines on the 24th. No ' resolutions of presiden tial preference were adopted, but it was evident Allison hadthe mbst, friends, as it should naturallybe expected in Towa. After it becomes evident that Alliston can not ; be nominated, Iowa will be for Blaine. till POWDER Absolutely Pure. , This powder never varies. A marvel of,'pority strength and wholesoraeness. More economical !)han tho ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in competition with tho multitude of low" test, abort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Koval Baking Powdeh Co;, 106 Wall Street, New York Hi i GRAND CLE1EANCE I - Tor Continue Thirty Days at the NORTH MTTl BOOT AMD SHOE I Our pricWare aHwyi low; bat'fK"EVER BEFORE have we offered such inducements HffflBSovr offer to dispose of our Spring and Summer stock We must have room; a. large er-wHydrid' is pushing us to make accommodations for it IT! and odds and ends "as at THIS SALE. - i . . r. rrnr . r. t ' T FTJRNIT TTEE! r-r rr r 9 rr . V. j. , v TWO Cam lire! T8 LOADS . ; We. areuow prepared to fill, .order's for both Cheap fmel MediiLm- iPidoed -Good docnot Myin 'Omcoha or CouheUBluffs, .. Webuy dj,fict frointfiemanzofaetiuvers, being thus enabled to give our customers the benefit of the profit thbse Omaha films must have. Cur goods ave tne K est,' and theylmust be closed out f bi- want of rooin, xond; :1;je J)eimb much iveighf for or building. - v- . . WHTWe mill offer extra ijiilitbeikentHo iMrS ychcosers divring theexf W ddvsK JBe'.store. andmll before tlve stoch is broheii arid - ' $e,e for yourselves. v Any one XOtBhinglbo buy -on long Umeiuitfojshsy payments, 'they can buylclrtd not misswhd0key have to pay each lueell or month. , . i Be sure and colli: Whether you buyi oimnot, you are welcome just the. sainS: It is no .ti'onble 10 per cent off for basli oh rill a;oocls. oHwsLy-'" '& Keitb. Try our W leii! , oy s, ladi es, Mies'-ant Children's Shoes are included m .this, sale.- . The styles are varied, but all new, i . , . '."i--j- - - - tmd the goods of the best; prices well, profits are cut off; cost price is i the order. Cpme-earlry: rwhile; -there -is a good stock, to select Prompt and civil' attentibn:assured. ; . .- ; ; :, ' ' . Truly yours, ; from, q. mBm.. McDonald's BldfcSpru'de St: .. . - P Ml )?.. 'HVu .ny.r, si ,w . vl S ' ' - -1 ... .rli ' . - . . -.v! V.- - . : :;-."T -77 THE -O.r V. ".'U - - ? .: - ''. I :i "' ..1" --- lit' i ""..- . ' l ea 5. ??: ranted r to u r oice Winter osby's sack ' war- tOv give P ! C i gausiac lion or money refunded! Only f . 50 per sack. Y & mm 1 GHAf W. IP-IBICES DEALER 12? ' T if - pi i . Pure Drugs and Gliemicals, ..Toilet Articles PERFUffflES,' ETC, AiLL FRESH AN.D-1 v -..... !A 'Offers, for the' first time, -vr,MT'- "i : cud Cigars, Tolb.acco -and. Smokers' . Aitii(des. Prescriptions . carefully corapouiided. He.adciuartersfor 't)r: EpLEY JSLOGISySPKUCE' STREET XORX'E PLATTE:, ican. Ho 3496. . . . z ft ; 9 vi . - f y IjOTS 371 i 1 I. I SLGfeLlDlOIl . , Si.'- ' l'' " ' " ' i ' i .' - - 1 Lit ' "srr IP1 hi . t : SoldbyA.F.Streitz. To be ...sold.-at.'Lo Prices and on Easy Terms: Only -'..-(MB-FIFTH GASH, - . -- f and balancg-bnlpthlxp A discount of 10 per cent ' ... T- -j. x on jail 'salesmadediiring trie month of August-and twenty per cent on whole blocks;- A number of fine residences are 'r . now undecontcagto be erected in this addition. Now is the time tb.Tinty6u want the benefit of bed-rock prices, - . - . discounts andth;pick;bf the location that suits you best. By purchasing-; may be sure to double your money in .ninety;-days. The sale . wiil -continue during the inonth of AugusVatltlofiicy of: :I ' " ' r toW'.C- 'Patterson, ;:v Sec'y N. P. Town Lot Co. I Authorized Capital, $200,000. - PaTd-ijCital, WOlGSOr Banking. In Ail Its Brandies Transacted Sell Bills of rExchanga Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switaer, , -land,- Franco, Belgium, Holland, iNonvay, Sweden, Denmartf - Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and- Austria.- A INTEREST PAID 'ON TIME DEPOSITS. lat 05 6: T3 C cd f Hi. i i CO o o Q Lath. Shingles, p Pi, si did 3614 IENT, 'if! !i. uiiding- Paper, IN;''AN!y:.-bfESIRED QUANTITY. Fifth Street, Cor. Locust, Opposite Baptist Church, C ""5 'Ml T'T .0 i :r