Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, July 23, 1887, Image 2

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STEVENS & BARE, Editors axd Props.
SATDBDAY, JULY 23, 1887.
1NG. The members of Ujo Republican County Cen
tal ("mmittee of Lincoln County are Ijereby
tnmeet at the court house in North Platto
purpose of issuing a call for a Republican Coun
ty convention, agreeing upon s baaii i of represen
tation thereto, and for the transaction of such
other business as may come before the com
2iitee J- E. EVANS. Chairman.
Chas'. H. Stamp, Secretary.
The members of the Republican Judicial Com
mittee of the 10th judicial district are hereby re
quested to meet at the office of Hartman & Dry
den, Kearney, Neb., at 2 o'clock p. m. on the 30th
day of July, 1887, for the purpose of calling a
conTention to place in nomination a judge for
aid district ana to transact snch other business
as may properly come before the meeting. The
members are earnestly requested to be present.
J. P. Habtxan, Chairman.
E. A. Cook, Secretary.
Custer county is the fourth in
the State in the number of Repub
lican votes cast, and has sixteen
delegates in the State Convention.
Speaking of McGlynn, seems to
us the associated press is giving
this tool of Henry Georgeism too
much prominence. Give him a
rest, and 0, give us a rest.
The neome or bidnev have mi-
posed an occupation tax on nearly
every business carried on in the vil
lage, the lawyers being exempt. The
Telegraph thinks this is showing
Dr McGlynn was invited to
Rome to see the Pope. He wouldn't
go and so his Holiness excommuni
cated the Rev. Father from the
Church. If the Pope will invite
us to visit him we will go, and
make no fuss about it either.
Some time since The Tribune
referred to the large number of
claims for damages on account of
roads that had been filed with the
County Clerk; the amount now
being 6,322.10. In some of these
cases the board has probably "got
its foot in it," .and will have to par
or vacate the roads. Of course if
this policy of paTing such enormous
prices for roads is continued it will
bankrupt the county, and a new
plan must be adopted. The people
want roads and must have them,
but there is a limit to the ability
of the county to purchase. That
limit seems to have been reached at
6,000. Draw the line right there,
Mr. Commissioners.
Kocken, Capt. J. D. Jackson,
and John Hawley. Here is
a list of most excellent
gentlemen, and we apprehend the
convention will have considerable
work in making a choice.
Maj. Woodhurst is one of the
pioneers of the county, having
served one term as sheriff
in early and stormy times, and
was afterwards warden of
the penitentiary. He has al
ways been a wheel-horse in the
Republican party, his superior
judgment and foresight being al
ways sought in party councils.
W. C. Elder is a farmer residing in
Medicine precinct, at present filling
the important office of justice of
the peace. He was a Union soldier
and is a member of the Grand
Army. In party harness he always
pulls true and is an excellent work
er. Fred C. Spanuth resides near
the head of Warren valley in the
east part of the county, where he
has an excellent farm. He is post
master of the office bearing his
name, and has a wide circle of
friends. A. 0. Kocken is one of
North Platte's oldest citizens, hav
ing carried on the business of mer
chant tailor for many years. He
has we believe never held office,
but has been a consistent and ear
nest party worker. His personal
friends are warm and steadfast, an
index of personal popularity. Capt.
Jackson is well known to most
people, having been in the grocery
business here for a number of
years. He is a member of the
Grand Army and as a Union soldier
has a most excellent record.
John Hawley has occupied the po
sition of justice of the peace in this
city for a number of years, and is
also extensively known as the prop
rietor of the Hawley House, being
one of the most popular landlords
of thevcity, demonstrating: that "he
knows how to keep a hotel."
The call for the State Conven
tion reminds lis that another elec
tion is approaching. The officers
to be elected by the State are one
associate justice of the supreme
court and two regents for the Uni
versity. In this (the 10th) judi
cial district a judge is to be elected
Throughout the State, countv offi
cers are to be elected, with the ex
ception of county attorney, and of
course the greater interest centers
upon the local tickets. In this
county, excepting for the office of
county clerk, there are a number
of candidates for nomination by
the Republican convention, but at
this time it will only be necessary
to refer to those for treasurer and
sheriff, it being conceded that Mr.
Evans will be renominated and
1 1 1 1 1 Tt 1
eiecwju county cierK. ueiow we
p it t
give tue names or tnose wnom we
have heard mentioned in connection
with these offices,simply prefacing
that this paper expects to support
the nominees of the convention
heartily, doing all in its power to
secure their election, and does not
wish to be understood as favoring
one more than the other.
For the office of county treasurer
we have heard three names men
tioned: W. T. Chadwick, C. E.
Osgood and C. H. Stamp. Mr. Chad
wick is a locomotive engineer and
has been on the road ten or twelve
years. A straight, consistent Re
publican, he is industrious and de
serving, and is one of our most re
spected citizens. Mr. Osgood is a
farmer and stock grower, having a
fine ranch five miles south of the
city. In the session of 1S85 he
represented the county in the lower
house of the legislature, and in the
fall of that year was a candidate
for treasurer. He is the president
of the count' agricultural society,
in which body he is an energetic
worker. Chas. H. Stamp is a mach
inist and works in the railroad
shops of this city. He is the pres
ent secretar- of the Bepublican
County Central Committee, being
one of the best and most enthusi
astic party workers. He has served
one term as city treasurer, keeping
well posted in financial matters.
The office of sheriff seems to be
more attractivegthan the others and
competition for the nomination
will be quite lively. Those whom
we have heard mentioned for the
office are: Maj. Woodhurst, W. C.
Elder, Fred. C. Spanuth, A. 6.
The Infer Ocean commends the
wisdom of its Democratic con tern-
1 -ww -
porarv, tne Umalia lierakt. It
reads the Republican party a sound
lecture for making any reference to
the past history of the parties, and
closes with this ringing classic sen
tence: "The present aee is the acre
of the living; the issues must be
issues of to-day, not of retrospec
tion, but prospection." It is the
wisest platform the democratic, par-
tv can build upon. The. more thev
can make the people forget of the
past ot the party the better. The
"retrospection is"gloomy. The
question will be asked by many, is
mere mucn nope in tne "prospec-
tion witnout being "born again ?
Work was commenced on the
central or main building for the
soldiers' and sailors' home near the
city to-day. The B. & M. is put
ting m a side track tor delivering
material on the site, and the work
will be pushed with all possible
vigor. Both brick and stone are
now on the way, the brick coming:
from Kearuer via the Hastings and
Aurora over the B. &. M., and the
stone from the B. & M. line south.
Both Colonel Hammond command
ant and Mr. Scott the contractor,
are on the ground looking after the
work and pushing it forward to the
best ot their ability, and the insti
tution will be in good hands
Grand Island Independent.
A somewhat unlooked for action
has been brought by E. Nagle, re
ceiver tor the nrm ot bwaii Bros
against the tirst National bank of
this city. The bank, to whom the
Swans owed 83,000, sued out an
attachment against the firm but it
failed to hold. Now, Mr. Nagle,
claiming that the bank, under its
charter, could loan but 20.000, or
10 per cent, of its capital to a single
individual or firm, and that in con
sequence its loan of 83,000 was
illegal beyond the sum of 20,000
The receiver now sues to recover
the difference from the bank for
the benefit of creditors with some
prospect of recovering the same.
This will, should it win, reduce the
indebtedness of the firm 63,000
and give that much more, for
which the bank is said to hold full
collateral security, to be divided
among the firm's creditors. Chey
enne Stock Journal.
Without any disrespect to the
office of chief magistrate of the na
tion, the Salt Lake Tribune thinks
it only fair to saT that President
Cleveland's address on the respect
due that office, delivered at Clinton
lately, was mostly, in the lexicon of
the compositor, "hog-wash." It
was turbling and bungling in dic
tion, and through it the ran a strain
of complaint which is unworthy of
any incumbent of the office, Presi
dent Cleveland has less real grounds
for complaint of the treatment the
people have given him than any
other president. Wrong on a mul
titude of vital issues, he has never
been more than gently criticised,
except where his acts have permit
ted nothing less mild than denun
ciation, tip to seven years ago he
had achieved no higher fame than
that of a Buffalo ward politition .
His existance was quite unknown
to quite fifty-nine and a half out of
every sixty ot his countrymen.
Considering all the facts, it does not
require a speech from him to im
press upon the people the respect
due omce ot president.
We must Pay for keeping the Insane.
A snort time ago tne county t-ierK re
ceived the following notice from the
Attorney General The amount claimed
is creater than was supposed was due, as
several patients have been charged to
this county who did not legally belong
horo. Nearly every county in the state
is delinquent and if they owe an amount
corresponding to their population, the
hospital will have a half million dollars
coming to it. Judging from this, keep
ing a hotel of this kind must be a mighty
prontablo business. It is likely that
relief will bo sought from the next
Att'v Uknis Okfick )
Lincoln, April 27, '87. S
To tho County Commissioners of Lincoln
Count', .Nebraska.
Gentlemen Ihero is now duo the
State from your county the sum of
$5,960.89 for keeping tho insane patients
from your county.
uur supreme court nas passed upon
tho legality ot tins claim m 18th Neb
at page oui. mo amount uue must oc
paid at once. It is not the intention of
this department to make any costs against
the counties, wherever they are trying to
raise the amount by levy, but in all cases
where tho counties refuse to make tho
lovy or ref uso to pay what cost they have
on hand , then in such case proceedings
win no commenced.
nease aavise me at onco wiietner or
not your county has taken any steps to
pay the amount due and oblige, yours
truly. WM. liEESK,
Att'y Gen'l.
Red Willow Precinct.
The storm of Friday shook our town
people up in general, blowing Dr.
Williams' store off the foundation and
scattering Howard Bros, lumber over
section or two.
The latest arrival in this neighborhood
as a permanent settler is a new girl, ilr.
and Mrs. Hayden are the happy parents
Mr. Albert AViIsey of Hamilton county
is nere looking up a gram location. we
understand that ho is thinking strongly
of locating in Wallace. We hope that
some good crain man will locate here as
we have considerable of grain that must
be disposed of.
The Fair Haven S. S. Festival held last
Thursday evening proved a financial
Mr. Reynold and Charley, "the Dutch
man" had their crops badty damaged by
hail Saturday. No other crops in the
neighborhood were damaged.
Five self-binders are running in this
vicinity and yet the farmers can't get
their grain cut fast enough : oats is much
better than was expected, taking from
two to two and a half pounds per acre to
bind them . What we need now is a cood
thresher to do our threshing.
l oung ladies are scarce, items scarcer,
and babies scarcest.
Garfield Precinct.
Editoks Tkibune :
as l nave not seen anything m your
valuable paper from this corner of the
coumy, thought a few items from here
might not be out of place.
i ne weatner mis season nas neen very
ary until last x rmay evening we nau a
very good rain and Saturday night the
ram fell slow and stead' all night, wet
ting the ground some four or five inches
deep and almost insures a corn crop for
this season. The wheat crop here is little
more than half crop, though what there
is of it the grain is good and plump
Oats will not average half a crop ; they
are thin on the ground and very short
straw. Some parties are mowing theirs
for hay. The crop of early potatoes is
short on account of dry weather, but the
late rains will help the late planting .
mere nas oeen considerable nax sown in
this precinct this season ; think it will do
well in ordinary seasons.
There has been some eight or ten wind
milla and pumps erected in this vicinity
this spring and summer and several new
wells have been dug, affording an abund
anee of water. We notice the Garfield
wind mill has changed location, it is now
pumping water for Cyrus.
The click of the Binder, the Header
and the Mower can be distinctty heard in
this yicinity almost night and day and
pome times on Sunday. Owing to the
high winds of last week some pieces of
wheat have shattered out enough to seed
the ground ; hence the haste to get it in
Our village blacksmith shop has
changed hands, but the good work still
goes on and Jake will have more time to
thump the hogs. G. S. Topham has gone
to the Bow on business. Date Auble and
family returned Wednesday from a visit
in Valley county ; he reports crops splen
did in that county.
The ex-soldiers of Garfield held a
camp fire at the school house last Wednes
day evening and had a splendid time in
general. The program consisted of music,
speaking, telling army stories of camp
life, battles and prison pens, and supper
of beans, crackers, boneless pork, coffee,
etc. The entertainment closed about
eleven P. M. by singing about a hundred
and fifty j'ards of the song, John Brown.
The boys say they intend "having another
round up before long.
i ours,
Renews Her Youth.
Sire. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clny Co., Iowa,
tells tho following remarkable story, tho truth o
which is vouched for by residents of the town
"I nm 73 years old, have been troubled with kid
ney complaint and lameness for many years;
conld not dress myself without help. Now I am
free from all pain and soreness, and am able to
do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to
Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth,
and. removed completely all disease and pain."
Try a bottle. 50c. and $1. at Streitz's drug store.
A reader of the Pioneer furnishes
the following dog story: A dog
owned by Wm. Boughman, who
lives about nine miles northwest of
this city, followed his master to
Plum Creek Decoration day. On
the way home Mr. B. says the dog
followed him within a mile and a
half of the house and there he saw
him chasing a rabbit. He paid no
attention to the dog, but noticed
when he got home the dog had not
followed him. He did not come
home for several days and he was
thought lost. On the Fourth of
July some men were driving along
the" same road and they heard a
noise at one side of the road. They
went in the direction of the noise
where they found an old well, 30
feet deep, in which they found the
dog, which when chasing the
rabbit, had fallen in and lived five
weeks without food or water.
Plum Creek Pioneer.
A well-digger on 19-9-39, while
digging a well for A. O. Stockton
struck water at a depth of 130 feet.
He was industriously picking away
at the rock when suddenly the
water and gravel flew into his face
with great force, stunning and al-
ost blinding him, but, recovering
and calling to the windlassmen at
the top, he was hastily drawn be
yond danger, as the water in less
than two minutes had risen 10 feet
in the well. Grant Enternrise.
CYvO C that are fretful, peevish,
BJV,S5 cross, or troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or
Stomach, Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother.
It contains no Opimn or Morphine,
hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by
A. F. Streitz.
Land Office at Norhh Platte, Neb., )
.Tnlr 1RS7 f
Notico is hereby riven that tho fnllnwiTn.nnmvl
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Register and Itecoiver
of U. 8. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., on
September 23, 1887, viz: Zenas Loguo on his H. E.
No. 618 for tho northwest quarter section 15,
township 9, range 34 west. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Wm. B.
Hatcher. Edward Farrell. Lee Concer. Edward
Brainard. all of VanWvck P. O.. Lincoln Pn
Neb. WIlliam Neville.
278 Register.
Two Nebraska murderers under
sentence of death, have escaped jail,
and thus escaped punishment,
Sinmierman at Minden, and Bohan
an at Nebraska City, and Olive,
also under sentence of death for
the most brutal murder ever com
mitted in this or any other state,
escaped by reason of technicalities.
This uncertainty of punishment, is
what leads to the frequency of the 1
terms or court held by .Judge
Lynch, who permits no reprieve,
stays of execution or escapes on
technical grounds.
Worth Knowing.
Sir. W. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City. Fin.,
was taken with n sovere cold attended with a dis
tressing cough and running into consumption in
its first stages. Ho tried many so-calle J popular
cough remedies nnd steadily grow worse. Was
reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and
was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption and found im
mediate relief, and after using about a half dozen
bottles found himself well and has had no re
turn of tho disease. No other remedy can show
so grand a record of cures as Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, guaranteed to do
just what is claimed for it trial bottle freo at
Streitz's drug store.
X or o vO Blood Elixir is the only
rvVvVA T Blood Eemedy guaran
teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup
tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the
whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic
and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it.
Sold by A. F. Streitz"
A Violent Form of Cholera Mortou at Belknap,
Iowa, Prostrates the Whole Community.
A Plain Statement of Facta by a Leading Mer
chnt of the Town.
Last summer we had an opidemic in this com
raunity in tho form of cholera morbus. Nearly
ovory man. woman nnd child was prostrated by
it. and it seemed to be a very violent form. We
tried every medicine wo could find without relief.
I then went to Ottamwa and Blake. Draco & Co.,
wholcsnld druggists, advised me Ut take horns
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcca Bern.
cdy. I done so nnd distributed it, and it gave
rnlinf immediately: it worked like magic. I or
dered more of tho remedy at once, and sold it
during tho day at my store and at night at my
home. I sold as much during tho night as I did
during tho day. Tho pooplo horo cannot say
enough in prniso of Chnmlwrlain's Colic, Cholera
nnd Diarrhccn Itoraedy.
J. II. HELI.W10, Merchant,
Belknap, Iowa,
Bold by A. F. Streitz.
YavO trifle with any Throat or
X V3v V Lung Disease. If you hare
a CnntAi or Cold, or tho cTiildren are
threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough,
rme Acker's Enelish Remedy and prevent
further, trouble. It is a positive cure,'
and we cruarantee it. Price 1U ana wc
Sold by A. F. Streitz.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of rarity.
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
ihnn the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold onl
in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wal
Street, New York.
On Sixth Street, next to Streitz's Drug Store,
is now open for the accommodation of the public. Boarders solicited.
Rates reasonable.
Mrs. M. H. OGDEN,Prop.
We have twd carloads of goods on the road
and will show vou something surnrisin,o
, o i o
Give ns a call.
Horses Bought and Sold on Commission.
First-class rigs to let on
notice and at reasonable rates.
M. O. LINDSAY, Proprietor.
Front Street, near U. P. Freight. Warehouse,
furniture !
Lath, Shingles,
Building Paper,
Fifth Street, Cor. Locust, Opposite Baptist Church,
North Platte, - Nebraska.
Paint and Oil Depot.
A PEALE'Si Odd Fellows' Block, Spruce Street.
Always in stock the most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, wall
and ceilins? decorations, CORNERS, CENTERS, Binders and all latest
noyelties in papers. Every shade of the best brands of READY MIXED
paints for houses, barns, wagons and buggies. White lead, oils, glass,
putty, brushes, varnishes, kalsomine and complete painters1 supplies.
We are now prepared to fill orders for both
Cheap and Medium- Triced Goods. We do not
buy in Omaha or Council Bluffs. We buy direct
from the manufacturers, being thus enabled to
give our customers the benefit of the profit those
Omaha films must have.
Cur goods ave the best, and they must be
closed out for want of room, and there being too
much weight for our building.
We will offer extra, inducements to pur-l
chasers during the next 15 days. "1
Be sure and call before, the stock is broken and
see fort yourselves.
Any one wishing to buy on long time wi,tli easii
payments, they can buy and not miss what they
nave to pay each week or month.
Be sure and call. Whether you buy or not
you are ivelcome just the same. It is no trouble
to show goods.
10 per cent off for cash on all goods.
Conway & Keith.
?rags & Draggisf s Sundries
Pure Drags and Chemicals, Toilet Articles,
Cigars. Tobacco and Smokers' Articles.
Prescriptions carefully compounded. Headquarters for Dr. Duncan.
Foley's block, spruce stbeet,
m&EBUEldXTZ, -
No. 3496.
North. Platte, - Neb.
Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000.
Banking In All Its Branches Transacted
Sell Bills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer- "
land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria.
ESH ilf ill
The Pneumatic Range does away entirely with the elevated tank, and
in its place uses a 3-inch seamless brass tube tank at the rear, entirely
under the top, giving protection, and below the level of the burner orifics,
with a perfectly tight glass end, at the oven end of the range, making it
possible at all times to see exact quantity of oil in same, with filler fun
nel at operating end. The method of lierhtins is uniciue. It overcomes
entirely the smoke and odor of burning gasoline in a dry cup Perfect
ly simple, with no intricate parts likely to get out of order; strongly
made, with all brass tubes and Union couplings. The Pneumatic will
not puff or blow when properly lighted, allowing the Generator to be
come thoroughly hot. Sold in North Platte only by
Hinman's Block Front Street,