Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, July 23, 1887, Image 1

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One Yeur, in Advance, - - - - $1.50.
Six Months, in Advance, -- - - .75.
Three Months, in Advance, - - .50.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Office iu Hinman's Block on Spruce Street, over
the Tost Office.
Office in Court House,
Physician and Surgeon.
Owick: McDonald's Block, up stairs.
Residence on West Sixth Street.
:e o. solbrook,
Estimates on "Work Furnished.
Shop Corner Cottonwood and Third Sts
east of Catholic church.
The Comity Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion of Lincoln Comity will be at his office
in North Platte on the
for examination o teachers nnd
tout tend to any other business that maycomo
bvrore him. J. I. NESBITT.
County Superintendent.
r Prof. N.Klein,
Music Teacher.
Instruction on the Piano, Orpan, Violin or any
Reed or Brnss Instrument.
Pianos carefully tuned. Organs repaired.
Manufacturer of
And Dealer In
Pipes. Tobacco, Etc.,
Spruce St., North Platte.
Fine Boot and Shoe Maker,
And Dealer In
Perfect Fit, Best "Work and Goods as
Represented or Monej' Refunded.
Spruce Street, let. Front and Sixth,
L Haynes
Successor to David Cash,
And Everything Usually Kept in a
Always on hand. The patronage of tho public
respectfully solicited.
At the old stand. Cor. Front nnd Ijocnst Sts.,
North Platte, - Nebraska
Has removed its Ticket Office in Omaha, and is
now located at
218 South Thirteenth Street,
Between Farnam and Douglas.
Free Reclining Chair Cars
Pullman Buffet Cars on all night
Direct connections made in Union Depots at
Knnsas City nnd St. Louis for all points Last,
South and West. The Missouri Pacific has
latelv been awarded the fast mail service between
tho east and west- No other lino exceeds tho
timo made by this lino between the west and St.
Ijouis. For tickets, maps, time tables or any
other information caU on your nearest agent or
os. F .G odfrey,
Pass, and Ticket Agt.,
218 South 13th St, OMAHA.
W. II. XEWIIAN, General Traffic Mgr.,
U. G.TOWNS END, G.P.andT. Agt.,
yol. m.
m. 27.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
June 20th, 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will bo made before tho Register or Re
ceiver at North Platte, Neb., on Aug. 6th, 1887, viz:
George C. Hawkins on homestead entry No. 4719,
for tho northeast quarter of the northeast quarter
eection 19, and tho south half of the southeast
quarter and the northwest quarter of tho south
east quarter section 18, town 9, range 29 west.
He names tho following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Wallace Baskin. Walter Votaw,
Hanford P. Bishop and Rodger Davidson, all of
Buchanan P. O.. Lincoln county, Neb.
3(5 Wm. Neville, Register.
U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb.,
July 6th, 1887. J
Complaint having been entered at thiB office by
Louis P. Derby against John A. Shinemanfor
failure to comply with law as to Timber-Cult uro
Entry No. 8968 dated Juno 10th, 1886, upon tho
southeast quarter section 28, townsliip 16, range
29, in Lincoln county, Neb., with a view to tho
cancellation of said entry: contestant alleging
that claimant has failed to break or caused to be
broken any portion of said claim as provided by
law since date of entry, and that said defect ex
ists np to date of filing this contest; the 6aid par
ties are hereby summoned to appear at this office
on tho 16th day of August, 18S7, at 9 o'clock n. m,
to respond nnd furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure. Wm. Neville,
25-4 Register.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ?
July 5th, 1887. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim and that said
proof will bo made before tho Register and Re
ceiver of tho U. S. Land Office at North Platte,
Neb., on Sept. 10th. 1887, viz: John T. LabiUo on
Homestead Entry No. 8725 for the southwest quar
ter section 28, town 10, range 30. Ho nnmes the
following witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Casper Bollish and Louis Lnrke of Medicine.
Neb., Joseph Buchanan nnd Frank Gotkers of
North Platte, Neb. Wat. Neville,
2345 Register.
U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., )
July 11th. 1887. 1
Complaint having been entered nt this offico
by Abraham Bundy ngainst John L. Dunkle for
abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 11236,
dated Sept. 13th, 1886, upon tho northeast quar
ter section 29, township 0, range 34, in Lincoln
county. Nebraska, with a view to tho cancellation
of said entry; tho said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear nt this offico on tho 17th day of
August, 1887, at 9 o'clock a. m. to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. Wm. Neville,
264 Register.
U. S. Land Office. )
North Platte Neb., Juno 29th, 188.. J
Complaint having been entered nt this offico by
Henry Jost against D. W. Shuldt for failure to
comply with law as to timber culture entry No.
15632 lated May 18th. lRSTi, upon tho southeast
quarter of section in. township 10, range 31, in
Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to tho
cancellation of said entry: contestant alleging
that said claimant has failed to break or causo to
lie broken ten acres up to tho day this contest is
instituted; tho said parties are hereby summoned
to nppenr at this office on tho 13th day of August,
1887, at 9 o'clock n. m.. to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
26-1 Wm. Neville, Register.
U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb..
Anril 30th. 1887.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Frank H. Gorton ngainst Gust J. Jaeger for
failure to comply wiUi law ns to timber-culture
entry No. 7849 doted November 27th, 1883. upon
tho northeast quarter section 30, township 9 N,
range S3 west, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with
a view to tho cancellation of said entry; contest
ant alleging that Gust J. Jaeger has failed to
break or plow, or caused to bo broken or plowed,
five acres of said tract at any timo since making
said entry and prior hereto; that not more than
four and one-half acres have been broken on said
IracTaVanyiinlD-prior hereto; tlnrsaid parties fife"
hereby summoned to appear at this omco on tho
20th day of September, 1887, at 9 o'clock a. m. to
respond nnd furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure. Wm. Neville,
26-4 Register.
Taken up on Friday, Juno 17, 1S87, on section
2, town 13, range 33, by tho undersigned who there
resides, ono brown mnre with white foot, brand
ed Z on left shoulder. Tho owner of said ani
malcan liavo tho 6amo by proving property nnd
paving charges. Henry Bolmieh.
Juno 25, 18S7.
Taken up on tho 18th day of June, 1887, as n
strnv on section 0. township 13 north, range 32
west, in Lincoln county. Neb., by tho subscriber
who mere resiuet, uue rim uuw uuuui wa jhub
old, short tail, both horns broken, branded R
or K on left hip and D on left side. Tho owner
of said property can have tho samo by proving
property and paying expenses.
Dated Juno 21, 1887.
216 John Delay.
Notice is hereby given that tho firm of Otter
stedt, Hershey & Co. is this day by mutual con
sent dissolved. Tho said bnsiness of tho lato
firm will bo continued by Joseph Hershey, John
Holman nnd N. A. Davis, under tho firm namo
of Hcrshev &, Co., who will pay all indebtedness
of tho late firm nnd collect nil debts duo said
late firm.
Signed at North Platte, Neb., this 29th day of
June, 1887.
John Ottekstkdt,
N. A. Davis.
Joseph Hebshey,
JonN Holman.
In the District Court of Lincoln County,
Joiix 31. Beck, Plaintiff, )
vs. Notice.
Emily M. Beck, Defendant )
To Emily M. Beck, non-resident, de
fendant: You are herebj' notified that on the
11th day of July, 18S7, John M. Beck
filed a petition against you in the Dis
trict Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which is to ob
tain a divorce from 3'ou on the ground
that you have wilfully abandoned the
plaintiff without good cause for tho term
of two years last past.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 22d day
August, 1887.
Joiix M. Beck,
2G4 his Attorney.
The undersigned will receive bids up
to Monday noon August 1st, 18S7, for
building a frame school house about 5
miles from the city. Not to exceed four
hundred dollars ($400.00) in cost. Each
bidder to furnish plans and specifications
of the building he bids to construct The
right to accept and reject any and all bids
is reserved.
W. W. Coxklix,
Sec'v Board of Education
2t City of North Platte.
H. D. Rhea.
Real Estate and Exchange,
Room 12, Land Office Block.
General Law and Land Office Business
City and Farm Property for Sale.
Fire and Tornado Insurance Written.
Money to Loan on Improved City and
Farm Property at Low Rates of Interest.
:: JULY!
r .Has come and gone but the
Great Slaughter- Sale
is still on.
L. F. SIMON, Mgr.
Foley Block. Foley Block.
In the history of your life
could you purchase a
for as little money as you can
now. Drop in and see me.
(Licensed Jeweler for the U. P. Iiy.
Wall Paper,
Agent for Sherwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond
Brand Paints.
Corner Sixth, and Spruce Streets.
A twenty thousand dollar opera house
is now in course of construction at Broken
Ogallala is agitating water works. One
plan suggested is to sink an artesian well
on the bluff overlooking tho town on the
Several sports and a sleepy old horse
from Chase county succeeded in winning
considerable boodle from Ogallala citi
zens last week. The horse deceived its
The Keith County Agricultural Society
will hold a fair at Ogallala some time
during the coming fall, and a good dis
play of stock and agricultural products
is expected.
? wtjTuesd ay night was made hideous
by the druken brawling of some half
dozen of the elite? A "cooler" stands
in silent emptyness while the town is dis
graced. The school fund is robbed of its
just deserts, while peaceable law-abiding
citizens pay taxes and hide from tho im
moral conduct and stray pistol shots.
Curtis Courier.
The trial of old man Richards for the
murder of young Macfarland at Benkle
man, some months since, transpired at
Dundy's county seat, last Saturday, before
his grim honor, Judge "William Gaslin of
Alma, and resulted in a verdict of guilty
of murder in the second degree and a
life sentence. The facts in this sad trag
edy the sequel to a quarrel over a dog
will be recalled by our readers. The case
has been appealed. McCook Tribune.
At the 4th of July celebration at Chad
ron there was about 1,200 Indians under
Red Cloud present. The Democrat of
that city prints the speech made by that
chief there, and from the first to the last
word we find this production one con
tinual whine about how the government
had treated his people. It is one con
tinual complaint about something they
have been promised and have not re
ceived. This speech will probably be
reproduced for eastern readers and they
will call the rot eloquence and the effu
sions of patriotism. Ex.
A piece of comsummato cheek is re
ported from Big Springs. A gentleman
living a few miles from that place came
into that village Tuesday afternoon and
told of how some cheeky rascal came to
his place the day before, and in broad
day light, and while his hired men were
at work in a field near by, entered the
house, exchanged his old rags for a fine
black suit that was in the house. He
was followed by a hired man, but proved
himself to be the best runner and the
chase was given up. Ogallala ITcics.
Callaway was so very quiet and orderly
on the 4th that the constable who was on
the ground for the purpose of keeping
order, became so disgusted with the
monotony of the thing that lie filled up
with bad 'whiskey and walked into the
crowd and arrested the first man he could
lay his hands on. The arrested party
objected to going -to the jug merely to
amuse the constaole and protested so
loudly against it that a volunteer citizen's
committee proceeded to sit down on the
oyer zealous official so hard, that he was
glad to find a quiet place where he could
sleep off the effects of his inspiration.
Broken Bow Statesman.
The Dec had an interview with an ob
serving gentleman, an old newspaper man
who has traveled over much of Nebraska
within the past month. His taste for
news is still such that little of interest
escapes him At McCook he met some
of the gentry who have followed gamb
ling for years in Nebraska. They are
very much discouraged at the prospect
They now admit that the new law has to
much danger in it, and that they cannot
afford to take the chances of a term in
the pen for all that could be made out of
running a faro bank. A more salubrious
climate will be sought out and an exodus
at once commenced. Omaha Dec.
In a Polish settlement near Columbus,
the Priest had come to solemnize a mar
riage ceremony. Within an hour after
he had left, and while the guest were
making merry and drinking luck to the
happy pair, the bride gave birth to a
bouncing boy. The groom with his cup
of bliss running over, proposed that the
priest bo recalled and the child be
christened then and there. 'Twas done,
and the priest retired but ere another had
passed the heart of the little stranger
ceased to beat. The groom again pro
posed the priest be called and fhe burial
proceeded with. Again the good priest
made his appearance and led the proces
sion to the grave. After the burial the
guests returned to the wedding feast and
spent the evening in mirth and dancing
the bride and groom taking conspicuous
part, and not in the least disturbed by the
strange vicissitudes of the da-.
Purify Your Blood.
If your tongue is coated.
If your skin is yellow or dry.
If you have boils.
If you have fever. -If
you are thin or nervous.
If you are bilious..
If you are constipated
If your bones ache.
If your head aches.
If you have no appetite.
If you have no ambition, one bottle of
Beggs' Blood purifier and Blood Maker
will relieve any and all of the above
complaints, bold and warranted by A. F
Deadly Lightning. .
About half past four o'clock yesterday
afternoon just before the heavy rain
storm, lightning struck the south-east
corner of the new school house damaging
the wall somewhat. About a dozen stone
masons and stone cutters who had quit
work on account of the rain were stand
ing about tho building. The bolt of
lightning struck a group of fiYO of these
Geo. Ilafen, a stone mason, who owns
land near Lodge Pole was instantly
Thos. Walsh, one of the contractors and
foreman of the mason work, was so seri
ously hurt that at a late hour last evening
it was feared he would not recover.
Patrick Brennan, a stone-cutter, was
knocked down and in the fall cut a gash
over his left eye.
Robert Thomas and Jas. Robinson were
both knocked down. The lightning in
passing Thomas' body burned and stiff
ened one of his little fingers.
The body of Geo. Ilafen was taken in
charge of by Coroner Cotter who will
determine to-day what disposition to make
of it.
At 2:30 o'clock this morning Tom
"Walsh was conscious and could converse.
His recovery is certain. Sidney Tele
graph. " " "
Killed by a Rattlesnake.
Another sad story comes from Custer
county, of tho death of a young lady
from the effects of tho bite of a rattle
snake. The following particulars were
given us by Mr. O. T. Lewis, a citizen of
Callaway, who arrived in tho city yester
day. The deceased, Miss Belle Jacks,
about nineteen years of age, resided with
her father on his farm about four miles
southwest of Callaway, on Sand Creek.
On "Wednesday morning last she went to
the barn after a basket of cobs for fuel.
"While returning being barefooted, she
stepped upon the snake, which was in the
beaten path leading from the house to
tho barn, and the reptile immediately
sunk its deadly fangs into one of her
ankles. All remedies at hand were im
mediately applied and a messenger dis
pacthed at once for Callaway for medical
assistance, who soon returned with Dr.
A. L. Mathews, but notwithstanding every
effort made and all available antidotes
used, the young lady expired in the
afternoon. Plum Creek Pioneer.
Accidental Shooting:.
Last "Wednesday afternoon Charles Ham
ilton who in company with his brother
and two other boys went swimming at thp
lake, was endeavoring to replace the
cylinder short revolver, when it
was discharged. The ball entered his
face just above the left e3'e, forming a
painful and dangerous wound. The at
tention of a companion, Elmer Lewis, was
attracted by the report of the weapon, and
the only one of the boys who saw the lad
fall. lie uttered no out-cry, but lay as if
dead. Aid was soon summoned, and the
boy was conveyed to his father's hotel,
the Hamilton house. Dr. "Waite was
called who made an examination of the
wound and probed for the bullet, but
without being Fuccessful in locating it
Dr. Kay of McCook, was called, who with
Dr. "Waite, held a consultation yesterday
evening. "What were the results of the
consultation, our reporter did not obtain
in time for this issue. The attending
physician does not necessarily consider
the wound a dangerous one, though the
injury to the lower part of the brain may
be greater than has yet been discovered.
Curtis Courier.
John "Willard Young, the youngest son
of the late Brigliam Young's first wife, is
about forty -three j'ears of age and has ten
sons and ten daughters. He says his
father left an estate worth $2,500,000, or
about $22,000 to each of his children.
Gov. Hughes of Arkansas gets two suits
of clothes a year regularly from Georgia,
the material being wovon and his clothes
being made up in that state. He has just
receiyed his summer outfit from the
Goober state. It is made of checked
A girl emploj'ed in a corset shop in
New Haven leaned over a four foot rail
at the elevator door some days ago, when
the elevator came down and pinned her
by the neck to the gate. The elevator is
very nicely balanced, and stopped with
out cutting her head off, but held her fast
Then for some reason it could not be
started up, and men tore the gate away
to get the girl out. She was unconscious
but soon recovered unharmed.
The Chief of Police of Buffalo says
that nineteen-twentieths of the criminals
of the land are drinking men, and that
eighteen-twentieths of the crimes com
mitted are planned in saloons. That is
no doubt, true, but it should be remem
berred that the only saloons which crim
inals dare to enter are low dens most of
which would be closed up if the laws
were enforced while the others would
never be licensed if respectable citizens
were allowed any voice in the matter.
The biggest piece of artillery ever
made by Krupp is a forty centimeter gun
just finished at Essen. The effect of a
shot from this gun is said to be the most
destructive known. The shot easily
pierces the most strongly armored iron
clad at a close distance It also passes
clean through an armor plate of ninety
seven centimeters thickness at a distance
3,000 feet. Another of Krupp's latest
productions a quick firing gun on the
pivot system is also very highly spoken
of its performances being such that no
torpedo boat conld possibly withstand it
or escape.
President. Cashier
StateBankof NorthPlatte,
Plscoii-rvt Gaod fiTot.
jj-? ' oa Chattels." '
Accounts solicited and prompt attention Ten
to all bnsiness entrusted to its. care. Interest
paid on time deposits.
Made at tho Very Lowest Rates of Interest.
It is claimed by the Henry George
people that they have 75,009 voters en
rolled in New York City. .This does not
signify that they can elect a President,
but it does imply that they probably have
it in their power to put several worms in
the lettuce of Grover Cleveland, should
he be a candidate for a second term.
And now it is claimed that Mrs; Cleve
land possesses exceptionally strong wrists
and is consequently able to endure the
prolonged handshaking of public recep
tions without fatigue. Her strength of
muscle is attributed to her persistent use
of dumb-bells. She is said to be quite a
gymnast and owes much of her graceful
carriage to the thorough command of her
body given by calisthenic exercises.
Bess's Cherry Cough Syrup
Will relieve that cough almost instantly
and make expectoration easy. Acts
simultaneously on the bowels, kidneys and
liver, thereby relieving the lungs of that
soreness and pain and also stopping that
tickling sensation in the throat by remov
ing the cause. One trial of it will con
vince any one that it has no equal on
earth for coughs and rold. A. F. Streitz
has secured the sale of it and will guar
antee every bottle to give satisfaction.
A Texas judge by tho name of Cook
don't seem to like Kansas people. Ho
says "they go to the hotbed of New
England for their isms, to John Brown
for their religion, bind the Bible and a
Sharp's rifle in the same volume, and will
go to hell for their meanness." But there
is hope for Texas yet. The schoolmaster
is abroad in Texas, the state is aroused to
the subject of temperance, and when tho
State has educated, sober judges, they
will not be heard uttering such calumnies.
Mr. J. J. Fred Bandinel, United States
vice consul at Newchwang, China, sends
to the state department a harrowing ac
count of a trip made by himself through
the Hooded districts of China. He was
distributing food and necessaries of life
to the starved people, and during the trip
relieved 396 persons. He says he found
the people generally living on bran or the
chaff of a large grass grown for feeding
cattle. Some were reduced to eating
chopped grass, either moistened in hot
water or baked in cakes, while others feed
on the leaves and seeds of weeds gathered
in the fields.
An interesting phenomenon has for
some time past been observed on the
eastern coast of the Caspian sea. The
Kara Bobbaa is an estuary nearly separ
ated from the main body of the sea by a - ,
bank through which there is an inlet.
The evaporation from this gulf is so
great that a current continually sets in
from the Caspian and as there is no re
turn current, the water of the gulf be.
comes more and more saliferous, and a
deposit of salt is in course of formation
The natural result of this would appear
to bo that in time this gulf would be cut
off from the Caspian, and being thus
dried up will become an extensive salt
The people of Iceland who have suff
ered greatly of late years from failure
of crops, and in large areas from active
volcanoes, which have buried tho country
beneath scoria and ashes, are by a tele
gram this morning reported to be in
starving condition, many having already
died from want of food. During tho last
five years thousands of families have left
Iceland to seek new homes. Many of
these have located in North Dakota or
across the border in Manitoba. They are
an intelligent, peace-loving, law-abiding,
hard working people, and make good
citizens. They bring considerable stock
with them and are mostly successful
farmers. The present population of Ice
land is about 75,000, but it has been stea
dily decreasing, mainly by emigration
during the past ten years.
There arc some very interesting con
tributions to ancient history being made
bv the Pacific railway commission.
While relating the history of the struggle
for the location of the eastern terminus
of the Pacific railroad before the com
mission at Kansas City, Judge Usher, who
was in Lincoln's cabinet at the time, said:
"The advantages of Sioux City, Kansas
City and Omaha were vigorously advo
cated, but Omaha was finally selected as
the terminus of the main road, the other
cities being reached by branches, which
were designed to connect with the main
line at the 100th meridian. When the
advantages of Omaha were first presented
to President Lincoln he remarked:
'Why, I've got a quarter section of land
near there, and if I locate the terminus
at that point people will say I am person
ally interested in the matter.' The fear
of this, continued Mr. Usher, did not
prevent Lincoln from deciding finally
in favor of Omaha." But in due time
Lincoln was overruled and the terminus '
was re-located by Sidney Dillon's nephew
who was then United States circuit judge
and is now tho general consulting attor
ney of the Union Pacific.
A Russian Pacific railroad is contem
plated, and five years are necessary to
build the line. When finished the world
can be traversed in fifty-three days
Salt Rheum or Eezema.
Old sores and ulcers,
Scaldhead and ringworm,
Pain in the back and spine,
Swelling of the knee joints,
Sprains and bruises,
Neuralgia and toothache,
Tender feet caused by bunions, corns
and chilblains, we warrant Begg's Tropi
cal Oil to relieve any and all of tho
above. Sold by A. F. Streitz.