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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1887)
THE TRIBUTE. ' STEVENS & BARE, Prop's. TERMS: One Year, in Advance, - - - - $1.50. Six Months, in Advance, . - - .75. Three. Months, in Advance, - - .50. Advertising Rates on Application. HINMAN & GRIMES, Attokxeys-at-Law, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Office in Hinman's Block on Spruce Street, over the Poet Office. i r it I ir (Inliitnc ""vol;iu A?, la- ;T rr--$s NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JULY 16, 1887. NO. 26. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. JOHN I. NESBITT, .ttonioy-at-Zjaw, Office in Court House, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEB. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. U. 8. Land Office. ? North Platte Neb.. May 25th. 1887. t Complaint ha vice been entered at this office hv Olirer Y. Ross ncainst Jennie L. Bhanklin for abandoning tier homestead entry No. 9081, dated Nov. 27. 1685. noon the northeast anarter Bection 13, township 9, range 34, in Lincoln county. Ne- Drasica, wim a view to the cancellation oisaul entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at uus omce on the iSth day of J uly, 1887 at v o ciocK a. m. to respond and famish losti mony concerning said alleged abandonment. Wm. Nkyille, Register. j. a. a oagiakd. Attorney. 22-4 w Office: McDonald's Block, up stairs. Residence on West Sixth Street. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., June 20th. 1887. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler nas nled notice or bis intention to make final proof in suDDort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Re ceiver at Worth riatte, web., on Aug. 6th, 1887, viz: George G. Hawkins on homestead entry No. 4719. for the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter Bection 19, and the south half of the southeast quarter and the northwest quarter or the south east Quarter section 18. town 9. ranee 29 west. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Wallace liaskin. Walter Votaw. Hanford P. Bishop and Rodger Davidson, all of 1 1 t -n f T 1 A iuciiunuu jr. KJ: jlilocuxii cuimiy, neu. 3(5 Wm. Neville, Register. HI. O- HOLBBGOK, Dentist, OFFICE AT HIS OLD STAND OVER E. A. CARY'S GROCERY STORE. P. WALSH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates on "Work Furnished. Shop Corner Cottonwood and Third Sts east of Catholic church. Gomiy Superintendent's Notice. Tho County Superintendent of Public Instruc tion of Lincoln County will bo at his office in North Tlatto on tho THIRD SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH for examination of teachers and EACH SATURDAY to attend to any other business that may come before him. J. I. NESB1TT. County Superintendent. Prof. N.Klein, U. SLand Office, North Platte, Neb., ? Julv 6th. 1887. f Complaint having been entered at this office by Louis P. Derby against John A. Shineman for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 8958 dated June 10th, 1886, upon the southeast qnartcr section 28, township 16, range 29, in Lincoln county, Neb., with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging mat claimant has Jailed to nroak or caused to be broken anv portion of said claim as nrovided hv law since date of entry, and that said defect ex ists np to date or hung this contest; the said par ties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on tne loin aay or August, 1887, at a o clocfc a. m to resnonu ana furnish testimnnr mnwrninp saia alleged lailure. WM. IN 7ILLE, 25-4 Register. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) July 5th. 1887. f Notico is hereby civen that tho followinir-namod settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that Baid proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver of tho U. 8. Land Omce at North Platte, Neb., on Sent. 10th. 1887. viz: John T. Labille on Homestead Entry No. 8725 for the southwest Quar ter section 28, town 10, range 30. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Casper Bollish and Louis Lurke of Medicine. Neb., Joseph Buchanan and Frank Gotkers of Worth riatte. Iseb. Wm. Neville. Mt Register. TAKEN UP. Taken up on Friday, Juno 17. 1887. on Bection ' tram 13 ninm !U l.v flirt nnrlnrcTrrnn1 tiJi r f finrv-i am) ....... I """DW ww, va.v U..UW. u.f,u wu. nU VB.w. V resides, one brown mare with white foot, brand ed Z on left shoulder. Tho owner of said ani maican have tho same by proving property and paying charges. Henby juolmieb. Innn K. ICQ? Music Teacher. Instruction on tho Piano, Organ, Violin or any Reed or Brass Instrument. Pianos carefully tuned. Organs repaired. NORTn PLATTE, - - .NEBRASKA. J, F. SCHMALZRIED Manufacturer of lama and Domestic Cigars, And Dealer In Pipes, Tobacco, Etc., Spruce St., North Platte. H. MacLEAN, Fine Boot and Shoe Maker, And Dealer In MEN'S LADIES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up on tho 22nd day of May. A. D. 1887. as a stray on Section 14. in TownshiD 16 North. Range 29 West, in Lincoln County. Nebraska, by the sabscriber, who thero resides, one spotted brindle half breed Texas steer supposed to be 3 years eld branded with a half circle connected with upright and parallel bars. The owner of said property can have tho same by proving property and paying charges. juatca mis 1st day or June, 1887. David Beunk. TAKEN UP. Taken np on tho 31st day of May. 1887. on sec tion town 18, range 34, in Jjincoln county. Nebraska, by the undersigned who there resides, one white mule, blind. The owner of said ani mal can have the same by proving property and n. It. utlakdeb. paying expenses. 16 ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken no on the 18th day of June 1887. as a stray on section 6. township 13 north, ranee 32 west, in Lincoln county, Nob., by tho subscriber, who there resides, one red cow about six years old, short tail, both horns broken, branded R or K on left hip and D on left side. The owner of said property can have tho same by proving property and paying expenses. Dated June 21, lesi. 246 John Delay. I'erfcct Fit, Best Work and Goods as Represented or Money Refunded. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby riven that tho firm of Otter- stedt, Hershey & Co. is tliis day by mutual con sent dissolved. Tho said business of tho late firm will be continued by Joseph Hershey, John Holman and N. A. Davis, under the firm name of Hershey & Co., who will pay all indebtedness of the late firm and collect all debts duo said late firm. Signed at North Platte. Neb., this 29th day of June, 18S7. John Ottebstedt, N. A. Davis, Joseph Hebshet, John Holman. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. f B Eft, ) Neb. $ Spruce Street, bet. Front and Sixth, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. L. Haynes, Successor to David Cash, MEAT MARKET. GAME, MEAT FISH, And Everything Usually Kept in a FIRST-CLASS SHOP Always on hand. The patronage of the public xutfti11v Knlirnted. At tho old stand. Cor. Front and locust Sts., North Platte, - Nebraska THE MISSOURI PACIFIC Railway Has removed its Ticket Office in Omaha, and is now located at 218 South Thirteenth Street, Between Farnam and Douglas. THE ONLY LINE RUNNING Free Reclining Chair Cars ON ALL TRAINS BETWEEN OMAHA, LINCOLN. KANSAS CITY AND ST. LOUIS. Pullman Buffet Cars on all night trains. Direct connections made in Union Depots at Kansas City and bt. Louis for all points .bast. South and West, The Missouri Pacific- has lately been awarded the fast mail service between the east and west, No other lino exceeds the time made by this line between the west and St. Loois. Gor tickets, maps, time tables or any other information call on your nearest agent or address Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agt., 218 South 13th St, OMAHA. GRADING NOTICE. C0UCIL ClIAMBER North Platte, It is ordered that the date of July 11, 1887, be fixed as a time when the council will consider and act upon the report of the city engineer in regard to the filling, grading and curbing Spruce street from Front street to the south line of the alley which is between 4th and 5th streets June G, 1887. E. B. Warner, G. R. Hammond, Citv Clerk. Mayor. " 234 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 27th day of June, 1887, and filed in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln county .Neb., on the 27th day of June, 1887, ex ecuted by C. A. Bird to AY. D. Waldo, to secure the payment, a certain promissory note dated May 27, 1887, for Eight Hun dred and Fifty dollars, due and payable June 27th, 1887, with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from date, and -upon which there is now due the sum of $8o7.10, default having been made in the pa3fment of said sum, I wilj sell the property described in said mortgage, to wit: three barber chairs, one three chair combination barber work stand, one stove, two mirrors, three bath tubs, one heater for bath rooms, eight chairs, also one sorrel horse 5 years old, one top single seat buggy Studebaker manufacture, one single seated road wagon built by W. J. fattersou, ana one single narness, at public auction, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay the amount due and to become due, together with costs aud accruing costs, at the building known as Bird's Barber Shop, on Spruco street, in the city of North Platte, .Nebraska, on Fridaj-, the'22d day of July, 1887, at one o'clock r. m. of said day. Dated this 2Sth day of June, 1887. TiY. D. Waldo, Mortgagee. H. D. Rhea. W. II. NEWMAN, General Traffic Mgr., U. O. TOWNS END, G. P. and T. Agt., ST. LOUIS. RealEstato and Exchange, Room 12, Land Office Block. General Law and Land Office Business Transacted. City and Farm Property for Sale. Fire and Tornado Insurance Written. Money to Loan on Improved City and Farm Property at Low Rates of Interest au - -M - m 7. i il LT! Has vCome and gone but the Great Slaughter u Sale AT THE i GREAT PALACE : is still on. Gome and seeus. L. F. SIMON, Mgr. Foley Block. Foley Block. More In the history of your life could you purchase a WATCH for as little money as you can now. Drop in and see me. McEVOY, THE JEWELER, (Licensed Jeweler for the U. P. Ry. - 8TREITZ, Batted with a Bat. P. R. Johnson, cashier ia the bank of Grant, met with a serious accident during the celebration exercises at Grant on the Fourth. He was struck on the head with abase ball bat, battering the nose and partially severing the lower lip. Tho injuries are quite serious and will prob ably disfigure him for life. Ogallala Neic8. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES TVall Paper, WINDOW GKClSS AND BEUSHES. Agent for Sherwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond Brand Paints. Corner Sixth, and Spruce Streets. He will Succeed. Geo. Sheldon is one of the get up and get there kind of settlers. He drove on his claim this spring with a load of ma chinery and a couple of teams. At the preseat time, he has over a hundred acres broken and about ninety acres planted. The soil in his region 18-49 is a light sandy loam but very rich. He declares that when the ground is well under cult! vation he can raise-a crop of corn without any rain, if the ground has been well wet I the previous fall. Lodge Pole Express. Took a Tumble. Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock H N. Hupp, who has the contract for build- ing the addition to the Metropolitan hotel, met with a serious accident When he had reached the top of a ladder at the side of the building his foot slip ped and he was precipitated to the ground below, a distance o,f about thirty feet, breaking his wrist ji two places and frac turing his skull, besides bruising him up pretty badly about the head and face. When he was first picked up it was thought he could not possibly recover, but Dr. Cotter, who is attending him says he will get along all right. Sidney Telegraph. Death by Lightning:. During the thunder storm on Friday evening A. W. Rankin whose home is on Clear Creek, was struck and instantly killed by lightning. He was plowing corn at the time in the open field. Sev eral persons were at work in an adjoin ing field at the time, and saw the bolt leap from the clouds and strike him on the top of the head. They hastened to him as quickly as possible, to find life entirely extinct. Mr. Rankin with his family has for some years resided in tho county and was universally esteemed by his neighbors, ne was about fifty-five years old. Ho leaves a wife and several children who have the general sympathy of the community in their sudden and sad bereavement. Broken Bow Statesmen, Alleged Murder. A meger and uncertain report was in circulation yesterday morning in the city concerning the alleged murder of Fred 'Vetch, a character well known here as the partner in business of Con Douvovan. The accounts conflict very much. Some had the understanding that Vetch when last seen was in a wagon with another party with his head bowed and his hands apparently tied behind. The facts are as best our reporter can obtain that Vetch had mortgaged some property in which his title was not perfect and in other ways involved the family of his mother- in-law. These things created a row In connection with these the people have some definite notions concerning his whereabouts. The belief is he has been put out of the way .Curtis Courier. Shot in Bed. Last Friday the sheriff was called to Anselmo to hold an inquest over the body of North L. Overton who was shot in his bed some time Thursday night. The evi dence at the inquest was of such a nature that the sheriff arrested the wife of the dead man and brought her to Broken Bow for preliminary trial. She was arraigned Monday before J udge Kilgore but waived examination and was commit ted to jail without bail. Killing scrapes in Custer county are getting to be of too frequent occurrence and it will only be after the hanging of some murderer that this wholesale murder business will be stopped. The killing of wrong doers by officers in attempting their arrest is all right; but a regular hanging match would have a very salutary effect upon thugs and toughs when they were pre paring for a spree. Broken Bow Itepub-lican. Remains of a Mostodon. A monster bone partially petrified has been left at the Newx office by J. G. Hughes living eight miles east of here. It was found embedded in the sand on one of the banks of the North Platte river. Varied are the opinions expressed by different persons who examined it, as to what specie of animal it belonged. It is more than probable that the massive bone once bore the weight of the now extinct mostodon that was once an inhabitant of the great American desert. It measures about two feet in length, and at one end nearly ten inches in diameter or two and one half feet in circumference, and re. presents the bone of that part of the leg below the knee of the mastodon, or some other animal of monster proportion. Mr. H. intends when he can spare the time to further explore the premises where he made the find and may succeed tn exhuming the entire skeleton; tho parts secured have the appearance of being freshly broken. Ogallala News. Salt Rheum or Eezema. Old sores and ulcers, Scaldhead and ringworm, Pain in the back and spine, Swelling of the knee joints, Sprains and bruises, Neuralgia and toothache, Tender feet caused by bunions, corns and chilblains, we warrant Begg's Tropi cal Oil to relieve, any and all. of the aoove. aoitt oy. Krxeitz. "V Died from a Dose of Lead. Another shooting Tuesday night about 6 miles north o Broken Bow. A party of robbers had been doing considerable plundering in the southwest part of tho county and the constables and citizens from several townships formed a posse and started in pursuit. Tuesday evening the robbers were overhauled in a canyon north of here by the posse, and ordered to throw up. This they refused to do and being in a wagon drawn by two good horses they started off on a dead run, preparing at the same time to resist all attempts made to arrest them. Seeing the robbers were heavily armed and meant business the constable preferred not to take any chances on the life of his men, and after calling several times for a halt from the robbers he ordered his men to fire. The posse armed with Winchesters, shot guns, etc., fired at the robbers, killing one and it is thought wounded the other. Tho man killed fell out of the wagon and the other one after running about on9 mile sprang from the wagon and cut loose a saddle horse from the wagon and made his escape. So far he has not been heard from though parties are in pursuit. Tho man that was killed is supposed to be either a mulatto or Indian about 5 feet 9 inches tall and about 160 pounds weight, large features, yellow complexiou, straight dark brown hair, thick and long upper lip, no beard or any indication of ever having raised one, and about 25 or 30 years old. All kinds of plunder was found in the wagon. Three rifles and several revol vers wero in their possession. Also about 3 pecks of catridges, and one catridge box marked '-Frankfort Arsenel." From the way the robbers were fixed it is evi dent they did mean not to surrender, and it is lucky that none of the party got hurt. Tho horses are supposed to have boen stolen southwest of here somewhere. One is a bay horse about 11 years old white nose, white hind feet, brand figure 8 on left shoulder, weicht about 1.100 ' - pounds ; the other horse is brown, about 11 years old, weight about 1.1000. Wednesday the body of the dead man was brought to town and an inquest hold The verdict returned was justifiable homicide from the hands of the constable and his posse. The body was buried in the Broken Bow cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Broken Bow Republican. A Grand Army procession on the Fourth at Ellsworth, Me., refused to march beneath a banner bearing Cleve land's portrait. It had to be drawn in. The newspapers of the country main tain about 125 regular correspondents at Washington. The salaries of chiefs of bureau range from 2,000 upward. Char les Nordhoff, of the New York Herald, is the best paid, at $12,000 a year. An attraction at the West End Hotel Long Branch, will be Madame Barrios, widow of the late President Barrios, who is youthful and beautiful anil can wear $2,000,000 worth, of diamonds. Whereas the trade of the colony of British Honduras with the United States amounted to but 8 per cent, it now amounts to over 33 per cent. Tho sugar trade is killed outright. The exports are chiefly mahogany and logwood. The only member of the late Horace Greeley's family now living is his daugh ter, Miss Gabrielle M. Greeley, who four years, ago bought her father's houso and farm of eighty-two acres at Chappaqua for 10,000, and now resides there in company with two female friends. Sarah Brandon, of Moundsvillo, Mar shall County, W. Va., sent sixteen sons into the Union Army. Two did not come back. Her husband was the father of thirty-eight children all told, and she the mother of fifteen. She is about 70 and her husband lived to be 95. Thev were pioneers from way back. ChaunceyM. Depew, President of the New York Central road, recently issued an order to passenger brakemen directiug them to "step inside the car door and call out the name of the station in a clear distinct tenor voice." A few davs later he received the following note: "Dear - Sir Wot kind of a tenor voice do you eckspect to hire for 40 a month ? Yours truly Jim. We are sorry to herald sucli a thing to the outside world, but wo are informed that last week the proprietor of a store in town fell asleep and the mice ate the seat put of his breeches. It is needless to say that the individual referred to don't advertise. Other merchants had a good run of custom that very day. Blair Republican. The Sandwich Islands are a prolific course of interesting news of late. Wal ter Slurray Gibson, Premier of the Hew aiiun "Kingdomj -is a man over seventy years of age but hale and vigorous Miss Howard St. Clair, a handsome California book agent, claims that the Premier has failed to keep a promise of marriage, and that the sum of 100,000 will just about quiet the throbbings of her more or less broken heart. An effort at a compromise is being made. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easy. Acts simultaneously on the bowels, kidneys and liver, thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in the throat by remov ing the cause. One trial of it will con vince any one that it has no equal on earth for coughs and cold. A. F. Streitz has secured the sale of it and will guar antee every bottle to give satisfaction. A D BCOKWOBTK, J A3. BtJTMBIA5D, Frerideftt. Cashier StateMof Nora Platte it NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Accounts solicited and prompt attoatioa given to all bos in oca entrusted to its. cue. Interest paid on time deposits. FARM LCLAJETS Made at tho Very Lowest Rates of Interest. The bill of exceptions of Jake Sharp's ' attorney contains ninety exceptions, em braced in 1,100 pages of foolscap. Three hundred and fifty-three new money order offices were established last week. Total of this class, 7,858. J. R. Whipple, proprietor of Young's Hotel, Boston, has recently taken out 500,0000 insurance upon his life. Of this $100,000 is a life policy, $100,000 is twenty years endowment, and $300,000 is fifteen years endowment Ross Raymond, erstwhile known in Illinois as well as elsewhere as a bright newspaper man, has reasons for being . assistant librarian in Sing Sing Prison and-assistant to the chaplain. He was committed for seven years for profiting. by misplaced confidences. Thaddeus Stevens received his first nomination for congress through the device of turning ferward the hands of a clock. The delegates to the nominating convention were chosen by ballot, and one of Stevens' turned the clock ahead sufficiently to shut out the votes of five men who would have given the nomina tion to A. Herr Smith instead of the great commoner. Chicego Tribune. A Newburg girl went to a grocery for a pound of saleratus, the other day, and after making the purchase, stepped upon the scales with the package in her hand. "Why, I've gained a pound!" was her delighted exclamation, and then, re membering that she had the saleratus in her hand, she dropped it in her pocket, and then attempted to adjust the weights so asjto show tho difference of a pound. After several minntes' effort she gave it up as a bad job, and left tho grocery satis fied that no reliance was to bo placed in its scales. Middletown Mercuru. Philadelphia special. Superintendent awler of the Reading railroad has issued a notice to all employes of the Schuylkill division that they must abstain from in toxicants whether on duty or not. Any man reported to him as having been seen taking a drink of liquor or beer will be summarily dismissed from the service of the company. He says in his orders: "There is no business that needs level headed men more than railroading, both for the safety of the employes and the traveling public." The stories of the success of Buffalo Bill in London have not been one whit exaggerated. All the letters from Lon don are in the same vein. One letter rom Cody himself tells of his future plans. They embrace a fall season in Paris and a winter season in the ruins of the Coliseum in Rome! Imagine tho cowboys of the wild west cavorting about tho huge circle in which the Roman gladi ators fought Buffalo" Bill has engage- ments for three years in Europe, each of which is worth a half million in profits. Topics. AKentuckian has observed for some time that his left leg was petrifying,- and he finally called in a doctor who tried to stop the process and failed. The poor man finds now his limb has completely marbleized that ho does not walk with his accustomed ease and he is constantly worrying lest he stubs it against a stone and breaks off the toes. This is a warn ing to Kentucky water drinkers in the imestone region. Everybody knows that if he had adhered to bourbon, the bluo grass beverage, ho would have escaped petrification. Journal. The people of Atchison, Kansas, are experiencing a new phase of the prohibi movement Atchison is a city of perhaps 25,000 people. Owing to a depleted treasury, it is compelled to get along without street lights, police and fire de partment. The saloon license fomerly paid the expenses of these necessary ad juncts to metropolitan greatness. Now the revenue from the saloons is cut off and the citizen refuse to pay an occupa tion tax. According to the ultra nrohi- ' A bition theory a city without saloons has no need of police or lights. I have usod Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, in fact will now use no other kind, it promptly re lieves coughs and is nnequolcd for the throat and lungts. Robert A. Neff, Comedian, with Peck's Bad Boy Co., Denver, Col., March 1. 1887. Cham berlain'en Cogh Ilemedy is sold by F. H.Longley. The Des Moines Registor of yesterday says "that it is rumored that a new scheme or whiskey selling is soon to be sprung n this city, which is thought by the ori ginators to be law proof. They propose to work under the federal law by buying their liquor put up in half pint, pint and quart flasks in foreign countries and then ship them direct to Des Moines, where they will be sold without breaking the seal. They hope to gain immunity from the state law under the rule that imported goods when sold in the original package are exempt, and are now making ar rangements to open up a depot for the sale of their supplies. They will not find the road an easy one to travel, and will doubtless wish before through that they had confined their efforts to a country where the traffic is legitimate." Purify Your Blood. If your tongue is coated. If your skin is yellow or dry. If you have boUs. If you have fever. If you are thin or nervous. If you are bilious.. If you are constipated- If your bones ache. If your head aches. If you have no appetite. If you have no ambition, one bottle of Beggs' Blood purifier and Blood Maker will relieve any and all of the above complaints. Sold and warranted by A. F Streitz.