Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 04, 1886, Image 2

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    STEVENS & BAKE, Editors and Pnovs.
SATURDAY. SEPT. 4th, 18S6.
Own?'' to the crowded state of
our editorial page, the convention
calls will be found on the first
Me. Beltw pays his respect to
"No. 1" this week, who now has
the floor for reply. It is hoped the
controversy will be kept up 'until
the people" thoroughly understand
the situation of county affairs.
The communication in The
Tribune last week relative to
county affairs should have been
signed "Number One." This error
was the result of the combiued
effort of the intelligent compositor
and the intelligent proof reader.
Does Senator Van Wyck ask a
re-election at the hands of the
Republican party because he is a
Republican? Does he ask a re
election because he has been true to
the Republican party and voted
with the party on all test questions
in the Senate? No, he makes no
pretentions to being a Republican,
and asks to be re-elected because he
has played the part of a demagogue.
The Republican State of Nebraska
is going to send to the senate a
straight Republican, and "don't you
forget it."
Under the law passed at the last
session of the legislature we are to
elect a county attorney at the
approaching election. As he will
be the prosecutor in criminal cases
before the district court, it is im
portant that he should be a man of
experience, and especially in crim
inal law. There are several lawers
in the county possessing the
necessary qualifications, but they do
not care to accept the position as it
would almost destroy their other
practice, before the court Among
those whose names have been
suggested are J. S. Hoagland and J.
"W. J3ixler. We do not know that
either will consent to be a candidate,
1-jb they are both well qualified.
Mr. Nesbitt has also been urged to
be a candidate, but he already has
one county office and objects to
taking the whole earth. By the
time the conventions meet it is
hoped some good man will, be
prepared to accept the nomination.
During the past winter and
summer there has been considerable
said by the enemies of Mr. Eells
relative to that gentlman's conduct
or the county treasury. At one
time it was fijrured bv the com-
niiscioners that he was ten or twelve
thousand dollars short or rather he
owed the county that much on
account of taxes not collected.
Then it was reduced several thousand
dollars. And now it seems that the
head and front of his offending
consists in redeeming a couple
tnousand dollars m warrants, and
stopping the interest on the same,
rising money belonging to other
funds then lying idle in the treasury.
In this transaction the county was
really the gainer by saving interest.
An had it not been for the extra
ordinary and some unforseen
expenses of the county, there would
have been no difficult7 in reimburs
ing the funds before the money
would have been drawn on. Know
ing that this was the size of the
offense, instead of answering his
traducers Mr. Eells probably pre
ferred to wait, expecting they
would finally tell the truth.
Eds. Tribune. Your article in
last week's Tribune urging voters
to attend the primaries is a point well
taken, and I earnestly second the
proposition. In this year of grace
when assistant Democrats are stalk
ing through the laud disguised in
the garb of mugwumps and reform
ers, it not only behooves every true
T?prnMirriTi fr Via cm nrno-r1 of. flir
primaries but to attend the polls
and administer a rebuke to the
demagogues that will remind them
that the spirit of Lincoln, of 'Stanton
and of Grant is still extant, by
rolling up a majority that will only
be an admonition of what is to
follow in 'S8. Put only true men
in office; we want no traitors in the
camp, and when the line of battle
is formed we will surely march to
victory. Republicans do your duty.
Old Soldier.
The excursion of Nebraska pub
lishers and journalists to the Pacific
coast and intermediate points, under
the . auspices of the State Press
Association, was instructive and en
joyable in spite of the heat and dust
of mid-summer. As is usual on
snoh expeditions.there were a variety
oi occupations represented, but there
was probably a larger percentage of
bona fide newspaper men than
ordinarily grace such excursions
with their presence.
Starting from Omaha on the 5th,
the expedition proceeded on the
Union Pacific road direct to Park
City, Utah, where is located the
eieDraiea unrano mine, one or. tne
vinor mines of the rich mininjr
t - - w
TTI 1 C? 1 nil 1'
c nr i rnn r-vrjii minimis nr
rs have been invested in mills
achinery and the output is
i. X . 4-am r r - In
xnnr nnproMnflr exoenses.
OOIuness cuarcii3iuj uj.
ion (when danger is not
with a tew exceptions tne
descended the perpen-
i nnn vaat. intn t ip
bowels of the earth and inspected
the mazy labyrinths or the mine.
The machinerv oueratinir the ele-
vators and pumping the -water xrom
this great depth is of the finest
workmanship and stupendous pow-
er, the lry-vheel ior the pumping
engines being forty-five feet in di
ameter. One wonders how such
heavy machinery was moved up the
canyon and placed in position, the
altitude being about 8.000 feet.
Spending the night in this busy
mining camp (its quite a city,
claimiuer 2.000 inhabitants), the
excursionists arrived at Ogden in
time to attend church on a hot Sab
bath mornincr. a privilege embraced
by nearly all the religious members
of the party, including the writer
and his better half, of course. The
mormons held their services in the
afternoon, at which meeting our
party was well represented.
A ride across the deserts of Utah
and Nevada in the hot summer
time is anything but enjdyable. Re
versing the order of making up
trains e:isfc of the Rockies, the Cen
tral Pacific places the Pullmans as
near the engine as possible, leaving
the second-class and emigrants to
enjoy the cloud of dust that almost
constantly envelopes the rear. To
read the guide books one would
think he was going to pass through
a beautiful land, but, gentle reader,
dismiss any such vain impressions
from your vivid imagination. An
occasional oasis is a grand relief to
the sago brush plains and hills.
Down the Humboldt there is some
improvement, but this is only a nar
row valley. We gave our imagina
tion full play, cut it loose to roam
at will through nature's vast do
mains, but could see none of the
eloquence pictured by the poet,
neither white-tailed antelope, foxes,
bird or chick:
"Go ye and look upon that land,
That far, vast land that few behold,
And none beholding, understand;
That old, old land, which men call new,
That land as old as time is old.
Go journe' with the seasons through
Its wastes, and learn how limitless,
Now shoreless lie the distances,
Before you come to question this,
Or dare to dream what grandeur is.
The solemn silence of that plain,
Where unmanned tempests ride or reign,
It awes and possesses you,
'Tis, oh, so eloquent.
Some white-tailed antelope flow by,
So fairy-like; some foxes, shy
And shadow-like, shoot to and fro.
Like weavers' shuttles, as you pass
And now and then from out the grass.
You hear some lone bird chick and call
A sharp keen call for her lost brood,
That only make the solitude,
That mantles like some sombre pall,
Seem deeper still, and that is ail."
Just before dark we pnssed the
'-sink of the Humboldt,1' about
which, in boyhood days, we
heard so much from returned Cali
fornians. The river, which is
about the same size throughout its
length, here disappears into the
sands of the plain, as do also the
waters of the Carson and numerous
other streams flowing from the
eastward slopes of the Sierras.
Theorists generally conclude that
this water is evaporated into the at
mosphere,but I am inclined to think
that large portions of it finds its
way through subteranean passages
to the slopes of the Pacific and is
the source of numerous springs,
streams and artesian wells on that
coast, the elevation being about
4,000 feet above sea level.
Unfortunately for tourists the
tram crosses the mountains both
going and coming in the night and
we missed seeing the far-famed
scenery of the Sierra Nevadas. In
the early morning we found our
selves in the balmy, pine-laden
atmosphere of the western foot
hills, rapidly descending to Sacra
mento. Breakfasting in the latter
place, before noon we were comfort
ably located in the Palace hotel, San
A description of this busy city
would occupy pages suffice it to
say that after visiting the principal
points of interest in and about the
city and taking a ride out through
the Golden Gate into the Pacific
ocean, through the kindness of
Gen. Howard who placed the gov
ernment steam yacht at our dispos
al for that purpose, the party at the
end of a week commenced its home
ward journe, stopping a half da'
in Sacramento, where they were
entertained by the Pioneers' club
and city officers. Nebraska is a
high license state and many of its
citizens are even prohibitionists:
but human nature is weak and
wine is winning. Touch not, taste
not at home, but when tou are in
Rome do as the Romans do, seemed
to be the motto on this occasion.
I might add, parenthetical ly, that
had not the writer been detained
from attending this banquet, per
haps he would not be so keen to
"give the boys away' After the
banquet our excoursionists were
conve'ed in carriages to principal
points of interest in the city. The
editors of Nebraska will long re
member the warm hospitality and
generous treatment shown them by
the people of Sacramento. As the
train moved out of the depot, three
times three were given with a will
in honor of the 49ers and the city.
About thirty-five years ago in the
then western states it was custom
ary to call the eighth part of a dol
lar a "bit" two bits, four bits, six
bits being: common expressions.
For some reasou the classical word
disappeared from the vernacular,
but I never knew where it went. I
know now: The early emigrants
carried it to California ' where it
flourishes in all its poetical beauty.
Inquire the price of an article, its
a certain number of "bits." I heard
an auctioneer selling some land.
He had received a bid of seven dol
lars and "three eighths" as he called
it, and urgently asked for "four
eighths." Such a thing as half a
dollar is unknown in the Golden
A run of forty hours brought us
to Salt Lake, on the ISth.
We were met at Ogden by a dep
utation of Mormons, among them
the mayor, police judge, sev
eral aldermen, in fact nearly
the whole city government of Salt
Lake City and one of the twelve
apostles. They were very pleasant
and sociable, apparently quite anx
ious that we should see things as
they saw them.
In a business point of view Salt
Lake City is very dull. There is no
building or improvements in pro
gress that! could note. The cause
of this stagnation is the irrepressi
ble conflict between American and
Jlormon institutions. The Mor
mons yield obedience to United
States laws at the point of the bay
onet, but they are as much a for
eign people as the Mexicans or the
inhabitants of any foreign power.
They acknowledge only one sover
eign the church; and the head of
the church is the autocrat whose
edicts are law unto the faithful.
They yield to no other power ex
cept through force. It is this one
man power more than polygamy
the gentiles are contending against.
Plural marriage, although being
secretly consummated even now to a
limited extent, is gradually dying
out and perhaps in twenty-five
years will be a thing of: the past;
but Mormonism grows stronger and
is spreading into the surrounding
territories and there is some danger
that it will even obtain ascendency
in the state of Nevada.
tiles constitute about
the population of Salt
and they pay two-fifths of the
taxes. They own the mining prop
erty, all but one of the banks, the
hotels and most of the stores, but
they have no voice in the govern
ment of the city or territory. The
are treated like aliens. Socially
they constitute one class, the Mor
mons another; there is no mingling.
Every social gathering, is all saint
or all gentile. As I said there is an
irrepressible conflict existing
between the principles of these two
classes. What the outcome will
be depends upon the laws enacted by
congress. Every gentile resident of
the territory is in favor of a radical
change. They believe that the only
way the territory can be governed in
harmonv with American institutions
repeal all territorial laws
me gen-one-fifth
Luke Citv
disfranchise every elector, and
govern the territory through a
commission similar to that in
operation in the District of Colum
bia. This would destroy the
government by the church, open
the country to immigration and the
development of its vast agricultural
and mineral resources.
After spending two days viewing
the sights in and about Salt Lake
City, the excursionists took the
Denver and Rio Grande narrow
gauge road for Denver, stopping
one day at Manitou, visiting the
Garden of the Gods, cave of the
winds, Ute pass, and other points of
interest in the vicinity of this
Saratoga of Colorado. None of the
party I believe attempted to ascend
Pike's Peak, only twelve miles
distant to the summit, which was
in plain view, even the signal station
being visible ith the naked eye.
Arriving in Denver Sunday evening
the 22d. most of the party made a
trip up Clear Creek as far as Silver
Plume, to view the wonders of that
famous canyon. On Tuesday
evening, after nearly three weeks
on the road, the excursionists
boarded the B. & M. for their
Nebraska homes, the writer however
preferring to take the U. P. direct
In this connection it is not out
of place to refer to the various roads
over which we traveled. The
Central Pacific having the "dead
open and shut" on the U. P. and
D. & R. G. business, evidently takes
things very leisurely, there being no
great eifort to make fast time or
even to keep up to schedule time.
This is a matter of considerable
grumbling among the train men of
the D. & R. G., as that road is unable
to make up lost time. The U P.
folks can gain three or four hours
from Ogden to North Platte, how
ever, without any trouble and are
always on time. The Central
Pacific eating house system is
inferior. Their cars of course are
equal to any.
The Denver and Rio Grande is
the "scenic route." and in making
the transcontinental trip the tourist
should if possible return that way.
The description of the passage over
the mountains at Marshal Pass,
where the road attains an altitude
of nearly eleven thousand, feet do
not approach the reality. The work
must be seen to be understood. .Then
there is the passage through Gunni
son country, with its "numerous
mountains, buttes. and canyons, all
overtopped bv the majestic Roval
the iirl:ansas. 1 he
of necessity very steep,
requiring two engines
and sometimes three to haul the
train. The little moguls "hump
themselves" to keep up to schedule
time, and they "get there" if the
G. P. gives them a fair start.
But of all the roads west of the
Missouri river, the Union Pacific is
Gorga- of
grades are
R. & S.
R. & S.
n. order-to introduce here
the celebrated
si Biotas' lite wts
for which we are sole agents in this
section, we will, for the next week
beginning Monday morning and end
ing Friday night, give with each
shirt an Earl & Wilson Collar. Our
prices on these shirts! are
1 .25, $ 1 .50 and
according to quality.
We limit each customer to two shirts with
collar thrown in.
Remember the offer is for one . week only,
-- i
as we wish to introduce the shirt here.
We are satisfied that once used you will
use no other.
ft ft 01-11(1 tlOiM
Opposite the Postoffice.
the best equipped and most care
fully managed,- Considering the
heav trains they are obliged to
haul, the time is very fast and there
is none lost by -unnecessary delays.
The track anil road bed is in such
excellent shape that the motion of
the Pullman is scarcely perceptible.
The U. P. eating houses are gener
ally classed as a monopoly, which is
probably a fact; but they serve the
traveling public well. You will get
a better meal, better cooked and a
greater variety of dishes, at these
hotels for seventy-five cents then
you can get in San Francisco for
"sixteen bits." The traveler and
tourist will feel perfectly at home
on the Union Pacific.
L. A. S.
r -
county affairs.
Editors Tribune:
rdeem it necessary to -notice
the article signed "No One", as he
lays down the law to the commis
sioners as follows:
I our commissioners did not persistently vio
late tholnw in JBsuinB warrants therq would bo no
such item ns overdrafts appear in tho county
treasurer's office.
He goes on to say that the law
limits to 75 per cent, etc. It was
the limit in 1S81, but the law of
1S83 limits to S5 per cent until
there is more than that amount col
lected when warrants are again
drawn till all the money is drawn
out. The commissioners are posted;
all of them are responsible and
they take no risks.
Now for the edification of "No
One" and his circle of admirers, I
will demonstrate how overdrafts
are brought about and their evil
influence. Tn the first place I will
say it is a misnomer: there can be
no more credits on a fund than
debts. Every fund must stand
alone; it is a term invented to be
fog the- ignorant. The term has
permeated the treasurers books
from llies' time, who went out of
office with 82,307 overdraft, till the
late treasurer who went out of of
fice with an overdraft of 82,387.41.
Stated plainly, it is. the late treas
urer turned into the commissioners
S2,3S7.44: more general fund war
rants than he could possibly by the
collections of the general fund, to
wit: collections, 83,402.27; total
credits, So,S49.71; too many war
rants, 82.3S7.44. The commission
ers gave him credit for the warrants,-
but they are plain matter of
fact men and not posted in the
moon-raking style of book-keeping.
Th$r treasurer certified that there
was 84.S48.S7 in the balance of the
county funds. The -commissioners
examined the books and found it
the correct amount; but it appears
that when the funds were turned
over 'to the present treasurer they
were apparently short 82.3S7.44,
which are supposed to be long by
overdraft. The statement pub
lished by our present treasurer
shows that he charges himself up
with the full balances. Now if he
were to be charged up with the full
amount certified to he would be
S2,3S7.44 out of pocket. It ap
pears that the way our treasurer's
certificates should read,! hereby cer
tify that there is so much mone in
the various funds but you know
the are all short. Every fund
should be as certified without re
gard to other funds.
County business should be con
ducted on the same principle as pri
vate business charge a man with
all receives and credit him with all
he accounts for.
Now for the evil influence. The
present treasurer would have to col
lect 82,387.44 in the general fund
and distribute it among the other
funds to make them equal to what
he certifies they are. He is collect
ing the tax of 1SS5, consequently
there will be that amount of 1SS5
warrants that cannot be paid. Such
a system of doing business would
injure the credit of the county and
compel people to sell their warrants
at a fearful discount, for there is no
certainty that they will ever be
paid. One large buyer of warrants
began by discounting five per cent,
but when he got posted on the
moon-raking system of our treasury
of overdrafts he dropped to ten per
cent discount. Well, there is no
use of more words, for overdraft
died and was buried on the Sth
of Januaiy. 1SSG.
Now as for uNo One." It is to
be regretted that he did not sign
his name in full so that we might
know to whom we are indebted for
the wise remarks, for every time I
see a poor fellow rolling in the gut
ter, a fellow execution proof, a con
stitutional liar or a horse thief, it
will come into my mind that he
may be "No One." I will never
suspect a respectable man. I
would advise you to change to "No
Body." James Belton.
No. 3496.
Land Oilice at North Platte, Neb., )
AnKnst28th, 1SS5. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of. his intention to mak e
final proof in support of his claim and that taid
proof will be made Ixiforo the Register and Re
ceiver of the U. S. Land Office at North Platte,
Neb., on October 12th, lfi, viz: Rolwrt Stewart
who filed pre-emption declaratory statement No.
61'2J for the 6onthwest qnarter section 20, town
ship 10, ranpc 33 vest. He names tho following
witness's to provo his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land viz: William Mc
Gahan, Owen McDonnell, John Manderville,
and Homer Timberman. all of North Platte. Neb.
32-8 Wm. Neville, Register.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtne of a chat
tel inortjwe dated on the 14th day of May, 1SSJ,
executed bv Arthnr B. Upton to A. D. Bnctworth,
and dnly tiled and recorded in the offico of the
connty cleik of Lincoln conuty, Nebraska, on
the 14th day of May, lHSo. to secure the payment
of the fcnm of one hundred and twelve dollar
with interest at the rate of ten per cent per an
num after tho lUhday of Angnst, default
havina been made in tho payment of eaid nm,
therefore I will s'li the property therein de
scribed, to-wit: One pray maro about ten years
old, one Caldwell waeon, ono set donble harness,
one iron frame McCormiclr mowint; machine,
one Canton, Ohio, snlky hay rake, one iron beam
stirrinK plow called Norwegian, one rod break
ing plow, and one square hnrrow, or so much
thereof a3 may be necessary to pay tho said sum
of one hundred and twelve dollars, intorent, costs
and accruing costs, at public auction in front of
Besack's livery stable, in the city of North Platte.
Nebraska, on Saturday, October 2d, 1E6G, at 2
o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated August aW...LTJKEnA1Eyf
33.1 Sheriff of Lincoln County, Neb.
Authorized Capital, $200,000, Paid in Capital, $0,000,
A. D. BUCKWORTH, Yice Pres. SAM'L GOOZEE, Asstant .Her.
Banking In All Its Branches Transa ted
Sell Bills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, S ?er
land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denma
Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Gernnin and Austria. ?
1886. ;
Lath, Shingles,
Building Paper,
Fifth Street, Cor. Locuet, Opposite Baptist Church,
North Platte, - Nebraska,
Harness, Saddlery and Trimmings.
An Inspection of our Stoclr Respectfully Iiwi
u. '
Front Street. Opposite U. P. Depot,
IfcToxtlb. Platte, - "LTeTorasKa.
eick Liyeey Stable,.
"E3u-n. "b3r ID. 'w""- Besacfe:,
on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded by the week or
month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley
House on east Fifth street,
Orders from the country and along the lino of the Unionv
Pacific Railway Solicited.
North ' Platte,
In White and Black.
Gloss White Caskets. Wooden Coffins of all Sizes.
Shrouds and Shoes for Men, Women and Children.
complete stock oif TinyEnymQs,.
Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Nighty