Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, January 19, 1886, Image 8

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"Ttuout tor a suitable candidate tor
representative? We have a number
of excellent men, but whether any
of them can be induced to run is a
question. While "ve would like to
have a good man, one who would be
a credit to the county and state, we
can favor a man only who is a
straight republican and will pledge
himself in electing a United States
senator, to vote for the caucus
nominee as long as there is a reason
able show of election. There is no
impropriety in making such a pledge
and in fact it is eminently proper.
In these times when so man' are
masquerading in the garb of reform
ers, farmers1 friends, communists
(alias greenbackers) who are appar
ently willing to lay down their lives
fighting to restore to the dear people
the liberties which have been
filched from them and trampled in
the dust, we hope and expect that
every man will show his true colors.
No one can afford to be looked upon
with suspicion. Ever7 true republi
can is on the side of law, order and
-ood government. As such let us
work with a will and triumphantly
Vindicate our principles in the elec
tion of such men as will carry them
into effect.
The bill repealing the pre-emption,
timber culture and desert land
laws has passed the house and it is
believed will speedily pass the sen
ate, there being no serious opposi
tion to the measure this year, nearly
everybody having made up their
minds it is best for the country.
With only the homestead law by
which you can acquire title to gov
ernment land, the business of the
land offices will be greatly reduced,
and the occupation of land attorneys
and others who thrive by making
out papers and locating will, to a
very large extent, go "where the
woodbine twineth." We will then
have an era of peace and Jeffer
sonian simplicity pleasant to behold.
Leavitt Burnham, who has been
land commissioner of the Union
Pacific Railway Company for the
past eight years, has retired from
the service of the company, being
succeeded by Mr. George M. Cum
ming, of Duluth, recently assistant
general land commissioner of the
Northern Pacific. In his new posi
tion he will have charge of the
Union Pacific lands in Nebraska,
Wvoming and Utah, the Kansas
m , p : . ,i
have been readily sold. In Utah
the land lying within the grant is
much broken, and will not be fit for
much of anything unless it turns out
''What was the largest single sale
of land ever made by the Union
"The largest sale was made in
lSS4to the Wyoming Central Land
and Improvement company, of Lara
mie. They bought 600,000 acres at
1 an acre, the company being com
posed of farmers and ranchmen who
had settled in the immediate vicin
ity of the land in question and de
sired to buy them. A sort of a co
operative company was formed and
the land purchased at the figures
named. To-day the lands are paid
for and a small dividend besides has
been realized on the investment.
The farm lauds are of course irri
gated." Mr. Burnham then spoke of the
wonderful progress made by Ne
braska and the northwest since his
first view of it in 1S(V7. He
then connected with the
ment land survev at a time when
most of Nebraska was in- a wild con
dition and farming was not5 dreamed
of further west than 150 miles from
the Missouri river. , "Now," said
Mr. Burnham, "agriculture is suc
cessfully practiced 400 miles from
here and time can only tell the pos
sibilities of the country beyond."
Mr. Burnham will retire from
office to-morrow evening, but will
remain in Omaha where he has
made his home for years, and is now
interested. What he will do in the
future he has not yet determined,
but he will probably engage in busi
ness here.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A nmrvel of parity,
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordinary kind?, and cannot be fold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only
in cans. Royal Baking Powdeb Co.. lOOYVaU
Street, New York.
old; branded mule shoe on Hanks ; Slot
mark on right shoulder.
The above animals got away about
cloven miles east of Ogallala. Finder
will please notifv
A."ir. cnuRoir,
18-4 Nouth Plattk, 2S'eh.
Takon up by the undersigned. May 2.1, 188(5. on
pection 22, town 9, hiiikk 21', in Fox Creek Pn
cinct, Lincoln county. Neb., two mares; one dun
color, black mane and tail, branded C VD on
left hip. . O X iT
The other roan color, white face, and lean
branded n eft ''i UIU IK n
shoulder. Also one lare dark brown mule. Tho
owner is requested to prove property, pay charges
and take the animals away.
20-5 WM. CARSON.
I, 0. C. Hawkins, cleric of the city of
North Platte, do hereby certify that at a
meeting of the council of said city, held
May 17th, 18SG, there was appropriated
from the taxes to be collected upon the
assessment of the year 1SSG, the following
amounts, for the following purposcs,tovit:
Salaries 2,370
Work on streets 4.200
Police court expenses 400
Incidentals 2G0
Total &7,220
Witness m- hand and seal of said city
of Xorth Platte this 18th day of jlav,
1S8G. C. ('. Hawkins,
l. s. 18-4 City Clerk.
im ii Builder.
Parties wishing any work done in my line will do
well to Ret niy price. I nm prepared at all times
to fill orders on short notice and the best of
satisfaction (riven. Charges to suit. Addiessme
through tho postoilice.
Billiard Hall
Sample Room,
53? I LAI,
Choice Wines,
Liquors and
Kept at the Bar.
Opera House Block, Front Street,
Hrumber of ranches for sale ami several
improved farms and stock. Correspondence answered promptly.
Biokal & Coates,
Office ix McDoxalis Hlock,
Our Immense Stock of
Fiia-et Wall Papers
(Spring styles with centers, corners and other decorations)
is now complete. Call and examine our goods and get our
low prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Sherwin & William's Pure Mixed Paints and Coach Colors.
Choice High Grade Bulls for sale in Car Lots.
Range in Dawson and Lincoln Counties. V. 0. Cozad, Dawson Co., Neb.
A11 ImHsgjl for sale are from Thoroughbred Bulls ami High-Grade
-TIcTeToVuCowsC aud are thoroughly acclimated ar.d grown on
the range in Western Nebraska.
Carpenters, -- Contractors
Shops cmcomer Front and Chtntnut street, opposite machine hopn,
M ESTATE, 1M11 I Hill III!,
North Pfcftte; -" - - - -' Nebraska.
All classes of improved and unimproved real estate bought and Fold on
commission. "Stock ranches, improved farms, town and city property
in Lincoln, Keith, Dawson, Frontier, Logan and Gosper
counties for sale.
200,000 Acres of Unimproved Land For Sale
on long time and easy terms. Laxd sirowx free to purciias7:f.s. Home
stead and timber claim relinquishments for sale at low figures.
Settlers located on government lands.
All o-overniunnt land business attended with care and despatch.
continent, veouirinsr three times the invested capital-One niilluDnUouars
involved! Three times the largest traveling trains, three times as many
employes, three times more accomplished actors, three times the salary
list, and as a natural consequence three times the fun and three times
more show than ever you saw since you were born. Bells Brothers con
fidently expect to draw three times as many people as any of their prede
cessors". They have been fourteen years before the public, and never yet
"counted without their host." When the multitudinous masses know
that, besides '
Pwii n iff jPlf
Than were ever before put on wheels, they will actually behold the
Male and Female Hippopotami ! :
Button-Burstiiio- BILLY BFRTCE and his
Clown ElepSa-eus-t
Sails' Stupendous Shows !
Two Performances "Daily, Bain or Shine.
Parade at 10 A. M. Performances at 1 and 7 P. M.
Excursions on all railroads at special reduced rales. Trip tickets
sold. Inquire of your station agent.
X B .U the end of the present season the existing Sells' syndicate
of three shows will be dissolved and each separate establishment resume
its own proper circuit. Never again will the three shows travel in con
junction at one price of admission to all.
Kearney, Monday, Juno 28th.
- Sidney, Wed nesday. 80tk