Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, January 19, 1886, Image 5

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    3Ir. 1$. docs business in tan agreeable way.
a very good index of the way the whole
show is conducted.
Last "Wednesday Uncle James Small
Avood finished bunting a brick kiln
containing 75,000 brick, lie has another
kiln nearly ready which contains the samo
amount which will be fired next week. All
are sold to bo used in the numerous brick
buildings now in process of erection.
On Tuesday ninety-eight entries were
made at the land oflice and $2,000 in cash
remitted to Washington. The prospective
repeal of the pre-emption and timber
claim laws is the chief cause of this lively
3lr. Walsh has commenced moving
tho building occupied by Streitz's.drug
store, preparatory to tho erection of a
brick block for M. C. Keith. During the
building operations, Mr. Strcitz will
occupy the room next to Keliher's hard
ware store, witli his heavy goods such as
oils, paints, &c.
A couple of well trained bears were
oxhibited on the streets the front part of
tho week and afforded considerable
amusement for boys and others. The
animals were of the cinuamon species and
when standing upright on their hind legs
wero over six feet tall.
Tho need of merit for promoting
personal aesthetics is duo to J. C. Ayer &
Co. whose incomparable Hair Vigor is a
universal beautilier of the hair. Harmless,
effective agreeable, it has taken rank
among tho indespensiblo articles of the
toilbt. To scanty looks it gives luxuriauce;
and withered hair it clothes with tho huo
of youth.
At tlxc meeting of the city council
"Wednesday evening several ordinances
'were passod, which appear elsewhere,
and somo routino business discussed.
"William Uinton presented a petition for a
paloon license; SL G. Keith was given
permission to place tho old wooden build
ings that he is moving from the corner of
Sixth and Spruce in the street during the
time he is building the brick block on the
corner. A ditch was ordered cut across
Sixth street to drain the slough in the
west part of the city.
There will be a mime of base
ball ut the fair grounds this after
noon between the North Plattesand
ji picked nine. It will be warmly
contested and some fine playing is
Good Enough for Chicago.
The editor of the Chicago Daily Herald
has been to the Sells Brothers' Circus,
and this is what he has got to say about it:
"If there is one virtue above all others
which, when found in a circus manager
should be extolled to tho skies, that virtue
is candor. That virtue is found in the
Sells Brothers, who, strange as the state
ment may appear to those in the habit of
rcadfeg circus literature, advertise merely
what they have, and exhibit exactly what
they advertise. Their show now on the
Lake Front, st the usual spot, foot of
Hadtant street, is a good one and the
thbusaods of people who packed the tents
yesterday appear to think so."
The Big Shosr will be here Tuesday
June 29,
edifice on
r? Ms and Mis,
Groceries and Provisions.
assessors returns that a reduction
of expenses of the district for tlie
nniniiH? renr ivjus iinnpr:ltu'plv llpnuinfTt'd.
the assessed valuation being so mucluLSEFAI ATE STOKES
lower than in any year previous. The
estimated amount to run the schools is
about $12,000, $1,000 for building and
repair fund, 1,000 for incedentals, 000
a year for coal, and the balance, $0,400,
for teachers wages. It was estimated
there would be 4,000 from licenses, and
to raise the remainder by taxation would
require a levy of about fifteen mills, an
amount the board did not feel justified in
making. Under these circumstances it
w:is proposed to reduce teachers wages,
23 per month on the principal and 10
per month on each subordinate, effecting
a saving of about 2,000. There will be
ten months school in the city and six
months in the country districts.
The Lutherans are makin
rations to build their church
the lot east of tho parsonage. It will be
40x00, fronting on Sixth street. The
walls will be twenty feet high, bell tower
twelve feet square projecting six feet to
the front,aud a pastor's study at the north
west corner. 11. D. Thompson is prepar
ing the plans and specifications.
For constitutional or scrofulous catarrh,
and for consumption induced by the.
scrofulous taint, Ayer's Sarsaparillu is the
true remed-. It has cured numberless
cases. It will stop the nauseous catarrh
discharges, and remove the sickening
oder of the breath, which are indications
of scrofulous origin.
Tho following are the officers of Platte
Valley Lodge Xo. 32 A. F. & A. M. elected
Wednesday evening:
J. I. Nesbitt, W. 31.
Samuel Goozee, S.
J. D. "Wilson J. AV.
P. J. Gilraan, Treas.
Geo. R. Hammond, Secy.
Ilinraan, Sen. Steward.
G. "V. Finn, J uu. Steward.
Emmett Hammond, Tyler.
Frank Riordan, Trustee.
A special meeting is called for June 24th
for installation.
Should one take atrip through the
Wild Horse Valley, lie will soon be
convinced that this is no desert. Small
grain never looked better in Illinois or
Iowa. Corn is up, and of thousands of
acres, there appeared only one small field
with a poor stand. Improvements are
going on wherever you go. Fences are
being built, prairie broken and houses
erected. Though mam frame houses are
being put up the majority are sod. I
know of parties who come from eastern
cities, accustomed to city conveniences,
who prefer the sod house. They are
warm in winter, and cool in summer. One
is surprised to go into oue of these
dwellings and find the inmates playing
classical music on grand square pianos.
Rasmusson, Anderson, Grandieu, and
Odencrantz. all have comfortablo homes.
Those who were injured by the recent
fires, Jlessrs. Leaf, .Nelson, Kraxberger
and others, are repairing their losses.
Gothenburg Independent.
Our furniture building was moved this
week and for a time we were slightly
disarranged, but we are now straightened
around again and are ready to show furni
ture Conway & Keith.
Straighten tho Streets.
En. TmnuxE: Xorth Platte has now a
population of three thousand inhabitants.
With her graded streets and other
improvements, would it not be a good
time to call the city's attention to the
streets in Peniston's and Miller's additions.
Standing in North Platte proper and
looking south from any street, you will
see houses standing in the streets. Why
should not these streets be straightened V
It will be cheaper now than in a few
years when we will have three railroads
and ten thousand population, and the lots
occupied by costly buildings. The city
fathers arc cordially invited to examine
the subject. II. G.
County Superintendent Kesbitt.
on the 11th reported to the County
Clerk the amount of indebtedness
from the several school districts on
account of the formation of new
districts and division of school
property. He reports District No. 1
indebted to outside districts in the
sum of 2,249.01. This large
amount arises from an overestimate
of the school projierty of No. .
Miss Honn estimated the property
of No. 1 at 42,525, and this valua
tion was fixed before the two new
school houses were built. Steps are
about to be taken to appeal from
the decision of Miss Honn in fixing
these amounts.
A. race between horses owned
by James Noble and George Vaughn
at the fair grounds Wednesday
attracted considerable attention
among lovers of fast horses. rie
stake was sufficient to make things
interesting, and the Noble horse
gracefully carried off the swag.
Headed by the North Platte
band, the Knights of Labor turned
out luesday night to welcome Mas
ter Workman Neasham, who ar
rived from the east on the ten
o clock train. The distinguished
visitor was escorted to the lodge
room where he gave some informa
tion relative to the work of the
t wou
world green with envy 7 to see Charley
Ross' "truck patch" in thyeast part of the
city. Charley is as mujp. at.home in the
garden as he is with the transit.
Our worth' ex-Mayorl J. I. Wilson, is
making a great many improvements on
his property on First streit.
The ladies (God blithe ladles) of
North Platte take more ifttcrest in beauti
fying their homes thattl o gents judging
from tho fact that pvey morning theV
maj be seen at work among flowers and
trees. This is inteuded ijr early risers.
John Owens on easf hird street has a
new fence, something r.ther new in the
fence line. .
County Commissioner!! Proceedings.
North Piatt i. June 8, 1880.
The comraissionc-fsyjfihpoln county
Neb., met in regular session as .a board of
equalization. Present Win. Hubartt and
James Helton, commissioners, and J. E.
Evans, county clerk.
Joseph Baugh, justice of the peace for
Deer Creek precinct, returned his docket
also the compiled laws of 1881 and session
laws of 18S3, and offered his resignation,
which was accepted. -
Alteration in road No. 11 asked for bv
I. LamplugU and others hereby ordered
Adjourned to meet Wednesday June
9th 18SG.
North PlatteJune 0th 188G.
The board of county commissioner met
pursuant to adjournment Present Wm.
Hubartt, Joseph lfersliey and James
Bolton commissioners, and J. E.Evans,
county clerk. rrfP
The board wgraVjgd in fixing
assessment of V. ln3rihinc"V.!iops and
other work connected with their duties as
a board of equalization.
The following change, and alterations
were made.
Longly and Foley, s sec. 19 tps. 13,
range 30, reduced fron$l.G0 per acre to
25 ceuts per acre.
P. Walsh, lot 8, blw:k 141, reduced
from 450 to $350.
Assessment of U. P. shops, machinery,
&c, reduced from $50,00'! to $25,360, upon
the sworn statement oT S. T. Smith,
general superintendent, which is attached
to return made by assessor.
John Hawley, household goods reduced
from $450 to $350.
Adjourned till June itHh.
North Platte, June 10, 1886.
The board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present, Wm.
Hubartt, Joseph Ilershe;; and James Bel-
ton, commissionerWr E. "En-asH
T. T. larcott is hcr?ty appointed a
justice of the peace for Teckham precinct
and bond approved. ?
For Pipes, good Pii;?s and cheap, go
to Sumalziued's.
Schmalzried has th? finest line of
pipes in the city, and &e best smokers
goods generally
For the' best carnages, the best, fhQ' best moy.fra, .-e best
narvesten, ana the bet Isnn macnines
. r
generally cai i on j on:4'-' t-uxi ' jott.
"ii ml
norm one especially, inose aesinnir
sand for building purposes suddenly
found their supply cut short. Of
Jate years in the South Platte, high
water does not last long, being
largely taken out by the irrigating
canals in Colorado.
Things have been rather quiet
in police circles this week, the ar
rests of hist week having apparently
had salutary effect.
Two men who formerly lived in
the eastern part of the county were
.arrested Monday charged with horse
stealing. It turned out to be a mis
take, the charge was withdrawn and
matters amicably settled.
Th acker sells tho
Celebrated Rubber Paint.
Now is the time to get a refrigerator
cheap at Conway & Keith's.
J. S. Hoagland has made arrangements
with eastern capitalists whereby he can
loan money on improved farms in this and
adjoining counties at a reasonable rate of
interest. OHicc room 13 Keith's block.
At a special meeting of the Board of
Education of this city held on the 11th
inst, the salaries of all teachers for the
next year were reduced as follows : Prin
cipalof schools from $125 to $110 per
month, and all other teachers in the
district, $10 oach per month from the
present rates paid. Tho necessity for this
reduction is caused by the extraordinary
depreciation in the assessed valuation of
property in the district, which would
materially cripple the district's finances if
the present salaries were continued.
By order of the Board of Education.
W. W. Coxki.ix, Sccv.
You will lose money if you buy with
out calling on C. E. Gunnell of the Noimi
Plattk IjUmijeu Yakd.
sold cheap at the last closing out sale at
Star Clothing House.
Shopmen and Others.
The board of county commissioners is
now in session as a board of equalization
of assessments, and will be in session in
that capacity for the convenience of
shopmen on this Saturday afternoon,
from 2 to 6 o'clock. Present your
grievances or forever hold your peace.
By order of the Board.
JonxE. Evans, County Clerk.
Corn, per cwt CO
Oats, " " 1.25
Chopped Feed, per cwt 95
Shorts, pr cwt 90
Bran, " " 90
Plum Creek Patent 3.00
Other Nebraska brands 2.003.5ft
Minneapolis r 3.06
Butter Fair, 20
Creamery 25
Creamery, per box 50
Eggs, per dozen. . .. 12
Potatoes, per bushel, GO
Beans, per bushel, 155
Cabbage, per lb 05
Chickens 25 to Ik
Talk about the. Medes and Persians,
but the place to get a nictj glass of mead
is at Thackcr's.
The best and cheapest at
Conway & Keith's.
The syrups used by Thacker in his
soda water are tho purest manufactured,
flavored by extracts of equal purity.
Fulmer Brothers are doing the best
artistic decorating and paper hanging
at 25 cents.
BuckUn's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and all skin eruptions, and positive
ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Gray & Co.
b oa Sale Extra Bargain A Timber
Claim in township 13 N, range 32 W.
A. D. Buckwortu.
Notice to the Public,
A report having been circulated around
town that I am agent for a certain party,
this is to notify the public that I am going
into business wholly and entirely on my
own account; I am'agent for no person or
persons. J. W. 11 inton.
North Platte, June 5th, 1835.
Wo the undersigned will not be responr
sible for the payment of any buildiug
material used or labor performed on the
North Platte Brewery unless ordered by
ourselves. Dlstel & Euicksox. "
A good span of mares and a wagon. Call
or address Ofkick.
Cheap Coal Oil.
150 Test Oil 20 cents.
175 Test Head Light 25 cents.
G. K. Hammond.
Another lot of Wall Paper and Decor
ations received at Thacker s.
Money to Loan hi any quan
tify on all classes of good securities.
A. D. I3itk worth.
Conway & Keith have the
cheapest and best.
C. C. HAwnxs.
City Clack.
E. M. DAT.
3. O. WATTS.
Attorneys :-: and :-: Counselors, ;
Choico Lands for sale, Collections prompt
ly attended to. Contest cases before
the U. S. Land Offico given speciul
U. P. Ry. Lands and Town Lots,
Lincoln County, ?icb.
Good Results in Every Case.
D. A. Uradford, wholesale paper dealer
of Chattanooga, Tcnn., writes that he was
seriously afflicted with a severe cold that
had settled on Ids lungs; had tried many
remedies without benefit. JSeinij induced
to trv Dr. King's New Discovers for Con
sumption, did so and wax entirely cured!
by use of a few bottles. Since which time j
he has used it in his familv for ail coughs
and colds with best results This is the '
experience of thousands whose lives have I
been saved by this wonderful diacovery.
Trisl bottle freest Oray& Go's drug store.
Ordinance to amend ordinance No. 4 of the re
vised ordinances of the city of North Platte,
entitled an ordinance fixing the tsalary of city
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council
of the City of North Platte.
Section 1. That section one of ordinnnco No. 4
of the revised ordinances of the city of North
Platte be amended to read us follows. That tha
polaries of city officers are hereby fixed at the
following amounts to wit,:
Mayor, one hundred dollars per year: cooncil
raen, fifty dollars each per year; city clork. two
hnndred dollars per year; city treasurer, two hun
dred and fifty dollars per year; city attorney, two
hundred and fift-r dollars per year; all of said
salaries to Ik paid quarterly. Chief of police
ami overseer of Btreeti. sixty-fivo dollars per
month; policemun, forty-fivo dollars per month;
said salaries poyable month)'. City enginoer
four dollurs per day for each day of -Actual service,
but not exceeding 83CO per year.
Sec. 2. Section No. 1 of ordinanco No. 4 is here
by repealed.
Seo. 3. Tiii.1- ordinance shall take effect and be
in force from and after its possago and publica
tion according to law.
Approved: G. R. Hastiiond,
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County.
I, C. ('. Hawkins, clerk of tho city of North
Platte, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a
true copy of tha original ordinance now on file in
my office, and that it was passed by tho council
and approved by the mayor the Qth day of June,
I v. 3.3 C. C. Hawkins,
City Clerk.
OllDIXAiCE XO. 52.
Reluting to sidewalks.
7V it ordained In the Mayor and C'eitncrl
of the City of North Platte.
Skc. 1. That a sidewalk bo ordered built on the
north sido of Fourth street, from Spruce street
east to tho southeast corner of block one hundrrl
and thirty-pven (137) in tho city of North Platte.
That said sidowalk be constructed of two-inch
pine plank, livo feet four inches wide and laid on
three stringers and seenrely spiked; that tho
owners of lots abutting upon said sidewalk be r-
Ouired to construct said sidewalk within thirty
ays from the ixissage of this ocdinnnce; that said
sidewalk bo built under tho supervision and sub
ject to tho approval of tho overseer of streets, and
in the event said lot owners fail to construct said
sidewalk, as above provided, within thirty davs
from the passage of thi ordinance, tliesati'm
shall be built by the overseer of streets and th
proper action brought to recover the trostof tho
same from said lot owners.
. Skc. 2. This ordinance sliall tako effect and lx
in Torce from and after its passage and publica
tion according to law.
Approved: G. R. Hammond,
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County.
I, C. C. Hawkins, clerk of the city of North
Platte, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a
true copy of the originnl ordinance now on file in
my office, and that it was passed by tho council
and approved by tho mayor the 9tlt day of June.
J-- s-i C C. Hawkins.
City Clerk.
lioad Notice.
To all whr.m it may concern:
The petition of f. Lamplugh and other
to locate that part of road .No. 11, running
quarterly across the northwest quarter ol"
section 5, township 14, range :50, and to
establish a road commencing at the south
east corner of the northwest quarter nf
section o, township 14, range 80 west,
thence along said quarter section lino
between sections and I. township 14.
range "), has been favnrablv considered
and ail objections thereto, or claims for
damages must be filed in the county clerk's
ofl-ce on or before noon of tin 12th dav of
August 18SG, or such road will be altered
without reference thereto.
21-4 J. E. Eva-v-s, County Clerk.