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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1886)
r v THE TRIBUTE. STEVENS & BAEE, Prop's. TERMS: Ono Year, in Advance, - -Six' Months, in Advance, -Three Months, in Advance, 1.50. .75. .50. Advertising Rates on Application. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Took Effect Nov. 10, 15S3. GOING WEST: Cesteal Tke. Trains. t Arrive. Deiiart No. t, Pacific Eiprefes ' No. S. Denver Express 17, Colorado Fat Ft.. No. 19. CaL & Ore. FM: FtJ No. 21, Through Freight..: No. 33, Wcy Freijpit, cn a. ra. "J:10 a.m. lViU p. in.! 10:15 p.m. 4S3)p. m. 3:40 p.m. liJup. m. DSJOp.ra. 7:13 p. in.! 3:t0 pjn. 3:15 a. m.' lliOO cm. GOING EAST: Trains. j Arrive. No. 2, AUflntic vJ.' 'ld pVnu No. 4. ChicticoEx 7rJ0 a. m. No. 15, Colorado Fast Ft... tiiO p. m. No. 20, CtiL & Ore. Ft Ft.. 0:40 p. m. No. , Freight 4SH) a. m. No. 24, Freisht 12:20 p.m. Depart 7:45 p.m. 7:45 a.m. j:15 p.m. i iV p.m. 4:50 p.m. 2:20 pjn. Train 1, 6. 17, 19, 2. 4. 13 and 20 leave ilailj-. Train 23. 22 and 2 4 leave daily except Sunday. Tn.-1 leaves dailv except Monday. Trains vrbst of North Platte ns Mountain Time, ono hour slower tlian Central Time. J0HX I. NESBITT, Office In Keith's Block, NORTE PLATTE, - - XEB. A. H. CHURCH'S LAW AND LAND OFFICE. Will Pbactice in all. Cocets of the State. With many yean' experience in Contest and other caw tnjfore XI. S. Land Office, -we will jdve trict attention to land hnsinefs. Brief prepared Hndanrumente filed in the Interior Department. Office, Room 12, Opera Honxe Block. Oppo site Railroad HoteL NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. HINMAN & GRIMES, Attokxets-at-Law, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. C u JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. TOL. II. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JUNE 19, 1886. NO. 22. J. T. CLAEKSQE CHICAC-O Parties desirins: to obtain informa tion as to any of my IN Western Nebraska, AND LOTS IN Schuyler, Paxton, Denver Junction, Sidney, Potter, Kimball, will please address me as above and all inquires will receive immediate and caretul attention. J. T. CIARKS0N. Office in Hinman't? Block on Sprnce Street, over the Post Office. F. M. GRAY, DBFTIST. NORTH PLATTE, XEBIiASKA. Teth extracted witliont pain b the cse of pare nitrous oxide sat.. Office end residence over Mrs. Neary'e Millinery Store, Sprnce Street. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office: Opera Hooso Blck. over Thacker's Dnnr Store. Residence on West Sixth Street- Leave orders at Thcckcr'a Drag Store. A. 0. ioeen, Merchant Tailor. A fine line of imported and domestic PIECE GOODS always on hand. Alio asont for the cele brated new American Sewing Machine, The garden Spot OF THE W PLATTE YALLEY. Tie Delia i the Platte. ADDITIONAL LOCAL, NEWS. and long for the return of their better half great manv men interested in ...A great manv men interested A. II. Peterson the wide awake grocer agriculture are pravine for rain. is putting up his own special brands of j rice, prunes, pepper fire,, m neat boxes of convenient size. 14,000 AOEES o land belonjrins: to the Xorth Platte Irrigation and Land Compa ny now in tbe market on favorable terms. The canal of the company is capable of irrigating 35,000 acres or land. SURE CROPS GUARAN TEED BY WATER. i T. J. Foley Platte. Xeb. T. J. Stimson. A gen i. or eeretarv. NORTH Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates radically upon and through the blood, and is a safe reliable, and absolute cure for the various diseases, complaints, and disorders due to debility, or to any constitutional taint or infection. The iron rails ou the Julesburg branch are being replaced by steel which makes a better and safer track and will euable the management to run their trains at a greater speed. The rails taken up are being Cshipp'Tasb'.ad will be used in building branches. During the past three or four weeks we well supplied with amusements, but just nt present there is a lull, there being nothing booked for the opera house until some time in July. This will give everybody an opportunity to save money for the circus. CE! ICE Iliuman's Block, Spruce St., XOKTH PLATTE. - XEB. L. H NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. aynes, SuccEjson to David Cash, MEAT MASKET. I desire to inform the people of North Platte that I have an ample supplv o pure NORTH RIVER ICE and am prepared to deliver the same in any part of the city. WjC. Z3JDZ3. Gazette - Journal Co., HASTINGS. XEB.. On the Branch Run. Conductor J. Bloom, who has been running on the main limvaas changed places with Conductor Anderson, and runs between Denver aud North Platte, with i his lonirest lav-over at Sterling, lie has j rented J. 31. King's new bouse and will j move his family here in a few days. bterhng i eirs. A Deserved Compliment. One of the finest, most eloquent and at the same time most tributary orations made in the memory of any departed that wc have read, was the one'delivered at North "Platte ou Decoration Day by Hon. j A. II. Church over the grave of Gco.T. A. Nixon. It was beautiful, it was sublime, aud did honor, not only to the sild hero but 1 1J IV r PRINTERS, Lithographers, - Stationers, AXD DEALEKS IX PRINTERS' STOCK. !HP JgED.FROVT TEArQRE, A II. PETERSON, Dealer in Teas, Coffees, Spices and Foreign Fancy Groceries. Spruce street between Front and Sixth. P. WALSH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates on "Work Furnished. Shop Comr Cottonwood and Third Sts. e:ist of Catholic church. T. J. FOLEY, DRY GOODS, CLOTIirjS'G, GROCE RIES, FLOUR AXD FEED. Everything usually kept in a first-class general store. Corner Spruce and Sixth streets. !c: ben and isikisrj. Fruits In Season. - Oreasis fob Parties axd Sociablis a Specialtt. 3IRS. 3IARY MASON. Sooth 5iil Sixth Strt-f. oneh'fKrken-tof Stroitz's Drei; Store. Mirth Platte, Neb. White Elephant ESTABLES The undersigned has started a first-class )lw, hi and Sale Mi and will keep good rigs on hand at reason able rates. Stable on Front street oppo site the U. P. shops. This stable I have .recently arranged for the accommoda tion of farmersand others wanting good rigs sjid saddle horses. Give me acall. Yours respectfully, J. R. BANGS, FULMER BROS., GAME. MEAT FISH 7 And Evcrytliing Usually Kept in a FIRST-CLASS SHOP Daily GAZi;TTr.-Jorn:;Ai., i Per Year. "WrEirLY GAznTTE-Jorit:Ai?I.50 Per Yr. 3 r i G6p 5( C2 r I Always on hand. The iwitronase of the public respectfully solicited. At the old p tand. Cor. Front and Loccst Sts., North Platte, - Nebraska. H. MACLEAN, Fine Boot and Shoe Maker, And Dealer In MEN'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES. The Connty Su;eriiitendent of Pntilic Instruc tion of Lincoln County -will be at hi office in North Platte on the Til lit D SATURDAY OF EACH MOXTH for examination of teachers and EACH S ATI' HI) Al to attend to any other that may conn; before him. J. I. NESBITT. County Superintendent. Prof. N.Klein, usic Teacher. 'erfect Fit. Best Work and Goods Represented or Money Refunded. JIS REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Front Street, one door ea?t of Nebraska House, NORTEL PLATTE, NEBRASKA PAINTING Instruction on the Piano. Orsr.r Violin or any Keed or Rias Instrucient. Piano carefully tuned. Orjaui.- reisaired. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. North Platte vs. Kearney. Arrjnuements have been completed for a series of three games between the j North Platte and Kearney base ball clubs. j The first two games v. ill be played at Kearne3 on the Sd and 4th of July, and I the third game at North Platte on the oth. Unless the Kcarneyites play better than thej- formerly did our boys will have a soft snap. Sase Ball. The game 'f bail Saturday otven the picked nine and the Juniors Suited iu a "White and Jordan, battery forUi winning club, played a fine game aud succeeded in putting out twenty-one cten, White j striking out twenty. The thyd game of j the series will be played at the fair grounds this afternoon. A both nines are determined to do their level best the game promises to be a close and lively contested one. A Narrow Escape, A slight accident occurred at Grand Inland Sunday night which had it happened a few minutes earlier would have caused a bad wreck and possible loss of life. Engineer Stuart hauling No. 4 arrived at tliRi point safely and after the engine had boon detached froin the train and was slowly backing up to the PERSONAL GOSSIP. "Walter Peale was in town Tuesday enroute from Omaha to Ogallala. L. A. Brandhoefer of Ogallala, came down on No 2 Monday evening. Mrs. II. S. Keith is visiting in Mankato, having been called there early last week by the severe illness of her mother. Rev. Adam Stump went up to Sidney y baturdajr for the purpose of effectiug a Lutheran church organization in that thriving and promising town. Mrs C. M. "Wherry is visiting friends in Peru, having left here last week. Mr. Wherry started Wednesday evening for the same point. Two little daughters of A. S. Brown came up from Omaha Sunda- night to visit their father and enjoy the company of former playmates. C. C. Hawkins returned from Omaha and Lincoln Monday night. The purpose of his trip will soon be made known through these columns. Engineer Wheelock has taken a lay-yff and will while away the time in Omaha and Denver. 3Irs. "Wheelock is now visiting friends in the latter city. Mr. Steward moved his family to North Platte a few days ago, where Mr. S. in tends going into ihb grocery business. We wish .them success. Lodge Pole Magnet. Tobias Castor, the man who looks out for the B. & 2,1. right of way, was in the city Saturday. From the number of B. & M. men who have been around lateh- it looks as though there might be some railroad building in the wind. Mrs. D. A. Baker, who has been making an extended eastern visit, returned home Sunday night. During her absence Mr. Baker made many improvements in and around his pleasant residence, which was an agreeable surprise to Mrs.B. Avoid by all means the use of calomel for billious complaints. Ayer's Cathartic Pills compounds 1 entirely of vegetable iugredimeuts, have been tested for forty years, aud are acknowledged to be the best remedy ever devised for torpidity of the liver, costivess, and all derangements of the digestive apparatus. Ileal Estato Transfers Recorded in the office of the county clerk from Mav 20lh to June Oth, lSSti. "CElesT otTTerTsTr nblT air-Tsy -war ranty deed. T. J. Foley and wife to Samuel Goozee, lots 1 and 2, block 250, North Platte 1,400 Louis C. Bayer to Wm. Babbitt, lots 0 and C, block 77, North Platte. . 150 Herman Wedeking and wife to NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. It was a frightful risk Capt. O. Phillips made, last week, at Curtis, when he offered to bet $100 that Curtis would be the terminus of the railroad for a year. However, almost any man in the county would have done the same thing. It would surprise us if the road, was extended in much less than a year. It isn't at all likely that Curtis will have the road at all for more than five or six months of that time. Stockville Faber. The Platte river is now remarkably high. One of the old timers, who has been here since 1S74. r. marked the other day that he had never '"seen th"rtver so high in summer. It is not fordable. The ranchers who cross the river are obliged to go to the bridge. The water has swept off the waste way near the head of the Sterling ditch, and no water can be run through the ditch until considerable work is done. This, however, is of little consequence, as the ground is now so wet that there is no need of having water in the ditch. Sterling Xeics. Mrs. B. Gorman of North Platte, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Mary Schade, of this place Mrs. Winnie O'Neil who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burns, returned to her home at North Platte yesterday n. R. Faulkner, of Plum Creek, paid out eight hundred dollars for fat hogs in this place last Saturday. With, the abundance of corn raised in this section of Nebraska, hogs are profitable even at the low prices which have prevailed during the past two or three seasons. Gothenburg Inde pendent. The county commissioners have been in session this week most of the time as a board of equalization. They have! received 24 bridge bonds in the sum of 1,000 each and signed them. Those bonds have been sold in Lincoln at 100 cents on the dollar. They are to be taken up as follows: The first one in ten years and one evey year thereafter until the last ouc is redeemed. The interest paid is six cents per annum. Ogallala Reflector. The school board have decided to order another election on the bond proposition and posted notice to that effect Wednesday. The election will be held the 29th dav of June and is to vote on the proposition to issue 12,G00 for the purpose of purchas ing a site, building a school house and furnbhiug the same. The election is necessary because the pretminary proceedings of the former electicn were O Immk Hates. lot S2, John Sandall, North Platte U. S. to Aug. Johnson, e of se 2G-12-27. Patent. David Long aud v.Tife to Robert Burke, e of nw Ju e of sw L, aud lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, 30 13- S00 3.S40 North Platte round-house a truck wneel dropped ou the axle and rolled under the engine. The wreck at Plum Creek a couple mouths ago j in which Firemnn Barnes lost his life was j r A '. A f A "R T "FT ' cai:?e(1 bV !l "nlr mishap and Stuart and ! maae a narrow escape. Lar.GE Stock of AXD the Choicest bleats, Game, Poultry, Oysters, &c. PAPER HANGING. j ! Always on Hand. Al?o CHOICE BUTTER. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. House, Sim and Bin KHA'ffV 1 1 i jjAZJsrrrxisrG-. Spechd attention riven to paper hanging and ceilinR decorating. Lotteries and all branches of e ijrn work in the latest -anti hLcbert Myle of art. j Can pivc figures on old and near work to con- f tractors. -and -other. j Zf Acceptnble trade for work solicited ! E3sa.Tolisis.oc3. 1883.! Spruce Street. North Piatie, near SvItonV Stores, Nebraska. "We Notice That Joe Hawkins has been spending a week or two in town assisting C. C. in the office E. R. Griffin returaed from Kearney Sueghv nicht w here he had been to visit Mrs. G. and the boy, both of whom are j progressing nicely McEvoy disposed I of many fine articles of silverware the ; early part of the week to attendants at the j McDonald-Belton wedding The streets recently graded are in fine condition West Tltird, Fourth and Fifth streets are pleasant localities to reside in Every I, ETKGffi, 'rop. Odd Fellows' Block, Spmce St. Paper Hangers AND Dec orators. SIGN AND HOUSE Braising ui Orountal Work. Joms" Otterstadt's GENERAL lissi'i Wagss tal Imi Loccsc Street, opposite J. D. Jackson's, N0KT1T PLATTE. NEBRASKA. Khop on east Sixth street, NORTH PLATTE, - NEB. I have now on hand new and second-hand Lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons and Buggies made by the best workmen. All whowish anything in that line will do well to call on me. Loretta A. C. Brown to A. C. Calk ins, lots 5, G, 7 and 8, block 22, North Platte 7.10 Louis Bayer to M. Burke & Sons, all of block 76. and lot 7 of block 77, North Platte 1.G00 James A. aud Lucy C Bowen to Mary V. Shaunou, lot 1, block 357, iSorth Platte 300 T. C. Patterson and wife to Wm. A. C:irtwright, lots o and C, block 157, and lots 3 and 4, block ISO, North Platte COO Geo. A. and Josie Schannaun to Conrad A. Scharman, lot G, block 117, North Platte 250 Aug. Ackerman and wife and Carl Tesch to John Boukoosky, lots 5 and G. block 8, Peuiston's add. to ! North Platte 1 j C. C Hawkins to II. J. and W. T. ! Wilcox, lots 3 and 4, block 155, North Platte 3C0 L. C. Bav.r to William Neville, lots 7 and S, block 50, North Platte. . U. P. Railway Co. to T. J. Fole-, all of block 150, North Platte U. P. Railway Co. to Hubert Pahs, lots 5, G, 7, and S, block 172, North Platte 5 ,T. , . i lT - for the munincent sum ot $oo. under a vQg 2: twined even'su Atfil nmrtr' . r , - . , r. . i mortgage neiu njraist me cnucfirriny 1,500 650 0 Metallic Caskets j nifohauic in the city is busy at work j D. A. Baker has added a neat porch to his ; residence Emigrant wagons are on the wane Too many dogs are permitted to make the night hideous wth tlieir constant : veils Our dealers have laid in a fine snj ply Of fireworks and the small boy is consequently happy A large number . -.f r.nm urn aniwrpi in llfllllmrr hmTHtnrr t i r .i TT. I From the oest cigar- m tlie world is t material for the uew brick blocks... A. 0jjen?;ve t0 those who detest the weed, but ' F. Streitz is happy notwithstanding he is . ,ere is a puff that can offend no one. The "living on the town." John Eulow has editor of the Minneapolis Tribune has been snendiuc the week in town .... Char-. seen seus rotners snows, anu lie prints: A Perfect Puff. 1 lev Clinton has gone j repairing busine; into IK stock, ai o Wood Draped & Sloss White CASKETS. wm mm o? all m Ladies'. Gents' and Children's Shrouds, all grades and sizfs. Gold and Silver Platings for out and inside. Trimmings in stock. Telegraph orders prompt!- attended to. Open day and night. E J. Huntington. Funeral Director .Eciblmr aud Manager. watch ! . . Conway & Keith are rushing business The grass in the j court house yard should be cut and more j care taken of the grounds Wm. . McKeown, an old time U. P. conductor is visiting friends in the city R. R Hine drives one of the finest stallions in the country New peaches are in the market and command a high price The ; Hinman House is doing the biirgest ! j business of an- hotel in the city and well .been applying the forceps at a lively rate this week John L. Mefms of Grand I Island was in th citv Toesdav The 'We can sav from our own knowledge thai the wonderful menagerie is the greatest zoological collection on earth. menced operation last week including all known quadrupeds, wild and wonderful ever classified in zoology. Including in its vast entirety the onl; iiving pair of hippopotami ever beheld, and the only giraffes now on exhibition anywhere. The completeness of the show as a whole is certainly unequaled." Bv the wav. Sells Brothers Shows camn I here Tuesday June 20th. Excitement :n Texas. Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the remark able recovery of Mr. J. E." Coriey. who was so heirless he cculd not turn in bed or raise his head: everybody said he was d iu: of consumption." A "trial bottle of Ur. ivinc s JNew Discoverv was sent hin?. out auu vote at me coming ejection as the bonds will sell better if a heavy- vote is cast showing the public sentiment strongly in favor of the proposition. Sidney Tcl'gri'ph. W. A. Paxton has gi-en $50 to be used in the construction of a Catholic church at Ogallala. The Ogallala Land & Cattle Company, of which 3Ir. Paxton is a member, have also given $100.. . Several wells have been completed in 9-40, the depth of which is only sixteen to forty feet. It will be understood that 9-40 is on the table hind thirty-five miles south west of Ogallala The bridges across the South Platte at Paxton and the North Platte at a point seven miles north of Ogallala will be completed about Septem ber 15th Mr. E. 31. Da- has recently added four lenses to his fixtures for picture making and thereby is enabled to take four tin types at once The finance committee have succeeded m obtaining $320 contributed by citizens to defray expenses of celebrating the Fourth of July W. C Lemon of North Platte was a visitor in these parts last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lemon has considerable land business in this vicinity. Ogallala STATS NEWS. Two thousand acres of maple tree3 have been planted in the vicinity of Valentine this year. Nebraska City claims to hare disposed of 2,000 boxes of strawberries in one day last week. II. H. Bui leu, of Hastings, will realize $1,400 from a five acre strawberry patch this year. A movement is on foot to secure the establishment of a $10,000 pork packing plant at Beemer. The first stone building in Scnuyler is now being constructed. It will be occu pied as a national bank. The saloonkeepers of Columbus are being prosecuted tor obstructing the fronts of their stdoons with screens. The. canning factorv at Falls Citv corn- It furnishes Adolph Gerber aged 51 years, of Columbus was drowned in the Loup Sunday evening while taking a bath. The census enumerators of Lincoln have made their returns and the population of the city shows up at 29,000. Jefferson cuuntv "will vote bonds to the amount of 50,000 to have the Rock Island road run through the count. A Carleton man has in his yard a wild plum tree, on a ten Inch twig of which he recently counted eighty-seven well' -developed plums. A move is being made to have a new, county formed out of the southeast quarter of Custer county. The new county will be called Ash. William Toung of Kearney who forged $700 worth of paper and sold considerable, mortgaged property, has been arrested in, Chicago. The leases on about 100,000 acres of Holt county school lands "were forfeited recently on account of the noa-payment of the lease money. The authorities of Neligh Lave imposed a special tax on every businessman within the limits of the town to pay for public improvements. The citizens of Cedar Papids, Boone county, will on the 24th inst. vote on the proposition to issue $10,000 in bonds for the purpose of building a school house. The Rock Island.has made a proposition to build thirty miles of road in Gage county for $85,000. The proposition will be submitted to a vote of the people. The Nemaha Times calls for a straight Republican or straight Democrat for the Senate "anything but a thoroughbred old demagogue who worms along between the two parties like a snake, despised by both." S. A. Smith of Blue Springs, expected to harvest 30,000 quarts of strawberries this year, but the heavy hail storm of Saturday night will materially lessen his crop. He will gather about 10,000 quarts of other small fruits. The Republican, in authority, informs its readers that the cars will be run into Broken Bow in less than 60 days. Freight is now being delivered near the mouth of the Beaver from Grand Island, and further by the expiration of three weeks freight will be contracted and delivered at Mason. Broken Bow Republican. Newspapers come nigh up in Hitch cock county. . The Stratum Gazette sold, the other day, -vsre learn, Ut A. W. Suiter, employment for 150 persons. A military contest at Crete between the Doane college cadets and the college girls resulted in a victory for the boys. Complaint has been entered against certain citizens of Cuming county that they kill prairie chickens while they arc nesting. The Elkhorn river runs a third more water than it did six years ago, as can be vouched for by those who have lived there that long. There is talk of locating at Milford L. A. STETEXS, NOTAEY public TIIOELECETS BLOCK, UP STAIRS, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. i depoi congregation which assembles each j F-"ni:s? Awry was sent hm?. ; - , - . Finding relief, ne bought a lanre bottle j ereiun to see the amval5 0D 2- 4 and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills: increasing m numbers Clint Patterson ; by the time he had taken two boxes of 1 airs himself behind a spn old colt that will b? ente: races There are a number of men in town who wear a woe-begone expression of an infirmary after the plan of the world reaowned establishment at B&ttle Creek, Michigan. spanking three-year K and two bottles of the Discovery, he j The Fremont ereamerv turned out 3 - tJ'C Troll or-1 1 iarf ro i r rtrvK lrr r-T-- nterpd at the Omaha I , " . 7C1 pounu: Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery for consumption free cx Gray & Co.'s. 21.2 pounds of butter in May, an increase nortgage held against the cntcrriby Suiter, taken to secure- v fabor debt The retiring journalist, wa are informed will be short about $500, but his large experience wDl amply repay him for that small item of expense. Glory is immortal. McCook Trumpet. All persons interested in the Sabbath school work of the State should attend the Chautauqua of Nebraska at Crete from July 1st to 10th. Some of the finest talent obtainable will be present, and the grounds are spacious, on the banks of the Blue river, accomodations excellent and charges reasonable. A rare chance to enjoy a week of recreation and gain a knowledge of the work iu a manner that will be beneficial and pleasing to all. It becomes our unpleasant duty to chronicle another business failure in our city, this time the unfortunate parties being the pioneer firm of our town W. H. Hayden & Co., whose extensive establishment was taken possession of, Monday, by the Omaha National Bank of Omaha, Paxton & Gallagr of Omaha, and the Exchange National Bank of Hastings, under the terms of chattel mortgage held by them against the firm, amounting, we understand, to over $20,000. Just what the liabilities of the firm will amount to is a matter of conjecture, some place it as high as $50,000. McCook Tribune. When the B. & 31. train pulled into Blue Hill on Saturday last on its way to Hastings, a bevy of girls filed into the already crowded coach. A young gentleman of the cloth, fine looking and agreeable, sat near the door in a seat by himself. To the intimation of a friend in the seat back of him, to take a lady in the seat with him, he said : "Wait and I will select the best looking and share he seat with her. Here she comes,' and he took down his grip and made room for her, when the beautiful vivacious creature said : "Here mother take the seat. I can stand up," which the mother did, and the gentleman of the vacant seat stood the laugh of his friends all the way to Hast ings. A sylable never passed between the couple. Harlan county Press. The overstocking of western ranges with cattle is a good thing in one import ant respect for Nebraska. L'pon short rations of grass cattle do not become fit for market. Grass beef is almost unknown. The result is the establishment of a large number of fitting ranches, or more properly feeding stables, in the corn districts of Nebraska. In a short time there will be ten million dollars put into the plants for this sort of business- It pays good returns to the investor and makes a demand for corn and hay that is felt in the prices paid for them. As the Journal has said for years, in the con sumption of our com at home lies the only possible profit in its culture. Supplement it with grass and improved breeds, supervise the new coure of affairs with activity and discretion, and there Li of 6,000 pounds over the correspoading j no limit to the wealth that can be made. month last year. I Stain Journal,