Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, January 09, 1886, Image 1

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    J- u .
One Year, in Advance, - - - . $1.50.
Six Months, in Advance, '- ,- - .75.
Three Months, in Advance, - - .50.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Took Effect Nov. 16,1685.
Central TlilE.
No 1 Tf,V; W " t.'V.", w "J ." "
No. 3, Demer Express
Sio. 17, Colorado Fast Ft..
Ho. 19, Cal. & Ore. Fst Ft..
No. 21, ThronRh Freight..
No. 23, Way Freight,
"8:50 a." in!
10:05 p. m.
4:20 p. ra.
"Oft p. m.
7:15 p. m.
3:15 a. m.
rz.p. m.
10:15 p.m.
3:40 p.m.
S).O0 p.m.
9:10 p.m.
11:00 a.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:15 a.m.
5:15 p.m.
755 p.m.
450 p.m.
220 p.m.
No. 2, Atlantic Ex
iio., i.meago.tx 1 1 zlij a. m.
no. 10, i.oioraao rrnst j? t.. . 4i&u p. m.
o. : UU, i;aL & Ore. Fst Ft.. C:40 p. m
No. 22, Freight 430 a. m
mi. a, .creiguc lzrzup. m.
Trains 1, 6. 17, 19, 2, 4, 13 and 20 leave daily
Trains 23, 22 and 21 leave daily except Sunday.
Train 21 leaves daily except Monday.
Trains west o North Platto use Mountain
Time, one hour slower than Central Time.
"Will Practice is am, Courts or the State.
0. 51.
The M Fut Tea Store !
o o o o o o o o o o o o o
00 o o o
..o o...
"o o""
O. o
o o""
years experience in Contest and
With manv
other cases before U. 8. Land Office, we will irive
vltici. micnuoa 10 lanu Dusmes Uriels prepared
uiiuiurKumenui niea in uie ja:enor .Department.
Office, Boom 12, Opera Jfoose Block. Oppo
site Kailroad Hotel.
Office in5 ttnman's Block on Spruce Street, over
' ' .' the Poet Office.
Physician and Surgeon.
'mcc: Opera House Block, over Tlmcker's
-Drug Store.
Residence on West Sixth Street
Leave onlers at Thacker's Dnig Store.
Prof. N.Klein
Music Teacher.
.Instruction on the Pianc. Organ, Violin or any
xieea or Jjrass instrument.
Three Chances For a Tow lot
Sugar, any kind you choose, for $1.00
Coffee, any kind you choose, for 1.00
Tea, an' kind you choose, for 1.00
Soap, an' kind '0u choose, for 1.00
Spices, any kind 'Ou choose, for. 50
Lemon Extract, one bottle 20
Corn Starch, one package for 10
Gloss Starch, one package for 10
Candy, one package for 10
KaT'Everybody buying the above goods known as
receive free three chances for a TOWN LOT IN
McCook is gaining an unenviable repu
tation as a resort of gamblers, thieves and
It is said that 700 teams vill be put
on the Ehvood extension as soon as the
weather will permit steady work.
J. C. Maulick yesterday sold to a Mr.
Tower, of Omaha, SO acres of land, adjoin
ing town on the east, for 4,000. Custer
The Union Pacific is building a depot
at Lodge Pole that will out-shine anything
they have now between Denver Junction
and Cheyenne. The structure is seventy
five feet long and is being finished up in
Jiandsome style. Kimball -Observer.
Charles P. Comstock,"vMo was sent up
from York county in lSl for the crime
of rape and incest on his 9-ycar-old
daughter, has made application for a
pardon, and the case is now being consid
ered by Gov. Dawes.
The Ainsworth JFeics reports a man in
that neighborhood who some time ago
secured a deed from his mother, 02 years
of age, to the homestead on condition he
should keep her, but is now treating her
with extreme cruelty.
A Tribune reporter who has been look
ing the matter up, finds that a good
many of the .grocers of Fremont sell ole
omargarine, but each one protested tliat
he sold it for just what itnvas, and did not
attempt to palm it oil as choice dairy
Pianos carefully tuned.
Organs repaired.
A Trial Will Satisfy Anybody.
A H.
Open every afternoon from-.li30 until 430. All
-those interested in art work please call.
0.1 Toiisorial
w, Silverware, W
Front St, over Star Clothing House.
Handsomest Barber Rooms
in NORTH PLATTE, and excels any
three-chair shop in the Suite.
, First-CJass Artists
Always in Attendance.
And Dealer In
H. M c E V O Y.
No. 2, McDonald's Block, Spruce Street, ?
North Platte. - - - Nebraska.
Full Line Tobaccos and Cigar
Pprfpct Fit. Rest Work and Goods
Represented or Money Refunded.
Guns and Sporting Goods.
Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty.
ront Street, one door east of Nebraska House,
Schmalziied & Hinton
Manufacturers of
Havana and Domestic Cigars
And Dealers In
DEijDs, Tobaccos,
And All Kinds of
Smokers' Articles.
Spruce Street,
Gazette - Journal Co.,
11 I
Lithographers, Stationers,
Daily Gazette-Jockxal, $( Per Tear.
Weekly Gazette-Jo dkxal,-$ 1.50 Per Yr.
US. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., )
November 27, 1SS5. )
Complaint having been entered at this office by
HiasS. Cooper against Alfred J. Scott for aban
dondinc bis homestead entry ?o. 7392, dated May
Uth, 1885, upon the northwest quarter section 2y,
township 10 north, range St -west, in Lincoln
oonnty, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation
of said entry; the said parties are hereby sum
Boned to appear at this office on the 25th day of
February, 1886, at 9 o'clock a. m., to respond and
fernifth testimony concerning said alleged aban
'doament. Wji. Nevuxk, Kegistcr.
W- C. Loctos, Attorney. 6.
Dealeii Lx
j X ltUllj
Lemons, Cakes, Jumbles, Crackers,
A full line of Stationery,
Embracing blank books, pass books, pens, pencils, pen holders. Etc., Etc.
Groceries, Butter and Eggs and a fine stock of Cigars, Tobaccos, &c.
EsSr I hope bT strict attention to business to' receive a fair share of the
public patronage.
General Land -and Real Estate
jETarc-o Por Sale Clioico Bargain
The second anmial-ifceeting of the
Union stock yards company of this city
was held 'luesday, and a 4 per cent
dividend on the stock declared. Duriii"-
the year the receints at the vard
150,000 head of cattle,-; 170,000 head of
hogs, 40,000 sheep and 5,000 horses.
Omaha Bee.
The Pumpkin Creek country is coming
to the front in splendid shape. A great
many families will be living out there by
next spring. The store keeper for the
colony is already making his arrangements,
and a blacksmith will set up his forge
there in the spring. A nost office will
probably be established without delay.
Kimball Observer.
A car of furnishing goods for Flynn's
new hotel at Buffalo Gap was entirely
destroyed by fire at Florence on 3Ionday
night of last week. The origin of the fire
is.ejtLrjynuccounte-ir,.as.the car had.
Deen seaieu lor several hours before the
train started. The' car was worth 500,
and the goods "comprising the load cost
over $3,000.
Though it is nearly midwinter and land
hunting generally is having a lull, the
trips through Plum Creek to Broken Bow
in Custer county by capitalists from
Lincoln, St. Joseph, Omaha, and towns
farther east, indicates a confidence in the
building of a railroad into those "back
woods" so long fifty miles from market
-and a consequent local boom in land
and lots. Plum Creek Gazelle.
A walking match for fifty dollars a side
between Corporal Stohl, of C compar
and George McCarty, of F company,
twelve hours go-as-you-please, has been
arranged to take place at the skating rink
January 15th Myrtle Brown, the
little daughter of Mr. itnd Mrs. II. M.
Brown, living on Pumpkin creek, narrow
ly escaped burning to death one day last
week. Her clothes caught fire accidently
and only the opportune arrival of Mrs.
Brown saved her from a terrible fate.
Sidney I'degraph
Mr. McEntee the sub-contractor of the
Grand Island railroad is in the city
engaging men to go to work at once. The
contractors Messrs. Fitzirerald of Lincoln
hope to have 1,G00 men at work before
long, and have already sent a large gang
to Beaver Creek, 35 miles northwest of
here who will begin grading both wa-s,
and another force will be put at work
from here northwest. The contractors are
paying $1.50 per day foremen and 3 for
teams. Grand Island Independent.
Miss Minnie' Aiders, a young lady 22
years old, who lived with her parents one
mile south of Grand Island, committed
suicide Saturday morning by shooting
herself in the head with a shotgun that
she had concealed in her room for some I
aays past, one had been m low spirits.
Saturday morning she went to her room,
locked herself in, wrote a letter to her
parents, asking their forgiveness for
committing the act, and another letter to
a young man, neither of the letters give
any reason for taking her life except that
she felt unhappy. Death was instantan
eous. She was a bright and promising
young lady and was very popular among
her associates. Rumor has it that a love
affair was the cause of the suicide.
MciNeeley's brick block in McCook,
which was the finest one in the town, took
a tumble one night last week and is now a
mass of debris. The building was receiv
ing the finishing touches, the outside work
having been finished. The cause of the
wreck was the giving away of the base
ment wall which was built of local stone,
a steady rain the day previous .had soaked
the stone unlil it crumbled awaj.
It used to be said that "the miller that
stuck to his burrhs gathered a harvest of
gold." This was true when it was first
written but it -is understood now that the
miller that sticks to his burrhs is left out
in the cold when brought in competition
with the improved roller system. The
millers of Custer county are adjusting
their machinery to the new'order of things,
C. D. Munson on Clear creek beinjr the
last, we believe, to adopt the roller system.
Broken Bow Statesman.
On last Saturday morning an explosion
of gasoline occured at the residence of
Dr. Maple which came near resulting
seriously to the doctor and his wife
personally and to their dwelling. A tea
kettle was setting under the stove and the
gasoline leaked from the stove and dripped
into it. In the morning the gasoline stove
was lighted to prepare breakfast; Mrs.
Maple took the kettle from under the
stqve and placed it over the fire; after it
became heated, the gasoline which dripped
into the kettle, exploded and for a few
moments the room was a sheet of lire.
Mrs. Maple's face and hands were severely
burned and her clothing caught fire, but
was smothered out by the doctor. Her
dress being woolen, the llames were easily
extinguished, but not before the doctor
had burnt his hands and wrist in a terrible
manner. The doctor's brother and a
nephew were sleeping in an adjoining
room and by their assistance the house
was saved. Kothin
instantly after the explosion. Benklemcn
lne causes lor this state or aiiairs are
various, they are debatable questions, fit inn A ...
it lUSb uui il IfH
of bed clothing which were burnt
The B. &. M. Railway Co., having
bought the town sites for their stations in
Ilalljcounty on their proposed extension
from Grand Island, and decided to run
their line to Broken Bow, and unloaded
several carloads of grading machines at
Grand Island to go to work immediately,
so, hence, therefore Mr. "W. E. Robinstin
a real estate man of Grand Island, came
to Plum Creek and in company with Mr.
Elum of this place started at 9 p. m. on
Wedne5drtyTiiirlit: T.-ith one of Dave
Ilanna's rigs and a driver for Broken Bow,
55 miles north among the hills of Custer;
they arrived at the top of the big hill
which hides Broken Bow from view from
the south, at G o'clock Thursday morning
and made a bus- day of it. A man from
Omaha had got the SO acres joining town
that he wanted, but he bought quite a
number of lots. The Republican office is
in a comfortable abode ; there is no court
house built yet, but owing to distance to
haul lumber 55 to 70 miles there arc
more brick buildings than one would ex
pect to see 'in a fontier town. Plum Creek
Plum Creole.
From the Herald.
It is an unusual occurance for robins to
appear during the holidays, in this latitude,
yet several were seen by our citizens last
The treasurer of the B. & M. company
who was in town last week, stated most
emphatically to Mr. James that thcr
would be a branch of their line constructed
from Minden to this place before another
Messrs. J. Avers and II. V. Temple
killed between Sept. 1st and Dec. 23th
149 geese, G8 mallard ducks, 30 small
ducks, 34 cranes, 521 prairie chickens, 23
jack rabbits, and 35 rabbits. These sports
men were out but a few days of the time
TTo learn from Mr. Hess who was out
all last week with members of the B. &
M. Town. Site Co., locating sites between
Broken Bow and Grand Island, there
will be seven stations between those two
points and that work will begin on Mon
day. The contract requires that the road
must "be completed on or before June 1st,
for the consideration of literary societies.
A hint to the wise is sufficient.
The Murder Trial.
The jury- that tried Jim Renolds in the
district court this week did its duty and
found a verdict of guilty of murder in the
first detrree. Under the evidence and the
law as presented by the court in the
instructions it would have Jbeen hard for
jury to have done otherwise. By his own
confessions the prisoner killed the two
men, but as he alleged in a quarrel. This
statement was net justified by the wounds
on'the dead men, both having been struck
on the back of the head, or by subsequent
acts -of the prisoner in burying thp bodies
diircinir up the blood snots, setting the
tent on fire and chansrinir his clothimr.
It was the most cold blooded, brutal
low and cowardly murder that has ever
been perpetrated in this region of the
country, but fortunately for the good name
of the county all of the parties interested
were new arrivals from another state.
The Reillys, father aud son, made a
hard fight for the prisoner, which was
their duty as his consel to do, but the
evidence was overwhelmingly againstthem
and their only hope of saving the neck of
the guilty wretch was the insanity plea
which has been of no avail. The evidence
of that insanity was the queer acts of the
prisoner, the testimony of the men in jail,
and perhaps might be included flic trilling
cause for which the prisoner alleged he
committed the crime. Against that is the
testimony of the five doctors, and others
who have come in contact with him and
the knowledge he showed of having done
wrong in murdering the men by attempting
to hide the crime.
The fact is the prisoner is a weak man
mentally and a coward. The crime has
haunted him from the day of its commis
sion and the fear of punishment has
constantly burdened his mind. He has
become weak and nervous and recogniz
ing that silence is golden and lunacy his
only hope has persisted doggedly in
maintaining that silence. But the guilt
man should not be allowed to escape
the full penalty of the law for his dastardly
deed and if any one has sympathy let
him bestow it on the widow and orphans
of Renolds' victims, as the district attorney
fittingl' remarked in closing his address
to the jury. Sidney Telegraph..'
Mr. Laird's Speech.
"When the House was-debating tho bil
for a revision of the rules, Congressman
Laird made a speech upon tho subject.
Referring to the order of Commissioner
Sparks suspending final proofs he said
"Mr. Speaker there is another question
of great moment to the country which I
have the honor to represent and to the
country west of the Missouri River,
and for that matter to the entire country.
On the 3d of April, 1SS5, the Commission
er of the General Land Office issued the
following order:
Reasonable Bates.
action in this office upon
Settlers located on tree claims, pre-emptions and homesteads. ' Good land
can yet be had convenient to town, to the railroad and the Platte river.
" No trouble to get water.
The Chicago and aJsorthwestcrn has
just let the contract foi the extension and
grading of their road from Chadron,
Xeb., directly west to Fort Fetterman, a
distance of ninety miles. This shows
that the 2sorthwestrrn is pushing west
ward to the' Centrri Pacific at Ogden or
Salt Lake City. This road will run about
eighty miles north cf Cheyenne. It is the
intention to have the new ninetv miles
completed by next September. The road
from Chadron northward to the Black
mils is now completed to Buffalo Gap and
grading is going on north of that point It
is the intention to have this line completed
to Rapid City in the Blue Hills, early next
spring. '
From tho Independent.
There was a' rumor current here the
first of the week that a man living on the
table north of this place, had been buried
in a well 300 feet deep, the sides caving in
on him. Iso particulars.
"Wild geese are still numerous along
the river, and knowing ones say we will
not have severe cold while they linger
near. It is also reported that the beavers,
which are quite numerous in the vicinity
of Brady Island, have made no dams a
never failing i-ign cf mild winter. So
mote it be.
Many of the country school districts
have organized literary societies. This is
commendable, and the movement might
be followed, v.-ith profit by every school
district in the county. If properly
conducted such societies cannot fail to be
beneficial to both the young and old of
the communities in which they are held.
Any movement that will awaken an inter
est and cause the investigation of questions
relating to the welfare of the public should
be encouraged. The Americans are
noted as a reading people, but it is also
an indisputable fact that with too many of
them reading is merely a mechanical
operation; hence their fund
of general information is very limited.
Final action in this office upon all
entries of the public lands, except private
cash entries, and such scrip locations as
are not dependent upon acts of settlement
aud cultivation, is suspended in the
following localities namely:
All west of the first guide meridiau west
in Kansas. All west of range 17 west in
Nebraska. The whole of Colorado
except land in late Ute reservation.
All of Dakota, Idaho, L'tah, "Washington,
A'ew Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, and
Nevada, and that portion of Minnesota
nortlt of the indemnity limits of the
Northern Pacific Railroad and east
of the indemnity limits of Saint Paul
Minneapolis, and Manitoba Railroad.
In addition, final action in this office
will be suspended upon all timber entries
under the act of June 3d, 1S7S; also upon
all cases of desert-land entries
"W. A. Spakks, Commissioner.
April 3d, 1S35.
As the report of the Commissioner
relates to the 30th of June, 1SS5, all of
the persons Who had made entries by that
time would now be entitled to make final
proof and receive their final receipts for
these lands, if they could show, as most
can, compliance with the law as to
settlement and improvement. This would
make the number of homestead and pre
emption settlers on the public domain of
the United States now entitled to patent,
or to claim patent, as shown by the report,
84,251 that is 84,251 heads of families,
representing at a fair estimate a popula
tion of 252,753 persons, under the ordinary
operations of the law entitled prima facie
to an absolute title to 13,320 1G0 acres of
land, and now deprived of their rights by
the order cited.
The order in question, it will be noticed,
applies to all land west of the first guide
meridian west, in Kansas, and all west of
range 17 west in Nebraska. An examina
tion of any map of those states will show
thiX the suspension effects fully one half
of the area of each of those states named.
More than this, the order, it will be
Observed, operates to withdraw from
settlement all the land in the United
States available for settlement in the
States and Territories west, southwest, and
northwpst. AH tho lands nwnpfl hv tho
Government now beinc sought for settle
ment by the people, except those in the
south, are practicably unavailable to the
people wanting homes.
It must be borne in mind that million
aires do not migrate to Nebraska, Kansas,
or Colorado The people that go there go
much as the first settlers came to the
colonies in the old time. They bring
neither gold nor silver. The are without
resources; their only property Is their
willingness to work. Their wealth is in
tho future. They are surrounded by no
splendor except that of hope. They are
sustained alone by the faith of things not
In the light of extraordinary conse
quence of evil to tho present and future
of the States and Territories effected by
this order, it becomes pertinent to inquire
upon what authority of law and what
warrant of fact this wholesale slaughter
of the rights of 252,753 citizens of this
country is based ? The authority of law is
raised by construction, by implication, and
that is " raised by what is called evidence
furnished by the published report of
eighteen special agents who are relied
upon to impeach the sworn evidence of
8i251 claimants and 160,502 disinterested
witnesses, and who must have sworn for
them, and in additionto this the official
finding of the trusted Wcm land officers of
the Government.
Some of the evidence (reports) of the
special agents would seem to commend
itself to the ridicule of all reasonable men
b' statements of this kind :
I give it as raj opinion that in Kansas,
Nebraska and Dakota the proportion is 90
per cent, to 10 per cent, of bona jide and
possibly successful cultivators.
Here the gentleman is speaking of
timber-culture claims, and, on the strength
of this opinion of a man hired to hunt
down these settlers of the frontier, an
order issues suspending not only timber
culture patents, but all patents. "When
before, with the approval of civilized men,
was the opinion of an informer taken as
ground for the suspension of ihe due
course ol law? JNoone iromme west,
that region which has suffered most from
the aggressions of the landed corporations,
but will srmpathize with the Commis-
sioner m nis eitort to protect tne pumic
domain from the encroachments of the
corporations of all kinds, whether cattle
kings, so called, or railroads.
We do not object to the suspension of
timber-culture entries or to the suspension
of any entry of whatever kind whenever a
specific charge of fraud is made against
that entry. We do protest against a cloud
being cast upon the honest claims of
settlers on the agricultural lands of
Nebraska and other States and Territories
by the dust raised by eighteen spies
whose official heads hang upon the slender
thread of caprice of an administration
mad with reform and a department which
believes itself laboring with a mountain
of fraud, Avhich seem3 to breathe an
atmosphere of .suspicion, and which
appears more than willing to see in the
sweat-stained fctf-rrf-the Weateru settler
a masked antf contemptible scoundrel,
intent on robbing the people of their
great patrimony, the public land.
Does not this congress understand that
in Nebraska, where every hundred and
sixty ajres of agricultural land is worth
from 500 to 1,000 as soon as patented,
and where there are from five to twenty
claimants for every claim; where every
man has the right to contest any entry,
fraud upon the public domain is an im
possibility? Does it not occur to the
honorable Commissioner that he is doing
in the States and Territories, where the
land is valuable for agriculture, the very
thinj- that the land-nrabbers and theives
want done?
This order makes it impossible for an
honest settler to raise a dollar on his final
Mr Speaker, these men are poor good
proof the are not rascals. They are not
prepared for a siege, much less can they
withstand for years the fire of all the
official batteries. They have some rights
as human beings; they are not wholesale
liars. Men do not commit perjury by the
hundred thousand.
This order covers half a continent.
Men do not sin b the continent they do
not attempt to take an empire by purjury.
Men are not punised geographically, or
condemned by the million without their
day in court. The reasonable doubt
.vhich saves the wretch trembling for his
ife, "the presumption of innocence"
which guards us all, speaks for these men
nd demands that the heel of the Depart
ment of the Interior be token from the
neck of these settlers.
No finer tribute was ever paid to
Parnell, the great Irish leader, than that
recently penned by George "William Curtis,
the silvery-tongued mugwump : "He is,
indeed, an uncrowned king, and should he
die there is no one to take up his scepter.
No fabulous monarch of Tara's hall, no
lord of the round towers, no wiid Celtic
chieftain, was so powerful a ruler."
Secretary Manning has astonished the
country by issuing a call for ten million
dollars in three per cent bonds, to be paid
off February 1st, 18SG. Gazette.
Watch for it! The first symptom of true
croup is hoarsness and if Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is freely given at once
and the doses frequently repeated the
dread disease may be entirely prevented
and all danger and anxiety avoided- Sold
by Gray & Co.
Speaking of children being troubled
with croup, Mr. O. B Hayden, druggist,
Panora, Iowa, says : "I have used Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in the treatment
of croup in my family for the past
the past four years and have invariably
had satisfactory results from its administra
tion. I consider it a certain and speedy
cure for this dangerous disease." Sold by
Gray & Co.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy does not
dry up a cold' but loosens and relieves it.
It aids expectoration, opens the secretions
and freis the system of the poisons of a
cold. Its soothing, healing and strength
ening powers have won for it the title of
the best made. Every one who uses i$
says its a good medicine. Sold by Gray S;