Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, November 07, 1885, Image 1

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    STEVENS & Bixiffi, Prop's.
One Year, in Advance, - - -r'- $1.50.
Six Months, in Advance, - - - .75.
Three Months, in Advance, - . .50.
Advertising Rates on Application. XOh. J.
Satislaclory talk
NO 42.
Eeasoui Eates.
Took Effect March 9, 1B83.
CestkalTote. CENTE.U. Teste.
Trains. Arrive. I Depart
9. -00 a-m.
5 b Pacific Express.. . .1 825 a. m.
jo. , JJenver Express .... 10:12 p
NO. 17. Hnlnnuln fcet T IJY1
? ra- I"st Ft..! 8: p. m.L 9:10 p.i
AO. 2L Thronrfl TVoiirVit ! R-Vi n ml Q-Ofl r t
o.23,Way Freight, j 2:00 p.m.; 2Z0p.
Trains. I Arrive. ! Depart
m.-ta r m
m. 4:15 p.m.
. .........'..
o. z, Atlantic Ex i 7:25 p. m.1 80 p.m.
o. 4, Chicago Ex .1 550 a. m.l 6.O0a.m.
No. 18, Colorado Fast Ft... 1 5:10 p.m. 530 p.m.
o.20, CaL & Ore.JFst Ft.. ' 7:15 p. m. 755 p.m.
No. 22, Freight I 420 a. m.1 6:10
No. 24, Freight J 5:15 p. m.l 6:30 a.m.
All trains daily except numbers 23 and 21.
Time, one hoar slower than Central Time.
Counselor. CityAtt'y.
Shannon & Church,
Wrxi, Peacttce in all Codbts of the State.
We have just received the
finest line of Hanging
Lamps that has ever been
brought to the city and will
be sold at lower prices
than ever before.
experience in contest ami
TJ. 8. Land Office, we will give
With many years'
other caes before
ouici. attention to lanu Dusinesa. Uriels prepared
and.argumenta filed in the Interior Department.
Office, Room" 12, COpera House Block, Oppo
site Railroad HoteL
Office, Spruce St, 1 Door South U. S.
Land Office.
Physician and Surgeon.
vou are in need of
Lamp, please call.
Q. THACKER, Druggist.
Opera House Block, over Thacker's
Drug Store.
Residence on West Sixth Street.
Leave orders at Thacker's Drug Store.
G-ZZ dfe JbUrUE'EJS,
i 0.-i l. Toiisorial Park,
Tont SL, over fctar Clothing liouse..
Shingles, Posts,
Doors, : Windows,
- 1 t -
k inNORTH PLATTE, and excels any
rthree-chair shop in the State.
First-Class Artists
. Always in Attendance.
Fine Boot and Shoe Maker,
And Dealer In
Local Church Notes.
Rev. Hopkins of the Presbyterian
church will deliver a sermon to the child
ren to-morrow jnorning at the usual
service hour. It is hoped a large audience
of both children and adults will be pres
Rev. Dr. Hayes, a prominent Presby
terian minister of Denver delivered an
able address at the Presyterian church
last Sunday evening. This reverend gem
tleman was enroute home from a visit in
the east.
Rev. Miss Norris, sof the Unitarian
church closed her years's work last Sun
day evening with an address on "A Plea
for "Women" which owing to other en
gagements our church reporter was denied
the pleasure of hearing: Services in this
edmce will be discontinued for the
present, but we understandiMiss Xorris
will remain in the city for an indefinite
From those who attend, we learn the
attendance at the several Sunday-schools
of the city is on the increase and the
outlook is more encouraging than it has
been for some time past A synopsis
of this work in North Platte will be
given in these columns at . an early date.
During the absence of Mrs. Hershe-.
who is visiting in the Tgast, Mrs. II. I,
Swarthout and Miss Addie Cash hav.
kindly tendered their services to the
Presbyterian choir. These ladies possess
pleasing soprano voices and are valuable
It is Said.
There is not an idle mechanic in the
city, all having steady employment at
additions to the choir
Disappeared Beneath the Waves.
J. Hank Jennings, a land 'seeker fsom
sothcrun Illinois, had a experience last
Sunday which did not favorably impress
him with the North Platte river. Lf
Friday he started on a land Inspecting
tour up on the Bird wood; ..riding hor
back, and after selecting a couple claims
in tnat section started for town. In
order to save time he concluded to ford
the river at the mouth of the Birdwood
though he hadbeen.previously warned of
the changing nature of stream's ifcottorn.
"When nearly two-thirds acr6SMsv, fiorsei
. A.
stepped, into a deep washout
Dea ana disappeared beheai
Mr. Jennings immediatriy;
urn-ssudie ana:
reemg Jnmseli Jxom
Building Paper, &c., &c:, ,
North Platte,
Perfect Fit, Best "Work and Goods
Represented or Money Refunded.
I will still continue nt the old stand and cany on the wood department,
such as repairing wagons, carriages, buggies, &c, in a neat and substan
tial manner. My paint shop is full of buggies being repainted, but there
is still room for a few more. First-class painting at reasonable rates for
cash. I will also redress buggy tops, making them look as good as new.
New and second-hand buggies for sale. Paint shop at my residence, two
blocks southwest of court house.
ront Street,' one door east of Nebraska House,
City Bakery.
swimming to a poiufcrherff
shallow, awaitecp;as;-alrjrfy
aDMgungmg succeded in getUng out of
the holeana came up to where Mr. Jen-
North Platte
mm Ml
And Teams to Let
on Short Notice
And at Seals Rates
D. A- BAKER, Prop.
Goods and Express Matter Prompt
ly Delivered m any part or
the Citj
Orders may be left at Buckworth &
Bixler s oihee.
have a good quantity of
will sell m lots to suit tne
or trade for other stocK or
Dickinson & Wilkinson
Locust Street, Betweex Fifth ajtd Sixth,
ewes which
We Won all
The unprecedented
success and merit
BALM a real cure for catarrh, nay lever ana coia
in the head has induced many adventurers to
place cniarm meaicuiw
blanoo in appearance, style or name upon the
-i ;n nnior trk t-rnrln iirn n the rtioutation OI
Ely's Ott-um Balm. Many m your immediate lo
cality still testify m highest commenaanon.
Don't bejleceivcd. Buy ouly 1-Jy s l ream ijaim.
K uatfido applied into each nostril; no pain;
ajreeaule to use- x:ricu waiu, w uuw
Greneral Land ,and Real Estate
Have For Sale Olioico Rn-rgn -t
xwiion this paper.
'to tne trade onr staple and ' L - uuli
MWToriwnmiflOT. can vet we uau convemenc 10 town, to tne raiirnmi and thP hih-a nr
IUT AHA " ' -v .".w .
mngs was standing. Thoroughly wet
and chilled he with some difficulty
mouniea tneanunai and rode to town
where with the aid of hot drinks and a
change .of 'clothing he soon recovered
from the effects of his misfortune.
Who They Were.
Editor THnjura. Several weeks ago
the Telegraph remarked that among those
present at the "Pink T" were "two hand
some gentlemen" and in last week's issue
the same paper refuses to divulge the
names. As your journal is of an enlight
ening nature allow me to state that the
gentlemen referred to were the Pencil of
the Telegraph and the defeated candidate
for count' surveyor. Trusting thi3 in
formation will ease the minds of our lea
good-looking gentlemen, I am
Eespectfully Yours
A full line of all kinds of Heating
Stoves, Stove Boakds. Stove Pipe and
Elbows. The "Radiaxt Home" is ad
mitted to be the best hard coal base burn
ing stove made. Over seventy-five are in
use in this town and all will bear testi
mony to thefact that it has no equal. A
list o'f the names of those who use the stove
can be seen, so that any person desiring
to get a first-class stove can be satisfied by
inquiring of those who use the "Kadiaut
Polite and competent mechanics always
ready to put up stoves. James Beltox
Fourteen .Months for One Dollar and
Fifty Cent3.
The Tribune will be sent to all new
subscribers from now until January 1st
1877 for one dollar and fifty cents. Secure
the leading local paper of Lincoln county
for a trial trip of fourteen months at the
regular price for one 3rear.
Card of Thanks.
r 1 mm.
juysen ana cnuaren wish to express
our heartfelt thanks to all friends who so
kindly assisted us in our great bereavment
Mrs. John 3IcNamara.
North Platte Oct. 31st 18SD.
good wages.
Tuesday was a great day for the city
saloons, the quantity of beer drank being
greater than ever before.
That the good die young, and that is the
reason why tough beef is sometimes
The North Platte matrimonial market
will be extremely dull this winter, eligible
young men Demg scarce ana not in
The city schools are progressing finely
under the skillful direction of Prof.
All wine.
Sam Jones the revivalist will visit
North Platte and begin his missionary
efforts on the Sunday duck hunters.
The "Fashion" sample room had a large
number of bar practitioners at the opening
Monday evening.
S. J. Rufus is the bigest "bluffer" in-the
city and his work on Tuesday wholly
confirmed the report.
There was very little miseheif perpe
trated by the irrepressible small boy on
all-hallow-e'en, the police having their
optics peeled for the young marauders.
The dancing class under the efficient
instruction of Miss Anna Hawkins is
progressing finely and the pupils are
having a most excellent time.
Master Tony Reis visited with his
young, friends in Sidney last week.
The latest North Platte slang invita-
tibn to dance is "let's churn around."
Let it be said its adoption is-t" universal
The elevated electric lights, at the
depot are proving a great convenience
and the stranger though a footf cannot go
estray. 1 ?4v
Jjpjmgratt jSredf-haveTT. large force
of mwjHKrfencing the railroad land,
on the3jfcfw hich ijEhoy purchased-a
-tKofc8njidaywas a bright, clear
cellent sneewwy number of our ii
15raak Conkhu, former resident of
the xity.Kabeen; visiting In-townihisU
weekrthe?gue3t of his brother vt.-Wl
Conklm.4 &
of life witK
- , ,.UEEu
renewed ambh'
The trail of Walter Lennox Maxwell,
alias. Brooks, will not take place until next
spring. His line of defense will be in
A combination of merchants in "eastern
Pennsylvania propose to abolish itinerent
peddling, which is injuring their trade
Phylis, with a record of 2:13, was beaten
at Mattoon, lift "by Joe Davis, with a
record of 2 :17J hence the crowd at Mat
toon was dissappointed.
Secretary "Whitney will build a ball
room in the rear of his house in Wash
ington and will try to run capitaline
society this winter.
Cattltijgn ift Arizona have taken to
riding, around in mask to scare off the j
sheep owners. They claim that the sheep
destroy the pasture
Gov. Alger of Michigan, says the mills
in the Menomonee region will probably
continue closed alU-winter and the pros
pect for the people is gloomy.
The President will entertain the
diplomatic corps handsomely at the
White House, next "winter, and good
wino will gleam upon the state table.
Bodie, once the liviest mining town in
California, is in decay. Its population
once G,000 is now scarcely 500, and the
people, are all trying to get away.
Theodore Davis, the British Columbia
lawer who defended the defaulting post
master,-Hibbs, got $750 of the money
which Hibba stole from the United'
At a meeting ofthe Westinghouse Air
Brake company at Pittsburg, Pa, the
capital; stock of the company was
increasecfrom $600,000 to $3,000,000.
Reed, manager of the New York Times,
says there are not over 15,000 mugwumps
in "New York eity, and that 50,000
Irish Democrats voted for Blaine last
A St. Joseph husband, who had been
missing for twenty years, turned up the
other day, handed, his wife $4,000 in cash"
i-jijleeu foEA.840.U00 larm and again
.drifeppeired. N6cfault is to be found
Yrkh5tht sort of a jhusband.
&;3Tayor Harrison,- of Chicago, declares
th&t'?is -is atxt to lmpossiole that an'
.officer be popular." "He bases
it7recRrk upon wEat somebody told. him.
Trial proves that honesty is the best
policy in medicine as well as in other
thing3. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a genuine
preparation, an unequalled blood puri
fier, decidedly superior to all others.
Peck's Bad Boy Comedy Co. is play
ing m the eastern part ot the state and
North Platte is liable to be inflicted with
its rendition again. Seeing this comedy
once is sufficient to satisfy any one.
There are a number of bad holes in
the sidewalks around town which it would
be well for the street coiamisioner
to repair. The city is held liable for
damages in case of an accident.
The Tribune receives many con
gratulations on the success of its weather
bureau in its efforts to have the weather
suit everybody. "We are glad our enter
prise is appreciated and we assure our
readers these pleasant days will conti nue
for an indefinite period.
Map of Nebraska.
Any one desiring a mounted wall map
of Nebraska, edition of 18S5, sectionized
1 showing the ranges, townships and
new counties, can find the same at thi3
office. Only 1.50.
Watches at
Gold Ladies'
Chains and
Seven da3s in the week we receive
letters from parties in the east desiring to
locate in the west requesting sample
copies of Tiie Tribune. This is pretty
good evidence that a local newspaper is
regarded as a true index of a county's
prosperity and in the future as in the past
this enterprising journal will continue to
assist in building up the county.
'Hundreds of letters from those using
Ayer's Hair Vigor attest its value a3 a
restorer of gray hair to its natural color.
As a stimulent and tonic, preventing and
often curing baldness, and cleansing and
soothing the scalp, its use cannot be to
strongly recommended.
A gentleman who travels all over the
state says North Platte has better fide
walks and more of them than any town of
its size in Nebraska. Sidewalks are not
the only thing our. town forges ahead on.
If all the contemplated brick blocks
are erected next j-ear Spruce street from
Front to Fifth will present a solid appear
ance. The Tribune trusts these improve
ments will be made.
You may not be aware of it, but it's a
fact, that many of tne medicines recom
mended for" croup contain either
chloroform or opium, and cannot be
given to children in the large and
frequent doses required, in cases of croup,
with am- degree of safety. They are
dangerous and should be" avoided at all
times. There is one preparation, however,
that does not contain a single ingredient
that would injure a child, and it is certain
and positive cure for croup, and that is
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has
cured thousands of cases and can alwavs
be depended upon. Sold by Gray "&
Our ideas of French cooking are de
rived from the extravagance of restaurants
and the salaries of a few chefs who draw
more pay than a judge cr a bishop ; but
the artisans of Paris would turn up their
noses at the soups and coffee to be found
on the tables of mam' of our well-to-do
In Iceland women have votes as well as
voices in church affairs. The custom has
existed there for ages; and is kept up by
the Icelanders who have emigrated to this
country and settled in Dakota. There are
in Dakota, Montana and Manitoba
nearly a dozen Icelandic congregations.
These recently met in convention at
3Iountain, D..T., and adopted a synodical
Millions of squirrels are
from the Missippi.sidc over to the Arkan
sas shore at a point commencing about
fifteen miles below Memphis and extend.
mg for twenty miles, l hey are swim
ming the Missippi river, ami eviaently
making for more elevated ground in
Arkansas. Thousands are being killed by
farmers. A similar emigration occured In
1872! -
-number of-f
India by wild animals1 and-shak
Indian Medical Gazette gives the number
of those killed in Bengal alone by animals,
for five years, at from 1,264 to 1,302 in
each year. The snakes destroyed from
9,135 to 10,064 annually.
a special car stopped in the city
Monday a couple of hours. Among those
on board were Superintendent Dorrance,
Assistant Superintendent Deuel, Master
Mechanic McConuell, C. F. Newton,
superintendent of bridges and buildings
and Roadmaster McGregor. ' The special
object of inspection was the Lockwood
building, which has been purchased by
the railroad company. One wing of this
building will be added to the Pacific
hotel. The remander of the building will
be repainted in the spring and used as an
annex of the hotel or rented. Sidney
There is no longer any doubt but that
Denver Junction will have a bridge across
the South Platte. Perseverance will win
ever' time, and the gentlemen in charge
"of the bridge matter have an inexhaustible
supply of this very essential article, hence
the favorable result. At present it cannot
be said whether the bridge can be built
this winter or not, as the bids for the
building of it will not be opened until
. 1 Pa!. .
uea-muer ui, ana ii xne weather is
favorable work will be commenced at once
otherwise it will be commenced as early
in the spring as the weather will permit.
The advertisement for proposals appears
in another column. Denver Junction
A case of more than ordinary, interest
was decided last week at Sutton. A Mrs
Percival obtained judgement for $2,59S
against John uurran, a saloon keeper for
causing the death of her husband, Percival,
who was about sixty years of age, took in
the saloons ot button on a winter's dav
three years ago, and in the evening started
for home, three miles distant in a heavy
snow storm. He was intoxicated, and no
doubt fell down and died from cold. He
was found frozen stiff next morning a
short distance from his home. This
decision carries out one of the wise pro
visions of the Slocumb liquor law, which
makes all saloon keepera liable for any
damages resulting from the sale of intox
icating liquors.
More complaints have gone up from the
patrons of this land office, than from all
the other districts in the state combined,
so we are informed. It now transpires
that error after error has been committed
by Register Morris such as will cause
the poor homesteaders to loose their lands.
Whether willfully or ignorantly done, is
not for the people to determine ; they are
there all the same. Senator Van Wyck
may "rise to explain" till dooms day
that "to dead to
it feebly, when
reference is made to his chances for
re-election to the United States Senate by
the good will and votes of his party in
northwest Nebraska. Valentine Demo
crat. '
Capt Delauncey, the great French
weather prophet, predicts uncommonly
severe earthquakes and cyclones next
year. He also predicts the appearance of
a great comet to be followed by an epi
demic which will carry away thousands,
of people.
Two railroadcorporations in Manitoba,
have caused to be cut from the public dc-
main 45,100,000 feet of lumber and.
bridge timber, 85,741 railway ties, 15,400,-
shingles, 32,035 cords of wood and 20,000'
cedar posts, valued in all at $625,000 all
against the law.
Many strange religions have bean intro-.
ducedinto California, among them Hin
doo Theosophy and Chinese Confucian
ism. The growth of Spiritualism there
is so rapid as to challenge attention. A
local paper, noting these facts, says It is
about time for the Christian churches to
wake up.
A violent agitation of the Chinese ques
tion has broken out in Augusta, Georgia,
since the publication of the recent out
rages in Washington Territory. For
several years the Celestials have been
flocking thither. They have prospered
in business and now own so many groce
ries, wholesale ana retail, that a large
number of the citizens have petitioned
the city council to take steps to prevent
further immigration. The feeling runs,
high as the Chinamen have many friend
among the lower classes.
The British steamer Greyhound, trading
locally in Chinese waters, has arrived at
Hong Kong, and her second officer reports
that a daring attempt was made by ChU
neso pirates to capture the vessel. The
captain of the Greyhound was inveigled
on board a pirate ship and after being
plundered was killed. The pirates then
attempted to seize the Greyhound, and a
desperate fight ensued, in which the other
officers and the engineers of the latter
vessel were badly wounded. The
Greyhound put on a full head of steam
and escaped to Hong Kong.
The question raised between the board
of public lands and buildings and the
governor," as to who had the right to make
the appointment of a matron at. the in
sane asylum has been decided by the su
preme court in favor of the governor as
the appointing power. The question was
by the disagreement between the gov"mol
and the board on the appointment of Mrs.
MatthewsoH, wife of-tke superintendent,
matron, of the. iiwututiOH-,., which re-
in. the .appointment of ihsk lady by
n w i imim tmmm i i i iv.t . tit.
building is in Coooer institute,
entirely new foundation of
the fact still remains,
skin" is expressing
in the. appointment of ita
whenr the salary accounts came inuy
resolved to test the question by refusing
to audit the account of Mrs. 3Iatthewson
until they should receive a decision from
the supreme court confirming the ap
pointment. About the greatest of curiosities in
where an
granite blooks, and considerable of the
brown stone of the walls have been put
in without disturbing the occupancy of
that benificent institution. The biggest
public hall in New Yor,k is completely
underground here ; there is a free library
and reading room above, and the gratis
classes in various useful branches
of art are maintained. The lavishness of
the expenditures is indicated in the fact
that $200,000 is being spent in the present
alterations, made necessary by the settling
of a heavy house into a soft ground.
Nevertheless Peter Cooper's perpetual
gift to the city is disliked by thousands
of earnest Christains, who honestly and
devotedly believe that it does more harm
than good. Religion is systematically
j. iif
aisregaraea in lis management now as
when its founder wa3 alive. The only
rule is that morality shall be furthered.
The periodicals in the reading room and
the books in the liabrary include nothing
vicious, but orthodox theology get3 no
special representaton, and as many
journals devoted to sports can be counted
as there are of those advocating Christian
ity, while infidel and agnostic publica
tions are there. Professor Zachos, the
director of instructions, i3 a free thinker.
The reading matter is accessible" on Sun
days. Worse than aught else, in the
estimation of church people, is the rent
ing of the hall to heterogeneous assem
A large line of heating stoves,
the- speak for themselves don't
have to tell that they are "for
winter use" at James Belton's,
Colic in Horses, Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy i3 a cer
tain cure for colic in horses. Many horse
men have used it f6r years and in
hundreds of cases without loosing one.
The dose for colic in a horse is four
table-spoons in belt" pint of water to be
repeated in 80 minutes, if
1 -1 - . . ' . .
seuuu uose is seiaom required. Sold
A young lady from the country being
tuueu io a party, was told by her city
cousin to fix ud and nut hflF TtAct fsvs
X m WJii XVVTb
foremost, in order to catch a bean, "sh
looked so green in her country attire."
The country lass looked into the face ot
her rather faded relative and replied:
ccji mail wiinereo.
Three different makers Htinn ,ir
and high-priced at Jaes bST?
When you can't sWn rJ. .
take a d6s of nhtL,
Unnedv. cosS
- r