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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1885)
TEVENS&iAKE, Prop's. TEEMS: - rftOam Year, In Advance, - fliSO. SSix.Month, in Advance, Jl-'V" .75. TlireeTJContns, in Advance, - .50. " Advertising Rates on Application. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Took Effect March 9, 1885. GOING WEST: ' CzKTXAI,TrSE. Trains. -Pacific'EcpresB';!.' C0' ?i Denver Express.... No. 19, CaL & Ore. Fet Ft. t- iroaWi freight., ho. 2S, Way Freight,?!.. .. CestbalTime. TraiBB. GOING EAST: Arrive. '8:35 ji. m. 10:12 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:45 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Z1M p. m. Ito. 2, Atlantic Ex o.4, Chicago Ex No. 18, ColoradoFastFt... V1- Ore. Est Ft.. t ttv22, Freight.... f - No. 24, Freight.... Arrivo. 725 p. m. 520 a. m. 5:10 p. m. 7:15 p. m. 4:30 a. m. 5:15 p. m. Depart 10:18 p.m. 4 do p.m. 9:10 p.n.. 920 p.m. 230 p.m. Depart 8:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 735 p.m. 6:10 p.m" 620 a.m. . i- - All trans dailt except nnmbera 23 and 24.' Trains vwt of North Platte use Mountain Xime, one faolumi than Central Time. 0XYB!8HAJSNON, . A. H. CHTJBCH,. . CooBselor. CityAtt'r. Shannon & Church, LAW AND LAND OFFICE. WttL PbACTICE IX ALL COUBTS OP THE STATE. "With nany years experience in Contest and other cases before U. 8. Land Office, -we will Rive strict attention to land business. Briefs prepared nndjirgumenta tiled in the Interior Department. Office, Boom 12, Opera House Block, Oppo site Railroad Hotel. NOBTH. PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. HINMAN & NESEITT, Attorneys-at-Law, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Office, Spruce St, 1 Door South TJ. S. Land Office. YOL. I. NORTH PL ATTE MBRSKA, OCTOBER 31, 1885. NO 41. L:A:M:P:S! We have just received the finest line of Hanging Lamps that has. ever been brought tOithe" city and will be sold at lower prices than ever before. If you are Lamp, in need pi ease. call. of a J. Q. TH ACKER, Druggist. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office: Opera Houso Block, over Thacker'a Drug Store. Residence on West Sixth Street. Leave orders at Thacker'a Drug Store. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Ii. A. STEVENS, NOTARY PUBLIC, OVER POSTOFFICE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. L. G. BAYER'S 0. K. Tonsorial Parlor, Front St, over Star Clothing Ilouse. "ls?!Eandsomest "Barber Rcroms in NORTH PLATTE, and excels an' three-chair oKop in the State. First-Class Artists . Always in Attendance. 1881. 1885 W. W. BIEGE, SUCOESSOH TO dfc FREES, LUMBER, LATH, Shingles, Posts, From the Teigpwjilt. . , T. C. Patlswoa edRor of the North Platte TeUafmk ;in. the city last brief Saturday, awi tBaibXthi office 'a visit fife----Jf" H. L. 7aMeditoof the North Platte Nebrask iaif? at&:. cha&mu 'of the demo cratic centraljcomittee of Lincoln county was in theV-'dty -Taesday closeted ticians. Look, bat for something to drop. . " , There are. twenty-one candidates for the county offices' of Cheyenne connty and only eight (sfficea to be filled. The Telegraph offersloiE-yeirfs subscription ee to .w?rJiiPifcfflfcoMe nearest Write the r with your Sto this office the naming the.iri mam Doors, Windows, H: MACLEAN, Fine Boot and Shoe Maker, And Dealer In HEN'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AN D SHOES. T Perfect Fit Best "Work and Goods Represented or Sloney Refunded. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. as ront Street, NORTH one door east of Nebraska Ilouse, PLATTE, NEBRASKA. City Bakery. bkeadTcakes, PIES, ETC. . Cigars, Tobaccos, AND SAM. TJRBACH, Prop. EAST FRONT STREET, NORTH PLATTE, - NEB. North Platte TRANSFER LINE, D. A. BAKER, rop. Goods and Express Matter Prompt ly Delivered in any part of the 0. Orders may be left at Buckwortli & Bixler's office. , SHEEP I ewes which I purchaser or propert'. have a good quantity of will sell in lots to suit the trade for other stock or I. LALIPLUGH. We Caution all AGAINST THEM. The unprecedented success and merit of ELY'S CREASI o T. -vr nrnal cure for catarrh, hay fever and cold Tilsce catarrh medicines bearing some resem blance in appearance, style or name upon the .arket, in omer to trade upon the reputation of KIv'b Cream Balm Many in your immediate lo cafitr -will tosd in highest commendation. Don't be deceived. Buy only Ely's Cream Balm. mU. i x 1 tu. -n nfs. f flrnmncta 7 no- Building Paper, &c,5 &c, TmFPTTR tt- CTT.VTNPl'X'JL' 3bT. 1?Try FIFTH ST., COR. LOCUST, OPPOSITE BAPTIST CHURCH, North Platte. - - Nebraska. STILL ON HAND. I -will still continue at the old stand and carry on the wood department, such as repairing wagons, carriages, buggies, &c, in a neat and substan- tial manner. My paint snop is luu.or Duggies oemg repuimcu, ouc mere is still room for a few more. First-class painting at reasonable rates for cash. T will also redress buggy tops, making them look as good as new New and second-hand buggies for sale. Paint shop at my residence, two blocks southwest or court house. J. D. SHAFFER. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, Horses BoiiffM I! hi Mi oi Csm- i i FIRST LH ii And Teams to Let on Short Notice Id at Reasonable Eaiss. Dickinson & Wilkinson PROPRIETORS. Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, NORTH PLATTE, - - - - - - NEBRASKA. trade amr Btanlea&d TofeMMTCfearettes, Plpe, HAVANA PACKARD & KING General Land and Real Estate Agents, STERLING, COLORADO, EXa.'ve 3Eoxc Sale Clxoioe SazreadLxxs FARMS, STOCK RANCHES AND TOWN PROPERTY. Settlers located on tree claims, pre-emptions and homesteads. Good land jan vet be had convenient to town, to the railroad and the Platte river. No trouble to get water. eight names o a sap, own name and mail i. - .'S Ft tf where they will be;kptvskled until day after election. -Mark three crosses in the corner of tne eavjelope: mt " i f . " . . xae item in. tmr news columns in relation to the first load of Cheyenne county com being brought to market is significant. A year.ago eves last spring. we were told .that corn would not grow in Cheyenne county;- Tet we see a man with a forty acre field of sod corn which yields twenty-five "bushels- to the acre. With such results as -this the future of Cheyenne county,cahreadily be surmised and that future; is., bo. less welcome because it was so :litle; expected so short a time affo. - S Sunday night Joe Crawford, who had been employed. 'by Mr.'"E. Witcher, of Antelbpeville, stole "& span of mules, harness and wagon belonging to-the latter and decamped. Telesjrams were sent to Deputy Sheriff, John Carley. at Sidney and Tuesday afternoon Mr. Carley nabbed the man with the mules. Mrr'Witcher came in from Antelope on NdiJJjyuid Crawford was given a preliminary 'hearing before Justice Shuman whosent'thim to jail to await the action of the district court. " 3Ir. "Witcher praises the deputy sheriff for the promptness and care he exhibited in handling the case and iwell pleased with the outcome of the affair? " ? "Wednesday afternoosJrt; saloon. W. M. JJodson in the -shoulder. had some words, the cause Winter's Deitrick ftitrfek: Dodsoii BBfi 1 1 being a" woman. ing. bar, camero: bar and threatened 5bput T)eKrick but. The latter picked up a spittoon, but set it down again as soon as Dodson returned to his place behind the bar. There was an old quarrel between the two on the same subject, and Dodson who is quick temper ed, crabbed a pistol, and as some claim struck at Swan across thp bar, the pistol going off and the ball entering his left shoulder. Swan Deitrick says he did not know that Dodson had a pistol or intended to shoot him until he was shot. Dodson hn3 nothing to say only that he considers himself justified in defending himself. Dr. Ewen was called and dressed the wound, but did not probe it. The ball is thought to have lodged near the neck. The wounded man is getting along very comfortably ,and the vound is not con sidered dangerous. . JDodson was arrested shortly after, the shooting by Sheriff Fowler, and gave bond for his appearance. At the preliminary examination Thursday morning he waived examination and was bound over to the district court. Arthur B. Lewis, editor of the Greeley Tribune, and superintendent of public instruction of Greeley county,, having perpetrated swindles upon a number of his friends, to the amount of several thousand dollars; has skipped out. Among the principal losers are S. 15". Wolbach, of Grand Island 185; Citizens Bank, Central City, $150; H. A. Babcock, $325; and Willie Weekes, of Greeley county, $1,600. Mr. Lewis left Scotia, on Monday the 12th, as hejsaid, forLincolnto attend the State convention, and from there nothing has been heard of him. The Merchants Eank, of Scotia, held a mortgage on the printing material of the Tribune, on which they closed Saturday afternoon, and it will probably be sold at sheriff's sale to satisfythe mortgage. Everything Lewis had was plastered -over with mortgages, and his victims of mis placed confidence will have to be losers. Mr. Lewis was one of those goody- goody-men. Iforth Loup Mirror. An elopement! No, not quite that, but there came near being one Saturday night. A young man, a former resident of this place, who now resides at a neighboring town, had wooed and won the heart of one of our young-ladies, and on Saturday came' to Central City for the purpose of taking his affianced to his home and making her his wL.i. The objection of paterfamilis standing in the way of a happy and harmonious wedding, a meet ing was arranged and was about to take place, when the stern parent swooped down upon the scene and escorted the young lady home. The last heard from the other party to the muss was that he would be back, again soon, and would then take the girl with him or bust Central City Nonpareil. Wolves are getting bad in the German neighborhood west of us. They have destroyed forty pigs for Agusta Rathe and a great deal of poultry and young stock for other farmers. A turnout anions- the farmers, would be a good thing. It is suggested by -a friend that a day be set for a grand hunt to exterminate them. Sterling Press. , .Pipes and all kinds of .fixtures.for pipes at Schmalzried ITinton's. Mr. Fiemer reports that a-farmer living northwest of Holdredue a few miles, killed thirty-three rattlesnakes last week They had taken possession of an aband oned prairie dog town. Holdrege Nugget. A lady who has kept a record of the time elapsing; between rains since her arrival here last April' says that nineteen days is the longest period during whiclx we have been without ruin. Culbertson 'Sun. The Plattsmouth Journal says that "the state democracy is, as of old, face to face with the enemy." This is a gratifying piec jf intelligence. The democrats o Nebraska are --generally ,onthe run with their backs to the enemy. Last Friday a large gray eagle swooped down on the poultry yard of P. G. Tyler, who lives in K precinct. Mrs. Tayler ran out. and seizinjr a club, knocked the bird down and killed it. It was brought to Seward on Saturday and bought by John Zimmerer, who will have it mounted The bird is a large one measuring seven feet from tip to tin' of its wings. Seward Reporter. n From a private source we learn that the youth who was appointed to a naval cadetship from, the Second Nebraska District, has got hisfpojjn it at Annapolis. On arriving at the acadjmy he, of course, was put through the hazing process, and to use a slang expression "squealed on the boys," which has raised a little row, All the cadets are now making it about as warm for him as possible and the end is not yet. Hastings Gazette. From J. C. Lewis, who came down from the north Thursday afternoon, we learn of a sad accident which happened at Pierce at 9 o'clock in the morning. Mr. Campbell, the liveryman of the town, was in the office of the constable, who was at that time cleaning his shotgun. After the weapon had been carefully cleaned, it was loaded up with a heavy load, and in careless handling it was discharged, the contents striking. Campbell, and tearing off the top of his head, scattering his brains all over the walls, and, unneces sarily to state, killing him instantly NEWS ITEMS. Aliens own twenty-five million acres of 3-Hierican sour; vv.- .S-maturCt nf fcrptnrir?Vii?a',nlpfl" at. iiuuisuu, w is., Dinuruay. The railroads of Pennsylvania employ over seventy thousand men. Barnum wants to buy and exhibit the engine which killed Jumbo. President Cleveland has expressed an opinion that the Republicans will carry New York. There are in Utah 12,000 polygamists according to President Taylor. It is clear that the Territorial penitentiary enlarged. . The English language contains 38,000 words, and yet when a man wishes to stop a street car he cannot think of anything better to say than "Ili !" The New York bank statements of last week show a reserve decrease of six million. Banks now hold thirty-one million iu excess of legal acquirements. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Coon in compliance 'with a request from Secretary Manning lias handed in his resignation. It was done for political reasons only. In the single scull race between Teemer and Hanlin at McKeesport last Saturday Teemer won by eleven lengths. The time was 21 :13, the distance being three miles and a turn. In a game of ball played at Cincinnati Saturday between the St. Louis Browns and the Chicagos, for the championship of the world the former club won by a score of 13 to 4. Human lives are valued at 5 apeice in Pennsylvania ; at least a mine boss who was convicted at Wilksbarre of causing the death of ten men went free after pay ing a $50 line. Oscar Wilde says : "The American girl is the prettiest despot in the world. She seems to me to be a little oasis of pictur esque unreasonableness in a desert of common sense." "A Denver Chinaman, who stumbled over a nest ot hornets,-' says tne isew York Sun, "was seen flying down the street yelling: "Jess! Dam! Melican hellee, firee birds !" A noticeable migration of Chinese from the west to the east is noted. Since the Wyoming massacre not less than 500 are said to have gone into New York and Philadelphia. A Indian youth of the Kiowa tribe is being educated for the ministry by the Presbyterians of Carlisle, Penna. He belonged to the Indian training school at that place. Detectives now travel on the Pennsyl vania Railroad trains with orders to arrest all persons found stealing rides. This will save many lives and limbs and effectually break up the ride-stealing business heretofore extensively indulged in by tramps. Andrew Carnegie, of Pittsburg has given the workmen of the Keystone bridge works -a house, and lot worth $25,000 dollars to be used as a public library and meeting place for themen, and a cash gift of $1,000 toward buying the books necessary for a library. must be over The hostility of the New York Times to Senator Sherman has been traced back to its starting point and found to date from the time when Sherman, as secretary of the treasury, made Jones, the owner of the Times, pay duty on a large quantity of goods he was caught trying to smuggle into tho country. The democrats boasted last year that they had killed the republican party : but the grand old party persistently refuses to stay dead. The election of Logan in Hlinois. the recent victory in Ohio and the excellent prospects in New York are evidence of a pretty lively corpse John Sherman will now be one of the three -men elected to five-full terms to the United States Senate. Thomas H. Benton of Missouri, was tho only man who served thirty consecutive year3 m th senate. Henry B. Anthony was elected to five full consecutive terms to the senate by Rhode Island, but he died soon after entering his fifth term. igland is apparently preparing to acquire the kingdom of liurmah. Tiie declared purpose of the British govern ment is only to depose the present king, and raise up a new rulor who will bo con troled by a resident and be thoroughly subservient to British interests. The actual absorption of Burmah will come later! The National bank and government of Mexico have finally come to an agreement, greatly to the relief of the business com munity. The bank will now resume full operations. The government now agrees to give, the bank 114 per cent of customs and revenuesbeginning with November, the Verna Cruz custom house not to be included until the beginning of the new report. The Fusion canididate for auditor of Wayne county, la., has just been caught short about a thousand dollars in his accounts, he being the incumbent of the office. They do all seem to be tarred and feathered with the same stick. In this case the rascal was allowed to pay up, and will probably not be jailed. Omaha is troubled with thieves, thugs, oot-pads And other disreputable char acters. Street cars are stopped and the drivers robbed at the muzzle of revolvers; houses are entered and the iinates chloro- ormed and robbed and all of these things withjn,a week.. The Herald, of-thatcity calls loudly for better police protection aud throws out suggestive Mnts of vigilant committees. General Manager Callaway, of the Union Pacific sa3's that all reports of a threatened coal famine in the district dependent upon the company's mines are untrue. The needs.of the road will bo supplied from Iowa and Missouri, while the output from Wyoming and Colorado, although a trifleshort at present will be soon ample to meet all custom demands. A stock train on the Chicago Burlington Quinc- the other night crossed the For office. land office blanks apply at this & state of Iowa from tho Missouri to the Missippi, a distance of 21)0 miles, in seven hours anu twenty-one minutes. his is at the extraordinar- rate of 39.4 miles per hour. The train consisted of seventeen cars, equipped with air brakes At the end of the run the contents must have been "jerked beef." "No, sir," said a gentleman from Arkansas, as he sat down in the sanctum chair yesterday and elevated his boots with tho firmness and grace belonging to his citizenship. "The fact that mobs are in the habit of burning people alive in jail down in my state is no reflection on the civilization of my state. It is merely an efficient and emphatic reminder to the criminal class that a jail is a healthy place to stay out of. We don't have any Ferd Ward parlor bed rooms and forty' dollars a day board attached to the reformatory institutions of our state." The reports from tho iron indnstry in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, are of an exceedingly encouraging nature. It is said that the preperation of mills in order to resume work contim j steadily, and that nearly every day adds another mill to those in which it is expected that work will soon begin. Thero has not been a more cheering piece of informa tion in a long time. It confirms the favorable reports which we have heard in an inde'finite sort of way for several months past. When the iron mills start up we may feel assured the return of prosperous times is near. The legislature of Ohio will have 37 senators and 110 representatives. Fifteen counties in the state have not been heard from officially, yet enough is known to make it certain that counting Hamilton county as giving 4 democratic senators and 10 democratic representatives, the senate will stand democrats, 20; republi cans 17; while the house will be, demo crats, 52 ; republicans 58. This will make the complexion of tho legislature on joint ballot republican. No change from this adversely' to the republicans is likely to occur. Contests will likely seat the entire republican delegation from Hamil ton county. You may not be aware of it, but it's a fact, that many of the medicines recom mended for croup contain cither chloroform or opium, and cannot be given to children in tho large and freq'uent doses required, in cases of croup, with any degree of safety. They are dangerous and should be avoided at all times. There is oue preparation, however, that does not contain a single ingredient that would injure a child, and it is certain and positive cure for croup, and that is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has cured thousands of cases and can always be depended upon. Sold by Gray & Co. A Brooklyn landlady nccidently put kerosene in her coffee the other morning and was much mortified when her board ers unanimously congratulated her upon the improvement thereby created. New York 'Graphic. The prospects of a splendid building x season in 1886 are getting brighter- every day. The future of Hastings is assured, and nothing can prevent her from becom ing a city of 20,000 inhabitants inside of ten years. Hastings Gazette. - From behind the counter the salesman and the saleslady are as impassive as ever, and we all feel, probably, something akin to dread at proposing thepurchase of aa . article-lest the transaction involved some "55 trouble on their part. Philadelphia Press. Sutherland Edwards has published a novel called "What is a Girl to Dor That depends somewhat; if she wants to climb over a fence she is to look cau tiously in every direction, gather her skirts in one hand, then change her mind and crawl under. Binghamton Hcpubli' can. Dr. Townsend a methodist clergyman at Buffalo has resigned his charge because he does not belivee in eternal punishment. And a great number of clergymen who don't believe in it any more than he does, but who lack f his manliness, are stoning him from a safe distance. Philadelphia Record. The Romanist, the Episcopalian, and . all the Protestant sects.are too busy build ing hospitals, foundling schools and co operating societies, and reforming ino drunkard and the prostitute, to arguo about the old tenents for which they used to shoot and burn each other. Jvtttaatf- phia Press. The Right of way. The most satisfatory evidence that tho new railroad, the Grand Island & Wyo ming Central, means business is the fact that they have already commenced the purchase of the right-of-way from the new road north west from this places Yesterday Mr. L. M. Bennett who owns the first section of landadjacent to'the city limits received "'payment from the company, and other land through which the line is surveyed will be bought as rapidly as possible. G. W. Holdrege, J.' . G. Taylor and C. D. Dorman, in hehalf of' - : same will bo opened at the company's office iu Grand Island, the capitol stock a3 provided in the 'articles of incorporation amounting to over $7,000,000. That tho new corporation means business there no longer exists a doubt, and Grand Island has just causo to feel elated over the railroad prospects, this new line, and one or two prospective ones insure the city. G. I. Independent. New Plan for Transporting: Emtgranta. A circular has just been issued by J. W. Morse, general passenger agent of the Union Pacific railroad, announcing an important change in the traveling accom modations offered by that road. The circu hir announces that beginning with the date of the circular rntnh. 13th, tho third class emigrant tickets of the road will be honored for passage on express trains, not only over their lines, but also over those of their western connections. Emigrant sleeping cars, with free births, are provided as as before, except that these are attached to fast express trains, instead of freight trains, at Ogden. A passenger holding a third class or emigrant ticket to any point west, will now make exactly the same time as one holding a first or second class ticket. This is a change which tho road has desired for years. It is esnecinHv rrot? - j fymg to them, therefore, to have their California connection follow the example of their Oregon connection, and give their emigrant passengers first class accommo dations as to trains and running time. Through emigrant passengers now hav all the privileges of first class passengers except stop over and Pullman sleeping car accommodations. The patrons of the road will appreciate the change. They will now save two day's time between Missouri River and California points. The through time between Omaha nrf San Francisco is three and one half days. Time between Kansas City and Sn Francisco is less than four days. A few years ago the emigrant time from Omaha to San Frncisco was seven days. The change announced in this circular reduces it to three and one-half-days. This rapid transit, combined with the superior accommodation afforded emigrants going to California, Oregon or Washington, via Union Pacific will increase its already large emierant mD? - W (J - MU4i ness. The stop-over privilege often days to look at lands in California. "Mh Oregon, and Washington is continued. lime Dy days at present is as folios . Leave Omaha, Monday 8:20 t Cheyenne, Thursday. 6:10 o. m- nJ Wednesday 6:00 p. m.: Reno. Thnrtw 8:40 p.m.; arrive San Francisco. Friday 11:10 a.m. Colic in Horses, Chamberlain' nnK Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a re tain cure for colic in horses. Many horse men have used it for years and in hundreds of cases without loosino- r. The dose for colic in a horse ia four table-spoons in half pint of water to be repeated in 30 minutes, if nece&wrv tk second dose is seldom required. Sold bv vrav oc. jo. Thacker keeps the finest hrrt of portal CV.W. Try them. -.-.- Ja r-. .tsar . :-.- ?. . v..