Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 26, 1885, Image 3

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STE7ENS & BAKE, Editors a?:d Profs.
SATURDAY, feKPTKMBBR 26th, 1885.
Thursday was a "scorcher."
C. F. Iddintrs Lumber and CoeL
. E. C. ITolbook, dentist, Thcelecke's
Fresh supply of fruits and vegetables
at Jackson's.
The freight crews on the west end
now run through to Cheyenne.
The only place in town -where you
can get bananas is at Langford's.
A. number of our ladies will contest
for the equestrian prize at the fair next
Born, to 3Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Coatney,
Sunday night, Sept. 20th, a girl. All
three are doing well.
The srn was directly over the equa
tor on the 22d and the days and nights are
now of nearly equal length.
Prairie chickens are now ripe and
ready to pick and candidates are in the
'same condition, the latter apparently be
ing the largest crop. j
Our merchants have adopted the mot- j
ropolitan style of displaying goods on the
sidewalk. The displays attract much at
tention 2 ad we hope trade.
The crosswalks recently torn up for
the purpose of grading the streets have
been replaced in good shape and we are
now ready for rainy weather.
-Prank "Welter, of O'Fallons, lost his
G. A. R. bjulge last Saturday night some
place in this city. Any one finding the
same will please leave it with 3Iajor
Woodhurst at the depot.
We saw a Hubbard squash at Jlr.
Cash's market that weighs 4G) pounds.
It was raised by Mr. Shaw on the Cal
houn place north of North river. "We
have seen larger squashes, but this is the
largest Hubbard we have heard of.
"We are requested to announce that
services will be held in the Presbyterian
church to-jnorrow morning at the usual
hour. On account of union temperance
meeting at Unitarian Hall, there will be
no evening services.
J. H. Hassinger the popular clerk at
Brown's recently moved on to his home
stead near Dorp in Logan county, where
he also has a fine timber claim. That's
about the way it goes nearly all our
ctty folks will soon become grangers.
This onice is indebted to Gus Hess of
Foley's store for several samples of the larg
est onions we have seen this season. They
were raised by J. ."W. Shurvington who
lives in range 23 down near the mouth
of Fox Creek. He brought in a wagon
load or more.
Several of our young men are fedk
ing of getting bicycles, believing now that
our streets are graded it will be a compar
ative easy mode of locomotion. The
-Ttctcxe suggests the formation of a
club. As altealthtul exercise 'tho wheel
Is preferable to the roller skate.
"When symptoms of malaria appear
in any 'form, take AVer's Ague Cure af
once, to prevent the development of the
disease, and continue until health is
restored, as it surely will be by the use
of this remedy. A cure is warranted in
every jnstance.
It's pretty hard to keep track of Rus
sell "Watts these days, but about this time
of the year he is out picking up cattle for
shipment to his different feeding yards.
In the Culbertson Reveille of last week
we notice the following: "Russell "Watts
shipped fifteen cars of feeding cattle to
DeTYitt on Friday afternoon." j
Union Pacific surveyors were engaged
this week laying off a town site at Gannet
siding five miles east of town. Our
reporter did not learn positively, but it is
believed the town will be called Gannet. j
It is a good point for a station, the ground ;
being high, and being so easy of "access
by trains at almost any hour of the day
will be a favorite suburb of this metro
polis. The race at the fair ground Thursday
afternoon was quite a spirited affair,
although not many were present to wit
ness the sport. It was a quarter mile
dash between horses owned by 3Ir. Burke
and C. A. Dillon. Burke's horse crossed
the score in advance, but being determined
not to call it a finish he threw the rider
and made a livelv dash for town.
A new social club bearing the title of
the Eureka Pleasant Pastimes has recently
been organized in the city, the first hop
of the season occuring at the opera house
last night. The club numbers in the
neighborhood of seventy-five members and
Is manned by the following officers:
President, "Warren Davis; Vice President,
J. E. Grace; Secy and Treasurer Jas.
There is a rumored change of time
shortly to take place on this road to meet
contemplated changes on the Iowa roads.
Under the new time table No. 1 will leave
Omaha'some time in the morning reach
ing this city, in-time for supper and No. "o
will arrive' in the morning about the
time No. 1 now comes in. It is also
rumored there will be a fast west-bound
freight carrying the overland emigrant
passengers, making about twenty-four
miles an hour. This will be a relief to
the now overloaded express trains, which
find it difficult to make time with fourteen
or fifteen cars.
The county commissioners met in
called session Thursday chiefly to con
sider the petition for the establishment of
anew precinct in the northwest part of
the county, and also to transact other
business. All that part of the county
west of Hall precinct and north of the
North Platte river was set off as a voting
precinct and called Birdwood. Quite a
number of bills were allowed and the
question of submitting a bond proposition
to vote bonds for a bridge across the
river near this city was discussed.
f.e meeting Friday the proposition
ig been drawn up by the county at
iy was signed and ordered published,
which the beard adjourned.
Nebraska's senator, one of Amer
ica's greatest statesmen and an
earnest friend and champion of
the poor, will deliver an address
at the Fair Groud on Friday,
B. I. Hixmax, Pres't L. C. A. S.
By reference to our council proceed
ings it will be seen that a petition for
another saloon was filed this week. Our
saloon friends seem to be determined to
keep our teachers well supplied with
Travel on the Union Pacific is much
heavier than last year at this time, and has
been during the entire season. After try
ing the new competing lines, the travel
ing public has learned that the U. P. is
the best and most expeditious overland
The tenacity v ith which people abide
by their early faith in Ayer's Sarsaparilla
can only be explained by the fact that it
is the best blood medicine ever used,
and it is not appoached in excellence
by any new candidate for public favor.
The first annual fair of the Republi
can Horse Breeders' and Driving Associ
ation will be held atMcCook October 14th
to inclusive, ine eaitors 01 tnis
paper j "knowledge an invitation to be
present accompanied by a complimentary
admission ticket.
The Democratic brethern of Lincoln
county are "urgently requested" to meet
at Keith's Opera House next Thursday
afternoon for the purpose of placing in
nomination a ticket for county officers.
The primaries are recommended to take
place to-day.
The Republican primary election
for choosing delegates to the county con
vention takes place in this city this after
noon. There is likely to be a number of
tickets in the field from which voters will
have an opportunity to choose good men.
From present indications the contest will
be conducted in a friendly manner
as becomes brethren who dwell together
in unity.
The shipment of cattle from Ogallala
this year has not been as heavy as in for
mer times and- this is probably the last
year any considerable number from the
trail will be driven there, as the great
Texas trail has practically been abandoned
or moved westward. A train man informs
us that about three thousand head, how
ever, were loaded at the old cowboy me
tropolis this week.
The days have been quite smoky for
a week or so past, which some have
attributed to prairie fires, but this we can
assure our readers is a mistake; it Is
nothing but the fine Indian summer
customary on the plains at this season of
the year. So far there have been no
prairie fires and are nof likely to-be'for
some time, the grass being unusually
fresh and green. "
A number of cattle have been shot
lately whether by accident or intention
ally this deponent says not Last week
Mr. McDonald had a fine animal killed
in his pasture, and this week Geo. Russell
had a cow badly wounded with a charge
of shot. It is provoking to have cattle
break into your yard, but to shoot them is
not the remedy. They can be taken up
and the the owner required to pay the
Our Public Schools.
Last week we spoke of the rules of the
school. They have been drawn up and
adopted by the board. There is nothing
in them that can be offensive to any one
who would wish to have a well regulated
school, hence the- will be strictly en
forced. A copy will be sent to each home
where it should be read carefully and
kept for reference. Special attention is
called to the tardiness,absence, and
standing required by the pnpils. In fact
all should be carefully studied. The
teacher has duties to perform also. No
tice these : and, if your child has been
disciplined, turn to the authority and
duty given him in the rules. The teach
ers, then, have authorities to whom they
are amenable, as well as the pupils are
held within proper bounds by the teacher.
Teachers as well as pupils will be ex
pected to perform their duties. Good re
sults in a school can be reached only when
everybody concerned attends properly to
his own business.
The principal is required to keep -office
hours." He has no office, hence he will
keep school-room hours. He will be
found in the room occupied by the High
school each evening until five o'clock. As
soon as the matter can be collected he will
keep a full record of all pupils in the
various schools. This will include the
scholarship, deportment, attendance, time
of entry, etc. Any person wishing infor
mation concerning the schools, or a pa
tron who may wish to communicate per
sonally with the Principal on any point
is respectfully requested to call at the
above named hour and he will receive
what he desires, cheerfully, if it can be
"We already spoke of a needed library
to teach literature properly. The pupils
of the High school were asked to think of
some way in which this can be done. The
girls held a meeting one evening this
week, at which they determined to meet
to-day (Saturday) and take some defi
nite steps in the matter. This action is to
ba hichly commended. Other efforts will
also be made and it is to be hoped that all
who feel an interest in the schools and in
the name and welfare of our city general
ly, will lend a helping hand in this matter.
"With the exception of drawing and mu
sic, courses in the various branches have
been prepared. The former will be
arranged as soon as good works can be
Permanent programs will now be made
and the work will be pursued regularly.
Call and inspect the work when you
are at leisure. H. "W. Alvwdte.
North Platte, Sept 25th.
-- ----- - , J
Sate !
For Each Day
A Brief Mention of Those "Who Come
and Go
Mrs. H. C. Rcnnie came in from the
east on No. 1 this morning.
Dr. Buckworth arrived home Sunday
after a week's absence attending the fairs
in Omaha and Lincoln.
2sight operator Haines has been
transfercd to Sidney, having charge of
the office there during the day.
Dr. Clarke returned from southern
Kansas the early part of the week. He was
in Harper county where they are already
gathering corn.
Dr. "Wm. Buckworth of McLean county
III., has been visiting his brother Senator
Buckworth this week. The Doctorthinks
there Is nothing like Nebraska land for
Frank P. Brewer who has been filling
a hay contract at the Nowell ranch is in
the city to-day attending the primaries,
he being a candidate for sheriff before the
Republican county convention
Lieut O'Dare, of the Fifth Cavalry,
now stationed at Fort Reilly, Kansas, is
spending a few days in the city. The
Lieutenant having been granted a leave of
absence has been spending the time in
Denver and Cheyenne. ,
Tiie wife of Mayor Beach and his
daughter and his sister and mother-in-law
and sister-in-law have gone to the
mountains. By the way there are only
four persons in the party. Can you gues3
who is the double?
In The Week
John Fitzgerald, our new weather
manipulator, is getting the lay of the
country and will soon be prepared to fur-
slrweather per order. Those contem
plating out-door entertainments will do
well to consult him before perfecting
Miss Arta Cody started for Chicago
Tuesday evening to pursue a course of
instruction m music and painting during
the next -ear. Miss Cody being, im
mensely popular in our social circles will
be greatly missed.
Ex-Lieut Gov. John 3L Hamilton of
Illinois and J. E. Hontry.-Prgsident of the
Lincoln National Bank, were in the city
Monday and each procured a quarter
section of Uncle JKara's domain in this
countv under the timber culture act
Miss Anna Hawkins of Lincoln, a
sister ot City Clerk Hawkins, is visiUng
friends in the city. Miss Hawkins having
at one time been a resident of this city
she is well known by many of our peo
ple who are pleased to renew her acquain
tance. Frank "Wilson for several years a clerk
in the freight office has resigned his posi
tion lor a short time, believing that out
door work will agree better with his
health. His many friends wish he may
soon be restored to that vigor wliich this
bracing atmosphere seldom fails to produce.
The North. Platte Bridge.
By a notice elsewhere it will be seen
the commissioners have decided to sub
mit the question of voting bonds to
build a bridge across the North Platte
river at the approaching general election.
This is a scheme The Tricot: has al
ways advocated, and thought and still
thinks the question should have been sub
mitted at a special election some time
ago when it would not have been an'taco
nized bv other interests and when everv
vote cast would have been upon the sub
ject The necessity of such a bridge is
too apparent to need special argument in
its favor. The railroad bridge which has
been the only means of crossing the river
since the settlement of the country, aside
from the great danger to life and property,
is not in the right location, and costs near
ly as much in the shape of rent as if
owned by the county. Buv this is not
the great objection. Every team that
crosses is in danger of passing trains, es
pecially in the night; so much so that it
frequently happens that persons living on
the opposite side will not remain in town
after dark, even though it be a matter of
considerable importance that detains
them. As the. time for discussion is short
we hope the friends of the measure will
get down to business and see that the in
different voter does not cast a negative
vote by leaving both "for" and "against"
on the ticket
California Honev at
Just Received.
A car of chop feed, bran, screenings and
corn meal and all the choice brands of
flour just received at Jackson's.
SUver "Ware!
Of the best manufacture in large stock
at McEvoy's.
To accommodate several schools which
are to open the first Monday in October
and are not yet supplied with teachers, we
will conduct necessary exami nations at
our office on the 1st, 2d and 3d of October,
1SS5. M. S. Hox-,
Co. Supt of Pub. Inst
Harry McCreary, a former North Platte
v, but now a resident of St Louis, ar-
A beautiful and well assorted
stock to select from. 2sew goods
and rich designs.
Sept. 26th. -
rived in the city Thursday morning and
will spend a week visiting friends and
acquaintances. Harry is the same hale
fellow well met as of yore, and is even
more handsome than; when he left us two
years ago.
Isaac Dillon, Lester Eells, B. I. Hinman
and John Keith took a look at the Hall
county fair "Wednesday. In the 2 :40 trot
Anna T. was second on the third heat and
would have probably taken second money
had she been urged. Joe Davis and
Phyllis were both on the ground and were
to trot some time durinir the' week for
Jim Yan Dervoort, a thoroughbred
trapper who beat the brush on the Loup
vears atro, passed tnrouen the citv tnis
forenoon on the wav to the home of his
lends in Brownville in this Suite, having
spent the last five years on Snake river in
Idaho. Like all old plainsmen, he dis
dains the iron horse and travels the old
fashioned way in the saddle, leading his
pack animal.
Petition for a New Precinct.
The citizens of O'Fallons precinct north
of North Platte river have petitioned the
commissioners for the establishment of a
voting precinct out of that territory, being
about seventeen miles square, and asked
that it be done on or before the 25th icst,
probably to avoid being held for the
bridge bonds proved to be voted in that
precinct to-day, in case they earn. To
this of course the board, notbeing in ses
sion, could pay no attention.
The petition was filed on the
23d and is signed by the following per
sons : "Wm. Dikeman, M. C. Perkins, C. F.
Peterson. Bird J. Proctor, - John Nelson.
Clement K. Rhoads, David Potter, Joseph
Atkinson, Benj. A. Dikeman, Chas. Darn.
M. Feagins, John S. Haynes, John "W.
Rhoades, John Caker.
Later. Since the above was put in
type, the board met in special session
called by the clerk and granted thepraver
of the petitioners.
Fair commences next "Wednesday.
Republican countv convention next
"Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. "W. "W. Conklin and chil
dren spent several davs in Omaha this
week visiting friends.
Farmers say that corn is now fully
matured and out of the way of frost, the
past two weeks of dry weather having
done its work nobly.
Focxd. A lady's hand-bag; contents
unknown. Owner can have. same by
calline at this office and describinjr
The efficient clerks at the Star
Clothing House took a contract to con-
sxruct side ana cross walks tnis morninf
and it is needless to say they did then-
work in good shape.
0 ur reporter made a slight mistake last
week in saying that Mr. Iddings' new
office building is a combination of Gothic
and Queen Anne architecture. It is the
finest building of the kind in the city and
the architects claim that the style is a pure,
unadulterated Queen Anne.
City Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular session
Monday evening, Mayor Beach presiding,
with councilmen Ormsby, Patterson, V.on
Goetz, "Walsh and clerk Hawkins occu
pying seats around the official table, while
city attorney Nesbitt occupied the legal
The minutes of September 7th and 9th
were read and approved.
On motion of Councilman Patterson,
the clerk was directed to inform the city
treasurer of the statute in regard to mak
ing monthly reports of the condition of
ithe treasurv.
The contract for printing the revised
ordinances of the city was let to Stevens
& Bare, they being the lowest and best
The petition of Burbridge & Powers
for a saloon license to carry on business
on Front street, between McDonald's
bank and the Hinman House was referred
to the judiciary committee.
The following bills were allowed for
work on the streets and making crossings
and culverts and the clerk ordered to
draw warrants for the same:
R. B. English 14 00
Geo. "W. Taggart 8 00
Geonre "W. Tacgart 52 00
David Bendel 22 00
Henry Fulk 4 00
D. A." Baker 20 00
A."W. Keith 10 00
Frank Wilson 22 00
JohnF. Hinman 681 00
An ordiuance adopting the revised or
dinances of 18S5 was adopted under the
suspension of rules, and
Council adjourned.
I. ... .... ....... - .
Temperance ileetmsr.
The public meeting of the"W. C-T.U.will
be held in Unitarian Hall, Sunday evening
at 7 :30 o'clock, and will celebrate the cen
tenary of the temperance movement in
America. Seats will be prepared for all
those who attend, and a program arranged
with the following:
National Anthem of the "W. C. T. U.
Scripture Readings and Prayers.
Music by the choirs with Mrs Ridgway
and Mrs. Hershey as soloists.
Chorus by the Band of Hope.
Greeting by Master Glen Brown.
Addresses by Messrs. Smith Clark and
J. S. Hoagland.
Paper edited by the Young Ladies' Un
Essays by Mrs. Shirley and Mrs Brown.
Recitations and declamation by Miss
Carrie Belton, Bernie Searle and Harry
Cellection and benediction.
Unusual care should be exercised
in regara to prairie nres tnis season.
There has been a heaw growth of grass,
and fires will be exceedingly hard to
control when once started. In times past
fires have been very destructive not only
in the loss of winter range but in the
destruction of pronertv and stock, and
now that the prairie is covered with
settlers are likely to be much more so.
Each settler should be well protected with
wide fire guards of broke ground and
exercise vigilance that no fire be started
until such time
prepared to control it
Music Lessons.
Miss Anna "W. Hawkins, of Lincoln,
Neb., is desirous of taking a class in mu
sic. Miss Hawkins has had ten vears of
thorough instruction and comes with the
best recommendations irom her lormer
teachers, Prof. Saxby of the State Uni
versity at Lincoln, and also Prots. Draper
and Benedict oi ht Louis, Jio. lerms:
10 for 21 lessons one hour each.
I have just received the finest line of
Fancy Crockery that has ever been shown
in this city, such as:
And a full line of fine fancy goods prin
cipally designed for the holiday trade, but
they are recommended for wedding,
birthday presents, etc.
Also, I am now unpacking a full
line of Persian Hanging Lamps, finer
and cheaper than ever before. Call and
see. J. Q. THACKER.
I have just received a large assortrxwa
of Cloths for Fall and Autumn suits aad
overcoats. These goods are of the very
best manufacture and latest design. Call
and select a suit while the variety is luge.
A. P. Caslsox,
tf Merchant Tailor:
. "Site .
w. m
s mm.
Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
Best in the market at low prices at the
Star Clothing House.
A full line of all kinds of Keatetg
Stoves, Stove Boaiids, Stove Pipe xsv
Elbows. The uRadlt Home" is ad
mitted to be the best hard coal base burn
ing stove made. Over seventy-five are in
use in this town and all will bear testi
mony to the fact that it has no equal. A
lit of the names of those who use the stove
can be seen, so that any person desiring
to get a first-class stove can be satisfied by
inquiring of those who use the "Radiant
Polite and competent mechanics always
ready to put up stoves. James BeltoV.
Scrader. Fischer & TVphnp Ti?iva
established an !lffPnrv in TCnrth
Platte for their cook stoves. Their
stoves are plain, larce and heaw.
The expense which the Albanv
and Troy stove makers put in
inickle plated ornaments to hide
jthin castings is put into heavier'
fire backs, lids and cross pieces
by S., F. & B. Their stoves are
the cheapest and fully warranted.
Schrader, Fischer & Ecehne do not al
low middlemen to make a profit, there
fore they can afford to sell cheap.
Solid Gold Ladies'
"Watches at McEvoy's.
Chains and
Children's- Carriages -v
all styes and prices at
James Beltos's
Hefrig-erators !
Cheap to close at James Beltotfu
For Sale by James Belton.
Parlor Sets,
Chamber Suits, Dining
Room Suits.
Eich Jewelry!
Notwithstanding recent larre salps. T
still have a splendid line of Solid Gold
and Plated Jewelry, which I am anxious
to close out and can offer vou barcains.
P. n. McEvoy.
Grass For Sals.
The grass on the Fergnson place join
ing the southwest part of town, is for sale
at very low figures. For particulars call
at real estate office of "W. L. McGee.
Over McDonald's Bank.
Thocker keeps the finest brand of im
ported Cigars. Try them.
m tne
Tiohby Kats
latest styles at the
Star Clothing
as the neighborhood is
Have you tried the Perique Smoking
Tobacco, the finest brand manufactured
in the United States, sold in this city only
by Schmalzried & Hinton.
Cheap at the
Six car loads of Steel Barbed
Wire for sale verv cheap, anv person
needing a large quantity of wire can save
w, ' rr-t -
mouev DV Duying-OL me. ine wire is
cuanm-teed to be the best of steel and
licensed- Correspondence solicited.
Jame Beltok. Agent
Senator Manderson who is a member of
the Committee on Territories, has just
returned from Utah. He thinks that the
Mormons hate the National Government
and chafe at the restrictions of the
country's laws and the presence of Federal !
onicials as an unholv interference and a
barbaric invasion. The spirit of sedition,
he says, is so deep-seated that no one can
contemplate the situation without wonder
ing that it has not long since broken out
in open rebellion. He believes that there
must be legislat: n enacted of the most
heroic and vigorous character to crush out
the "hydra-headed monster."
Colic in Horses, Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a cer
tain cure for colic in horses. Many horse
men have used it for years and in
hundreds of cases without loosing one.
The dose for colic in a horse is four
table-spoons in half pint of water to be
repeated in 30 minutes, if necessary. The
second dose is seldom required. Sold by
Gray &. Co.
The Best and Purest Candy sold in
town is manufactured by Ev.vxs &
LinxEFiELD Denver Colo. R. H. Lang-
ford and G. T. A. Nixon North Platte
have the same for retail.
Falling' Les.ve3.
H. H. Blakesley, the photographer, de
sires to remind people that it is now &
good time to have their residences photo
graphed, while the leaves are still fresn
and green, as the frost will soon be with
us and scatter them to the irround. These
balmy, sunshiny days are the times to
make good pictures."
!$1 (I fil I 1331 I K
mm mm w mm m.
Acorn Stoves and Baagee.
"We have on hand a full line of tke
above-named stoves. They are fully war
ranted in every respect. They are aade
of the best material and are the hwlert
stoves ever brought to this city. TTe are
not atrald to buy two carloads oi stores
from the same firm. "We have sold arer
two carloads in the last year and will
Lsoonhave another. "We do not bur our
stoves by the pound. Beware of stoves
that are bought in that way. If they are
as heavy and cheap as advertised they
must be made of poor material. "We
buy direct from the manufacturers and
handle nothing but the best. "We defy
competion in the above goods.
CojrwAY & Kzrra.
Three different makers. Cheap, medium
and high-priced at James Beltoss.
I am acrent for the above celebrated
mill. I have tested nearly all the differ
ent kinds of mills now in use in this part
of the country and know it to be superior
to all others, which I can satisfy any per
son in want of a mill who will call and
see me. I have had sixteen years' ex
perience in this country and can give new
comers valuable information both regard
ing the country and the best method of
getting water. As the getting of water
is expensive and burdensome to the aew
beginner, I will help out by selling ,Try
cheap. Ten-foot mills, full measure meat,
50O ; lj inch (inside measurement) pipe
10 cents per foot; discount when quantity
is bought. I have a carload of windmilla
in my "warehouse now; also a car load of
pipe. I have the tools and can fit you
out without delay.
James Beltox.
The counterpart of the Wood but
greatly improved by tilting bar,
steel ball wrist pin.sectional brasses
permitting lost motion to be taken
up, improved pittman, etc., etc.
Everybody can be convinced that it
is the best mower made by calling1
at the Northeast, Southeast and
Southwest corners of Spruce mi.''
Fifth streets, wkace tibej are om. 9k-:f
hibition and its nerits shown.
car load for sale bj
Jams Bzlxojt.
Corn, per cwt $ SO
Oats, " " 1J
Chopped Feed, per cwt L35
Shorts, per cwt HQ
Bran, " " .100
Grand Island "Family Favorite," 2.75
Minneapolis 4.Q0
Butter Fair, at)
Creamery ag"
Creamery, per box ' M r
Eggs, per dozen a'.
Potatoes, new. per bushel Mff
Beans, per bushel, 225'.'
Cabbage, per lb-. Qg-
Spring Chickens 25 to 40e
"We have the largest variety of heaters
ever shown here. In addition to our un
rivalled Acorn Heaters, we have the Uni
versal, manufactured by Cribben, Sexton
& Co. This i3 the counterpart of the Ea
diant Home but greatly improved. It
has the duplex cr dump grate, round fire
pot and much larger flues. We have
them in round and square. These stoves
aje warranted to be excelled bV none.
They are the heaviest stoves made in the
Lniieu axaies 10-aay. we but riRECT
from: the factory akd kot tiom
UMAHA. we can sen cneap. Do .not
buy until you see them.
It is hereby ordered bv the Board that
the followins: proposition shall be snh
mitted to the voters of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the next seneral election in
said county at the regular voting precincts
in said county, to-wit:
"bhall the Board of Countv Commis
sioners of said county issue Lincoln Coun
ty Bonds in the amount of twelve thous
and dollars in denominations of one
thousand dollars each bearing interest at
six per cent per annum, said bonds to be
dated and bear interest from June 1st
1886, one of such bonds payable June 1st
in the year 1Q0O, one of said bonds paya
ble June 1st each year thereafter until
the same are paid, and levy a tax annually
to pay the interest on the same, and levy
a tax of one thousand dollars in 1899 and
each year thereafter to pay said bonda
until said bonds are paid, for the purpose
of erecting a wagon bridge across the
North Platte Eiver at some point near
North Platte City to be selected by tke
Board of County Commissioners."
The ballots voted upon said proposHIos
shall contain either:
"For issuing twelve thousand doDsrs
in Lincoln county bonds and levying a
tax to pay the principal and interest to
bridge the North Platte river near North
Platte," or
"Against issuing twelve thousand dol
lars in Lincoln county buade aad levying
a tax to pay the Laterest aad principal of
the same to bridge tke NottL Platte river
near North Platte."
September 25th, 1866.
B. BE3,
' Coraty ComaiissioiKrs.
Attest: Wac Grady,
County Clerk. 3fr-4
Jons TV. 3LvBTnr. 'i
vs. Petition for Di-
Perdita Martix, I vorce.
Defendant J
Perdita Martin, defendant, will tska "
notice that on the 24th day of September;
lbfeo, John W. .Martin, plaintiff herein,
filed his petition in the district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said
defendant, the object and prayer of which
is to be divorced from said defendant on
the ground of adultery committed by siid
defendant with one Newton Beck at
Connorsville, Indiana, on the 8th day of
August, 183-i, and at various times during
the month of August, 1884, did commit
adultery with said Newton Beck at Con
norsville, Indiana, and for such other re
lief as equity may require.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 9th day of Novem
ber, 1835.
Dated September 24th, 1885.
By SnAxxoy & CnuBCir, his attorneys.