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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1885)
a STEVENS &BARE, Editoks axd Pitors. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1885. Ctaii For Kepublican State Convention. The Bcpnblican electors o the State of Nebras ftka are invited to send delegates from the several counties to meet in convention at Lincoln, Wednesday, October 11th, 1335, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candi dates for one associate justice of the supreme court and for two members of the board of re gents, and to perform such other business as, may be presented to the convention. The several counties are entitled to representa tion baaed upon the vote cast for E. P.Boggen, secretary of state, giving one delegate to each newly-organized county and one for every 150 votes and the major fraction thereof, liacoln county is entitled to three delegates. .Tfce BOiaber of delegates entitled to seats in the ooave) tion is 472. It m recommended that no proxies bo admitted to tie convention except such as are held by per Bobb MB$d ng in the counties from which proxies i . are (liven. -OmJia, lugusUth, 1335. C. E.YOST, Chairman. D. H.3IETCEK, Secretary. BEPUBI ICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. Tke Bei of Lincoln county, Neb., will meet in dc tegate convention at the court house in North tlatte on Wednesday, Sept SCth, 1685, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing tliree delegates to attend the Republican State Conven tion to be held at Lincoln on Wednesday, Oct 14th, J865, and for tho purpose of placing in nom inntinn. t voted for at the next general elec tion, oMhBddates for the following county office?, aad the transaction of such other business as may properly come liefore the convention: One candidate for office of County Clerk. One candidate for the office of Register of Deals One candidate for tie office of Treasurer. One candidate for the office of Sheriff. One cancjdato for-tho office of County Judge. One can idate for the office of Superintendent Public Instruction. One candidate for tho office of Surveyor. One candidate for the office of Coroner. One candidate for the office of Co. Commiss'n'r The basis of representation in the county con vention will bo ono delegate for each 25 votes cast for Hon. Chas. E. Osgood at the last general elec tion. This will entitle the several pa.-cinct6 to the following representation: North Platte 15 O'FaUon 1 Maxwell 1 Brady Island 1 Cottonwool 1 Peckham 2 Deer Creek 1 Medicine 1 Fox Crook 1 Garfield 1 Red Willow 1 Hall 1 It is recommended by tho committee tliat tho primaries in the several precincts be held on Friday, Sept 25th, 1S35, from 2 to 0 o'clock p. m., except Si North Platte, which wilVbo held on 8ept 26th, 1685, from 1 to 8 o'clock p. m. It is also recommended by tho committee that no proxies bo admitted to tho convention except such as are held by persons residing in tho pre cinct from which the proxies aro given, and no member bo allowed to cast more than one vote. Primaries to be held at tho usual places of voting in the several precincts. The following judges and clerks of election have bean appointed by tho committee for North Platte Precinct: For judges John Hawley, B. C. Dixon, Charles Stamp. For clerks W. H. Wolty, A. McClelland. By order of tho Republican County Committee. F. II. Longley, Chairman. J AS. A. Edwards, Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS . The Illinois Liquor Dealers Protecion Association collected 8331,991 and expended S208,938 last year. It is not stated what the expenditures were for, but probably used in the legitimate way to protect the interests of the association in the legislature. Gen. Howard's remarks if true as reported as to what the govern ment will do in case a general strike in the coal mines is sustained by the Knights of Labor, appear rather premature and uncalled for. His duty is not to anticipate orders but simply to execute them, and on such an occasion his remarks are better calculated to bring on a collission than to allay excitement. Dr. Miller and "Governor" Morton are having hard work to secure anT appointments while Van Wyck stand in the way. We suggest that they buiy the hatchet and inform the President that they are competent to manage the Demo cratic party in Nebraska without aid from "assistant democrats." The Doctor and the "Governor" are able statesmen and stalwart Repub licans have full confidence in their abilities if Democrats have not. t is with pleasure we announce that one of our principal business men and property holders has the courage to announce that he is a candidate for the office of countr commissioner. Mr. Belton is too well known to require any commen dation from this paper. One of our leading merchants, an old citizen, he has occupied several positions of honor within the gift of the people, and is highly qualified to fill the important position to which he aspires. Under the proper head will be found the announcement of Miss Honn as a candidate for re-election to the office of County School Superintendent, to which attention COUNTY JUDGE. The undersigned hereby announces himself to "tho voters of Lincoln county as a candidate for County Judge at the November election and asks of bis fellow cituens their consideration and their rotec L. Stxbbins. at, we son citation ot Maaeroas mends, l re- cpmUnlly announce myself a candidate for the office of county judge, at the approaching county eleeffon, subject to tho decision of the Republi can County Convention. John Hawley I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Judge, subject to tho decision of the Republican Counry Convention. R. H. Langfobd, SHERIFF. I hereby respectfully announce myself a candi date for Sheriff at tho approaching election, sub ject to the decision ofr tho Republican County Convention. Fkane P. Bkeweb. is invited. During the past two years the county has developed with rapid strides, and under her -adminis tration the office of shool superin tendent has kept pace with that improvement. While this journal expects to support the nominees ot the Republican partr, it is only justice to Miss Honn to say she has conducted the affairs of her office in ,au efficient manner, generally satisfactory to the people. O - "Music hath charms to sooth the savage beast," but there is no music more soothing to the Democratic breast than the concord of sweet sounds produced b- Republican poli tical heads dropping into the basket. For these gentle reverbrations the ever faithful longingly wait, but "America's greatest Statesman and friend of the poor man" stands in the way, while the Nevilles, Mortons, Millers, Hinmans and a host of others, who have borne the brunt of battle for years, plead in vain to "turn tne rascals out. wiiat a sad commentary upon Cleveland's Jacksonian administration. for a few lonp: course The white people of Rock Springs do not take kindly to the determin ation of the Railroad Company to retain Chinamen in the mines and have them protected by troops. A I hereby respectfully announce myself a candi- local paper has the following Oil the date for re-election to the office of sheriff at tho subject: "If it is a dislace to l 1 A- x A M A f Jl I . uwiiig tuecuuu, Bumoci w uiu ucuua ui mo Democratic county convention. J. R. Bangs. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Lincoln county, subject to the action of tho Republican County Conven tion. C. L. Patterson. SURVEYOR. I hereby announco myself a candidate for the office of County Survoyor at tho approachim election for county officers. Samuel F. Watts. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. I hereby announce myself as candidate for re election to tho office of Superintendent of Public Instruction of Lincoln counry, subject to the ap proval of tho voters at the election to bo held on Tuesday, Nor. 3d, 1685. Respectfully, M. S. Honn. ASSESSOR. At the request of friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho office of assessor for North Platte Precinct, and trust I will receive the endorsement of the majority of voters at the polls. Very Respectfully Yours, G. T. A. Nixon COUNTY COMMISSIONER. At the solicitation of many friends, I have consented to become a candidate for the oSice of county commissioner at tho approaching countv election, and respectfully solicit tho votes of all who are in favor of an honest, impartial and economical rdministration of county affairs. James Belton. American civilization miners, aggravated by a of injustice, to kill a few Chinamen is it not a more damnable disgrace to see a rich and powerful corpora tion created and sustained by American citizens claiming and receiving the assistance of American soldiers to enforce the employment ot leprous aliens to the exclusion or American workmen? Whv. even the soldiers themselves curse the duty which compels them to sustain the alien against the American, and no wonder every man in town is hot with indignation at the spectacle." A year or two ago a law was passed restricting Chinese immigra tion, but judging from the number of Celestials passing over the- TJ. P. road and scattered about in different parts of the country, the law is a aead letter. TJsuallv the coolies who are sent here bv the Six Com panies after serving their time out return to the Flowery Kingdom and it w:is naturally expected bv the advocates or the law that the number of Chinee serfs m this V THE latest exchange io find its way to this office is the Neics from OgoiUala, an indeDendent paper of country would diminish to such an DemoWatic tendencies. Keith insignificant number as to cut no county) will soon be able to support figure in the labor problem. This two papers. has not been realized and the J I 1 . I 7 1 1 uiiiiurai mierence is mat tne law is We ixvite attention of thevoters frfc enforced or .is evaded and the of NortH Px'atte precinct to the envasion winked at by the officials announcement of Mr. Nixon for f ne government. In view of this assessor. Mr. Ns friends are ardent JS not strange that the indigna- snd enthusiastic and if he dops not. tion of white laborers break out in "cret thei" if tvJII "ho WvaatrAf such unlawful acts as recently took n w A.. Js XVI. IF I I ITr in I a votes, a eobtinerenev that is tint place at Rock Springs. The Chinese likely to hamvn law was framed for the white labor- . er s protection alter years or agita AFTER DVFintr nil avuomops vnA I f innnTifl nrvrmlnr flfimrmd. nnrl flipv indebtedness, the State Board cannot be blamed for expressing U-L -atmCtl t.lirA Tin 1 1 hora olinnf I f limr HiconnVAVn rf ir. PTIVHSirm hv Son nnn i-al .i. I . lir-..- t - J ,wv ii n; m tne treasury, as the acts or revolution ana violence -llrnPAoWo i P iu j it- , n n v 'l ' n x- WM , L ttltJ Iair at. jjincom this Jcxom a numamranan view meir jear. it was a errand success in acts are deplorable, but are only the yJ respect, bemcr apVrmwlprlrrprl nnforowth of violation ot law bv . ? exhibition ever held west crovernment officers and others hisrh -flf the Missouri. IT I lv -11 T. V0-0 35 though there S00J eal of truth in the SL f .Snaor Eustis of ZFmZ nat U1.eveld is a fraud lmP, .not turning the Wyck info: in authority. The popular verdict will sustain the whites in vindicating i .out. :can Ot John nnil Vov. . , tiu. give some valnnblp informnKrt, D , . vaiuaDie China is said to be massing large bodies of troops on the Tonquin frontier. The issue of stand;ird silver dol lars during the week ended Sept. 19th, was 664,453. Sixty-two bachelors committed suicide in the United States during the first quarter or the present year. Vice-President Hendricks is again in Wasliington, engaged, as usual, in an attempt to get a place lor mend. A correspondent of the Omaha Bee wants the name of that city changed to Terrace City, or Gate Beautiful. British Columbia Indians are coming into Washington Territory by the hundreds for the annual hop picking. There is a society in Memphis the object of which is to furnish coffins to the members at greatly reduced rates. The 'fifth and decisive heat of the Phyllis-Joe Davis match race was trotted in Omaha Monday Joe Davis winning in 2:19i. The sixty-first session of the bovereign Grand Lodge Tndepend- ent urder ot Udd bellows began in Baltimore Monday. Sedgwick county Kansas, is expected, to produce 9,000,000 bushels of corn this year or enough to restock all the drug-stores in the State. President Depew of the New York Central Eailway denies the report that his road has been purchased by the Pennsylvania line. Keiley is said to stand well at the State Department, and there is some probability that the would-be Minister to Italy and Austria will at last secure a place. One of the reasons why Jeff Davis denies the story of having been taken in female apparel is, that in the last twenty years hoopskirts have gone out of fashion. A man would better be dead than unfashionable. The latest crop reports are "to the effect that there will be an unprece dented yield of corn in the north west, but the wheat crop will not be np to ihe average, especially in Dakota and portions of Iowa and Minnesota. The cholera is spreading in Sicily, and the situation is becoming seri ous. Every town is cordoned Conflicts between the populace and the militiary are continually occur ing, and many persons have been wounded. A large militiary force is to be dispatched to the island to restore order. Mention is made in the east of a renewal of the old effort to prove in court that beer is not intoxicating; but beer is too well known in this country now to afford an' chance of a favorable verdict in the case. The cup that cheers without ine briating is an extremely rare article the only two .known with an absolutely clean reputation being the teacup and the one just saved from the Genesta. An enormous Socialist meeting was held Sunday in London, which the police attempted to disperse. Several persons were arrested and punished with fine and imprison ment 3'esterday. During the court proceedings William Morris, de scribed in the dispatches as "an esthetic poet" probably the well known author of the "Earthly Paridise" was placed in custody for assaulting a policeman. At Sturgis City, Dakota, several colored soldiers belonging to the Twenty-fifth infantry, stationed at Fort Meade, two miles from the city, attended a dance Saturday Sept. 19th. One of the soldiers, became disorderly, was ejected from the house. The soldiers proceeded to the fort, collected sixteen com panions, uuu uruiiug uiumseives, went back to the dance house, drew up in a line and at the word of com inand from the leader, fired a volley or shot at the building. Itichar isell, a cowboy irom iNebraska, was instantly killed. The dance hous was completely riddled with shot mi I 1 I I T ITT rney then cut tne telephone wire and returned to Port Meade. Five arrests were made and more expected to follow. Great excite . i ... ment prevails, and citizens and cowboys are armimr themselves and say that they will kill the first col ored soldier found alone away from the fort. In an interview Senator Sherman said: "This so-called bloody-shir issue is the most important before Ohio or the Nation. It cannot be sneered down nor driven from public view by cant phrases and demagogism. I think Gov. Hoadly will be compelled either to admi the suppression of the colored vote and adopt the Democrat argument ot justification or deny the truth, of what his Democratic friends in the south freely admit. He cannot do the former because of his own abolition record and I would be well pleased to have him attempt the loffnY- Tlio nnocfinn Tins TJofhinor 1UILU1 J.UV I A.kJ tlWii -Q to do with war issues. It is a living Question. Shall one white "man m Mississirmi wield twice or three times the influence in National affairs wielded bv one Ohio man? When men tell me that it is impoli- fiV fn 11 nffpntion to such mon- strous unfairness, and that to oppose such rank injustice is to risk party dpfpnt. T answer by saying it the Republican party has no longer the to defend the right and insistupon justice and equality in all sections of the Union it ought be defeated. I had rather be permanently retired trom IT Tf ll nnn-m 1TT CllotlPP TO public me iuau seem u consent to the suppression ot the colored vote in the south and tne injustice resulting theretrom.- At a meeting of the county com missioners on Monday, upon petition Fairyiew precinct was organized, comprising - towns 12 and 13 south of the South Platte river in ranges 35, 36 and 37, establishing the voting place at the house of J. W. Sheridan, on section 6, township 12, range 36. And all of township 13 and 14, range- .37, laying between the North . find ' South Platte rivers was upon, petition attached to Ogallala precinct. OgaUala Bc flector We understand that the Chinese companies of San Francisco are thinking of bringing suit against the city for interfering with religious ceremonies in their arrest of Chinamen for boiling the bones of their dead. The question arises whether the lives of valuable citizens are to be endangered by the indulgence of disgusting practices brought br the Mongolian from his barbarous home into a civilized country. That the Chinamen knew they were doing vrong, violating the law of this country, is evidenced from their bringing the cheerful pole-cat into requisition to disguise the odors arising from the boiling remains of their brethern. W-are very patient in this country; we tolerate a great deal. The Mormons told us that polygamy was part of their religion and .we allowed it to go on until disgust awoke us to a consciousness of the foul blot on our civilization. We should jemember that although this is a free country, liberty is not license. It is about time that foreigners cominp; to America should understand that it is a civil ized country, and if the Chinese com panies endeavor to recover damages trom those who m the interest of decency and health unearthed and rought to an end their adommable practices, they should be taught a peremptory and severe lesson. Ex. You may not be aware of if, but it's a fact, that many Qf-ffln. medigipe3,.JcaG0m meH5er for croup contain cither chloroform pr opium, and cannot bo given fo children In the large and frequent doses required, in cases of croup with any degree of safety. Thev are dangerous and should be avoided at all times. There is one preparation, however, that docs not contain a single ingredient that would injure a child, and it is certain and positive cure for croup, and that is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has cured thousands of cases and can always be depended urxra. ' Sold bv Grav & Co. NOTICE. Land Office at North Platte, Nob., ? Sentember 25th. 18S5. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in rapport of her claim and that said proof -will be made before the Register and Re- - a i tt o t i nn:.. t v.jt. Tit culver ol u.u u. o uuiu uuiw ui nuiui xauiu?, Neb., on Nov. 13th, 1SS3, viz; Annie S. Guthrie who mado homestead entry No. oifet ior the eonth half of the northeast quarter and tho south half of thojiorthwest quarter section 23, township 14, ranee 32. She names tho following -witnesses to Tirovft her continuous residence nnon and culti vation of said land, viz: G. H. Sisson. Thomas Grady, Thomas Anderson and Doujdas Brown, all oimcuois, xeo. n. jh. vjj,ijjjj, S5-S Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office at North. Platte, Neb., ) Sept. 24th, 1885. Notice is hereby given that tho following. named setuer has filed notice of his intention to mnkft 'finil liroof in snrnort of Ms rlnT, ntifJ tliat said jroof will be mado before the Rejrister and Receiver of the U. S. Land CXEce at North Platte, Neb., on Nov. 10th, 1SS5, viz: Stephen ila- lone wuo made liomesteaa entry iSo. 127Sfor tho southeast quarter section 21, township 17. range 23 west in Nebraska. He names die following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: M. S. Mcllnl- Ien of Logan, Neb., Daniel M. Swisher and W. II. Richardson of Arnold, Neb., and W. F. Campbell of Garfield, Neb. H. M. Gbdtes, Ss5-6 Register. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., ) Sept. 17Ui, 1SS5. 5 Complainthaving been entered attlus office by George A. Van lnnegen against SithE. Farrell for abandoning his homestead entry No. 57115, dated Sept. 20th, 18S4, upon tho northeast quarter section 10, township 9, range 34, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to tho cancellation of eaid entry; the said parties aro hereby sum moned to appear at this office on the 23d day of November, 18S5, at 9 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban donment. H. M. Grimes, SG-8 Register. W. G. Lemo;?, At ty., North Platte, Nob. . NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., Sept. lGth 1S85. Complaint having been entered at this office by Thurber Harvey against George W. Rose for abandoning his homestead entry No. 0537, dated March 14th, lbij. upon the west half of the north east quarter and tho west half of tho southeast quarter section 20, township 11 north, range 34 west in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on tho 21st day of November. 1SS5, at U o'clock a. in., to respond and furnish testimony concern ing said alleged abandonment S5-t5 II. M. Gmjies, Register. NOTICE. TJ. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., Sent. 14th, 1SS5. Complaint Iiaving been entered at this office by William E. Knieht acainst Oliver C. Sherdian for nbandoninghis homestead entrjNo.3023.dated Au- Knst 13th. 1SS3. uoon the southeast Quarter section 8, township 12 north, nintw west, in Lincoln connty.Neb.,with a view to Uie cancellation of said entry; the said parties aro hereby summoned to apiiear at this office on tho 2tth day of November, 1K33, at a a. m. to responu anu lurniii testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 35-C H. M. Grimes, Register. "When you take a dose of Remedy. can't sleep for Chamberlain's coughing Co-it h For sprains, swellings or lameness Chamberlain's Pain Balm has no equal. . , USE MAI I HALLbHAiR RENEWER. It is a medicinal preparation, and, at the same time, an elegant and cleanly toilet article. Its action upon the scalp is hcalth f uh It nourishes the glands which support the hair, and causes thin, dry hair to be come thick, soft, and vigorous. It restores the color of youth to locks which have become faded with age or disease; and relieves and cure3 itching, caused by humors of the scalp. Dr. George Gra3', Nashua, N. II., writes: "It gives mc pleasure to testify to the wonderful effects produced by Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Ilair Eenewer, as observed by me in very many cases. It will certainly restore THE HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It cleanses the head of dandruff, and leaves the hair soft, glossy, and beautiful." F. T. Sandhcin, 1010 Spruce st., Philadelphia, Pa., writes: "After unavailingly trying a number of preparations to prevent my hair from falling out, and, realizing that I was fast becoming bald, I tried, as a last resort, Ilall's Hair Renewcr. I have used only four bottles of the Kenewer, and am perfectly satisfied that it is the best prepa ration in the market for checking the falling out of hair, Invigorating the hair roots, and promoting a new growth." Buckingham's Dye FOR TOE WHISEEES commends itself to all who have occasion to use a dye for the beard or mustache. It- will change grafaded, or sandy vhi9kers, to a beautiful brown or black, as desired. .The colore produced arc natural and lasting. It cannot be washed off, contains no destructive ingredients, is eap, safe, convenient to use, and effeunal. PREPARED BY B. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, S. H., V. S. A. Sold by all dealers in medicines. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ottice at Korth Platte. Neb., ? September tth. 1833. f Notiqp is hereby given that tho following-named settlor has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of ins claim, and that said iftKi wiit Ik- niaae oeiore tne iter.T-ter anu ite- ceivcr of tho U. S. 1-md Othco at lorth Platte, Aon., on Uctowr IbUi, 1SH., viz: Wiilson V. rur nish who filed pre-emption declaratory statement No. 37k) for the north half of tho southeast quar ter and tho north half of tho southwest quarter section -I, town 9, range 0. ile names the fol lowing witnesses to provo hi3 continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of snid land, viz: W. C. Elder. J. Lindy, W. H. Davice and W. Bas kani, ail of Medicine, Nebraska. t-0 II. M. Grebes, Register. CHAS. F. IDDINGS Succeeding CASH & IDDINGS. gAll Lumber, &cM delivered free within City limits. Office and yard one block west of .Railroad Hotel, Dru Paints. PATENT MEDICINES, Wall Paper. Window Glass. L S TlruEXTZ, Successor to LcFils & Streitr. LaiiiD (Mil Toilet Articles Perfumery NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LandOIKco at North Platte, Neb., ? fieptembcr f-th, 1-sS. ) Notice is hereby gi von t lint the folJowimt-named settler has tiled notice of her intention to mako final proof in support of her claim, and Uiat said proof will b? mado before tho Hojrister aad Re ceiver of thoTJ. S. Land OiSco at North Platte, Neb., on October 2Sth, 1-WT, viz: 'linuie King who mado pre-emption declaratory statemrnt No. 5.rtl for tho northwp;t quarter of so-.-tion 51, triwnship 17, raufje 25 west. Sho names tho following wit nesses to provo her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: J. H. Blanvelr, Chas. W. Parker. C. E. Gordon and Peter Nelson, all Df WhittiiT, Nebraska. And you, Peter O. Butte, who tiled prM)ir,ption declaratory Rtatoment No. SU37, J my 1, l&t, for tho fame laud will also appear at the same time and place, and show cause, if any, why proof should not bo mado in accordanco with above no tice. SUJ BT. M. Greiiks, llegistor. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, 'ib ) AuKutt t:4th, lvT.. J Complaint havinpr bfen ente- id at this otlice by Viltj.A3I JIills aRainft Joiik 3Ias3EN' for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No. -MMl, dated .Tidy 1, 1S41, upon tho northeast quarter f-ectio;i i), township 13, ranjjo 2, in Lincoln coiTty, Nebraska, with a view toUie cancellation of Miid entry; con testant alleging that said John Hanson failed to break live acres or any part of t-nid tract since date of entry, and that there aro no improvements on snid land the said parties aro hereby sum moned to appear at this office on tho l-ith day of October, 18S5, at 9 o'clock a. in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning snid alleged failure. ii. M. Gitiiins, itegistcr. W. C. Lemox, Attorney. 32-6t We are Agents for the Celebrated Mound City Mixed Paints. G T. A. NIXON, In mmsm am. mm iN ORANGES ii PRfllT LemoiiSj Cakes, Jumbles, Crackers; TWO SODA APPARATUSES RUNNING IN FULL BLAST. ' A full line of Stationery, Embracing blank books, pass books, pens, pencils, pen holders, Etc., Etc. ESTABLISHED 1804. PATE NTS Obtained for mechanical devices, compounds, designs and labels. All preliminary examination as to patentability of inventions, free. Instructions how to secure patents sent free on application. Address LOUIS BAGGER &C0., Solicitors of Patents, WASHINGTON, D. 0. 4in-m23-tf. NOTICE FOT PUB LIGATION. Land Oflice at N6rth Platte, 2Teb., ? Aucust 20, 1SS4. Notico is hereby given that tho following- named settler has hleu notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Uegister and Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on Oct. tih, 1SS.1, viz: Richard F. Shieifls.who tiled pre-emption de claratory statement No. 4A1 for tho ponthwest ouaiter of tho northwest quarter section 23 and tne southeast quarter of the northeast quirter and tne uortn iiail ot tho southeast quarter section 32, town 20. ninsro 3."i west. He namc3 tnefollowinc witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Williams, John Livincston, llarry iJawjer, llarry Ilopkins; all of .Logan, Aeb. II. M. liitians, Sl-9 Register. Groceries, Butter and Eggs and a fine slock c Cigars, Tobaccos, &c. vrrci t i i ti i.-.. k: i. v.,;,. t c il, Jb-Xc? -L ilVUii UV bLllCb UOLtlltl'.;!! LU UUblUL5S LU ieCUlVC it XU1X SlliUC UJ. tile public patronage. MrUMil IN DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, NEB1JASKA. Gi;or.GE II. ScirAitMAX.Pliintiff Petition vs. y for Jexsie ScirAitJiA, Defendant ) Divorce Jennie Scliarman, defendant, will take notice that on the 18th dav of September. 1S85, George II. Scliarman, plaintiff here in, tiled his petition in the district court of Lincoln count', Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which is to be divorced from said defendant on the ground of adulter' committed by said defendant with one Charles Oumce, at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 1st day of April, 1834, at the residence of this plain- tik, and for such other relief as equity may require. . You arc required to answer said petition on or before the 2Gth da' of Oc tober, Ibis.). Dated September 18th, ISSo. Geokge H. SciiAKjrA- Plaintiff. By J. "Y., Attorney. CERE Full THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Improved GnsU Ear Brcas Perfectly restore the hearing, and perform tho work of the natural drum, always in position, hut mvisime to others anu comfortable to wear. AU conversations and even whispers heard distinctly. Wo refer to those using them. Send for illustrated book containing testimonials free. Address F. H1SCOCK, S1J Broadway, Nsw Yonn. Mention this paper. 4 WW itier Uh i'i M k The tmprecelentcd merit .md success of Ely's Cream Ralm a real cure for catarrh, hav fever. and cold in tho head ha3 induced many adven turers to place catarrh mixlicino bearintr soma re- semblanco in appearance, style or name upon tho market, in order to trade upon tho reputation of Ely's Cream Ralm. Many in your immediate lo cality will testify in Inchest commendation. Don't be deceived. Buy only Ely's Cream Balm. A particle is applied in each nostril: no pain: agreeable to use. Price fifty cents; of druggists. '5f lr KIYIL, lECIIANICAL, AND MINING j 2 iiL2miilIS Lt, ATTIIE ItEXSSELAEK Polytechnic Institute, Tkoy, N. Y. Tlie oldest nncineerinc echool in America. Next term begins Sept. 13th. Tho Itejdster for 1SS3 contains a list of tho eraduateH for the oast 61 years, with their poeitionsjalio course of btudy, requirements, etc. Address da v ixj ji. uitr.r.iM, director. : Silver at' I I Vv7E rjWAMDCUKTCDSOCPrt iwejdry, McEVOY'S. ASK ALL T!o visit our store, in McDonald's block, and s I inspect the goods in stock. A tit , 4 Leading Points FINEST GOODS. BEST MAKE. LOWEST PRICES. r P. J. CONWAY. CONWAY h H. S KEITH. KEITH, DEALERS m GEN Stoves, RAL HARDWARE. i mware, rumps., Ii ACORKf STOVES HEATING And ali Articles Usually Found in STOVES, First-Class Hardware Store. A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK FURNITURE, At Low Prices. OF EAST SIXTH STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB.