The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 30, 1922, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    LIGHT IIIIj MII. I ll.lirtl, JL.Mj .
BASEBALL .GAME roDvSr the team
SUNDAY, JULY 2d Admission45c and oc W. T.
B & B Electric Shoe Shop x Under The Alliance Natl Bank
(Continued from page 1)
the fair grounds committee in chin-Re
of the hull Rumen, was callrcl to tin
ea ro ihi homing by the sei-i 'M ili
new of his brother, ami will niil ly
be unable to bo present. Hi place
will be taken by another member of
the committee.
The decoration committee ha re
ceived over a mile of buntinir and 'e
livered moat of it to the bu-in?s:-j in-f-titutinns.
They had to onlv owr
1,000 feet more to care for additional
orders received. Thir me ins Miut Al
liance will be decoratel better than
ever before in iU history. Those vho
want additional buntinR or who have
not already secured a supply for dec
orating should phone I). C. Drake at
121 or William Rhoads at 215 and
piace their order at once.
Two Rood men are wanted by the
decorations committee to help in dec
orating on Monday. Application." for
the joiis or volunteers who will help
nre r&uested to phone either Mr.
Drake or Mr. Khoads at once, Ilu-i-ness
men who desire their decorations
placed for them by the?e men ci.n
have it done at a small expense.
The water fight lietwcen picked
teams from the Alliance Volunteer
Fire department will take place at
noon, at the end of the morning stitet
prog-ram, instead of at the close nf th
afternoon program. The fireboys will
also provide a barrel contest, follow
ing the water fight.
Mr. Wells Is better at writing his
tory than riRhtinR it.
Power and Electric
Check up the service this renders
to the family, clean clothes, clean bed
ding, and with it no worn out wife
to fail in pleasant greeting on your
return home from a hard day's work.
Service perfect.
Expense light.
Efficiency great.
Why labor the old way when Na
tional Washers bid you live?
Rhein Hardware Co.
!a tentative program I
(Continued from page 1)
Wednesday, August 10, 7:30 a. m.
Leave Lincoln hotel, travel west
throiiRh Geiing valley on state hiyh-l
way towards Morrill, inspecting- fields :
VII IUUIC) dllltlll I'll IUIII1U1 1 CICI
Hane.-on north of Morrill.
9:80 to 10 a. m. Hie variety trial
plot and the experimental plot includ
ing seed potatoes of various
grown on dry land for three years.
11 a. m. to 2:.'i0 p. m. At Scotts
Blulf County Experimental farm for
purpose of inspecting experimental
plots of the horticultural department
anil crop rotations in the letieral ex
periments, also for lunch and field
2:1. p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Farm of L.
A. Monty, inspect the trial plot in
cluding all Nebraska certified seed po
tatoes produced in 1921 and trial plot
including lots of seed potatoes from
every car of seed potatoes shipped into
Scotts BlufT county in the spring of
1922, as well as a number of other
locally grown lots of seed potatoes
4:30 to 6:30 p. m. To be spent'
looking over miscellaneous fields east
and north of Scotts Bluff county, re
turning to Lincoln hotel.
Thursday, August 17, 7:30 a. m.
Iave Lincoln hotel, Scottsbluff, for
Box Butte county, arriving south and
west of Alliance about 10 a. m. Inspect
fields around Alliance until noon.
12 to 1 p. m. Dinner in Alliance,
assembling at Alliance hotel at 1 p. m.
1:15 to 2:30 p. m. Experimental
plot in itato field of William New
man, northwest of Alliance on land
one mile south of William Newman
farm on section south of farm of L.
E. Bliss. Inspect here trial plot, in
ducting all lots of potatoes certified in
western Nebraska in 1922, also other
lots of Triumph potatoes raised in
Box Butte county.
2:30 to C:30 p. m. Inspecting var
iojs fields of potatoes that are being
grown for table stock and seed pur
poses in the region north ami east ot
Alliance returning to Alliance by 6:30.
6:30 to 9:30 p. m. Dinner and en
tertainment for visitors and potato
growers with and by the Alliance
chamber of commerce.
Friday, August 18, 7:30 a. m.
Leave Alliance and visit fields in vic
inity of Hemingford from 8:30 to JO
a. m. Arrive at Marsland at 10 o'clock.
11 a. m. to 3 p. m. To be spent in
Marsland-Belmont territory inspect
ing fields of potatoes being inspected
for certification. Picnic dinner to be
secured sometime during thi stay.
Leave Belmont vicinity for the Dawes
tableland at 8 or 3:30 p. m. Inspect
fields on Dawe3 tableland, arriving at
Chadron between 7 and 8 p. m.
Visitors desiring to leave on the
Burlington train at Crawford for the
east at 10 p. m. will be transported to
Crawford by Dawes county citizens.
People desiring to leave by the North
western can leave Chadron on the
Northwestern for the east at 11:30.
Too many voters look upon the party
ticket as a meal ticket.
Mrs. Russell, phone 512, is exper- See Mrs. Russell, phone 512, for
ienced in all beauty parlor work. 61-62; scalp treatments.
FOR SALE Empty milk bottles. E.
W. PURINTON. 62-63
The Coach
It Also Has Hudso i's
New Motor
The Coach is a beautiful closed car costing less
than fi'.'c above the price of opan model
Now it adds the attraction ol the new Super.
Six motor.
Performance it wholly altered -a s'-ri-s rr-
of motion, free as flight It is a revelation even
, to Super-Sis. owners
See the Coach today Examine the c ose 1 cr
advantages oOered at this .irice And ieitn I. e
charm ol this grcttr Super-bis nv-t.-r m a ru.
Phaeton - US
7-Pau. rhaetoo 1744
Cabriolet 3M
Coup 2S7S
Red in - its
anj Tan tmtt
For a Mao of Thirty-Five
Do you know that taking a man 35 years old, who deposits in
our Insured Savings Plan, $8.00 per month or $960.00 in ten years,
we can pay $266.90 in premiums on his $1,000.00 Insurance, and yet
pay him at the end of ten years about $1,064.00?
Wouldn't easier for you to have this worry off your
It does not seem possible, but it is
proven by cold figures. It is a marvel of
compound interest earned on a Savings
Do you know if the man dies at the
end of eight years his beneficiary will
get about $1,779.00? Do-you know that
if his income is shut off and he is un
able to continue the plan, he can, after
the first few years, cash in for more
than he paid in, by which his insurance
will cost him nothing.
It is all possible under this remark-
able combination of Savings Account,
earning 5 per cent compounded semi
annually, with a life insurance policy in
one of the best companies in the United
Can you picture a better way to in
vest your money than to build up a
Savings Account while your income will
allow it, at the same time surround your
family with protection against the
chance of your death before you are
able to reach the goal you have set for
yourself and for them?
Come in and let us explain further.
. There will be a man at either bank to explain the Insured Sav
ings Account June 29th. Ask to see him.
ASK ' I"
First State Bank -:- Alliance Nat'l Bank
Alliance, Nebraska ' Alliance, Nebraska
(Political Advertisement.)
(Political Advertisement.)
(Political Advertisement.)
Your Vote Is Earnestly Solicited for
Candidate for CONGRESSMAN in the 6th District of Nebraska,
as a Republican of the Progressive Type, at the
Primary Election, July 1 8th
If elected to Congress, I pledge that I will work strenuously;
To make our Government more truly of, for and by the people.
To reduce taxes.
To secure proper reduction in freight and passenger rates, by
forcing the railroads to accept fair and reasonable returns upon actual
values, only.
To prevent public service corporations from taking from the peo
ple exorbitant profits and large earnings on millions of watered
To obtain for the farmer, stock raiser and laUucr, fair prices
for their products and to prevent the loss of such large amounts be
tween the producer and the consumer.
To develop the arid and semi-arid lands of Vetern Nebraska by
government irrigation projects.
To secure a soldier bonus, not by a tax upon the already over
taxed people, but out of the foreign debt, the interest of which will
largely pay the sajne, and also by levying upon the millions collected
by war profiteers, if any way can l found to get hoi. I of the s ame.
To raise the Ur.u by taxation would require the soldier t pay taxes
to pay his own bonus.
To stop the increase of power lit Wellington and rstou to the
States much of the power that has U'en taken from the. a In itcent
To secure an amendment t ti e Constitution of the l'nite.1 Mate
preventing its Miprune Court from declaim a law uiuiintituti.inal!
except iiMn a Vote of two-thud of it P'eirlrj .. At the oie-i nt tl'ti
by a vote of t' I this rou t cm oxerttn n a law p.m1 l- ;,l!.,..t
Coiijjties.snien, iM Seimtoi and the lV. th nt of the I 't, tt. v ; v
Ktich Piethod this Court ha ki!l. the Child l.i.U i I. aw and tlK. J.,v
pieuiitintf uan Mui on t"ik vuhai ye.
w M. i:. mm ) .
Sturgeon Garage
I'llONE us
ii j u i t: sr niiui)