The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 27, 1922, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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1'KOrERTY AT $12,000.
Aerco to Pay Off Preferred Claims
and Will TaWe Over Two
Sheridan County Plant.
Charles Ftunrt, Phil R. Easterday
and V. K. Sharp, a committee named
ly the bondholders of the American
I'otnsh company of Delaware, have
filed with S. C. Waugh. trustee in
bankruptcy for the company, nn ofTer
to purchase the property at $12,000,
tuking tho property subject to the
mortgage of $231,000, interest and
taxes. Mr. Waugh has submitted the
ollVr to Dan MK'lenahnn, referee in
bankruptcy, and he has filed the proper
legal notice to all concerned that un
less objection? are offered lieforc July
1 he will confirm the sale, according
to the State Journal-
The purchasers will take over all
assets, including the two plants of the
company, located nt Antioch, Sheridan
county, "all mineral leases, all supplies,
machinei-v, in action, which
means lawsuits, 2,2"K 1-3 shares of
.stink of the American of Ncbuska
and ail other property.
The company went into bankruptcy
Mveral years ago following the end
of the war and the reopening of the
American market to the cheap potash
nf fiprmsmv And Alsace -Lorraine. The
Immediate cause was the breaking of
a valuable contract by the chemical
trust, which stopped buying American
Over a million dollars of Lincoln
money went Into the property, which
consisted mainly of two manufacturing
plants at Antioch, leases on the best
lakes in that section and pipe lines
between the lake and the plants.
Since the closedown one plant, orig
State Tennis Tour
nament Will He Held
First Week in August
The Nebraska Tennis association is
now making a campaign for entries
n the annual state tennis tournament
it Lincoln the week of August 7, and
running on through the week. The
ourts of the University of Nebraska,
.wen'.y-cight in number, will be used
uir the tournament. As only six of
he courts will be u-ed in match play
the plajers entered can u-e the either
courts to play all the tennis they le
."iie. The association plans to make
this a week of tennis and all those
entered, whether they win or not
should enjoy themselves to ihe fullest.
Ralph Powell, Ftate chompion for
the past few years is in Egypt and
will lc unable to enter. This will
make the contest much more interest
ing as Powell has in the past von eas
ily from the field. Last year he de
feated n number of western stars who
stopped over for the tournament while
on their way east. The tournament
last year was open hut the old custom
of holding a closed tournament lias
again been adopted.
The tournament is under the direc
tion of Ralph E. Weaverling, one of
the most promising players in the
state, and N. T. Chadderdnn, of the
University of Nebraska. Earl Meyer
of Alliance, former state champion, is
a mcmlicr ofxthe board of directors
and is endeavoring to interest the
western Nebraska stars.
Marple Drops From
League and Nonpareil
" Will Be "Taken In
j.iui.y umij i i i i Ti.rll. i played due to the recent v
company oi XNcorasK". -... y ,...- of M ,e f rom the euKUC T
agea Dy nre. ine ... .ii. pie aggregation failed to
ware was orcanizea io lane uvt-r mi
The game which was scheduled for
last Sunday between Marple and Ash
Grove, county league teams, was not
he Mar
apiear the
last two bundays at the opposing
grounds. Marple will te
frnm thf. lnsnrim unit nnntVipr
Kanization. - I team, probably Nonpareil, substituted.
W. K. hnnrp president o, inrrnjj- Thi, c,mnKe maile at once if
puny, sa:d r rulay that the $ 12,000 , Nonparei team is willing,
represented the amount of prcfened '
claims, that this action wa. taken for,
the purpose of closing up the affairs
t the company, and that if anylody,
else wanted to bid more they were
company and the Western Potash com- team'sgro
pany, which was purely a Lincoln or- (lro,,pe(j fro
welcome to make their offer. Con
firmation of this sale will mean the
final dis!-olutigUb -the eencern-:
Railroads Ask ;
Permission To
Cut Freight Rates
Miss Green "I know he's rjch, but
'n't he too old to be considered eligible?"
tfble to be
(; 441 old
jear, he's too eli-
figgered him a rigiik
with a razor than whit
tO i
1. f MJL
Still waters run si
"Deacoii Summefc-i
' considerable prestig
I' I circles since he pet
:" State Journal: All of the railroads aawn into that
Anin K,iatn in K.k.v. .,nif i- barroom fight tn
an application filed with the state . . eastern i
railway commission Thursday, asking' .. 1 8?d.,Mjr J,
' me gracious crivueee or beimr Allowed , "''-ov.VAv.' " i
, to reduce freight rates 10 per cent, v
-As nobody will object the commis-
' idon will not have a hearing, but speed
11 y act so that the new schedule may
go into effect at an early date. The
reduction la asked for la order to re
tain the present proportions between
interstate commerce commission re
cently, in agreement wjth the rail
roads, ordered a 10 per vent cut in
ioterestate rate, and this order of the
Nebraska commission wilL remove !!
' discriminationtions between the two
schedules that would otherwise . re
sult, . . . .
The 10 per cent reduction will not
. PPly to certainfsrtn products, ' not
that any discrimination is being per
petrated atrainst the farmers, but be
caup, the farmers got a much larger
cu on grain rates before the general
run of shippers were considered. In
other words, their reductions are al-
, ready in effect, being 17V per cent on
wheat and 10 per cent - on coarse
A formal order was issued Saturday
by the state railway commission ap
pro vintr 10 rr cent reduction in rail-
road freight rates within the state of
Uebratka, as requested by the carriers
a few days ago, to correspond with a
similar cut in rates ordered by the in
terstate commerce commission to be
come effective July 1.
Hay and grain rates, which were re
duced some months ago by 17 M per
cnt, are not effected in either the fed
eral or the state order und will remain
. . unchanged.
On products of the, farm, garden,
orchard and ranch, including live
ttock, the 10vper cent temporary re
duction any rates heretofore cut 10 per
would otherwise have expired July 1, is
continued after that date.
While the railway commissioa'a ord
er generally exempts from preient re
duction any rates heretofor cut 10 per
cent or more, the reduction will apply
where there has been a specific re
adjustment on fehort hauls within the
ttute, and rates which were incident
ally lowered in such readjustments will
go down with the rest. Nebraska rates
on brick, sand, gravel and stone are in
this class.
Following a dinner of savants, a cer
tain professor of psychology thought
he would test a colored cloak attendant
as to his memory. Although the pro
lessor pretended to have mislaid hit
clteck the boy without hesitation hand
ed him the right hat.
"How did you know this one w
nuneT ' atked the learnej
Ley why did you give it to me?"
"Cause you give it to me when you
come in, suh."
ms to have lot
n your cnurcn
ted himself to
er night," ob-
r in Arkansas.
o plied a native
ight handier
he turned out
Kansaa Lo-
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. John-on of Nor
ton. Ka-., who have been isiting at
the P. E. Law home the past week left
for Al';anre Monday, where they will
i-it bt thB home of Mrs. John -on wrt
of Alliance. Mr. Juhns.m relieved Mr.
.Stewart nt the depot a few days li st
week vh'le Mr. Stewart was on a trip
to Camper and Thcrmopolis, Wyo.
T. V. Gnrnnn of Lakeside came
down for the bal' games and inciden
tally took charge of the ball cluI.V
staiid on the grounds. Tom makes a
good man for running the stand and
Ellsworth ball team is greatly indebted
to him for bis services at the several
Karnes which he has had charge of thf
Walter Wightmm, secretary and
treasurer of the Richard-" ami Com--tocK
Cattle company was called to
Minneapolis, Minn., on business f-it-urday
c.vpecting to return about the
middle of the week.
I). E. Wilcox, well known rancher
north of here, has been uite sick of
late and was taken to Alliance last
week for medical attention. His nuny
friends wf.-h him a speedy recovery.
Mrs. L. J. Munger was an Allia ice
passenger Minday going in on .t.
Mrs. Richard Crandnll of Bingham
who has been employed at the Ells
worth hotel the pa.-.t few weeks is row
employed at the C. C. Jameson home.
Miss Anderson oi mngnam is im
ployed in her place at the EIUvirth
hotel. '
Martin Rochford will load out his
car of household goods Tuesday, M ov
ing to their new location in tamila
north of Edmonton. Alberta. Mrs,
Kochford and daughter, Mrs. Honer
Shepherd will go there by train while
Mr. Kochford and son, Howard, will
drive through and Homer Shepherd
will go through with the emigrant car.
Mike Teterson, foreman of the
Spade ranch was an Ellsworth vi.-itor
Saturday coming down on some rusi
ness, preparatory to going to V'ulen
tine this week on a business deal.
Ode Black and Carl Miller of Lake
side were E Isworth visitors Monday
morning driving down in Mr. Black's
r !i r.
Clyde Simmonds, Lakeside barber,
will be in Ellsworth Thursday a ter.-
noon. I
Many fans were present from a; vide
radius to the doubleheader ball fame
Sunday in which Ellsworth def toted
both Lakeside and Bingham 8 I o
and 8 to 1. the Bingham game loing
nn ploven ininntr affair. I
Mr. and Mrs. P. .E. Law, MrJ and
Mrs. A. S. Johnson and Mr. and.Mrs,
.1. I.. Younsr were entertained at a
o'clock dinner followed by a card lame
Saturday evening at the J. U. uen
nedv homo. ' I
ball club and fans "w ill be held lihurs
day afternoon.
' Be well and strong. Be full of life
and energy. Tanlac will do this for
von. F. E. Holsten. 61
Golf not only improves your health
but enabies you to understand the
jokes in the comic weeklies Minneso
to Star.
Mi.-s Ada Byrd of Alliance on
ncoming passor.ger Wednesday nftr.
noon for a visit with relatives and
Fern Grimes departed Thi.rsrlav
morn ng ior a visit ;K ;.t'.
and family in Wyoming.
Mrs. Marv Kinsler lnff w li ,.r
the week for an extended visit in the
east, bhe will visit at Chicago while
Miss Murle Kinslev rehirn,l
Thursday after a three weeks' viit
with relatives and friends at Thed
ford and Broken Bow.
Mr. Johnson, who travel fnr ft-io
Iten Biscuit company, and wife were
n town Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Kiester wero
Alliance shoppers Friday.
i no little son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Delsing was on the sick list the last
of the week.
Gladys Caha is working at the Cot
ton drug store during the absence of
.mis. t,otton.
Helen Havnes was an Allinnce
shopj)cr Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin nnd
daughter motored to Alliance Friday.
airs, lien tries of Alliance is 'isit
ing in town over the week-end.
Mrs. Enycart of Marsland vi-ited
friends in town over the week-end.
Miss Inez Jones left Saturday after
noon for Marsland to visit with friends
for a few days.
Mrs. Joe Carter and children and
Mrs. Waller Carter and little daugh
ter motored to Alliance Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kiester und
son and the Annen family wei. busi
ness callers in Chadron Saturday.
Word has been received here that
Miss Mirrie Hale of Crawford and Bill
Hoffman of Marsland were married a
few (lavs ncrn. Mian Hu1 it vll
known here having spent some time in
our town last winter.
Mrs. Frank Nagleschnieder visited
in Alliance Saturday between trains,
Mr. and Mrs. Cox and son, Dwight,
who have been visiting their daugh
ter an dfamily at Halsey for the past
two weeks, returned home the last or
the week. They made the trip over
Ernest Farrington. who runs a dray
and transfer line in Chadron, drove
the team over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright visited
at the Clyde Whelan home Sunday
Helen Andrew, who cut the end of
her finger off some eight weeks ago,
is again regaining some use of the
Mr. and Mrs. Nel on and family of
Iowa, who have been here looking for
a location, went to Chadron Saturday.
O. W. Andrew motored to Alliance
Friday morning.
Mrs. Frank Black, who has b?en
spending the past two weeks at the
farm, against resumed her work at
the Lockwood store Monday morning.
Helen Andrew worked for her during
her absence. .
Miss Myers visited at the Glass
Myers home Sunday.
Misji Lela Cory of Chadron normal,
and friend, visited in town over the
The funeral services for Mrs. Meade
wis held from the M. E. church Mon-
Senator Borah ought to know by this-
time that the reason vhy we do not
recognize the Dolsheviks is because we
do recognize them. New York Tribune.
Now America w!ll lend Germany
the money to pay the Allies to pay
America to buy German goods to make
Germany rich enough to pay her debts.
New Britain Herald.
dsy afternoon at .2:30 p. m.
Hosiery for Sturdy
Nothingbetter demonstrates the strength
and service of ALLEN A Black Cat
stockings like the rough and tumble
activities of boys and girls who wear
them. Mothers who have quite enough
to do without spending half hours at a
time at the darning basket are most
enthusiastic friends of
Allen A
It matters not what particular style or'
quality you want, our children's hosiery
assortment will be found adequate. We
always carry a complete line, styles for
school, dress or knockabout wear, made
with reinforced heels, toes and knees, 1
all sizes and weights.
An aerial wedding took place th
other day 8.000 feet over New Yon
Lucky the bride did not change )r
mind at the last minute and wow
her finance over. London Op.V"0
Still, the old-fashioned sermon about
hell bad much in common with the
modern sermon about current events.
Anderson Herald.
: i I
uv. ... .. . .
L i i i i ml
. -! )ii : . . . . 1
Ok? fidrsheim shoe I
ii ui
i :
or just a pair of shoes for
money. A slight difference
ice makes a big difference
lue. It is better to buy
eim Shoes and get satisfac-
n to save a dollar and
ou had.
t lovt price for this fine quality
'Alt the New Models
Are I tarried in Stock
Mrs. Charles Rolland, who has been
sick, shows but slight improvement
at tnis writing.
Mrs. K. L. Pierce entertained the
woman's club Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Pierce and Mrs.
Ward motored to Chadron Sunday to
visit with Mrs. Rustin, Mrs. Watson
and daughter, Doris, for a few days.
Merle Price of Alliance visited in
town Sunday.
Mrs. H. Friemuth entertained at
dinner last Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
James Kennedy and family, Mr. and
Mrs. John CMara, Mr. and Mrs.
George Breckner and family, Mr.
Gerdes, Mr. Jelinek and Mr. H. Ham
mond. A sumptuous dinner was
served in the afternoon.
Maybe Oser thinks a curry-comb
as aristocratic as an oil cun. Dallas
News. " '
nir. cto D F I
"Attorney Left Fortune" headline.
They seldom do. Toledo Blade-News.
Black flat Hosiery
These are regulaii 3oc and 40c values.
For a Man of Thifty-Fivfe
Do you know that taking a man 35 years !p!tt, who deposits in
our Insured Savings Plan, $8.00 per month or 91)0.00 in tep years,
we can pay $266.90 in premiums on his 1,000.00 msurance, una; yet
pay him at the end of ten years about $1,064.00?
Wouldn't it be easier for you to have this
minu i
It does not seem possible, but it is
proven by cold figures. It is a marvel of
compound interest earned on a Savings
Do you know if the man dies at the
end of eight years his beneficiary will
g-et about $1,779.00? Do you know that
if his income is shut off and he is un
able to continue the plan, he can, after
the first few years, cash in for more
than he paid in, by which his insurance
will cost him nothing.
worry ofiVyour.
iynt, - ,
Savings Acc
compounded seni
insurance pohcj m
able combination; o
earning 5 per cent
annually, with a lift'
one of the best companies in the Unitd
States. V;I )
Can you picture'. abetter way to in-,
vest your money thsti to build up a
Savings Account whL your income will
allow it, at the same t
family with protect
chance of your death
able to reach the goal
yourself and for them
.. ... j
c fsuuuuuu yuur
n ag-ainst the
before you are
ou have set for
It is all possible under this remark-
Come in and let us explain further.
There will be a man at either bank to explain tlnllnsured Sav
ings Account June 29th. Ask to see him.
First State Bank -:- Alliance Natf IBank
Alliance, Nebraska
Alliance, Iftbraska