The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 27, 1922, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    THE AT.l.TANT r.ITERAl.P, TITSPAY, .Jl',K 27. i22
In accordance v.ith previous im
niur.cei,itnt.! ;.ml j.Uri.--, lIio Linn of
Alliance, with tluir u.i.iilies m
menu.-, journeyed io ti.e new --tale
park, ,n l ine Iiiilte, til'l; -m.e m.lo.s
north ct Alliance, on Suivlay.
Lion Dun seiuutr :iii .-tu .ititiiiuu.--ly
tuKen the Alliance Hoy hcout band
to the paiK the niur.i he. me, uavtl.n
in two lioo liucks. Hie boy? had
camped oat and met tlie ile'enation as
it arrived Sunday meriting with mu.-ic.
Gin.d Fellowship Lht.irman Will U'
Keeie, in charge oi Ju.-.e enteitain-irieni.-,
made tne i.i ivnenunts and
thai plenty oi lemonade and ice
cream were pioviued, Lion John fn.,
tler hauling the Material.'' over by
truck Sunday morning.
'i'htie were in attendance at the pic
ric, including the l!oy Scout hand,
about seventy per.-on.-, who enjoyed
themselves in auuus ways, ii.e
baseball game, which was plaed
jirior to dinner time, re.-ulted in a
tcore of 47 to 1, in favor of the fat?,
j .- me icans were unable to cope with
Dill Harper's curves, Lull bping ciasscd
with the lats, and doing some wonder
ful twirling. Lion Joiin tiuuiiie
provcil an i.ule catcher, mi.-sing none
of tiieni and uing a ifur.ny Mick lor
a mitt.
Seven 1 hundred people were yvc
ent in the park during the day and
all were f n'.trUanul by Kill Reese and
his lioy Scouu. with excellent inu.-ic.
Many of the Lions journeyed to C'huil
lon anil back, beune .starting on the
return tiip. Most of the cavalcade
arrived in Alliance r.t about D o'clock
in the evening. The occa.-ion was pio
nounced a huge succes. Senator Good
of Chadron and o.her Chadron celeb
rities' vi.-ited the Lions during the day.
Two ycung peopie of Alliance are
attending the summer school of Neb
raska esleyan university in Lnher-f-ity
Place, 'ihey are Miss Ldna Wilt-t-ey
and Miss La Khea Lunn. The ior
mer is registered for work in econom
in :m irecinai.hv. mimary and
wintei'mV(''ate education, and Tennyson.
The lauSfcJ1'1'4 courses in voice, history
of eclucatflV. American hinory, pri
mary methods and iennyson. lhese
coung ptopliw are finding that the
Vesleyan summer school has increased
its attendance n the last two years
to twice the rKimber enrobed then.
Many teachers Wl advanced school
officials are registered tlu.t they may
: ikair nvn'Visinnnl standing.
The midsummer picnic of W csleyan
university was held Saturday at one of
the large city parks in Lincoln. A
varied program of warn weather
Fports was arranged. The adminis
trative dean of the summer session
made an address and awarded the
prizes. Dinner w as served by the home
economics department of Wesleyan.
The members of the Aktati campfire
will present a play Friday evening at
the Methodist gymnasium. ,The name
of the play is, "The Call of ohelo.
This is a special campfire play and
has made a success wherever pre
sented. Specialties will be Presented
between acts. The cast will be made
?p ofgirls from the Aktati campfire
Harold Hagin of Calloway, Neb.,
and Miss Mamie Etter of Ahby, Neb.,
tere married at the Methodist par
wnage Monday afternoon. They will
make their home in Calloway, where
the groom is employed in a depart
ment store.
Miss Vera Chambers of Sidney, who
has been in Alliance for t he past .few
weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. J. V.
Fmerick returned to her home this
mornVng.' Mrs. Emerick, who has been
i??s bow reported as completely recovered.
Mis. Porothy Jlersliman, who ha
Uen in Allium e visiting lor the past
v- m'k. i e;ui red tn her home in Omaha
Saturday. Mis. 'Irishman is a former
Alliance resident. Her two sons will
remain here for the remainder of the i
A :-;crption wiii be given for the
new pastor of the Presbyterian church
at tin- home oi V. K. Spencer Friday
evening. A cordial invitation is e
tc ided to members and others inter
ested in the churrh to attend.
The ladies of the Methodbt church
w;l! entertain the-Indies of the other
churches Thui sday afternoon at 2:. 0
at the new Methodist church gym
nasium. A program will be arraiu;ed
and le.reshments will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Frankle and
il im 'iter, Matilda, Mr. m.d Mrs. F. V.
lLtui.i and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Cog.-well and fam'ly drove to
the state park on Pine Kidj;e for a
picnic Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Stoltz of Mis
souri Valley, la., who have been in
Alliance v!..itfn!i their uncle, F. V., le'.t toi'uiy for a trip through
Wyoming and Colorado before they re
turn home.
I.icon.c to wed was is.-ud Saturday
lo William A. Johnson of Heming'.ord
and Mis Josephine (lio -s of Hyannis.
Loth bride r.nd gioom have been em
ployed as teachers in their respective
Mr?. P. Delsky and daughter,
France--, of Dos Moires la., were in
Alliance last week visitin-r her sister,
Mrs. A. G. Isaacson. Mrs. Delsky
le.t Sunday night for California.
Mrs. Harry Kaennier was operated
en this morning at the hospital. She
is reported as doing as we'd as could
be expected.
"Partners of the Tide." the feature
at the Kialto toniuht, is u real sea
story vith a tvpicid sea-captain, the .
two sisters who are spinsters, the girl,
who awaits the return of the ship, life
anoard ship, and the shipwreck. The
scene is laid in a typical, cozy little I
ti.-hing village that makes an audience
feel lis if it, too, belonged in that vil-
lage together with its inhabitants who'
have spent wu-t of their lite there. i
The cast in this picture has been ex-
ceptionally well-chosen for the parts!
they play. For example consider J.j
P. Lockney as Captain Ezra 'lit comb;'
Jack Perrin as second mate on the
coast-wise .-chooner; Daisy Pobinson
as "the" girl; Sam Hammond as the
"second-best' suhor tor her hand; as
will as other favorites who strike a
true chord in their delineations of
their various parts.
Wednesday's attraction at the Kialto
is "Ihe P.ei'eree," featuring Conway
Te:u le. It s a story of the prize ring,
and is taken from the feature story
in the Red Kook by the same name.
City Manager's Corner
On Thursday, the Kialto will show
"Where Lights Are Low,"' a new Ses
sue Hayakawa hit. The Japanese star
portrays the role of a young oriental
prince whore love for the daughter of
a gardener on his illustrious uncles
estate causes the complications upon
which the play is built. His uncle in
sists that he wed the daughter of a
wealthy mandarin but the princeling i
rem es and goes to America to acquire 1
education and culture. Later the little
daughter of the gardener is brought
to America by slave dealers and the
efforts of the young prince to win her (
back form the groundwoik of a drama
of the mo.-t gripping nature. j
1 ast night's lain was fine for eve -one.
It packed the du-tv places on
ou. streets so that we can now again
go ahead end do some grading. I he
water washed a larue hole m Kiiih
and Xiolirarn aiound the storm sewer.
We worked this forenoon filling it up.
As a whole the water drained away
la;iiy gcod. We had a lew plates,
huwever, which gae us trouble on
account of the people throwing their
lav il c iiitiinirs mlii lh a,.,i i
t-lv e washed down and filled up the '
int; kes to the storm sewers. !
i i e had considerable trouble on our
pover line during the niht. 'Ihe
Uy- worked until about 1) o'clock try
'i ..o iiMM'e th tioube and went to
bed and were called out again at 1 :,"0
tli- i. touting and hui been working
on it ever since. There is some place
t a they have bren unable to locate,
t at has a short and they are not i:b!e '
U hold the breakers in at the plant.
'Ipie will probahlv locate it some time
Ml1' .
give you some Idea of the
umnt of water wnich we have
nting lately each day take a look:
u'" siandpipo and imagine that
'ic were ciht or nine such stand
e- instead of one. Tlii'vo nVnt i-
nre -tandpipes filled will represent
.my c(in.-u:nmion oi water, j ho
te pump at the tover plant will
ne tn ir.e-e stan(i;ipes in one
hour and foity minutes. I'niina the'
peak hours fiom ," p. m. until ! p. m.
we have u--d at the rate of i.bout en'"
standpipc full each hour. Wo have
Iron pumping nearly L'CO gallm- of
wr.tct per tlay for evtiy ei;on in tho'
l:ay Piott of Omaha, who has bon
visiting in Allifinec with fiinmN for
the past three weeks, v.-.) return homo
1 hursduv.
Help Aktati (amplire RiiN ro
cnnipinK. 61
The Misses Lydia nnd Alice Foley
left Su ulay for Gillette, Wyo., where
they will Vi -it their grandmother,
t-'. Mike Elmore, at her ranch near
Mrs. C. C. Smith left for her home
at Scott.' bluiT Sunday. She is a for
mer re.-ident of Alliance and has been
visiting old friends here.
The Presbyterian women mission
in tnpiptv will meet Wedrcsday at
the home of Mrs. Walmer. The leader
will be Mrs. Ben ternald.
Mrv Archie Gregory will leave for
Dnc'n Wt-n hia u-ppk to visit rela
tives. ' She intends to be gone for some
Miss Martha Miller entertained the
members of the girls' F. H. club a, the
Alliance hotel Friday afUmoon.
Mr. Rnd Mrs. W. H. Turner left for
the Black Hills Sunday, where they
will spend their vacation.
tv,. v..: iVo Pdntist church will
meet at the church at 7:30 Thursday
evening for practice.
port Monday on legal business He
1 .U4
returned monuay ihk"--
tVi will entertain tlie
,IUN U' v. ...... ----- ...
N. W. bridge club at her home W ed
nesday evening.
County Attorney Lee Basye was
calleu to cnatiron moimny vn
Herald '.Vant AdsResults.
Phone ."12 for electrical facials,
shampoo, manicures. All given in your
own home if you so tlestre. bl-bJ
Mrs. George V. Meade of Heming-
fortl licd r.t the hospital Saturday of
chronic kidney trouble. The funeral
was held at Hemingi'ord Monday.
Don't foruet the Aktati Campfire
play Friday, June 30, at the M. E.
church. 61
New York's police commissioner has
gone to Europe to study crime con
ditions. If he would stay rieht at-
home he could study them first hand
New York Tribune.
Scottsbluff Wins
19?3 Convention
of Nebraska Elks
Sco't-hluiT won the Elks convention
lor over Lincoln nnd Omaha at
Columbus where the 1!)'2 com "nti.m
just closed, says the Sc ttsblutT News.
"We didn't give them r. chance,'' s ltd
"Doc" Crawford Saturday morning.
"We just got to our feet mid tied it t.p
before those other fel'ows got start
ed.; Frank Greene of Lincoln argued
that it would be better and cheiper to
have the convention in Lincoln and
Doe Craw -ford said: "Why, it will co t
me jut as much to come and see you
as it will for you to come and Yce
"This eonvenCen should bring 7f,()
delegates to this town nest year," s.'id
Doe Crawford. "Hides' it shouid
bring other visitors." "ibit," Toe ad
ded, "it all depends on us."
V:;--hinrton has stepped saving day
light and L-n't saving anything now.
See Mr. RiimII, phone .112. for
cn;p treatment... 61-62
A telegram received thi- afternoon
fiom Yal Kiiska, immu-ivition n?rnt
for the Burlington with hoinli urn tera
at Omaha, states that he will bo in,
Alliance all day 'I hurs')- n
week and will make n trip over tho
county, witn lite v ot u. .ulUMi,:5
taiiticis to I. rvte her.
Mrs. ItusM-il, phone ."t12, i exper
ienced in all lira uly parlor v.ork. 61-62
The best thing about women's par
ticipation in public affairs is that it
keeps the alfairs public. Washirr'on,
Post. .
Could it be that prosperity got tho
seat ol its p.-.nts hook,t -wi
pines'' Syracuse Post-Standard. ,
Can't some of the'-e wov-or
get hold of Ireland? New York Even
ing Post.
A scientific blend of purest
ingredients comforting
and healing to baby's deli
cate skin. AskforSan-Tox
Baby Talcum.
A Modern Convenience
WRIST WATCHES aro now an essential
part of Milady's outfit. The modern
woman, le f-he young- or matronly, wouU feel
lost without a wiist watch.
LADIES' WATCHES differ widely in points
of interest. They may be very small, plain
or elaborate, round or rectangular and have
silk ribbon or gold expansion bracelets, but
dependability is the prime requisite.
Come in and see our beautiful display of va
ried styles. You will surely find one to your
liking both in appearance and price.
9,000 Cubic Feet of Fresh I
Air Tor Minute. X
A beautiful love story.
Titken from the "Ked
A Hook" story of the same
amiHinisHnrnniHnwtmrnmti -rni,,-,,- n
Sessuc Hayakawa
4th of Authors' Series
Matinee, 10 and l.'c
Night, 10 and 2."c
7 QQ'g Jll.
. . l -k- . at. f 1
Sff.iAt 1
vu -he ?iw Time
ONE -fHA-T 00 T J vy
. " ? k W
TFJfd -U1,
JL j
as it Sweeps as it Cleans
The Hoover
is guaranteed
to prolong the
UJe of rugs
Declare Your
Independence from Housecleaning
This year commemorate Indepentince Day by giving yourself
a lifelong freedom from the cevseless drudgery of house-
Youhav'e perserved long enough' kith old-fashioned methods
of hand-beating and broom-sweepig. Let Independence Day v
start a new era in your housework an era of increased etin
ciency and lessened labor, with spire time for rest.and recre-
ation 1 ',:
, From now on resolve to Jet -The H&verelectrftally. beat, sweep . v n,
and air-clean your rugs-and keep iem clean the year around. .
They, will last longer and always look fresh and bnghU j .
' Let us show you how The HooveY combines the thiee essen- . ., ,
tials ct thorough harmlessly beats out and , y
sweeps up all destructive 'grit and kinging lint and lifter. . . .
PhonV ua Ttoday and we will gladl arrange to "oovere a x-
rug in your home free, at your convenience without obiiga- ...
tion, of cburEe. . y ' .1 ;
301-302 Vox Dutte Aen J Allianw. N.braska