The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 27, 1922, Page TWO, Image 2

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Site Alltaitrr Ucralft
Entered at the postoffire at Alliance,
JieK, for transportation through the
(nails as second class matter.
GEOUGE I- P.UKK, Jr Editor
EDWIN M. HL'IUt Business Mgr.
Official newspaper of the City of
Alliance; otTicial newspaper of Box
liutte County.
Owned and published by The Burr
Frinting Company, George 1 Burr,
Jr., President; Edwin M. Burr, Viee
royalM in Germany who will remain
loyalist ns long us they live. Nothing
run change them und they will make a
noi-o a lone as breath remains in
tlwir hmlie-, hut they ure an entirely
inconseiiwi ntal minority.
The i'ieate.-t proof of this was in
the Kapp coup when this royalist rule
in Berlin was utterly de-t roved hy the
silent protest of the people throunh the
t nly effective general st i ike ever
known in history. The people of Ber
lin simply stopped dead ill their tracks
und Kapp found him. -elf the ruler of
n dead city w.thout tood, water, liedit
or uny of the necessaries (f life. So
far history ha.-! failed to appreciate the
tremendous signifietinre of this great
event, which I am i-ure marked the
end of organized royalist activity in
The tiuth abouV the war wax that it
was a war brought on by cowards who
were afraid to face the economic facts
ami the social condition which sur
rounded them. Befor they realized
what thev had done they had gone so
far that they could not draw back from
the inevitable results which they them
selves feared move than anyone else.
The world should know this and the
the world should know that the last
thing iio siblc in Germany is the re
turn of the kaiser. 1 wish 1 could make
this statement public ut this time, hut
there are obvious reasons why this
would be unwise.
One of the surprises in the day a
Stews is contained in a radiogram lor
Warded to "Pussyfoot" Johnson, tvcrld
ide temperance agitator, by the as
jtociation against the prohibition
Amendment. The association, recently
organized in New York city und num
lieiing some of the country's formo.t
vriters, artists, financiers anil bu.-i-Jtess
men among its directors, is grow
ing rapidly and experts to have liaif a
million member. by the time the fall
elections roll around.
The .surprise is contained in the
Wording of the radiogram: "Congrat
ulations on your good sense in endors
ing our platform for beer and light
vines and elimination: of the saloon,"
Ireads the message. "Our plan, when
enacted into the law, will regulate vhe
liijuor traffic, aboli. h the saloon, and
lnomote true temperance. Will you
join us in our effort to put it over?"
"Pussyfoot" Johnson is recognized
as one of the formost antagonists of
booze in the world. Years ago, in a
riot following one of his speeches, he
lost an eye, and since then he has done
nothing by fight liquor. If, as thi
radiogram indicates, "Pussyfoot" lias
come out in favor of beer and litrht
- . . . l.f U i-niill tirinir cult ft Kptinl !:ls;
wines, the molnoition iorces sliould , l""v " " " "
oi candidates men woo were no.
pose of allowing the lazy, the ignorant
nnd the illiterate to vote. Abolish
them and voters will at lent have to
be able to read intelligently," says a
recent broadside from the women.
They are eminently collect. If the
primary is to be retained, it should be
reformed, not with an eye to maintain
ing party supremacy, but for the pur
pose of making inte'ligencc a requi
site to casting a ballot.
Ilcrrin, 111., June 23 (A. P.) Her
rin's unhonored dead lay pale and
stark tonight in the vacant store build
ing pressed into service as a morgue
since yesterday' mine battle. Past
them filed an unending line of men ami
women, young and old, barefooted boys . working on
and little girls.
Senator Myers of Montana spoke
after this fn.-hion: "We call this free
Ameiica, and as free American citi
zen these men were attempting to
sell what they had to dispose of their
labor. They found men who wanted to
buy that labor. The price was ar
ranged. The men went to work. They
have a constitutional right to be pro
fited in the work. Their employers
have the light to be protected in hir
ing them."
It's easy to rhaprodize over the in
alienable right of man to sell bis labor.
It's easy to talk of the protection they
at i the mine owners de;erve. And
yet it isn't at all a. simple ns this.
Put yourself in the place of the.-e
striking miners.
get moie protection than ordinary
laborers, and much higher salary.
They nre r.ot the kind of citizens that
any town wants permanently. Gun
men, bad men, tcriorists, men without
principle that's your strikebreaker.
When he is kil'ed in a battle which
he himself precipitates, he is deserv-
(H.-m-prd Courier)
cil Mathews of the Blue H'.l' Lead
er hiis undertaken to give his views of
the Snmli'v ba-.b-ll iie.-tion in an
swer to the anounccmrnt of a Eel
Cloud newsppper thi.t it mill refuse to
wiite up ball games thnt take place
there on Kund.iv. Ceeil n.kt it' 1 lie
ing of no symapthy. When the strike Kod Cloud paper refuses personal
is won, will be stay and work? Not , mention of any church member found
a bit of it. He'll do his dhtv bit and ' ''M1 -id'ng" on Sunday nnd says that
.. - , ' he considers himself strict v wit hin the
draw b.g money for wcng the confi, of Rn 0,1O(Iox j(m that
wages and the standard of living of sniirT)s baseball on Sunday, when he
his fellow men, and then he'll shove cranks old Liz and leaves a cloud of
on to repeat the infamous process smoke and gas behind as he sallies
.l.aM I Iorln lnl" lne country, nomcinc
a cut-out wide
forth into the
' ft'stcu vn'nla nriil l-itli
Vue: lions oi law n.-iue, conceding n.
that the striking miners should never "Hundreds of people." he nrirues.
They haven't been have allowed their resentment to "cannot atl'oid cars. They can only
time for months. n, ..;,.!, it r,,n.t ha find the opportunity of witnessing a
Ti,;- ,imnn,L. ,..,.- ,.. -i.i.. !... . ..... . - ... ... ... ... truiy American spoix as ineir cunns
j..v.i "inu.imn I'ic.-uiiiauij jum, iiuniiupii mat inei e are iwo siues to
The Nebraska league of women vot
ers, which is composed of women who
thoroughly understand the privileges
of the ballot and appreciate its obliga
tions, are sponsoring an initiative pe
tition to remove the party circle and
the party designation from all official
ballots. This step is taken, it is ex
plained, to protect the direct primary,
and that is exactly the effect it will
The women will probably be able to
nut this reform acrot-s. Truth io icll,
the men politicians didn't want it done.
Bather, they have done their best
men of all parties and political faiths
to weaken the primary rather than
strengthen it.
There is grave doubt that the pri
mary has resulted in the reforms that
were hoped to come from it. It va
argued, when the plan was adopted,
pause and reflect. The moonshine flood
is not diminishing, despite the fact
that the law enforcement officials are
steadily increasing the number of cap
tures and convictions. The booze run
ning from Canada on land and from
the sen in nil directions is still the
most profitable business in the coun
try. If the most implacable antagonist
of booze has really admitted that beer
and light wines may be the solution of
the wet and dry problem, there is fowl
for thought, to say the least.
I f
Walter Rathenau, minister of for
eign affairs in the present German
, ,bjnt, i daacf by tha buletfl of as
sassins. He was a powerful figure in
the reconstructed German government
a man who stood out head and
fcboulders above the politicians and
demagogues who sought to restore the
nation to it sformer rank as one of
honor. The men who killed him are
lelieved to have been monarchist
sympathizers, loyal to the ex-kaiser
and the old ideals of German suprem
acy. The assassins realized, better than
Itathenau's friends, pet haps, that it
was the capability and caliber of such
men who would make it forever im
Ios,sible for Wilhelm to ever return to
Berlin. They hoped that his death, in
this crucial period, would help their
And yet Rathenau, while opposed to
monarchy and all that it stood for,
never deliberately antagonized the ad
herents of the old regime. Perhaps it
would have been better for him had he
--sloDe to. Sometimes plain words and
utter franknes3 will bring the truth
home betttr than poft words and evas-l
ionB intended to .'.cate the ?njurej';
feelings of opponents.
A year ago, in an interview with the
head of a great press association,
Rathenau spoke frankly. He asked that i
What he said be kept secret until his!
death. The interview, released now, is J
J-efreshingly different than the words
that have been conv'ng from Germany,
for it does not keep up the silly pre
tense that all Germany was behind the
kaiser and his militarist policy. The
world has realized that in a ration as
intelligent as Germany, there must be
tame strong men who were opposed to,
tne course of that government during
the war.. Rathenau, from the dead,
irives the thoughts of the other Ride.
It U regrettable, in a way, that he
could not have nerved himself to speak
thus plainly while among the living.
Something is needed to bring the truth
home to Germany, now of all times.
"The policy of frightfulness was the
Jolicy of cowardice," said Rathenau
1a this secret interview. "It was the
policy of a man afraid, who makes a
grtat noise in an effort to frighten his
nemy in hope that he will avoid fight
ing. The kaiser rattled his sword un
til he frightened himself and all of his
ministers out of their norma) judg
ment." All Germany knows this and there
Is no danger of the kaiser ever coming
back to Berlin. The German people
are cured forever of royalty, but of
-court there are a certain number of
under the party control. There were
evils nnlentv to the old convention
system for making nominations, of
course, but there are those who argue
that the convention system is prefer
able to the primary. Argument
against the primary bring out the fact
that better men have not been chosen
and that the expense is away out of
proportion to the benefit gained.
The fact is, however, that the pri
mary has never really had a fair test
in this state. There has been entirely
too much of party politics connected
with it. The ideal is the open pri
mary, without party circles or party
designations, where the voters go to
the polls and select the candidates. they
want. Nebraska had an open primary
once, but when he republicans organ
ized and went into the democratic
primaries and foisted Jim Dahlman on
the democrats as a candidate for gov-
port as their tunday
Ti.n.. i,.tk. arl twnr.l ' . "v v portion, labor days and labor hours de-
at the i le ' faces ami at the wounds J' , V"'0" Was. ,len0, em- Htlon. " e put our- vin thpm this privilege on other
left bv pistol bullets, rifle balls and h''"'kobreaker.s were imported to run selves in the places of the min- rs days. 1 hen he clinches his argument
buckshot. ' itlu mines. These strikebreakers aren't und their families, we might not show V saying: "Ask the preachers in
Thev lingered avidly, then reluctant- the heroes that our senatorial friei ds an attitude more admirable than they C" lu : 'l ;Y "
ly pressed on to sonle adjoining honor, seek to show. Weve seen a lot of in the same .situation. i b..f n Mii-h as some other kinds of
j tl'm, ami we must confess that they
the a),, not simple, honest laboring men
ing. the consent of an invisible gov
ernor, ta turn against him and. eirinvnt, an organised minority." We
wallop him unmercifully at the fall!ar9 told that these martyred strike
elections, the open primary was , P1 eakers were "guilty only of the
doomed. j crime of exercising their constitutional
"Party circles and party Jesigna-! right of earning an honest day's
tions on ballots exist only for the pur- wage."
Banks Help Make
Business Good
ANKS are reservoirs into
which thrifty people pour
their surplus earnings and from
which business enterprises bor
row capital.
Rank loans make possible indus
trial and farm development.
The larger a community's bank
deposits the greater its prosper
ity. Your money banked here
works for you and your community.
First National Bank
Alliance, Nebraska
eager to miss notning
Never a word of pity from
C10W4I. i ,i cngvrli i f !i if) i n nvo ftio.i.
These were the enemy slain in a . ' .,. ' A '
labor war. The. e were the men who lr-r amines, .xoi mucn. xncy come
came to take away ther jobs. Out- in gangs; they draw high wages; they j chronicle.
siders enemies. ' .
Well, it served them right. .
That was the attitude of the town
as e.pre .-ed by its men and women
and its children.
Tears, none.
Sympathy, not much.
These were the enemy.
The dead of half a dozen national
ities, with sloping foreheads of the for-
Europe, lay at peace for all the
einn born, long mustaches of eastern
crowds, the Inuirhtcr and the sullen
looks. Pricks beneath their heads for
pillows, pine boxes for their bed.;, they
lay wailing the call of friends and
relatives who loved them once and
have lost touch with them in the
vicissitudes of transient labor.
Most of them, it is safe to say, will
be forgotten in the potters' fields, their
meager courses run, their stories fin-i:-lied.
They came here because they
wanted a living and because other
men wanted to make money.
Thev died burled across the fields,
stoned, shot at, tied and dragged down
dusty roads becau-e other thousands
feared these men would takif away
their living.
The trees are green in Herrin, nd
the birds are singing, and the crops
ripening in the summer vun. From the
morgue the crowds drilt to the bill
boards in front of the picture show, to
see what the posters promise; to the
drug store for soft di inks, then home
for supper.
Only the outsiders show surprise
and horror.
People here say:
"This is our buriness. Sorry, but
it's done. I-et us alone. We'll handle
this all riirht. Ve're good people to
get along with-good as anybody if
you mind your own business, well
attend to ours. '
Sickening sort of a description, isn't
it? Seems bird to realize that this
can be America, and the people of
Herrin, thoe calloused souls, Ameri
cans. Corgress, it appears, is taking
the matUr up. Senators are talking
a whole lot about "the right of Am
erican Jtizens to 'work where, when
ever price they choose, without seek
Just as soon a? we learn to spell the !
name of the Chine.-e president, he re
si'rns, tnd the whole job h
done over again.
We suppose Americans who go to.
to le Russia seeking for work ai'e hired by
San Francisco the prospect of no competition.
Philadelphia North American.
Making Friends !
Who answers the telephone at your place of business? How is it
answered? Important questions, you'll agree.
Whether the telephone answer is pleasant, polite, and intelligent,
cr whether it is curt and snappy, has much to do with what people
think of a place of business.
We suggest that you give the matter of your incoming telephone
calls your careful attention.
It is important that your telephone be answered by
an intelligent and courteous person, who is thoroughly
familiar with the details of your business.
Northwestern B
ephone Company
To the business man, retail or wholesale; to the manufacturer; to the commis
sion man; to the trucking company, the Ford Model T One Ton Truck makes
an irresistible appeal because it has in its chassis all the merits of the original
Ford car; the wonderful Ford Model T Motor, the dependable Vanadium steel
chassis, and the manganese bronze worm-drive. A strongly built truck that
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the demand for Ford Trucks wouldn't be so constantly on the increase. We
will be pleased to take your order for one or more Ford Trucks, will see that you '
get reasonably prompt delivery, and will give you an after service that insures
the constant service of the Truck. But don't wait too long. Get your order
in promptly.
Coursey & Miller
'ZD , CO!