- i ...J f t A J t 0 THE AT.UAXCK I1EUAI.P. TrESPAY. Jl'NK 10, 1022. oocie Group 4 of the Kcn.iiPa Campfne pul will have a p'am at the Me-.rodi.-t church Fi'di-v ecnin :it H clock. Thoie will bo in cntortuinin program, for which no ch::rj;e will be made. A s-ilvrr collection will bp taken. MNs lithe! Fuller i in chiirjre of the pi ok mm which will be a fol lows: "Amen'ca," Led by S-.owi band, lierdi.'.p Martaiet Van.U'rbi.--. Sotik -l!y lour Cnmpive n ils. Piano K'lo Thybs 'i l.omij.-on. Koatlintr Maxine S hufor. Selection by Scout bi nd. Yio'in solo K-ther V.'.rdti Wal so'o Jlrs. II. l.,. j On ret so!o Vein Lamer. I Heading Frances FirUlrr. i ".Star Span --Id Earner" Led Scout bnnd. l'r. C. J. Ilobin.-on will leave Wed-ii"-day nisht for Kr.n-as City, Mo. He will vo from Kansas City to 0.n;:rd, ('a!., where he will enter his practice with his iathrr, li. A. K. Koliinson. Kn rou'e to Cali forni.i he will t.prnd a lew lajs in the Grand Canyon f Arizona. Dr. IMjin-oi has l'cn in Alliance for the pa.-t few months in charge of the Jeffrey and Siv.iih chiro piactic ot'.ice. Mr. nrd Mrs. J. S. Hl.cin To Tt Sunday nivlit lor Chicago. They w.ll be n'ne J.iiout ten days. Mi. Kkein will at tend the National llelail Hardware Drains' as.'ociation convention in Chicago. fhc vivo. of the bankers who arc j.Menuinjr tlie lonvcntion of bankers in Alliance today are beitor entortuinoi by a committee of l.,dies at the Coun tiy c!ul. '1 be ladies w -re entertained it luncheon at 1 :o(), and after a drive through the city, attended a sptcial niatinee at the Imperial. Golfing and swimminu; at the country ck.lt was the not tiling on the program. Thev will then be entertained at dinner r.t the country ciuo at u:.;() p. m. Initiations will be held tlii vr n in it hy the Ka-irrn .Star. This will take pli.ee at the Ma.-onie tenuiie. nvrj Dr. Titu Fridel! of Minneapolis ar rived 'lue.-d.iy to take up his duties as junior number of the firm ef Jef frey & Fridel I. chiropractors. Dr. A. L.V. Smith. formeil in charte of the office hue, has accepted a po-dtjoji on the facility of the Midve-t Colic: e of ChiropKictic at Minneapolis, and v.M! not return to Alliance, under his pres ent plans. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cogswell drove to ScottblutK Sunday to bring back their daughter, Louise, who has been in Scot. biut; for the pa-t few days vi.-itiiig with Mi-'s Dorothy Zoellnc'r. Mrs. X. Fletcher of Dps Moines, Ta., arrive ! tod.av to be Mo-ent ut thr Fletchcr-linirland wcVdimr Wednesday ' nic-ht. Ihelma rf NVwca'tle ar rived today a'-.o to iittend the wed dimr. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. England of Alamoo.-a, Col., will arrive Wednesday morninfr and will be guests at the X. J. Fletcher home. Word was leceived Monday bv Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Johnson from H. C. Kf-ach. tt'iti' oruaid-t at the Iriprr ial, who has a larjre circle of friends in the city, that Mr. Keach was called from (iieenville. Tex., to Danielson, Conn., by the death of his father. The Woman's .society of the Hap-ti.-t church will meet at the church parlors Wednesday afternoon at 2 :.I0, with Mis. S. M. Krumtum and Mrs. li. J. Minort as hostesses. The W. C. T. I', will meet with .Mrs. A. W. Palmer. 21.1 l.-i-i 'I 1i ;.? ,,w,t . ' ' ....... .-mil lliurslay atternooa. The i roirram w ill be on "Flower Missions," with Mrs. A. T. Lunn a leader. Mrs. C. P. Chambers of S-Mr.ey has been in Alliance for the past few'davs visitinjr her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Finerick. who has been ill for some time. Mrs. Chambers loft Monday for Sidney. Mrs. L no-rick is reported as being much improved. The ladies' auxiliary of the Presby terian church will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. A. arter, Mfi Cheyenne. The response to roll call will be made with cjuota tions from favorite poets. The keneing-ton club of the Christian church will meet with Mrs. Herman Johnson, 114 West Eiphth street, Wednesday afternoon. The ladies vhoe name begin with the letters I, J, or K are hostesses. The Uural Woman's club po tponed the meeting- which was to have been iioiu juno zz, to June 1 iie meeting w ill be hehl at the L. J. Schill home. The Fast Side Pdek;:h club will give a lawn social at the home of dames lrittan, July N, at S p. m. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. W. E. Caldwell of P.u.-hville leti'i r.ed Sunday to her home after a month's visit at the home of her daughter here, Mrs. M. C. Smith. Fiank McConnell of Aurora, arrived in the city Monday, and e poets to have a hand in the construction of the new .school building's here. A. S. Mote drove to Chadron Su'idav with his daughter Wilma, who will re' main there and attend summer school at Chadron Normal. Charles S. Brown of the Fidelity State bank of Aurora is spending a day or two in Alliance and Hem-ingford. Miss Eva Siedow resumed her duties at the Fashion shop Monday after a few weeks visit with her parents at Sidney. Uomc Miller Has Ideas to IJoost Nebraska Spuds Rome Miller, w( ii known Omaha hotel man. who a frw uvkL ...... vmeed some Omaha commi..ion men that western Ncbrak.i potatoes had as good keeping ,ualities as those Horn any other logon in the countrv, has written the following letter to Secretary Thom.n of the Alliance chamb r of commerce relative to his ideas about rvrrpnmlni, thn again.-t western .Nebraska spuds: "Your communication in reference to we-tcrn potatoes is most pleasing to me. I am seeking no glory or bus iness advancement in anv piirticular. I came to Nebraska forty-odd years ago with no means and what I 'have accumu'ated has been in this glorious state and I feel grateful for the ad vantages that this corimen ealth has given me. 1 have fouglit and shall ti"ht tot her intere;ts so long as I am able. There is no question in my niind but what there has been rank discrimination in refei-piro in t-.,.iMii and we.-tern potatoes of this state. I operated eating houses on the North western road lor some twenty-five years stoiing many carloads each win ter when there was no advantages either of storing, sorting or education to the raiser of host methods for pro pagation and my potatoes kept with the little human intelligence given them. 1 have been advocating the use of Nebraska potatoes in Omaha lor a number of yoais without great re sults. "I notice lh.lt von fivn nc.wlnfn,! wun uie Alliance chamber of com merce. The associated chambers of commerce of the various western communities should bring this griev ance to the chamber of commerce of Omaha and thereby bring pressure to bear on the commission men of Oma ha to handle their potatoes in a great er quantity or they should stall a market of tVioir r.u-,- In nn., i . ... . v i . . 1 1 tan, 1 1 1 S I would be most willing to lend suchj rtSM.-mnce as i can to tne enterprise and to the end that we might teach the citizens of Omaha to practice what they preach co-oneration. We can only build up a great state by taking care of the little things, to say nothing about the big ones, and in the closest of teamwork as between the metropolis and the state at large. This applies not only commercially, Colored Woman Amsltl Friday Told to Leave Town Jessie Porter, colored, was aiie.ted, I-nd.iy evening by Chiff .lol'tYrs, and w is sent out of town Saturday. The c l arge egainst her was (h;,t of .ireet-' 'k:IK- ' 'vl-.o is ft em SVrlimr, n lived in town llv:r-.!av with a coi oi ed gentleman, Pill Koikhovi o, who was well known to local officers, as lie h is been in town before. JesMP js )r. lortod t.i have had an argument with a man at North Platte, the le-u't be ii'ir that Jessie removed one ot tho g'ntlcm.m's eyes. As r,o charge was hdgovl again t her on this accouiit. the heal officers made no attempt to held in- here. m ,' Vf .imKXvll 'V'" '"' hls'0'Hnwn. n- Cilh-.t is known, ),n , . t l ,1 ""i. He meets learned the in.lmtlfy of his ftb -r. h 1,. Vh n,y '""'' i!aPKl-er of the latter, tile.,,,! oT) uwrl leso Tr?i ber n l? an'' ,,lrn ' ises ,;, ,lete, mination locause ofi ileseitcd her. Py the time tJleam the girl. :::sj:::::m:m:!iiii!iii;?ft.! IJIUTHS June 20 To Mr. and P' liiiett, 'lentil and Mi-.-is Mrs -ippi A. L a b-y. Mrs. P. W. Ke.uh left Snn.l.. 'Midland, S. D., whete fhe will " j' it wiiii relatixes. :ua:::a::::::::j:::;:::::;:n;;:aa::R::utu:unmt I-.uropean nations are working them selves up to the conclusion that the tiouMo with the world is that Ameri ca !ku tcj much money. Detroit Journal. IDOYIESi AT Till: IMPFIII Al. Tonight's attraction at the Impeiial s Marie Preyo.-t in "A Dangerous J.it le Demon.' 1 hi pleasing stal makes a remarkable hit in this film, which is not at nil heavy, but is ad mirably suited to hot weather. A . . vn i,.Mi(iie, com- I'lt tcs an cnjoyj.blc bill. . W"dne day's feature is Mav Allison m "I he Last Card." The plot deals with two families who aie neighbors. An act of inlidelity in one homo en folds the second in a cuiious chain of circumstantial evidence, and a voung wile is compelled to use her intuition Vie , 1 nu.-nan.i o guilt. Mi.-.--Alli.-on has the role of El-ie Khkwood. me napp.est married woman in town, mild her hu.-baiicl is put in jail for the minder of a man ul.o. e body is found in Ihe basement of their lionie. Sudden inspiration makes her realize that In some inexplicable, strange way the w-oman next door has really a hand in the murder. Acting on this clairvoy ant realization, Elsie sets a clever trap in which the murder Is enacted to the very last touch, nnd the ieal mur derer brought to a sudden confession. "Cleam O'Dawn," with John Gilbert, Is scheduled for Thursday. The story is one that requires the best sort of actintr to "nut it nvti- " o.i rsu n 1 - ' , Ull.l J I H 1 1 L , S very naturalism gives it its big appeal. i t. vanauian noitn woods, he runs across his unrecognized C'.pyrtht 1022. Janlicn Xnlttlnc MDtg This is the (j Tkt Salient I in Suit A re .l swininiing: suit made to fit the lni'dinn l;oily. It won't fado won't snjr never binds it fits you and always allows free action. In fact it's guaranteed, all around and we're behind it. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH A JANTZEN. tele I " ins uiiicy-uitnizeti i ntttttttmn . I lttttllllll 1 BIG BANKRUPT SALE 1 BUY AT 30c ON THE DOLLAR 30c OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF THE ALLIANCE SHOE STORE Starts Thursday, June 22 at 8 a. m. Ten Days of Fast Shoe Selling YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BUY HIGH GRADE SHOES HERE AT- ON BUY AT 30c ON THE DOLLAR The entire stock of the Bankrupt Alliance Shoe Store will be thrown open to the public at these give away prices, starting Thursday. Be on hand early to get the best of the bargains. WANTED TEN EXTRA SALESPEOPLE. THE LOT No. 1 Men's work shoes, big sizes, at 98c PER PAIR LOT No. 3 , ' i Men's fine Dress Shoes, sizes 6 to 11, at $2.45 PER PAIR DOLLAR . P eople from many miles will be benefitted finan cially by coming to this bankrupt sale. . Get shoes here for all the family at prices cheaper than any merchant can buy them. Come sure. WANTED-TEN EXTRA SALESPEOPLE 1 LOT No. 2 The famous Dr. Reed Cushion Soled Shoe, priced at $5.85 PER PAIR l -. l i:. .-..LOTNou'l. , W. L. Douglas $10.00 Shoes, priced at ' 3JS5 'PER PAIR ; ,7 At the Old Alliance Shoe Store Location. GEO LOT No. 5 Ladies? Shoes, Slippei-s and Pumps, at--85c PER PAIR RGE J. PENNING No Exchane No Refunds No Approvals i ' & - mm . i