rl rl mm Official Paper of Box Butte U tiw;tW TWICE A VFPK TITSinv AVn irntn v Official Taper of the City of AHi&acft VOLUME XXIX Eii. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, JUNE 20th, 1022. No. 55 Mm PROGRAM FOR FOURTH OF JULY IN ALLIANCE LINEUP ON THK EVENTS AT THE FAIR GROUNDS. Thousands of Visitors Expected to Be in City for "Get Tosether Celebration." The committee in charge of the en itentainment at the Box Butte county fair grounds on July Fourth met at the chamber of commerce offices Monday ening ana prepared the program to be Riven as their part of the day's en tertainment. There were present at ' the committee meeting: Joe Vaughn, chairman, J. V. Bicknell, Ed Bishop, rrr. a. jscnocn, t,u curry, lorn Car ney, Tom Lawrence. Bruce Mallerv Herb Nason, True Miller and Lloyd "Thomas. The entertainment program at the OTOuncis win start at 2 o clock sharp. "ru 1 1 l - i i . i . jncic win oe no auumonaa cnarges 10 the fair grounds, the quarter-stretch or the bleachers. A charge of 25 cents will be made for adults and 10 cents for children for admittance to the ,vrand stand, with a charge of $2 for Jboxes, which will be reserved if re servation is made at the chamber of commerce office before July Fourth, Liberal prizes are offered for all events and there will be no charge for entries ail are iree. The Track Program. The "horse" program, which comes Hist at the grounds, is as follows: Shetland pony one-eighth mile First, $7.ou; second, $2.50: third, S2.50, One-fourth mile clash First, $15, .second, IU: third, $5. One-half mile dash First, $15; second. $io: third So. Novelty Race One-half mile walk, one-half mile trot, one-half mile run first, $20: second, S10: third. $5. One-half mile and repeat, 2 in 3 Jfirst, ro; second, $lo; third, $10, consolation noises not money winners, one-halt mile First, $10; second, $7.50: third, $2.50. Buckisg contest Best rider First 950; second, $20; third, $10. Best pitching horse First, $25; second, $10; third, $5. Barrel roping contest First, $10. Entries may be made with any member of the committee or at the office of the chamber of commerce at any time prior to the time of the con tests. Sub-committees on arrange inents are as follows: Selection of judges, starters and timers Tom Lawrence, Ed Curry and Herb Nason; fixing grand stand and dragging track Ed Bishop; mounted track officer and starter's assistant J. W. Bick nell; bucking and roping program (Continued on Page 8.) Better Facilities for Tourist Camp Urged by Guthrie i ' At the Monday luncheon of the Alli ance chamber of commerce J. W. Ouihrie voiced the criticism of an auto load of tourists from Iowa, who parked in the Alliance tourist camp. The Iowa people commented on the fact that the Alliance camp is the poorest they have yet come across in their travels. There are no lights, no shade, no cooking facilities or com fort stations, the tourists said. City Manager Kemmish pointed out that trees have been set out on the grounds, and that there are comfort stations in the city park, a short dis tance away. He said that signs should lie put up directing tourists to them. The chamber of commerce passed a resolution asking the city council to appropriate some money for adding conveniences to the tourist camp. In this way, it was pointed out, the ex pense will be borne chiefly by those who are most interested in attracting tourists here. Dr. Minor Morris voiced the objec tions of ranchers near Alliance to the places where roads are located. He told of instances where valuable ray meadows were cut up and of otiier damages resulting from poorly chosen locations. City Manager Kemmish urged that these matters should be left to the engineer, who shou'd know the best place to luild roans. He urged that roads through ranches are oftentimes of great benof.t to the ranchers themselves, and of insturtes where roads were located becuu e of the convenience of surfacing material. Lloyd Thomas also mentioned tome of ths problems that road engineers have t'i solve. Dr. E. C. Drake told of the plans for decorating the city for the cele bration the Fourth and urged that in dividual business houses co-operate. There will be social electric lighting for the business district, unc it is de siied that merchants be liberal in their li.e of bunting. V. D. Fisher, former secretary, who was scheduled to le present at the Monday noon luncheon, failed to tr rive. A postal card from him, sent from Siurgis, S. D., read: '"Rain for tlnee days. Impossible to get juc of liere. May try in a week to come your way." Evidently Fi.-her had troubles with mud as do some oth-.'r localities. He will probably be preent at the luncheon on Monday, J use -C. THE WEATHER Forecast for Alliance and vicinity: Fair tonkht and Wednesday; not much chance in temperature. Farmer Files Assault Charge Against His Neighbor Monday A complaint was sworn out Monday neiore Jui ce lash hv cnn,i,nl;- rviL-mhe, a larmer living a few miles west of Hemingford, charging a neigh bor of his, Uus S. Schoening, with assault. The two live a few miles apart, and were in some difficulties, the nature of which is net definitely known. Klemke asserts that Schoon ing assaulted him without cause, and has taken the legal method of getting redress. Klemke is a much older man than Schoening and claims that he was unable to properly defend himself. The time for the hearing has not as yet been set, although a warrant was served on Schoening Monday. The hearing will probably be held within the next few days. A letter received from D. J. Traill, commissioner of the OrsnH inland chamber of commerce, to the secretary n" roua" mgnway association at Alliance. Savs: "For vonr lnfnrmn!nn the Potash highway, Grand Island to navenna, is in wonderful shape and one of the best roads at present in this section of the country." GAMEWARDENS MAKE CLEANING AT RUSHVILLE FINES AGGREGATING $73,000 ARE GIVEN BY COUNTY JUDGE. Prospects for Prairie Chicken and Grouse Hunt for Fall Are the Best in Years. Fines aggregating approximately $75,000 have been brought against the fur smugglers of Sheridan county who have been brouuht befnr Judge D. R. Dorr of Rushville during the past three weeks. The offenses consisted of violations of the muskrat trapping laws and included trapping out of season, smuggling furs across the state borders into other states and the possession of furs out of season. State and United States Denntv Game Warden Otto Gewinner, assisted Dy deputy Mate Game Warden Wil liam Boettcher, started in about six weeks ago obtaining the evidence which led to pleas of guilty on the part of every man arrested to date, when confronted with the chains of evidence secured. The officers traced the shinmenta nf furs, by auto and train, to many points outside of Nebraska, including Voder and Torrington, Wyoming; Denver and Julesburg, Colorado; Chicago, Omaha, vea Aioines, Kansas City, St. Louis, Indianapolis; Sioux City and Glendale, and other points. Some of the ship ments were made in trunks as bag gage, while other shipments were carried overland by auto to out-of-state points, where they were loaded and shipped to the market points. $50,000 Worth of Furs. The ageresrate value of the furs shipped illegally amounted to approx imately $50,000. Under the state laws which were violated, each fur shipped niegaiiy wouia nave carried a maxi mum fine of S10 each. Had the maximum fines been assessed in each case they would have amounted in the aggregate to probably $500,000. The receipts from these fines eo into the county school funds. About twenty-five men have bepn arrested during the past three weeks for violation of the muskrat trapping law. The open reason for trapping, under the present state law, extends from November t to February 15, with ten days additional allowed for the possession of furs. This gives the trapper until February 2o to dispose of surh furs as he may have on .hand at the close of the season. The fines assessed ranged from $100 to $11,200, part of which have been remitted by (Continued on page 4) Hewitt Approved as Substitute for the County Judge On petition of Countv Judco T. P. Tash, the commissioners yesterday ap pointed james h. rt. Hewitt as sub stitute county judge, and approved his bond. Mr. Hewitt was immediately sworn in as a substitute official by- Judge Tash. County Judge Tash plans on taking his first real vacation in eight year. He will start, early in July, by auto mobile, for his old home in Iowa, anc he and Mrs. Tash will spend a month visiting relatives at Afton, I)e Moines, Mason City and other points in Iowa. Judge Hewitt will take Mr. Tash's place during his absence, and the du ties will not be new to him. He served four years as county judge, and like Mr. Tash, will have the fun of taking an excursion into the pat. BRONCHO LAKE SEINED, BUT NO FISH IN NETS no survivors of a carloa 1 LAN TED TWO YEARS AGO. Sixteen Men DiM-nvcr Supply of MuJ Puppies. lint Total Absence of Finned Beauties. Sixteen men, under the direction c federal and state game warden Ottt Gewinner, and at the request of the All lance chamber of commerce, spinod Bronco lake, located two miles west of this city, for several hours Saturday afternoon in an attempt to find out what became of half a fish-car-load of baby fish which were planted in vne ias.e iwo years ago. Twenty years ago this lake, which now covers a section of land, was drv. but it has been increasing in size and freshness year after year and today it is ueing convened into quite a resort for the people of Alliance and this part of western Nebraska. Swimming and boating are favorite diversions at the lake, but although u is meany situated lor nsh. all at tempts up-to-date to stock it with game fish have been unsuccessful Years ago the lake was quite alkaline It is fed from springs and is now becoming less alkaline each season. Other lakes cf similar character, which have been stocked in l-ecent years, are Dccoming well tilled with game fish, Plenty of Water Dogs. The net results of the tets made Saturday with seines were a bunch of "mud puppies' or "water dogs." inese hshlike animals while swim ming look like a large bullhead but upon inspection are found to have. in place ot tins, short legs with which they propel themselves about along tne snores and through the moss and rushes on the bottom of the lakes it is not Known wnetner they are edible or not, as no one has ever been found who has had the temerity to eat one to find out. Perhaps some unsuspecting stranger will happen along some day, catch a mud-puppy and eat it, and thereby introduce to the fish-eating fraternity a new deli cacy. Samples of the water from Bronco lake, on the shores of which are lo cated the Alliance Country club and the municipal swimming pier, have been taken by the game wardens and sent to Lincoln for an analysis to de termine what kind of fish, if any, will thrive therein. Alliance Will Play Bayard Sunday at the Fair Grounds The undefeated Alliance amateur baseball team will play Bayard, cham pions of the Platte valley league, Sunday afternoon at the fair grounds. Bayard recently finished the season with the Platte valley league, includ ing teams from Scottsblutf, Gering and Mitchell, and the Bayardites walked away with the bunting. The league was dissolved in mid-season because of the fact that the championship was practicaily a cinch for the Bayard willow-wielders. The Beetpickers have been traveling fast and are reputed to have one of the fastest amateur teams in this sec tion of the country. They are certain ly the class of the Platte valley, and if the Alliance team can take them into camp they can make a good claim to the championship of western Nebraska. "Stub" Fenning, who hurled a no hit game last Sunday for Alliance, will probably be on the mound, with Johnny King, formerly of the Denver Western league team, and the Chicago Cubs, also a possible twirler. With Garvin, a promising high school pitcher, also on the staff, this depart ment will be well taken care of. This will undoubtedly be the best game, and should draw the largest crowd of the season. The manage ment is preparing to handle a large crowd as this should be a game such as is seldom seen in Alliance. Alliance May Get Spark Plug Factory in the Near Future A report is current that Alliance may in the near future have a spark plug factory or at least a sparkplug assembling, plant. Martin W. Jacob son last year secured letters patent on an improve I electrode and side wire. He, with F. A. Bald, are the sole owners of the patent. Although the owners are non-committal as to their future plans, they admit that samples of their plug have been sent to the best engineers avail able and that the plug has come up to evei-y expectation in every tech nical test and that it has proved its superiority over other standard makes of plugs in actual field work tests on tractors and automobiles. Tentative contracts, providing for the (hstriiiution of ten thousand plugs daily, have been made with sales or ganizations in several central and in western coast states. COMPETITION APLENTY FOR COUNTY JOBS TWENTY THREE CANDIDATES FILE FOR OFFICES. Larue Numher Seek to Be Cummin sioncr or Sheriff, hut Every Office Contested. Twenty-three citizens of Box Butte county have entered the lists in an ef fort to secure a county office. When the time for filing expired Saturday there were this number of hopeful can tluUdes who had visited the countv clerk and treasurer, paid a filing fee and insured themselves a place on the oaiiot at the primary election, which will be held this year on July IS. The war may now be considered as official ly on. There are two offices which will apparently be pretty hotly contested commissioner and sheriff. This 'ear two county commissioners, from the Second and Third districts, are to be elected. The incumbents, C. L. rn.-htn pnd George W. Duncan, have both filed for re-election, and in addi tion there are six others who are competent and willing to accept the position if the voters will favor then "nndidac. There are five candidates for sheriff, of which four are repub ncans. Apparently the farmer-labor bloc is represented among the filings for very oil ice. It is understood that this element p!ans to work through the letvocratic primary, and there Is a Meat number of democratic aspirants. The primary vote will give a fair test of the comparative strength, not only of the two old parties, hut of thf in mer-li.bor vote, which may turn out to be strong. The organization haf not !een making any appeal to the public, but has been workirg, never theless, and some of the leaders of the movement seem confident of success. The filing Saturday included L. A. Berry, who seekii the democratic nom- nation for county attorney, ror a time it looked as though Lee Basye might have no competition in the race, but Mr. Bern's last day filing in dicates that this office will be Con tested along with others. I Lint of Filinct. ' xne complete list oi nungs is e follows: ' County Commissioner, Third dis trict: Democratic J. K. Laurence, L. Bennett. John Pauling: republican T. L. Miskimen, George W. Duncan. Countv Commissioner. Second dis- crict: Republican G. H.- Hagaman, C. L. Hashman; Democratic, J. P. Knapp. Countv Teasurer: Republican- Nellie Wilson, Cora M. Lewis; Demo cratic, A. H. Robbins. County Clerk : Democratic John Jelinek, O. M. Krumtum; Republican Frank Irish. County Attorney: Republican Lee Basye; Democratic L. A. Berry. County Sheriff: uemocratic ai vin M. Cox, Jay Oliver, Samuel H. Fink, Lloyd Gwinn; Republican George P. Jones. County Superintendent. Non-political Opal Russell, Myrtle Reeves. Lloyd Thomas Not a Candidate for the State Senate Llovd C. Thomas, secretary of the Alliance chamber of commerce, who was a member of the state legislature in 1917-18, states that the reports from Lincoln published in the daily papers of that city and Omaha that he had filed as a candidate for state enator on the democratic ticket are incorrect. He states that although he had been reiue.-ted by friends to file, he had decided not to do so on account of the fact that his present duties take all of his time and lwcau.se he would be unable to make a proper campaign. A friend in Lincoln, who was inter ested and who desired Mr. Thomas to file, upon learning that his filing had not reached the office of the secretary of state,.advised that official that his 'iling would arrive from Alliance and the report in that way got ouU, Lloyd u deeply interested in seeing some needed legislation passed for the ben efit of western Nebraska and hopes that whoever is elected from the rep resentative districts and the senatorial district which includes the counties in this territory, will use their efforts towards securing the establishment of a state and government seed potato experimental farm in the seed potato district and in securing a change in the muskrat tramiintr law. extending the open season for trapping for a period of probably tnaty uayi or ion ger. ALLIANCE SHOE STORE STOCK ILL GO AT BANKRUPT SALE The stock of the Alliance Shoe store, bankrupt, will be di-po.-ed of in ; ten davsale. bevinninir at K o'clock Thurs day morning. The entire stock will be sold at 30 cents on the dollar. A partial list of the bargains appears m this issue of The Herald. George J. Fenning purchased the stock and Mill stage the sale. THE COMIC SECTION. The four-page comic supplement, which has been for some month a feature of The U prrilil li.'u lutein temporarily discontinued, although we nope, within the month, to re place this; feature with nuothet which will be of equally high qual ity, but which will le better becuu.-e it wi'l n.t le old when our reader. receive it. When The Herald contracted foi its pre-cnt comic, it was with the .inderstanding that we should be allowed to u-e it for our l rida isjue. Thin was essential, for the reason that several daily news papers in the state use one or more oi tne paves. Vhen all arrange ments had been made, and the service started, the company re fused to permit this. The Herald has been putting out this four page supplement two days latei than other newspapers that reach Alliance. Therefore, the contract was cancelled. We are now considering two oi three other comic services, and ex pect to be able to announce the re sumption of this feature without inuch delay. Our readers, we are sure, will not blame us for wanting them to have not only the best in features of this kind, but to have the feature entirely new when it reaches them. ALLIANCE BOYS MAINTAIN THEIR NO-DEFEAT RANK SHUT OUT HEMINGFORD SUN DAY BY SCORE OF 22 TO 0. Game a Bit One-Sided, But the Larg est Crowd of the Season Was Present for the Slaughter. "Stub" Fenning, Alliance pitcher, hurled a no-hit, no-run, game Sunday, and Alliance defeated Hemingford 22 to 0. Fenning has been keeping the hits scarce and scattered thoughout the season, but this ii his firest exploit of this sort. This is Fenning's third year of ball with the Alliance team. ihe game was tod one-sided to be' interesting, although the largest crowd of the season attended. Johnny King, formerly of the Chicago Cubs, played right field and played a fine game, getting three hit3 of six times up. uarvin took the honors in batting. getting five hits in six times up. Ray Butler, center fielder, ran him a close race, poling out five wallops in seven times up. Fenning, in addition to his no-hit game, struck out fourteen men, and allowed no one to walk. Johnny King slammed the pill for two three bag gers, while Griffis, Garvin and Kay Butler also connected for the same route. Ray Butler, Verne Butler, and Garvin got two base hits. The Alliance team played a snappy fielding game, allowing only two er rors. This wins keeps the Alliance no- defeat record safe, the team having played six games and lost none. From now on teams which will furnish a iittle more competition will be ob tained, and the Alliance people will have a chance to see as good ball as played by any amateur team in the state. The box score: Hemingford ab r h po a e F. Uhrig, cf-p 4 0 0 1 1 3 Miller, 3 0 0 4 2 0 Christ, lb 3 0 0 C 0 0 Grimes, cf-ss 3 0 0 2 0 0 Bunce, 3b-p 3 0 0 2 0 4 Reeves, If-p-rb 3 0 0 1 0 0 Pellit, c 3 0 0 7 0 0 Mathews, p-cf 3 0 0 1 1 3 W. Uhrig, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 2S 0 0 24 3 10 Allianr ab r h 3 0 5 2 6 1 2 3 po a Griffis, lb Slattery, ss R. Butler, cf . Fenning, p tJrtl'V.II, 11 Edwards, 2b . V. Butler, 3b . King, rf McNulty, c . ... i 3 7 C ti 6 C ii 5 1 2 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 1 Totals - . 4G 22 22 27 0 2 Score by innings: Hemingford 0 00000000 0 Alliance 6 8 0 0 1 0 3 t x Zi Summary Two base hits: R. But ler, V. Butler, Garvin. Ihree base hits: Griffis, R. Butler, Garvin, king (2) Sacrifice hits: Fenning. Stolen bases Grin is (2), Garvin, Reeves. Base on balls by Mathews, 1; by Lhrig, 3; by Bunce, 1. Struck out by Mathews 4; Lhrig 2: Bunce 1. by lenning 14 Time of game, 2:20. Umpire, Bob Morgan. Attendance, oOO. At lea-t oiip special train of Shrin ers.'en loute home from the national convention at Sun Francisco, will reach Alliance Sunday afternoon, There' will be thirteen cars of live wires and local Shriners, headed by rred Gurley, are planning some spe cad entertainment for them. It is hoped to keep thejn in the city for at leut an hour. ALLIANCE HOST TO BANKERS AT SESSION TODAY SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF GROIP SEVEN NOW ON. Program Includes Automobile Ride and Meeting at Country Club and Palm Room. Alliance is host today to one hun dred western Nebraska bankers ami their wives, who are here attending the second annual convention of grout) seven of the Nebraska bankers' asso ciation. The meeting began thi ...uiiuiiK, wun me registration of dele, gates from 8 to 11 a. m. at the Alli ance hotel, with Secretary Lloyd G Thomas of the Alliance chamber of commerce in charge. The banka of the city are all closed for the event, and the program will occupy this aft ernoon and this evening. R. M. Hamp ton of the First National bank of thS city is president, and C. W. Brittan of the first State bank secretary of th group. From 11 to 1:30 p. m., the vtutin bankers and their wives were taken for an automobile drive, during which they were, given a good view of Box Butte county. The bankers and their wives were taken out over the first sixteen miles of the Allianee-Chadron state road, thence west to Hemingford and from Hemingford back over the. Hashman road to the Alliance Country club, where luncheon was served at 1:30 p. m. The Afternoon Program. The 1. noon is being held at the Country club, the program beginning at 2 p. m., and uitiutiing tne ioiiowing: Address nf ustrnmo Wi.lt.. r Metz, City Attorney, Alliance. response, James I. Whitehead. President Mitchell Sin to hunk M.- chell. Pl-P.tidont'a bI,Ioc P AT tJ ton, President First National bank. Al liance. Addreas. Chart H T?nn,to1l IWL dent Nebraska Bank Randolph, Neb. . Address, o. T. Eastman, vice presi dent, Merchants National bank. Om aha. Appointment of committees. i Unfinished business. I Report of committees. ,'' Election of officers. Following the huairutoa mAotlnir tm bankers will enjoy golf, boating ant swimming at the club. Banquet Tonight. The bankers and thmir wk.i art!! K tend a banquet at the Palm Room ot me Alliance notei at 7 p. m. toaigbt. Mann's orchestra will furnish muaid and the following program will given: Toastmaster. R. M. Hamntnn nract- dent group seven. Address "Guarantee Fund," Gar ence A. Davis, attorney general, St&t oi jveDrasxa, Lincoln. Address "Taxation," W. H. Osboro, state tax commissioner, Lincoln. Address "Pending Legislation," F W. Thomaj, Omaha. Male (Quartette J. B. Irwin, A. J Welch, C. P. Dingee, H. D. Shellenber ger. Special entertainment, furnished) and sponsored by the clearing houe o (Continued on Page 4). Three Boys Make ' f Big Collection of Switch Keys Alliance motorists who have been puzzled the past three days over th disappearance of the switchkevs frjm their Lincolnettes, or other cars vith removable switchkevs, may now rest quietly o' nights. There is no plot to steal all the cars in the city, to make business for the garagemen or to en courage profanity. The mysterious loss of witchkeys started Sunday, when no Ies3 than thirteen cars in the Coursey & Millet garage were found to be min'u thi important part of the machinery. Re ports from other places began to pour in, and by Monday nigat puzzled, motorists all over the city were be ginning to wonder. Chief of Police Charles Jeffers solv ed the mystery this morning, when h saw three small boys running away from a car parked in front of the J. H. Melville company offices. Th chase resulted in the capture of Orvillo Colerick, aged six; Emerson Carroll, aged ten, and Wilson Carroll, age4 seven. These three little tykes had ft collection of over thirty-five switch keys. They gave no reason for their hobby. When told that they miht just as well have stolen the cars, one of them answered: "We weren't li enough to start a car." Chief Jett'ers isn't fully decided what to i- in the matter, but it is prob able that the parents of the boys will be delegated to administer private, if not silent punishment. Chiy Jeffers suggests that parent keep a close watch on their children, as a number ' of complaints huve reached him that young boys have been climbing into cars and stepping on the starters and tampering other , wise with the car.