THE ALLIANCE. HERALD, FRIDAY. JUNE K, 1022 FOUU "i - ! i ) i ill'GE OIL PUT. LINI S MAY (;o IIIKOlfill CITY (Continued from page 1) throughout the potash district cast of Alliance. These plants, which are now closed down, duo chiefly to the h "-i-cost of coal for fuel purposes, might J re-opened in case fuel oil csin be furnished to them, through pipe I'nes, at a reasonable co. Oil pipe line engineers advi-e the Alii; noe chamber cf commerre that the oil can be car Tied through the pipe lines for about rne-hulf or less than the railroad freight charges for hauling it in tank' cars. KeuTcnate Potash Industry. Under the pending tariff bill in Congress, a reasonable tariff will be placed on the iiotash imported from Germany. If cheap fuel oil could be eured by the potash plant. the com tiinHtion of the tariff and cheap luol might result in their resumption of jHitash production lrom the western Nebraska lakes. Another benefit which might accrue from the installation of the pipe hnos through Alliance territory would be that in cat-e oil is discovered at Lake side in the well now drilling, h ready market would be provided for the oil jiroduced, adding greatly to the vaiue tf the proiluct. 'khe chief problem in M newly discovered oil field is that of jretting the oil to mniket and u pipe line through or near the newly dis covered field would be of immense value. The preliminary surveying party, composed of Sinclair engineers, arrived in Alliance late Tuesday afternoon by auto, enroute south und east. They came by way of Harrison, Agate and Jlcmingford, following the newly open--d Agnte highway. On their arrival here, they were immediately taken by Sccrctaiy Thomas of the chamber of commerce to Hollland, Anlioch and Lakeside to view the potash plants and di.-trict and to inspect tho Lake side well, as well as to get an idea ot . thP sandhill countrv which would be traversed by the pipe lines in case the linen come through this territory, which would be the shortest distance. The party stayed overnight in Alli en r sine 1 continued on their way Wednesday morning, maid alone, lo di-covered Sam w. on the job. .Such a vt.ito of tl'-ir- coubl not last not with two ied-l,loiled men. , 'il:e lncrs decided to have n private war and end the suspend. Antonis, armed with a knife, 11 the way, ar.d Sam, with an iron bar ns a weapon, Figures Show (he Tourist Trade Is Profitable! MAY VOTE I5Y MAIL IF AW.W FROM HOME Heretofore voter? away from home Por set" not mere than thirty d:-.y "fi less than two be'oie elcvt on. Ti e vote may be cast by the absent voter before a'nv officer having a .-eal out- at tr.o time of election cou'd not vote i side the countv. The ballot is then Prcperitv l.niely confined to Vr.e I oc 'tlegger. and bandits. Columbia Record. followed clo.-e inter. There was (,me bu-im-s n-en arc get in jwt a 'tiAe '.Slate doubt a- to wh eh started the fivhting,1 of what ie; I tojn.-t bu.-mess will be 1:,ki each claiming .-elt"-d. fen:', but when; to the town wr.en the io;-.d- from the i or w the smoke of battle had cleared away, east and south imp gotten in'., shape : thHr ! mailed to the county clerk in whi h I countv vou reside. The clfvk keeps the ballot sealed until the merttn" of i, .. r.w.Hv l-.i v enrvpi nn eni lo orinir me iiK iuuii.1 imt i mi- . Antonis hud .-everal dent in his bead, From fie fo ten touri t car per day for which the iron bir was responsible. now pass thru the city with good The two men me again fast friends, highways going thiu the c:ty this can u,.,i ...,.,! in tinv lil finn. ea-ilv be increased from one hundred and $2.."0 left over, which lie lent to to two hundred car ier day n.s lormer rival, woo, t-n vinu mc if they were outside the state. Now the law iiermlts mail votinir if the tomi-t l u ine s pay? Alliance i voter J anvwhere in the-e United men arc gctin? jut a "tn te" t Slate? of America, wi'hout the need of the ennvassimr board rrior to the be-1 . i... :. ...:n l.-.. ... ... . . - . .' 4 Kin,: a ioig inn nome. ine man ginning or the regular canvass, .a woman who w i. hes to ie i nenaltv of from one to five years in piivilege of voting, but who; prison is provided for those who im- i-n't home when the time comes should j jiersonate another when voting by rue application mr nn art-ent voter s i mr . t;fflTtn;r;r:r:ttt:mn::tnnffin:t;:uK;tn US.- istance of a friend lacked just amount of gaining liberty. I he hat chet is buiied; they will fight no more, or at least they so assured ibe on it. And by tomorrow they will be far away from Maria and it i.-n't likely they will ever again fall in love will, the same girl. PKLTAKATIONS I OK ( LLLHUATIM; FOl'KTII (Continued from Page 1) conte.-ts und relay races, at.d auton o I ile contests of various kinds. This i to be a "home a Hair" and everyone in l!ox Uutte county and adjacent terri tory who has the least desire to try out their steeds or brones or who be lieve that their flivver can win a slow race or some other contest, is urged to be on hand, ready for the fray. The street program is expected to start at 10 o'clock in the morning and it w II include a wide variety of con tests, for old and young. Chairman Konu'g und his committee nre noted for thtir ability to provide entertain ment in which people of all ages may join. The Alliance volunteer tire de partment men, hers have pledged their aid in makip" the entertainment f. . i . i - . ... ru ueces j nr.i thev will uiKe pari. i"c In order to give our :eopIe an idea of what this business will mean to the city, the chamber of commerce has been doing a little "checking up" on the business now being realized from the touri.-ts who now visit cur city, with astonishing results. On Wednesday aitcrnoon two auto loads of tourists from Alliance, O.. stopped over in Alliance, Neb., for about three hours. They made the trip up fiom the Lincoln Highway via ishkosh and Hroadwater over the C-P-C, ami although their cars were heavy cars a sedan and a coupe they 'said that the road from Broad water to Alliance was not bad travel and not nearly so bad as some of the mud thev had'wiggled through farther east. During their short stop they visited garages, tire shops and clothing stores. A check-up of their purchases revealed the fact that they had f-pent over !?K)0 while in the city. That means .1."j0 that will roll around Alliance, from till to till and pocket to pocket, until they have paid $1,000 or more of debts and in purchases of goods, after which they will probably journey east to buy more goods to sell to more tourists ami so on "ad inf.n-itr.m." t Another nmtv composed of four men Imperial Theatre "Where Those Cooling Breezes Olow" TONIGHT AND SATURDAY "Yellow Men and Gold19 With Helene Chadwick and Richard Dix . Adapted from the famous tale of adventure by (iouverneur Morris. 5 -COMEDY- MACK SENNETT'S "MADE IN THE KITCHEN Admission Matinee, 10 and l''c; Night, 10 and 27c. 1 SUNDAY AND MONDAY FRECKLES HARRY, in "PENROD" Adapted from Ilooth Tarkington's great success. You've heard about it and what a side buster it is now CUMK AN I J SEE IT. Kut prepare yourself for more laughs than ycu have had for some time. USUAL COMEDY Admission Matinee, 10 and I'.lc; Night, 10 and 27c. olentv of seats for the weary ami plenty of ice water for the thirsty, while the ice cream and refreshment parlors are going to be heavily stocked up with the delicious confections for which they are noted. Practically all ,,r tVia tfnie timl business ertablish- The fJct that ... .;il mmnin rmen until noon. SO the iiotash industry alone would con- ine visitors who want to do some sume probably a minimum of 2,000 M,0.jai .hopping while in the city may i i -: i ...... t i tt s i committee is planning on providing and going east, stopped over night this fiirrels of fuel oil ucr day, it in op eration, will undoubtedly Ik; seriously! considered by the pipe line company in determining the line to be followed. Other points to be considered are distance ami railroad lines, as the item of freight and hauling of pipe line ma terial is a huge one, umounting to probably several millions of dollar f;r this line alone. This piie line, it is estimated, will cost probably $20,000, 000. Some estimates run as high us 9 nun win. liarry F. Sinclair, head of the ti.mni) nil riimnnnv. passed .1 tlllll' v. i - -v through Alliance bound for Casper veveral days ago, accompanied by the head liuiiington otliciais MEXICAN Dl'ELISTS GET OFF WITH FINE (Continued from page 1) changed the charge against them from lelontous assault to mere assault and battery. At a hearing held on the first day of June, the two man were bound over for trial in district court under bonds of $500, but something softened the heart of the county at torney, who may have remembered his town courtship days, and the severe charge wa withdrawn nnd the two disappointed lovers allowed to plead iruilty to a lesser offense. Judge Tash assessed Antonis $100, because he wemed to be the aggressor. Resides, ,Tony used a knife and Sam, who got off with a mere fine of $a0, had done nothing more than wrap an iron bar around the neck of his rival. Fought Regular Duel. The story of the plight of the two young men reads like a red hot movie. Both youths loved Maria, but each thought the other knew nothing about it. Antonis and Sam were pretty good Iriends until they discoveied that they vere rivals. Antonis, not suspecting Sum was matrimonially inclined, show ed Sam some letter from Maria. Then the trouble started. Kvery time Sam came to see her, he found Tony at her feet, pouring out his love and adora tion. When Tony hoped to catch the week. Their expenitures while in the citv amounted to only about $33 but the dollar? will roll around tire town "ad infinitum." Oops it pay? Get behind the chamber of commerce with your help and your dolhus in the form of dues and it will be the best invest ment vou ever made of time or money. have the opportunity of doing so. Picnic at City Park. This vear the city park is to be thrown open for Use as a picnic and rest mound. Chairman 1. H. i.arnes and his committee are planning on oroviding ample room lor picnic par- , - ties and they will exert every eiion to . n(?w ve!, NVe 0).(icle( it .May maKe lireo moineis miu uiu dren comfortable at the park, which is well provided with comfort stations. There will be free swimming for those who wish to indulge in that luxury at Bronco lake, with Billy Wood's in charge, w ith a committee on b.-.nd in bathing suits to pull out ama teurs who might venture beyond their depth. The municipal pier and bath house is being placed in good shape spot during the day. Rest rooms and public comfoit sta tions will be provided at different points, including the court house, gar ages and other points. Chairman Lee Basye of the committee on rest rooms and' public welfare will seeUbat the rest rooms are provided -and well marked. The devotee of the gentle art of and it will undoubtedly be a favorite horseshoe pitching will have his en City Manager's Corner (By N. A. KEMMISH) We have hat! considerable difficulty in getting a piece of fourteen inch pipe lrom i.nicago to nnisn up .. Complete your vacation preparations Taze plenty of KODAK, FILM Our stock, the genuine Kodak Film in the yellow box, is com plete for every sized camera. Before you start on your vacation, show our expert some of your negatives. His helpful criticisms are sure to mean better pic tures from your Kodak. Holsten's I tertainment provideel for him, with E. R. Harris, well known local traveling man and horseshoe pitching artist, in charge. The committee on tiecorations, with E. C. Drake as chairman, will see that the town is decorated in the proper manner, as will befit the day. Home people are to be given the preference in the matter of conces sions of all kinds. Applications for concessions should be made soon at the office of the chamber of commerce. From present indications, the atten dance at the celebration will be the largest of its kind. EPISCOPAL CHl'RCH. First Sunday after Trinity. Sunday services at 8 and 9 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Subject of sermon, "The Spiritually Uneasy." Everyone is welcome to come and wor ship with us. A. O. DODGIJ, Rector. the 12 and Mr. Newberry placed a .special order personally with a firm in Chicago on May 10 in order to hurry it out. We expected this pipe to arrive by May 25. When it did not come, however, we began wiring Chicago about it only tn find it had not been shinned. The firm then wired us that they would ship it June 1. We immediately be gan tracing it on the railway and could not find it. Yesterday we re ceived a bill of lading stating that it was shipped on June 9 just twenty four days after receiving the rush order. Mr. Gavin and the men in the freight department of the Burlington railway from Chicago to Alliance xjte doing" air they can to rush tSfs through and are hoping to have it he re by Saturday or Monday.. This has de layed us nearly six weeks in finishing the well but unless some unforeen obstruction arises we will make th our fast order of ba?irec p.r.d it wM not take long very to finish it. We have had plenty of water so far tut these warm days alarm us an 1 July and August may be our driest months and we want to get the well cert pleted before our dry season sets in. . We are continuing our program of grading the streets. We have riot f the streets in good shape out there are quite a number of them which ori'y need a small amount of work. We are hoping to have a rain to I.iy the dust before we start this work becavse after ft once is looseneel up if it stays dry the. streets will become very tlusty. Everything is moving along in leg ular order at the cemetery. Things are in good shape there. Our windmill gives the usual amount of trouble. However, we have plenty of water ut there so far. Herald 'Vant Ads Results. . If NOTIC H What's the Use Cooking These Hot Days As usual, we are always willing to serve the public, so we are taking WORK OFF YOUR SHOULDERS. So get your Roast Beef, Pork and Veal home cooked every day Pies, Cakes and Salads all kinds of pickles, cheese and relishes. QUALITY FRESH MEATS Service With a Smile MODEL We Deliver 4 times a day MARKET Phone 30 BIG FREE CELEBRATION ALLIANCE, Neb, JULY 4th Rodeo, Bronco Busting, Horse and Pony Races, Baseball, Auto Races, Swimming and Boating Contests, Foot and Novelty Races, Horseshoe Contests. ' . . MUSIC- TWO' BANDS Ffr THE LARGEST PROGRAM OF ITS KINCJ EVER GIVEN IN WESTERN NEBRASKA IJree admission to fair grounds arid all events bn the program, but small charge of 25c may be made , for reserved seats in grandstand. ?. 1 M . . A ' " ; EVERYBODY WELCOME LET'S GO! ) i 4 M