i-T-,r-n,. , ... r" - W SIX THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1922. Al Marker Who Iioxes Here Thursday Has IJeaten Good Fighters Al Marker, one of tho principals in tli Itoxing hhow Thursday lia an enviable record, having beaten lioth ileorge Manley, tlio Denver marvel, and Johnny Stopper, also of lienver, iind one of the leading welter-weights of the wf.'-t, Muiker has just come to this part of the country from Cali fornia. He i. out now to gain u repu tation thntwill entitle him to fig-lit villi the good boys in this section. Tommy IMdy, his opponent, lias also fought t-ome pood toys, and will un tloultt i-clly Ik1 iilde to take pood cam of himself. Murker and Lddy will weigh in -'it l-"'" pounds. 'T.attline-' li k Yeas:cr, the Chaitron Ado ils, will tane-le with "Kid" Iemith, tin: lighting soldier Innii Fort Kohin on. I (emit h i known as a "touszh I' ihy," nnd has fought some good men iilthouph he has only recently entered the f iulit name. Ycager is u clever loer, und hus a wallop that would put out a heavy-weight. Dcmith likes to mix it and will cause eager some trouble. "Cowboy' Wyland will take on ""Shufflim; ' 0'Co:.nor in a four-round preliminary. These buy both can nock vith lerrifTic force and should put on a good lout. They are about evenly matched for experience. Hoth prefer to box at a long range, as neither cares 1or the infighting wirt of the game. O'Connor is believed to be a comer, and will Ret his first real bout in this fhow. He appeared before in a four round exhibition with Lloyd Ilotson nnd made a favorable showing. Should he beat Wyland, he will be in line for more fights with the local post of the Legion. Preparations are being made to care for the crowd in an efficient and sys tematic manner, and those in charge of the bout believe that his show will draw the largest crowd that has yet attended. Ash Grove Wins Over Pleasant Hill 20 to 8, Sunday I two j ears ago and it i evpected that mey win make totn rJiswoith linn Wlutmun go in the r.ear future, they having lost a game to each of those two teams. KiKworth plays the re turn tame at A.-hby next Sunday. ,sbli ah r h po a e Copenhagen, ss f. 2 5 0 2 1 Chri-tensen, if fi 1 4 2 0 1 Maupin, 2b 5 12 3 12 J. Foley, p 1 2 0 4 1 Wolfe, c .5 1110 1 Hr'e. :,l 5 0 10 11 R. Folev, lb .p, 1 2 G 0 0 Uia-'ork, cf 0 0 10 1 Graham, If. r, 1 2 0 0 0 Totals -F.ll worth Schonard, 2') Fleasnnt Hill was unable to break Wjyhtma'n, rf I 5 2 it-' run of had hick and was defeated Vmllorn c !" 2 Sunday by Ash Grove, 20 to K Ash C'iark, lb' !" 0 Grove has been ili-plaing a good Ynuntr, Sb"! 0 brand of ball and will make any Coun- lilack, p 4 1 i league ie:im step. a cr(,o sizei i'rnnnn.i.. ,l 1 crowd witne-sed the game. Iloth of I oonliock 1?-"IZ-I4 1 me miners were Hit rally hard. Seebohm. rf 4 1 sn uiiim- is Mm in sei'otui ii ace. j nnd seems to have excellent chances of staying there. i leasant n:n puei up us runs in me mst innings, putting four runs j over the plate in the eighth. Thump son oi rtsn iirovo connected lor a three-base bit. The game was played ai ami i, rove, rieusant 1 1 1 1 1 still maintains its clutch on last place, al- tnoueii one or two victories would ma teriaily mirv the standing. Snake Creek Wins From Fairview in a Heal Swat f est Fairview was unable to overcome the losinf strp.'llf til it luw ninnn,! them for some time, and lost to the last inake Creek aggregation, 24 to 8. The contest was featured by heavy stick work, both teams slamming the pill in workman-like fashion. Fair view's best work came in the fifth inning when the losers put over seven runs. Schwaderer and Swanson, the Snake Creek pitchers, struck out nine men, although Schwaderer was a lit tle wild. Swanson, in addition to hurling a good game, got five hits, one of which was a three bagger. Hann of Fairview, and Jones and Schwaderer of Snake Creek connected with the sphere for two bases. i ne nox score: Fairview Southwell, p II. Reader, 3b Totals . -Snake Creek r h po a e ..2 3 6 2 1 ..11230 ..1 1 10 2 2 .01621 -l 1 1 0 0 .01100 .1110 1 -110 13 -110 2 1 8 11 27 12 9 r h po a e Nelson, c 5 Swanson, ss-p 5 Weimmer, 3b 2 G. Schwaderer, p 2 Jones, cf 4 Vogel, If 2 Nichols, lb I ltanwdell, rf 2 Totals - - - 23 31 27 13 3 The score by innings: Fairview 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 08 Snake Creek 2 7 0 2 2 2 1 4 424 Summary Two base hits: Jones, Ilann, Schwaderer: Three base hits, Swanson; Sacrifice hit, Weimmer. Stolen bases: Fairview 5, Snake Creek 41. Passed balls: Nelson 2, Hatcher 2. Hase on balls by Southwell 3; by Schwaderer 3. Struck out by South well 2; by Schwaderer 5; by Swanson 4. Time of game 2:20. Umpires: Herbert and Wilkins. You can bring the color to your cheeks and the sparkle of health to your eyes by taking Tanlac. F. K. llolsten. 7 THAT'S 11Y HK GOT THERE Bilkcn.s, much aggrieved, was before the court for speeding. "What have you to say for your- sen 7 iiemanuea ine magistrate. "Ti.-n't fair," remonstrated Ililkens angrily. "Why don't you arrest that motor cop there? He was going aster than 1 was." You can make no mistake in follow . ing the advice of millions who have ' teen restored to neuith and happinc ' by Tanlac. F. K. Holsten. 70 lierca Defeats Lawn Sunday in Up-hill Cattle Ilerea maintained its lend In the county league bv a hard nr-hill t tuft 1 a and a spectacular ninth inning rally, ',u "cn me uerea pastimers de feated Lawn. The I-awn team opened the fireworks by putting across seven runs in the first inning, and one in the second. Berea failed to score until the fourth, inning, then putting across one run. At the beginning of the eighth nning Rerea was in the rear 8 to 3. They then proceeded to lambast the Lawn pitcher, who until then had pitched fine ball, for eight runs. This sewen up the game for Berea, but they put five more runs across the piauer in ine ninth. B. Mundt twirled for the Berea team and allowed only fix hits. Wanek, on the mound for the I .awn Acrirfpcriif i-.n hurled the pill in fine form until the iaiui eignui. a good sized crowd at tended the game. The score by innings: 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 8 r. 1(5 Lawn 7 1000000 08 Ellsworth Defeats Ashby Team Sunday by Score of 10 to 8 Ellsworth defeated Ashby Sunday afternoon on their home grounds 10 to n ?Lhe Kame belonged to Ellsworth all the way, they starting out with three runs in the fir.it, and four in the second not permitting, an Ashby man to pass first base in these two innings making the score 7 to 0. Ashoy squeezed in a run in both the third and fourth innings, Ellsworth scoring a run in the two innings also leaving the score 8 to 2 at the last of the fifth but timely hitting aided by costly er rors allowed the Ashbyitcs six runs in the first of the sixth inning which tied the score but this lend was easily overcome by Ellsworth's two runs in the seventh which again cinched the game for them. Foley on the mound for Ashby was wild in the pinches walking a man in the second inning with the bases full. The fielding of Christensen and Wight man featured, also Pitcher Black made a neat play in the first of the ninth at a critical moment picking up a batted ball between third and home just in time to tag an Ashby runner only a few feet from the home plate. Joe Maupin, last year's twirler, for Whit man, plays second base for Ashby and although an effective hitter last sea son was unable to land more than two scratch hits out of five chances. Ashby has several men left of the old team that cleaned up the sand hills 19 12 h po 1 0 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 M 0 12 o 2 2 1 0 Id Totals - - 41 10 10 21 11 The score bv inning: A.-l.bv 0 0 1 1OH00D- Kl Invert h 3 4 0 1 0 0 2 0 x- Summafy Sacrifice hits: Young. Wolfe. Two base hits: VanHorr.. Claik, Seebohm. Cownluigcn. Stolen bases: Young, Black, Maupin, Fo'ev. Struck out by Black 8, by Foley 2. Double plavs": Young to Clark. Maupir to Foley, 'l-'it by pitched ball; Black 3, Foley 1. Umpires Thompson am' Graham. Time of game, 1:45. Standings of Sandhill Ball Teams. W L Pet. Ashby Antioch . 4 1 800 3 1 7.K 2 l err, 2 2 r.o 1 2 3?4 0 3 000 Bingham was defeated on the home grounds Sunday by the fast Whitman team 10 to 3. Batteries: Whitman Hill and Carpenter: Bingham, Burton and Crandall. Lakeside defeated the Antioch team on their home grounds 13 to 6. It was not learned whether or not the two teams will consolidate as was planned. Time is Extended for Applications to Training Camps Applications for admission to the citizens' training camp at Foit Des Moines, la., from August 1 to 30 of this year, will be received up to June 30. Announcement was previously made that the time limit on applica tions would be May 31, but this has been extended for one month. Y'oune men of South Dakota, lova and Kansas are eligible to enter the training camp. The government offers the privilege of attending this camp. All expenses will be paid. There will be a month's training devised to benefit physically, mentally and morally. Ihere will be ample facilities and time for recrea tion. Among other things, three good army meals will be prepared daily. Application will be received for this camp till June 30. For blanks and particulars write the Chief of Stay, 89th Division, Omaha, Neb. FAIRVIEW. Marie Frazier from town is spend ing a few Hays in the country. Grandpa Lawrence from town spent a few days in the country last week. Mrs. Lee Holcomb has been quite sick for several days. F. H. Nason took his son. Melvin, to town Saturday to have his arm placed in a cast, which was broken a couple of weeks ago. The Otto Matz and Ed Carry iam ilies spent Saturday evening in town. J. W. Frazier spent Saturday and Sunday in town with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nason took Sun day dinner at the Joe West home. Herman Rheder and family attended church in town Sunday. Mrs. Howe from near St. Joseph, Mo., visited a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. William Rust, Jr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Wessel nnd A funeral service conducted by us is noted for its sim ple, dignified grandeur. The talents of our well directed organization make each funeral ceremony a decidedly artis tic achievement. To lx?nefit by our experience, talk over your problem with us. Miller Mortuary Phones; Day, 311 Night, 522 or 533 MORTICIANS 123 West Third Street daughter rnd Wi'liam Rheder took Wi'l:pi MM ""i t Sunday vi.- jurv to her leg which was broken about inner at the lrg 1 Wes.-el home Sun- iter at the Aspden home. a year ago. ' i ii i ' l Tiu Heath was tatctn to ne bos- Fred Herbert and family attended nital Sunday, where she underwent tn We need somebody to step on tho church in town Sunday. j operation Monday morning i"r nn n- gas prices. THE UNIVERSAL CAR To the business man, retail or wholesale; to the manufacturer; to the commis sion man; to the trucking company, the Ford Model T One Ton Truck makes an irresistible appeal because it has in its chassis all the merits of the original Ford car; the wonderful Ford Model T Motor, the dependable Vanadium steel chassis, and the manganese bronze worm-drive. A strongly built truck that serves satisfactorily and lasts in service If these statements were not true, the demand for Ford Trucks wouldn't be so constantly on the increase. We will be pleased to take your order for one or more Ford Trucks, will see that you ' get reasonably prompt delivery, and will give you an after service that insures the constant service of the Truck. But don't wait too long. Get your order in promptly. Coursey & Miller E on MONUMENT Three hundred beautiful me morials at half price during this two weeks sale. Write for free catalog, cut the prices in half, and you will know exactly what an artistic memorial will cost. Don 't Delay. Write Today Art Memorial Company 704 So. 1 6th St. Omaha, Neb. i II IE : jb i ' 1 ' ..in, BIG BOXING THURSDAY, JUNE 15th SHOW at the Roof Garden 4 V V (