r THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, APRIL 28. 1022. FIVE -sl Buy One J We Give You One fH F It E E lit a Save Your Pennies Buy At THIELE'S A letter from 0. L. Crimps, former division suberinteiulent fur ihe liur- lington at Alliai.ce, and now in charjre. oi tne 15e..rdslowii, 111., division, writ ten recently to f.n Alliance tricml, tells oi the havoc wrought by the floods at his new home. Mr. Gripes says: "1 have been out of the oli'iee steady now for over two week.s on account of hifrh water and wash-outs. The sit uation around Beardstown is very bad. The entire town is covered with water and there is a good deal of sufTeiTng. Mrs. Grig-ps had to leave town, has been pone now for ten days. Do not know when she can come back. Our cellar is clear full of water and a person has to take a boat to vet to the house. My new car is standing in the! garage with water up over the hubs. "1 hate to think of the situation that confronts us the oming summer. We had a serious wash-out on our main line north of Beardstown. Had a break of over six hundred feet in our track which inundated 10,000 acres of very productive farming land and it took us eight days to bridge the gap. The water was so high we could not start on the work. ' "The Illinois river is still very high, the stage this morning being 24.02, which is only about 3 or 4 inches below the highest mark. The only means of transit in Beardstown is via boat line and passengers for the railroad are being landed right at our depot platform." ' ; Goshen Hole News: "A Yoder fcirl recently refused an attractive offer from the Pantages circuit to go on the vaudeville stage. Miss Conita Ed wards, who danced at Community hall, April 1, for the benefit given by the oman s club, has frequently had of fers to enter vaudeville, but her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Edwards of "Voder, have always turned them down, owing to Conita's youth and their de sire to first give her a better educa tion. "This little lady Is a pupil of Miss Edythe Williams of the Williams Music and Dancing academy of Col aroda Springs. The Pantages otter, it is understood, was to book Conita for the entire fall and winter, to travel their circuit from Denver to New k'ork, ts a member of a chorus at $50 per week. "Conita is a danseuse of extraordin ary promise, and Yoder may yet hear of this little dainty dancer s name being emblazoned on Broadway.' The pupils of St. Agnes academy are preparing a very interesting en tertainment to be given at the Imper ial theatre, Wednesday, May 3 at i :30 p. m. Admission 6Uc. The boys oi the prammar grades will nlr.v. "The KnchL'.nted Violin." a plavlet "in three acts. The pirls and vnunu-er bovs will present the opei etta, "Over the Rainbow." Ninety three will take part in this part of the program and judging from what the buiioeams, Moonbeams, Dewdrops, fireflies, etc., have to tell, a rare treat is anticipated. The academic department will pre sent "Patricia," a lioman drama, in four acts. This drama is interspersed with a number of dance:., sonps, etc. and promises to be a great success. The object oi this entertainment la to raise a fund for the new addition, which, will be erected in the near fu ture. The Alliance lodge of the I. O. O. F. celebrated the 103d anniversary of the loumhng of the Odd Fellows at their annual gathering which was held W ed nesday evening at the Methodist church gymnasium. Kev. T. Potter Bennett was the speaker of the even ing, his talk being mainly on the three principles of Odd Fellowship, Friend ship, Love and Truth. The speaker also reviewed to a certain extent the history of the organization. He also took up the subject of the objection, by some, to secret organizations, he maintaining that an organization such as the Odd Fellows was not, properly speaking, a secret organization, as the members were known, and the prin ciples for which they stood fully vnderstand. Following is the program: d;., ,i Miss Uuth Nation: Invoca tion. liev.'Mearl C. Smith; Reading, Kaymond Snyder; selection by quar tet, John Beach, Lee Moore, Hoyd Lucas and G. M. Bums; reading, Ll-ie u int-vrxiiintinn. John Snvder; A.i.iw.Vc Ubv T. Porter Bennett: selec- tion bv quartet, Nina Nation, Mrs. i.. C. Drake, Lee Moore and I loyd Lucas. There will be a meeting of the Bu.iness Women's club Monday even- inr. May 1, at Miss Onal Rus.ell oll'lce in the court house. All mem-j Lers are urgently requested to be pres ent. T his meeting will he held to take ' up business matters lett unfinished when the club disbanded last fall. The ladies auxiliary of the Ameri can Legion will meet Monday evening at eipht o'clock in the basement of the city library. Full attendance is pi-eat ly desired. Mrs. Fred Carlson and daughter, Ix)is Louise, returned Wednesday from a month's visit with her mother at Kearney. Miss Alta Younp entertained the Fortnightly Kensington club at her' home Tuesday evening. As special guests of the club were' Mrs. A. C. . Young, Mrs. Hattie Young, who is' tOtA Vricitinr f on1 ffo HAxiva ' iinibiu 11 dim t r vivvl Roe, and Mrs. Harris, who is here vis iting her son, Elmer Harris. Mr. and Mrs. F. DeBoe of Crawford stopped in Alliance en route to Calif ornia. . They visited their nieces, Mrs. L. H. Highland and Mrs. Holloway. Mrs. B. Nonath entertained the Eight O'clock bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. i r Chapter A H, P. E. 6., will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A. V. Gavin. Louise Cogswell will entertain a number of friends at a luncheon Set; urday at one o'clock. Mrs. Frank T. Smith will leave on a vacation trip Saturday night for a two weeks' trip. She will vi$it New York and Washington, D. C. Judge L. A. Berry was in Bridgeport Thursday on business. B. Keiser of Chicago wts in Alli.vnce Thursday on business. !Mr. Keiser formerly homesteaded near Alliance. Sheriff Robert Bruce of Rus'nville wa sin Alliance Wednesday, en route home from Kearney. BASEBALL NOTICE All baseball players aie requested to report for practice at the fair grounds , Sunday afternoon at 2:30. If the; weather is such that outtyior practice is impossible they are asked to meet at iL. i i -e . . .. . .... 1 ' X.ne cnamiit'i oi luiiimervc luuuis u. me same time. 3 packages of Ivory Soap Hakes 25c 11c 10c pure Lemon Oil Soap, two bars for 23c jar Peanut Cutter two jars for 26c 35c package of Cocoa two for 36c 50c box Lord Calti more Stationery, two for 51c Get your Ford ticket with every cash purchase of $1.00 or payment on PC-count. SATURDAY, AT Quality Economy Guaranteed Rain All-Weather Coats and Capes For Men, Women and Children. Over one hundred samples in Tweeds, Twills, Cassimere, Mohairs, Lustres, Satins, Poplins, Serges, etc. W. E. CUTTS B uy One Give One Sale Saturday and Monday, April 29-May 1 Two Articles for the Price of One In this sale We have included the best values we have ever offered, all clean, fresh, reliable merchandise. Every item guaranteed your money back if you want. You pay the regular price for your article and we give you one FREE! IVORY COMBS A large assortment in medium and heavy weight, coarse and fine and all course. Two for $1 RECORDS Many of them the latest hits. .Will play on any disc phono graph. Two for 75c POWDER PUFFS That soft, fluffy, pink pulf that every woman desires. Two for 15c GRAHAMS LEMON SOAP , "The Real Skin Whitener" Regular 10c seller Two Cakes for 10c This is the Genuine Lemon Soap Ruy One We Give You One HOUSEHOLD APRONS That rubberized water proof Apron, which regularly sells for 75c. Two for 75c WATCH RIBBONS Genuine silk ribbon with beautiful flower design. Regular $1.00 Seller Two for $1 Connie-C HAIR NETS Made from Tiuman hair. Cap shape, guaranteed full size. Regular 15c seller. Two for 15c FOR THE MAN WHO SHAVES LANA OIL C2SS Shaving Stick Two for 25c Wvm. t"0" " ii "lTl. GEM n RAZORS Two for $1 F WRITING TARLETS Ruled and plain, regular 10c sellers. Two for 10c SCHOOL TARLETS Two for 5c Tooth Paste Teredentyl tooth paste, regularly sells for 35c. Two for 35c TALCUM POWDER COLGATES Any odor, also Caby Talcum, regularly sells for 25c. Two for 25c SILVERWARE A quantity of Holmes & Edwards guaranteed silverware, Spoons, Cutter Knives, Pickle Forks, Gravy Ladles, Gold Meat Forks, Sugar Spoons, Child's Sets and many thers. You buy one and we give you one FREE. Priced at $2 MELRA Face Powder 2 boxes, 50c Someone will win the Ford will you b? the lucky one? WOODBURY'S SOAP Regular 2"c seller. Two for 25c (Only 2 bars to a customer) WE GIVE YOU FORI) Tickets. Ask for them. Palm Olive FACE POWDER Any color, reg ularly sells for 50c a box. Two for 50c Hughes' Ideal HAIR BRUSHES Medium Size Guaranteed pure" Cristle and water-proof. Regular $1.50 brush. Two for $1.50 Buy One We Give You One Hard Rubber COMBS Good durable all around comb. Regular 50c seller. Two for 50c EPSOM SALTS Regular 10c package. TwoforlOc IVORY HAIR BRUSHES Any Ivory Crush in stock, this includes Ivory Pyralin, Tuskeloid and other good Ivory. Crushes range from $3 up. Two for the Price of One Quinine Hair Tonic A San Tox preparation. Regular $1-25 tonic. 2 for $1.25 DYOIA DYE Any color. 2 packages for 10c in CRANE'S LINEN LAWN STATIONERY Regular $1 seller. 2 boxes $1 YEAST COUGH Vitamine SYRUP TABLETS san tox CAE'S Imo Calsam Regular ?1 Regular 50c seller. sc,'er- Two for $1 Two for 50c BOOKS A n y popular coupyright book in stock. Two for $1 B E A I) S All this year's snappy styles. Fancy crystals, tassels, knotted and many others. 82 Necklace, two for $2 $1 Necklace, two for $1 SANTOX Boro-Thymol Like Listerine. Regular 50c seller. Two bottles for 5Gc SANTOX Rubi-Thymcl -ike Glycothymoline. Regular 50 seller. Two bottles for 50c OSATO TONIC A mighty good spring tonic. Two bottles for $1 THIELE'S The Store With a Guarantee Without Red Tape SAN TOX SHAMPOO Regular 50c sel ler. Two bottles II!"! i i for 50c o