THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FlllDAY, MARCH 21, 1922. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS a2i"i.t bT thlnT Hub. ?.' People acta theae Want wlunwi looking for what you t?m,t; -bjr adertleln In Tha Uara.14 Want Ad department. RATES One ceM per word per Insertion. Coat no mora than thar newapapera and wa guar antee that you reach Tral hun dred mora readers, Buy circular Mo a, not hot air. FOR SALE FOR SALE Pure bred White Orp ington cockerels, $3 anl $4 each. Mrs. H. E. Chrisman, 2115 Broadway, scottsDiuii, ivieD. 33-34 tUR SALE A five-room modern bungalow; priced at $4,000. Phone 521W. 34tf COLUMBIA HATCHEKY. P. 0. Box 1102, Denver, Colo. We can supply you with any quan tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10,00( weekly. 17 varieties. Live deliver euaranteed. Parcel Post Drenaid Write for prices and full particulars. 19-tf FOR SALE Good used- cars. a7H JONES Co- 3rd and Cheyenne, tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms. for light housekeeping. Telephone W&. 32tf i UK lo good farmers, on long time leases if desired, first clasa Box Butte county farm land for farming purposes. 80-tf LLOYD C. THOMAS FOR RENT Splendid Oscar O'Bannon. room. Mrs. 20-tf WANTED WANTED Housework, would prefer elderly family. Marguenette Lore, Phone 818F15. WANTED Catering or day work by experienced woman. Phone 748. S3-34p WANTED Mending and darning. Mrs. W. Markham, Phone 607W 31-36 WANTED Two rooms or one large room suitable for light housekeep ing. Prefer private family of good standing. Notify B & B Electric Shoe Shop. 32-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, Chadron Division. In the Matter of Frank H. Smith, Bankrupt. Case No. 57. In Bankruptcy. In voluntary Petition. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given to the credi tors of the above named bankruptcy estate, that on the 18th day of March, 1922, John W. Guthrie, the trustee of said estate, "filed with the undersigned referee in bankruptcy his petition for permission to hold a private sale of the personal property belonging to said estate, being all the assets thereof in the possession of the trustee. Unless objection to said proposed sale is filed with the undersigned referee on or be fore the 29th tlay of March, 1922, said petition for sale will be allowed. Dated at Chadron, Nebraska, March 18th, 1922. FREDERICK A. CRITES, S3-35 Referee in Bankruptcy. POINT OF ROCK CREEK Murl Nichols, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Nichols, for a short time. i fc Ernie Wilkin s had the misfortune to break his leg Tuesday afternoon. He was taken to Dr. Slagle for medical treatment. Leo Hashman and family all have the flu. Mr. DeFrance is sporting a new Ford. . Lee Marsh has moved in the Dusk in's tenant house for a short time un til he gets a house built on the Blanes' place. Mrs. Duskin is sick and one of the little toys has blood poison in his arm. Mrs. Marsh is helping take care of mem. Roy Nichols is also on the sick list this week. Frankie Hashman is quite sick, but is somewhat improved at this writing. Elmer and WilHam Essex , helped Ernie Essex butcher Tuesday after noon. Holi3 Staple is working for Mr. Hoir. Cal Hashman and family are all sick with the Uu. Ralph Wovley took a load of pota toes to town Tuesday, bring back of load of vats. Mrs. William Essex while in town taking care of her daughter, came borne sick with the flu. Carl Hashman is feeding for his fatner, while they are on the sick lt. . . Howard. Lore was a caller at A. L. Lore's Monday afternoon. Ernie Wienell motored to Alliance Sunday evening. Mrs. Kauffield'3 dance was a com plete success and everyone had a fine time. Mrs. Bemice Nichols is also on the sick list this week. Mrs. Frank Jones is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Bush were Sun day visitors at Ernie Essex's. Quite a few attended the ball game at Nichols' last Sunday. Hailow BrooU motored Mr. HofT to town from Black Root ranch Tuesday. Mr. HofT stayed in town. The Black Root ranch took out a load of lumber and a new manure spreader last week. Hollis Staples drove to town from the Black Root ranee i ndffy. NOTICE OF HEARING. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETI TION TO DETERMINE HEIRS AND RIGHT OF SUCCESSION TO BKAL ESTATE. In the Matter of the ' Estate of CATHERINE POSVAR BRANDLE, deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss: To Leo Brandle, Rosa Posvar, Ida Posvar, John Posvar, Leo Brandle, Jr., and Ann Mary Brandle, and all other liersons interested in said estate, both creditors ami heirs, take notice that on the 7th day of March, A. D., 1922, Albert Hovarka filed his petition in the County Court of Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska, setting forth that one Catherine Posvar Brandle deDarted this life intestate at her residence in Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 16th clay or May, A. D., 1898, and being, at the time of her death, a res ident and inhabitant of Box Butte County, Nebraska, and was possessed in lee simple of the following describ ed real estate situated in Box Putte County, Nebraska, to-wit: lots one (J ), two (2), three (3), and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter (NEHSEVi) of section thirty-one (31), in township twenty-eight (2 ), north of range fifty-two (52), wejt tf the sixth Principal Meridian, in Box Butte County, Nebraska, which said lands was all of the real estate owned by the deceased, at the time of her death, in the State of Nebraska; that ihe petitioner herein is now the owner of said lands and derives his title to the same by mesne conveyances through the said deceased. The petitioner states that more than two years has now elapsed sine the death of the said intestate and that no application has ever been made for the administration of her estate, in the State of Nebraska, either by her heirs or persons claiming to be creditor to her estate, and that at the time of her death, she left surviving her as her sole and only heirs at law. the follow ing named persons, to-wit: her hus band, Leo Brandle, and the following named children, Rosa Posvar, a daugh ter; Ida Posvar, a daughter; John Pos var, a son; and Leo Brandle, Jr., a son; and Ann Mary Brandle, a daugh ter, and that each of said persons is now more than twenty-one years of age, and that at the time of the death of the said deceased, that her jstate in and to said lands descended to said persons in the proportion of an un divided one-fifth interest to each .of said children subject to the right of curtesy in said lands to said surviv ing husband, Leo Brandle The object and prayer of said peti tion being that the court will fix a tLne and place for a hearing thereon; t'lat notice may be given and issued tj ull persons interested in said estate both creditors and heirs to the end that the tegular administration of said estate may be dispensed with and that the estate of the said Catherine Posvar Brandle, who was formerly Catherino Posvar. may be fully administered, in accordance with the laws of the Std of Nebraska, providing for a deter m ination of heirs, their degree of kinship and the right of succession to real es tate when a period of more than two years has elapsed since the date of the death or the said intestate, and for such other and further proceedings as may be proper for the full admimstra tion of said estate; that the court will nnd, determine and decree that the said Catherine Posvar Brandle died in testate in Box Butte County, Nebras ka, on the 16th day of May, 1898, and was, at the time of her death, a resident and inhabitant of Box Butte County, Nebraska: that more than two years has now elapsed since her death and that she was, at the time of her death, the owner in fee simple of the above described land; that the peti tioner is the owner of said lands and derives his title to the same by mesne conveyances through the said de ceased; that no application has ever been made in the state of Nebraska for the appointment of an adminis trator of her estate: that her sole and only heirs at law, at the time of her death was her husband, Leo Brandle. and her children. Rosa Posvar, a daughter; Ida Posvar, a daughter: John Posvar, a son; Leo Brandle, Jr., a son; and Ann Mary Brandle. a daughter, and that said lands descend ed to said children in the proportion of an undivided one-fifth interest to each, subject to the right of curtesy in and to said lands to the surviving husband, I eo Brandle. It is hereby ordered that a hearing be had upon said petition before said coyrt in the County Court Room in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 10th day of April A. D., 1922, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. and that notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing be given to all persons interested in said estate, both creditors and heirs, by the publi cation of the above notice for three fucret-pive weeks pror to said hearing in the Alliance Herald, a legal news paper printed, published and of gen eral circulation in Box Butte County, Nebraska. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Countv Court thi3 7th day of March, A. D., 1922. IRA E. TASH, (SEAT.) County Judge. LEE BASYE. Attorney. March7-March24-inc. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Frank E. Reddi.-h, Deceased, in the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebras ka. The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of the estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing claims against said estate is July 17th, 1922, and for payment of debts is March 8th, 1923; That I will sit at the county court room in said county on July 18th, 1922, at two o'clock P. M., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. Dated March 8th, 1922. (SEAL) IRA E. TASH County Judge. March 10 to April 7, inc. The peace dollar is &aid ta h h. jbly, but so is peace. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ' In the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Application of RODOLPHUS M. HAMPTON, Admin istrator de bonis non of the Estate of JOHN H. KRAUSE, Deceased. C.UK No. 820 1. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Notice Is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the Honorable W. H. Westover, Judge of the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. within the Sixteenth Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, made on the 4th day of March, 1922, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed, I will offer for sale at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the West front door of the Court House in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 17th day of April, A. D., 1922, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M. the interest of the estate of the said deceased, that is to say, an undivided one-half interest in and to the following described lands, situated in Sheridan County, Nebraska, to-wit: Township 27, North Range 46. The south half of the south half (Sl4S4) of section twenty-nine (29); the south half of the southwest quar ter (SttSWK); of section twenty eight (28); the south half (SH) and the northeast quarter (NE4) of sec tion thirty-one (31); the north half (Ni) and the southeast quarter (SEV4) of section thirty-two (32) ; the west half (WH) of section thirty three (33); the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NWV4NE), and the south half of the southeast auarter (S'.sSEVi) of section thirty iree (33). Township 26, North Range 46. The west one-half (WW) and the northeast quarter (NE"4), also the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (SEttSEM) of section four (4); the north half and southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NH SEKNEtt) and the east half and southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (EVfcSWVi SE'i ) also the west half and southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (WV4SEttSW?4) of. section five (5). the southeast quarter (SE4) of section six (6); the south half (SV) and northeast quarter (NEtt) of section seven (7): all of section eight (8); the west half (WH) also the east half of the northeast quarter (E',4NE 14 ), of section nine (9) ; the northwest quarter (NW); the west half and southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (W4SE NEK), the southeast quarter (SEV4), and the east half of the southwest quarter (EVaSWK) of section ten (10) , the south half (SH), and the south half of the north half (SViNVs) of section eleven (11); the west half of the west half (W4W) also the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SEKSWU) of section twelve (12); the east half (EH), also the east half of the west half (EVfcWtt) and the southwest quarter' of the northwest quarter (SWKKWtt) of section thirteen (13); the north half (N4), also the north half of the southwest quarter (NiiSW!4), and the northwest quarter of the routheast quarter (NWKSEU) of section four teen (14); the northeast quarter (NEU ), the east half of the northwest quarter (EHNWK), the northeust quarter of the southeast quarter (NESE) of section fifteen (15); all of section seventeen (17); the west half (WVi) and the southeast quarter (SEV4) of section eighteen (18); all of section nineteen (19)5 the north half (NVfc) also the west half of the southwest quarter (WHSWI4 ) cf sec tion twenty (20); the west half (W1), and the southeast quarter (SE&) of section twenty-one (21); all of -ection twenty-two (22); the west half (WH), the west half of the -east half (W,i EVs), also the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NEUNIC ' ), and the east half of the southeast quarter (EHSE54) of section twenty-three (23) ; the north half of (h routh half (NttSW), the ouarter of the southeast quarter (SEw&iW). the north half of the north half (NNH ), and the south half of the northeast quarter (SV4NE), also the buuiheaat quarter of the northwest iu:rter (SEKNW'4) of secti-jn twenty -four (24) ; the northeast quarter (NE'4, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter (SENWK , un . the north half of the south half (MiS4), and the fouth half of the southeast quurtnr (SSEli) of section twenty-five 25); the south half (Si), and the north west quarter (NW!4), also the west, half of the northeast quarter (W' NEi of section twenty-six (26); ti'e east half (E'a) and the northwest quarter (NW',4) of section twenty- feven (27); the north half (N3) and the southwest quarter (SWV4), also the north half of the southeast quarter (NliSE'i) of section twentv-cipht (28); the Foutheast quarter of the southeast quarter (SiiUSE'4) of sec ton thirty-one (31); the east half (E'a). also the south half nnd north east quarter of the southwest -luartor (SNEUSWH) of section thirty-two (32) ; the-west half (W'i), and the south half of the southeast "(unrter (S'sSEU) of section thirty-three (33) ; the east half (Es) and the pouthwest quarter (SWVi) of section thirty-four (34); all of section thirty- five (30) ; the east half of the west half (E'iW1), and the west half of the eat half (W'iEs) of section thirty tix (36). Towns-hip 26, North Range i.t. All of section two (2); the east half of the east half (E'sE1-.-), and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NWViNE'i), also the north east quarter of the northwest ouarter (NE'iN W',4 ) or section three (3): the south half of the southwest quarter (bVsbW'i) of section four (4): the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (SEUSE'i) of section five (5); the north half (NVi). the north west quarter of the southeast quarter (NW'iSE'i) and the southwest quar ter of the southwest quarter (SWV4 SW4) of section eiht (S); the north hair or the northwest quarter (NVi NW4), and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter (SW4 SW4 ) of section nine (9); the eat half (E1), and the southeast quarter of the south west quarter (SE'iSWU) of section ten (10); the wet half (W!4 ). and the west half of the eat half (WHEtt), also the northeast quarter of the north east quarter (NKliNEU) of section eleven (11); the north half of the northwest quarter (N'tNW'i) and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NW4NEU) of section twelve (12); the north half of the northwest quarter (N4NW14), and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NW4NE!4) of section four teen (14); the northeast quarter (Ni:'4), the east half of the north west quarter (EHNWU), the north half nnd southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (NliSWUSE1 ), also the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter (Nt:V4SW), of section fifteen (16); the south half of the south half (S'iSt) of section six teen (16); all of section seventeen (17) except the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NE'NE14). All of section eighteen (18); all of section nineteen (19): the west half (W'a), and the west half of the east half (W'4E4), also the east half of the northeast quarter (E'fcNEU) oi section (20); the west half of the northeast quarter (W4NE4), and the southeast quarter of the north west quarter (SEWNWK), also the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter (NKttSWK) of section twenty-one (21); the northwest quarter (NW4). the west half of the north east quarter ( W N E ) , the . north west quarter of the southeast quarter (NW4SEU). and the northeast quar ter of the southwest quarter (NEK 8WV4 ) of section twenty-eight (28). the west half (WVi). and the south east quarter (SEV4 ), also the west half and southeast quarter of the north east quarter (WViSE'4NEU) of sec tion twenty-nine v)i the southeast quarter (SEV4). the south half and northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (5ttNEttN), the west half of the northwest quarter (WH NE'4) of section thirty (30): the eas half of the east half (EV4EW), also the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NWKNEK) and the south west quarter of the southeast quarter (SWKSEK) also the southeast quar ter of the pouthwest quarter (SEW SWV4) of section thirty-one (31); all of section thirty-two (32). Township 26, North Range 44. The southwest auarter of the south west quarter (SWSW4) of section nineteen (19). Township 25, North Range 45. The north half (Ntt). the west half (WA) of the southeast quarter (WV4 SE'i ), and the south half of the south west quarter (S 4 SW4 ) of section five (5) ; the north half (NV4 ), and the west half of the southwest quarter (WVsSWtt) of section six (6); the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter (NW!4NW!4) of section seven (7); all or section eight (8); the north half (N4), and the north half of the south half (N4Sl,4) of section seventeen (17); the east half (L4). and the east half of the west half (E'sW4) of section twenty-one (21): the west half of the west half (WV. WH) of section twenty-two (22). Township 25, North Range 46. All of. section one (1); the east hall of the west half (E4W4), and the northwest quarter (NW14) of section two (2); the north half (N4) oi section three (33-the northeast quar ter (NE"4 ), and the north half of the northwest quarter (N4NWl4) of sec tion four (4); the north half and th southwest quarter of the northeast quarter (N4SWNE), and the east half or the northwest quarter tun NW4) of section five (5): the north half of section twelve (12); the south half of the southeast quarter (SVi SE"4) of section eleven (11); the southeast quarter (SEK) of section ten (10): the west half of the north west quarter (WV4NW14) of section thirteen (13): the north half of the north half (N4N4) and the south east quarter of the northeast quarter (SENE4) of section fourteen (14): the north half of the northeast quarter of section fifteen (15). Said sale will remain open one hour, Dated this 14th day of March, A. D., 1922. RODOLPHUS M. HAMPTON. Administrator de bonis non of the estate of JOHN, H. KRAUSE, Deceased. LEE BASYE, Attorney. Mch.l4-April.l4-inc OMAHA GRAIN MARKET OMAHA, Neb.. March 23 The mar ket was weak throughout the list. Wheat declined several cents. Corn was ll',&c lower. Oats sold off S4c. Rye was unchanged to lc off. Barley was nominal. There was a good run of corn 111 cars while receipts of other groins were light. WHEAT No. 1 hard winter, $1.25; No. 2 hard winter, $1.231.25; No. 5 hard winter, $1.20; No. 3 yellow hard, $1.20; No. 1 northern spring, $1.59. CORN No. 1 white, 61c; No. 2 white, 51c; No. 1 yellow, Glc; No. 2 yellow, 5010Vsc; No. 3 yellow, 50c; No. 4 vellow, 4tc; No. 2 mixed. 4Dc; OATS No. 3. white, 33!ic; No. 4 white, 3294c. RYE No. 3, 93c; No. 4, 92c. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET OMAHA, Neb., March 23. CAT TLE Receipts, C.fiOO head. Good to choice beeves, $7.858.35; fair to good beeves, $7.00(K7.15; common to fair beeves, $6.507.00; good to choice yearling., $7.758.0; fair to good yearlings, $7.007.75; common to fair yearlings, $6.50(ffi7.00; good to choice heifers, $7.00(3)7.75; fair to good heif ers, $5.40(fi6.85; choice to prime cows, $6.106.C0; good to choice cows, $5.50 6.00; fair to good cows, $4.75(ffi5.50; common to fair cows, $2.504.35; good to choice feeders, $7.007.G0; fair to good feeders, $6.356.90; common to fair feeders, $5.75(o5.25; good to choice stockers, $7.10(5)7.75; fair to good stockers, $6.50(?f7.00; common to fair ftockera, $5.75(56.35; stock heif ers, $4.50(3 6.00; stoc kcows, $4,000 5.50; stock calves, ?5.757.85; veal calves, $5.50a8.50; bulls, stags, etc, $3.40(5,5.25. HOGS Receipts 6,700. The market opened steady today to shippers and light hogs and medium weight butch ers. Packer trade was generally 10 15c lower and slow at the decline. Light hogs sold from $9.659.85, with a top price of $9.90. Mixed loadU and butcher weights $9.40()9.70 and pack ing grades 8.7fi 9.40, with extreme heavies $8.25(8.75. Bulk of sales was $9.40(f9.;5. SHEEP Receipts f,700. Fat lambs were mostly steady to in spots 10W 15c lower, the market carrying a dull undortonw and trading slow. Tlulk of I lambs sold from $14.f0 15.00, the latter the top price for the day. Heavy lambs weighing ninety-three pounds sold at $14.25. Clipped lambs averaging ninety-two pounds at $12.75. Light ewes were quoted fully steady, with some 112-pound cliped ewes sell ing nt $8.00. Clipped yearlings Fold at $11.00. OMAHA HAY MARKET OMAHA, Neb., March 23. HAY Frairie: No. 1 upland, $11.50rt?12.00; No. z upland, jw.oUCrf'iUiO; No. 3 up land, $8.009.00. Midland: No. 1, $11.00am.bu; No. 2, $9.50(D10.50; No. 8, $8.00(ci9.00. Ixtwland: No. 1, $9.00 (WIO.OO; no. 2, $8.00(a9.00. Alfalfa cnoice. 19.()0(tt20.00: No. 1. 17.noff) 18.50; standard, $14.5016.50; No. 2. $12.50(0)13.50; No. 8, $10.5011.50. STRAW Oat, $8.009.00; wheat, s .UU(a's.ou. THE POTATO MARKET Neb. .irh M.1toTA. TOES NebraOo. Farly Ohio No. 1, per cwu, z.uu( ANNOUNCEMENT. Commissioner, Third District I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner in the Third district of Box Butte county. Nebraska, subject to the approval of the democratic voters at the primaries, July 18, 1522. uu .hh1 roads enthusiast, and I know conditions in the county thor oughly. I believe in being guided by the will of the majority in all matters of road location. I pledge my best ef forts for a business-like administration of county affairs, and have but one other plank in my platform equality and justice for all. - J. R. LAWRENCE. A lighthouse has saved many a ship from going on the rocks and has sent many a theatrical troupe upon them. ALLIANCE DRUG CO. ! PT MP TIIDP Ul I'll, vurvu PILES THAT I can cure your Piles (Fistula. "Ax i fr f You can'tV . but what ffr l will make you P- V feel better. 1 Rectum exespt cane. a short tlma longtr) by an original, pain less, dissolvent mathod of my own, without chloroform ether or knlfo, and without danger whatever to the patltnt. My treatment la eo successful that I have built up the largest practice In this line between Omaha and Denver. My treatment Is no experiment. It la the most succeseful method ever discovered for the treatment of Diseases of the Rectum. I have cured many cases where the knife had failed and many other caees that had been treated for months and years in vain. I guarantee a cure In every caee I accept or make no charge for my services. My method of curing Piles and cthe Rectal eeases, as well as Rupture, waa laughed at twenty years ago. tut today I can point with pride to all of those who have be lieved In Tie and have come to Grand Island to get oured. If you are Buffering with aome form of Rectal Trouble or Rupture, write to ma today, telling all about your trouble, and let me tell you how easy It Is to get cured. Be aura to use the free Information coupon when yiu write to me. No longer is It necessary for you to spend three or four weeks Cettlng your piles cured. You can now be cured within five days, and be up and around all the time you are taking treatment. Don't doubt this amazing truthl Send for free Information today a!o convincing proof that my method of curing Rectal troubles and Rupture should aspsal to all thbte wishing to avoid a surgical operation with Its attendant discomforts cf dread and fear that causes so many aufferers to delay In seeking relief. CAUSE due to the constant strain of even a mild caee of piles on the sympathetic nervous syetem. You can pour all the medicine down your throat that money can buy, or You can spend your last dollar at the world'a best health V It ? J 1 "'r1 resorts, or You can allow yourself to Oe all cut and Slashed, yet You will NdVER get rid of these troubles until your pilee are cured. 9 L'K. RICH, file and Rupture Specialist, Grand lUnd. Nb. J Q Please Bend ma fr-e, complete Informs t O tlon regarding the method vou uu In cur. j r- I r,g filea. FintcW. Flasura and other rectal Hirravc. uu ru)Huri, Wilnoul m aurgtc&l operation. (Mention which you have when writing). 0. S3 O NAME Town It F. "The life of a Journalist is a dog's life," sighs the London Times. Thm what must be the life of an ordinary newspaper man ? L. E. Miss wants to buy yovt killing hop; and cattle. Thon' him at 813G12. 12tf rhont 661 Alllaae Harry P. Courscy AUCTIONEER Lire Stock and General Farm Sake WELDING CEO. n. BPECKNER 210 W. 8rd MOVING, PACKING. STOKING AND SIIUTING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When Ifs Your More, Let Us Know" Office Phone, 15) Res. 884 and Elk. 750 F. A. BALD - Attorney-at-Law Office in Reddish Block L. A. DERRY ROOM I, RUM ER BLOCK PHONE 0 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Net Medicine, Surgery, Osteepatki DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Phone 865 Orer Harper's PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and. Storage PIANO MOVING BY, AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. YfiTTD 1VUIY QUICK! n Fissure and ether Diseases of the MANY DISEASES DR. RICH File and Rupture Bperlallat Grand Uland, Neb. I cure every casa of Pllea I treat by my mild serum treat ment, or you need not pay ma one cent. MVVKrw trouble D. v. w