The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 17, 1922, Image 7

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a. bu mth!ntT Hun.
apod of people acta the. Want
.d-.C.vlun,D lokl? 'or what you
p others bare to offer. Oet Quick
results by adertlinir In ill Want Ad department.
RATES One ceM per word per
insertion. Costs no more than
ether newspaper and we guar
antee fat you reach cereral hun
tred more reader, Uuy clrcula.-
m not bot air.
P. O. Box 1102, Denver, Colo.
We can supply you with any quan
tity of Baby Chicks. Capacity 10,00f
weekly. 17 varieties. Live deliver;
guaranteed. Parcel Tost prepaid
Write for prices and full particulars,
FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H.
JONES Co., 3rd and Chevenne. tf
FOR RENT Splendidly furnished
rooms, ?2..j0 and up. Call C.jC.
FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms,
for light housekeeping. Telephone
J22. 32tf
run, ui'.ai 10 pood larniors, on
"V - e- m ret m
lonjr time leases if desired, first
class Box Butte county farm land for
larming purposes.
FOR RENT Well furnished house
keeping apartment. One block west
of postolHce. 114!i West 4th. 2Stf
FOR RENT Splendid room. Mrs,
Oscar O'Bannon. 20-tf
WANTED Mending and darning.
Mrs. W. Markham, Thone C07W
WANTED Two rooms or one large
room suitable for light housekeep
ing. Prefer private family of pood
standing. Notify B & B Electric Shoe
Shop. 32-tf
Estate of Nellie M. Covalt, deceased,
in County Court of Box Butte County,
The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will take notice that
the time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate is
June 19th, 1922, and for payment of
debts is February 8th, 1923; th:it I
wiJl sit at the county court room in
said county, on June 20th, 1922, at two
o'clock P. M. to receive, examine, hear,
allow, or adjust all claims and objec
tions dulv filed.
Dated February 8th, 1922.
(Seal) County Judge
Mrs. Alva Ryland is reported on the
tick list. ' i&tS.B
Dick Hunsaker took Vera Pernn u
his ranch south of here Monday.
Dr. Hand of Alliance was in town
on business Monday morning.
Alva and Ellsworth Ash loaded a
car of sweet clover seed here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and the
two youngest children, went to Osh
kosh Tuesday for a few days visit with
Henry Stoop, A. J. Carter and an
insurance agent from Alliance came
near having an accident Tuesday.
W hile approaching the railroad track,
when coming from the Standard plant,
the local freight would have caught
them at the the crossing had not Mr.
Carter saw the train just in time and
warned Mr. Stoop, who was driving
the car, and he turned to one side.
He thus avoided a serious accident
and possibly the loss of live of all three
of the men.
Pierre Kicken was in town Tuesday
Henry Bond was in town on business
for Paxton-Gallagher Grocery com
pany Tuesday and Wednesday.
R. C. Brunson and Chris Mosler were
in town from the Star ranch Monday
Mr. L$. F. Weekly was in town from
the Star neighborhood Tuesday even
ing. He reK)rt his little son, Keith,
and little Minty Stoop, who are sick,
to be improving.
Gene DeFrance drove in from the
ranch Tuesday after a load of corn
whic he hauled out Wednesday morn
ing, i A
Mrs. Bertha DeFord and children
and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn House were in
town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. House
expect to move back to town soon.
William Arms of Pawlette was in
town visiting friends the first of the
Dr. Moore of Antioch was in Lake
tide Tuesday.
Charles Barneby and son, 01 in, drove
to Antioch on business Tuesday even
ing. Little Thelma Ryan is recovering
nicely from her recent attack of pneu
monia. Jack Ballard was up from Bingham
the first of the week.
A. W. Tyler was in town Tuesday.
The ladies' aid Eociety met at the
church Wednesday.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Good
rich is reported much better.
Margaret Cody was an Alliance visi
tor this week.
There's a big difference between ap-
pie juice that's hardly cider and that's
e th
hard ck
Leaders of fashion can speed the re
turn to normalacy with a limitation of
The people will have an industrial
revival as soon as they are converted
to industry.
In the County Court of Box Butte
County, Nebraska.
in the Matter of the Estate of
i eceasrd.
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss:
To lo Brandle, Rosa Posvar, Ida
Posvar, John Posvar, I,eo Brandle, Jr.,
and Ann Mary Brandle, and all other
Ierson. interested in said estate, both
i redi tors and heirs, take notice that on
the 7th day of March, A. D., 1922,
Albert Hovarka filed his petition in
the County Court of Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, setting forth that one
Catherine Posvar Brandle departed
this life intestate at her residence in
Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the
16th day of May. A. D.. 1898. and
wing, at the time of her death, a res
ident and inhabitant of Box Butte
County, Nebraska, and was nossesed
in fee simple of the following cle-riib-ed
real estate situated in Box I'-.ute
County, Nebraska, to-w.t: lots on ( I ),
two u), tnree (6), ami the northeast
'.luarter ot the t-outhwest juartcr
(NKUSE'4) of section thirty-one
(31), in township twenty-eight (2f ),
north of range fifty-two (f2j, of
the sixth l'nnc:pal Meridian, in Box
Butte County, Nebraska, which s.inl
lands was all of the real estate owned
by the deceased, at the time ot her
death, in the State of Nebraska; ths.t
the petitioner herein is now the
owner of said lands and derives hi
title to the same by mesne conveyances
enrougn tne said deceased.
The petitioner stales that more than
two years has now elapsed since the
death of the said intestate and that r.o
application has ever been made fi r the
administration of her estate, in the
State of Nebraska, either by her neirs
or persons claiming to be creditors to
her estate, and that at the time of her
death, she left surviving her as her
sole and only heirs at law, the follow
ing named persons, to-w;t: her hus
band, Leo Brandle, and the following
named children, Rosa Posvar, a daugh
ter; Ida Posvar, a daughter; John Pos
var, a son; and Leo Brandle, Jr., a
son; and Ann Mary Brandle, a daugh
ter, and that each of said persons is
now more than twenty-one vears of
age, and that at the time of the death
oi the said deceased, that her estate
m and to said lands descended to said
persons in the proportion of an un
divided one-fifth interest to each of
s&id children subject to the right of
curtesy in said lands to said surviv
ing husband, Leo Brandle.
lhe object and prayer of said peti
tion being that the court will fix a
and place for a hearing thereon; that
notice may be given and issued tJ all
persons interested in said estate both
creditors and heirs to the end that the
legular administration of said e t
may be dispensed with and that the
estate of the said Catherine Posvar
Brandle, who was formerly Catherine
Posvar, may be fully administered, in
accordance with the laws of the Sta'e
of Nebraska, providing for a deter n
ination of heirs, their degree of kinship
ana the right or succession Jo real es
tate whe;i a period of more than two
years has elapsed since the date of the
death of the said intestate, and for
such other and further proceedings as
may be proper for the full administra
tion of said estate; that the court will
rind, determine and decree that the
said Catherine Posvar Brandle died in
testate in Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, on the 16th day of May. 1898,
and was, at the time of her death, a
resident and inhabitant of Box Butte
County, Nebraska; that more than two
years has now elapsed since her death
and that she was, at the time of her
death, the owner in fee simple of the
alove described land; that the peti
tioner is the owner of said lands and
derives his title to the same by mesne
conveyances through the said tie
ceased; that no application has ever
been made in the State of Nebraska
for the appointment of an adminis
tiator of her estate; that her soie and
only heirs at law, at the time of her
death was her husband, Lea Brandle,
and her children, Rosa Posvar,
daughter; Ida Posvar, a daughter;
John Posvar, a son; Leo Brandle, Jr.,
a son; and Ann Alary Brandle, i
daughter, and that said lands descend
ed to said children in the proportion of
n undivided one-fifth interest to each,
subject to the right of curtesy in and
to said lands to the surviving husband,
I eo Erandls.
It is hereby ordered that a hearing
oe nad upon said petition before said
court in the County Court Room in the
City of Alliance, Box Butte County,
Nebraska, on the 10th day of April A.
D., 1922, at the hour of ten o'clock
A. M. and that notice of the time and
place fixed for said hearing be given to
all persons interested in said estate,
ooin creditors and heirs, by the publi
cation of the above notice for three
successive weeks prior to said hearing
i I All- tw ii .
in me finance iieraui, a legal news
paper printed, published and of gen
eral circulation in Box Butte County,
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of said County Court this 7th day
of March, A. P., 1922.
(SEAL) County Judge.
LEE BASYE, Attorney.
In the Matter of the Estate of Frank
E. Reddish, Peceased, in the County
Court of Box Butte County, Nebras
ka. The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of the estate will take notice that
the time limited for presentation and
filing claims against said estate is
July 17th. 1922, and for pavment of
debts is March 8th, 1923; That I will
sit at the county court roem in said
county on July 18th, 1922, at two
o'clock P. M., to receive, examine, hear,
allow, or adjust all claims and objec
tions dulv filed.
Pated March 8th, 1922.
County Judge.
March 10 to April 7, inc.
We believe in Tanlac and so will you
if you try it. F. E. Holsten. 31
In the District Court of Box Butte
County, Nebraska,
In the Matter of the Application of
istrator de bonis non of the Estate of
JOHN II. KRALSE, Deceased.
Case No. 3201.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
W. H. Westover, Judge of the District
Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
vithin the Sixteenth Judicial District
of the State of Nebraska, made on the
4ih day oi March, 1922, for the sale
of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, I will otl'er for sale at public
vendue to the highest bidder for cash
at the West front door of the Court
House in the City of Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, on the lith
day of April, A. D., 1922, at the hour
or ton o clock, A. M. the interest of the
estate of the said deceased, that is to
say, an undivided one-half interest in
and to the lollowing descriled lands,
situated in Sheridan County, Nebraska,
'lownship 27, North Range 16.
The smith hall of the south half
(S'aS'i) of section twenty-nine (29);
the south half of the southwest tiiur
tor (S'-aSWVi ); of section twenty-
eight (2S) ; the south half IS') and
the northeart ciuarter (NEM of sec
tion thirty-one (31); the north half
(N'j) and the southeast charter
(SE',4 ) of section thirty-two (32); the
west hair (Vy'-i) ot section thirtv
three (33); the northwest ciuarter of
the northeast quarter ( N Y U N E ),
and the south half of the southeast
quarter (SSEU) of section thirty
three (33).
Township 26, North Range 46.
The west one-half (W'z) and the
northeast quarter (NE'i), also the
-outheast quarter of the southeast
quarter (SEUSE'i) of section four
(4); the north half and southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter (Nli
SEUNEU) and the east half and
southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter (E'.nS W'iSEU ) also the west
half and southeast quarter of the
southwfst quarter (W'iSEttSWU ) of
section five (5). the southeast quarter
(SE'i) of section six (6): the south
half (S'a) and northeast quarter
(NE') of section seven (7); all of
section eight (8); the west half (WVs)
also the east half of the northeast
quarter (EiNEU ) of section nine
(9); the northwest quarter (NWU):
the west half and southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter (WliSE'i
NEU), the southeast quarter (SE14),
and the east half of the southwest
quarter (EVaSWtt) of section ten
(10), the south half (SMi), and the
south half of the north half (SlsNls) '
of section eleven (11); the west half
of the west half (WnWi) also the
toutheast quarter of the southwest
quarter (SE'.i SVVU ) of section twelve
(12): the east half (E'i), also the
east half of the west half (EVaW4)
and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter (SWUNWU) of
section thirteen (13); the north half
(N'a), also the north half of the
southwest ciuarter .(NSWU), and
the northwest quarter of the southeast
teen ( 14 ) ; the northeast quarter .
(NEU), the east h
alf of the northwest 1
quarter (EsNW'i), the northeist
quarter of the southeast quarter
(NE'iSEU) of section fifteen (15);
all of section seventeen (17); the we.-t
half (Win) and the southeast quarter
(SE'.i) of sect.on eighteen (IS); all
of section nineteen (19); the north
half ( N '& ) also the west half of the
southwest quarter (WVaSWi) tf sec
tion twenty (20); the west half VS4),
and the southeast quarter (SE',4 of
section twenty-one (21); all of recuon
twenty-two (22); the west half (W'i),
the west half of the east half (v .2
E',a). also the northeast quarter of the
northeast ciuarter (NE'i NE'-i ). and
the east half of the sout'rea; t quarter
(ESEU) of section twenty-three
(23); the north half of th routh half
(NsSVi), the southeast ouaiter of the
southeast quarter (SE'iSE i). the
north half of the north half (N-.fNli),
and the south half of the northeast
quarter (SMjNE'i ), also the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter
(SE'iNW'i) of sectnn twenty four
(24); the northeast quarter (NE',
the southeast ciuarter of the northwest
quarter (SEliNW'i), an', the north
half of the south half (N'jS'i), and
the south half of the southeast quarter
(S'aSE'i) of section wenty-five (25);
the south half (S'i), and the north
west quarter (NWl4), also the west
half of the northeast quarter (W'.a
NEU of section twenty-six (26); tiie
east half (E'a) and the northwest
quarter (NW4) of section twenty
seven (27); the north half (Nl3) and
the southwest quarter (SWU), also
the north half of the southeast quarter j
(N'aSEU) of section twentv-eight
(28): the southeast ciuarter of the
southeast ciuarter (SEUSEU) of sec
tion thirty-one (31); the east half
(h's), also the south half and north
east quarter of the southwest quarter
(S'jNKIiSW'i) of tection thirty-two
(32); the west half (W'a), and the
south half of the southeast quarter
(S'aSLu) of section thirty-three
(33); the east half (E'i) and the
southwest quarter (SW'i) of section
thirty-four (34); all of section thirty-
five (35) ; the east half of the west half
(EW1), and the west half of the
east half (W'aEVa) of section thirty
six (36).
Township 26, North Range 45.
All of section two (2); the east half
of the east half (E'aE'a), and the
northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter (NWIiNE'i), also the north
east quarter of the northwest quarter
(NEViNW'i) of sect.on three (3); the
south half of the southwest quarter
(SVaSW'i) of section four (4): the
southeast ciuarter of the southeast
quarter (SE'i SE'i) of section five
(5); the north half (N'a). the north
west ciuarter of the southeast quarter
NWUht'j and the southwest ciuar
ter of the southwe:-t quarter (SW'i
SW'i ) of section eight (8); the north
half of the northwest quarter (N'a
NW'i), and the southwest quarter of
the southwest quarter (SW'i SW'i ) of
section nine (9); the east half (E'i),
and the southeast quarter of the south
west quarter (SEUSWU) of section
ten (10): the west half (W'i). and the
west half of the east half (WlE!),
FRIDAY, JtARCII 17, 1922.
ulso the northeast quarter of the north
east quarter (NEuNE1) ot' section
eleven (11); the north half of the
iiorthwe.-t quarter (N'aNW'U ) and the
northwest quarter of the noithen.-t
'.uaner fAW l4Ni;'4 ) of section
twelve (12); the north half of the
'orthwest quarter (N'sNWM, and
(he northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter (NWNEU) of section four
teen (14); the northeast quarter
(NK'), the east half of the north
west quutcr (E'iNW'i), the north
half and southwest quarter of the
-outheast quarter (N'aSWSEU ),
il-o the northeast quarter of the
outhwest quarter (NE'tSW'i), of
ortion fifteen (16); the south half of
the south half (S'aS'j) of section six
ieen (16); all of section seventeen
(17) except the northeast quarter of
the northeast quarter (NKUNE1).
All of section eighteen (IK); all of
e-tion nineteen (19); the west half
(W'2), and the west half of the east
half (W'aE'a), also the east half of
the northeast quarter h'jNKu) oi
section (20); the west half of the
northeast quarter (W'aNE1), and
die southeast quarter of the north
west quarter (SK'jNW'i), also the
northeast quarter of the southwest
qu titer (NE'.SWU ) of section twenty-one
(21); the northwest quarter
(NW'i), the west half of the north-
ca.t quarter (W'iNE'i ), the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter
(. '48M4), and the northeast quar
ter of the southwest quarter (NEU
SW'i) of section twenty-eight (2Mj
the vest half (W'a), and the south
east quarter (SE4 ), also the west half
and southeast quarter of the north
east quarter (W'.aSEUNEU ) of sec
tion twenty-nine (29); the southeast
quarter (SE'i), the south half and
northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter (S'aNE'i NE'4 ), the west
half of the northwest quarter (Wla
NE'i ) of section thirty (30); the east
half of the east half (E'aE'i ), also
the northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter (NW'.NE'i) and the south-v.t.-t
quarter of the southeast quarter
(SW'iSE1) also the southeast quar.
ter of the southwest quarter (SEV,
SW'i) of section thirty-one (31); all
of section thirty-two (32).
Township 26, North Range 11. -The
southwest quarter of the south
west iiuarter (SW(iSWU) of section
nineteen (19).
lownship 2.), North Range 4.".
The north half (N1, 2). the west half
(W'.) of the southeast quarter (W's
SE'i ). anil the south half of the south
west quarter (S'aSW U ) of section
five (.r); the north half (N'a),and the
west half of the southwest quarter
(W 'iibW '4 ) of section six ((); the
northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter (NW'iNW'i) of section seven
(7); all of section eight (8); the
north half (N'a), and the north half
of the.south half (N'-aS'a) of section
seventeen (17); the east half (E1),
and the east half of the west half
(E'aW'ia) of section twenty-one (21);
the west half of the west half (W"a
W'.i) of section twenty-two (22).
Township 25, North Range 46.
All of section one (1 ); the east half
of the west half (E'W'a), and the
northwest quarter (NW'.i) of section
two (2): the north half (Nli) of
section three (3); the northeast quar
ter (NEU ), and the north half of the
I:"1 T' x"J?l'ii ?u
v .."". " Vv " "JiV!
souinwi'si iiuiiiifr ui uic imi iiicum
c.u.irter (N'aSW'i NE'i ), and the east
half of the northwest quarter (h',s
NW',4) of section five (5); the north
half of section twelve (12); the south
half of the southeast quarter (S'a
SE'i) of section eleven (11); the
southeast ciuarter (SEi) of section
ten (10); the we.-t half of the north
west quarter (W'aNW'i) of section
thirteen (13); the north half of the
north half (N'aN'a) and the south
east quarter of the northeast quarter
(SLViNh'i) of section fourteen (14);
the north half of the northeast quarter
of section fifteen (15).
Said sale will remain ooen one hour,
Dated this 14th clay of March, A. D.,
Administrator de bonis non of
the estate of JOHN H.
KRAUSE, Deceased.
LEE BASYE, Attorney.
OMAHA, Neb., March 16. Spot
wheat advanced l3c, corn was 1
l'sc up, oats advanced 'ifW-c, rye
sold up 2c and barley was unchanged
to Kff-c higher.
WHEAT No. 2 dark hard winter,
J 1.33; No. 3 dark hard winter, $1.25f
1.28; No. 2 hard winter, $1.241.27;
No. 3 hard winter, $1.221.23; No. 5
hard winter, $1.23; Sample hard win
ter, 95c$l.03; No. 2 yellow hard,
$1.23; No. 3 yellow hard, $1.22; No. 5
yellow hard, $1.161.21; No. 3 north
ern spring, $1.45; No. 4 northern
spring, $1.25; No. 3 mixed, $1.04; No. 4
mixed. l.$18's1.20;
CORN No. 1 white, 51 He; No. 2
w hite, 51 la (ft 52c; No 1 vellow, 51f
iil'ac; No. 2 vellow, 5151'ac; No. 3
vellow, 50'a50c; No. 2 mixed, 50(ffi
f.O'sc: No. 3 mixed. 49,,a50c.
OATS No. 3 white, 33'a(? 34c; No.
4 white, 3333'2c; Sample white,
32'kc; No. 3 mixed, 33'ac
RYE No. 3, 90c; No. 4, 89',aC .
BARLEY No. 3, 57c
OMAHA, Neb., March 16 CATTLE
Receipts 2,500. Good to choice beeves
$7.658.35; fair to good beeves $6.75
f7.60; common to fair beeves, $6.25
6.75; good to choice vearlings, $7.60
8.50; fair to good yearlings, $6.K5(fi
7.50; common to fair yearlings, $6.25
(S6.75; good to choice heifers, $6.75
7.35; fair to good heifers, $5.25(a6.00;
choice to prime cows, $6.006.50;
good to choice cows, $5.40(f 6.00; fair
to good cows, $4.fi0(:5.35; common to
fair cows, $2.504.35; good to choice
feeders, $6.S5(a7.40; fair to good feed
ers, $6.2"()6.75; common to fair feed
ers, $5.506.15; good to choice stack
ers, $7.00(0)7.75; fair to good stockers,
$6.40(o,7.0U; common to fair stockers,
S5.75(tt6.3; stock heifers, $4.506.25;
stock heifers, $ JQ(a 6.25; stock cows,
$ t.255.50; stock calves, $3.25(a 5.25;
veal calves, $5.508.75; bulls, stags,
etc., $3.255.23.
HOGS Receipts. 400. Shippers
were fairly active during the owning
session, buying hogs freely at an ad
ance of l.')(n 2,'c. Packers were slow
to start trading, opening bids leing
t mostly steady, j.aier hogs sold largely
I at HKi tc advance. Light hogs rold
irwwllv frm til r,ll(,Ml i:', U ilk tnn
price of $9.75; mixed loads and butcher
weights, $9.t0iViM..00, and packing
grades $.X.(H)(" !l.2.", w ith ONtrenie heav
ies, $7.r.(K(f.()0. Bulk of sales wus
OMAHA, Neb., March 16. II AY
No. 1 upland prairie, SI 1.00(01 1.50;
No. 2 upland prairie, $t).00(rf 10.50; No
3 upland prairie, $7.50(i8.50; No. 1
upland prairie. $10..riOiM 1.00; No. 2
midland, $9.00Cn).00; No. 3 midland,
$i.o0((s.f0; ro. 2 lowland prairie
SN.r.0(fl.r0; i'o. 2 lowland prairie,
$7.50(8.50. Choice ulralfa, $19.0(a
20.00; No. 1 alfalfa, $17.0()((MK.50;
standard. $14.50(f-16.50; No. 2, $12.00
((D13.50: No. 3, $10.50(tf 11.50.
STRAW Oats, $8.009.00; wheat,
$7.00 ((('8.00.
OMAHA. Neb., March 16. POTA
TOES Nebraska Eidjy Ohio No. 1,
t-er cwt., $2.00( 2.15; Nebraska Irish
Cobblers, $2.00(r2.15.
Maud and Vera Nason visited n few
days nt the Joe West home the first
of the week.
R. H. West spent a few days here
visiting relatives.
William Aspden hau'ed several loads
of spuds to town Tuesday.
Ernest Hann started Tuesday to
thresh his last year's crop. It will
take him several days.
Annetta Freimuth spent Tuesday
night at the Jess Chilson home.
Ed Curry is busy these days hauling
material from town for the house
which he is remodeling.
Charles Wesstl and D. R. Lawrence
attended the farmers' meeting in town
Dale Benjamin was hculing com
Thursday for Heraian Trenkle, whicn
he bought from J. W. Frazier.
J. R. Lawrence came out from town
Thursday nnd is busy picking com.
Quite a few are taking advantage of
the nice weather and are getting their
corn 'picked.
W. I. Lorenre hauled a load 01
hogs to town Thursday.
111 Tomorrow AlritrM
Lit iff
TvB"! S5 I
I can cure your Piles (Fistula, Fissure and other Diseases of the
Rectum except cance a short time longer) by an original, pain
less, dissolvent method of my own, without chloroform, ether or
knife, and without danger whatever to the patient. My treatment Is
eo successful that I have built up the largest practice In this line
between Omaha and Denver. My treatment Is no experiment. It la
the most successful method ever discovered for the treatment of
Diseases of the Rectum. I have cured many cases where the knife
had failed and many other cases that had been treated for montha
nd years in vain. I guarantee a cure In every case I accept or make
no charge for my services. My method of curing Piles and othe
Rectal teases, as well as Rupture, was laughed at twenty years
ago, tut today I can point with pride to all of those who have be
lieved It -ne and have come to Grand Island to get cured. If you are
Buffering with some form of Rectal Trouble or Rupture, write to me
today, telling all about your trouble, and let me tell you how easy it
Is to get cured. Be sure to use the free Information coupon when
you write to me.
No longer is It necessary for you to spend three or four weeks
jetting your piles cured. You can now be cured within five daye,
and be up and around all the time you are taking treatment.
Don't doubt this amazing truthl Send for free Information today
also convincing proof that my method of curing Rectal troubles
i and Rupture should appeal to all those wishing to avoid a surgical
operation with its attendant discomforts of dread and fear that
causes so many sufferers to delay In seeking relief. .
1 -c. I
du to the constant
train of even a mild
case of piles on the
Sympathetic nervous
You csn pour all
the medicine down
your throat that
money can buy, or
You can spend your
last dollar at the
world's best health
EmA k Wife
WiiAiti CXID SI PilU
resorts, or
You can allow yourself to ! all cut and
lashed, yet You will NEVER get rid of
these troubles until your piles are cured.
. Vfl. RH'H. Pile and Rupture Specialist.
C ripim. K..r(1 wntA fro i
- - " - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' iv,iii,ria 1
(iivenh.'B anil riiiiiur. u- hnn a
O urSl,Hl operation. Mention which
..............It. K,
X O "on reverting the method you use In cur
. h ln l'ilen. Kihtuia. Ktsnure and other rectal
The downfall of a young man who
has been sentenwd to prison Is laid
to rigarets. He btole two cartons of
L. E. liliss wants to buy yon
killing hoR.s and cattle. Phon'
him at 8i:i(J12. 13tf
rhone 661 AllianM
Harry P. Coursey
LWe Stock and General Farm Sato
CEO. H. BRECKNER 210 W. 3rd
'- - - - . .. . .
-When ItVYoiir-Mofe,
Let Us Know"
Office Phone, 13; Res. 881 and Blk. 730
Office in Reddish Ulock
Drake & Drake
Doctor of Optometry
Glasses Accurately Fitted
Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopatky
Chiropractors Talmer School
Phone 865 Over Harper!
Transfer and
1 -
.7 p . -
rile and Rupture
Crand IUnd, Kb,
I cure every case
of Piles I treat by my
mild serum treat
went, or you need
not pay me one cent.
. .
1 1 1 J I Tin