The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 03, 1922, Page TWO, Image 2

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GJbr Alltmtrr Hrralb
Entered at the postoffice at Alliance,
Keb., for transportation through the
mail as second class matter.
GEORGE L. BURR, Jr. Editor
EDWIN M. BURR Business Mgr.
Official newspaper of the City of
Alliance; official newspaper of Box
Butte County.
Owned and published by The Burr
Printing Company, George L. Burr,
Jr President; Edwin M. Burr, Vice
Of course, If father finds this first, the fee paid, but the tag hadn't ar
he can have a quiet chuckle he won't rived. Since every number was pent
dare let it be heard lest the family out from the state engineer's office,
question him. If mother or daughter J this excuse was plausible enough to
should see it first, they may spill ink 'get over quite often. Alas, it won't
over the page or else philosophically, go now, so beware about using it Un
bless themselves for an enlightened der the law now in cfTect, the tin tags
public opinion. are all in the county treasurer's office,
Here in the west, where the women and it takes but two or three minutes
work with the men and no false stan
dards of labor exist, we can read this
analysis and laugh over it. But there
are places where it might stir up a
riot. If the reader's home is one of
them, we can assure him that we gave
strict orders for the boys in the back' months.
room to leave this out. And now, here
is a calm, dispassionate, eighteenth
century view of lovely women:
Women, then, are only children of a
larger growth; they have
to secure delivery after the fee is paid.
However, the kickers are right, for
once. It's unfair to have some auto
A mere man has just asked me why
ro many women like fat husbands.
Most fat men are married, and he snvs
that possibly those who are fat first
of all have no chance, because they
can't run fast enough to get away. At
the same time he has noticed that the
men who are thin when they are sin
gle invariably attain a certain rotund
ity after their wives begin to take care
of them. He thinks that it must be
due to the fact that women prefer
them that way and deliberately fatten
mem up line chickens.
an enter-
tninincr tnttJi" nnrl nmrtimea unt- lmt
ai iasi 11 oegins 10 iook as inuugn tor solid, reasoning goo1 sense, I nev-
there might be an election in Box er in my life knew one that had it, or
Butte county this year. Day by day who reasoned or acted consequentially
t ... . . . . for four and twenty hours together,
a few more candidates are beginning Some ,iule w humor wayB
to come out anil by the time the ides breaks up their best resolutions. Their
f March are upon us, there should be beauty neglected or controverted, their
a pretty respectable crop of citizens' a increased, or their supposed under-
, , . standings depreciated, instantly kin-
who have looked upon the court house dcg thr ,ittfe pj am ovrturns
and selected the offices they would like any ByBtem of consequential conduct,
to have for their very own, providence that In their most reasonable momenta
and the people permitting. Jey might have been capable of form-
TVin nmnwl trrm hnttor n th fimn 'rig.
, " ' A . 1..
n iiuiii ui umy u intra wiui
them, plays with them, humors and
flatters them, as he does with a
sprightly, forward child; but he neither
consults them about or trusts them
with, serious matters: though he often
makes them believe that he docs both,
which is the thing the world round
that they are proud of, for they love
mightly to be dabbling in business
(which by the way, they always spoil):
and being justly distrustful, that men
in general look upon them in a tnfl
i I IT enures Ha'd .n-t r II.. l 1
owners pay their license fee promptly, wno make the stairs creak as they
and permit others to hold on to their come down are a nuisance. They wear
money and postpone the agony for out the carpets and break the best
The law is a bit too strict 'I""' ne Iact . tnat. husbands
... ,n 11 -ij "Bve sucn an easy lime or it. wni e
A fine of $10 and costs is provided their W,VM etch Bfjpperg'
by the statute, but it's too strong a load their pipes for them, and gener-
pcnalty for forgetfulness or neglect ally nurse them, that they can't help
When an officer sees a car with an old ft?"'" ,And 1 "uppose in a way
o i k jiuMKuius are a rowi in in if and
borne- 4u Df ,. u t ,
Presnt fashions suggest that in the! The farmer who raises potatoes-
day of the Mother Hubbard there was
less clog.
Next thing somebody will be prose
cuted for passing Russian rubles for
cigar coupons.
That man who says he has discov
ered a weed which cures the tobacco
hobit is behind time. We know of ci
gar manufacturers who beat him
isn't going over those hills to the poor-
Any man who holds the view that
talk is cheap hasn't had a shave or
hair cut lately.
A writer says China's great need i3
some one in the saddle who will pro
vide a stable government Something-
to; suggests that at some time this writer-
rode a horse.
goes on. l his year, it seems, mere is
no grand rush to get in line for the
offices, and friends have had to do a
considerable bit of urging. Some of
them are yet wondering whether their
favorites will consent to make the race
thejr are being groomed for. There
seems to bo a general impression that
when the time comes to cast ballots,
there will be so many candidates out
that it will be difficult to see the polls.' ing light, they almost adore the man
The nverao-e mnn who looks lonirinclv Who talks more seriously to them, and
at an office likes to feel, before he def- wh rv
. . , , 4.1. t. I say, who seems for weak men really
iuw;iy cummin iiimwu, uiui lie iuw fc ,0 but wise ones oniv em to do it
least a fair show for his white alley. No flattery is either too high or too
It's probable that a whole lot of pretty low for them. They will greelily
irno,l nfTirifll limber hoMino- luuk swallow the highest, and gracefullyac
w- - - - o
waiting to see how the water is before
they take the plunge.
The most interesting fight, judging
by present indications, will be con
nected with the appointment of a suc
cessor to District Judge W. H. West
over, if he is elected to the supremo
bench and resigns his present position.
eept the lowest; and you may safely
flatter any women, from her under
standing down to the exquisite taste
of her fan.
Women, who are either indisputably
beautiful or indisputably ugly, are best
flattered upon the score of their un
derstandings; but those who are in the
stale of mediocrity are best flattered
upon their beauty or at least their
license, he reminds the driver,
times it's necessary to remind him an
other time. The rule is always to ar
rest the second or third time, but it
hasn't been necessary to do it for
But unless the forgetful ones are ac
tually arrested, it's unfair to the fel
lows who do pay on time, and is an
encouragement to others to wait the
next time. Sheriff Miller and City
Manager Kemmish were talking
over the other day, and they decided
that in time the legislature would put
a penalty of, say, a dollar each month
for the fellows who delayed securing
licenses. Something like this will un
doubtedly come in time, if the license
law isn't repealed, and any prospective
candidate for the legislature is wel
come to use the suggestion. As there
are now a full thousand auto owners
who have paid in their money, advo
cacy of such a measure will win, rath
er than lose votes.
good thing.
There will be two years of his unex-for. e woinan who is ab
. ,. . , , ., , . i solutely ugly thinks herself handsome,
pired term to be filled. No candidates but not hearing often that she is so,
are out openly for this place yet, al-' is the more grateful and the more ob
though it was understood last week 1'K1 to the few who tell her so; where
that a young Alliance attorney, who as a decided and conscioiu beauty looks
, i , i upon every tribute paid to her beauty
numbers some good local republican onlv aa her due but want3 to ghin
politicians among his friends, will be and to be considered on the side of her
urged for the appointment J understanding; and a woman, who is
It now seems probable that there enufh. to know that she is so,
v i ni 1 i ,l knows that she has nothing left for it
will be two Alliance attorneys in the but her understanding, which is con
contest to see who will wear Judge sequently (and probably in more
.Westover's shoes. Another prominent senses than one) her weak side.
attorney, also young, is being urged by ' But these are secrets which you must , V
liis friends to have a try for it. HeV"1 L0UJIa k' VE!
, . ., . .,i i, be torn to pieces by the,
also a republican, and while hell have whle on the contrary, a man1
a somewhat different set of backers' who thinks ot I.l...'in the great!
than the first, he has had assurances world must be gallant, pvl'te, and at- J
from various attorney over the big tentive to please the womc. Theyj
ci-.u j- v. .u mi v ii have, from weakness of men, r.ore or
Sixth district that they 11 be glad to ,es 'infiuence in a)l courts. they ab-
recommena mm nigniy u ncii only; wlutelv stamp every mans character
indicate that he wants it Of course, in the beau, and make it either
there will al.o be half a dozen other current, or cry it down, and rtop it in
i i . m . . payments. It is, thereiore, absolutely
candidates from attorneys in various neSRary to manaice, please, and flat
parts of the district, and it's not at all , ter them; and never to discover the
a settled fact that either Alliance man least marks of contempt, which is
will be selected, although both will be,1 they never forgive; but in this
. 44 , ,1 they are not singular, for it is the
able to get some god recommenda- wilh men. who w'n, much gooner
tions and some backers with influence forgive an injustice than an insult
in the McKelvie court I
So far as county politics are con- AUTO LICENSE SLACKERS,
cerned, there are a few new hats in'
or near the rinir. Llovd Thomas is' There is a feeling on the part of a
believed to be casting covetous eyes on Rood many automobile owners who J
a seat in the state senate, although he have dug into their jeans and pro-1
hasn't said so where anyone could hear duced the necessary cash lo secure a
him. At least two other Alliance men couple of license tags, that the law(
are considering trying for this job. It ought to be more strictly enforced and
is said that Rev. B. J. Minort, who has that every otlier auto driver ought to
a lanre following amonir labor union- be compelled to immediately buy a'
i?ts and farmers, has been urged to' license. It's more or less of a mystery
try for the state house of representa-' why the payment of a license fee
tives, but he, too, has given no sign even if it is done a month or eo late
that the prospect appeals to him. ' j gives an automobile owner such an in
The first candidate to come out ward and outward glow of civic right-
openly for county commissioner from tousness and arouses at the same time
the Third district is Deputy Sheriff a feeling of tremendous indignation'
Tom Miskimen, who has been per-' against others who are just a little
fuaded by friends to stand for the ' slower. The feeling of exaltation pro-1
office. Mr. Miskimen would be a lead- duced is akin only to that resulting
ing candidate for sheriff, but has posl- when a man makes a mistake and
tively declined to consider this office. ' drops a dollar into the missionary col-'
He's been in the court house for well lection when he intended to put in
over a year, and has a pretty deflinite only a thin dime. The feeling of in-1
idea of what is needed in the way of a dignation toward the license blackers
business administration of county af-jis comparable only to that experienced j
lairs. He has made no promises, save when a man is short-changed at a cir
that if he is selected, he'll give the'eus. It is a feeling of rage, accompa
county the best there is in him. Mr. nied by a sense of hopelessness.
Miskimen should make a strong candi-1 Our automobile licence law is en
date, and a good official if he is se-'forced fairly well, take it the year
lected. He has a wide acquaintance ' over, but it's usually pretty late in
(London Opinion.)
Why do women like ugly men? At
least as husbands. If you examine
the averape husband carefully, ; ou
find that his face resembles a turnip
with the moth in it and the features
have not been acquired, but have len
thrust upon it, probably with the aid
of a shovel.
A man suggests that it is becaa. e of
the natural law that we all iho
our opposites. All women are lovely,
wherefore the men they capture for
their own personal uses are invariably
iigly. But I doubt this. Women pre
fer ugly husbands because there is
les3 chance of their being stolen by
some other predatory female. A man
with a face like a collapsed blanc
mange can be left lying looe in any
ball loom ami will always be found
there when he's wanted again, where
as a husband with a profile like a
Greek god would be snapped up as
quickly as a blouse at a bargain tale.
(Nebraska State Journal.)
The two things have no connection.
apparently, but nevertheless they have
set some people to thinking. At a
large gathering of Lincoln people two
or three weeks ago it was noticed that
almost everybody danced and danced
7 I until they put out the lights. Six or
tjfeven years ago the same organization
held exactly the same sort of a party.
Oidy a few couples danced. Most of
the people yawned and went home soon .
after 9 o'clock. I
The thing that has no connection
with this particular dance that anv-1
body can determine is the increase in
delinquency. . But the strict moralists
say that they are really cut off the
same piece of goods. The study of the
crowding of the state correctional in
stitutions made by the state board of
control makes the automobile a prime
cause of the trouble, with the movies
and the dance crowding along for
second and third place.
Some of the dancers at this party
were later discussing the change in
their own habits and asking each other
what it all meant. Some of them
belong to a church organization that
has always put the ban on dancing. I
"I learned to dance," said one staid
citizen, "so that I can keep in touch ;
with my children. I fisrure that they
are going to dance anyhow. I want to
keep in sympathy with them, and this
helps. I want them to think their
father and mother are not hopeless did
fossils when we join in their parties.
Maybe they will laugh at us behind ,
our backs, and think we are funny
freaks. Who knows ? I would give a
farm to be able to tell what to do to
bring up my children to make the sort,
of men ana women l would iiKe tnem
to be."
Wanted 100-lb. stock
pigs. O'Bsinnon & Neus
wanger. 18tf
Save Your Sole
On the Basis of Quality, Workmanship
and Prompt Service.
The B. & B. Electric Shoe Shop has been
purchased by W. B. Johnston, who asks for
your patronage on the following points of
WORKMANSHIP We have secured the
services of a thoroughly expeit repair
man who has spent 18 years at the game
and knows his work.
PROMPT DELIVERY When we promise
you a job of work at a certain time it
will be ready for you. You can depend
on us.
EQUIPMENT Modern machinery in every
detail helps us not only to turn out satis
factory work on time, but permits us to
do it efficiently at the lowest cost to you.
B& B Electric Shoe Shop
W. B. JOHNSTON, Proprietor.
and should pull pretty strong support
at th primaries and the general elec
If you, find pleasure in harking back
to the old days and some good peo
ple do read Lord Chesterfield's opin
ion of women, and thank your stars
that in some respects, at least, the
world has movetL and women have
moved along with it. Chesterfield
wrote some thirty years before the
American revolution. Some imp sug
gested to ua that Alliance men and
women will be interested in his views ways an alibi.
n the sex that has been maligned leer, with a virtuous and slightly bored
crface the cave men were alive. - I air, that the number had bees ordered,
the summer before the last man gets'
his license. All of us are more or less
slack about it. The only exceptions are'
the fellows who want some certain
number pretty bad, and get their re
quests and cash in early to avoid dis
appointment. The rest of us do it
when we get around to it, or when
the police or sheriff's force remind U3
about it. Usually the car is marooned
in the garage the first of the year,
and if we plan to take only a few
drives before spring, we postpone get
ting a license and take our chance on
arguing it out with the cops.
In the good old days, there was al-
We could tell the offi-
Box Butte Market
will be opened Saturday, March 4th in the
building between the Guardian State Bank
and Woods Barber Shop.
Fourth Street Market
will still continue business at the old stand,
and the same prices will be maintained, as
near as possible, at both places.
We Call Your Attention to a Few Special Prices
Sugar, 100 lbs $6.45
Flour, Pride of the Rockies, 48 lbs. . . $1.79
Peaberry Coffee, per lb. 24c
Blackberries, per gallon 86c
Apricots, per gallon 74c
Oranges, Sweet California Navels,
per dozen 26c and 31c
Peaches, per gallon 64c
Carnation Milk, tall can 9c
Fresh Eggs, per dozen 22c
Creameyr Butter, per lb 34c
These Prices Good at Both Stores
We now have one of the largest stocks of groceries in western Nebraska and are
Prepared to Meet Any and All Competition
We appreciate the business given us by the people of Alliance and surrounding ter
ritory during the past and will try to conduct the business in the future so we can still en
joy your liberal patronage. Respectfully yours,
Fourth Street Market--Box Butte Market
LEHR & HIRST, Proprietors
114 West Fourth Street 218 Box Butte Ave.
J...., iiri'l--l-u-j-.'.