THE ALLIANCE II Eli A LI), T UEsESYT tMltTAEYTnr inntuu C5 J C RANDOM SHOTS AVe move to strike out from the leather record all reference to the frroundhog and his shadow. An Harry tiantz would say, it's Incompetent, ir relevant and immaterial, and not shown that it took place in the pres ence of this defendant. Dad writes: A physician warns that it is very dangerous to throw off the covers and spring suddenly out of bed in the morning. It has been some years since we have been in any peril from that source. DO YOU KNOWTHIS MAN? A storekeeper noted for his laziness was sitting reading one day when a would-be customer entered. "I want a pair of shoe laces" she said. "I am very sorrv. madam, said the indolent man, "but would you mind coming in again when I am standing up?" i Or thisTwoman? They were returning from a club meeting and were discussing the so cial hour that had followed the busi ness session, when one of the ladies remarked: "That Mrs. Bumptious is positively the most ill bred person I ever saw, she actually yawned three limes while I was talking to her." "Perhaps she wasn't yawning," sug gested the other lady. "Maybe she was only trying to say something." In most instances the handwriting on the wall is indecent,- observes the Riff Raff editor of the Scottsbluff News. That lad has been around, ap parently. YOU TELL 'EM, DOC. The preacher was out on the links and thought a small moral lesson might not be amiss. "I notice," he remarked mildly, "that the players who get the lowest scores are not thoe who swear." "Why the hell should they?" snorted the gloomy golfer as he dug up an other slice of turf. Old Man Weeks refers to a popular make of car as a "worry wagon." Thi3 is nothing les3 than a miraculous deduction, for he never saw ours m liis life. ' TODAY'S BEST STORY. Two colored men were fighting and an officer arrested both of them. In 4eing arraigned before the judge the next morning the fellow who had the vorst of the battle was told he was charged with fighting. He said, "Judge, I wasn't fighting. Dat nigger knocked me down, kicked me, stamped on me mrl iKt hnnt mp un pverv wav. He didn't let me up, jest kept beatin me. Say judge, I never got so tired of a man in all my life. A Bridgeport girl advertises in a Denver daily that she would like to correspond with some nice young man, vith matrimony as an object. Some of the Lotharios in that town are miss ing a bet. YESTERDAY'S BEST STORY. ' An elderly man was1 persuaded by one of his sons to go with him to a boxing exhibition. The son paid for two $2 seats. "Now, dad," said the son joyfully, vnn'11 ba more excitement for your $2 than you've ever seen in your life before." . ' I The old man grunted. I t... ln,,Kta oKtuf Vint h $aid gloomily. "Two dollars was all 1 1 paid for my marriage license. The boys say, "If you will give Uf three dollars a day We will stay, as it beats making hay on a rainy day. Or sorting potatoes every day." Alliance had better get an X-ray. And next election day, the boys say, All off, you officers will go on the farm to stay Till the next election day Which Is very, very far away. So take my advice and throw the jail keys away. But it might be possible to stay If you officers would get down on your knees and pray That you might be elected again next election day, As we are making hooch night and day. If you will only stay awav Till the first of May, we will be 0. K. We will be in Alliance every other day To sell our booch and get our pay. We can't say how long we will stay, So plea?e keep the booze hounds away. Till next New Years Day. Now if you dont like our booze just stay away And we will be millionaires by New Years Day. And so when you read this, hang it up on a If you don't like our wine, We don't pay our fine, So we will lay it out in jail And cat out of your dinner pail. You can bring us our mail ?o we won't get stale While we are in the county jail. Married men may have better halves but it's equally true, according to Ed Reardon, that single men have better quarters. LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska: In the Matter of the Estate of JOSE SANCHEZ, Deceased: NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL RETORT AND PETITION FOR DIS TRIBUTION: Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested in the estate of Jos Sanchez, deceased, that Glen Miller, administrator of said estate, has filed in said court, his final account and petition for distribution of the resi due of said estate and that a hearing has been ordered on said account and petition before said court on the 11th day of. February, A. D.., 1922, when all persons interested therein may ap pear and contest the same. It is further ordered that the said administrator give notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing by publication of this order for three suc cessive weeks prior to said date of hearing, in the Alliance Herald, a legal newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in Box Butte County, Nebraska. Dated this 18th day of January, A. D., 1922. IRA E. TASH, (SEAL) County Judge. LEE BASYE, Attorney. Jan24-Febl0 Herald Want Ada are read. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a chattel mortgage dated Aug ust 8, 1921 and duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Box Butte County, Nebraska on August 17, 1921 and executed by C. C. Whitnack and K. E. Bessey to A. H. Jones Company, a corporation, to secure the payment of $325.00 with interest at ten per cent per annum upon which there is now due the sum of $236.90, default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceed ing at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, we will sell the property therein de scribed, to-wit: one Ford Touring Car No. 3,209,347 with winter top at pub lic auction at the northwest coiner cf the intersection of Third Street and Cheyenne Avenue in the city of Alli ance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on March 1, 1922 at 2 o'clock p. in. Dated February 7, 1922. A. H JONES COMPANY, A Corporation, Mortgairoc. BOYD. METZ & MEYER, Attorneys. Feb.7-Feb.28-Inc. NOTICE We are selling Rolly'g1 Everybody who tries Tanlae h Washday Wonder. We will deliver, something good to aay about it P. 13 Phone 661-W. Fortncr Bros. 18-tf Holsten. JJ Wanted 100-lb. stock Guard your stomach. It Is the foun-1 dation of health or disease. The world's most famous stomach medicine run a n'Rinnnn JPr Motto is Tanlac F. E. Holsten. 21 P13 U iiannOIl C INCUS Use Herald Want Ads for Results. WangCT. 18t Wanted 100-lb. stock pigs. O'Bannon & Ncus wanger. 18t A seed planted in fertile soil, if not deteriorated, will grr. Nature always does that much for us. But if you want products wor thy of your toil, there is much to know just how to plant, when, where and what. Send for our 1922 Year Book it's just full of descriptive information and costs you nothing. Send for it today. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SEED CO. DENVER, COLORADO. TIIIELE, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Herald Tant Ads Results. CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST. The services on Sunday were well attended and it was a great day which we spent together in worship and praise and edification. Judge Tash's address to the minister's class of In termediate boys was well received as was his address to the entire school. This will be a regular feature for some time to come to have someone address this class at least once a month. Forty boys were present to help make the 245 who were in the entire Bible school. Some time we will put on a real Rally Day and see how many we can accommodate in the Bible school. It is not often that we sidetrack the mid-week prayer meeting for other meetings, but this week on Wednesday evening at 7:30 a "Get-together So cial" is planned for parents and friends to get acquainted. You are invited to be present and have a good time. We are hoping for good weather so that many can eome and enjoy the good time. Fthers, mothers, older brothers and sisters we shall be happy to greet you at the church on Wednesday even ing. S. J. EPLER, Minister. This is til aire of condensation in news. The prize goes to the Fort Col- lins, ColCourier, which in very few. wards has conveyed the whole idea: I Sheriff Morse mado ' a business trip to Canon City Satur day. The sheriff returned.' OLE BUCK SAYS: If you feel flattered when you are appointed on a committee you are still young. I am willing to accept, turkeys on subscription; also elephants and gaso line and sliced plug smoking tobacco. This is no time for dignity. A doctor offered to cure all my ail ments for $500, but an undertaker un derbid him, so the family wants him to have the jod. Ole is the man who proposed, in lieu of a gasoline tax, a tax on cuss words. Think of a newspaper man who wants the members of his profes sion to pay all the spate's running expenses. The editor of a certain newspaper men's magazine is cogitating in his spare time over such important ques tions as this: "Take the dot on the i, for instance. Why was it put there, and when, and by whom?" After he finds out the whole truth he can tackle that age-old puzzler: Who killed Cock Robin? The Random Shots editor hereby humbly makes the amende honorable to Leo Uoyd and Gatenby, whom we are quite ready to crown with the laurel and proclaim passable poets. There was a time when we thought they were so rotten that comparison was out of the question. Our convic tions on this point were a trifle shaken when Doc Peet entered the lists, for Doc is worse than either of 'em. And now, unless Doc has removed to Hem ingford, there is a new entrant for the consolation prize. The Hemingford Ledger published it, under the heading, "A New Year's Surprise,' and that is as good a name as any. We haven't the heart to give it complete, but the fol lowing samples, taken at random show how much damage was inflicted on the Ledger's readers. Close your eyes and read: "The booze hounds have come to stay. The sheriff comes up New Years Day And takes the Hemingford boys away Because they were making booze every day- METHODIST CHURCH. A crowded house enjoyed the musi cal program by the large chorus choir Sunday night. The loose collection amounted to nearly $15, which will be used to start a song book fund. Judge Paine addressed the Sunday school for a few moments Sunday morning. No speaker who has ever visited our school in recent years has been more enthusiastically received, nor better appreciated. We cons'der Judge Paine a really great speaker. Wednesday afternoon the Woman's home missionary society will meet with Mrs. R. M.' Hampton. Thursday evening the choir meets with Mrs. Dunning. Next Sunday night the pastor will begin a series of carefully prepared sermons on the subject of "The Dance. lhe first of these will be "Why the Dance is Wrong." We espe cially invite all young people and par ents of children or young people to at tend thi3 series of sermons. We be lieve the dance to be responsible for the corruption of our modem social life more than any other influence, and in these Sunday night sermons, will prove our contention. M. C. SMITH, Pastor. " BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday was in several respects a red letter day. The highest attendance at Bible school, and two large audiences at the main services, with the evening filling the building, when the fire boys came out in a body. They seem to appreciate the music and songs. The orchestra accompanying all the songs is a great improvement, and folks were not slow about expressing their joy. Each family who can is asked to donate a primary chair to the little tots, they cost a little over $1.50, but one dollar and a half will donate them one chair. Come prepared to buy them a chair.' We have three dozen chairs, and nearly every one of the new ones was filled last Sunday. Each class is asked to buy one chair. Two classes may go together and buy one. In this way we hope to pay for eighteen of them and the others to be paid out of the Sunday school treasury. The regular business meeting of the church will be held Wednesday even ing preceding prayer meeting. Let a good attendance be there. The pastor's femily has made a present to the church of the orchestrations of the Hymnal which the orchestra is using. A special life service sermon is in preparation and perhaps will be deliv ered next Sunday morning. A special Lincoln birthday lecture will be deliv ered Sunday evening with patriotic B4 ngs as special features. Plans for the spring evangelistic services are being formed and will soon be placed before the church for action. B. J. MINORT, Pastor. 4 ! You'll Want to Come It's the El Re ks Ywadevi 7 Acts 24 Alliance People All New Songs, Jokes, 'n' Everything One Night Only, at IMPERIAL THEATRE v ebpary THE Priday, 10 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiniiimnttmT THERE'S ONE SHOW ONLY Starting at 7:30 p. m. With a Three-Reel Comedy 4i;iiiiiiiiiiiiii:i:iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii;iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiimimmm imntnHMmm GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY It's For One Night Only And We Know You Will Like It Seven Snappy Acts Make a Varied Program HllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllillllllMII ACT 1 'THE MELODY MAIDS".. Featuring; ' Alice Buechsenstein and "Flo" Duncan in the latest popular song hits. tiniHinit:iinmimtKitta ACT 2 'THE BATTLE OF THE S. O. S." with Edwin M. Burr, George . Belshaw and Gaylord Chase - telling how they "fit" in France, iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmm ntiiiimiiiimiiininiiiiimmtt niNmimmmnmttmj ACT 3 "THIS, THAT AND EVERYTHING" A new comic skit show ing Phillips and Wible at their best. ACT 4 "TILLIE TICKLETOE" A comedy sketch with a heart interest. George Dorr, Raymond Iewis, Eliott Strand, Mrs. G. Dorr, Katherine Buechsenstein, Emma Barry and Margaret Carey. niiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiin;;tii!miiiiiiiniiimummj ACT 5 "A LITTLE BIT OF HARMONY" From II. D. Shellenberger Harry Johnson O. B. Adkins - and William Maunier ACT 6 "THE BOWERY KIDS' Singing and Dancing by Dorothy Fricke and Bob Gavin iiiiimni)i:rminiiiiiniiniiiiniiinimnmn :iiiiiiiiiniimiiiiini;iini;niiiniii?t ACT 7 "GASSOWAY AND HIS GAL" in a line of chatter feat uring Winnie Barry and A. II. Harper (in person) iiiiiii!imi)niiiiniii!iiiiiii;iiiii It Will Be the Vaudeville Hit of the Season ALL NET PROCEEDS FROM THE PRESENTATION OF THIS VAUDEVILLE SHOW WILL BE USED FOR LOCAL CHARITY. Alliance Lodge No. 961, B. P. O. Elks .ADMISSION: Children, 27c and W. T.; Adults, 50c and W. T.; Balcony, 68c and W. T. T t