Xl ft Miffing Official Paper of Box Butte County TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY OlTicial Paper of the City of Alliane VOLUME XXIX (Eight Pages) ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922. No. 13 1 TWO PRISONERS IN COUNTY THE WEATHER Forecast for Alliance and virinitv Fair tonight ami Wednesday; colder lonigm. nnilirn IIIRu I water than he was before., when rmr uHiILU II Ml tk Vcnitentiary sentence storing him In COLORED FORGER AND THIEF MAKE GETAWAY Harold Watkins Gives Self Up at T If X' It... 17.. Smoke la Still On II is Way "-face. .Now he has two offenses to X o r or The Inst legislature made AUTO5' king a felony, punishable by i -rfc ; ien years in me stale oem ten . County Attorney Basye has i nea a second complaint against Wat- kins, and will also iile one against Howing, in the event that good-natured smoke is recaptured and brought dock ior trial. GOVERNOR AND STATE ENGINEER ARE HEARD FROM LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT FOR BROADWATER BOOSTERS Harold Watkins, self-confessed au tomobile thief, and Jame3 Howard, colored, held for trial in district court on a charge of forging a friend's sig tiature to a check for his entire sav ings account, sawed their way out of the Box Butte county jail late. Satur day evening. Howard is believed to .have caught No. 42 out of Alliance srfiortly Afterward, and no trace of him has been discovered. Watkins struck out on foot up the Chadron highway and after going for twelve smiles, stopped at the farm home of James Chiison end there decided to give himself up. He was brought back to Alliance by George Gerdes and sur rendered without argument to Officer Stilwill at the city hall. He is now back, in the county jail. The prisoners staged their success ful iail-break between 11 and li:au Saturday evening, making their get .away by sawing out two bars from a window in the main cell room, then crawling out on the cement dome of the skvlizht. breaking a window lead ing back into the jail and then getting cut through Sheriff Miller's office. The -Mito taken bv the escaping men was MtW roundabout, and showed that they had had their eyes open as to possible outlets during tneir mcuitci All of the prisoners in the county lail, including Tom Gray, Schleve, Watkin's partner in crime and a Hem ingford man or two, .were in the cell room in the 3outh part of the jail. The worn not locked ud separately, but were allowed to ' roam through the -cells and the narrow corridor at will. The iv-irwlnw oneninar on the cement dome was accessible to every man m the jail, and all of the others could .have easily made their escape had ' 1-..J 1 aminvantlv the fOl- ered man and Watkins were the only J. M. Miller Sells Farm Near Alliance IV, C. T.U.WILL HOLD MEETING IN ALLIANCE REGIONAL CONFERENCE SATUR DAY AND SUNDAY State Department Han Not Yet Takei a Position on the North and South Road, But The Broadwater road boosters, who, through G. R. Harries, secretary of that town's chamber of commerce, re- t n niflr tfVnnnnnii Icently took up with Governor McKelvIe lO UICK U UanilOn i lhe Jmattr 0' the selection of the north and south through road through One of the biggest real estate deals Morrill county, has received a reply in Box Butte county in several months from his excellency as well as from was completed last Saturday, when State Engineer George E. Johnson, to Jesse M. Miller disposed of his bi whom the protest was referred. ranch, including thoroughbred Holstein I Neither of these letters holds out cattle and all -equipment to Dick much hope for. the Broadwater men, O'Bannon. Mr. O'Bannon plans to con-1 although, of course), a game is never tinue improving the place, and will I out until it's played out. conduct a modern dairy. ' In his letter to Governor McKelvIe, i Mr. Harries recoumea me siory oi uie Announcement has been made that scran between the Gulf-Plains-Canad- the city armory has been supplied with ian route, and the North Star. He standards and other paraphernalia to told of the deadlock in Morrill county make of it a first class arena for bas- and the designation of the road ketball frames. The plan is to form a throuch Bridcreoort as route No. 1 and number of city teams and play for the the Broadwater roan as Mo. J, ana i the understanding that tne state om cials would make selection between the two routes. He also charged that Division Engineer Gaddis or other state officials had never gone over the Broadwater road, but had seemingly approved the Bridgeport-Alliance road, He also told of the defects of that route, which ends in the middle of the sandhills, eight or nine miles from Al liance, and of the fact that the Box Butte county commissioners and the Alliance road boosters were much op posed to the approval by the state of the road as-laid out McKelvie's renly was short and to the point. The governor passed the buck to State Engineer Johnson, intimating, the while, that it was un likely either road would be built during the coming year, His letter follows? Governor Passes the Buck. ) Potash Suit Has Taken New Turn In Omaha Court The long-standing suit for recovery of $75,000 damages sought by Peter J. and Anna Long, former owners of a ranch near Alliance, Neb., upon which, after sale to John II. and Her man J. Krause, valuable potash de posits were discovered, was revived in Douglas county district court at Oma rrocram for Session Includes Talks h Saturday, says the State Journal. uer me rvrauses uuuuneu possession the Longs sued for recovery of $992000 damages, charging the Krauses used "fraudulent methods" In purchasing the Long property, which adjoined theirs, for the sum of $8,000. The present suit is against Ingvard Sibbernren, for $75,000, a judgment for which was obtained when the de fendants appealed to the state su preme court, before which a superse deas bond for $152,000 was required by the lower court, and which Sibbcrn sen signed. The Longs claim they are unable to collect the judgment fol lowing affirmation by the appellate court and they seek to have Sibbern sen pay it Attorneys for the defendants today city championship. In past years then has been considerable interest in bas ketball, and it is thought a series of contests will appeal to the public. GHARlESmTZ HELD ON CHARGE OF HOOCH TOTING WARRANT ALSO OUT FOR DE TENTION OF FORD CAR Farmer at Whose Ranch He Had At tended Dance Searched Car and Took Two Quarts cf Liquor ' T.Tvrm.N. Neb.. Dec. 27. Mr. G. R. Uar-fiao Rrmxlurnter. Neb. MV Dear Charles Peltz. farmer whose home is I w- u.L.' The matter referred to ;nes who cared to make the attempt J eighteen miles north C AlHance. -iiiHirt tfar letter- of December 0 With the two bars sawed ana pent Runn;ng Water precinct, was placed subject that comes almost wholly mw back, however, there was a space, of Saturdav afternoon when i the duties of the Secretary of the Kf ini,oXil inches, and possibly Tom under arrest baturday aiternoon wnen orlm.t nf Pubi;c Works, and I am ' . t ; ha omo Tft a 1 1 1 nncf wit n h ir pnn. on i r . . Gray and some cm VarVant and complaint which chare- referring your letter M mm -i Know miiii nnt nave crawieu uhuuk . --- . i . i riv inr nf th mprits oi mis crsc, ihe openinas enlarged, which would .,3 trKtlw lfauS ta . think 1 am safe in assuming that have meant more sawing and a greater ' WflSPc of very little will be done in the develop- chance of detention. IhichTri ment of either of these routes during -. t r u D.i,nnai. I . mon n I tnA f nrthcomint? VeRT, flaw uvu vj mi".... Uay OI January, iv&e..- xiierc me - - ".tr-i..l r.womnr ... a(...vu'M.mt. oo-ninct Ppltr. thA w fu and jours, a. k. jiicivci, .v rr1! ...A..vtMA rr rno kmw wilii mun -vmih . v..f . . .the bars were cut has been explained unlawful transportation of intoxicat- And then( a fcw days later, came a ixne odia .miiraKer. that inor 1 auor. and having intoxicating rnm stnti F.nirineer George E. . Mvend months ago they entertained liquor in his possession at ;a place other johns0n. Mr. Johnson's department veiJ " " 7.r,Jri.i oirostAH on a than his dwelline. ProkoskL who is COT1f - mat, to the Box Butte "charge of breaking into the home of charged with the second count, has not comrnisaioners, upon which was drawn Fd Schwasinger. a mile west of the yet been arrested. the Bridgeport-Alliance rpad as ap- ;Stv McDonald was arrested and later, Complaint was made by a rancher d by Mr. Gaddisf and suggesting ntenced I to tte penitentiary. The' who staged a New Year's dance for hat pom actlon be taken to connect entencec , to ww a the h ia friends. Pett attended the dance, r"0" jnv,nn proceeds to follow laTtLt he Psd naU saw, and the rancher grew suspicious of pernor's TeadT His letter bears Jail, that e posbchhcu went flnd gearched n k .. . tiepartn1ent Wnicn nau uee.i " . J: lu- t.--.I IT- tA n.mrta ni "B " . "V ' .1- o i.inn A to iivaq One of these pieces was uu- tno t v. c r las noi as yei "! - 'Sowed inside the lapel of his coat , moonshine liquor concealed therein ,he location of a north and south road d another in the bottom of his shoe. 'which he brought in and delivered to and anyway, that there is no money The S was never found, although the officers. . available to build such a road. A bit Jhe officers knew! from the size of the Peltz was arraigned Saturday after- f rther alo in the ,etter he declares fnund that mere was huiu umu "V ;- , i niS convicnun uii - ;,. , p eces louna, . fhR!Toapnh A. Pe tz and John Havranek.l k rvrnt t me should be used litis " - . r- A .... o )uiciw."- .,- . r. From State and National Offi cers and Local Speakers Alliance will be host to a regional W. C. T. U. conference on Saturday and Sunday of this week, when dele gates from the counties of northwest ern Nebraska will come to Alliance for a two-day convention,, to be held at the Presbyterian and Baptist hcurches. An extensive program has been prepared, and there will be nil dresses by state and national workers, as well as local speakers. Delegates are expected from Scottsbluff, Chnd ron, Hay Springs, Rushville, Kimball and other towns, as well as a good st temlance from Alliance and Hemin ford. Following is the program for the meeting: Conference team Mrs. Lela G. Yy&r, state president; Miss Amy Spald. in it. Upland. Indiana, national regional director of Americanization; . Mrs. Mary Lee Seibert, state corresponding secretarv: Mrs. Harriet Vance, editor Union Worker; Mrs. Harriet Sylvester, Scotts Bluff County president; Mrs. Agnes Kecgan, state superintendent social welfare; Mrs. Rose B.. Wilkin son, Bethany. Saturday, January 14 9 A. M. First Presbyterian Church Child Welfare Mrs. Sylvester. Organization and Membership Mrs. Seibert. Social Welfare Mrs. Keegan. Song "Brighten the Corner Where You Are." Wompn in Industry. ( Each topic presented to be followed by general discussion.) Noon-tide rrayer, , 5 t , 12:00 Noon. C0c Chicken dinner to be served by Presbvterian ladies auxiliary. . fcvery body invited First coma first served. SECOND STILL DISCOVERED IN SIOUX COUNTY ALLIANCE OFFICERS MAKE AN OTHER SUCCESSFUL RAID Emmett Johnson and Olaf ShoIandeJT Arrested and Taken to Harri son for Arraignment Alliance and Box Butte county officers, assisted by Sheriff Georg W Hill of Sioux county, made a second joint raid on land owned by Emmttt Johnson, and for a second time wer successful. The raiding party consbU ed of the Sioux county sheriff, Deputy Sheriff Tom Miskimen of Alliance Chief of Police C. W. Jeffera and ft special deputy, and the raid was made Sunday afternoon. The ranch la sit uated eighteen miles "west of Heming ford, and part of it lies in Box Bult fcliVtT n r nrvh-nw nH county and the rest In Sioux county charged Attorneys B. G. Bwbfnk and ,n thu there nou,d u M Lonsrs. are liable to be held in con tempt of court inasmuch as an action U pending in Alliance by the Krauses, in which they affirm the judgment turainst them was obtained through perjured testimony ana wnicn tne court there granted a temporary in junction prohibiting collection by the Longs. HEMINGFORD MEN SLOWLY BEING TRIED DAVIS CRIST PAYS A FINE OF $100 AND COSTS. Devotional Rev. A. J. Kearnsi Potts, Lehman and Chapman Are to Have Their Inning In County Court Thursday, culty, should the still be discovered in either county, both Sheriff. Hill and Deputy Miskimen carried warrants from respective counties. 1 . On Monday of last week, the samft bunch of officers swooped down eia other land owned by Johnson, six miles farther west On this occasion Jack Woods, a tenant was placed under r rest and a still, forty feet of coil, thirty gallons of rr.ash and some of th manufactured liquor were confiscated. In the. second raid, Emmett Johnson and his son-in-law, Olaf Sholanderk were placed under arrest They wer brought to Alliance Sunday evening; and taken to Harrison Monday morn ing, where they will be tried. Thm officers were successful in finding evervthinsr connected with a first class distillery, with the exception of th still. There were 140 gallons of maah, a gallon and a half of the finished Emluct, a condenser nd a three umer oil stove. The outfit was le- . cated In a cave out in the middle of the praire, a couple of miles f rpro. the, houso. . . . .: s ... . Woman Gave the Tip. It is believed that the wife of Jack . Woods, arreRted in the first raid, wm.. Tm tiff ATI A K !o-Vif mutt rjinfurid 15 the" New Year' raid on a tailor Ifc?1?! J5? .ff? Scientific Temperance Instruction shop in Hemingford are coming before woman to keep her mouth shut, but h Mrs. Vance. the cadi and accepting their medicine. rmsBed through Alliance on her way toy- Americanization Miss Spalding. The fifth one to receive sentence was Denver a few days after Woods wee Muric Vocal solo. Mrs. J. S. Rhein Davis Crist barber, who had been arre3teL It is eported seven gatlon accompanied by Mrs. B. Ponath. I released under $500 bonds pending a 0f hooch were were manufactured and Temperance ana wissions airs, hearing lasi rriaay. m uw umnuuu sold between Aionaay. wnen wooaa Literature Mrs. Rose B. Wilkinson. Our Papers and Seibert 7:30 P. M. Devotional Rev. M. C. Smith. Music In Charge of Campfire girU "Our Work for Young People and Children," Mrs. Seibert. "Young America" Miss Spalding. "The Power of the Press in Law Enforcement" B. J. Sallows, of that dav he appeared before County wa. arrested .and Thursday. Judge Tash and entered a plea of Johnson was quite Indignant whe guilty to a complaint charging him the officers proposed taking him t with the illegal possession of intoxicat- . jaij. He called attention to his church ing liquor, and was assessed a fine of and 0dge affiliations as an evidence of $100 and costs amounting to $14.75, nis high character, but the officers which was paid. ' were not convinced, the evidence being There remain to be tried Lloyd too strong for them. Chapman, Jim Potts and Fred Lch-I Johnson has been in Box Buttt. man. Trial has been set for Thursday county for a number of years, and la l morning before Judge lasn. v.cu known. He comes from Nona Of course, piece contemn . 1 to annear for trial February 3. it" ."U,,, north road the missing piece of the saw, it The Ford car named in the com- the Broadwater and Bridgeport ,wlons had been hidden in the plaint has not yet been secured by the t are north roads. Mr. Johnson s 5f-tte in McSd's cell. At the officers. They made a trip out in the ntribut,0n to the discussion reads in 1 iL time the saw was discovereu, ine .officers placed new mattresses -in the cells and the old ones were kept m a storeroom. New Year's day, when the county to get it, but the machine in uVnrh thv rode broke down after cov ering ten of the eighteen miles, and the officers were forced to return to hie crowd of guests irom nenim6nu u arrived, it was necessary to nave mic .mattresses, and tnese were uimsn out and put in use. According to some of the prisoners who did not run awav, Watkins and Howard did not discover the saw until Saturday even ing, when one of them turned the mattress over and the saw, m striking the floor, made its presence known. w.tu tho cow in their possession, the two men waited until the officers has chosen the following closed- nnnA TV 1 thincs had tiuieted down, 0Den shop nuestion. "Resolved, That " a o.ort,i in work. It was a matter the Movement of Organized Labor for t o fpw minutes to make their the Closed Shop Should Receive the to Watkins, they Sunport of Public Opinion." met no one. . . ... The percentage plan of determining The prisoners were not missed until district championship honors will be about 3 o'clock Sunday morning, when used in nearly all of the eleven dia- vt.-i. wthman Wiliam Maunnier tricts. in place of the straight elimin- thoueht he noticed someone coming ation plan heretofore used. Under the .... tt nurt Vinuse basement and new plan the eeneral procedure will "with Officer Stilwill and Sheriff Miller, be that each school in a district will r?r,"rui7wndWorkl There has been.wme little discus- Carolina, and there a friends whA . i.i. I ciftfi nvor th fact tnai inese men nave vu.aii thnt in the nast he nad aerenaea Rev A ' bee" hf,d in lail for Rveral lay8 the making of moonshine In his natirft without even a preliminary hearin Ptate, explaining that there was s sw but the word goes oui inai in cse PUg 0j corn, ro rowis to naui u this nature, or any other nature, the town and that it wasn't right to see i High Schools to Debate Question of Closed Shop For its fifteenth annual contests the Nebraska High-School Debating lea- a.! ,im a moila The men I mtmt 0vrirv nthpr. an mvesugnuuu - -- - - r -1 ------- had not gone oui wtouku ment but through one of the rear win dows on the ground floor. Left Note for the Officers. it la ronnrted that Howard, the col i or, loft ft most iaceuuua huic i.iom, - - i, . ... v' .i ... for the officers ana counxy aiionicy, I nonors in me jiuiuiirtcni v.:u u i,i..i.rp,i in some more or less 1 This year the Alliance team is sched- TMllWl lie ...vv-e,-- I... . I . 1 ,! r,..i natured ioking aDOUl ie c&cuyc. i uieu m iiktci, viuuivu, ' '" H mentioned the fact that he con- will debate with Gering, Scottsbluff, Uayard, Bridgeport and iJix, District debates will begin early in February and continue into April. The state debate tournament, in which the eleven district championship teams will compete, will be held at the Uni versity of Nebraska in May. t or several years, Alliance nas won tv,a nffirer here a pretty easy i u on,i rWlared that he could have left any time he wanted to the weather didn't suit him and he was until travel conditions eot bet- .'- iia. hi A the authorities a fond farewell, and promised that when he T umlershin" Mrs. Wilkinson. is no money avm uu.c i D n, ..W5nd the Rjblwn Round the this mad. me roau can.. v . Girls. il A. iL. nnAT I 4 I . J . wiinoui vne ri..v... . . ,,Th Nineteenth Amendment a iard and until funds ai e I ... . . i-ji,t.ii, imr.n). . irirsv Am iu urc . .... It is predicted that potato ship ments out of Nebraska may reach a total of 4.000 cars this year. So far this season. 2,513 cars, or about three fourths of the potato crop of west . A-.i '.- .nM ivrito mrain and era Nebraska, have been shipped as lF?c"4 .'"T"" T.7 ,m.wl with IJtai raf un to the .onii hia ttesz rerarus. .. - - . ...f ...... .. -r Wotvina nri nimseir in nuiw oure this fashion nwrni M Krh.. Jan. 2. 1922 Mr, r. n Harries. Broadwater, Neb. Dear Sir: The governor has gone over your letter with me and requested me to an swer same. . . ' . In answer, wish to state maium department has not taken any position up to this time as to the proper loca vf tfco nnHh and south road throutrh your county. At the presert time there construct be constructed oiiaKio it it useless for this depart mcnt to spend time and money mkiri5 surveys, as any luture coumy "". that may come in office can control te expenditure of this money; however, wish to state mai inn uei'irc'" .iu K .-iilin(r to spend the mnocy coming to the county on any feasible road that can be locatea nonn ai south through your county connecting up with other state highways wneie i will serve the greatest number of pen- t" . . . .1 - 1 have mstruciea mr. uuui ' h the count v board of Box rinttA rmmtv and eet all of the infor mation that he can as to me uinercm. ini south from that county, and that the money available at the r,wsent time should be u-ed on a north wi ii it I onlv a short distance to iVia rnuntv linn an d Box Butte will lie in a position to construct its part of the highway at any time aiornu couni) ia in similar position. 1 would advise tnai you ute uu matter up with the county board, as I nm informed that two OUt of three tremhem have acrreed to spend the monev romintr to the county on the north and south road through Bridgs- port Very truly yours, GEO. E. JOHNSON, Secy I ' (Continued on page 5)' Son ir. "The Ij&w, Our Defender' J. Kearns. j . . "Christian Citizenspip and law en forcement" Mrs. Dyar. Music. Benediction. Sunday, January IS Second Anniversary of National Prohibition. Baptist Church. 2:30 P. M. Song Service In charge of Mrs. C, IL Fuller. : . . ' Scripture reading Iocal Chamnan. . Prayer Rev. B. J. Minort. "Why We Celebrate" Miss Spald ing. : . eading Mrs. Dyar. ' Song "America," and salute to the Flag Boy Scouts. ' "'ITie World Looks to us ior morai prisoners may ask for an arraign- 0 to waste. ment, but that trial cannot be forced - ; i .!ii mm am jtniinrv nrinr i ney for four days, this amount of time'. Alliance CagerS being considered necessary to enable ( , either fiile to iret ready for trial. In the cases of the Hemingford men, those who desired have been permitted to plead guilty within a short time after they made up their mind to take r7el m ina y K ng 'and areUsfiexi ' coin high school cagers at the Y M. C. L take all the time that has been A. FridaynlKht by the score of 12 t given them in order to get ready to make. Uie mQ-Sl pij.ineir uuy iii vwuv. Lose to Lincoln Friday Evening Alliance high school lost to the Lln- mont" Rev. S. J. Knler. Sone "Work for Enforcement Where You Are". "Take Time to Be Patriotic" City Manager N. A. Kemmish. "For the Sake of Our Future Citi " Kev. B. J. Minort Appeal for Community Cooperation Mr. Dyar. Singing "ur &pangieu uanner. First Presbyterian Church. 7:30 P. M. Song Service Union Choir. Devotional Rev. S. J. Epler. Anthem. Address Miss Spalding. Male Quartette. "Is Law to Be Sovereign?" Judge . E. Tash. Violin Solo Thomas Bass, accom nanied bv Mrs. B. Ponath "A Are its nomes o is uie sma lion" Rev. M. C. Smith. Singing "America. Benediction. OQ The T?oH and HlaCK OUI passeu Jl- liance during the entire game but th Alliance lads put up a husky battl fmm the start to finiKh. according to the State Journal. ..The breaks were ugain.t Alliance in the goal nt County Judge-Tash r- m i r-1 i J 4. bUDmitS OiaiemUIll I r Dh-se of the Kame the ball failing rf LVna fnr-101 to "htick" on many occasions when it OI rCCS lUr L'J-1 found the hoop. The tpeedy westerners were unabls County Judge Ira E. Tash has sub- to More jn the opening half but in the mitted his annual report or lees re- pecon,i period pnea up six iic.u w ceived during the year 1921 to the with a raPility that had the LrneobA county commissioners. The record for fans 60mewhat worried about the out the year was pettcr, nnanciunj, uun . COme or me game. v .. during 1020, when there wa3 an ex-; re stood 15 to 10 in favor of Lincoln cess of Just $2.80 after the judge s with the Alliance quintet going at top salary and other expenses were iiu gpeetU f This year the judge has turned over to rjr0wn was tne ste,lar P"ormer.I,c the county treasurer a Ui the Kett ana eiac - f 00.75. , . for Lincoln. ' T w ." ' The lees, oy monum, i i threw six u y' lows: January, 137: Webruary, Cros8 and Dailey of the visitors threw $180.45; March, April, fao.- four points eacn, powi piayi"K SO: May. siao.vu: June, i.voi ful basketoau. jouer uu $159.75: AUgUSt, iZVl.6V, oeptemuei,! Kuara Jtcpt me wncoiu wo' iTi2in. niier siki.95: November, 1 1, nn KWtH from start to finish. . . - . V.U M-Q. $21G.40; uecemper, iwui The passing on o Jack Miller, formery oT Alliance, has accepted a. position aa salesman with the Western Furniture and Cas ket company of Lincoln, and will travel in this territory, making Alliance every two weeks. , . o sn -The disbursements include: Judge's salary, $1,900; clerk hire, $208.55; t.wtnu-e S12: typewriter ribbon, $1; exces.4 fees paid treasurer, $60.75; io vis so. 'u""l T-.-- . . ... , The finea and lorieiiures ior mo ear. collected and pa to the county treasurer, amountei to i,rj.u. un claimed witness fees amouniea u omy $3.30. With excess fees ot fW.it, tne total paid to the county treasurer was $l,b58.&&. Attornev Lee Basye returned today from Hyannis, where he has been on legal business. cellent and the game became a contest of passing aDiiuy nuitt shooting Ibility. The short snappy tosses of the Lincoln team gave thenx the advantage over the Alliance team since the latter were taking chances lornr distance in hopes of getting the . breaks and scoring something. . .. M This was Alliance s mum her trip during the Christmas yaca. tion. She had won six and lost Uirea games. The boys are a apieuuiu of young fellows with worlds of speed and a great amount of accuracy. Their schedule this season calls for aomsj thirty games, ' " "Li. -