The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 16, 1921, Image 7

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iw-w ' I.P "nm-im II I iipvr apavrigi ... W!STVa TO
Official American Legion Jewelry
A complete assortment of
Belts and Buckles in beautiful
Gift Boxes.
$2 to $8 ' , :
i JjANA FlUJEfl;
What Win Him More?
A box of choice Cigars will
reach his heart.
i : , A M H g
The hiirh brilliance, -line colorWfect cutting and choice material of our diamonds make them especially ap
propriate for Christmas presents. Our prices are extraordinarily low. If you want a good diamond at reduced
prices come to Thiele's.
$15 AND UP.
if"-; - -
$10.00 down , brings . this
beautiful instrument into your
home Christmas with many
choice records. $2.50 a week
pays for it ; ' ' v
Saturday Specials .' k
ft K'
25 OFF
y To C J
The Alliance exchange of the North
western Bell -Telephone company re
ceived a visit for two hoars between
trains Thursday from D. E. McPher
n, Jr., Miss Lola Fox and Miss
Sylvia Sigmundson of Uarve, Mont,
who are on. their way to Denver
where they are to receive Theodore
N. Vail bronze medals for heroism in
connection with their duties as em
ployes of Mountain States Telephone
company, a subsidiary of the Bell sys
tem. These three employes, on Sep
tember 9 last, were In the Harve ex
change. A boiler in the Montana
Power company plant, to the rear, of
the building where the exchange is
situated, exploded with terrific force,
sufficient to move' one wall of the
building a distance of six inches.
These three employes stuck to their
posts and continued to give service to
telephone patrons. In addition to
their reward of a bronze medal, they
twelve ten day vacations and a trip
to Denver, where the medals will be
bestowed with appropriate ceremonies.
Tuesday evening the football boys
were entertained at a fried chicken
dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miski
men, assisted by Miss Avis Joder and
Miss Edna Benedict The table was
beautifully decorated with roses and
the dinner was served in four courses.
Those present were Coach F. C
Prince, Captain Frank Daily, Lester
Cross, Ralph Garvin, Seth Joder, Cecil
Beat, Lester Herman, Fred Purdy,
James Fowler, Bernard Nolan, Martin
Brennan, Raymond Brown, Lester
Miskimen. Robert Gavin, Newman Kil
gore, Robert Bicknell and Lee Strong.
Mrs. Minor .Morris entertained
Thursday afternoon at 1:30 at a four
. course luncheon and bridge party. 1 he
tables were beautifully decorated with
Christmas decorationb and red and
trreen candies. The guest list included
Nesdames H. E. Gantz, Robert Red
dish, Howard Reddifh, W. B. Bamett,
W. R. Metz, Fred Helpbringer, M. it
Baskin and Addie Durham.
Miss Mildred Reed, of Hemingford,
has accepted a position with the Bur
lington, taking the place at the freight
house of Miss Lael Linendoll.
A. M. Gaddis, division engineer of
the state highways, was in Alliance
Wednesday on busienss.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Tuchascher and
family, of Hemingford, were Alliance
visitors Wednesday. . ,
Mrs. Frank Rogers, of Antioch, was
in Alliance Wednesday having some
dental work done. -
Mrs. William Steel find daughters,!
of Mlsworth, were' in the city Wed
nesday. ' , 1
Mrs. H. P. Holt and daughter, Enid,
of Antioch spent Wednesday in Alli
ance. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Benschotter
of Hay Springs were In ..Alliance
i Tusday Judge Tash issued a marri
age licence to Charles Z. Sulzbach and
Miss Laura E. Zurcher. Mr. Sulzbach
lives about twenty-four miles north
east of Alliance, and Miss Zurhcer
lives in Sheridan county. , ,
S. C. Windham, local commercial
manager for the Northwestern Bell
Telephone company, , left Thursday
evening for Plattsmouth, where he will
visit with relatives over the, Christmas
holidays. ,
Mrs. H. A. DuBuque left Wednesday
night for Chadron where she took the
train for Mitchell, S. D., where her sis
ter, Mrs. J. C Lehman, is seriously
ill with lobar pneumonia.
The Methodist choir met at the home
of Mrs. Henry Davis, 915 Box Butte
avenue, Thursday evening at 7:30.
There was a very good attendance and
excellent music
John O. Shigley and Mrs. Edith A,
Donohue, both of Antioch, were quiet-
ly married Wednesday afternoon at
the court house by Judge Tash.
Dr .knd Mrs. Lee Farmer have
taken rooms with Mrs. A. Sweet
Han Jagger, of Hay Springs, was a
""tmness visitor in Alliance Wednes
day. "-,',
(Continued from Page 1.)
ed the bank. If the money was loaned
to the bank at 5 per cent for only six
months, it would go to the customer at
7 per cent, or If it was loaned to the
banks at 54 or 6 per cent, with priv
ilege of renewals up to three years, it
would be loaned to the customers at
an advance of 2 per cent above the rate
Mr. Flannigan said that they are
loaning 95 per cent on Liberty bonds
and par on Victory bonds. Property
statements are obliratbrv with all
. notes turned in as collateral by banks.
1 he following resolution was adopt
ed by the Alliance Lions club at its
meeting Thursday evening, and was
immediately read to the bankers:
Whereas, it is a well known fact
that the recent restriction of credits
in western Nebraska, as well as other
localities, has resulted in serious in
jury and financial harm to this entire
territory, and
Whereas our progressive bankers
have shown their spirit of helpfulness
and their desire to be of material aid
and assistance by their recent action
in organizing to secure federal aid for
our stockmen and our farmers, and
Whereas we understand that they
are now in session, therefore be it
Resolved that we. the members of
the Lions club of Alliance in regular
session, do hereby endorse the work
al"-fiv done hv our bankers, and be it
Resolved that we extend to them
our expression of hearty support and
approval and be it
Resolved that we urge upon them
the necessity of prompt and immedi
ate action and that we urge them to
continue their efforts, in order that
needed funds be brought into our ter
ritory for the stimulation of business
and the restoration of our spirit of
progress, and be it
Resolved that we tender a copy of
these resolution at this time to the
bankers now in session,
' (Continued from Page 1.)
they would meet this road at Letan,
on the county line at the place where
the tracks enter the county. ,
The matter was regarded as settled.
Then, a week ago, the Morrill county
commissioners, over the protest of an
Alliance delegation, designated a to
tally different route. The road as des
ignated goes north from Angora to
Bonner, some nine miles west of Alli
ance. Under this plan the Box Butte
commissioners would have to build a
road to a point out in the middle of
the sandhills, some twelve or fifteen
miles out of Alliance, to connect with
To Call in State Engineer.
The commissioners decided that in
asmuch as they had Been asked to go
on record as to the Morrill road, and.
had agreed to meet it near Letan. they
wouki stand by their agreement A
letter from the state engineer a office
was received by the commissioners thisi
week, asking them to make plans to
connect with the Bridgeport road.
Division Engineer .Gaddis was in Alli
ance Wednesday, and urged them to
designate the route desired by the i
neighboring county. I
It is planned to ask State Engineer
Johnson to come to Alliance to meet
with the Box Butte and Morrill com-i
misaioners, and see if the track road
cannot be used. It is pointed out that
the sate engineer's office wishes a
ScottbblufT road, and that the road to
connect with the Bridgeport road can
not be used for but a small portion of
this. It is thought that if the fctate en
gineer will come ,and give a definite
statement of the roads the state will
approve, some definite action can be
The commissioners made it plain
that if the Morrill county commission
ers insist on a connecting road with
the Bonner strip, which ends in the
sandhills, they will see if, as a com
promise, the Broadwater road cannot
be built It is declared that the Bridge
port road, as placed at present, will
not serve any gre at number of people
in either Box Butte or Morrill coun
ties and that a possible compromise,
whereby the Broadwater road and a
road through the western end of the
two counties, giving a straight route
from Bayard to Crawford, should
prove acceptable.
A point in favor of such a compro
mise is that the North Star highway,
if not dead, is slowly dying.. It orig
inated in Colorado, and according to
Commissioner Carrell, who has been
over that route recently, the Colorado
organization has ceased to exist The
Broadwater route, on the other hand,
is a part of a national north and south
highway, the G-P-C which is going to
go through.
Objections to Bonner Route.
The designation of the Bonner route
is meeting with considerable objection,
not only in Alliance, but in Morrill
county. It is understood that Hall &
Graham, through whose ranch it goes.
will contest the routing and fencing of
it tnrougn tneir ranch, and while the
right of the state to condemn land for
road purposes it not denied, there is
some question whether a road can be
condemned unless it follows section
lines. This is an added reason why
the track road from Angora to Alli
ance should be followed. It is under
stood there is now a remonstance being
circulated in Morrill county, which ia
being lagely signed.
According to statements made by
Division Engineer Gaddis, the next
road to be luilt must be a north and
south connection, and after that the
state authorities are in favor of a
road between Scottsbluff and Alliance,
It Im planned to take the matter up
with the head of the state bureau, and
see exactly what roads will be accept
able. It is believed that with the
commissioners and the Alliance and
Box Butte county road boosters work
ing together, real progress can at last
be made in road construction. There
are still some $48,000 of federal aid
funds available for use in the county,
and this is believed sufficient to Ut.e
care of the present program.
, Plenty of County Roads.
The Hashman road will be kept up
as a county road, under present plans,
and a series of feeder roads will be
built over the county, connecting all
parts of it If the state authorities
Insist on making Box Butte connect
with the Bonner route, it is believed
that a county road can be built saving
state maintenance for Scottsbluff and
Broadwater routes. A proposed county
road will go through the western part
of the county some of the.e days, to
connect Bayard with Crawford. This
road has already been marked with red
and wnite by Crawford and Bayard
Jjuidid uoji jo 69)b iq-MAag naooq
will be placed along ,the entire route,
i All thre of the Bor Butte commis
sioners spoke and acted in a way which
"showed that, so far as they were con
cerned, there was nothing to do but
ret together. The session was noted
by an entire absence of acrimonious
discussion. Chairman Duncan of the
hoard produced map. made four
years ago, at which time a road pro
gram for the county was framed. This
map showed that the commissioners ut
that time favored a road to Heming
ford along the Burlington right-of-way,
and from Hemingford to Craw
ford. It showed also that a road had
been designated north from Alliaace,
angling toward Hay Springs inste id
of Chadron, as it has been constructed.
The map also showed the Potash high
way and a designated strip along the
Burlington tracks to the southwest, to
ward Angora, reaching to the county
line. The agreement reached i3 in
line with the road program as origin
ally planned, when state and federal
aid first came into existence.
In society at heme in business
to your sweetheart is it an easy mat
ter to always speak "Nothing But the
Truth"? See it tried by Bob Bennett
in the High School play. 6-7
Miss Lael Linendoll, formerly em
ployed in the Burlington freight
office,' has resigned and expects to
leave soon for a visit in Michigan with
Do you enjoy a comedy with a plot
and full of action ? Do not fail to Bee
"Nothing But the Truth" December 22.
Reserve your seats early at Holsten's
Drug Store. 4 6-7
- If you think courtesy doesn't cost
anything, just try loaning a newly
rigged out fishing pole.
Band Concert at
jthe Roof Garden J
Sunday Afternoon:
J. P. Mann's concert band will giveti
a public concert at the Lowry &:
Henry roof garden Sundajr afternoom
at 3 o'clock, to whieh the public ba'
been issued a cordial invitation. Mr..,
Mann has been engaged for several
months past in organizing a band for-'
Alliance, and the Lions club of this.'
city is now considering plans for pub
lic support of the organization. If.
financial matters can be arranged Al- ;
liance will have a series of public bandJ .
concerts during the summer mont)
Sunday's concert is intended to show,
the city what has been accomplished! '
by the band under the handicap of in- .
adequate finances, and is a bid for
public support.
The program Sunday will include;
the following selections:
"The Rifle Rangers", King.
"Joy to the World" (Sacred Pot-,
pourri), Bamhouse. ;
"Hosts of Freedom," King.
"An Autumn Romance," King. j ,
"Harmony Heaven", Barnhouse.
"Southern Home", Alles.
"Santa Rosa," Kiefer.
"Evening Shadows," King.
"The Fash-on," Kiefer.
"The Joy Riders," King.
"The Star Spangled Banner."
To the business man, retail or wholesale; to the manufacturer; to the commU
ion man; to the trucking company, the Ford Model T One Ton Truck makes
an irresistible appeal because it has in its chassis all the merits of the original
Ford car; the wonderful Ford Model T Motor, the dependable Vanadium steel
chassis, and the manganese bronze worm-drive. A strongly built truck that
serves satisfactorily and lasts in service If these statements were not truer
the demand for Ford Trucks wouldn't be so constantly on the increase. We .
will be pleased to take your order for one or more Ford Trucks, will see that you
get reasonably prompt delivery, and will give you an after service that insures
the constant service of the Truck. But don't wait too long. Get your order
in promptly.
Coursey & Miller