- THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER G, 1921. five s, Usefa Gifts Hffii I Buy I - I A V The ladies of the Methodist church are staging a bazaar at the armory on Thursday of this week, and elabor ate preparations are being made to make it a notable event Among the features of the day are the serving of ' ' m 11-30 to 1:30 tiy 5:00 to 7:30. There will be a spe t,..uua nour iiom 4 to 5 p. m. A fancy work booth, country store booth, parcel post hcoth, fish pond for boy3 and girls, candy booth and Japan ese booth are among the attractions offered. In the evening a program will be rendered, consisting of musical numbers and readings. A parish social will be held In St. Matthews' parish house on Tuesday evening, December 6. All parishioners and friends are cordially invited to rt-tend. Mrs. William Glass entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cutts, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Atz, Miss Katherine Shriner and Fred Cutts at a Sunday dinner. J The senior and junior" classes of the high school are planning a skating party ror lironcho lake on rrulay evening of this week. , t . Miss Evelyn Stanley entertained a number of her little friends at her home Saturday afternoon, December 3. the occasion being her seventh birth day. I he afternoon was spent in play ing games with a dainty luncheon ' seneit at four o'clock. The guest list included Dorothy Ruth Wills, Caroline, and Hazel Garberg, Arline Ford, Mil-J dred Klassin. Winifred Sweet, Eunice' Nichols, DeBoris Jackson, Dorothy lie!, junior and Billy Hall, Frances O'Bannon, Alberta Brennan, Mary and Bessie McClure, and Arnold Ford. Mrs. W. C. Mounts will entertain the Woman's Christian Temperance union Thursday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Drake and daugh-, ter, Mardell, William Lamon and fam- j ily, Mrs. Henry Davis and Clay Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith. Henry Hier and Roy HofiNand of Antioch were hauling corn from the table, near Alliance Saturday. Mr. Hier had rather bad luck his wagon breaking down with a load of corn on. The banquet given in honor of the Alliance high school football team by ( the Domestic Science pupils Friday evening was a decided success. Menus were in the form of foot balls, were cleverly filled with foot ball terms which turned out to be very delicious food and drinks cooked entirely by the girls under the direction of their in structor, Miss Gist. The menu con sisted of fruit cocktail, Maryland chicken, riced potatoes, green peas, celery, olives and pickles, hot rolls, cranberry sherbert and individual cakes, coffee and after dinner mints. Instead of the regular services at the Christian church last night they had a joint meeting of the Young People's Missionary society and the Ladies' Missionary society. Mrs. Wade was the leader of the program and Mrs. Lamon had charge of the devo tional exercises. Revk Epfer gave a talk on "Home and Foreign Missions" and Miss Jennings talked on "The Women of Today." Miss Valentine Lawrence gave a reading and Mrs. Kenneth Mohrman and Mrs. Robert Atz sang a duet. A. B. Sturgeon, who is traveling for , the J. P. Colt company, left today for St. Paul, Neb., where he will make his headquarters for the present. Mrs. Ed. Whitaker of Berea suffered a badly dislocated wrist and fractured her arm last Friday night as the result of a kick from a Ford. The Woman's club will meet at the club rooms at the city library Friday afternoon at 2:45. Hostesses: Mes dames Bogan, Ida Johnson and Mary Laing. Subject, "Sculpture." "Tall: on Sculpture," Mrs. Reitha Laing. "American Sculptures," Mrs. Katheryn Mallery. "Noted Monuments or Am erica," Mrs. Anna Miller. "Noted. Statues of America," Mrs. Cox. The only change that has been made in the year book is Mrs. Alary Laing out ana Mrs. Amy, Sturgeon in. Miss Marguerite Briggs and sister of Antioch spent Saturday and Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Martha Patmore. A. Sweet, Burlington engineer be tween Scott3bluff and Guernsey is spending a few days with his family in Alliance. Mrs. J. A. Hunter will entertain the Methodist choir Wednesday evening at her home, instead of Thursday even ing. About thirty Alliance Odd Fellows are planning to attend a special meet ing of the Dalton lodge tonight Mr. and Mrs. J. Kridelbaugh return ed the last of the week from an ex tended trip to the west coast. ' Mrs. J. H. Conham of near Dunlap came to Alliance Saturday for a weeks' medical treatment. Mrs. A. R. Sturceon entertained this afternoon at 2:30 at four tables of Monte Carlo whist and a dainty three course luncheon at five. Those present were the Mesdames A. J. Cole, A. E. I Nelson. Ti. E. Knieht. Harrv Thiele. J. Armour, H. E. Marvin, J. S. Rhein, Harry DuBuque, Clarence Schafer, Fred Feagins, R. T. Morgan, W. E. Spencer, . u. HitcncocK, k. m. iin- Kom, ueoge wintzer ana k, l.. jonn etone. Mrs. S. W. Long will leave the last of the week for Lincoln, where she will spend the winter. Miss Mamie Collins entertained the Fortnightly kensington at her home Monday evening. ; - ' Mrs. E. R. Harris left Saturday for Omaha where she will remain till after the holidays. The Eastern Star will entertain all Eastern Star teachers this evening at the Masonic hall. C. A. Dow will leave today for Don ning to begin work on wiring the sta tion there. The regular "monthly meeting of Post M, Nebraska division, T. P. A., will me held at the chamber of com merce rooms at 7 o'clock Friday eve ning, December 9, 1921. Every mem ber is expected to be present, as there are several important subjects to con sider. The ladies are requested to be at the meeting place at 8 o'clock. There will be amusements; also some thing to eat. Miss Avis Joder and Commiss'oners George W. Duncan, A. C. Hashman and George Carrell left Sunday noon for Omaha to attend the convention of county clerks to be held December 6, 7 and 8. Miss Joder was accompanied by Mrs. Herman Nelson. They expect to return Friday. Mrs. Emma Kitchen, stenographer in the office of Judge L. A. Berry, re turned Sunday from Minatare, where Fhe has been for the past few weeks at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Fred Hellings, who has been seriousy ill. Mrs. Hellings has been taken to a hos pital in Scottsbluff. A meeting of all the women who signed the charter for the woman's auxiliary to Alliance post of the American Legion ha3 been called for 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening of this weeK at tne nome oi airs. An drew Dodge, temporary' chairman. The members of Kinunka Campfire held a meeting Monday evening at the home of their guardian, Mrs. George L. Burr. Plans were made for dis tributing Christmas baskets to the poor, and also for a Christmas party for the Campfire. The Woman's Sunday School class of the Christian church very pleasant ly surprised their teacher, Mrs. E. I. Gregg, this afternoon the occasion being her birthday. The Woman's guild of the Episco pal church will meet at the Parish house Wednesday afternoon at three 'clock with Mrs. Earl Mallery as hostess. Tha Westminister cuild will meet Thursday avening at the home of Miss Kuth Nation. All laaies imreKiu in the work of the guild are invited to attend. Miss Katherine Fletcher spent the week-end with her parents in Alliance. Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Baskin enter tained a few friends at dinner Friday. B. W. Keach has been quite ill for the past few days with the flu. Miss LaRue Davis, of Chattanooga, Term., only weighed 76 pounds. After taking three bottles of Tanlac, bha now weighs over 100 pounds and is enjoy ing the best of health. F. E. Holsten. Herald 'Vant Ads Results. 3 The ladies' auxiliary of the Preby terian church will be entertained by Mrs. W. C. Mount Wednesday after I Stationery 1 Stationery is one 3 gift most everybody g I welcomes. Always 3 useful and accent able ...... r i . rt 1 1 r ri tancy stationery, a 1 superior stationery. I F. J. Brennan For Santa's Pack MORE THAN EVER JTHIS YEAR YOU WILL SEEK PRESENTS THAT ARE USEFUL ..." , - , Why Not Buy a LUXURIOUS The most inclusive selection of beauti ful furs available is to be found at the Fashion Shop. Make your wife, mother or sweet heart a present of a fur. You can be sure she will value it highly. Exper ienced salespeople to help you make a selection. II , I 1 I I. HEALTHFUL If you buy a fur of the Fashion Shop you KNOW the qual ity and value is all, represented. Furs thb season are priced at al most 50 lower than in former years, and with our present discount they are. well under , -PRICE. Buy them now. ...... AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 Fora Short Time Only Certainly tm mtvm wwiwugim s-m!!wtw mmm &kmm mmm-m You Can Please Her With One or More of These BEAUTIFUL SILK PETTICOATS Blouses -Chemises Camisoles ttjL j lsioomers Night Gowns Pajamas ' 1 ' : Negliges Silk Underwear Gloves Handkerchiefs Boudoir Caps Bathrobes Teddy Bears Sweaters Vests Kimonos Hand Bags Veils Pettibockers Silk Holeproof Hose 1 in Christmas Boxes A splendid gift with months of service, is one of our special gift boxes of this famous hose. They come 3 pairs to the box. C2eTQ he FasMom Shop it: l ft noon. V ttw It'TV"