The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 22, 1921, Image 1

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Official Taper of Dox Butt
Official Taper of the City of Allianet
No. 10
nnnrn mmim
unutu idducu
$73,000 JUDGMENT.
-Allege Verdict Favoring Peter
Long Secured Through Perjury,
Fraud and Connivance.
Judge W. H. Westover, in district
.court at Rushville, last Saturday is
sued a temporary restraining order en
Joining Peter J. Long or his attorneys
akitur anv steps to collect a
judgment lor $75,000 against Krause
Brothers, John H. and Herman J., , the
Forecast for Alliance and vic'nity:
Unsettled weather tonight and Wed
nesday with possibly fnow. Rising
The Three-Day
Bargain Festival
Proves Success
The three-day iwgain festival in
Alliance, which will close Wednesday
evening, has proved a winner. Despite
the handicap of poor weather, there
have been good crowds in the city and
tn free shows at the Imperial Mon
day and thw afternoon drew good
sized audiences.
The management in charge of the
bargain festival had a bit of hard
luck. The "Midnight Frolic Extrava
ganza," which was scheduled to give a
Ats f wtmm has Since tliea. iniS tl f .Vol wt wifk fnanrlnl
-indo-ment was allowed by a jury in cus- j:fr:ujoa Bn,i dULnn.led two davs be-
' o , r -T inin vi. . v.... -
irici court at uman.i on June xi, xuxj,
.and last Friday affirmed by the su
preme court of Nebraska, which over
ruled a motion for a rehearing in the
ThM action by -the court throws
.pen one of the most interesting of
the potash cases. In 1917, the Krauze
brothers purchased the homestead of
Peter J. Long, in Sheridan county
containing a section of land. At the
.same time they purcnaseu ianu jiy...
.Long's father. The purchase price for
the two lots of land was $17,000,
Long' share of the money being about
45,000, which was not only a fair, but
a high price for sandhill land at that
time. A potash lake was on a part f-f
the land purchased from Long. t
Two years after the sale, while m
-Omaha',- John H. Krauze was served
-with a summons in a uit brougnt b
Long, who asked for almost a million
nr.' ji.n that the lake on the
-410iltli s, uncii. ft ,
land .-old to the Kiause's contained
t.otash to the value of that amount.
Long had deducted the purchase price
if the land from $1,000,000 and
brought suit for the balance. The case
was tried before an Omaha jury, and
Lone was given judgment for $5,000.
jVn appeal was taken to the supreme
.court, which has just affrmed the judg
ment of the district court jury and
denied a rehearing.
Say Long Bragged About Sale.
Attorneys for the Krause interests
allege that after making the saie,
long went about the country bragging
that he had slipped it over on krause
.and boasting of the price received by
Him for his land. lie is alleged to have
told a number of people, that the
Kraa-es apparently figured on finding
lotash in the lake, but that he had had
at tested and knew there was no pot
.sh of commercial value in it.
At the trial, Long is alleged to have
testifie.1 that he had never heard of
i. ir. timt vnirion. that he had
ievt-r had the lake tested, that he did
aiot know whether it contained potash
t-f value, but charged that Krause
, if nnr,ronci the knowledge
from him when the land was sold and
ihereby defrauded him in the amount
lore the festival began. Ihe wires
were kept hot for the next twenty
four hours, with the result that, with
the assistance of Jimmy Hughes of the
Imperial, four acts of vaudeville were
secured. These . are far above the
average and with a few reels of pic
tures, have furnished an agreeable
substitute for the midnight frolickers,
The vaudeville program is well balan
ced, and each of the acts has scored a
distinct hit.
The award of free prizes will be de
cided by a drawing to be held between
& and 6 p. m. Wednesday in ironi 01
the Imperial theater if the weather
permits. If not, it will be held ut the
roof garden.
Ora Phillips of Hemingiorci, tiwricr
of Flying Machine, I harged vtiin
Attempt to Defeat Justice. '
w r. Tlronlcs. well known in Alli
ance, where he has often appeared as
pilot for the Ora Phillips aeroplane,
was louna gumy 01 Hnemi'ic
Newcastle on Friday of last wetk, and
n sentenced to from fifteen to
twenty-five years in the Wyoming state
penitentiary', according w "' l"'.'
ed in Hemingford Saturday. Brooks
was charged wiin commaunj; mc
sault Fome months ago, but had beer
ss.nnn hail.
According to reports or tne inai, mt
first jury impaneled to try the case
disagreed, and a second jury' was im
paneled and the trial held immediate
ly. At this hearing, the jury brought
in a verdict of guilty.
PmnVc1 victim was the stepdaughter
of Jack Welch, at one time a bartender
Welch is naw a rancher
near Newcastle. The girl's mother
had a police court record in Alliance.
The girl was but fifteen years of age.
rv, Phillins is himself in bad ovei
the affair, a complaint having been
him with conspiracy to
defeat justice. The complaint recites
that he ottered zov 10 vne num" y
the girl on condition tnnt sne woui
Phillips was released on bond, and is
now at his nome in nemuiKiutu.
the application for the injunction be--x
T.,.t. wetnw Saturday, alleged
that the judgment for $75,000 was cb
Kv noriured testimony, fraud
aind connivance on the part of Long's
.iiwlirp Westover issued a
dlUVUtCJN T, - - . j
temporary restraining orttcr unu uacu
December 5 as the date for a hearing
-on a temporary injunction. If the
' temporary injunction is allowed, hear
ing on a permanent injunction will be
Jield at the next term of district court,
Sav Plenty of Witnesses.
The attorneys for the Krause n" FaiTlOUS HaS Special
... .... th- h-iv nt least twenty- A " 1
. five witnesses with whom Long had
conversations at the time of the sale
:and to whom he stated that he had
,.a m into tosted and that it did not
'. .contain potash in any amount that he
: .considered of commercial viue.
Thoe familiar with the circumstan
. it ia declared, have always con
f 1 a cuit in the lieht of an out-
' rage. They particularly object to the
fact that Krause was waymm
roV,a Bm ihe suit started there.
" 7.
Attorneys for tne krause
Inducements for All
Who Are Ready to Buy
Th Famons Clothine Store is offer
ing some special inducements to at
tinrt the, huvers from Box Butte conn
ty and elsewhere who come to Alliance
this week to attend the three:day buy
ing carnival ami at other limes, too
fnr that matter. Their page adver
tisement, which will be found on page
3 of this issue, lists a numDer 01 ex
ceptionally low prices on a siock
Nebraska City Press Tells How Twen
ty Armed Men Patrol the
Streets at Night.
Nobodv knows the Identity of Alli
ance's wild-eyes press agent, but all of
us will have to doir our kellies to mm.
He's got old Baron Munchausen skin
ned a mile. The stuff that he put
over puts him right in the class with
the motion picture press agents, who
are the tGpnotchers in the world-wile
contest of shooting the male cattle.
Just two more stories as good as thi:
one, and he'll be in line for the
Pickford-Fairbanks medal, which. U
awarded to the press agent who get
awav with the biggest yarn eacn yeai.
The Nebraska City Press gets the
palm for being the last newspaper tc
pring one ot tnese iaKc yams, uuiei.
iav have hinted ut it, .but this news
paper tell.i the story host. It seem
i.hat out in this wild ami wooly city, 1
been necessary to recruit armc.
guards from the citizenry to protect
he town. 1'iom wnai : . yny, iron:
oimtnoh tvttv thieves. bolsncviKs ani
v(o ' I il. . ' .
jootleggers. lwenty armeti men pu v
rol our streets every nigiu drawing m
iav s.-ive me saiisiarnuu ui
their duty. '
The NebrasKa uity newspaper nu;
:een carrj ing on a campaign in tna
itv to have a night watenman appomi
d, to be pail from the city treaiur
ixl thia Ktorv may simply le propc
'and'i intendwl to inSuence their cit;
ouncil. The Press tells the story wiu
wealth of lurid detail and so nicei;
ictui es the menace that it may be Al
ance will grow alarmed over the sil-
Qfinn nml hire a COUPie more ru jcs.
As it is, this city has been extraordin
arily peaceful. mere are a i
few more bootleggers and
now anil then a hobo stays in the cit;
ong enough to pick up a nee luncn.
jut if there are any patrols of armed
tipti on the streets, it's probably tne
members of the boo' ledgers' union.
Situation I Desperate.
City Manager's Corner
Last week in Chicago we attended
the eighth annual of the Na
tional City Manager's association and
one day .of the National Municipal lea
gue. About 100 city manairers at-
CHAMHLR OF COMMERCE TAKES tended coming from various parts of
Invites Those Interested to Meet
the Next Monday Luncheon to
Take Necessary Steps.
Hnum-pr. in order that Alliance ma;.
realize how desperate her "situation i.
evil what the Press says anou:. u:
"Armed guards, reciuitetl nom tne
itir-enry of the towns have been or-
anizea at. Alliance mm vuiumuun
.'her towns in Nebraska. At Alliance
A meeting of those interested in the
formation of a charity organization
for Alliance has been culled for next
Monday noon at the chamber of com
merce headquarters above the Bren
nan drug store. This action was taken
by the chamber of commerce members
present at the Monday luncheon this
week, at which time the matter was
he i-uhict of discussion.
City Manager N. A. Kemmish called
attention to the need for centraliza
tion of the charity activities of the
city and urged an organization with
iomeone in charge who would accept
the responsibility of distributing aid
where it was needed.
Rev. B. J. Mii.ort, pastor of the Al
iance Baptist church, gave a number
of instances of duplication of effort
A-hirh had come to his knowledge. He
I told of one family in Alliance to which
ic BMi oeen i ui nisumjs iuui, iuiiuuk
:nd groceries ionatnl by members 01
.is congregation. He discovered after
.wo or thiec weeks during which he
.ad been agisting them that two oth
r minsters in the city were carinp
or the same family, which had been
wccpting assistance thankfully from
.11 three r.f them. In the same block
vas ano'Jier family, in even more des
it.ute circums -tance?, which had not
jeen given iny assistance.
Mr. Miuort also,-told of other fam
lies where aid had been given in which
t developed that the hrad of the house
A-as unwilling to work, even though
t position that he could fill had been
dVered him at $60 a month. Another
.uvn, when offered a' job at 40 cents an
jour to enable him to take care of his
&m:ly had grown ciu'te vexed about it
ind had demanded 50 cents, saying
hat he'd blow his brains out before
he would work for 40 centa an hour. .
Need for Investigation
The need for a central charity or
ganization to care for the needy anJ
ientitu'.e in the city was urged in or-
r ler that wnwne would make piopc-r
.nvesrigation and in order to prevent
he present duplication of effort. Ay
t is now, every church has a charity
fund and several of the city's organi-
are also doing some charity
the United States and Canada. Many
very interesting subjecw were dis
cussed although the program was not
carried out as planned. The out
standing feature of the entire meeting
hlch impressed us wan the vast dif
ference between the south and east as
compared to the west. They discussed
ways and means or doing certain
things which we have settled here
long ago. They are held down by old
laws, customs and traditions not
known in the west which greatly
hamper their progress. We are glad
of them. One person even asked me
if the grass grew out here . We were
proud indeed to represent Alliance
which our lug brotner city on tne east
border of the state sajs- is the livest
city in Nebraska.
Wherever we went great interest
as shown in the city manager move
ment. People everywhere now are
thinking more than before and arc
going to demand more strict business
methods in city airairs.
I enioved the trip but I am glad in
deed to be back to our wonderful lit
tle city of Alliance.
twenty armed men patrol the streets lations are also domg some cnan.j
d n"ghC Thev are volunteers, taking work. .With all of these charity work
theipay in the satisfaction they feel e acting as Jree lances , , to Oen hap-
their citv cleared of yegg
... . v:..t.
toot'eg::er. and peny unr:-.
They have been sworn in by tne cuj
uthorities and nave insirumuim
hoot to kill whenever it is necessary.
minima nlo ikivb iiicht watchmen
out of the public treasury instead oi
advertising to the world that the town
s so poor and so unaDie to proii u
self and its taxpayer merchants and
n.-dnoss men that nigniwau-nmen
must be paid by business interests.
"it is becoming more and more ap
ont in pverv western town that city
authorities must move faster and more
ternly if their communings wr m
organized raids on
thut some families iret too much
im others who are in as great need
f i. distance cet no helo. It was ui.-o
nought out that some people who need
assistance 10 not. Know wneie iu ojj
ply for aid, and dislike to apply to
:hurches or organizations unless they
know positively that aid will be lonn
cominir. With a regular charity or
...0. . . . . Ml 1
nn 7t on in the citv. mere win oe
no reason ior any lamiiy iu icmwu
n iloititute circumstances.
Mr. Minoit supeested also that a
regular charity organization would see
to it that the aid rendered went where
t vat exnected to ro. lie told or one
occasion when he had given f 5 in cash
SliseXnks and vate'home fiTthi head of a family. That night
that, through ostentatious display oi tne man speni nu ot c
, . ..a i i n uiaji nir m i 1 1" 1 1 .
wealth and influence, oner a une
n.f th veirirs. . A .ase oi iiupmaiiun
It is an unusual period, appiuxi- An jnstance uf the duplication oi
en by Mrs. L,ioyo
: of the chamtxM
eek fifteen chick
"It is an unusual period, approxi- An jnstance uf th
mating very much the era of unlawrui cnarity was giv
ercapiides following the Civil War. u c Thoma-s, secretary
even resembles, in some ways, Europe jf comrnerce. Last wi
are County Attorney Lee Basye of Al
liance and Sullivan, Wright & Thum
: Omaha represen
... l: 1 :H CViamlal
county for some months, nis present r f the Unitel National
address being somewneie m u" clothiers and Association Retailers,
an organization wiin x.iuu iiremuciju.
ngni iiium- :-- oll ' Kntt. l.
mel of Omaha. Bi-ron G. BurbanK and "r" - M nt rh. nrices nuote, on
Thomas Lynch of Omaha represent Uj'Vf acknowIedreJ Quality is ex
Long. Ix,ng has not lived in Shendan ""f" b the fact that thc Famo,u is
d.u-inff the Middle Age3 when no man
was safe after dark; when a pro
r, :-..i mni-riffr would commit a
ii ima ftr ftfl find the honor of a woman
Just what she could make it after a
desperate ngni to save nerwu.
James Glandon Is
Now No. 109 at the
State Reformatory
Coker's Will Filed
for Probate in the
'i County Court Here
various parts of the country. The
momhers of this association represent
an enormous buying power, so great,
in fact, that the manufacturers in
ior to wcure their bu.dne.;s mrke
pood-sized reductions in order to
&ttnrnva for Charles E. Coker, who secure it. Where eleven hundred tuy-
l in inian nn Mon- Lr. ninr their orders at tne st me
commuieu u.v.. ... -------- f--r v. fuu
day of last week, this ween nie a pen- time, it is piai" -", -Z
iVLtv court praying for the facturers can afford to offer special in-
a. m iiii Htm nvor s k i .in otm o m u
aflmlnistrator of he esUti whhe " The Bering at this sale includes
win annexed. practically every item in the large
rri. ...ill j niArf rtnc era m in ihsl i ttArir mere aic r-ucvi f
sheet of the letter Coker wrote to his overcoats, of the Hart, Schaffner &
brother lefore taking his life. If it is Marx, Society Brand and Patrick of
c in it will he the short- nulnth makes: trreatly reducel prices
Tdocument of that sort ever filed in on the famous Dubbelbilt Boys' cloth
i... D.... ..nh- Thi words are: "llinfr: a comdete line of shoes and a
COX duuc . I . .. . I. l.
l-.vans to nave i ion? u.-l ot winifr lK:.-lcls. n nm it
citv a few weeks ago. G ani on is en- m Amanre it vV"vv.oV .iii
eVed in the new stfte reformatory for Uanization can be per feeUd that
mpn known as Hawthorne reioima-
lnr na Ko 109.
v ' - " , . ..... -,,
According to &nerin wilier, uiaii"
is the first man to be brought to the
reformatory, from out in the state,
The institution has been in operation
only two or three weeks . it was es
tablished as a means of segregating
th vnnnir offenders from the more
1 I 1.1. a fnV Klin
sinn'o (one thousand dollars) of the possible for purchasers to supply all of
. r F.. Coker." their winter needs in these lines.
r.crii ii nic vu-lviii. .... ... ...v ..
doesn't need to lay in a supply of the.
goods, r-t the prices quoted it will pay
him to look them over. At present
values, it will be a long time bero
another such opportunity is afforded.
E. Coker
Th letter does not conform to tne
statute requirements for a will, inas
much as it contains no date and there
are no witnesses to the signature, fhe
letter was found in the house a short
-,ime before the body was discovered.
ons were donated by a farmer, who
wanted them bestowed on worthy and
rwwtv families. Two pastors were
nclfAil for the names of needy lam and four names were lound to
be on both lists turned in to her by
the ministers.
A charity organization for Alliance
1ib h.n Ruccested several times, but
nn ilftiniip Hction has vet Deen laxen
About a year ago, steps were taKen
which resulted in a request being sent
to th Solvation army to establish a
post here, f his was done, but the post
c.u.:r t w Miii.rrMnrnixl Sunday 'id not pay expenses. In Lincoln tne
".V" "i v. r4Al James chanty organization society is nuy
Fred Vogel and Jimmie Jacobs At
rested on Bootlegging Charge-
Trials Set for Friday.
A joyride and a pleasant eveninr'a
entertainment, with a dance and a putt
bottle of hooch a the chief features
of tho occasion, came to grief early
Sunday morning when Niirht Officer
Slilwell came upon the oarty lust ax
indeed to be out where the west begins they were preparing to can the festivi-
where no Ruch handicaps confront us ties with a lunch at the Alliance hotel,
but the most up to date methods are Attention was first called to thorn
employed. The east and south are when they drove ip to the depot some
loath to believe that the west is ahead nuisny.
ine xour who were arrested wer
Clifford Davidson and Bert Siebdenler
both employed at the O Banhon &
Neuswangcr potato cellars, and two
girls, who gave the names of Tilli
Allen and Hazel Persons. Davidson
comes from Pringle, S. D., and Sieben-
ler hails from Kimball. The joyrid
was taken in Slebendler's car, a Dode
touring, which was taken into custody
along with the occupants.
Ihe two girls have been known in.
Alliance for some time. . Hazel Persons
is known as Hazel Huston Montgom
ery, and under that name was given a
suspended fine a few weeks ago, oa
the Harvest Festival day, when she
was arrested on complaint of a room
mate that she had stolen a dress and
was about to get away with it. The
four were released shortly after their
arrest, to appear in county court at 10
a. m. Monday, but none of the quartet
showed up. Mrs. Persons, it was
learned, has a posit!on in Antioch and
had gone there. The others were
rounded up during the afternoon by
the city and county police officers, and
showed a decided willingness to tell
everything that they knew.
Tell Where Booze Bought.
County Attorney Bartye held an in.
vestigation of the affair, and Harry
Davidson, brother of Clifford, was
;dso called in. Everyone of those con
cerned made a clean breast of it. Th
information given was that the party
Northwestern Nebrahka Champion
Had Planned to Play at Home,
But Fate Against Them.
The Alliance high tchool football
team, northwestern iSKDrasKa cnam- had been piannetl Saturday evening.
pions ior jiki, win v.e " i Harry Davidson approached Fred
giving game with ChnppeU, but the Vop,e at pool halI and asked M
teams will not meet at Alliance. to the cnances for irettino- Romthii
bach F. C. Prince had the game ten
tatively arranged for Alliance, but
this afternoon, following a meeting
with Chappell representHtives, it wa
derided to olav at the other city.
... -. . i ,
Chnooe II made some strong induce
ments to eet the same, but Mr. Prince
had hdd out, in the beiief that Alii
inrn would turn out xivone as f 'est'
mnnint to its chamtiionship team. It
leveloned. however, that the Chappell
team had it? heart set on playing at
home, ft nd that they would give nn th'
game rather than come to Alliance.
i hp trm will te to tne nnannai uene-
fll of Alliance, but will be a huge dis-
.,.,,. intmpnt to the A liance fans.
It is announced that those who
have already purchased tickets for the
game with the undemanding mat it
was to be played nere may secuie
Defeated Broken Bow Friday.
I'hA Alliance team defeated Broken
Bow, 12 to 7, last Friday. The game .nmm nnt one-sided. Alliance win
ning 325 yards from scrimmage to but evening,
91 for .their opponents, ine Dan
in Broken Bow's territory inree-
forths o" the time, and during tne
Anftr flmt half.
in thp tast ouarter. Alliance neu
Ttroken Bow for four downs on the
gootl to drink." Vogel volunteered t
tee that the want was supplied and
got in the car with the men and women,
and took them to the home of Mrs.
Mary Vogel, 804 Big Horn avenue.
Jimmie Jacobs was culled out, and
Jacobs secured a pint of white mule,
for which he charged them $3.50.
Harry David.-on had to work on the
night shift, and he left the party, as
did Vogel. 1 he others attended a barn
dance at the Kastner farm, five miles
east of Alliance. Everything went off.
without a hitch until they returned to
the city and prepared to have a lunch
shortly after 1 a. m.
When UfT.cer StilweJl searched th
automobile, he found the pint bottle.
with very l.ttle of the wh;te mule re
maining in it. The car was held and
the others allowed to go home oa
promise to appear Monday.
Monday a search warrant was Issued
authorizing the officers to search th
Vogel home. Fred Vogel and Jimmy
Jacobs were arrested late Monday
Second Offense for Vogel.
This is the second time Fred Vogel
has been mixed up in moonshine sales.
About two years ago, while he was thej
tenant at the Oscar O'Bannon farm
three and a half miles west of the city.
one-yard line, and were nearer eanvng a party was pulled oft there one even
a KnrA At thi time than at any other
nnnt Murine the trame. The tallies
did mnke were the result of AUi
ance's errors, rather than any good
good playing on the part of the visit
Another Clue in
trio Jnnps Mvsterv
t ir 1 l .-! snoruy auer ineir arrest on uonui o
PrOVeS ValUeieSS $250 each, which were furnished by
Lverett Cook and Mrs. Mary Vogel.
handle the charity work for the whole
citv with very little overhead expense.
The present is believed to be an espe-
p a v pood time to iret a cnaruy or
ganization going in Alliance, in tne
past two or three weeks tne need nas
hen verv m-eat. In addition to local
cases there have been a number of
calls- from strangers ftranded in the
v . -r"-... i r itv. Under the present system, tnese
hardened criminals at tne biai ? i" -- - . , . th feur wonl-
lUflCB BIC V. U I V aw. ij ' - " I " .
institution, and the inmates who are
there are. with the exception oi Olan
ilon, men transferred from the state
Sheritt Miner is enthusiastic in dis
cussing the new institution, tie be
lieves that it is a much more satisfac
torv way to handle young offenders,
and he is greatly impressed with the
caliber of the superintendent, A. M.
Miller. "It's bound to be a better place
for them than the penitentiary,' he
says. "The reformatory is situated out
in the country, two and a half miles
west of the penitentiary, and the boys
will be given an opportunity to work
out in the open.
who see them and become interested,
and it often happens that aid is in
sufficient or comes too late
The annual Thanksgiving dance for
members of Alliance lodge No. 961. B.
P. O. Elks, will be given at the wits
hnm on the evenine of Thursday, No
vember 24. The dance is for members
only, and is one of a series planned for
the winter.
Valet tA and Frances
tTmxLoi. will entertain the members of
the B. Y. P. U. and friends at the Bap
tist church Friday evening.
ing and the next day Vogel pleaded
guilty to selling intoxicating liquor,
and wag fined $103 and costs in potic
court by Judge T. D. Roberts.
Jimmy Jacobs, the other man ImplU
cated in the Bale of booze, is in th
employ of Walter Vogel, a cousin of
Fred's who occupies a farm near Alli
Vogel and Jacobs were released
County Attorney Basye went to
Morrill, Neb., last Katurclay naving
received information from that city
that there was an automobile in a
garage there with a numwr oi cienu
in the radiator which might have been
made in an accident similar-to that in
which Arthur Jones was nuieu in Alli
ance some weeks ago . ine man wno
Irove the car that strucK jones leiv
u; victim in a dvinsr condition, and
the authorities have not given up hope
that Fome day he will be round, jones
wna Bt.imlini? at the rear of a truck
loaded with iron piping, and tne rorce
of the blow drove the pipe through his
... r 1 1
The Mormi car was ioun i u'c
a number of depressions in the radia
nr ht might have been made in
m iirh manner, it was tne pro pen y
i a rnnrher near there, who was able
i . -. . i . i
to prove that the car nau noi Deen
driven for months.
To Mr. and Mrs. Vinton Ruebottom
Sunday, Nov. 20. a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. George D. Darhn
Monday, November 21, a boy.
Hearings for the members of tha
joyriding party and two men who ar
charged with furnishing the moon
shine have been set ior iu a. m. tx
Flag Week to Ce J
Observed by the
American Legion
The American Legion of Nebraska
will contract for several thousand
booklets containing the history of th .
flag, which will be distributed to every
school library in the state, public, priv
ate and parochial, as a reature ot
"Flag Week," Frank B. O Connell,
btate adjutant, has announced.
The American Legion sets aside this
period between Lincoln's and Wash
ington 8 birthday as "r lag v eek and
urges all schools and societies to par
The booklets, which will be printed
and distributed at the expense of tha,
Nebraska department, will contain ft
history of the flag, instruct in its re
spect and disclose the flag's etiquette
it is stated. , t