THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1921. return trip she visited for some days "day eveninp. l.cnlor, Mr. Julia with her laue;hter, Matilda, who is at- Bat khurst. The meetimr is open to The M. K. choir will meet Friday evening at the home of Mrs. F. W. Lester, f10 Box Butte, at 7:30 p. m. J. A. Htin'rr purehnred a new Reo coupe o fthe A. H. Jones company Saturday n;git. icnuinp tne Mate university, iinose interested The Hallowe'en party and dance at the Country club Monday nir;ht was veil attended and a success lroni the' ftart. After the rive-course dinner the guests were entertained by a gho.-t lance. Mu-ic was l'urnihed by Mrs. Wiker's orchestra. Next followed a ' tfho.-t story by Mrs. Dunninp, dressed ' as a fchost.-told durinp a fake opera-: tion on her ghost husband, who was carried in on a stretcher by more ; Khotits. His locks, teeth, heart, appen-1 dix and a rib were removed and I were passed around for the company to examine in the dark. This was fol lowed by a prize waltz with Mr. Hampton and Mr. Wells acting- as' judges, l hey tagged each couple that were disqualified and the two couples remaining -on the floor the longest were awarded the prizes, Mrs. W. D. Rumer and Si Laing winning the first prize of a fifteen-pound turkey and Miss Bess Picket and Dr. J. P. Max field winning the second prize of a chicken. Mrs. W. P. Kumer selected I a male choir and entertained the com-' pany with singing and music while i apples and cider were served. This was followed by jigging by Si Laing and a clog dance by Mrs. Bernard Holsten, after which the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. few weeks lias beon qirte ill, is re ported better and able to be up. The regular meeting of the Woman's club will be held at the rlub rooms at the city library Friday after noon at 2:13, with Mosdamos Cox, Turner and Mable Feagins .is l oft pfcs. Thf -subject will be "Home Economics,"'with demonstration ly Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Keed, Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Churchil. C. W. Boelter, proprietor of the P.. & 15. Electric Shoe Shop, left Monday noon for Orchard, Nek, He was Cided home on account of the sickness of his father, E. F. Boeiter, who was t.'kcn seriously sick with pneumonia Saturday of last week. Miss Sylvia Kemtnish entertained a few friends Saturday afternoon at a Halloween party. Ilal'oween games were played and refreshments were served. The M;n!tl Couples' dancing club gave a Hallowe'en masked "hard Mnes" d-ince Saturday evening. A basket supper was g'.-eat'v enjoyed b the members. Two "hard times" cos tunics give the dancers particular fun. J. B. liwin was dressed as a woman and W. II. Harper was an exponent of exceedingly laid and unwashed times. I The woman's guild of the Episcopal I church v ill tnoit Wednesday tiftcr ' n..n at the pari, h hoti.-e at C o'clock, wnn iMis. i i.. snut'i as ho.-tes.. Mrs. R. L. Harris entertained Fri day night at a birthday dinner in honor of her daughter, Miriam. Those present were the Misses Phyl lis Thompson, Mildred Pate, Vivian Corbett, Gertrude Bradley, Dorothy Deering, Lilla Graham, Dorothy Hurst, and Mardell Drake. Mrs. R. G. Dye entertained at a Hallowe'en party Saturday night in' compliment to her daughter, Inez. As each guest came in she was handed a number and the one holding the lucky number was awarded a box of I candy. This prize was awarded to Miss Esther Bacon. The evening was spent in playing Hallowe'en games, after which apples, popcorn and candy were served. The guest list included the Misses Anna Shaughnessy, Jane Bacon, Hallie Abar, Esther Bacon,' Iheda Kedford, Marian Jackson, f lor ence Jackson, Beth Moore, Bernice Barney, Helen Wadum, Signa. Teline, Hazel Anderson, and Messrs. Virgil Hutchinson Keith Moore and Leonard Howard. Burl Brown, at present employed in the office of Division Superintendent F. G. Gurley, has accepted a transfer to Chicago, where he will have the position of secretary" to the general manager of the lines east. Mr. Brown expects to leave some time during the next week or ten tlays. Enos Sloan and Miss Elizabeth Stinson, both of Mitchell, Neb., were married at the court house Monday afternoon by County Judge Tash. They were accompanied by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stinson of Scottsbluff. Mrs. J. W. DeMoss entertained Sun day evening in honor of her daugh ter, Mrs. J. D. Yowell of Marshall, Mo. Those present were Air. und Mrs. C. H. Joens ami family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mohrman and Mrs. J. D. Yowell and daughter, Fayiline. Mrs. A. J. Keams entertained the young ladies of the Presbyterian church at a kensington Monday eve ning for the purpose of organizing a chapter of the Westminster Guild, a national organization of the young la dies of the Presbyterian church of which there are now some 1,400 chap ters throughout the country. After the business meeting the evening was spent in social entertainment and light refreshments were served. Those present were Mesdames Hrman Nel son, Walter Bledsoe, B. W. Keach,, R. L. Harris, F. J. Petersen and the Misses Lulu Sturgeon, Gladys and Harriet Wagar, Madge Graham Hazel Snethen, Vera Spencer and Eva Crocker. Mrs. A. B. Sturgeon entertained Sat urday afternoon from 2:80 to 4:30 at a Hallowe'en party for her sons, Keith and Marion. The afterroon was spent in playing Hallowe'en games and Hallow'en decorations were carried out on the tables and in the house. The Misses Anna Lind tnd Eva Crocker and Mrs. Showaltor as sisted in serving a dainty two-course luncheon. The guest list included Hoover and Frances McKenzie, Willie Lindeman, Robert Yarbrough, Jonior Strong, Bardel Marks, Virginia Show niter. Thomas Junior. Freda Tullv. Fritzle Harris, Audley Lindeman .-ml Earl Butler. I The young people's missionary so ciety of the Christian church will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Wade Smith. The topic of the eve ning will be "India Converted,'' with Mrs. Kenneth Mohrmun us Lader. A large attendance is desire 1. The ladies' aid society of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. H. F. Thiele, 512 Emer son, on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. George Neuswanger assisting hostess. Mrs. Herman Nelson entertained a few friends at a 6 o'clock dinner Mon day night, complimentary to Mrs. W. C. Mounts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mounts, Frank Mounts and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bled:;oe. Mrs. Marcus Frankle returned Fri day from a trip to the east. On her Zune Grey's latest books, stories of stirring romances, vivid pictures of border life, tales of wonderful ad venture, on sale at Thiele's 1)7 Mr. and Mrs. Burl Borwn returned to Alliance Sunday from a week's wedding trip in the east, anil are now at home in the Flora apartments. Henry Hier of Antioch was in the city Monday on business. Mr. Hier is the owner of the Alliance residence that was destroyed by fire Sunday morning. Mrs. Charles Thornberg of North Platte visited over Sunday with Miss Martha Muldoon. Mrs. Thornberg left Sunday for Chadron. William Stephenson and Dewey Hustead, both of Torrinton, Wyol, visited over Sunday in Alliance with friends and relatives. Mrs. Herman Smith, living about twelve miles south of Alliance, has been quite ill for the past two weeks, but is reported some better now. The All iance volunteer ire repay ment will crive a wild duck dinner for the members and their famines Wed nesday evening at the nrtmnv. I eon Alter returned Tiuvd.iy morn ing from a two weeks' ;..uion fpoit in Akron and Cleveland, O., and Chi cago and other rnstcrn points. The Fortnightly kenslnj;t n club will meet tonight with Mrs. J O'Connor. BIHTIIS Mrs. N.-J. Fletcher left the latter part of last week for Des Moines, la., for a two weeks' visit with her ton, Ed. Fletcher. George Johnson returned from Scottsbluff Sunday night where he has been for the past week visiting with his uncle, J. S. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mounts and son, Frank, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bledsoe motored to Antioch Sunday. To Mr. and Mrs. John TXnijher.iv, October 31, 1021, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Boyer, Octo ber 30, 1921, a boy. FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH Mike McGonigal and Jerry McGuf fin, nationally unknown, had been buddies on the rock-blasting gang. Owing to premature explosion, Jerry got blasted with the rock, and Mike, in a iuandary wired for instructions. He was told to ship the remains to the necrest undertaker. Mike scrupulously gathered up all Mctiiffin's belongings, even to the broken clay pipe-, and sent them to the undertaker with this telegram: "As per orders of the boss I ship vou the remains of Jerry McGiffin. But what will I do with the body?" j The famine news that is coming out of Russia just at present doesn't look like very good propaganda toward the world revolution. Miss Katharine Fletcher spent the week-end in Alliance with her parents. Lowry & Henry received a carload of new Dodge automobiles Saturday. C. A. Dow went to Hemingford Mon day on business. , The Woman' missionary society of the Christian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Kice Wednesday after noon. The topic will be "Africa" with Mrs. Dick O Bannon as leader. The league of .vonen voters will meet with Mrs. J. I. Vance at 7:30 Drs. Jeffrey & Smith have moved their office to the Norton block, over Harper's Dept. Store. Room No. 2. 97-98 Cabbage, 3c lb.; onions, 6c lb.; honey, $2.25 per 10-lb. can; ap ples, $2.20 bu. John Hill, 208 Laramie avenue. 97-tf LOOK for "Ivory Pyralin on all your ivory goods. We have a complete stock. Hershman &, Scotten, Alliance Drug Co., 214 i Box Butte. Phone 132. 97-98 meet all competi tion on apples, honey, flour, meal and feed. W.E. ! Cults. 97-98 Miss Margaret Thiele entertained a few of her friends at a Hallowe'en party at 7 o'clock Friday evening. The guests came dresred as Mother Goose characters end spent the evening in playing Hallowe'en games, after whicn a dainty two-course luncheon was served. The guest list included the Misses Dorothy Armour, Ada Tur ner, Maltha Miller, Wyletta Thomp son, Duylo Miller, Laura and Nellie Sturgeon, Hazel Anderson, Helen Eb erly, Edith O Bannon, Holly Camp bell, Marguerite Lore, Marguerite Wadum, Bernice Rust and Marie Cfark. Miss Glenna Lawrence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence and Henry Housten were married at the home of the bride's parents, Monday , evening at 0:30 p. m., Rev. S. J. Ep-i ler performing the ceremony. Only a few close relatives and friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Housten left Monday night for their future home at Trinidad, Colo., where Mr. Houston will be employed in the postal serv ra Mwb i.w-rence was raised in Al liance anil is a graduate of the Alli ance hig hschool. Miss Harriet Wagar, teacher in dis trict No. 3S, entertained the pupils of her school at her home in Alliance Saturday afternoon at a Hallowe'en ......... Tk. tnmlfi u'oro nil rlressed pail). ilic " -" - - " . ns Hnllnwe'en characters, and Miss Inez Bennet, dressed as a ghost, acted as a guide for the guests as they ar rived. The afternoon was spent in playing Hallowe-en games, and re freshments of ice cream and cake were served. Miss Mildred Griggs, who is attend ing the University of Nebraska at i innnin ram ta Alliance Fridav and spent the week-nd at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus iranwe. miss Griggs was entertained at luncheon Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Burr, and was the dinner guest Saturday evening Miss Margaret Harris. She returned to Lincoln Sat urday evening. Mrs. E. D. McCarty and son, Jus tin, of Edgemont, S. D., are visiting at the home of Rev. S. J. Epler. Mr. McCarty, who is wire chief at Edge mont, spent Sunday at the Epler cUiy Mrs. Clar aTipple, who for the past 11 I All New Millinery Of! EVERY HAT INCLUDED A sweeping Reduction on all new Fall and Winter Hats. Our entire line will be placed on sale during: this event for the next ten days. All tailored and pattern hats, in the new shapes, both plain and trimmed models. This Is Your Big Opportunity MILLINERY DEPARTMENT The Fashion Shop WORK YOUR DOLLARS 'OVERTIME Invest in One of Our FORD CASINGS at 10.00 We Have Only a Limited Number Come Be fore They Are All Gone SCHAFER AUTO SUPPLY !js GIFTS THAT LASTjj : i 1 Gifts for Brides OF YEARS GONE BY There is something especially delightful about a wed ding anniversary present. That someone has remembered the date of your wed ding surely in this life crowded with so many things, that fact alone is complimentary. And to have that thoughtfulness expressed by a gift is a mark of esteem and afl'ections which one appre ciates from the bottom of the heart. New fall stocks of Silver, Glass, Jewejry and other merchandise at prices lower than for a number of years make selection of wedding anniversary presents par ticularly delightful. Teaspoons $2.50 to $10.00 Victor Records RED SEAL RECORDS C4988 Mother of My Heart (Montanye-Grey) Frances Alda G 1989 Etude In C, Flat Major, Op. 10. No. 5 (Black Keyn) (b) KtUfle in il Flat Major, Op. 23, No. 9 (The Butterfly ) (Chopin) Tiano - Alfred (ortot G4990 Mattinata (Canlurci-Fatuo) Italian ..Giuseppe De Luca 74710 Quartet in A Major Ahai agitato (Schumann) Flonzuley Quartet 61091 I-ove's Mesft'ncrr Wnlti Italian Amrlita Galli-Ourcl G4942 MefiHtofcle Giunto huI patn cxtremo (Nearintr the Knd of Life) !niaruino Gigli 74711 Serenade Melanrolique (TVchaikowsky) V'oKn . Jan ha lleifetz G4993 To Spring (Grlefc) Violin I'ritz Kreitler 74712 Eugenie Onegin Air di Lenlti (Faint Echo of My Youth) Giovanni Martinelli G-1994 Little Town in the Ould County Down (IV-o.;e-rai!o- S:m!ei-) John MtCormacK 74713 Symphonic Pathetique Marrh-Srhrrzo Philadelphia Orchestra G4993 Sparks (Etinccllcs) (Moszkowski) Piano Olga SamarofT DANCE RECORDS 1879!? DangerouK Bluet Fox Trot Original Dixieland Jazz Band Koyal Garden Blues Fox Trot Original Dixieland Jazz Band, 18801 South Sen Isle Medley Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Hi Orchestra Rosy Cheeks Fox Trot . All Star Trio and Thei Orchestra 18802 1 Ain't Nobody's Darling Medley Fox Trot , All Star Trui and Their Orchestra Yoo-Hoo Fox Trot Hackel-Btrrge Orchestra 18803 Sweet Lady Medley Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Say It With Music Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 18801 It Must Be Someone Like You Fox Trot Benson Orchestra of Chicago When the Sun Goes Down Fox Trot Shilkiii( Orchestra POPULAR RECORDS 452o4 The Old Road ' Merle Aleock Ship o' Dreams Merle Alcock 18809 Saturday (Snap Shots of 1921) Piano Duet Victor Anlen and Phil Ohma Oh Joy! Victor Arden and Phil Ohman 45253 Within a Mile of Edinboro' Town Lucy Isabella March, Twickenham Ferry Lucy Isabclle March 18799 I've Got the Joys Ailecn Stanley Strut Miss Lizzie American quartet 18805 When the Honeymoon Was Over Henry Burr Jealous of You William Robyn. 1SS0G I Wonder If You Still Care for Me? ( h?rles Hart Remember the Rose Elliott Shaw 18807 Tuck Me to Sleep Vernon Dalhart and Criterion Trio Plantation Lullaby Charles Hart, Elliott Shaw 18808 Some Blessed Day Criterion Quartet The Wayside Cross Criterion Quartet 18810 Humpty Dumpty Billy Murray, Ed Smalle In the Old Town Hall (Ziepfield Follies, 1921 Billy Murray 18800 (1) Badinage (Herbert) Piccolo Solo (2) Legend of the Bells (Plamjuette) Bells (3) Humoresque ( Dvorak ) Violin Solo (4) Scherzo, Third Sym- phony (Beethoven) Bassoon Victor Orchestra (1) Menuett (Paderewski) Viola Solo (2) Gavotte (Popper) Violin Solo (3) Menuett in G (Beetho ven) Clarinet Duet (4) Sarabande (Bach) Oboe Solo Victor Orchestra THIELE'S Tkt Start With m CuaranUt Without Rid 7a f