The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 30, 1921, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Want t bu omethlnrT Hub.
rda of people Bcn theae Want
A cojumni looking for what you
r othera htva to offer. Qat quirk
raaulta by advcrtielng in Tha
Hara,ld Want Ad acpartmenL
RATES One cent par word per
Insertion. Coata no mora than
ether newapapera and wa irunr
antee that you reach aereral hun
dred mora readera. Buy circula
tion, not hot air.
WANTED Salesman for Alliance
and vicinity. Commission contract
only, for Fpare time or full time. We
will teach you to sell income protec
tion through our free Kchool of in
struction and help you build a profit
able business. MASSACHUSETTS
Accident and health Dept., Saginaw,
Michigan, Capital $1,500,000. 87-88
WANTED A gcod Holstein milk cow.
WM. LUCHTE, St. Joseph hospital.
WANTED School girl to work part
time for board and room; pleasant
home. Phone 710. 80-88
WANTED Six-room house unfur
nished, with garage. Call phone
170 or 757. 70-tf
SEE Norton at Guardian State bank
for a Ford Truck, grain and stock
fcody, for sale or trade. 8G-88
FOR SALE Certified Kanrad seed
wheat at $1.30 per bushel. S. J.
IOSSI, phone 813F13. SG-87
FOR SALE Ford Touring Car; 1921
model; overhauled, tip-top shape,
newly painted, good price if taken at
once. STURGEON GARAGE. 85-88
FOR SALE A good base burner.
Mrs. O'Bannon. Phone 512. 84-87
FOR SALE Small .house, modern;
A-l location. Phone 124. tf
FOR SALE Giant rhubarb, grown
since July 5, for canning purposes.
G. W. NATION. 7y-87p
FOR SALE One registered Red Poll
bull, one 6-foot vertical Jones
mower. Eugene Rosenberger. 74tf
FOR SALE Big type Chester White
boars; best of breeding. Phone
S01F11. D. E. PUR1NTON. 71-tf
FOR SALE Old papers, 5 cent3 a
bundle, at The Herald Office.
FOR SALE Good used cars. A. IT.
JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf
Absolutely no hunting allowed on
my place. 83-88-p
No huntiner or trapping allowed or,
the W. W. Beck property in Garden
countv. GSto F
"Hearts of Youth", a picturization
of Mrs. E. D. 11 N. Southworth's
famous novel, "Ishmael," is the attrac
tion for tonight at the Imperial. "Ish
mael," it will be recalled, turns upon
the troubles of a young man over
whose birth hangs a shadow wlvch
causes his repudiation by the aristo
cratic father of the girl he loves and
who loves him. The fact that the re
lationship of various characters to
each other i somewhat involved only
reives to render the final climax the
more dramatic and forceful.
Gouverneur Morris' remarkable tale,
I he Penalty" made into a film, will
be shown Saturday. It tells the amaz
ing story of one of the most original
characters in fiction. No more bizarre
forceful yet convincing character is
to be found in any book than Mr. Mor
ris' skillfully drawn "Blizzard," mas
ter mind of the underworld, who
might have been a genius and a power
for good had it not been for the mis
take of an unskilled surgeon who made
him a cripple for life.
Sunday's feature is Owen Moore in
"The Desperate Hero," one of the best
pictures in which this versatile screen
ar.Jia? played.
Carmel Myers in "Cheated Love" is
scheduled for next Monday. The open
ing sequences show Sonya, the girl of
the story, as a Russian immigrant.
She arrives in America to make her
home with her father, a storekeeper
of the Ghetto. In Russia there is a
man whom she loves. The Russian is
a young medical student who has sub
merged his heart and his ideals to his
career as a surgeon. The American
lover is a settlement worker, a com
posite of everything that a man should
be. Sonya decides between them when
the little Yiddish theatre, in which
the works as a seamstress, is wrecked
by an explosion and she calms the
audience by singing a favorite song
from the burning stage.
The Wool Dresses for Girls
are snappy.
Ilighland-Holloway Co.
The Ai buckle case, which i fortun-'
ately being tried with rapidity and
promises to come to a successful con-1
elusion without dragging out the
agony unendurably, is the finest rort
of meat for the muckrnkcrs. The
time was, a few years ago, when the:
mucKrakers were confined to a few
men who were disgruntled over their
failure to get their share of the politi
cal graft of their time, and who
sought to make things uncomfortable
for the fellows who were more suc
cessful. There were, of course, a few '
special magazine writers who found .
the public l.kcd that sort of ttulT and)
tried to give it to them.
Now that politics is no longer inter-
Jetting, the muckrakera have iurnet to
other things. And salacious scandals
are not only more interesting to inves-;
tigate, but will appeal to a much
'larger audience. It has been twenty-j
I five or thirty years since newspapers
ui.-cuini.ii iiini uy priming Ull ine (IP- ;
tails of the filthy trials they might be '
condemned by a few, but that even '
those who condemned them most loud
ly read every line that could be print
ed. Nowadays the muckraking clas
contains not only those who write
about facts that should be concealod,
but tho.e who rend. And the A l buckle
ca.-e, because of the nationwide prom
inence of the scandal, has brought all
of them to the front.
People who never so much as drank
a glass of home brew in their entire
blameless Jives are having the oppor
tunity to indulge in virtuous shudders
over the "orgies" of those wild movie '
men and women. For that matter, to
are those who have done a little drink-
ing. The first class is shocked .t cny
thing, but it takes more to shock them
than it did twenty-five years ago. Do '
you remember, gentle reader, how
everybody was just simply overcome .
at the details of the "monkey dinner"'
given by society's elite at Newport? .
Judged by present day standards, that
was a" pretty tame atlair.
We're getting a good b't of interest
ing information about the movie col
ony out in sunny California, as well as
about Arbuckle and his immediate as
sociates. It would appear that the
movie stars are not so well thought of
out in California, where they live, as
they are in the rest of the country, j
Maybe this is because they know them 1
better. The Californinns are ti emen-
dously proud of the industry, and a
few of the headliners are received in
the best circles, but as a rule the
movie people have had a cold shoulder j
turned in ineir direction.
The older residents (if there are
such people in California) seem to be
snobbish. The aristicracy there isn't '
one of wealth and position. Popular
ity doesn't enter into it. The movies
made Los Angeles, they admit, inas
much as the city has doubled in popu
lation in the past ten years ami now
ranks as the tenth in wealth in the
country. But whenever the names of
movie actors have been put up for
membership in exclusive clubs, the
doors were slammed tight shut, and
have stayed that way. With plenty of
money to spend, the movie people have their own clubs and formed their
own circle of society, which is just
what -happens anywhere else ' under
similiar ;iicu.nstances. . j
Sudden wealth, however, doesn't
carry with it the ability to take care of
it properly. The Hollywood colony, it
is said, has degenerated into a place
where everyone spends money. With
plenty of cash coming in all the time,
and facilities for spending it some
what limited, it is perhaps no more
than natural that there should be some
rivalry in devising ways and means to
get riil of it and bring additional ex
citement into the lives of people who
feed on nothing else, and therefore
require their hours of recreation to be
filled with something pretty wild in
order to feel that they are doing any
thing at all out of the ordinary.
It doesn't come with much of a
shock, therefor, to discover that the
movie people frequent road hou.-es and
give booze parties, or that they gam
ble a little now and then, or even more
often than that. "Revels" seems to be
a common word in the general ind ct
ment. So do several others. "Gambl
ing" is another charge, and we are
told that the central figure in the
present scandal has an ability to win
OUCH thc
cfw Tie. is
.Maer Ht HAS
1 -
at crnp-shooting that is the envy of j
his friends and his enemies alike. But
these things aren't any more than is to
be expected of mushroom aristicracy '
in this day and age of the world. It I
really doesn't boar on the question at
all. These things are to be found
everywhere, and the fact that there
are found oftener in California is sim
ply because the people concerned have
more money to spend.
The worst feature about it is the
way the same society people who have
refused to take the movie people into
their circles are buzzing about now.
Representatives of eighteen women's
clubs, from the highest to the lowest,
have reserved seats at the trials. They
are troinjr to reform the movie people,
and they fondly imagine thnt by fill
ing their ears with the filth of this
particular trial they are somehow or
other helping themselves in this self-impo.-ed
tusk. If one didn't know that
the dear girls are in deadly earnest,
one would bo tempted to laugh. At
that, we'll gamble that it wns a harder
Job selecting applicants from the var
ious clubs than it was getting them to
Mrs. Charles McNey returned home
Saturday morning from Council Muffs
la., bringing her father and mother
with her. The father is in very pcor
Misses Naomi and EMora Snuibbs
spent Sundav with Mis Lilian Ervine.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruder are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a baby boy born
September, 25
Miss Georgia Timblim and brother
are spending a few days with their
sister in the Pine Ridge.
The family of C. W. Cox have all
been on the sick list the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lew Rob
erts. Mr. and Mrs. James Irvine visited
at the Edward Fcister home Thurs
day. Mrs. Charles McNey brought a baby
girl home with her from the home at
Co.mcil Bluffs.
There will be services at the school
house next Sunday at 3 o'clock with
Rev. Cox of Hemingford in charge.
Everybody come.
Miss Leola Squibbs spent 'Sunday
with her parents.
The big bosses of Pleasant Valley
ave go'rg nuts over that road row.
They think it should come throuth
this community anyhow. We are all
wondering what their next idea will
Mrs. Gust Peterson will entertain
the ladies' aid of the Congregational
church of Hominjrford next Thursday
evening, also the ladies of Pleasant
Mads Sorenron wns a caller in the
Fleasant Valley neighborhood Sunday
evening. Wonder what the attraction
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dyer end son,
Percy, left loft the first of last week
for their home at Bertrand. Word
was received from them saying they
on ived home safely the same day they
Nearly everbody in this vicintiy
seems to be having th gripne. Some
have it quite hard, while others have
it light.
Ida Hood was taken home from
school Friday quite sick, but is bet
ter Ht this writing.
L. L. and G. E. Dyer motored to
Alliance on business Friday.
Chares Moravelc and Mr.-. Meeker
and son motored to Hemingford Sut
urday. Threshincr is nearly nil done and
spud digging has stared. Some fall
Tho reason jimimSSe
Gene Byrnes Says: 'Thanks for the Advice."
1 VRWC Kit
K1F wo TlfS o TKtV
grain is up while other fields are just'
ocing sowed.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin visit
ed nt the Roy Grosse home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Sheldon
visited at the Powell home Sunday.
George Flaherty and family mo
tored to Scottsbluff one day last week
to get tomatoes. They said there was
quite a few left but the patch had
been picked over quite a few times.
Joe Romer started to dig spuds
Tuesday. He took a load into Heming
ford Wednesday and topped the mar
ket. T'-.e buyers said it was the nicest
load this yenr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Flaherty spent
Sunday at Joe Romer's.
Word was received Thursday morn
ing of the death of Mrs. Jim Curry
Pin r-r TTI RP
(L'l I I W M I
I can cure your Piles (Fistula,
fetum except cancer a short time longer) by an original, pain,
lets, dlenolver.t method of my own, without chloroform, ether or
knife, and without danger whatever to the patient My treatment la
B-o successful that I have built up the largest practice In this lino
between Omaha and Denver. My treatment Is no experiment. It Is
the most successful method ever discovered for the treatment of
Diseases of the Tectum. I have cured many cases where the knife
had failed and many other cases that had been treated for months
and years In vain. I guarantee a cure In every case I accept or make
no charge for my services. My method of curing Piles and othe"
Rectal DiReases, as well as Rupture, was laughed at twenty years
but today I can point with pride to all of ttvose who have be
lieved In me and have come to Grand Island to get cured. If you are
tuHerina with some form of Rectal Trouble or Rupture, write to ma
tadny, telling all about your trouble, and let me tell you how easy It
la to get cured, tie sura to use the free Information coupon when
you write to me.
No longer Is It necessary for you to spend three or four weeks
CtMng your piles cured. You can now be cured within five days,
and be up and around all the time you are taking treatment.
Don't doubt thle amazing truthl Send for free Information today
also convincing proof that my method of curing Rectal troublca
nd Rupture should appeal to all those wishing to avoid a surgical
cpfr?tion wiih ila attendant discomforts cf dread and fear that
causes so many sufferers to delay In seeking relief.
t"?" Si-vj T C-vs I'.-.v-tt-q
due to the constant
Strain of even a mild
case of piles on the
sympathetic nervous
You can pour all
the medicine down
your throat that
money can buy, or
You can Spend your
last dollar at tho
world'a best health
resorts, or
pT; 'Tm.rr'"'l
Ll-Jl:'-IA'j.s cal'sid y puts
You can allow yourself to be all cut and
siac-hed. yet -You will NEVER get rid of
t'Ti troubles iintil your piles are cured.
r 3
67 3
bit. HI II. I'ile nnrl Ku.tur Ppoclallst.
Iiu'i'l l..tiij, Neb.
TT-ar.o fn'". complete Informs-
tk.i rei;nrilliuc Ihe nietbott yon u in cur
iiiK I'iK.H. KiMiu'a. KiHKure ami utlivr rtM ml
.)in.nMH hucI rupt'ir", wit limit n never
Miigicui THt ion. M-n(iou vtliicti IruuUu
you have when writing).
Box Butte County Farms and Ranches
Alliance City Property
J. G McCORKLE, Manager
Office Groinrf Floor First National Bask
I : 1 1 1
f WH1
S si;'
nt Scottsbluff. The last report before
ber death stated that she was feeling
fine. Everybody sympathizes with
Mr. Curry and family, for she was a
very kind mother and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Farrel nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Murphy and Mrs Powell at
tended Mrs. Cuiry's funeral in Hem
ford Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hall have moved
over into Sioux county. They are now
occupying the Edward I-eth house.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jay Hall visited at
Ivor Meeker's home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Meeker visited
at the Cnl I-ei home Sunday evening.
Frank Caha and son, Charles, were
out to Langford dam one day last
week on a hunting trip. They say the
ducks and hunters are thick.
tTT1l xv-.-.UYo
Fissure and other Dierac;s of tha
rm. men
Tile nurt Uupture
Grand JuliuiU, Neb.
I cure every case
of Pile I treat by my
mild serum treat
ment, or you need
not pay me one cent.
f. n.
A ' I
Aff ORO -Co
) s?eko ANonNtB- I
-E.t6VT )
V ow-w-w v,
Te. olp oho (m
V arc Att eo5xto WMfzZX
Too C. " y
t SVJ ?y'J- ,.rv-- ', lihi: 1sh'
I have a nearly new .10-60
Kumely Tractor, 8 plows,
wagon and tank and 1,000
acres of break ing and part to
crop is desired. See me at
once. This is worth looking
GEO. II. BRECKNER 210 W. 3rd
Painting end Paperhanging
-Work Guaranteed.
. Corner Third and Cheyenne '
"When Il'a Your Move,
Let Us Know"
Office rhone, 13; Res. 881 and Dlk. 730
Attorney-at-LaW T 1
Office in Reddish Ulock
Let Me Cry Your Sale
Auctioneer 1232 Missouri
Telephone S84
rilONK 9
Drake & Drake
Doctors of Optometry I
Glasses Accurately Fitted 7 1
Not Medicine, Surgery, Oxteopathg
Chiropractors Tulmer School
Telephone SC5 Vilson Uuildinjt
Real Estate. Loans and : '
Reddish Block tf
Phone 6G1 Alliance
Harry P. Courscy
Ll?e Stock and General Farm Sale
PHONE3: RES. NO. 113
Transfer and
Successors to Wallace Trans
fer and Storage Company
Howard & Allen
"W Try Hard to Pleas"
New arrival of the better
Canton Crepe Dresses.
Highland-llolloway Co.
Herald Want Ads llesul ts.