Till: ALUANCK IIKUAT.l), TUINDAY. SKITKMP.EU 20, 1021. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Wnt to tiur "Tithtni? Hun 4rna of pcop! n. n thep- Want Ad column a fiekin for hat you r oil. era hitf to otTer. OM qvuk rrsulla by a il -r t minff In Tb Unaiii Want Ail enimrt mint. UATKS one cent prr word pr lnf-rtiii. Cnt no more tkan thrr neve fphinrji mid we Rtnr ! timt you reach tv rsl hun irrd more read -ra. l-uy circula tion, not hot air. WANTED WANTED TO BUY Six- or eight fool counter. Iri'iuire No. 520, at UKRALI) OFFICE, at once. W-o WANTED Six-room house unfur nished, with gaiage. Call phone 1T0 or 757. 70 tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Ford Touring Car; 1021 model; overhauled, tip-top shape, wewly painted, pood price if taken at once. STURGEON GARAGE. 85-SS FOR SALE A good base burner. Mrs. OBannon. Phone 512. M-S7 KJ)U SALE Small house, modern; A-l location. Phone 124. tf FOR SALE Kanred wheat, $1.75 per bushel, sixteen miles northwest of Alliance, been fanned. C WOR- 1I0Y, Phone lCl-on-77, Hemingford. M-S5-p VOil SALK Giant rhubarb, grown mace July f, tor canning purposes. G. W. NATION. 7J-s7p FOR SALE One regi.Aercd Red Poll bull, one C-foot vertica' Jones mower. Eugene Ro.-cnberger. 74tf FOR SALE Big type Cherter Wl.ite boar?; beM; of breeding. I'hone 601F11. I. E. PURINTON. 71-tf FOR SALE Old paper's. 5 cent3 a bundle, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE Good used cars. A. II. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne. tf FOR SALE, FARMS Henry Ford or some one is going to take over the Government Nitrate Plant at Mussel Shoals, Ala., in the near future, and as a result, the land within a radius f 100 miles or more, will have the cheapest fertilizer available in the warld. This land is now wiling at from $40 to $70 per acre and when this fertilizer plant is in operation its value will undoubtedly increase oeveral hundred per cent. This section is noted for its long growing seasons, hort, mild winters, fine water, good Hchools, in fact a beautiful country to live in, and with present methods of fwminp, will produce lecord crops. It us tell vou about it, SCHADE & BOSTAPH, Lawrenceburp, Term. M-Sap FOR KENT VOll RENT Six-room house; all mwlern except furnac. 'Apply 02h Laramie. Mo-Sfip FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms-, modern. 220 Big Horn, Phon; 105S. 85p2-tf FO RENT Two rooms; on Box Butte; will do fpr office rooms. ITione 512. M-87 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of Box Butte Countv, Nebraska. la the Matter of the Estate of Ietitia Cole, Deceased. To All Persons interested in said es tate: Notice is hereby given that S. H. Cole, administrator of said e.-tate. will.niwt the creditors of said estate at t!v County Court room in the City ef Alliance in said County, on the 3rd day of IWember,' 1921. at 10 o clok a. m. for ti e purpose of hearing, adjust ment and allowance of claims against Kaid estate. All persons having clairn or demands aairM said estate, must h'e the same in this Court on or before December 2nd, 3021, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated ...-otemer 1. If 21. (Sipnedj 1KA K. TASH. (SEAL County Judfe. (Sept. 2-27.) LlitiAL son? E. To ;e.)ire Pryden and Percy Pry- dm Vou will take no' ice that on the .i.,,- ,. u t. r.'2i. i..ti. :t nel'.i called an oru-r oi a;".ainrm tu i.-sued out of the Justice Court A. Ilt-i i v. Ji'-tice of the Peace iaiue, B. 15u;te County. Ne- to b L. of Al! lra-ka. auain.-t vou im the mm 1 Fortv Dollars (iiO.OO). That under said order of attachment, garnishment has h. en .-erved on th? Chicago, Fur liitffion & (iuincv Railroad company, vhu-l Coimianv ha answered that it . . . . r. .. i .... nieiieii to iieieTeiani, viei.ri'i- i'i- len. in trie -urn oi rony-i've ami ..o s .."i."o i Dollars ::rnl'to IVrcy Dr- :.. ll,.. . ,.. ..f -.r-.l O-.IO.'I 1(11 ( i. n. (JiiO.OT) Dollars. That the said action b.t- lieen cor.t in'i-cl to Octolier 1. V.'2. 10 o'clock A. M.. at which t i ro- you j r" reuuned 1o appear and .-hew cai. . if ; ny cm have, why -aid f uiel si oulcl I'ot be i oi'liod to the pai int o:' pla;ntii"s c!.om. Da" -d September C.th. l'21. CHAKLLS POSFLll'S. Sl-oo 1 l..jii:T. SOME lDl ( liMI N T. The following recent lj apt ; red if n Chic ug new.-jiapc r'.- ad rtis:r.g column1:: "If Wilbur Blank, who dr-ertcd hi-wifi- und babe twenty year.', ago, will return, said babe will knock hi- L!k off" American Le gion Weekly. Only a real saint can know your faults and not tell you about them. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET OMAHA. Neb., Sept. i:. HOGS Receipts. 4.00O. Active, mostly 2.rc higher: .i;!k nf better pr.xlos. $ .2.(i" T.'io; to'', s.l7; Ini'k packirg grades, $i..iM?rV.I)0. CATTLE Receipts, 1S..00. Beef steers st:ulv to lower; early top. feeder sli i'i's, $S.'i5; sbt--t k , mostly i li(fr2oc lo,or: Lulls s--;t ly ; veals wcuk U lower; Mockers iiihI feeders, I steady to 2."c lower. I SHEEP Receipt--, l!l..'O0; lambs! fully, z.k1 lower; Oc.-t we.-tern--, ;-:..r,o bid; sheep Mcaely; owes, JI.'J'i; feed ing lambs Flow; wcnk to 2."c lower. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 10 CATTLE Receipts, 3,r.(0; beef steers slow; steers slow, steady to l.V lower; yearlings, ?0.2.'i; other steers early, S-o.r0C'i,-''; fat she stock steady to weak; grass cows mostly .'.M(Vj,4.fU; few other kinds, $u.00Qir.50; grass heifers, ?.0U; lipht vealers steadv; Lest, $10.00; other sales weak to f.Oc lower; choice medium weights, $7.00; most heavies, $ 5.00 (" . ,"0 ; other classes generally steady; bulk canners, $2.002.50; good cutters, $3.00(3)3.25; most bulls, $3.50(1.25; early sales slacker?, $4.50(S6.25; feeders, $5.25o) C.25. HOGS Receipts, f.,f00; matket opened slow, mostly 10(?Sl5c higher than last week's close; closed fairly active at full advance; best 105 to 210 pound weights to packers and ship ers, $3.45; bulk of sales, $7.S0(a8.40; full load butcher now?, 7.00(a)7.r0; throwouts, sows mostly, $(5.000.50; stock pigs, 2535c higher, with few choice lights at $S.50. SHEEP Receipts, 15,000; sheep study; ev.es, $1.75; lambs weak to 10c lower; eleven load.? prime western, $D.00. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Sept. 10. CAT TLE Receipts, 3,:00. SU-ady to 25c liwer; steers $4.000.25; cows and hifers, $7.50(S 0.00; veals, 5.0010.00. HOGS Receipts, 4,000. Steadyjo 15c higher; top, $.8.40; bulk, $7.uin 8.35. SHEEP Receipts, 6,500. Steadv lambs J0.00fi0.75; feeders, SC..50() 700; wethers, $4.50(3)5.25; yearling.--, $5.50.50; ewes, $1.00(4.25. OMAHA GRAIN MARKET OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 10. WHEAT No. 1 hard, $1.1G1.17; No. 2 hrd, $1.151.16; No. 3 hard, $1.14; No. 4 hard, $1.12; No. 1 spring, $1.40; No. 2 spring, $1.3S; No. 3 durum, $1.04; No. 2 mixed, $1.05; No. 3 mixed, $1.00 (ft 1.05; No. 4 mixed, $1.031.05; No. 2 yellow hard, $1.15; No. 3 yellow hard, $1.131.15; No. 4 yellow hard, $1.00 1.10. CORN No. 1 white, 42a!43c; No. 1 yellow, 42,.a43c; No. 2 yellow, 42,2(-)c; No. 1, 4141Vic; No. 2, 41itt)41Vic; No. D, 41c; No. 6 corn, 30 (f 40c. OATS No. 3 white, 3232'.ic; sample grade, 30Vbc. BARLEY No. 2 5Gc; No. 1 feed, 45 c. RYE No. 3, 91fc(e?92c; No. 3, 91c. LIBERTY BOND PRICES NEW YORK, Sept. 10 3'i'8, 87.CR; first 4s, 88.00 bid; second 4s, 80.00; first 4'4s, 80.11; second 4'4s, 80.15; third 4'is, 02.82; fourth 4 Vis, 80.32; Victory 3 vis, 00.00; Victory 4s, 00.00. LAKESIDE The ladies' aid society held a busi ness meeting at the church Wednesday September 14 to decide when to have a social. It was decided to have one Friday evening, September 23. The event will be for the benefit of the ladies' aid fund. They are a very faithful bunch and deserve the pat ronage of the people on this date. Joe Hancer drove up from the Paulet vicinity last Thursday morning to meet a party of duck hunters who arrived that day form the east. Mr. Quist returned from a western trip one day last week. R. C. Bninson drove in from the St-:r ranch Thursday. T. V. Gurnvtn wis sent to Broken Bow to work for the Burlington last Thursday. Charles Hitt went to Whitman Friday. Abe L'nderhill went to Lewellen, i i - Trtt BWTE..-CKTCpe k e.Lt' Neb., the latter part of the week t e about renting a farm for the com ing year in that part of the state. Vr. :.rvl Mrs. Geo. Cooper were in town Friday. R. A. Cook droe out to the Haw kins' ranch north of town Thursday to take Mrs. Hawkins home after a vi.-it with her niece. Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Ben B:;l.er and daughter, Elsie, of Morrill, Neb., vi.-ited friends here '.he l. tter pt.rt of the week. Claud Hud.-on spent a couple of day.- the latter pait of the week down in the K!l - worth neighboi l ood. Harry I'ud.-on worked in his place on the .Mo tion while he was gore. Mrs. Clarence Ieishinan und child ren were in town Satunl.iy. H. S. FuMerton i.nd little nephew were in delivering vegetables Satur day, from southeast of town. The Misses Alice Schill and Wilmr Mote, teachers, spent the week-end in Alliance. Jack Craven who has been employed at the oil well drilling for some time moved his family down from Antioch Saturday to lie in the Standard neighborhood. Frank Westover returned home Saturday from Cambria, Wyo., where! he was called on account of the death of his brother, Charles Westover. Sydney Irwin and family were in tewn Saturday morning. J Mrs. Frank DeFrance was in town Saturday. i Miss Ruth Pollard came down from Alliance Saturday to spend the waek-( end at home. W. H. Been and family are plan ning to leave in the near future -for Iowa, where they expect to make their future home. The Lakeside) Developfng company received another oil drill last week. A number from hei-e attended the dance at Antioch Friday night WiHiam G. House and Mable C. Speer, were married at Alliance Sat urday, September 17. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eel House of Lakeside, a very industrious and high ly respectenl young man. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Bertha IVfch'd also of Lakeside. Both parties have a host of friends here who wish them a long and prosperous journey through life. Twenty-one carloads of cattle were shipped to eastern markets from the stockyards here Saturday night. The A?h Bros, one car, L. Trester one car, nnd the balance were from the Willis Beck and Van Alstine ranches. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward who for the last three years have been residents of this neighborhood and been employed at the Hord Potash plant loaded their household goods here Sunday and are leaving for Leb anon. Mo., where they will reside on the farm they bought there a year ago. Alva Ash went to Omaha with a car lead of cattle Saturday. ' There is lots of duck hunting in this vicinity since the season openeeL R. A. Westover returned home Sun day from Cambria, Wyo., wht?re he went to attend the funeral of his brother, Charles Westover, who died at that place last week. Complains Apainst Frat. LINCOLN People living in the neighborhood of university fraternity houses have complained to Mayor Zchrung that they are unable to slee p at nights on account of carousals of students lasting until 3 a. m. Com plaints were made against three or ganizations . One of the complainants told the mayor thnt the students said it would do no good to report them, as they have "police protection." Mayor Zehrung denies the charge, and promises students will be expected to live up to the standard exacted from the rest of the city. One of he com plainants wsnts the fraternity home declared a "nuisance," nrd threatens to take the matter into court. When an employer goes out to buy brains, he prefers u.-ecl models. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN j From my ranch on Section 12, Town-j ship 25. Ranee 51, Box Butt county,) Nebraska. 13 Red Steer. 3 and I years olds, j 2 Red Cows. j All branded n 1'it.ht hip. Liberal re ward for information lead-i ing to nrovorv. Address WM. BUT LER. Fow ling," Nebraska. 2-V. Gene Byrnes ;0 v. U'MVJv'AI TO Trto.Ov Saturday Consiiiulicn Day, But Governor the Only One to Observe It S.-.'.ti"'! .y w: red o"-d Con-t it lit 'on day. Governor McKelvie, in asking .'ia -' ii) to make fitt:m: eilv-ervanee f the date, issued the following proe iam.it not : "It v.i- in nn hour of the- nation's' rrea.e 1 trial thr.t Abraham Lincoln -aid: 'It is not the const itution as I -hou'd like to have it. but ns it is that is to be defended. The const 'tution 1 will not he preserved or deft nd d un til it is informed an doleyel in every part Of every clay of these I'nited States.' Tins is the sp rit of patriot- ' it 1 I ' ' i nm 11 I ' ... "I '1 , LEI Ml CURE PILES THAT I can cure your Pllet (Fistula, Filure and other Dlsf.-ir.c9 of the Tectum except cancer a abort time lonijer) by an original, pain, lets, olsaolvent method of my own, without chloroform, ether or knife, and without danner whatever to the patient My treatment la o successful that I have built up the largest practice In this line between Omaha and Denver. My treatment la no experiment. It la the meat succersfu! method ever discovered for the treatment of Diseases of the Rectum. I have cured many cases where the knife had failed and many other cases that had been treated for months and years in vain. I guarantee a cure in every case I accept or make no charge for my services. My method of curing Piles and cthc Rectal Diseases, as well as Rupture, was laughed at twenty year ago. but today I can point with pride to all of these who have be lieved in me and have come to Grand Island to get cured. If you are suffering with some form of Rectal Trouble or Rupture, write to me today, telling all about your trouble, and let me tell you how easy It is to gt cured. Be sure to use the free information coupon when you write to me. No longer is it necessary for you to spend three or four weeks Getting your piles cured. You can now be cured within five days, and be up and around all the time you are taking treatment. Don't doubt this amazing truthl Send for free Information today also convincing proof that my method of curing Rectal troubles and Rapture should appeal to all those wishing to avoid a surnlcal operation with Its attendant discomforts cf dread and fear that causes so many sufferers to delay In seeking relief. JCUSE I (A!. I JJt f I due to tne eonstam strain of even a mild ease of piles on the sympathetic nervous system. You can pour all the medicine down your throat that money can buy, or You can spend your last dollar at the world's best health resorts, or MSI ASIS CAIAID bl PUIS Ycu can allow yourself to be slashed, yet You will NEVER these troubles iintil your piles are U. Z 3 , o 67 O I'll. Itl If. Pile Mill Kuplure Sieelnlist, Craoil liilatnl. Ni-li. 1'leane M-pil nn- fri' i-oiii f it Infonea llon reu'iinluig I he ini'lhml ycu uw In cur nil.' I'ili-B, KlKlu' e. l'iM."Ure umi other rcelul lIlHellMcH Mill ruil lire, witliout a BiVrie svuiric;l Piifiiition. (Meiitinn which troulilu )uil have when williiiw;). NAME Town. .n. REAL ESTATE Box Bntte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. G McCORKLE, Manager Office Ground Floor First National tx Says: "Thanks .-"1 V? p : m ??r S ;-.-) h- ; i'-tn and fidel ty to ihdy that h:is en ibb- I America to survive in spite of cviiv obstacle. "'I lie problems that el imor for solu tion tod ly m e no les important than tbo-e tli it h:io impie - ( d them (Ives upon the nation's history since it ! g nning and I am confident t!i. t their ,'cd'it i.m may be traced !iectl to an in der t aiubiig of the com f itution nnd the pinpo that the fathers had in mind w'oen it vt- adopted, "W'tli these thoughts in mind, I am movi'd to direct nttent ion to the one hundred and forty fifth anniver. aty o; the c n dilution of the I'm led States, and to urge U on the people of Ne- biasl.a the imiiortanee ol oieerving this day in a fitting manner, so that the fundamentals of our form of gov ernment may he clearly understood YOUR QUICK! MANY DISEASES all cut and get rid of cured. PT. ItlCII Pile nml Itiipture Kiweltihrl 'irand UUnU, Neb. I cure every case of Piles I treat by my mild serum treat roent, or you need not pay me one cent. f. n for the Advice." "S1XS, j'.fd a-i ad'i rif'e to t!w'--e principles' . r. u.i t a nt i'd." I Ju 1 re""ive a large shipment of the wonderful f medy, 'iVnlac. This (is the great r'"'rine ,u have been I hearing w ro;i h .'dioig. 'I he remedy i that's made such wonderful reputa- Don and which n:i; .'ci omplisheil su: h rem. nkal.le re'ij't all ., r the L'nite.l States and Crnnda. Git jour Lottie I now at F. E. Holstcn'.-. j: j Four yearr In prise. n for two Ger i man olficers wV fired on a hospital i h p is a'most s sever-" treatment as (if they had lUdrn a tire. Among the hazardous pursuits there might ln mentioned that of be ing a prominent politician in Mexico. WELDING GEO. II. IIRECKNER 210 W. 3rd Painting and Papci hanging GRANT HALE Work Guaranteed. Corner Third and Cheyenne MOVING, PACKING, STOKING AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When It'a Your Move, Lei l? Know" Office Phone, 15 Res. SSI and Dlk. 739 'F. A. BALD Attornc3'-at-Law Olfice in 'Reddish Clock Let Me Cry Your Snlee R. A. WYLANI) Auctioneer 1232 Missouri Telephone SM L. A. KERRY ROOM 1, RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accuitely Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Oateopatkf DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone 8C5 Wilson Iiuildin Real Estate, Loans and Insurance F. E. REDDISH Reddish Rlock tf Phone 6Ct Alluse Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Lire Stock and General Farm Sslsa PHONES: EES. NO. It3 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage 8uccevri to Wallace Trans, fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Plea" t. J Jr.: . -1 V '." - 5 ,x , -