The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 20, 1921, Image 4

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1 jj
asnnr nn
taunt uur
Tr nil
h u k-o animal. Hut a mud pup HEMIMJIOKI) IS l.KHINl)
f cut water, so there you are. I 11 S CO.MMISSIONKR
Safdy First! Sec cur Wool
an J Silk Dresses for .10.9.".
HiMand-Hnllnwny Co.
ttwo more kksiphnts ham'.
cai(;i:t a cmmi-sk.
Courscy Hears Detail
of the Harvest Festival
Hsld at North Halle
(ContiniKiI from Pare 1.)
"The ro.- il north of town has hern
m:i inl :l: rifll in I'Ymd .),:irir f.r t vw
mile but In yend th;.t it h a very Ind ; n '',l0'' ti,1,l probably needed the worst
rn.-.d. Mr. Carroll's cdministation ha;
d no considerable in the way of rral
read con.-truction nnd we appreciate
what t1i rommits'onerM have done,
very much. Probably pvcry bit of
ro.vl th;.t has boon built has been
iiml unworkmanlke condition. The'"" many roads to woik on
brst five miles west of town the road
is in v There are Fever:.!
Mini holes IhjomI that to Ihe Lawn
church ami ii in a devil if a nh:iie
"However, there is biir traffic over
the road norlh of tow-n and over the
road west of town, both of which are
in a !ep!ora!le condit.on in spots. Wc
Say It Ix Two I Yet nuJ A I
taat Ten or Twelve Oct Long
I Plans to Capture.
The Hay Sprint's ilerp ten monster,
fcich has bwn wen at. rare interval.
by a few fortunate residents living1 in
WSe vicinity of the alkali lake where it
MLke its home, has been F-ocn aain,'
According to the Hay Springs News,
which jrives all the details that excited
bfiervers with excited imaginations
fan supply. This monster has caused,
wsiderable speculation the past two!
r three months. It has been positive-:
Jy identified as a jrray whale, such ns
re found in certain parts of the Paci
fic, by the lleminirforil editor, but
ttfhcrs think it might be a mermaid.!
Tllie last eye-witness has a theory that
it u a mud puppy that forgot to die
en iti natural span of life run out
had has continued on through four orj
five existences until it him reached its
Jwent abnormal dimensions. The
Jews says:
"Charles Hoefcr and wife and others
Tcfwrt having recently seen the mon
Mer in the lake. They sat on the bank
time watehinjr it and described
"St M being two feet broad and ten or
twelve feet long. Aa Boon as permis
sion Is granted by the state authori
ties to use a seine or other means of
aptune, titeps will be taken to capture
"There seems to be no ,uest,ion now
wit what the fellow Is there. It has
een Keen by many who have about the
Mine story to tell except that it worns
To be growing larger each time: This
i explained from the fact that it has
fccen accustomed to being watched rnd
Jore of its body being exposed. If
it isn't a whale its a whaler of an
-animal, any way.
"Rut Charlie has advanced another
idea. He says that he thinks it is n
tnml pup. Charlie never saw a mud
pup, he says, of the magnitude of this
oe, although ho has seen some that
were at least ten inches broad and a
yard long weighing about twenty-five
pounds. He also says that about five
years is the natural life time of a mud
pp but he sees no rea.-on why a mud
pup could not take a second or even
a third growth and develop into a
I rt:il south f twa to Alliance is in
I splendid condition.
No further official nrfon has liren i "'Ihe six mile strip from the Hash
taken bv the h ini!er of commerce or ' man kukI up to the ISerea road
from I-awn church to Man-land. 'Ihe undprsUind the first work in the spring
will be on the road west of town, prob
j.My from Lawn church six or seven
miles this way and later on all of the
read. What we need now is a lot
anv o'bir civic orgnn'zation in repird about (i.r per cent finished and noels a! more work and believe we are just be
to'the holding of a harvest festival; lot of food hard work to make it anlP""1"1 to k'et "ur ;l'are of the roa'l
in Alliance at some time in the tier r . agreeable road to drive on. Ihe ioa. " nhtru: lloru ' rcvious lo this the
futi;ie, the sugirestcd date iK-ing Arm-1 through Lierea is f;iirly irood excopt I money has been spent elsewhere or in
i.-tice day, November II. The lonnl ! for about six or seven thuck holes that ! FUrn a puttering way that it really did
of d;rectors of the city' commercial
organization decided, at n meeting
held lant week, to take no fteps in the
matter until further Information was
at hand and the merchants of the city
had Fignified that they were willing
to bark the festival financially.
The harvest home festival was sug
gested by the success of a similar oc
casion held a short time ago at North
Platte. First reports were that the
Ford garage in that city had tfaged
the celebration, which was known as
"Fowl day," but according to letter re
ceived the first of the week by Harry
P. Courscy, who wrote for details, this
was not the case. All the merchants
of the city co-operated in the festival
and all of them unite in saying that
it was a great success. Mr. Coursey
received full details from North Platte
and these letters have been turned
over to officials of the Alliance cham
ber of commerce.
It is believed that a meeting of
merchants will be called to consider
the proposition and make a definite
have been in the ro:id for thjit rnunv ! no good. What mad' have been 'built
years, and which never received at-1 are really worth while ami the eight
tention even if the road is scraped months of Mr. Carrell's administration
over. The road dow n the. railroad ' "' ,,on vprv productive of results,
track is complete for about two miles' s to 00 hoped that Alliance will
and a very excellent job was done on reconcile itself to a commissioner who
il ;.. ....... . . . I w ! ... I el t-i fhintrs ilono tin. I lK-,f Mr. r1.. ..,11
LINCOLN Ncbra.-ka is now with
out a supreme court commission, for
the fir.-t tirno in six years. The body
known by that title went out of exis
tence on Thursday, by reason oi' the
last Icgi.-latures refusal to give it a
nt-w lea.-e of l fe. It was created fr
two years by the 1!)1" legi.-lature. In
1117 the legislature extended its ten
ure another two jears, and in 'J1V the
Htiric thing was d ne again.
By rean of the fact that Commis
sioner W. C. Dorsey resigned a few
weeks before h's time was out, in or
der to assist the attorney general's
office in a grand jury probe at Om
aha, th'.re will be a small balance of
? 137 left in the commissioners salary
fund. Dorsey drew $."13 for his ser
vices luring the final iiarterly period,
while C W. Tibbrts and W. M. Cain
drew $0 each.
One of th? commisioners two steno
graphers, Miss Laura Mayer, received
$.:0 for the first half of September,
and on Friday morning she went to
work in the department of finance,
presided over by Phil Press.
Commissioner Tibbets will returr
to Hastings and Commissioner Cain
to Fremont to resume the practice of
uv. Commissioner Horsey will b
hvsy at Omaha for a while and may
lale'r return to Franklin county, hi.i
old hone. His friends anticipate that
he may be a candidate for suprero
ju!i.rc in t'.u- Fifth district next year.
Salrtv First! See our Wooil
and SiUi Dresses for ?10.9.".
Hihhind-llolloway Co.
Those who can't afford to visit-.
Paris this summer can console them
selves with the reflection that it'
hotter over there than it has been
The news that baby carriages ar
cheaper should mean a boom in pop
Tarns, all colors, for
$1.00. $1.23, $1.50 and $2.00
Ilighland-IIolIoway Co.
Edith Wharton, the writer, told this
war story! "The American wounded
were being brought in from the sec
ond Maine battle," he paid, "and a
fussy American woman in a khaki
uniform and Sam Browne belt knelt
over a stretcher and said. Ms this case
nn oiricer or only a man?" The big
corporal who stood beside the stretch
er gave her a grim laugh and sa;d:
Well, lady, he ain't no officer, hot
he's been hit twice in the innards, both
legs busted, he's got two bullets in
both arm-", and we dropped him three
times without his lettin' out a squeak,
so I gue.s you can call him a man.' "
Seattle Argus.
Here's the Greatest
Comfort Shoe Ever
Built for Service
this strip. The mudhole at Uhrig's
coi ner which has ben an eyesore for
ten years, is now nicely graded and
we hope drained into the ditch along
the railroad right of way.
"Contrary to the statement in the
Alliance Times and Herald, a very
creditable and satisfactory road has
been built to the He mi ng ford ceme
Ury as much as three or four months
gits things done and that Mr. Carrel!
will not be quite no antagonistic to our
Alliance fr ends as he has been so that
peace and harmony can reign in Box
Butte county.
"The sentiment in Hemingford is
for Alliance to get the North Star
highway. We want the road opened
up through Morrill county and we will
oe giaif to go to it where ever it is
.... ...i . .
ago. Rome one nas compiaineu to ;'"' wvii we warn w go aoroai. ji ;
these editori who has not been out to 't come a little west of Alliance it;
look at the road.
"For the whole territory north of mere xo iane u even though it is ai
town, out through the Gordon-Kriz
neighlnjihood, there appears to have
been nothing done. For the help of
the people southeast of town one mile
past the George Carrell farm has been
graded in good shape. This ought to
le continued for the benefit of the
people out that way. Southwest of
town nothing has been done. A road
is very badly needed out into the Dan
ish neighborhood six miles south and
six miles west and of course bevon
that to the county line. West of ir
Lawn church work is needed and north
west of town up in the Girard neigh
borhood the roads are in vciy bud
shape. Also, there is more or Ics.
wed of the road being graded d'rertly
.-south of the Lawn church connecting
at approximately the Klmore Dam.
Want Tenth Street Road
will probably be better for us to co
there to take it even though it is a
few miles out of the way, than to try
to cut across the sandy, mucky coun
try along Snake creek. We wish mucn
power to Alliance's arm in getting this
North Star highway from Bridgeport
to Alliance, asking only that they do
it forthwith. They seem to be doing
well lately.
"The trouble between Alliance and
Mr. Carrell is only a lack of under
standing which should be easily adjusted."
New assortment of Vests and
Hihland-Holloway Co.
"A road .-hou'd be built from Alli
ance directly west to the dam, even ii
part of it has to be surtaeed with the t
white clay from the h'lls. Some strips j
of road should be built from different
isolated localilie.-t to the main traveled
Horse cabman (to driver of forty
horse motor car, who had bumtcd into
his horse: "Ah, yer blinkin' coward!
Forty against one!" London Evening
Very likely Eden lost some of its
atmosphere of romance when Eve dis
covered the onion patch.
An Ideal Soap
If you do not already know the splendid cleansing
quality of
you should buy a trial order of it today. It is very moder
ate in price and we feel sure you will be pleased with it.
2 cakes, for 15c
3 cakes, for 20c
r cakes, for .10c
12 cakes, for 70c
Scotten & Hershman
211 Cox Rutte Avenue Thone 132
ON VtV Shq6 J
j pV -fiJ Patented Process I
Have Yon Paid Attention to
Winter's Wa
is not a freak shoe for freak feet. It is a long
wearing health shoe for normal feet. Built
over a 100 foot comfort last. No seams in
vamp or tip to rip or hurt your feet.
All leather is of the very best quality.
For heavy outdoor work we recommend this
Cold Mornings and Frosty Days Tell Us That
Cold Weather is Not Far Off
Are You Ready For It?
Why not be al! prepared for the cold raw days lhat
are coming soon? If the old heater is not giving satis
faction, replace il with a
Alliance, Nebraska.
r I'm-"""' l- rtv
uck s ileater
This is a stove that will ive satisfaction from every
point of view: Reasonable price, elegant appearance,
cleanliness of operation and FUEL CONSUMPTION.'
You can't believe that it will cut your fuel bills in two but
that is what its scientific construction docs.
Let Us Show You Its Record
Stop the Kitchen Waste
Cooking Stoves and Ranges are the greatest manufacturing machines in the world. jft.,,s?
Vast sums are annually wasted through the use of the poorly constructed stoves jfe2jt
and ranges.
Do you want to save your proportion of this vast waste? If so, look into the un- hY
n M,
Made of the heaviest and best Armco Iron. Riveted and welded together like a loco- -X lfO?iS?s j .
ive boiler. All parts exposed to fire made extra heavy. I M f
ti - V.
V r. yit ir.r it i