TIIK ALMANCK HE U ALP, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER fi, 1021. SEVEN Vr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want to fcuT ootnrthlnK? Hun rede of people nin U.eiw Want Ad rolurne looking for what vou r olhr have to off r. Get quick reeuila t.y advt Miirjp in Tfca Herald Want Ad a parimmt. RATK.S i ifnt per word pT Insertion. 'om to inoie tln ether n M-KpHt i rr iind we irunr autee tl.at ni rtacti eeteral hun dred nn.i f rmrti re. buy circula tion, not hot air. WANTED WANTKD Six-roin hou.-c unfur nished, ith j.uraL.e. Call phone J(U or T'.7. 70-tf choice beeves. $X.C0(i :i.2.; fair to ponl Tf-eves, fS.OOCfi-y.f.O; common to fail beeves, ?7.r0(f N.t;0; choice to prime eurlin!s, $!.fvr.i-l (.."".; od to choice yearlings, ?;i.2."c,f 9.7." ; fair to col yearlings $S. 't.2; common to fiiii y art ini's. $7.2.( S.'J"; choice to prime rra.-s lieves, ?7.(Hi(i"7.7.'i; good to ihoice rrass U eves fU. ((('! ;.!0; fair to gonf jrra.s beeves ?."i.2"(Ti0.iM; cmnni'in to fair era.-? beeves, f4.7;"i(i' Ii.2r; Mexican, J l.Ot iiV 1.7."; choice ma.--.j heifers, $.S.:.tK; ;.''.".; fail' to good irra.-s heifer?:, $4.2.ri(r..'.; choice to prime grass c-iws, J.i.2."iiri ."..7r; good to choice grass cows, J-I.MV'-.Ot); fair to good gras cow-;, ? J.t-Oj t. .".().- common to fair grass cows. S0'.)v.r;1.7-r); choice to prime f.Wer.-. S7.0-V' 7.40; r d to choice feeder.-, t .;'..2.ViT..S."i: fair to fi nd f'f ilers, $'.r(K7 (i.2. ; common to fi.ir feeders, J 4.7."u'r Ti..r0; good to choice stocked. $0.00(0 00; fair to pcrel stockers, ?..0(U' r.7.; common to - f; ir stockcr.s P t dori .'..00; stock cows. WANTED Salesman with car to call $ i.00(a J.2'; stock heifers. .4.007T.yr; on dealers with a low-priced tl.OOO-. stock Lulls, stairs, etc., i2.(Hn'. mile tire; $100 a week with extra) HOGS The week closed with a commission?. Universal 1 ire & Kub- j rather small run of hogs, about 2,000 Ur Co., Michigan City, Ind. Mplhend, raid very little chance in prices. "Vrvn WAIT I Mixed packing and heavy hogs sold on paid for pood butcher anl bacon hops TO in some cases a c'ime or more higher. The general market was quot ed steady to 10c hipher. Beit light hops mn! a fhirper top of $9.20 and Republic truck, motor rebuilt and in j ;.' "f,. rfPls ,r"m.$,V10. I .tin. iiiiue Hilling mir um -riv nu. shown no very great chanpe from day to day and current prices for hops of all weights are substantially the same as tho-e of a week npo. SMKKP No sheep or lambs were received today and va'ues were nomin ally rt?ady. Tbx-eipts durinp the week have (ten !-rr.l aau toe treno oi itnccs sharriv lower. rvnur.p nmm NEBRASKA NEWS NOTES f 110.000 l'.ridrr ( omplrted. GKKINCf The new C.ei inp-Scolts-I'lulT luidpe has been opened for traf fic. The bridce is 21 fi-vl wide of r in forced innriitc :.nl the tipp roach i 1.S00 feet lorn: in the shape of an eh n pated "S". The hridj-e cost $14.(i'i(i. The bridge, it is said, caniis lu-ue iraC'ic than any other hrM.' in ti e staff, and only oiv lird re tli.it tou' ! the state Pcocds it the 0.i.:ihi u t i, c.l ClufVs In ii!pe. ckovkr si tton r.rrs i kom ONK TO TWI.NTY M:US Cirover Sutton, livinp about twelve mile south of Alliance, in Morrdl county, sentenced to from one to twenty .tears in the ftat penitentiary in district court at lr.dpepo!t day, whn he plcadel puilty cbarpt? of ar- on, with an Alliance nprnt, to t h- amount of J I "00, about ?fl,r.P0 ov r-inurance, and when they burned in July of thi tear, sought, to collect. A neph'-w, (iftune Sutton, livinp neat confessed to settirp the tire, ani rtuns- placed in jail Wednesday. drover to a va broiH'ht to tbi't city the day fol llnwiti'. denvintr bis rui't until lie was MlTICK! Sutton in-uied his fi rm buildings conftonted with his tieplw v. No frcf prff Jif will le permitted on the folio'.vinp b"-rriltl property: I5a a'd, South half of section .'!!, township 2" 1 was north, lanpe 4.. west oT the sixth i M., all in ox liatie coi.niy, .cUias ka. All tivspa"H'is will te prosecuted lo the full evtont -f the law. 74-82p C. J. KLLLii:S. FX)ll SALE Giant rhularb, pitwn since Julv 5, for canninp purposes. G. W. NATION. 75 7p VOTl SALE OK TKAPK Two tonj first cla.ss condit'on. Alliance property MILLER. Will consmer COUKSEY k FOR SALE 0e repi ered Red I'oll bull, one C-foot vertical Jones nwiwer. Kupene Rt'nlierger. 7-ltf FOR SALE Pit type Clie.-ter Tite boar; bett of breeding. I'hor.e M1F11. l. E. M'lllNTON. 71-tf TOR SALE Old papers, n cei.ts bumrle, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE Good uwd cars. A. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne. 1L tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of Rox Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Ititia Cole, Deceased. To All Persons interested in said es tate: Notice is hereby given that S. H. Cole, administrator of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the County Court room in the City of Alliance in said County, on the 3rd day of December, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. ra. for the purpose of hearing, adjust ment and allowance of claims against Mud estate. All perrons having claims or demands against said estate, must We the same in this Court on or before December 2nd, 1H21, or said claims w ill ke forever barred. Dated September 1, 1921. (Signed) IRA E. TASH, (SEAL) County Judge. (Sept. 2-27.) are closing at declines of $1.001.25 with the best selling at ?7.7.ri(ri)7.!"0. Fat sheep show a loa.; of ubout SI. 00 for the week and pwkI fat wes are not wanted nbove J .'.(). with apel vet hers around M.aOtfT 3.7". Good fading lambs at fS.OOtfi li.2." are about 7"c lower than a week apo but the de mand during the past two or three days has shown quite a little improve ment. Strictly choice lipht feeding lambs would likely .sell up around ?0.f.0. Quotations on sheep Fat lambs, westerns S.50(f8.00; fat lambs, $'.75 ('17.00; feeder lambs, $5.50 0.50; cull lambs. ? t.00(a5.00; fat yearlinga, S4..r,0 (rt'5.00; feeder yearlings, f l.004.75; fat ewes. $2.00(3.00; feeIer ewes, $2.00Z2.7.r): breebnrr owes, $3.00(5 5.00; cull ewes, 73c Jl25. First Train for Lyman. According to the noise and the c le- brat ion nt Lyman Thursday, t!e "driving of the last spike" on the Union Pacific back in the latter Mi's didn't hae a thing on the eelelv nion of the Nebra.-ka's newest railroid town when the fiivt real honest-to-io'm passenrer train pulled into that place establishing tegular service. From 100 to 125 Gerinir citizen boarded the train ami made the trip up there. In addition there were many from all por tions of the valley who came to wit ness the event, a crowd of fully 3.000 people being estimated as present. 1 he Gerinp band furnished music for the occas;on, there were airplane stuMs and riding stunt.- by Phil Yoder the world's champion broncho bu. tor. Pony races and other sKirts made up the day's events. From now tin unt;l after the land ilraw:ng a train v ill leave Gerinp for Lyman every morn ing at 7:00 o'clock it leaving Lyman on its return trip at 6 o'clock in the ovenine, this schedule being tmopted in order that ex-service men may have the entire day to look over the various ui.m muuiied in uncle sani s land lottery. The funerals conducted by us are modern in every respect. Our undertaking knowledge combined with our desire to please the public Ins caused this business to grow. You can depend upon otir services being polite, our appoint ments correct and our charges fair. Local and shipping funerals. I Glen Miller UNDERTAKING PARLORS Phones: Day. .111 Night, 522 or 533 123 West Third Street If your rnr is not worfcin;, let un make it work. If your radiator lcr.k, let u atop it. L. O. SMITH 211 Laramie Hear of Herald. WELDING GEO. II. BRECKNER 210 W. 3rd THE LIVESTOCK MARKET MONDAY'S MARKETS. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 3. CATTLE Receipts 7,000. For week: Beef steers, steady to 25c lower. She stock steady to 25c higher. Canners and bulls, steady; calves 60c to $1.00 high er; t-tockers and feeders nnd stock cows and heifers, steady to 2"c higher, fc'tock calves 2(a:50c higher. HOGS Receipts 8,000. Fairly ac- tive; better grades lights and mediums sveaily nun jrsiniay s nvriUK-. r-uiuc mixed loads b(a 10c higher; top, $9.30; bulk of sales, f8.75$i9.25; packing sows nnd stock pigs steaedy. SHF.KP Rceiuts, 700. For week: Fat shee" 7.")C?$1 lower; lambs, $1.25 fa 2.00 lower; feeding lambs, 35(2 00c higher. OMAHA GRAIN MARKET OMAHA, Neb., Sept. ft. HOGS Receipts, 3.500; market steady to 10c higher; bulk packing grades, S6.75(S J 7.2-r; better giiules, $S.()0(u!).00; top, $!).25. CATTLE Receipts, 10.500; best -tecrs steady to 15c lower; best year lings, fO.75; gra-ss steers steady to eak; she stock and bulls steady to titrong; veals, 25c higher; stockers and ffplers, steady. SHEEP Receipts, 20,000; supply 75 per cent feeding lambs; market fat lambs strong; best western lambs, $?; yearlings and sheep steady; best year lings, S5.00; wethers, $3.75; ewes, $2.75; feeding lambs strong; bulk early vales good feeding lambs, ?0.l5(ifi.25. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 5. CATTLE Receipts, 21,500; light veaWs, stady to strong; best. $0.50; ether calves, weak; .-pot lower; stockorf, neady to strong; spots, hipher; morn ing sale.-;, $4.50(0.40; other classes uneven but generally steady; tc-p , Kte'rs, 0.:J5; best vearhnps, S0.00; other steer sales, ?4.00( 8..' 0; few young cows, $n.l5(iT0.25; medium to goixl cows, $4.25f.".50; grass heifers, reostlv . 1.50i(tC..M; early sals le- ders. $:.)! ('ii;.:io. HOGS ;,)' 0; fairly active, mostly aily; spots 5 to !'-'e hn her; In k lights and medium.-, ii.l-'i.O.lUl; pack er top, $11.30; 22" to 275 pound e;fht . $s.75(rti.l(); bulk of sales, $X.50(n 0.30: packer S'ws, steai!; ; stork pigs, steady to 25'" higher; be4 kind. i:. . SHEEP 12.00O; vfi-y sh.w; h-.nibs. nlxmt .-teady; earlv top western, 7.75; 4eei). fully ' 25c loner; western V'h eis, .it); b"-t lambs, stei.dy at $5.25 ('Co.25. Excitement nt Minatnre. Minatare Free Press: There were two of them a young couple, a man and a woman. Thev were riding in an automobile. At the intersection of Minatare's two main business streets they turned their machine around the "Turn to the Right" sign posted there. Maybe they turned a l ttle too sud denly; mabe one of them wus not holding on tightly enough to what he or she had in hand. Hut, however that may be the something fell from the car just as the car made the turn. It fell to the ground. It broke. A pungent smell fdletl the atmosphere thereabout. All the old-time boozeologists in that pail of town licked their lips. Yea, so be it. 'Twas a bottle of home hootch. The young couple saw Fred Conklin, chief of police of Minatare, headed their way. They stopped not on the order of their going. He Ftepped on the accelerator and away sped the car, By the time the chief of police arrived nt the comer the car and its two frightened occupants were a consider able distance on their way to some where el.se. The Free Press isn't sure whether the marshal knows who was in the car. The Free Press knows, though. But The Free Press ain't goin' to tell nobody! i OMAHA, Sept. 3. Cash wheat or- f rings sold at an advance of l(e2c today, taken generally. Corn was lc higher. White was up a cent, yel low'jc and mied'2(Ws-c higher. Rye advanced l1 2(0 2c. Barley was about unchanged. Wheat receipts were mod erate and other grain light. WHEAT No. 1 hard, $1. 18(1.23; 1 No. 2 hard, $1.151.20; No. 3 hard, .1.13'a 1.17; No. 4 hard. ?1.0fi(frl.l4; ; No. 5 hard, S 1.1 0(1.14; Sample hard, OOcOlSl.lO: No. 1 spring, $1.30; No. 3 spring, $1.28; Sample spring, $1.10; No. 1 mixed. $1.10; No. 2 mixed, $1.10; No. 5 mixed, $1.05; No. 1 durum, $1.12; No. 2 durum, $1. 101.11; No. 4 d-urum, $1.08. CORN No. 1 wh'te. 44 He: No. 2 white, 4!'c; No. 1 yellow. 4."f.r45li;c; No. f mi'.-d. 14'tc: No. 2 mixeil, li'sc; No. 3 mixed. 44'c. OATS No. 3 white, 3lji32c; No. 4 whit, ."O'i-c. I RYE '-. 2, i)3?'-!Uc; No. 3, 93c; No. 4, ;UCt !'2c. BAia.EY No. 3. 52c: No. 4, 4S(D "0c; No. 1 feed, 4c; Ri jeeU-L, 4"c. Their Medicine Chest For 20 Years T is characteristic of I folia ar the pa. tha mJ 'thre acora yrara and ten," to look hack Tr tlia dai" that ara font and tboufbiiully liva them over. I nd mTalf, at aarantT-ona, fwjuently dritliuir Back a qoarter ct a century, when I are myarlf in tha littla drug aiora I ojwnad at Bolivar, Mo., maklur and Falllnf a vrfatabla omponnd to tor Irianda and euaiomera what waa than known only at Dr. Lowia' Mcdlclna for B to mac a, Liver and Bowel Complainta. For mantyeart while I waa perfaotlnB my formula 1 atadled and lnveatiatd tbe laiativea and cathartic on tbe market and became convinced that tbeir main fault vii not that tbey did not act on tha bowela, but that their action era too violent and tlrantie, and npant tha vyxtem of the unerj which waa dua to tha fact that they were not thorough anonRhln tneiraciion, anma imply actiuff on toe upper or rain iu and that tliey ST. JOSEPH. ..10.. S.'i-t. 5. I'.OHS Receipts, 3.500; market i te;-'ly to U r hiehev: to'), .!.50: bulk. ?r,.75(i !.:'0. CATTLE Receipt-, 2,500; market renerally steady; steers, $4.25.75; cows and heifers, $3.50fi'fl.75; calve.-, $ .00(i 0.00. SHEEP Receipts. 0,f:(K); market dow; lambs, $7.lKrs.25; ewes, i:)MK 3.75. Unemployed Causing Troubl?. SCOITSBLU FF Alarmed by the meat numbers of men pouring into this citv in answer to nn advertise ment printed and posted all over the state, promising 2,000 jobs in the beet fields and suear factories in the North Platte valley. Mayor T. 1 Deutch of Scottsblutf has entered a protest to sugar company officials. The mayor points out that during the past two o.' three weeks there has Ixen a regular "wave of clime" in the city and believes it can be traceNl to the undesirables attracted by the adver tisement. According to Mr. leutsh, the eountv nirent has applications for less than fifty laborers per day, and the unemployed are coming in much j larger numbers. He declares that if home people are given the jobs, there will be very few of them left unfilled. Tke company officias have tak n steps to stop the advertisement in iie-t;on' and will endeavor to have po-u-rs torn down in an effort to check the flow of um nipli yed into Scott: blulL I Ooing around and ai-iind in a whirlpool for an hour is at bet ter than going down for five fiinut limn, wlilla olhrri would art only on the lnwv r i&rtt intjuiinpfl. and tl almost invariably prodiioed a habit re quiring augmented doaea. 1 believed that a preparation to produce the best effect must first tone the liver, then acton the alomacb and entire alimen tary ay item. If tuiewaa accomplished, the medicine would produce a mild, but tnorouitn oliiulnatioo of tbe waate without the uual aickenioc enatiom and luake fie user feel btlU r at once. After experimenlinil with hundred of different oumpoonilr, I at l" penocieu me A H lormiila mat M now uncmn nnni which I truly beliuvu goca lunuer TIItFLK. ritESCRirilON ad doea mora than anv Uvatlve on the market tcniay. The thuuaanda of frunt UMira have convinced me I was rlht, and that theueer of Hatera'a Reieeay aa a family medicine, even though ho may have UM-d it lor twenty-live vuara, never baa to increaaa tha Uoae. My knowledge of medicine and the re mit of ite ue in ny own family and amona my frienda, Defora 1 ever B,r'o for aala, cauned me to have gret faith la flatart'l llomtay irom vtm very m.i- And now as I find myelf nearing the age vii ait each day and read tbe let tare luat each when 1 rtiukt bow to to another Hie, my ,lia inevitable and a rreateiit pleasure la t mail brinpr" from people aa old or older than 1, who tell of Laving haed Riture'a Ramedy for ten, fifteen and twi-nt year, and bow tliey and. t'.ieir children and grandchildren bava been benefitted by it. It la a eoneolinir thought, my frlendi, for a man at my ak'e to feel tht aaida from hia own etioceia, one haa done aometblng fn tia riinw man. Mr arealeit aatiafao- l OL-na K'UT, ia im million people will take Tainting and Pupcrhanging GRANT HALE , Work Guaranteed. Corner Third and Cheyenne MOVING. PACKING, STOKING AND S1II1TLNG SNYDER TRANSFER AM) FIKLTROOr STORAGE "When IlV Your More, Let Uh Know" Office Phone, 1 5 ; He. S84 and Rlk. 730 F. A. BALD Atlorney-at-Law OfTice in Reddish Ulock Let Me Cry Your Saleg R. A. WYLANI) Auctioneer 1212 Misourl Telephone 3S4 L. A. BKRRY ROOM 1, RUMK11 BLOCK rilCNE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctor of Optometry Glauses Accurately Fitted linn wiT .M.IjIlL hUntllQL'fl knowledge that tonlKht more than one million people win mice a nirore a nemey (NR Tablet) and will be belter, healthier, happier people fur 1U I hope you will be one of tbcu. . LEWIS MtDICINE CO., St. Louia, Ma DRUGGIST Not Medicine, Surgery, Ofcteopatky DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Talmer School Telephone 8G5 Wihon Duilding Real EsUite, Loans and Insurance F. E. REDDISH Reddish Block tf rhone G6t AllUat Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Lire Stock and General Farm Sale The new-fa-hi" neil poetry onern.i itself with nothing thut is p-et al. Herald Want Ads Results. REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C. McCORKLE, Manager Office Gro.nr! Floor First Nationxi llamk PHONES: RES. NO. ICS OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to F1cm" Gene Eyrne3 Says: 4Thanks fror'tiie Advice. S AT I' HI) V S t A K K KTS. OMAHA. Neb.. Sept. S.-CATI'I K Cattle of all classes were nominjilly Leatly today. Only three curs or 100 were reported in and no pales uere made. This week's receipts of 21,('00 heatl are the smallest since July. Cora f steers advanced sharply and while tfcere was some reaction on the c!o- , they are still 2j(i TiOc hiKher for the ueek. yearlings which reached fl0..'." r)owinr the most train. Ciotx! we-teras advanced a quarter, prime b-ve tfoi-' at $7.7.r. liweit'ts of cows and heifers were relatively litht and aliey are fully tiO7;)C higher. Uffht blockers are strong to 2tc higher, tut ttoe best fleshy feeders are as much as 25c lower and medium kinds look about steady. Quotations on Cattle Choice to rime beeves $9.25&9.t5; rood to r , 'ru. v I WOW UtSTtH tOO T " I" f K'.v.)'Jt tM.T OUT J , Of CW"C rAO To J i WtvEa vtt o- iRoo&e.Rs S moumt to V I J z TrtT TA1LOC - fttS. I &JK1Z TUAT mttStO tKH WtK ) lfTffN vLLrVRS IV N-?, CjEf YbOtt OWM 7 ZS I ATrXOUvfT .Ncw -rrtATiSTHvtny WV,?Sa a,a0 r,iMV y&y t -mooswrt T VXL y CENTS "'"S. .O r niSr r f FOft THE '-1 .....