The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 06, 1921, Page FIVE, Image 5

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4 l'V'-f.
. r 7 ! j t a t
L Til"" : K I F . .rf-TV.
II llll ! i hi
ocie w
-T, I
rr-?day afternoon at 2:.(t. Mrs. J. (
McCorklo w'll bp the inir hostess.
All inr mlvrs anil f rion Is are invitt to
rrumc unit ipumc and Kyht rcfioh-
mmh wvic snvrd during the rwninfi;.
Miss I'c'fn Hewitt, dauphin- of
Judtrr jui.i Mrs II. H. Hewitt of AUi
iuici and Miss Kloaror Frampton.
Univrr..ty of Nebraska pirls who arc
travrlir.;: in Austral a v th the Krllrr
an troupe, have written aeain. to
IJnroln friends of their experiences,
wys the Sunday State Journal.
They have appeared in Sklnev and
on tours through the country,' and
when tiiey lat wrote were soon tn n
to Adelaide for two weeks. Thpv aie
fi joying their life very much and so
far have been very fortunate, they say.
The younj? ladies testify that they like
Miss Kellerman very' much, that she is
a very pood "sport," strict as to the
conduct of her company, and that she
m always practicing: somethinp. They
Miy that with the possible exception of
Louise Pound she is the hardest worker
and does more thinps well than any
body they have even known. Resides
her diving and swimming, which made
nor reputation for her, she walks the
wire, toe dances, and sings some. They
add that everybody in Sidney seems to
like to listen to her accent and that
they are getting fun out of every mo
ment of their stay.
After graduating from the Univer
sity Miss Frampton and Miss Hewett
were instructors for a year in the
physical training department of the
Lincoln high school. They are with the
Kellerman troupe as eccentric danc
ers. As dancers they are pupils if
Tortia Swett and Ruth St. Denis.
Kiss Frampton is a member of Gam
ma Phi Beta and Valykrie. Miss
Hewett is a member of Delta Zeta and
Valkyrie. Both were prominent in the
women's athletic association in the
They write of the trip across:
"While on the boat we got all the
thrills of sea-sickness, almost had a
collision, with the Sonoma when seven
lays out at sea, were initiated into the
rites of Neptune's dominion, did our
.are for the boat's entertainment,
and missed nothing that was going on.
We had eight hours in Honolulu and
filled every bit of it with sight seeing
and enjoyment. We went to the
Moana hotel for dinner. It is on the
famous beach of Waikiki, and when
there we saw the champion girl swim
mer whose name is Bleibtrey. In ad
dition to a fine American dinner we
had the native food, pears, papia, and
"Moreover an American college
manand two college girls who knew
of us through faternity affiliations ap
peared and took us about in a car :.nd
put us on the boat for the next part of
our journey.
"Our next landing was at Samoa,
We got un early in the morning and
watched the sun rii e as we steamed in
through the narrows. Pango Ponga is
said to b( the inn t beautiful harbor-
in the world. It winds up through
i-h ir.ount'i-noy islands covered
with tr'";. Kach inland has a narrow
i.. i ,.u ,..:,!, . ,i i:c:..
1 V II Willi .' 1 1 t 1 1 I . " i-IMl 1 n i - .
irrn: V-mit-: hi liU i :ii';iv in thr-m. 'i , 'v
' . - v. . - .. ...
r-ft to one hunt ai d s:w the uirlx
the;" nativ dance, th ': a Siva.
gene, Miss P,dna P. relict. Mrs.
Walter Bledsoe. Miss Kthel Grabnn,
Miss Lulu Sturgeon. Mrs. Hail Price
and Mrs. Sanford Clement.
Mr. and Mrs. Clements left Monday
noon for Chadr on, wheie they will be
at home to friends. Mr. Cements is
an in-tiiictor in the Chadvon normal.
J. S. Kht-in arnl wife left Sunday '
morn rig via atifoir,.lik for Limo'ii, 1
wheie Mr. Pliei nwill r.tWnd a mrt-j
;r.g of the directors of the Nebraska
I!et;.il Hi.rdwaie dealers association. '
Iruy evp(t to vi'it the Innii'v of
Lev. ?!r. W:tk. t'orr erlv lr.stor of the
First Piesbytrrian crvrch of thi city
r:nd now living nt Sin Hon. Ni b., en
i onto. Th y will nl viit friends
. ti ft. i.
;u ri. simps, tii'i 3;rs. linein i
prvt to be l ack in Alliance by SumL.y
The r gu!ar monthly dinner of A 11'
apce po-t No. 7, American Legion, w'll
le held at the Fern tiardon of the Al
liance hotel at :,'() toniyht. The tin in inide was at one time an AI hance i hoi-o nf thn,.iii "fK-int ..-... t
rt.-ident and was employed in the law . ron" will be guests on the occasion,
law o.rices of William Mitchell. 'I hr 1fri,m will milled ril?in fir il
winter activities, fiivt of wh!ch is a
duck dinner and the second n vaude
ville performance r.t the Imperial on
November 11, Armistice day.
The marrince of Oavlnrd Clmci ami
Miss Katheryn Baker took place at
3:30 a. m. Monday at the home of Hev.
and Mrs. Stephen J. Lpler, the Kev.
Mr. Epler officiating. Following the
ceremony, the couple caught the early
morning train for Deadwood, S. D.
where they will spend a shoit honey
moon. The groom was manual train
ing instructor in the Alliance high
school last year, and is nt present em
ployed in the W. R. Harper Depart
ment store,
of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Baker, and lias
been employed in Alliance and Denver.
Both have many friends in Alliance.
On their return, they will be at home
to friends at 816 Box Butte avenue.
W. C. Mounts, accompanied by his
uauitMer ami son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Pled.-oe, drove to dhen Hole
country and Toirington, Wyo., Sun
i-, iu ir .nr. uicusoi' win tile on
me irngated land that i to Ire thrown
f'l-on to etitry this week.
Vr. ami Mrs. W. A. McKune u,
s n, Jimmy, S. D., stopx d over in Al
liance Sunday on their v;,y to Scotts
bluir, whe re Mr. McKune will be m
l loyed in the ruiraf fnttory. The
The McK uncs mere former iesidints
of Alliance.
Willinm H. Smith of Fort 1-eavrn-worth,
Kn., and Mrs. Flora Mack of
Hemingford, Neb., were quietly mar
ried at the court house Saturday aft
ernoon by Judge Tash. The couple
will make their home at the army post
at Fort Leavenworth, where, the groom
ia n trrwnnl Mrs. Murk will IiiIib
The bride is the daughter j wjth her her three children, who have
been living on a farm near Heming
ford with an uncle.
Mr. and ilrs. K. G. Camplell, former
residents of Allir.nce, has been elected
secretary of the Crete Ai. club, an
organization of business girls. The
organization meeting was held last
Friday evening. The club is a branch
of the Lincoln club of the same name,
and has mapped out an ambitious pro
gram, including a club room, a cottage
up the river for summer vacat'ons and
occasional dances for those who have
no scruples against them.
Mrs. Walter Bledsoe entertained her
Sunday school class last Thursday
evening in honor of three of the girls
who are leaving for college, Misses
Dorothy Reynolds, who will go to Wes
legan, Mary Woolis, who will go to
Hastings, and Ruth Stanton who will
go to the State Normal at Cha Iron.
The evening was spent in playing
gimes, and dainty refreshments were
W. K. Spencer, vice president of the
North Star highway association for
Box Butte county, is today attending
a meeting of the Morrill county com
missioners, at which it is expected a
decision Will be reached in regard to
the location of a north and south
transcontinental highway through thr.t
H. L. Bushm-U ofg Lance Creek.
Wyo., a former old time resident of
Hemingford, was in Alliance this last
week. He and his wife and little
granddaughter have been visiting nt
the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Mounts and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Beau
mont. They will return to Heming
ford and then home Monday.
Mw Marie Konrath of Ardmore, S.
D., stopped over in Alliance IViihy
night for a visit at the Aca lemy.
Miss Konrath is on her way home i.fter
a two months' vi,it in Canada.
W. M. Iodcnce, former Alliance law
yer but now on a ranch near Heming
tord. his been seriously ill at the
Drake hotel since, last Thursday. He
is attended by Dr. Wejrrns.
Mrs. Mamie Gillispie of lakeside
was in Alliance Saturday to consult
a doctor regarding her small Fon who
broke his arm some time ago. He is
reported doing nicely.
City Manager N. A. Kemmish and
family motored to the state jmrk, near
Chadron, Sunday and camped there
over night, returning to Alliance Mon
day evening. ,
turned Monday morning from an ex
tended trip to the west coast.
C. A. Newberry nreompan;cd W. R.
Harper on a trip east hut week. Mr.
Harper returned SHurdav.
Mr. and Mrs-. II. V. Dettemore vent
to (lering Saturday and were accom
panied home by Mrs. Dettemore's nis
ter, Miss Carson, who will attend liich
school here.
W. B. Harnett, Richard Ale, Miss
Ruth Ale, Mrs. Ale and Miss Marie
Howe drove to Hot Springs Sunday for
i.aoor iay. 1 hey returned Monday
A. V.. Ynrter, special agent of the
Union Fire Insurance company of Lin
coln of which W. J. Hamilton is the
local agent, and family arrived in the
city last Thursday afternoon. Mr.
Yarter intends to make Alliance his
headquarters and came to the Herald
olTice Friday evening to see if he could
find a house for rent.
J. C. Nicholson of McCook, Neb.,
stoped off on his way home from Tor
rington, Wyo.. where he has been look
ing over the land to le offered at the
government land drawing to be held
Friday, Sf ptember t. He will spend a
few days in Allianve visiting his sister,
Miss Frances Nicholson of the Coursey
& Miller garage.
Miss Susie Frazier, who hns been
visiting in the east for some time, ar
rived last week for a visit with her
sister. Mrs. Al Wiker. She left Sun
day for Douglas, Wyo., where she
will have charge of institute work for
a few weeks before returning to hot
work at the Chadron normal.
Troop 1 of the Boy scouts will meet
The Christian ladies' missionary so
ciety will meet Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Jennie Reed in
the Flora apartments, No. 11.
I'M ward Moeller and Mrs. Virginia
Arnold, both of Thedford, Neb., were
married rt the court house this morn
ng by County Judge Tah.
Fred Cults and Tom Gee left this
morning for Torrington, Wyo., to be
present at the government land draw
ing to be held nxt Friday.
J. B. Denton, Al Wiker, Mose
Wright and T. H. Barnes went to
Henry Thursday for a fishing trip, re
turning Sunday.
Miss F.lva Hamilton of Denver who
. pent th" week-nd with Miss Avis
Juder, returned to her home Monday
Oral Brown and Don and William
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mead anl - ns i
Emerson and Wilbur, of Ashland, Neb., J
drove through from Toriincton. Wyo.. j
Friday where they have been visiting ; Thursday evening at the armory at i Hyphen -on of Torrington, Wvo., snent
relat'vps. Mr. Mead, is i'n unelp ot
Geo. D. Darlinrr. Mr. Mad left Sun
day on the train for his home, the lest
of the party returned to lorringtoii,
Monda v.
i o clock and ineratiors are re
o,uP:'tod to be present. There are a
few aei'.nc-t-r. to be fi'led by hoys over
fourteen ye:,rt' of age. Thee within;:
i to join will report at this tr.eet 'nrc.
"oV(h:''y h i:-;, a beai'tiful harbor, i ;
different from S:".oa. It h-:..- r.ot t'c
mi ft beauty of th' .South Sea i; Ir.nd '
but. is ru'-.'-'od Mai rocky. When , v
got off the boar and had re. ;se'ed
with olVicia's, v.e wal!;ed down the l i;;'
bu-are-s street. Y'o could hardly un
Vrt''nd Oif .-'ie-''!-; in the st loots or
thi' Fiiy'ish of the people to wl'.oni we
s,yke. For cxiuiip'o, the "sinjr'el" of
th'ry l'.-t rove-! to be a shirt or
blou. e, a df paitrirt-.t tore is a
"draper',," r.r.d "lollies"' is candy.
"The first thin.r th Nebraski-.n no
tics who entei-s Sydney," wri'e M:ss
J'lamolon rrid Mi-s Hewett, "is the t
suloons. Every oiher buihl.'ng si ems
to bo a saloon and the street nre Vw-i
with loafers and intoxicated pople,
and beggars. By about six o'clock at
night the streets are so full of drunken
rwn that it is hardly safe to step oi-t
alone. Women unimaginably hoirible
haunt the parks and alleys picking up
bottles to trade in for drink. Any body
who has anything to say ttbout the
curtailment of personal liberty by the
United States j.-ovrnment could be
cured by a stay in Sydney. There
were men on the steamship who were
native Australian.-, and who crabbed
the United States about prohibition
when they were on th.' boat. But
when they came to Sydney they said
they couldn't go buck fast enough;
that drink was running the country;
that the United States never did a wis
er thing than when it prohibited the
selling of intoxicants. The tone of an
American city like San Francisco is so
far shead of that of a city of saloons
Tke Sydney that there is no coinpari-cn.
The Ladies' Aiiviii.'-iy of th Pre:--ii'vLn
eKu'i li will m et at tro home
or Mrs. w. r. Vonnts. W:n.'uUv at'
t'-veo oVlod-.. 'I'll,- Au"U'l corvr-ttec I
will ei.t'-rtain. I'.etnenibrr ii is "Del-i
;.r Pav." The commits e will iave
.-oinc thing sj-ecial, and all are ur!;ed
to i pie. i. t.
The Lndios' Aid of the JI. E. church
W'll leiet ;.f the f Mrs. W. P..
e tr-( h
f rien,!-
Env.vjrtli" of ihe
v.i'l hold a soei 1 :A th.
, (i.iy evening. Ail mi -.!.
inviti d to come "
d t;.
charge of fif'te'
'' iiw.ile.
Ila rper.
.a ramie ar emit
7 -d-
Th" ente; t; inn
h' i -: i- n iii: 'i r'1
ian !-!: h. entf i t
:.1 tV.e bene of
The time v;.s
'lit co.nn
of iL
. incd I'r
h y
ra ;
M. E.
i hur h
I - lu.,1
1 I ; i J),
, e'nt-
i - ! i r-
'' ..,'er.
the week-end with Dr.
Mrs. Rev. Caldwell
and Mrs. E. C.
and two nnall
d:: ir liters of Ittr-hville. are vi.-it'eg i t
the home of their daughter, Mrs. M. C.
!). P..rl:pr
;-'.'ai dav, tth1
Market v -e',
ri t'lrri"-
1' bo h
for th
1 fro.
.Cith.i" h't
fir C'hadron,
and Gorden on a bui
.1. V.'
not niii;1
bv ;mo ?'"ii..
H.iv Spring:.
( r.
Mis. J. .1. Vi
id .(Di,
'ay, re-
The new prices on Ford Cars, Trucks
effective NOW, are:
and Fordson Tractors,
Among the entertainments that were
given in honor of Mrs. Sanford L. Cle-,
ments, formerly Miss Hattie P.enswo'd i
of this city, who has been visiting Al- j
liance friends, were a k'trhen showed
given by the Mioses Mable and Jzola
Woriey at the Country club and their i
home iast Friday, and a miscellaneous1
shower given by the Misses Avis I
Joder and Alta Young at the homo of)
the latter on Saturday evening.
The Misses Woriey gnve a luncheon
nt the Country club in honor of Mrs.
Clements, and later the party came to
the Woriey home in the city, where
the shower took pluce. A pleasirg
feature of this entertainment was tho
presentation of t'ifts for the kitthen
by two colored children, v. ho were in
tioihieed as the "Gold Du.-t Twins."
Saturday evening, at the Young
home, a mi-eellaneous s-bower was
helil. The blide was presented by
cuih of the g'jests with a card in
m ribed with a ver-e, and by follow n'.'
directions in the veies the gifts were
located in variou-. places scattered all
over the houe.
The f..l!oA-i:u' was th ueest list for
U.ih a. '.'airs: Mi-ses Mable and Izola
Worlev, Miss Avis Jodu1, Mis Alta
Young, Mrs. Fied Feajjins, Mrs. Eu-
F. 0. 15. Factory
Touring1 Car, regular $355.00
Touring1 Car with starter 425.00
Touring Car, with starter, demountable rims . . . 450.00
Runabout regular 325.00
Runabout with stailer 395.00
Runabout with starter, demountable rims 420.00
Sedan 060.00
Coupe 595.00
Truck, demountable rims 445.00
Fordson Tractor (No change in price) G25.C0
(Freight and War Tax Extra)
Those )i ices represent the latest reduction in the price of Ford
Cars, the third reduction within the lust year, and now otter to the
motoring public FORD. CARS at the LOWKST FIGURE EVER
QUOTED on Fords.
Mr. and Mia. Civirge J. .'nyder tt
ncm.ngiom, were slK.pphirt in Alii
ance Saturday.
Funeral Services for
Stephen W. Holt Held
on Saturday Afternoon
Mrs. Jennie llartman. of (Jnlesbnrg,
III., is here visiting her sister, Mrs.
Al W iker.
Joe Williams and family of Vn'ioch,
weie visiting at the home of Fred
J. M. Kuhn and dauehtrr. Airiith.i.
of llemincford. were in Alininci. t-n.
Mrs. L. K. Dunn of Hemimrfoivl una
shopping in Alliance Monday.
Glen Miller left for Denver thin
morning on a business trip.
Judging by the publicity, a man gets
out of an unwarranted place on the
Flacker list, it can't hurt him much
in the long run.
England is going to save two hours'
daylight a day, now, instead of one.
Why not set the clocks ahead a
week ?
Funeral service fur K'r.i'w,r, w
j Holt, pionetr re? ident who died carlv
I Friday mon.ig, were hi Id from th"n
' home of tJeorge Gadsby, ,r)f)'. Chey
enne, it 2:'V) p. ni. SUurdny, Hev.
Stephen J. Kp'er of the First Christian
I church in charge.
Stephen Wesley Holt was born in
Titts-field, Vermont, August 2.1, IHCAt,
and died at th home of his aunt, Mrs.
K. A. Gilbert, at Alliance, Nebraska,
September 2, JD21. He was a few day
past fil years, old. He came to Illi
nois tn ISH7 pnd for one year wa.
sheriff of LaSalle county. In July l'JOf
he came) to this part of Nebraska ami
for the pat eighteen yam has re
sided in Alliance. He worked for the
Turlington for cieht years and the
ref-t of the time piled the carpenter's
ti ade.
He was married to Kose D. Man
n'ng, September jo, lSh2. About threo
years later th wife and only son
dil. His mother diel at Alliance
eighteen years ago. His only 'surviv
ing relative in this country is his
aunt. Mr.. Gilbert.
Years ago he toas affiliated with the
M. K. church but had never taken
membership in Alliance.
Fountain Pens
For School Use
Grammar, high school and college stu
dents will find our stock of Fountain Pens
most satisfactory to choose from.
To begin with, we have only depend
able makes, which give that easy writing,
smooth (lowing, non-leaking guaranteed
satisfactory service a Fountain Pen
ought to give. Then the assortment is so
complete. Just the style and point you
" want are here.
Pi'iccs arc the lowest pens can be
bought for.
. .Evcra! xri) Pencils, 1.09 to ijS.CO
Latest Rook
Special Price,
Gene Stratton
PoiterV, latest
m DA.
S I I -.'-It
3 TS5Vri43
A AJLJLLiJLj12j i3
T' i' Sio , II"'. '. . i ! k tr.ii er Wtl'tu it R. I r.t "f
The Virginian Judge
is holding court again !
Walter C. Kelly geU t'..e
Session under way and oil who .
attendod tha first two will want
to be nment again to tx-ar
the amall-town muK.rcula "yet j
their." j
Victor Blua tUI IU.d. 4?M)
"Stand Up and Sing for Your
Fatlteran OIJ Time Turn"
Sortf by B.IIjr Mofrtj iA
Aiuaricta Quart at
No Jan for Michael McCoy.
Hia daughter muil nn Ue "cmJ
time unt;i"
I Wonder Where My Seet,
Sweet Daddy's Cone"
Sung by Ailren SUrJiry
Thti dinger deplores tha t Daddy
ha diKappeared. but the orches
tra Be?nia to have tatiier happjr
time oi it.
Vacior DuubU-iwd RkuJ. I87M
1 Two of the record in the Lt
New September Victor Record
We have them and w31 j-lay
them for you.
I I.