The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 06, 1921, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Nebraska Farmers Own
88,613 Autos, As Well
as 40,000fias Engines
Farm implement and modern motor
ronvenientvs on farms jn the state la.-t
..ear hail a value of S'.,7X;,.ij:!, acrord-
np to a report compiled fioin all coun
ties of the state ami issued Saturday
y I-o Suil r, secivtaiy of the state
xiard of am ieu'ture. Outside of farm
'mplement.-. the value includes trucks,
rus tractors, jras ermines and motor
There were :,2"'l tiucks on farms in
'he state last year, aiconiini! to the
'port, and 13 ni, iter cars, or .difiht
ly loss than half of the entire motor
population of the state. Figures also
how S.ssv jcii tractois and 4l),.;; pa.
Motor cars on farms last year in
creased more than 5,000 over the pre
vious year and almost 10.000 since
KM 8. (Jas engines loll Ik.Iow the num-tf-r
for KMI.
The number of silos on farms in
THIS was a.Oi'.s, according to figures
as compared with ,'5,f8!) in 1U20, or a
decrease of almost 2,000 in the two
years. Hiph price of materials and
fhe immediate disposition of farm
products is attributed to the decline.
Modern water systems installed on
Varms numbered 5,718 last year; mxl
rn heatinp systems, 5,301, and mod
ern lighting systems, f,C4S,
The farm product wealth of Nebras
ka last veaf, computed on prices ef
fective November 1, was $237,230,308,
of which more than one-half was in
firm value alone.
The 1020 value tf sjells, pop coin
kaffir and sunar beet crops are not
luted in the report, but include four
teen of the other principal crops in the
vtMe. It was explained that the value
of the above crops'would probably in
crease the total value by mere than
The combines! value of crops in 1910,
-exclusive of clover, timothy, mixed
clover and timothy and sudan grass,
as reported as $530,134,021, or about
$300,000,000 less in 1920 than the pre
vious year. Declines in the various
crops range from a fed hundred thou
sand dollars to $100,000,000.
Corn led in value with a total of
"$127,772,408, from 7,560,355 acres re
ported by the various counties. This
figure is almost an even $100,000,000
less than the corn value of 11)19, which
was given jus $277,813,528.
All wheat in Nebraska last year
amounted in value to $9(1,501,318 as
apainst $121,075,881 in 1919.
Based on forty cents per bushel, the
nats valuation last year was based on
for cents per bushel, the oats in 1920,
was given at 2,400,002 and $2,133,475
in 1919. The rye value was $4,870,135
last year, compared w;th $0,187,954 in
1919 from 3,751.104 bushels in 1920,
and 5,156,029 in 1919.
The semi-monthly meetings of the
Liberty local Farmers' Union was held
at the school house last Wednesdiy
evening. There were only 5 members
present,, but they adopted tho by laws
and after the meeting a very decici ius
luncheon was served.
Delia Marie Grosse was quite :kk
Inf-t week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hall, Mr. and Mrs.
Tvar Meeker and Mr. and Mrs. George
Flaherty attended the dance -it Car.t'iii
iiast Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caha and Mr.
and Mrs. John Moravek visited at
Ivor Meeker's last Sunday.
Robert and Harold Hood and Merle
Nikont visited at Jim Kennedy's last
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy visited
at Colvin's Sunday morning.
Robert Mitchell and mother visited
at Jim Kennedy's Sunday iftemoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dyer vis-ited at
. E. Dyer's last Sunday.
Ella Lance helped Mrs. Pyrl Dyer
ook: for threshers last week.
Mrs. G. E. Dyer helped Mrs. Roy
Crosse cook for threshers Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Rose helped Mrs. Roy
CJrossse cook for threshers Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hookham and
slaughter, Blanche, motored to Lake
Ellis Sunday for a few days' camping
Mabel Romer was on the sick list
last Saturday.
Mrs. Plymate's brother and wife
came down from Wyoming last week
one day for a short visit.
Henry Branch of the firm of Branch
Bros, at Lincoln was here last week
for a brief visit with his sisters, Mrs.
A. P. Tucker and Mrs. William Rust,
L. T. Glarum of Alliance has recent
ly replastered the school house in dis
trict No. 3. ...
Dr. and Mrs. N. F. McAlester left
last Monday for their home in Red
lands, Cat., after a month's visit in
the home3 of their cousins, Fred and
Herbert Nason. They will stop en
route in Denver, and also "Berkeley,
San Francisco, Los Angeles and other
coast points, expecting to reach home
some time in October.
The ball game last Sunday between
Ash Grove and Fairview ended rather
disastrously for Fairview, the score
being 9 to 29.
What might have proved to be a
very serious accident happened at the
ball grounds Sunday when a car, driv
en by Mrs. Dan Lawrence, ran into
a group of children, knocking down
Lee Garrett, the Beven-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Eb Garrett The boy
was slightly injured and Mrs. Law
rence suffered a severe nervous shock
from which she is slowly recovering.
This should be a lesson to parents to
look after children at these gather
ings. No one blames Mrs. Lawrence
for the accident.
Miss Carol Nason left Sunday night
for Denver, to resume her duties in
the office of the Hessler Mervantile
company after a two-weeks' vacation
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Nasoa.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wooklander
of Casper, Wyo., left for their home
last Monday after a few days' visit at
the Frank Trenkle home. They spent
a week while here with Mr. and Mrs.
Wdford Griffith in Alliance.
There will l u social nt the home
of E. A. Hann, Friday night, Septem
ber i. The supper will consist of
Cake, peaches and cream, coffee,
watermelons and cantaloupes. Every
body is cordially invited to bo present.
The prncccn are to be U'-ed to help
buy a piano tor the church. I
Friend of Albeit llidley now in the!'e Mountain Sanatorium at Hot!
Hot Slrinw. S. IV. Will lin unrv f!
bear that be is in very aoor health.
Mr. Hadley has been a resident here
lor a numlier of years, hnxing homo-Me-vlod
land here in the spring of
Goshen County, Wyoming,
Farm Hureau Takes Steps
to Cut Down Farm Wages
The farm bureau organization for
(Jo.-hen county, Wyoming, has taken
steps to lower the prices paid for har
vesting beets and potatoes, and in
order that farmers in other sections
may have the benefit of their wage
scale, have forwarded a set of resolu
tions to newspapers all over western
Nebraska, where there are similar
crops to be harvested. William Linn,
chairman of the Goshen county bureau,
submits the following account of the
action there.
A meeting of the potato and beet
producers of Gordon countv was held
on August 27, 1921 at the State farm
at Torrington to discuss the labor
problem for this year's potato and
bret harvest. A thoroughly represen
tative attendance of those two lines of
farming were present as well as repre
sentatives of the Grcnt Western Sugar
company at Scottsbluff.
After full discussion on each point
the following resolutions were adopted
s tling the maximum wages to be paid
in the county for help during the har
vest. The main points considered in
reaching the figures set were, a fair
wage to the laborer, the price of the
products when marketed and the vis
ible supply of labor for harvest.
RESOLVED, That the maximum
dav wage for potato and leet harvest
be $3.00 for a day (of 10 hours); that
where labor is hired by the hour a
maximum of 30c per hour be paid,
both these scales to include board.
Where the laborer boards himself an
extra $1.00 per day would be allowed.
RESOLVED, That where potatoes
are picked by the sack a maximum of
5c per sack be paid. Sacks considered
averaging 117 pounds. Board to be
furnished by the picker.
RESOLVED, That the maximum
tonnage rate on hauling beets or pota
toes be 40c per ton for the first mile
and 15c per ton additional for each
mile after the first one. Complete
outfit and board to be furnished by the
RESOLVED, That the maximum
wage paid extra help, by the month,
during beet and potato harvest be $05
and board, provided that where less
than one half mile haul is involved
beet scoopers and haulers and potato
haulers may be paid an extra $10 per
RESOLVED, That the minutes of
this meeting be given the widest pub
licity possible.
able eyebrows do not spend the best
years of their lives coloring meer
schaum pipes.
Herald Want Ads Results.
State American Legion
Announces Men Who Will
Handle Emergency Relief
The suh-romnvttee to the committee
empowered to handle the state endow
ment fund appropriated by the la-t
legislature for the purpose of emer
gency relief for ex-seivice men and
women, Wednesday was announced by
the state department of the Ameri
con l.eeion. The committee is to pass
and recommend ujHn all application.;
to take effect from the endowment
The committee, as announced by the
state adjutant of th" legion, follows:
J. E. C. Fi.-h-r, Beatrice, cha'rman;
W. L. Anderson, Lincoln; E. K. Hur.t.
Falls City; Frank Perkins, Fremont,
tiea surer; Frank B. O'Connell, state
adjutant, secretary.
"Application for Ijenefit allowed by
the fund are now leing printed and it
i hoped to have the first iUota ready
for di.-tribution early next week," Mr.
O'Connell said today. Approximately
$0,000 has been made available for
this purpose immediately, it was said.
The original endowment is $2,000,000
with a $50,000 emergency, an eighth
portion of which is now ready.
Every ex-service man or '. woman
who desires to take advantage of the
fund must subscribe before his or her
local post, it was explained, and the
post adjutant and commander shall
endorse to the sub-committee for ac
tion. Distribution of funds will be
made through the local post and the
committee urges that extreme care be
taken in checking and awarding the
funds to stringent cases.
"The $0,000 now available is an im
mediate relief and because of it be
ing limited local posts are urged to
show great care in exercising reviews
of eases and recommendations made
upon them," Mr. O'Connell said. "This
fund is open to 308 posts in the state
and with knowledge of many cases
that now are pressing and legitimate,
these cases should be considered first.'
Interest on the endowment fund,
when it automatically revolves,
should bring in about $100,000 annu
ally for relief, it was estimated.
Mrs. Charles McNay departed for
Iowa Wednesday night, where she will
take care of her father, who is report
ed not so well.
Miss Ruth Cox visited Mrs. E. J.
Bryant Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. James Ervine and daughter,
Lillie, sient Tuesday with Mrs. Ed
Miss Viola Mabel Peterson and
brother, Delbert, spent Friday with
Mrs. Thomas Squibb and children.
Mrs. Fred Stout departed for Glen
wood, la., Friday night for her home
after spending two weeks with her
sister, Mrs. John Roberts.
Rev. Mr. Forester and family and
Howard Cottrell soent Monday night
with George Timblin and family. They
were on their way for Gering where
they will attend conference.
Miss Mabel Timblin was a pleasant
caller at the John Roberts home Tues
day evening.
Mrs. E. J. Bryant was taken Fudden
ly ill Friday morning, but is reported
Miss Naomi Squibb is suffering
very much from injuries received when
she stepped on a rusted nail Friday
"A National Railroad
and Coal Strike"
REV. It. J. MINORT always looking for the good of the
American people read Harold IJell Wright's latest hook,
"Hellen of the Old House" and he claims that in that book
a solution to all the
is pointed.
He claims it to be the greatest book of the age. He
claims that it will prove an epoch-making book.
He claims that it will prove a sentional book among
that the people of Alliance should not be behind the pro
cession, he,
Rev. Minort will deliver an interpretive lecture, on thi3
most interpretive book. In his lecture,
"The Pacifier"
Thursday Evening, Sept 8
In this lecture, Mr. Working Man, you will reeeive the
most benefit. In this lecture, Mr. Employer, you will have
pointed out to you a solution of much that is worrying you.
In this lecture, Mr. True Blue American, you will have real
patriotism interpreted.
All of this free except that an offering will be taken to
defray expense of advertisements. Farmer you cannot afford
to miss this lecture. Rev. Minort believes this will be the
greatest lecture of his career. Come, Thurday evening at the
Roof Garden.
Music Furnished by Mann's Orchestra
America champion cov has im- The country demands a type of air
proved her own record, and T hest Anyway, the women who use renov
part of it is, she can t blo.v her own ship that will go up faster than it
horn, conies down.
When the number of hangingr
oqualn the number of murders tfe
number of murders may begin to dn
It's A Certainty
that the Monarch Malleable Range is exceptionally efficient or
it would not be the most popular range in America.
The Stay Sarisfacrory'Range
is built of Malleable Iron and steel
plates securely and permanently riv
eted together therefore it will always
remain satisfactory. The special and
exclusive features of this range are
worthy of your careful consideration.
115-1 17 West Third Street. Alliance, Nebr.
Where Future
Executives Are Made
Don't think of this as a school of shorthand and bookkeeping. Don't
think of this as a school where you are taught the theory of shorthand
and bookkeeping. This is a modern school of business administration.
We make future executives high salaried future executives of both
young men and women who have the will to rise to such positions
paying from $2,500 to $5,000 a year.
To be true, we teach shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping.
Rut this is just a beginning. You take real letters hundreds of
them and transcribe them on the typewriter. You keep real books for
banks, retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers. We teach you how to dic
tate letters we teach you how to express yourself clearly and forcefully,
in modern business English. We teach commercial law; we teach you how
to sell. We qualify you for credit and collection work. We develop per
sonality and confidence. We train you in secretarial duties for ac
countancy. In short, we train you as a specialist and enable you to be
come a producer right from the start in the great profession of business.
Not only do we train you for business, but we will place you in the
proper business position, where you will find the opportunities for ad
vancement unlimited.
Special Discount for Early Registration. Fall term September 5.
Get a Copy of Onr Catalog TODAY.
Platte Valley Commercial
II. Accts. President.