two THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1921. Htye Alltattrr Hrral& BURR PHINTr.Vfl CO.. Ownrra KMT at Hip pnatofflrp lit Alllinr WabNob., for t riwinnilnmon Mirottrh lh MMlla aa roinl cimk rnattrr. rutiltird VToavJar ami KrMny. alCOHfJK Is. I'l Kfi. Jit HJIW DWIN M. lit KU Ia,lni Mur. Official nrwueip. r of Ihr City of WUlMinr, oltU ml tK WUmp. r of lioi OBvlta County. Owmtl nl hj1(!ih1i1 Ly Tin- linrr OVInttiiK CoinpHti v. liwirife I., linrr, Jr., Vraliiit; Kit vs in M. iiuir, Vice I'rea- thi; wak is iivi:ii. The war is over. I'carc has finally Inn-n declared. For nearly two jearn the rountry lias been struggling back to normahicy, and it has almost boon tiohievcd by tho most of us. L'vcn the jrreat majority of the returned soldiers Jiave managed to get back into their W niches or carve out new ones that tit them as well or better as the place they occupied before the worlds cauldron of trouble boiled over. The most of us, even those who were a part of the great conflict, have ceas ed to talk of the war, and are th nking of it as little as possible. The Am erican ICjrion has practically ceased to JTret about bonuses for its memliers Jind has attackel with a will the roblem of caring for the wounded and disabled buddies. The girls who three years ago were knitting hox that wouldn't fit the feet and armless sweaters for the men in the service huva either married one of them or have picked someone with money. Nobody likes to talk about the war or think of th horrors of meatless days aoid wheatless days and days when the solicitors for the lied Cross or salos 3an for the Liberty bonds called and poke about "quotas" in a compiling lone. An we said, the most of us have for jrelten about the war. Hut there are ome who will never forget, so long as life endures. There are the mothers and the fathers, the idsters, brothers nml sweethearts of the boys who died doing their full share in the conflict. "Tbere are others who will not forget the men who came back home, maimed, broken, blinded, their lungs partially destroyed by gas, their health destroy ed in ways. The rest of us, those who stayed at home or those who came thorugh uninjured or perhaps improved in health, will forget the war, save when some of these unfor tunate brothers cross our path. And then, mayhap, we'll forget as quickly as possible, the minute they are out of iew. That's the curse of war the neglect of the men who sacrificed all for us. It is physical pain to some to see the men scarred by war. It hurts some eople to be reminded of an obligation that they can never hope to repay, and s, realizing the inability to repay in Jull, they evade all responsibility, i Just this week Alliance has had an opportunity to repay, in exceeding small measure, the sacrifices of a handful of these men. There is now in the city a "(lying squadron" of gov eminent officials, making a huge effort to get all men entitled to government aid to ask for it, to correct some of the injustices and to get justice every man who will apuly. Half a dozen committees of local following of their kind. Wh"n ois gruntled men seek to make it hot for their enemies, it is a comparatively easy thing to accomplish. The American Legion has had the most phenomenal growth of an organ ization of its kind in history- It has made rtrong, healthy friends, and healthy enemies as well. The cnemie. are men who have a reason to fear the power of r.n association of ex crvice men. liver since its incep tion, theie have been attempts to weaken its influence and destroy its u efuln''.-s hut all of them have led. I ;.!! Rival organization have sprung into existence by the score, but each has had to admit itself defeat d. The legion is growing, and there seems to be no question that it will be surviving when all its competitors have passed beyomL However, the last attack is so bitter, and is withal worded so plausibly, that all men should know and le able to spot it when it is made public. So far it has only been made a part of the Congressional Kecord and copies have been mailed to some of the ex soldiers. The attack is made by the Private Soldiers' and Sailors' legion of the United States of America. It come. in the form of a petition to congress requesting that the charter of the American Legion lie repealed. It de clares that: lOver since its organization the men in control of the American legion have wrongfully assumed to represent the great body of veterans of the World war in matters of legislation, of public iMilicy, and in many ques tions in which those leaders are per sonally interasted, but about .hich the body of veterans as a v bote :.are nothing. These leaders Yuvc Iw.come so overbearing and insolent :n their h wnptions that they are now, i.nd for come time have been, presuming to (. ive voice to th 5 opinions of jd! former service men those who do not belong to th? American Legion as well as those who do. Other charges are the usual ones that the organization was formed by "silk-stockinged officers" without giv ing the ordinary soldiers an opportun ity to direct its destinies; that it vas organized by using "tainted money" Contributed by capitalists who expect to get value received from the men who controlled it; that the Legion is even now serving the interests of a "hidden group of men who furnish the. secret funds" for the conduct of the organization; that the leaders have in terfered and dictated to schools, col leges, churches, newspapers, public meetings, political assemblies and other activities which threatened to interfere with the interests of the secret financial backers, and that its attitude toward labor has been "vir ulent and hostile." The key to the attack is found in the next to the last indictment in the complaint. The petition recites Legion posts have interfered with such "patriots" as Kate Richards O'Hara, who has a most unsavor re cord among Americans who can re member back as far as the days of the war. Practically all of these charges have been made before, and all of them have been completely refuted. It is to be presumed it's too much to hope otherwise that these old charges will be circulated by the friends of Mrs. fori O'Hara and similar speakers whose meetings have been broken up, some times by mobs perhaps containing a people went out into the highways and ' fow Legion men, but never by a I.e byways and besought assistance forKin post or with the knowledge r these men in various forms. After a, conent of Legion officials. There is, icruelling week they got what th'y j unfortunately, no way to put a .-top to i-ought the time of thirty or forty . these slanders, but friends of the os people for a half-day or a day, the ' M)!diers will demand proof of anyone loan of ten or twelve ty pevr'tci-s and . t. ivulatinu these charges, f-ome jicivonal aid. Hut the men who I This is perhaps the thousandth time tried to get this will never tell you of ' lnat (.!, charge has been made that the indifference they met in hundreds , tl.e American Legion is an eneniv of f pla vs where, two years ago. they ' ,.,;.lI1;;.l.,i a;;,ir. The endorsement ly would have I .con receive.! wiih open Samuel Comuei s , i.iv..:dfi.t of the Am- it seems, ev. r one is j erican 1-Vil.M at. on of Labor, should be n the o'.li.i'ion to the u,Vi,.;r,,i argui -.rnt ;;g:tisj this ,.ld And the o!l'icer of any I.e. ion will be able ar.d willing to .ii- suer ai.v oilier lair:ca;ion .n t;.e in arms. Now. rewdy to p.iss on tb i.l '.M . V f I'l.Ul '. ef legitimnti ecx: r f the other kind. tin re ;.ii plenty , us well as plenty Hut the men who lie. post I wert out appealing for aid in the name j dictmenl of the wounded didn't fee! jurt rght aad tell hen the goal was reached. m. Oh, well the war is over. I.ct'tj forget it those of us who cn! SL'.nd up for the s detractors wheie SHOUT SPOUTS. to inn, iK'ad THt: LLCJION ATTACKED. About every so often an attack is ' nude on the American Ltg'on, the leading organization of men who( wived in the great war. These at- I t&rks'romo from all sources, but the' wtes which have the greatest elfect on public sentiment come from rival or ranijations of ex-soldiers. It is but natural, of course,, that an organiza tion containing a million or more mnmberH should have some power, and a powerful organization is bound to wihke some enemies, especially when it is a fighting, aggressive society like the Iegion. The chief source of at tack comes from disgruntled mem Wrs. In every organization there are a a umber of radicals, or men who wih to grind private axes with the aAfcittanre of others. When recogni tion or aid is refused, the trouble be gima. One sorehead finds other sore fcoatLi, and these in turn pick up a Kery community is inflicted with 'em tho short sports, who mooch in stead of paying their way. The fol lowing wail from ScottblutT will br'irg up memories only a few months oM in Alliance of the automobiles parked outside the fence and far awiy fiom the ticket otfice when the race meet was in progress. It's hard work, of course, to pet under the hides of the fellows who not only refuse to sup port public enterprises, but manage to put something over on them, for fel lows worried even when they I now others are saing uncomplimentary things. ScottsblulT has a bunch of booster who have put that city on the base ball map, at considerable expense to themselves. It has been good adver tising for the valley city, and had all those who are interested in baseball helped the club with their admission fees, success would have been assured. If they fail, it is because of the short sports among thrm, just a.s was the case with the Alliance race meet. The Star-Herald says what it thinks of the boys who see the game from outside the fence, but the only real way to make an impression on them m by using a crowbar or a sawed-off shotgun loaded with salt and popper, it may bo that the reading of this -oit of an article will reform them. Ikspite the fact that it isn't likely, the rcmon.-trance is reprinted, in the hoj" that it may do some good here: There are sports, and then sport.--, iiial then there are tin-horns. Luring the past season there have been those who, instead of buying a sr ason ticket, or a single admission ticket to wit ness the bi.ll games, would drive tiieir cars close to the fence and enjoy ihe game free of charge. At least it was presumed that they enjoyed it, or per haps enjoyed the thought that they were leating the baseball aswtci iii n out of an admission, either, or both. The officials of the association would not have felt so badly about it, perhaps had not tho. e aforesaid gentry allowed their cars to become "outside fence" grandstand and per mitted all who could to stand on ihe machine on take "grappings." The boys who constitute the Scottsblutf Haseball association feel that they have been trying to give the people good, clean sort, and naturally feel hurt that men who are perfectly finan cially able would take advantage of them in this manner. As stated at first, thpre are mil sportsmen, and there are tinhorns, and the difference can be easily seen by a visit to the baseball park while n game is on, first making a circle of the fence and then noting those who have paid their ad mission arid are enjoying the game as they should. HOMi: PAPLK WKKK. be able to figure out a Utter scheme than this. Of course, a number of the publish ers are taking up the idea and are doing the best they can w ith it. Some of the more canny publishers, fearing that it w ill take some time for the.idea In sink in, have made it a home paper month, instead of a week, and we wish them luck. Hut the idea doesn't appeal to us. To legin with, the men who are writ ing the publicity for the movement, seem to have th .same old i lea that so many other people have that the m wspapcr is a public institution and ought to be supported by donations of various kinds . Too many publishers do not have the rivrl'.t conception of their mission. The average newspaper is worth every cent it costs either the leader or the advertiser, and the man who, wittingly or otherwise, allows the impression to go abroad that he is w ill ing to be supported by public-spirted citizens on the ground that he is a help to the community, will need good luck to help him out. Some of these days, the truth is gning to be known about country newspapers, and that is that they aren't objects of charity, but just business institutions. Some of these days conditions are going to be such that they'll have to be run on a busi ness basis. The churches have attain ed this plane or least the best of them have and some glad day news pa) er men wil' be apt to g(t as vexed as a preacher does now when he's of fered a half-fare ticket, v'.ien some well-meaning friend gets the wrong idea or the way he makes liis living. drafted by Attorney General Davis. A clau.-e in this act gives the board authority to "remit fines and forfeit ures. " Two application are now be fore the board to secure the return of automobiles declared confiscated by county courts on a showing that the machines had leen used for the trans portation of bootleg liquor. It is said, of course, that there is 1 no way of knowing whether the ma chines have been sold under court or der, or whether the purchasers could bo forced to give them up, the law being quite plain on that point. Put just why should the legislature, wit tingly or otherwise, give the state board of pardons power to remit fines and forfeitures? Evidently there is need for closer inspection of legisla tion formulated bv state officers, or 'else some representatives of the legal ! profession in the attorney general's i department should be operated on and have a portion of their verbiage re moved. If the little clause isn't in J tended to mean anything, it should uot have been put there and if some thing has been slipped over, the f el - J lows responsible should be required t explain. One can hardly blame county court for getting discouraged. There ar plenty of bootleirger and booze cor. -victions reversed in district court m technicalities without making th county judges have to run the gaun'. let of having their work reviewed Ly the state board of pardons. Somebody has found out that ri. Habylon the rent tyrants were activ 4,000 years ago. And look what hap pened to Babylon. U. G. 1JAUMAN, O. I). Or-TOM-E-TRlftT I Some weeks ago, in a spirit of levity while writing some dope for the semi humorous "Pandom Shots" column, the editor of this newspaper called atten tion to the fact that there were get ting to be entirely too many we ks set apart for the benefit of some particu lar business or profession. There was, for instance, a "carbon paper week," a "sew ing machine week", and a bunch of others more of them, in fact, lhan there were weeks in the year. At the time, it was suggested there should be a "subscribe for the home paper week", in which everyone in the county would hasten to cross tui palms with silver and receive in return a paid-up subscription to this great moral semi-weekly. It was said in jest but do you know that the pow ers that we have decreed that there is to be such a week, ami already our foolish contemporaries are falling all over themselves to stage their drive? The Herald thinks, of course, that every person in this community should, for his own benefit, lie u reader of this newspaper. If he can't conscien tiously read The Herald, he should read some other paper from Alli ance. It's his duty to know what's going on in Hox Hutte county, and its his privilege to get this news served up to him at a very low rate by his Itcal newspaper. Newspapers, suth as The Herald, are the best buy there is on the market today. Jn no other pur chase does the buyer get so much for his money. Hut, shucks, this setting apart any particular week for newspapers is pure bunk. In the first place, this is true because newspapers are suppos ed to be the leaders in matters of ad vertising. The "week" idea is as old as the hills, and has ben run into the ground. It's been pulled so often that it hasn't very much pulling power left. We have gre:;t belief in the power of the press, but after three or four years of "drives," it fell down miserably in putting the inteivhurch world move ment across., largely ln-cause the basic idea for getting the money was old fashiored and played e'.it. If there is to be concerted action in hoo.-t'iig home ANOTHKR LOOPHOLK So constant, and insidious are the encroachments by the various state otl'icers, commissions and bo.tvds, t hat very often the county officials do not 'realize that, their efforts may be nul lified by state authority until it has been accomplished. The dry law has been an object of solicit'.ide by the 1 state authorities ever since its pass ' age, and it is in the enforcement of I this law that state encroachment is most apparent. Originally, the enforcement was in the hands of federal officers and coun ty and city authorities. The state, however, created a special corps of booze hounds and presented Gus Hy ers with a job and an annuity, as well as a big bunch of assistants. From time to time, work has been added to Gus' department, until it is now prac tically the whole thing in dry law en forcement circles. The reason for the state's taking over this work is said to be because the county and city of ficials did not enforce the laws rigidly enough, and on a recent occasion, Governor McKelvie told an Alliance audience how he had found it neces sary to jack up various county officers for failing to enforce the law. The latest encroachment, which seems to nullify the work of county and district courts, has just come to light. The last legislature, passed n law denning the powers and duties of the state board of pardons, pape the now.-.papor ;-.ion ouj-ht to GENUINE HJIIil DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood cigarettes for 10c We want you to have tho beat paper lor "BULL." So now you can recotvo with each package a book I 24 leaves ol K1U. tho very tineat cigarette paper In tho world. Under New Management The Alliance Billiard Parlor has been reopened under the special license grant ed by the city council, and the new man agement will endeavor to comply with all the required regulations. We will conduct a thoroughly sanitary lunch counter and respectable billiard and pool business. You will be able to pass a pleasant afternoon in unobjectionable surround ings. Come in and make yourself at home. CIGARS, CANDIES and SOFT DRINKS Alliance Billiard Parlor JOHN VELOUS, Proprietor, EESJX3B83 It Takes More Than a Sign Over the Door to Make a Bank It takes experience, brains, and above all the proper organization for the protection of depositors. This bank is under State control. Its books are reg uarly examined by the proper officials. Every trans action must meet the approval of their rigid require ments. And in addition to that, our Directors are the most conservative and expecienced men men who have made a study of the banking business and iinanacial con ditions, and put the welfare of the depositors above that of themselves. Your money is absolutely safe in this bank. It is here until you need it and it's yours when you want it. And remember it draws 5 interest, compounded semi annually. You can start an account with $1.00 FIRST STATE BANK i