The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 23, 1921, Page FIVE, Image 5

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H 'EEL m jg-te
United States Senate
Puts Kibosh on the
J n hind to promise Mnwr to the pro
! !e on the ruiuh, who, not knowing
i Lewis' condition, concluded from his
jxtion.- that hp was demented.
omn Tiv N?:Jcnn"rt , Khrriir Millar went out to the ranrh
oldiniJ lcl. llUlballcC iil.out !:.'10 p. m.. accompanied l.v Chief
dto Z.imzow left VoinL'tv for Fond-! Mond.iv aftrrroon for Denver rr,t, his., 'oni.wiii, receipt 01 a 1 v o orato j-pi ns. Altci a 8hoi t i i
!,., V, - P . I U ... " 1.. ..L- ..'II ...j .11
it,.im i.un u - ji.iiu-r vwi . vi i'.i.iy f ,ne w.u n iurn 10 ner nomc jd
ill and that no hope., were entertuinid
lor hi lecovory. 'iliis morning a f-ec-ond
wire was received, which lrojht
the nsws tint V.'ihiam Zar.naw hid
I'.issfd away. Death resulted from a
scries of accidents. Some days a-o.
the older Mr. Kauzow suTeied a h:.d
fall, injuring his ueciv. The day iol
low:ng he wa. seized with !i?7.inr
and tell from a waton on . hieh he
was riding. He retrained con.;cijus- and pot up on trie wagon aa n, ;
only to fall the i-tcond time, tie was
taken to his and i.ever cj.ained
VVinfiel.l, Kansas
John Williams eirct.- to leave j-oine
tine this week for Detroit, where he
will attend the reunion ot the Thirty
second rfivi.Von, composed of Michigan
, aiut ..-coi.s.n troo;rs. Arcordini: to
some of the reports. Henry Ford has
offered to take upon himself the enter
tainment of the visitors during their
I stay in the city. Mr. Williams ex
pects to have a most pleasant trip, re
ncwing old army acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. W A. Kcmmi.-h and
family, (larland Hakc.r, Mr. and Mrs.
K. M. Hampton and daughter, Dorothv,
Miss Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Cour
ey, Mr. and Mrs. True Miller, daugh
ter Mattte and Edwin M. Durr drove
to A pate in four automobiles. Sunday
and spent the day examining the fos
h collection of Captain Cook and in
H. L. Wright received a telegram
last Friday morning tell np him ot the
death of his mother at Jericho
Spring, Mo. There are two other
.ens, one in St. Louis and one in
Wa. hincton.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ci.rcy, G2:i Chey
enne avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Ld ODonnell and the Misses Hose
looking over the oil well beinp drilled j Carlson and Tere.-a ODonnell at di;i-
n that locality. A tiasket r.nner vas r it. lay evening,
a feature of the outinp. Ilod C.I
Thomas and Mr. Wood overtook the
party on the road and helped pilot it
over the sandhill roads.
Kenneth R. Hamilton, who recently
resipned his position as manager of
the Alliance National store, passed
through the city Monday on his way to
Boulder, Col., v. here he has accepted
the position of manager of the Cash
Store, one of a chain of grocery
Ktores operating in Colorado. Mr.
Hamilton intended, on leaving Alii
tsnce, to go to Kansas City, but chang
ed his mind en route and until Satur
day was manager of the Kresge store
at Lincoln. Mr. Hamilton visited a
number of Alliance friends Monday.
Greydon Nichols of Chadron, who
has been spending a few weeks in
l'enver, returned to Chadron Sunday,
.'topping for a few hours' visit with
friends in Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hirst and Frank
Hirst are li.-ted among those who
made the ascent of Tike's peak via the
co;: railway on Friday of la.-t week.
William Williams of Cheyenne, is in
Alliance visiting his brother, Joe Wil
liams of the Times force. He expects
to locate in the city.
J. A. Luttrell left Monday noon for
North Flatte, where he will make ar
rangements to move his family. Mr.
Luttrell is in the employ of the Inter
national Harvester company and has;
received a merited promotion. ile
tias made his headquarters in Alliance
during the past twelve years, 's a
member o fthe T. F. A. and several
fraternal societies and has a laiye cir
cle of friends who will rejoice in his
pood fortune and regret his depart
ure from the city.
Mrs. A. G. Smart entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Carlson and Mr. and
Mrs. George L. Burr, Jr., at dinner
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Kenneth Mohrm.m entertained
at a six o'clock dinner Frid-iv evening
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. DeMcss
of Grand Pass, Mo. Besides the hoi or
guests", those present were, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. DeMoss, Mr. tin I Mrs. C.
H. and son, Charley. The t .Lle
was decorated with a beautifi.l center
piece of nasturtiums.
A meeting of the guardians of the
Feveral Alliance Camp'tircs has been
called for 2 :! p. r.i. this afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Fred Carlson. At
this meeting several matters connect
ed with the recent Hot Springs camp
ing trip will he discus-ed, and plans
for the future work of the Campfire
will be made.
Saturday, August 1C, at South Bend,
Washington, occurred the marriage of
Miss Delia Mae Reed to Mr. Joe E.
Edwards. They will have their home
Kt Klipsan Beach, Wa.-hington. Mrs.
Edwards will be remembered by her
many friends here as former county
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Highland, Mrs.
Hollowav, Mr. and Mrs. William Nei
mn, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Drake. Miss
Mardel Drake, and Mildred Pate mo
tored out to Charles Johnson's place
rortheast of town Sunday, where they
ere served to a splendid chicken
R. Lowell Austin and Mrs. Florence
L. Toms, both of Omaha were manied
by Judge Tash at the court hou.-e
Monday afternoon.
Lee Strong and Seth Joder left
Monday for a camping trip in the
Black Hills. They expect to be gone
about a week.
J. W. Books and family of Chadron,
who have been on a trip to different
parts of Colorado, returned to Chad
ion Saturday.
Miss Mamie Collins and Po.-.ily
Beach were the guests of Dr. .id Mrs.
M. J. Baskin at the Country club Fri
day nilit.
The tanip tr. nuisance, the pro-;
posa! that each check issued in the
I'nited States bear a two-cent revenue
stamp, ha Ik en defeated in the federal
senate. A number of the bankers of.
the country, a.- well as the business '
men, have intt letted themselves in the !
!'n;ht to defeat this plan, and their ef- '
forts- were successful.
S. B. Wriaht. cashier of the Guar !
dii.n State l ank, wrote to all Nebraska
representatives and senators protest-i
ing auain.-t the nuisarce, and he has j
received word from all of them that ;
the ways ar. l i iej.ns committee of the i
-enatc did not look with favor on thej
plan. Their letter'- weie all along the I
-ai ie line. Tht Utter of W. P. Kin-1
kaid follows: '
"1 am today in receipt of your es-!
it emeu iavor ot the loth inst. pro
u-.-iing against th
h -tiers and N is lit Oil icer St dwell, nnd
brought liwis to Alliance, vvlieie he
was released. He t Id the officers thnt
he was suffering from epilepsy, but
that he had not told anyone at the
ranch that he was a sufferer from Ihis
d sease, because the knowledge would
diminish his chances for employment.
He didn't blame the people at the
)"imh for concluding that lv was
crazy. They became frightened when
he began to yell, frothed at the mouth
and otherwise deported himself.
Automobile Speeder
Was Doubly JinxcJ
on Sunday Evening
Someone mii-t have put n double '
jinx on the trail of Charles Sisley of I
il . I" 1 . II' t . t 1 A I
iiirs cm v iMintiay. rsii oiMoy hum jui ' t i m- r i till tint lit ui u ! ii o i
placing a two tent .-tampan checks. i'WiC l?c naa 1 ,CK ln:'1 ' ,H
M:ilcin, n ,,..n... i . ..i..i ,lu, have under normal .otidittons,
if, ...... .... . ' i. iii'id there isn t anyone t I lami for B...v. wil .Mil villll.ll tillt'HII.e
not contain any
the raising of
been agreed upon doc
ueh provis.on for
"Btvt wishes. Very cordially vours,
W. P. Kinkaid."
"This will certainly be a relief to
the pi.blic in general to know that they
can send checks to all parts of the
United States with out putting on a
revenue . tamp and to know that con
gress has defeated such a nuisance as
it would only tend to keep a portion of
money out of circulation," Mr. Wright
told a lr;ul reporter.
Shipment of Stock
Is Now On, But Run
It Not Very Heavy
Sunday evening, Sisley v. liding
in his automobile, and he c:v,w to a
good street anil let the car have a
little gas, just for the fun of it. That
was all right lots of good drivers
take a chance now and then. l!i
misfortune was that he cpoo .e the
wrong street to do it, for right in" the
block where he put his foot mi the
accelerator, Chief J offers his hi- iesi
denee. The chief saw the peodior car
headed his way, and stepped out to
where he could see the number. Mr.
Sisley then had another Irt of mis
foitune, for he lost momentary control
of the steering gear, and hit ilu curb
ing with a jolt that smashed a front
wheel and fender. Then Chief .(offers
stepped up ami placed hi n uitlei ar-
I !
The shipment of livestock to the
Omaha and Kansas City markets has I
been on in Box Butte and neighboring !
counties for over a week. Due to the'
abundant rains this summer, the range
has been excellent and there is abun- j
dant grass to feed the stock. Pros-
pects for a splendid crop of hay are
substantiated bv the results from the
cutting, whith began last week.
Reports from the ranges indicate'
that the livestock run from northwest j
. i i i ii' : . . . .. '
AenrasKa ami v yoming is noi so
heavv thi? vear as in other years, and
that even though it will be brisk for a
time, it may not last quite so long.
Several stock trains have passed
through Alliance the past week, and a
larger number are booked for next
week. Cars have been rushed to the
cattle country .lo that the demand by j H
lilt." s iiwij utr iiici. vwtnuui. in.- u
'ay-. ... .
A good might into the way western H
live stock raisers regard present cattle j U
conditions is given by the messnge one ' h
rancher .-ent to an Omaha commission .
An Airplane Romance.
Admission, lO-.'JOc.
4 Mrs. 11. M. Wheeler and son spent
the week-end in Alliance on their way
to Clifton, Col., where they will make
thoir home.
George D. Darling nnd family r.c
comtv.uiied by R. K. McKenzie and
family motored to Hot Springs Wed
nesday. H. A. Ward and wife left Saturday
by auto for a two weeks' visit with
relatives at Omaha and other eastern
firm this week, he wired, '
ing with ten car;; of cattle-
'Am com- (
-pray for
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlson enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Biuce and
family of Rushville at dinner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. L. Michael were
in the city Saturday on business. They
left Saturday night for Thedford, Neb.
Among Alliance people who enjoyed
a fi.-h-ing trip to Burke's Lake in the
Sandhills Sunday, were Mr. and Mr?.
B. W. Keach, Mrs. Ida Rett.-, l.u'u
Benson, Dorothy Coyner, Mrs. E. Bel
hhaw. George Be!.haw, John Moxon
anl N. W. Worley.
Clay Harry, local manager of the
Northwestern Bel! Telephone cumpuny
arrived in Alliance Monday morning
tfter a two weeks' vacation spent at
Omaha and on a camping trip at
Kiverview Park, near Central City,
with his family.
The Misses Ztlma Sm;th and Mar
garet Klingaman, teachers at Aotioch
who have been spending the summer
o;i the former's home tead near (;!--r-
Wvo .. returnee to AliVoell t' re-
sume their
duties in the puljl.u
.-i hool.-
Ed Henry lind family. Mr. and Mrs.
Wibl.le, Mrs. J. J. Phillips and son,
Fred, spent Sunday in Hot Springs.
Brakeman Roy Howard and wife
were called to Pawnee City, Neb., by
the death oi.Mrs. Howard's father.
Ralph Joder arrived in Alliance Sun
:y morning from Umatilla, Ore., for
visit with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Condi: wer- the
Harvest Hand Alarms
Neighborhood With 1
An Epileptic Fit
Bert Lewis of Blair, Neb., who has
been employed at the Charles Odell
ranch, a few miles southwest of Alli
ance, for the past few weeks, suc
ceeding in pretty thoroughly alarm ng
the residents of that neighborhood la.-t
Friday afternoon and evening. Sheriff
J. W. Miller and Deputy Tom Miski
men were in Bridgeport, attending a
road meeting, and there was no one
Pauline Frederick
Admission, lO-.'JOc.
Jimmy Aubrey, in
Admission, 10-.'U)c
guc.-ts of Mr. and Mrs. A. (J.
Friday night at the Country
M's Frnnees Collins and mother
turned Sunday ioni a two vvel s"
c; f ar. ttip to Cedar Rapids, la.
There's a
Conductor J. II. Chapman left f'
f. vv weeks v isit with vt latives at
Paul and Minneapolis, M:iui.
Mr. !'i'd V. Charles
Scott.-blu'l' visitd a pait of
at the of Jack Motien.
last Wei r. .
Miss Florence Bruce, who taugh.t
'ast year in the Kearney schools, is
inpniiioir two weeks in Alliance with
her si.-ter, Mrs. Fred Carlson. Miss-
Bruce has acctpien a posiiton ai
Moore, Mont., the coming school year.
Conductor M. E. Johr.son 1
urday for Payetf, Idaho, for
months' vi-it with his .-on.
'ft Sat
a three
Conductor R. F. Reider has !a;d of
for the hut ten ihiys on aciount of i
bad ca-e of hay fever.
Mr and Mrs. Earl D. Mallery left
Monday morning by automobile for
Denver on a week's trip. Bruce Mal
lery came in from the ranch and is in
charge of the store during the absence
of the head of the firm.
Miss Corine Moare of Antiorh spent
the week-end in Alliance with Mi.-s
Dorothv KeynohN.
Mr. i nd Mrs. Mo-es Wright have
returned from an ctendeil auto tiip
through Kansas.
Dr. Jenson of Newman Grove arriv
ed in Alliance Monday for a weeks'
visit at the home of C. W. Grassman.
His son, Russell, who has been speed
ing the summer with the (jvantunV,
will return with him.
Mrs. F. M. DeMoss, Mr.
W. DoMo.-s. Mrs. Kenneth
A. C. McConnahay
Hay Spring.-, weic in
day on bu.--ine-s.
and family of
the city Satur-1
Mrs. Je.-sie Wellman left Friday for
Eos Angeles, where .-he will make her
R. E. McKenzie left for
vacation at Svlvun Lake.
Mr. and
un.l Mrs. .1
Mohrman, Mesrs. t name i ro.-s.
Frank Hunt, Charlie DeMoss and (alii Mr. and Mrs. II. S.
v.-i,.i-,i rmno.-el a naitv that spent Hit Sunday.
Sunday in Hot Springs.
ten days
Moorish went to
Mrs. Flora E. Jones who has been
visiting with her son, E. K. Jones, left
Coin and wheat are growing ju.-t f.s
energetically as if they w re coming to
a gi) price.
Long 'Winter
Nature gives the squirrel a heavy
winter coat. Instinct makes him
store up food. Hut YOU must look
out for yourself.
Have you a savings account? This
bank offers complete facilities for all
your banking needs.
Convenient hours, convenient lo
cation and absolute safety.
We pay 5 per cent.
The First
National Bank
Alliance, Nebraska
rest, to appear in police court Monday.
Police Judge L. A. Berry, when Sis
ley entered a plea of guilty, n--e. srd
a fine of $J5 and costs again' t him,
which was paid. The judge warned
the speeder that ff he came up il sec
ond time on the same otVcnse, the fine
would be the limit $100. Mr. Sisley
expressed his intention of never com
ing up .'main, and the incident will be
clo til when the repair bills are paid.
Over in London they am teaching
women politico (. r here they do
not seem to need to b? taught.
There are iill communities in
which the heij-ht of society gaiety a
rcpier erded by choir practice night.
Indications s thut tht? ?ea on of
depression will c it the sucker crop in
half this year.
( "
's u u r a
l'vorv day you must cat and sleep if you expect
to do your share of the day's work, not to Jay down
on the job to rest for a few minutes every now and
The same ppplies to your watch. If you expect
it to run nnd keep good time all the time you must
keep it in pood condition. It should be cleaned and
oiled at proper intervals at least every 18 months for
men's watches, and 9 to 12 months for bracelet
If you drop or jar your watch, even if it continues
to run, brin? it in for examination. Having it regu
lated every few months is a very wise policy if you
want to be certain of accurate timekeeping prformance.
You will lie money ahead if you take .advantage of
our repair service.
Mid-Week Specials
at Thiete's
3c r.nd ."Oc size, special
.")0c grade, special
()."e grade, special
FLAKE HIT, (Any Color)
$1.00 size, special
(Any color)
The Sjiv W.ih a Cm-ruts '.:'mt R i T.:-t
Children Look Neat
When their dress is completed with or.e of our
Children's Tarns or School Hats. We have tip. ciully
nice line of these popular and altogether servkvi-.ble
Rring the children in ;tnd ask them to .c:rCt their
Fall Lines of Millinery
are now here, and we especially urge you to corr.e in
and see our display. All the latest ideas that are shown
for fall are awaiting your visit to this store.
Millinery Department.