The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 23, 1921, Image 4

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City Manager's Corner
(fly N. A. K EM MI SI I)
. m . 1 - . . I A A 1 .... 4.1 1 . . .
fiurvivinjr wuo, pons i urry, nave mi city waxrr usa up uimi .uunuay
many Onils. The l.ody was laid to noon. We closed it down at thin time
ifst in Hip Marsland cp'mrtrry. Kov. in ordor to pull up the pump rods to
Hurlfvph of I,ake.-ilc conducted ine
The Ash Grove barcrhvie proved a
biRKer success than ever this year. An
immense crowd was gathered on the
grounds. The speakers who included,
-C A. Minick of Crawford, Miss Kucker
of Chadron, Mr. Newland of Crawford,
Mr. Fisher of Chadron and two others,
vlid justice to the crowd assembled. In
the afternoon the ball eame between
two of the be?t teums, Cruwford and
llemingford drew an extra larfre
crowd, and resulted in a defeat for
Hemingford. The dancing began at 5
P. m. and the floor was crowded all
the time. We must say a word for
the music of the day which was ox
cellent, however the dues belong to
Whitnev as it was the W hitney band
Their selections were fine and worth
listening to. The riowds came from
Chadron. Crawford, Whitney, Mars
land, Alliance, Hi-mingford and many
other towns. Kveryone left satisfied
and hoping there is to be another bar
becue next year.
Mr. Thomas, proprietor of the
Marsland hotel, went to Crawford
Wednesday to visit with friends, re
turning Friday.
J. M. Tollman who went to Scotts-
blulf with County Agent, Fred Taylor,
and Dr. Werner, for the potato drive
returned home Thursday morning.
IJev. Uurleigh arrived here Monday
and remained at the Gregg home a few
Harrv Townlev arrived in Marsland
Wednesday to attend the funeral of
Wade Curry.
Mrs. Wikal of Alliance was in Mars
land Thursday for the purposes of at
tending the funeral of Wade Curry.
Clvde Hartman and Dayton Suilen-
berger drove to the Ash Grove barbe
cue Thursday to attend the ball game.
Dayton umpired the game.
George Y oung our local lumner
dealer, spent a day in Scottsblulf last
week with his children.
Colonel Kvans was in town one day
from his son, Ch irles' ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank IJlarli returned
from their trip to Iowa this week.
They seemed to enjoy themselves and
visited many relatives and friends
while gone.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey came from Al
liance to visit at the Greg home and
attend the funeral of Wade Curry.
Hurt Furman drove to Crawford
Jack Neoce and family attended the
Ash Creek barbecue Thursday.
Joe Dieh) and family were trading
in town one day this week.
Alex Smith was in town from ine
ranch one day this week.
an east-
Mrs. Sul!onlerger taught school in
I that vicinity two years and so thor-
n t i i . ii ii. i... .. 1 oughly enjojed hersi If pt the barbecue
On Monday last. 'oW (T in old frirnd,hip from YVht
fervrd. The crowd started at N. It. , , .
I'ooIcb ranch where there was an !.. " '
teresting study of Niaram potato Mr.. Jim Tollman and children) Last week Mr. Hoagland of the
tlcU They then proceeded to town ' attended the barbecue Thursday, and Kelly Well company installed the ro
und after awaiting the ariivnl of Dr. J report an extra good time. tary pump in our Kelly well ami
Werner and County Agent Fred 'lay- The funeral of Wade tuny took pumped it lor iwo days, naiuniay we
lor, the surrounding fields of Hedietit, place Thursday morning at 10:.'J0 at; removed their pump and installed our
Bayne, Tollman and Riillenherirer w.-ie the K. G. Greyg home. There was a own . We ftarled using our pump on
isitel. Next an inveftipat:on of Kdgar ; large attendance as Wade and his Saturday evening ami it furnished alii
. r.-ii - ... .1- tu; r.i.i j
nations linn w.i iii.i't, I lirm
f a remaikable yield and worthy of
notice and mention. It drew a W"r
inspection. After a few remarks by
Pr. Werner, F'Var was nske to ex-
lain in detail his work on this special
ield. The bills ate uniform and al
most perfect. After F.dgar'a explana
tion, which seemed to lay wholly in
work anl tending to business, the
crowd proceeded to Carl Tollman's
inhere after an insection of his field
they pat down to an old fashioned pic
nic dinner. Everything imaginable
ra there to be eaten, and eaten it
mas with relish too. After dinner, Dr.
Werner, Fred Taylor, County Agent
Arthur Bartlett, C. A. Minick of Craw
ford, Sam Hartley, Keith fierce and
J. M. Tollman made respective speech
In all their remarks the one thing was
evident, potatoes ami their seeding,
-planting and care. Dr. Werner gave
many illustrations in which all tended
to show without fail that northwest
Nebraska had it over the rest in po
tato raising. He also spoke of the ex
act way to care for the seed before
planting, dipping, sorting ami cutting
the care in planting, cultivation and
care after the potatoes were in full
growth. It is thought that next year
there will still be better and more
A No. 1 fields in this vicinity. There
wemcd to be business men from all
nearby towns, with the exception of
Marsland from which only one was
nresent a part of the time, Earl Kn-
yeart, merchant At the close of the
remark' and visiting, the crowd re
turned by way of Guslav HolTman's
field and thence to town. Dr. Wer
ner, Fred Taylor and J. M. Tollman
drove to Seottsbluff that evening to at
tend the big potato drive there.
Alliance Men Go to
Scottsbluff to See
McKinncy in Action
A number of Alliance baseball play
ers and fans attended the ScottsblufT
Casper Midwest league game at
ScottsblufT last Sunday, largely to see
Pitcher McKinney, until last week star
twirler for the Alliance team, in ac
tion. Among the Alliance men who
werft on hand the umpire called
"Play ball," were: John Williams,,
Hill Tragesser, Carl Hockey, Jack
Kane, Frank Puechsenstein, Frank
Hrennan, Fred Hayes, George Staf
ford, Dewey Donovan, Charley GrifTis,
Noel Young, Kay and La Verne Duller.
McKinney pitched a fine game, al
though ScottsblufT lost, 3 to 2, after
ten innings of hard playing. The
Casper men got but six hits off tlx
former Alliance artist. In one of tlu
innings McKinney threw only three-
I balls, two of them flying out and the
I other resulting in a grounder to sec-
I nnil tin
Big Roundup and Kodeo. Fair--view,
Sept. ., 1C21. 76-81
Rigid economy and elastic credit
will cure all our troubles.
Dayton Sullenberger was
bound passenger Saturday.
Hurt rurman received his threshing
machine Thursday.
see whether or not the sand was doing
any injury to the pump. We should
have it ready again, by tonight It
may be necessary to pull these rods
every few days until the sand quits
coming in.
We have the trenches on Missouri j
and Yellowstone avenues from Eighth
to Tenth streets rady to lay the 4-inch
mains. The rains this morning may
delay us somewhat in laying the pipe, j
We are having considerable trouble
finding the original survey stakes in
this territory. We must know accur
ately where the lot lines are in order
to place the pipe in its pioper loca
t;on. There is one-half block of
ground including Mississippi avenue
from Seventh to Tenth Ftreets which
has nver been platted. The land sold
in this location has been dscr.bed by
muts and bounds. It will be nocesary
to have this fixed up before we can
complete the water mains in thi.s ter
ritory and it may delay us somewhat
without our work. So far we have not
beene abl to get Helmont addition to
check out as platted without encroach
ing a litt'e upon Seventh and Tenth
streets. Should wi be able to locate
the original survey marks on Tenth
.street it may check out. A great many
people do not realize the importance of
preserving these old survey stakes.
The original stakes are worth consid
erable more than new stakes will be
and whenever an old stake is replaced
with a new one there is always a
question in the mind of tlu engineer
as to whether it is correct. Whenever
these original stakes are destroyed it
makes a lot of extra work and ex
pense for those who follow and have
work on the stieets to do.
i i
"Don't be a wet blanket," advises the
Cynical Pachelor, "unless you happen
rhiiriov Mirhnel of Iteminirfoid was to be married and run into an old
n Mars and Wednesday. name.
Mrs. Claude Fleming and son, Lloyd
were east hound passengers luesday.
Mrs. V. H. Kathsack re turned to he
homo in Thedford Tuesday, afu-
stavinir a few davs with her si.-tcl
Mrs. Davton Sullenberger.
Mrs. W. 1). King returned to h
himp in Whitman Tuesday.
Mis- .1 C. lien net t was an ea.t
tuuiml n:is nnier Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hartley returned
in flipir home in Lincoln luesday
ufior 'A vwit with relatives.
w ii Kimr nf Whitman returned
home Sundav.
Flovd P.ennctt was down from IIpiii-
inpford,-where he has been working,
to visit with his mother.
Mrs. Henry Hollinrake returned to
her home in Marsland after a visit
with Mrs. Hunter.
Miss Marion Finney has returned to
her horv from Omaha, where she has
been receiving medical treatment for
her eyes. We are glad to know that
her eve is practically well again.
Walter Mann and family accompan
ied bv Mrs. Attd Sencer ami daughter
of Kridgeport, drove over to attend the
Ash Creek barbecue Thursday and all
peemed to have an enjoyabe time.
Mrs. Davton Sullenberger ami
dnuehter, Kuth, accompanied Mrs.
Tollman to the Ash Creek barbecue.
MODEL Cleaners & Tailors
20:iHo Uutte Avenue Telephone No. IS
P.o prepared for the cool days and eveninjrs coming soon.
(Jet out the fall coats and dresses and look them over. We
will fix them up for you like new.
We reline overcoats and put on new velvet and
cloth collars.
We reline ladies' jackets or long coats.
We put in new skirt kinds, or new facings on
j our last year's jacket.
We can put a new collar on your last year's coat or jacket
of sin entirely new style. Show us a picture of the collar
you want; we'll put it on just like the picture.
Work Guaranteed
MODEL Cleaners and Tailors
I'hnoe IS We (all and Deliver Phone IS
Save Your Oil Clothes
For Another Season
Perhaps you luwe an old
Suit, Wrap or down stored
away in your cedar chest
and having looked over it
once decided to discard it.
You're making a mistake
if you do. Send it to our
Dry Cleaning establishment
and let us look it over and
we'll tell you frankly whe
ther or not it is good for an
other season's service.
We've restored many a
garment that was ready for
the rag pile in fact have
brought it back to its orig
inal newness.
Ix?t us do the same for
Y ANDERS, The Tailor
Under First National Bank.
Just Received Another Carload of the
18 lb. has? $2.00
5 bag lots : . .$1.90
48 lb. bag $1.90
5 bag lots $1.80
This Flour has given perfect satisfaction and
will be the
We Will Have this Season.
Fourth Street Market
II. HIRST, Proprietor
We Are Prepared
This Bank has a capital of $50,000.00 and is one of
the most modern and up-to-date Banks in Western Ne
braska. The Stock is owned by local people and they are
your friends and taxpayers of this county.
All the deposits in this bank are guaranteed by the
Nebraska Guaranty Fund.
We are proud of the fact that our patrons are so
faithful and are assisting so materially in the growth of
this institution. We value highly the -spirit of loyalty
and wish to reciprocate by giving them the very best
service of which we are capable.
We solicit your checking account for convenience
and your Savings Account for profit on which we pay
5 interest compounded semi-annually.
The Guardian State Bank
Alliance, -:- Nebraska
Under the Supervision State of Nebraska.
All Deposits Guaranteed by the Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska.
aaaaaaa:aaaaaaat :
- Every Potato Means
Additional Profit
When the price per bushel you receive for your potatoes is low,
good profits can still be made by saving time and labor and by getting every
potato in the field. It costs you no more to harvest completely, and you get
the extra dollars for your increased crop, if you use a
Farmers' Union
a... t
Phone 501
Alliance, Neb.