1 1 iMKit TltE ALLIANCE IIEItALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 SEVEN RANDOM SHOTS TuW Okla., has had a big race riot, t ut the record do not show that it trawl t0 "The Birth 0f Na If you haven't purchased a ticket for a campnre Oirls' benefit community irty and dance, do it now. The show mea off tonight, and Al Cavan's feech will be worth the price of ad- jnisKion. Hes been reading Mark Twain for three weeks getting ready for it. Circua Day. The late arrival of the train. The early arrival of the spectators. The pink dresses and blue hair rib bons. , The boys with clean ears. The general air of expectancy. , The crowded restaurants at noon. ine busy soda fountains. , The boisterous cowboys. The lack of hootch. ; The Lizzies lining the sidewalks and the curbs. The long wait for the parade. The crying babies. . The weary mothers, j The delay. I The continued delay. The fidgety children. , The crowded sidewalks. The infernal delay; The appearance of a solitary horse man. The parade in sight. The entire two blocks of the proces sion. . The spar.gles. The white band. , The bareback riders. , The paint on their faces. , The colored band. The only elephant. The moth-eaten appearance of the elephant The yawning lions. The monkeys, in the cage and else where. , The clown band. The Shetland' ponies. j The grandma dolled up like a eou , brette. , The steam piano. i The horrible music. . The long walk to the circus grounds. The mud. . The sideshow barkers. The hot dog stands. The fat lady. The idiots masquerading as canni bals. The midgets. The grand performance. . The three rings. The impossibility of watching more than one at a time. The shave the lion tamer didn't have. The dirt on his face. The animals, bullied and beaten into submission. The enjoyment by the kids. The hard seats. The development of that tired feel ing. The happy thought of compliment ary tickets. ' The absence of the ringmaster in a dress suit. The absence of the ringmaster's whip. The announcement of the concert. The relief that we weren't fovced to stay. The fifty cent saved. , The easy chair. The restful smoke. The feet on the library table. The realization of disillusionment. The knowledge that we don't care about it. The resolve that will be broken next year. The hitting of the hay. The fitful sleep. The curses. The dreams of wild animals. , The alarm clock. The shoe that missed it. The getting up. The work to be done. The money we ought to get for it. One of the girls was fretting. "He lelt me to go get the tickets," she said, "and I waited and waited. I waited an awfully long time. 1 wonder if he went into the sideshow." If we were in her place, we'd ask him about those Seven Veils. But the brvte probably wouldn't give himself away. Congressional Record Wit: Con gressman Swank (Dem., Okla.) was delivering a eulogy on Platte National park, that state. Mr. Swank She has sulphur water all kinds, shades and degrees, medi cine water, bromide and pure water. That water makes a man want to go there and enriches him with that manly vigor so essential to true man hood. (Laughter.) Mr. Dyer- (Rep., Mo.) They have nothing else to drink down there, have they. (Laughter.) Mr. Swank The gentleman evident ly has never been there. (Laughter.) ' There never was but one real joke published in the Congressional Rec ord, and that was 'way back in 1899, when some congressman, in the heat of an annexation debate, urged that the United States annex Ii eland, in order that we might raise our own policemen. Today's Best Story There ain't none. Tod'ay'a Second Best Irate auto owner: "Chauffeur, how could you be so careless as to get this big splinter in our first tire?" Chauffeur: "Couldn't help it, sir. The fellow had a wooden leg." Pur ple Cow. Advice to Motorists. Referring to the hair-raising exper ience of C. M. Looney, who made a thrilling areoplane flight in a flivver last week, the Scottsbluff Star-Herald tells how Looney had been yanked from the car in mid-flight, but alighted uninjured, caught up with his car, the engine still running, and came on to Alliance. The following good advice to motorists Is given. "Had he 'only had the presence of mind to have shut off the engine, he could have saved considerable amount of gasoline. All autoists should bear this in mind and when struck by a tormido that chances to be going in the same, direction they should shut off the gas and cut down expenses as these are hard times, and every little du neips." And to think that Mc. old and wise ns he is, should be taken in by a short change artist. Of course he got it back, but it ought to cost him ten dol-i i . iars in cigars. Make ours a Chancellor, please. Maybe he'll find that other $10 bill in his vest pocket; who knows? Scientists have at last exploded the caffeine myth. It seems there is no deadly drug in coffe, and that those who drink it need not fear heart dis ease or kindred ills. Now, if some one will only render a similarly favor able report on the nicotine in tobacco, life will assume a still, rosier aspect. UNCERTAIN He: "Was it you I kissed in the library last night?" She: "About what time?" Mug-wump. Experts now tell us that the United States has enough coal to last 3,000 years. The real tjuestion right now is, have we got enough to last till it's safe to let the furnace fire go out for the summer? Sometimes we wonder whether there is more immorality in the world than in the old days or whether the report ers are more alert. Every time we rend the names of participants in Russian affairs we feel that few of them can be regarded as pronounced successes. The man who is shocked . because women smoke cigarettes forgets that hit great grandmother may have smoked a pipe, Tis said a good cry now and then helps a woman. It also Kelps her to control her husband. She: "Ho you love me, John?" He: "Sure," She: "Then why doen't your chest go up and down like the man ia th movies?" -Tar Baby. One of the most difficult things about holding office these days is hold ing the office. When a mas dances with a girl and doesn't step on her toes he knows she's graceful. Some of the nations have peace with honor and some have it with complications. A great many people who formerly held positions are now glad to get obs. i If you don't dance, you will have plenty of fun at the Camp (ire benefit dance. Come in and hear the June Victor records at Thicle's. 54 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST STATE BANK, of Alliance Charter No. 1229 In the State of Nebraska at the close of business. May 31, 19211 Lloyd C. Thomas of Alliance has been notified of his election as a mem ber of the national council of the na tional economic league to represent Ne braska. The aim of the league is to "provide a means for giving expression to the informed and disinterested opin ion of the country regarding economic, social and political problems, and to educate and lead public thought with a view to creating a public opinion that will be a vital and controlling force in our government " Other Ne braska members are Hon. William Jennings Bryan, Francis A. Brogan, Frank J. Burkley, Thomas C. Byrne, James N. Clarke, W. F. Cozad, Chan cellor William G. Hastings, Hon. R. W. Hcbart, George W. Holdrege, Myron L. Lamed, John J. Ledwith, Hon. Bayard H. Paine, Addison E. Sheldon, H. S. Wilson and Frank H. Woods. The national executive council of the league includes as its officers William H. Taft, president; Frank A. Van derlip, Lindley M. Garrison, . David Starr Jordan, Jacob Gould Schurman, Roscoe Pound, Edward A. Filene, John Graham Brooks and John Hays Ham-men. RESOURCES Loans and discounts . Overdrafts . . . i Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc., including all government bonds - Banking house, furniture and fixtures Due from National ar.d State banks $ 53,259.20 Checks and items of exchange 2,063.19 Gold coin 2,910.00 Silver, nickels and cents 1,874.76 1579,090.55 9.2S3.75 7,044.50 10,195.00 983.C0 66,949.21 LIABILITIES Turkey will compel men above twenty-four -years of age to marry, the assumption being that if a man can't support a wife by that time, the wife will be able to support him. Among other great improvements which this generation enjoy-B and for mer generations did not dream of is the rapid-fire breakfast grapefruit Nowadays any tax creates an emer gency for the average man. Total Capital stock paid in Surplus fund - . . Undivided profits Individual deposits subject to check Time certificates of deposit ...... Savings deposits . - Cashier's checks outstanding Due to National and State banks Depositors' guaranty fund Total .. $673,540.61 .$219,797.33 . 288,642.21 . 67,106.70 8,735.02 26,551.20 $ 35,000.00 30,000.00 86.03 600,832.40 7,628.12 $673,540.61 STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of BOX BUTTE, ss. I, W M. Finnegan, cashier of the above named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Bureau of Banking. W. M. FINNEGAN. ATTEST: H. A. COPSEY, Director, , CHAS. BRITTAN, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of June, 1921. (SEAL) WILLIAM MITCHELL, Notary Public. SOMETHING LACKING MR.HPV TARTY aUSTTAKE THEIR-5 EHAMfROM OUT THE PAH. BAND ADD AN EGO OR TWO. OHIMAN.'I w THE tempting, tantalizing aroma of sugar cured ham sizzling in the pan almost makes a man feci like com mitting poetry. Ah but it's the (juafity that counts nd the taste that tells. HAM AND BACON SPECIALS t Morris Supreme Ham, per pound 33f Swift's Premium Ham, per pound . 3."f Armour's Star Ham, per pound . 3. Morris Matchless Bacon, per lb., 30c, 351 Swift's Premium, whole or half 45 Armour's Star, whole or half 43 Hamburger, lb.. .15$ Sausage, per lb. 20f Pork Chops, lb. 25 Watch for Mr. Happy Party.' THE-MODEL MARKET 116 WEST 4TH ST., PHONE : o E I -A A : I UJ 5r n t mm mm 5 LJsj. O "n i 1 TTT : ILiiJlJllL V EL 5 n a k 1921 t V.'.VA'.V.V.V A SPEND ALL THREE DAYS AT O latmce ace Me et a "a i 1921 i jy-VAW.w.w.'.v.v.v 5 3 BIG DAYS Entertainment for Everybody 5 B 1 5 S Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mile 1 A I 3 BIG i DAYS SOMETHING WILL BE DOING ALL THE TIME i . Plan to Be ' here :J Every Day S W.VW.VW.V.1 9 11 wWe Have Planned All This Entertainment for You i tm 1 M 5 J "m cm THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED . Chadron Boys' Band Will Furnish the hlusic ONE BIG EXHIBITION OF ' FIREWORKS EVERY EVENING DANCING AT ROOF GARDEN AND CITY ARMORY EACH NIGHT $ 6 0 0 0 in Purses & Prizes RACING PROGRAM There will be fast races in the different classes no matter what you like best it will be here. Excellent programs for each day. Come prepared for the fun. SEE THE- SPOTLIGHT MULE RACE Wrestling Matches INVOLVE THE TOP-NOTCH MEN Sauer vs. Wrobluvsky, June 15 Mortensen vs. Zimmer, June 16 Joe Stecher will wrestle the winner of first night's match on Friday, June 17 SPECIAL MOVIES AT IMPERIAL THEATRE IS ALLIANCE RACING ASSOCIATION i s H 5 5 v. Si