AT THE CHURCHES TRESUYTERIAN CHURCH Next Sunday i Disarmament dav .V' ' ? "Mfonall, observed ....wuk.iuui. me united Mates by Chris ttans of every creed and sect and de nomination as an answer to the chal lenge issued by Genera! Tasker H. B iss, former chief of staff of the . United States army, who has paid that If the church people of the United Mates mean business they can force .thejiand of the government to call a disarmament conference of the preut tuitions of the World to work out a rea sonable plan to relieve the world of the intolerable burden and excessive !cnKer to the peace of. the world of overweening armaments. Gen. Bliss has said: "If there is another great war amonc 'Christian nfit. .u- Christian people will be responsible for every dollar expended and every drop of blcod shed." -Yr, them nex Sunday morning nt 11 o clock will be "Disarmament," and an opportunity will be given for you to register your desire to have our beloved U. S. A. to iead the world in a proeram of world disarmament. The Sunday evenine service will w a part of the .Twelfth district C. E. convention. You are cordially invited. A. J. KEAKNS, frjstor. " CHURCH OF CHRIST "An Ideal Pastorate" is our subject for Lord's day morning. Come to the service and the minister will tell vou about it. Next Sunday is the beginning of our fifth year in Alliance. We will be glad to see not only all the members of the congregation but many of our friends present on that occasion. Dur ing the last four years it has been ! your minister's privilege to welcome nearly three hundred into the fellow ship of this congregation. Some one fays, "Do you like to live in Alliance?" Our answer is this: "We have never before this time stayed longer than four years in one place and the record is broken in Alliance." We have good people, good schools and besides a good climate many other good things, so why not like it here? The evening hour will be given over( io an address ny some representative of the District Endeavor convention. We invite you to come to the church with a messaee and a welcome. STEPHEN J. EPLER, Minister. , THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 conference of the Methodist church has been set for August 81. The place is Gering, and Bishop Stunti will pre side. The Sunday morning topic will be "The Unwelcome Guest." In the eve ning, Mrs. A. P. Brown, local president ' " ' SOCIETY Misses Ruth and Lulu Sturgeon de Ilghtfu'ly entertained about twenty guest nt a miscellaneous shower last evening in honor of Miss Glenn Mounts, whose approaching marriage FIVE T: 5 .:Fon,1'n,"arjr ?A Walter Bledsoe is scheduled to take ; .vi m,-s'on"y. w m piace on June ,4 A (i0iicioU(, )unch rs convention in was served at tc MEARL C. SMITH, Taster. LUTHERAN CHURCH Services at 10:30 o'clock in the Eng lish language. Sermon tonic: "The Great Supper of the Lord." fcunday school at 10 0 clock. ump, tor all things are now bles prettily decorated with pink roses and sweetpeas. Clever placecards announcing the important date were made of a small hand painted box containing a gold wedding ring marked with the proper initials. The evening was spent informally in tieing a comfort nnd hemming tec towels for the guest of honor. Mist Mounts also received many useful and tvnrlv fa In. tmit rti .vt.n.lAji I. . . .n V.-u.i;: "I.."'- "i i ..VV" I ealf ul gifts. Those present were r.,."u 'ZS'Cir T: Llu Benson, Edna Benedict ami Mr. Marvel is cashier of a bank at Herringford. After trip to Denver, the young couple will mke their home in Hemingford. Bud Johnson,' ton of W. G. Johnson of this city, was married at Denver at eight o'clock Wednesdny evening to Mis? Gladys Smith, daughter of S. R. Smith formerly of Alliance. They ex pect to make their hnm in Il.nv.i. after a three-weeks honeymoon in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ed ward Went to Prnver fn nttwl th weddiner. The Mrs. Edwards. , Ray: A. Westover left Thursday jnomi ff TIiH'hestfr, Mirtn., where he will submit to an operation. The ci. inn en wui spend a fw weeks at the home of Mr. Westover'a brother in Lander, Wye a rer. Come to the church where the old, simple and unadulterated Word of uod is preached. F. DROEGEMUELLEtt ,rastor. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Corner Fifth and Laramie. Bible school at 10 a. m. ' Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. ' Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. At this service Joe Holland, the boy solo ist will sing, "In The Garden. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock will be the mid-week prayer meeting. All are welcome. C. R, MATTISON, Pastor. Vera Spencer, Avis Joder, Grace' nnc Maude Spacht, Grace Johnsop, . Alt! Young, Mad ire Graham. Mesdames Ids Betts, J. S. Rhein, A. J. Reams, Wm Mounts, Martin, F. A. Bald, B. Ponctr. and F. J. Tetcrson. Miss Dixie McManis will entertain ven irirl friends at n ctlumhor nui-tv this eveninir. Aftor thm iinnm at tv,. Elks Club, they will repair, to the lome of the hostess where a m'dnight 'unch will be serve!. Guests will be Misses Helen Young, Elisabeth and Josephine Wilson, Edna Mae Miller. Cathni ine Harris, Theresa Looney and Ruth Scott. The High School Girls' class of the M. E. Supday school will hold a food sale at Duncan's Grovery Store Saturday afternoon. The money will be applied on their pledge for the new church. 54 N Herald Want Ads Results. Mrs. George Pollard, our Lakeside) correspondent, left todRy for Kansas, where she wa called bv the serious illness of a relative. She will prob-. ably be away several weeks. 1 . ' - : t Save One-third to One-half on Supper Suits for Women. 51 Highland-Holloway Co. Say "yen when they ask you loTiuy a ticket to the Campfire Girls' benefit Jance. Herald Want Ads are read. New arrival of Summer Dresses arriving daily at prices that are reasonable. 54 Highland-Holloway Co. M. D. Nolan, of the M. Nolan Coall . i - i ? r company, pians io mane a Dusine trip overland to Casper. lie will start Sunday morning and intends to bo gone about two weeks, getting ae quainted with his claim some eighteen miles south of Casper. CLINTON SIMPSON Miss Lillie Simpson and Mr. Everett Clinton, both of Alliance, were quietly married Wednesday morning nt 9:30 at the home of Rev. S. J. Epler. A sister of the bride, Miss Eva Simpson, and Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Simpson and Tom Gee were present at the cere mony. The bride wore a gown of navy niue messaiine and carried a bouquet of American beauty roses. Mr. pnd Mrs. Clinton left today for the Kil oatrick ranch, north of Mitchell, where they will make their home. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Simpson and is a memlier of the senior class of 11)21 of the Alliance high school. ' Save One-third to One-half on Supper Suits for Women. . 54 Highland-Holloway Co. METHODIST CHURCH The date of the Northwest annual W. M. anil C. L. Wilson and families drove to Chadron on Tuesday to be present at the burial of their brother-in-law, J. N.McGofTin of Vale, S. Dak. Mrs.' McGofTin was formerly Miss Maude Wilson of this city. BUSINESS WOMAN'S CLUB About lorty were present at the business woman's club luncheon held Thursday noon in the chamber of com merce. Mrs. Inice-Dunning gave a leading at the close of the luncheon jwhich was mucn enjoyed. The net meeting will be on June 10th and will be held in the evening at the assembly room of the courthouse. Cawls will be played ' after the business is dis posed of. Lui'3 MilV ttau'lo'n nt A lli'unon 'u-n. ? ' lllllllll ! Ill' Wednesday formally presented with the degree of bachelor of ait3 at Ne jraska Wesleyan university. She rnaiored in English ami took a minor in history during her years at Wesleyan. W'ord has boon received of the mar riage of Miss Leila Nabb, formerly of Alliance, to George Wers:eon of Sew ard. They were married at Grrnd Is land, Saturday. May 28 and will make their home at Seward. Sports and Summer Hats that have an appeal. 54 Highland-Holloway Co. ' Orrie B. Marvel and Miss Vera C. Reid were united in marriage at the Method!st parsonarre Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Marvel, whose home was in Hastings, has been a teacher in the j Crawford school for the pas two years Mrs. H. ,A. Dubuque entertained the N. W. Bridge club last evening. New arrival of Summer Dresses arriving daily at prices tnat are reasonable. 54 Highland-Holloway Co. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Griggs went to Denver Wednesday niet to meet their daughter, Mrs. J. D. Thorn of Chand ler, Afii., who will visit here for a few weeks. , BIRTHS To Mr. pnd Mrs. John J. Hennings, of Henvnford. May 80, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Shallenber ger. June 1, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Steggs, South Alliance, June 1, a girl. 4? WATCHES 4 for FARMERS Just the kind of a watch you want when you are in the field a durable, well con structed movement that will keep correct time, in a strong case that protects from injury and keeps out dust and dirt. . Built to stand hard service and good looking. A watch a man can wear away from home as well as at work. Come in and look them over. Prices are extra good values. $ 5.00 to $100.00 THIELE'S The Strt With a Guaranttt Without Rid T.ipt i . i i Under Garments Muslin and Crepe Night Gowns in white and pink and also Billie Burkes in pink SI. 19 Each ' - MUSLIN PETTICOATS Plain and Silk Flounce 3.50 values now $1.59 Eacn CAMISOLE Fancy Camisoles in the Fink, $2.50 value $1.50 Each PHILIPPINES Night Gowns and Teddies, hand-made in the best Nainsook Half Price " BOUDOIR CAPS Pretty Boudoir Caps all colors at Half Price ' MUNSING WEAR ' Glove silk top, Bodice style, tight knee all sizes. Pink only. A $3.00 values at $1.95 Each MUNSING WEAR Glove silk top, V-neck, no sleeves and tight - knee. Pink only. All sizes $3.00 values, now $1.95 Each LADIES' UNION SUITS TT Pink.'of a superior quality; V-neck, no sleeves, tight knee $3.00 value only $1.95 Each LADIES' PINK BLOOMERS $2.50 value with the elastic . waist band and elastic knee. On sale at $1.50 Each LADIES' UNION SUITS " Bodice top and V-neck in the white. A superior ( quality : - - ' 691 Each LADIES' VEST V-neck and Bodice top in white. All sizes $1.00 value 69tf Each LADIES' VEST V-neck and Bodice top. White 65c value 29 Each MUNSING WEAR Bleached V-neck am? Bodice top. No sleeves. Tight Knee. $2.25 value, now $1.50 Eatrh PETTICOATS Silk Petticoats, beautiful colors, with One-third Off :vt'-V$rv READY-TO-WEAR A TP IOQTR AS LISTED: Coats Suits, Dresses, X. X WJl Skirts and Blouses, will go at COST. What a surprise this will be to you. - BLOUSES )f Minuet te Ove $5.95 and $4.95 Each We have a new shipment pf Minuet te Over-blouses, beautiful designs, short sleeves, at a low price TABLE CLOTH Mercerized Table Cloth 72 inches .wide $3.00 values, now 81.00 a Yard ' ROMPER CLOTH 32 inches wide a superior quality, beautiful patterns 65c value, only s ' . 39 a Yard GINGHAM 35c value a good quality of Gingham on sale at ' ' 25f a yard PERCALE Light and dark colons, 36. inches wide 35c value, now , 25 a yard CRETONNE and CH ALLIES For Comfort Cover 5Cc values, now 25c a Yard ONE-THIRD OFF ON ALL THE DLOUSES in Crepe de Chine, Georgetto and other materials. SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY Horace Bosoe Store APRON CHECKS AND CALICOES 18c value in all colors. A superior quality, only . lOf a Yard i ..I LADIES' HOSE Black, white and brown, 50c value - 35f a Pair " 1 1 ' nt CHILDREN'S HOSE Black cotton hose, sizes 6' to 8. Sale price 15 a Pair LADIES' LACE HOSE Ladies' Lace Hose in black, brown, white and changeable1 colors. Originally sold for $2.50 sale price $1.59 a Pair HAND BAGS Hand Bags and Pocket Books Half Price ( PUMPS AND OXFORDS In black kid, brown kid and patent Avith military and French heels. Ycu cannot get a better shoe for the money for they originally sold foj $15.00 sale price $5.95 a Pair SHOES, PUMPS AND OXFORDS Sold as high as $18.50 a pair. The Dorothy Dodd'shoes are for quality and you know what they are and we are selling them from $3.00 to $9.65 a Pair CHILDREN'S SHOES Children's shoes are all marked down to a rea f;onable price. Now i3 the time to buy. VOILES LOT 1 Beautiful pattorns of a very fine voile, regular price $1.50 sale price 981 a Yard LOT 2 Printed voiles of a superior quality 10 inches wide-$1.00 value, sale price 1 79f a Yard IX)T 3 A quality you can't afford to overlook 75c value sale price 593 Yard WARNER'S CORSETS All sizes in pink and white front and back lace One-Fourth Off BRASSIERES " j I White and pink all sizes. Prices range from 69 to $2.50 Each